19 January, 2025


System Change Happening In Wrong Direction 

By Jehan Perera

Jehan Perera

The system change the protest movement sought was focused on ending corruption seen as the main cause of the economic collapse that took place a year and a half ago. Those who joined the protest movement from all parts of the country and who came in improvised transport including tractor trailers and lorries used for the transport of agricultural produce came from a tradition in which the state was the benefactor of the people. What they were experiencing was suddenly the opposite. The shortage of dollars to purchase fuel, food and medicine, among other necessities was believed to have been caused by the theft of the dollars in the country and those dollars being shipped to other countries by corrupt leaders. The feeling that the leaders had left nothing for the people but had taken all the dollars to themselves caused outrage. 

The founding fathers of independent Sri Lanka who set the stage for the benevolent state that provided for its people was led by the first prime minister DS Senanayake had a vision of a self-reliant farming community which he wanted sustained through the big and small irrigation projects he launched. Accompanying him on this journey that sought the development of the people at all levels, especially those who were poor and marginalized was CWW Kannangara, who as minister of education pushed for universal free education that would benefit all children whether rich or poor, urban or rural. Due to the foundations laid in that time, and which were sustained by other leaders who followed, by the 1970s Sri Lankans had a quality of life that surpassed that of people in other countries where the national income was much higher.

The hundreds of thousands who took part in the Aragalaya protests, both rich and poor, urban and rural, had the vision of a system change that would benefit the entire society that was born of the ideals of the past, where the fruits of development would be available for all and not be siphoned off by a corrupt group of leaders to bank accounts in foreign countries. However, the system change that is taking place at the present time is one that is creating a huge gap between those who live as if in different worlds, though within one geographical and political space. The government’s efforts to meet the requirements of the IMF put most of the burden of sacrifice on those who are not represented at the negotiating table and powerless to resist. Prof Sumanasiri Liyanage has estimated that in the next 12 years, the pension funds will lose over a third of their capital due to the restructuring they are being forced to undergo.

Unfair Burden 

Foreign Minister Ali Sabry, citing a Central Bank assessment report, said the impact of the new income tax law passed last week could reduce the annual EPF return to 9.72 percent from the current 10.99 percent which is given with a 14 percent corporate tax. The question is why such low rates when both state and private banks charge very much more as interest and why should the pension funds be taxed like corporate entities. By virtue of their size alone the pension funds ought to be getting premium interest rates, not downgraded ones. As social funds, they ought not to be taxed at the level of profit making companies. As the pension funds are controlled by the government, there seems to be no one within the government system to argue their case. The workers whose salaries are automatically deducted and transferred to these pension funds did have their representatives at the negotiating table to make their case. As a result, there was no way to stop the government doing what other countries restructured their debt have not done.

According to the Oxford and Harvard trained economist Dr Nishan de Mel of Verite Research, Sri Lanka is the only country in the world (based on published data) that is putting the entire burden of local currency bond restructuring exclusively on the social security funds of workers. Out of 14 countries that carried out domestic debt restructuring in the last 25 years, Sri Lanka stands alone in targeting social security funds while excluding banks and private creditors. IMF data shows that all 14 other countries restructured their banking sectors. Nine of them also restructured private financial institutions. Only two of them restructured social security funds. But none of them only restructured the pension (social security) funds and let the other sectors off scot free. 

The government has targeted the EPF/ETF pension funds that would directly impact on the benefits to workers after they retire. But it is sparing the banks and big companies of this burden of debt restructuring. This happened in the United States, which Sri Lanka cannot emulate as it is an economic giant whereas Sri Lanka’s economy is comparatively tiny and much poorer per capita. In 2008 under the far right government of President George Bush there was a financial crisis in the United States, where the government bailed out the big banks. But even there it led to huge problems. The notion that “fat-cat bankers,” as the successor President Barack Obama once called them, should be rescued by the government even as everyday Americans lost their jobs, their homes and their life savings led to the Occupy Wