16 February, 2025


Surely Gota Should Be Removed From DS Post

By Kumar David

Prof Kumar David

Making sense of UPFA contradictions

The range and variety of contradictions that have opened up in the last two months is startling; they began to coming into the open in August 2012 when the economy started its nosedive, but there has been a marked acceleration in dissensions and stage managed dissent since March 2013. Some are shows; “Mali you play bad cop, I will play good cop, and together we will hoodwink the naive International Community and the rabble-rousers at home”. However, some of the conflicts now surfacing are rooted in real disagreements and cannot be explained away in this facile way. It behoves us then to do two things; one, separate the chaff from the grain – which are bogus and which are manifestations of real dissent – and two, ask what changes in the political landscape bring rifts into the open at this time.

Centre page commentators in last (26) Sunday’s English papers went to town listing the “Quagmire of Crisis”: To elect or not to elect the NPC, to amend or ditch 13A, the electricity fracas, the rap on the knuckles from India, the 2014 mystery and the Chandrika/Ranil question mark. Let me list a few – the second, (b), on my list was discreetly avoided by all our still timid political commentators.

(a)    There is a multi-way conflict within the government about whether to hold or annul the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) elections. This is not a put on show; this conflict is for real.

(b)   Defence Secretary Gothabhaya Rajapakse made a public pronouncement dissenting from a Cabinet decision. What government can function like this?

(c)    The constitutional amendment moved by the JHU is in defiance of government policy and amounts to a split in government.

(d)   The two main parties of the Dead Left (CP and LSSP) are openly campaigning against the new electricity tariffs and participating in demonstrations and strikes.

(e)    On May Day and at a Symposium on 22 May, the CP and LSSP raised slogans for abolition of the Executive Presidency and declared it the root of all the rot. The DLF was all shilly-shally.

(f)   India’s External Affairs Minister Khurshid rapped GL Peries on the knuckles after which the Cabinet decided to proceed with NPC elections and shelve plans to amend 13A.

(g)    There is no smoke without fire; so how much credence is to be attributed to Ranil’s claim that Rajapakse is bent on holding presidential elections in 2014? If so will Ranil have commonsense to perceive that, for reasons of rural cultural prejudice, Chandrika is a better vote puller, and she can split the SLFP. If the UNP backs such a challenge, she is a winner.

I cannot tackle all this; in any case I am not a reporter with access to nuggets of information and scoops. My panache, if any, is political analysis and evaluation; so here goes.

The NPC polls and 13A

Last week I dealt with the Tamil side, calling on the TNA to publish its manifesto, advocating a strong programmatic and working alliance of the five constituent parties, reminding the ITAK of the need to allocate a fair number of slots on the candidate list to the other four parties, and speculating whether Maavai Senathirajah or Suresh Premamchandran will be the Chief Ministerial nominee.

Today I turn to the other side; the Singhalese and government side of the NPC polls and 13A. Let me state my standpoint first: the NPC polls must be conducted on schedule in September, it must be a free and fair (“Fat hopes” I can hear you laugh), and there must be no diminution of the powers given to the PCs in 13A. This is a wish list but notwithstanding the JHU, Gotha and Weerawansa it is the more likely outcome. I have studied Leo Fernando’s excellent ‘Reasons for and against devolution via 13A’ (Sunday Times 26 May) and grant that the devolution issue requires more attention; but not now. Right now an NPC poll, as per 13A, has to be held and a provincial administration established. Down the road, when racial tensions have eased, the issue of devolved powers can be revisited. My preference is for a two-unit asymmetrical, or a three or four unit model.

I concede the government is sorely tempted to play dirty and cancel the elections. If so, it will do it via the courts – maybe one reason it put its man as CJ. One of the coalition partners will move court for an injunction to stay elections and if it works, Cameron, Singh etc will be hoist by their own spherical appurtenances. “Aaiyoo, we have to abide by the rule of law, no, as you tell us”. Commonwealth Mutton Heads are no match for Rajapakse cunning. Yes, its possible things will go this way, but not likely as the risks are great. Angering Delhi close to an Indian election and risking a CHOGM crisis is playing one’s cards too close to the chest. Rajapakse will give up the ghost rather than forego the mantle of head of the Commonwealth for a two year stint.

However, my assessment is that the JHU-Weerawansa-BSS outfit is not bluffing; it is dead serious and wants NPC elections annulled and 13A repealed. If Rajapakse does not back down, this lot may even split from the government. Far reaching damage control measures will be adopted by the siblings to avert this. Whichever way the chips fall, the regime will be markedly weakened.

A wild card is President’s brother and Defence Secretary Gothabaya (GR). The Island of 25 May carried the front page headline “Gota opposes NPC polls” the day after Minister AP Yapa announced, on behalf of the Cabinet, that elections will go ahead as scheduled and 13A will not be amended. The headline is like a Treasury Secretary announcing after a Budget Speech that ‘the budget is a load of cock-and-bull’!Gotha, apparently, despises the Cabinet, so do I; but I am a free citizen entitled to state my views when and where I please. He is a high profile public officer bound and obliged to abide by government decisions. If he does not wish to, he must quit; if he does not quit, he must be fired. There is no other way constitutional propriety can be sustained.

He has a right, indeed a duty to advice his minister as he thinks fit, but to go public with a statement which sets alarm bells ringing that the armed forces will not conduct themselves impartially during the election campaign is unacceptable. The report says, GR, “(Y)esterday warned the government of dire consequences in case the TNA won the first NPC election” and quoted him saying “Police powers in the hands of those still pursuing a separatist agenda can pose a severe threat to national security”. I do not see how free elections are possible if the administrative head of the military, which holds the north in a lethal grip, is free to make such public utterances about the principal Tamil contestant party.

Notwithstanding constitutional propriety, for which the regime cares not a fig, most observers say Gotha will not be fired and Mahinda will turn, not a Nelsonian, but a prearranged blind-eye. That is, this, unlike the JHU-Weerawansa-BBS challenge, is not for real; it’s make-believe. The elder sibling will dance a jig to hoodwink the international community; the younger will gyrate to keep the Sinhala-Buddhist bandwagon in tumescence. Will the trick work? Yes I think it will work on both sides. Neither the Commonwealth heads nor the SB extremists are renowned for intelligence. Delhi is the habitat of the most accomplished suckers. The siblings will take all sides for a ride.

The Dead Left has wiggled a toe

A newspaper reported that morgues in Bangkok are installing vibrating devices so that corpses are given a thorough shake before dispatch to the crematorium, just in case they are still alive. The designers no doubt got the idea after a visit to Lanka where they observed the effect of the electricity price hike on the Dead Left. The CP and LSSP were also loud in their ‘Abolish the Executive Presidency’ sloganeering on May Day 2013 (I don’t know why not all these years), and snorted fire against EP, IMF and price hikes at a New Town Hall forum on 22 May. Vasu’s DLF, unsurprisingly, is comatose and still RIP in Mahinda’s lap.

My friends on the left, a goodly proportion CC members of the said parties, say “Cool down, it’s all bluff, the leaders know Mahinda won’t kick them out at this point in time, and they will backtrack if it comes to that”. True, but I also see the political climate changing in country and government, instability brewing, and this is why Dead Left leaders are making a little noise. This is in line with my thesis that a slow but perceptible shift is in progress. A question in this context is whether Thonda, SLMC, Dead Left and even sections of the SLFP will baulk at voting for another constitutional amendment, this time to let Mahinda rerun in 2014 and to emasculate 13A. Though the SLMC was purchased for 18A and though Thonda has, in theory, sold himself in perpetuity, to pull it off yet again may be difficult. It’s not that the regime can’t raise the cash, or that these harlots are costly; it’s that the political climate (including the Indian factor and rising Tamil anger) make the game more difficult. Let us wait and see; nothing is impossible with our parliamentarians.

The decay in the SLFP

Critics are wont to overlook the wood for the trees. True the Dead Left has degenerated, the SLMC venal and the JHU racist, but the biggest trunk of the tree on which the regime harvests its poisoned fruit is the SLFP. If the regime is rotten, corrupt and autocratic, pray is it not Mahinda Samarasighe, Nimal Siripala, Maithripala Sirisena and other influential SLFP power brokers who bear responsibility for providing an institutional structure? The regime is accused of a litany of balu-vedda; who but SLFP stalwarts provided the primary political support system? They bear more responsibility than Dead Left, SLMC and JHU for the balu-vedda.

Therefore, though Chandrika may be able to split the SLFP, and with UNP support defeat Mahinda, it will be only transitional relief. Sure, getting rid of this regime will be a great relief, and we should welcome a breathing space, but we should have no illusions that a Chandrika government is a lot better. The real task is to get rid of the Executive Presidency altogether. Can Chandrika, who lied barefacedly, twice, be trusted? Ok, ok, I agree no option should be foreclosed too early; but for now, my preference still is Sobitha hamuduruwo as a Single Issue candidate.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Gota Should be elected the President of Sri Lanka.

    • 0

      Gota should be appointed to the “hang man ” job after reintroducing “ellumgaha” death penalty to control the crime rate of today lanka which is on a rise comparable to their night car races.

    • 0

      A Better Job, would be Slaughter of animals from Humans.
      There is more work.

      140 Billion Animals Slaughtered Worldwide Every Year

      Religion or Not, Islam or Not this has happened. Even the so-called Buddhists and Hindus eat meat.


      Since you opened this page, this is the number of animals killed worldwide by the meat, egg, and dairy industries.

      Everybody eats meat, except the PURE vegetarians.

      This is the worldwide Animal Industry. Do you eat meat?



      From Farmed Animal Watch: n.68, v.2

      Globally, slaughter of farmed animals for food increased to more than 50 BILLION individuals in 2003, not including any types of aquatic animals. The estimates, which are compiled and provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, are based on reports from more than 210 countries and territories. It is important to note that, while fairly comprehensive, these estimates may be significantly understated due to some countries or territories not reporting statistics and exclusions of some types of slaughter.

      With nearly 46 billion slaughtered in 2003, chickens accounted for 93% all types of farmed animals included in the FAO database. Following chickens, more ducks were slaughtered for their flesh than any other animal; approximately 2.3 billion ducks were slaughtered in 2003. Not considering birds, the slaughter of pigs was highest with more than 1.2 billion pigs slaughtered in 2003, followed by more than 850 million rabbits slaughtered last year. See below for a summary of the minimum 2003 worldwide slaughter estimates, by type of animal.

      — 45,895 million (45.9 billion) chickens
      — 2,262 million (2.3 billion) ducks
      — 1,244 million (1.2 billion) pigs
      — 857 million rabbits
      — 691 million turkeys
      — 533 million geese
      — 515 million sheep
      — 345 million goats
      — 292 million cows and calves (for beef and veal)
      — 65 million other rodents (not including rabbits)
      — 63 million pigeons and other birds
      — 23 million buffalo
      — 4 million horses
      — 3 million donkeys and mules
      — 2 million camels (and other camelids)

      These numbers indicate some significant changes compared to slaughter statistics from 1998. Over the past five years, slaughter of birds for meat has increased substantially, driven by a 30% increase in ducks and a 20% increase in chickens slaughtered. Goose slaughter also increased significantly, 17% over the five-year period, while turkey slaughter grew at a relatively slow 4% since 1998. The period from 1998 to 2003 also saw significant global increases in the slaughter of rabbits (21%), goats (19%), camels (12%), asses (10%), sheep (10%), buffalo (10%), and pigs (9%). On the other hand, the same five-year period saw decreases in the numbers of rodents (down 10%, not including rabbits) and mules (down 22%) slaughtered for their flesh.

      According to the FAO database, farmed animal production is highly concentrated in a handful of countries, most notably China and the United States. For each of the ten most slaughtered animals, at least half of the total 2003 slaughter is accounted for by the five highest-production countries. China slaughters more ducks, pigs, rabbits, geese, lambs, goats, cows and calves than any other country in the world. The US slaughters more chickens and turkeys than any other country, and is second only to China when it comes to pig slaughter. Overall, in 2003 China slaughtered more than 10.5 billion animals for their flesh, while the US slaughtered more than 9.5 billion animals, not including aquatic animals in either case.

      FAO Statistical Database – Agriculture

      This is how they Slaughter in “Buddhist”China


      Slaughterhouse of dogs in “Buddhist” China – Part 1


      Pig Slaughter in Tong Nan, “Buddhist” China


    • 0

      Absolutely! More than 70% people will vote for him. It is no secret he is more popular than MR.

      • 0


        “Absolutely! More than 70% people will vote for him. It is no secret he is more popular than MR.”

        No you are wrong, 99.99% will vote for him if they are unable to escape from the island. Those who remain will vote 101% for Gota.

        Do they have the option of voting for an alternative candidate?

    • 0

      Leela Namrud/American Mama (pimp),
      Remove the Gonraja first in order to appoint your favourite.

    • 0

      Brilliant point – Chandrika BANDARANAYAKE should be the next COMMON CANDIDATE for President – she was not as corrupt as the Rajpassa brothers and no where as shameless a looser and morally corrupt as Ranil Wickramasinhe. She would win with another LANDSLIDE!
      And lets hope that she has learned from her past mistakes..!

    • 0

      100% agree

    • 0

      You must be mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 0

    Dear Jimsofty: I think you should be next President

  • 0

    Kumar David,

    In a coalition, people have different views, but not under Prabhakaran. You and your Diaspora friends are waiting to get Gota removed to once again establish a caste ridden enclave in Jaffna, where the high caste people can keep the rest as virtual slaves, with the help of your Thesavalamai law! Get Lost!

    • 0

      Since when did you care for the lower castes in tamil society? Perhaps as a way of distracting from the caste tyranny among the sinhalese which is only being sidestepped by hammering away at the minorities. Lets wait for sesame season among the so called enlightened buddhists

  • 0

    Dear Prof: I have been telling this over and over again as regards this “drama” of holding Provincial Council Elections. This was the biggest mistake that MR did after winning the war against LTTE. He should have refrained from going ahead with these “mini elections” in the Provinces, instead of which an analysis shoud have been made as regards the functions carried out by these establishments. He got “blind” and “intoxicated” with power to show the domestic and international community his “might” and “power” in the provinces. Even at that time some of the Ministers of his Cabinet who are now threatening to resign their portfolios, joined him and carried on the campaign to win the Provincial elections. Now when it comes to Northern elections, they without any “shame” campaign against such an election. Even GOTA (sorry for the shortened name) should have known that it was inappropriate to go ahead with those elections, because that Local Government set up was “forced” on us by India and never catered to the needs of the local population. The Government should have known that it is a “white elephant” to maintain and re-demarcated and re=drafted the Local Government system to suite the country and the needs of the people.

    Now the Government has hanged on to the tiger’s tail and do not know how to get out of the “blunder”. As always, MR has adopted this strategy of getting his associates (Minsiters, affiliate parties of UPFA and GOTA) to campaign aagainst the Northern Provincial Council Elections. This strategy is nothing new and only goes to prove the “miadventures” of MR regime.

    • 0

      Their ego does not allow them to get into the right path.

    • 0

      To remove local Govt. elections would not under any circumstances have
      been a politically wise move at any stage of MRs rule.
      The NP Election comes as a “foreign conspiracy” affair – lets wait and see.

  • 0

    Who is this guy… Must be a another LTTE Criminal living happily in another country.. Go to H***….

    • 0

      Mr. Truth must be another Sinhala fascist of the BBS variety!

      • 0

        You must be on the paylist of ??? Fascist TNA or LTTE. .

  • 0

    NO, Kumar David should run for presidency – note the word , RUN for presidency not “stand for” presidency.

  • 0

    Gotas date and fate decided, no body can stop. This idiot thinks he got super brain…how and when just wait….RAW or CIA one of them decide and they will support each other. end of the day winners are true Srilankans….Hoooooray….

    • 0


      “RAW or CIA one of them decide and they will support each other.”

      Of course they will decide, not yet. Both don’t want to rock the boat not yet anyway. They would like to see stability in this island, at any costs.

      Celebration of Gota’s political demise is premature.

      I will join the celebrations when this actually happens. You rest assured you will have a honey party.

  • 0

    Dr. David,

    In the US, the term “Secretary” is equal to the cabinet minister rank. John Kerry is the “Secretary of State” and Chuck Hagel is the “Defense Secretary.” So in Sri Lanka, the equivalent to “Defense Secretary” is Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is the Minister of Defense. The Defense Secretary position in Sri Lanka is a relatively lowly secretary of the ministry. It seems many have forgotten this fact in Sri Lanka. Would Austin Fernando or Chandrananda de Silva, who held the same post earlier, have got away with such pronouncements?

    So the responsibility for all this lies squarely with MR. None should fall for the “MR-good, GR-bad” baloney by the likes of Dayan Jayatilleka and Rajiva Wijesinha.

    On the other issue, I think you are wrong to assume Sobitha Thero would be an effective candidate. Though there is a great deal of respect within the Sinhalese society for Buddhist monks, there is also a sizable segment that is secular, and would not want to elect a monk to the presidency. Nor does the Thero have any administrative experience. I think under the prevailing conditions, for all her faults, CBK is the more viable candidate. Even if she doesn’t keep her promise to abolish the executive presidency, she would still be much better than MR.

    • 0

      Agnos, we do not need a candidate withe administrative experience. We need a candidate who, we can trust, will abolish the presidency and leave the stahe. Actually a non-politician is likely to be more trusted than a politician for this limited purpose. The minorities voted even for SF, so they will vote for any candidate, monk or otherwise, who is a common candidate.

    • 0

      In sri lanka secretaries to ministries are public servants and not politicians. as public servants they are governed by p.s.r..;a.r. and
      establishment code. they cannot indulge in politics. only gota ia able to.
      I challenge dr.p.b.j the head of the public service to prove me wrong.

      ‘Gota”s catcher ssp vaas gunawardena was the hired contract killer of muslim businessman of bambalapitiya.

      lets see what happens to this murder case?

  • 0

    Govt is fairly boxed in but India has no such encumberances. When the time is right they will strike. Only problem is why should they bother? Watch the high fun unless TN becomes nasty which will force Delhi to do something.

    CBK is a fair proposition if she can be trusted. She may not make the same mistake twice.

  • 0

    Is unreasonable to say certain intelligent out-fits will decided faith of Gotha R Life. We like it or not Gotha having every right air his views. In fact Gotha has every right to live in our world until his natural death.That is democratic rights of every Sri Lankan citizens enjoy.
    Even Kumar David more or less support for LTTE -terrorism in many ways of his essays past and present writing, read carefully.
    Though he( Kumar) seems to be so-called leftist ,but NOT IN HIS words BUT INDEED, his hurt mind and sole WITH Tamil-Separatism.
    He used out-dated slogan of self-determination to cover-up his real political aspiration. TO SUPPORT FOR TAMIL SEPARATISM.
    But he enjoy Sri Lankan democratic rights to air his views, but he also should NOT harsh by any intelligent authority of state.

    • 0

      a lot of architects and implementers of the final solution of the nazi regime were found to deserve ‘death by hanging’ for crimes against humanity.

  • 0

    The most important factor is missing in Dr Kumar’s equation.

    A Ranil, CBK, TNA Troika.

    Colombo Elite, Moderate Vigilantes and the Diaspora will say “‘ Bloody Beauty”.

    What Would the great majority of the inhabitany population,who happen to be the Sinhala Rural Buddhist poor say to this Save the Nation Campaigners?.

    Although they have to fork out a few extrs Rupees, more rurals have at least four or five fifty Watt Globes now, glowing without any interruptions.

    Even our Mulikaaval, Captives are getting overhead Power Lines on LTTE crown land that Sambandan and Sumnathiran have taken caveats now.

    These are the little priviledges the poor masses enjoy in the post Nanthikadal Srilanka.

    Sure, DS Gotta is the only security fence to protect these inhabitants from Ethnic clensing and Tiger Pups when Sambandan makes ex Militant Premachandran the CM of the North with full TNA Police guard.

    Is it a surprise Dr Kumars want him out?.

    • 0

      K.A. Sumanasekera aka Leela aka the Potter-man:
      Why must you insist on proving your illiteracy and stupidity, over and over again, on this forum.
      The only thing that can be said for your “contributions” is that they are so garbled that they cannot be comprehended by the sane!

  • 0

    A great peace activist and peace lover Dr Jayalath Jayawardena has died. I have not seen any article on this man most Sri Lankans call a traitor.

    Now UNP stand a better chance to win votes.

    • 0


      “Now UNP stand a better chance to win votes.”

      Yes they do. Now that VP is no longer in control of vote banks Ranil has a good chance.

      He might win more than enough votes but he will definitely lose the elections.

  • 0

    There is no point in Kumar David or even Obama or the pope asking for Gota to be removed from DS post because it will never happen.Simple reason being he is the president’s brother and the brothers are a united bunch and will not let down each other.They will go down together or go up together.If Gota continues in his hardine policies towards the tamils he will drag his brother down with him one day just as prabha dragged the entire LTTE down with him.Very strong minded and inflexible characters like prabha,gota and fonseka will either drag the entire organisation up with them or down with them, nothing in the middle,its total annihilation or total victory with those types.

  • 0

    why do you complain about Gota? ( not a question for the author of this article)

    He does what you ( sinhalese racists) think.

    If you remove him from his position, there are plenty of other Gotas come to power.

    All of them have the space in our society to loot the nation, loot the war victims, transport the money to other countries and open a mini super market

    How about our minister of 20% ?

    Can he remain in his position?

    To be honest, he is not the issue, your mantality not ready to solve any conflicts is the issue in SL.

    Your monk(keys) have a big power to stop everything

  • 0

    sorry, mentality

  • 0

    Aiyoooo …..Gotabayata bayawela ??????????????

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    The reality is if Mahinda Rajapaksa tries to remove Gota from the defence secretary position, Mahinda would be removed from his positon before that, by Gota.

    So the reality is that this is the least thing in his life Mahinda Rajapaksha would dare to do

  • 0

    USA is in love with Gota.

    He is a US citizen. If USA is serious about investigating him, it can. Gota is not a politician or a diplomat. That means diplomatic immunity cannot protect him.

    Then why USA is not taking any action against him?

    • 0


      Gota is the agent of Norway and USA, and they want it that way.

      Gota is their dog, but he does run wild now and then.

      They funded and prompted BBS so that the wish of Christian Fundamentalists could be achieved, and Buddhism discredited and Muslims attacked.

      So, Gota is really an extension of the Western Christian plan, but using Buddhists this time.

      Listen to the, Sobitha Thero, the Good Hamuduruvo, and NOT the BAD and Mara “Hamuduru” of BBS.

      Citizens! Not Subjects – Ven. Maduluwawe Sobhitha Thero


      To build a nation that respects law and order, that was his dream.

      • 0

        amarasiri is a demala.

        • 0

          what percentage of Tamil blood have you in your veins? in fact in all of us who are sinhala. Vijaya’s 800 followers got 800 women from Madurai (see mahawansa). the women did not come from Vijaya’s land.

          • 0


            “the women did not come from Vijaya’s land.”

            Nor did the Sinhalese.

            They are closely related to stupid Tamils of Tamilnadu. Please do test Sinhala/Buddhist DNA.

        • 0

          I think Amarasiri is a Jihadist.

        • 0

          No he is an Arab.

      • 0

        If what you say is true, we badly need Gota!

        Those things may be bad for you but good for SL. This is not Arabia you know where they have Arabic Spring.

  • 0

    “He is a high profile public officer bound and obliged to abide by government decisions. If he does not wish to, he must quit; if he does not quit, he must be fired.”
    If Gotabaya is a ‘high profile public officer’ he should be referred to Mervin Silva for appropriate ACTION!!

  • 0

    Being a proposed Constitution to “behead” Presidency and have a Head
    of State, would it not be timely, cost saving and to the point if this
    Post is voted in by the elected 225 M.PP after each Gen.election, within
    the first 30 days? If this can be done in India, why not here.

  • 0

    Some people report quotes that Sri Lanka has a rupees six trillion external debt now. Yet, readers seem more interested in fighting each other than these real economic issues!!

  • 0

    According to the latest reports the Eastern Provincial council meetings are being boycotted by its own members as the chief minister and the governor are not implementing the decisions taken by its cabinet and the Council .So it is clear the so called devolution under 13A is just a farce.So we can guess what will happen after the North Provincial Council is set up.

  • 0

    Embrace GOD, leave Budhism, then Sri Lanka will be best….

    • 0

      Say it through your hooters on Fridays.

    • 0

      Rod Atkins:

      that is why churches and Cathedrals in Europe are used as hotels and multi-resident neighbour hoods.

      IT is the same thing happening in North america.

      By the way, North america is still new settlements in comparison to the Europe. So, just wait and see.

  • 0

    Who are these people who wants to ‘Abolish the Executive Presidency’ now? Among this lot there are those that tried hard to dislodge Rajapakses but failed and the one that tried to elect himself twice to it but lost badly and the one that won the Presidency twice on the promise to abolish it but tried her best to hanged on to it greedily even for few more months and those who backed LTTE and those that opposed the war and those that mocked the war and those that ridiculed the war effort and all that teli-evangelist three-wheeler parties that cannot successfully hold a rally. And last but not the least, is the hamuduruwo who could never muster popularity like Ven Soma whose only aim in life now is to achieve fame on something at the last lap of his life.

    ChandrikaK promised to stop the war and abolish Executive Presidency and prosper Sri Lanka. When in power, she gave people mixed signals of both war and peace instead. Victor Ivan proved to us that she is a nothing but bandit queen. Not just that, daily bomb blasts, electricity cuts, lack of jobs and opportunities and other maladies were rampant in the society during her 11 years of rule. No wonder, in 2005 abolish presidency is a good election slogan. How desperado these professori like geezers must be to desire her to be the common candidate?

    As far as the Sinhala Buddhists majority is concerned, under Executive Presidency of Rajapakse, he had defeated LTTE, and put a stop to roadside bomb blasts, and brought peace and prosperity they never witnessed for a long long time. Not just that, they have also witnessed this government not only holding elections as scheduled but conducting them freely much better than before.

    So, who cares even the entire Rajapaksa family is in the cabinet if they all do a job of work and people and the country are benefited by it. All that majority Sinhala Buddhists want is improvement to their standard of living. And by and by they feel they are getting better off than never before. No wonder, Sinhala Buddhists are not prepared to believe President Rajapakse is a dictator. They think it is all mud slinging by conspirators like man-gala.

    So who will back the game to abolish the presidency? The same lot that backed Fonseka.

    • 0

      Either you should be suffering from cognitive health problems, or you dont want to see the truth deliberately. A person in his or her late 60ties should have the knowledge to see it, even if your affinity to the criminal enegies would not allow to do so.

      Victor Ivan´s is mostly accepted ONLY from all forms of gossips mongers among the guillible masses in the country, but none of his comments have been proved sofar. So please add if they have been.

      If you are that smart, please give me one single example, why the writer stays deadly silent today ? Please come with facts giving us references.

      The very same people´s beloved writer to stay as if he is deaf in today´s issues is – if I am not insane – NOT at all acceptable. Today, according to any healthy average, that there is no LAW AND ORDER at all under the leadership of MR. CBK ´s terms there had not been this much of mess inthe coutnry even if the fighting agains the war was its climax. She is not the one who abused collosal amount of millions of dollars that her sake alloed to flow to lanken banks following the Tsunami. If a Tsunami would be hit the country, people will see, how many countries would donate to the lost nation. There will be no many,with no policies at all in terms of diplomatic ties as had been before 2005.

      For a country such as of ours being totally dependent on foreign funds and loans- can nt afford to become swollen as MR and the thugs have been. We need to realize that first before going to let Chinese investors to exploit and destroy the country and nation.

      I meet Indian, Europeans and americans that would agree with on going MR prinicples on whatever the issues have been in the present day srilanka. Those indians who then treated us well are today – mostly come with criticisms as no other times in the past. Those who praised srilanka before 2005 have now become open critiques of lanken issues. This has been worsening hour to hour, this Dayan Jathilaka and other senior diplomats have been making clear. But with lower capacities, the rulers seem to be far from understanding to realize the situation. If the rulers would not appoint good advisers to get them advised better,
      srilanka will be branded as the worst regime in the world today.

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        Typo errors:

        it should be : I meet Indian, Europeans and americans that would NO MEANS agree with on going MR prinicples on whatever the issues have been in the present day srilanka.

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      For me and the sake of the SILENT masses, Rajapakse not only abolish the EP, but he should leave the office letting any other good leader to rule the nation. His priniciples have devasted the situation as no more hope can be kept on him in terms of the achieving peace and harmony for the SRILANKENS.

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    What are you talking? The former Democratic Sri Lanka is now a corrupt, lawless Banana Republic ruled by a crazy family of Dictators. It is their private property. Any one who dare to challenge the family will be made to disappear into thin air.

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    if he removed earlier LTTE leader prabakaran and entire his inner circle would have been saved.

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    Hello LTTE Kumar,

    “Neither the Commonwealth heads nor the SB extremists are renowned for intelligence”

    THEN ONLY YOUR TAMILs are intelligent ??? That explains why you do not have your own country / RIP with your Parabaharan…….LOL

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    East or west home is rest

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    Lets remove Gota and appoint Bodu Bala Sena boss.

    At least he can talk better.

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    play up play up and play the game!
    What do Sri Lankans want?
    What does Tamil Nadu want?
    What does US want?
    What does India want?
    What does China want?
    What does Norway want?
    Is what the Sri Lankan Tamils want is it the same as what the Tamils in Tamil Nadu want?
    What does the SL muslims want?
    What does BBS want what does the moderate Sinahala Buddhist want?
    This game is not easy.
    Is there room for a home grown solution?
    Are we ready to call our selves SRI LANKAN?
    Have we learned lessons from the past?
    Compramise is the only way forward.

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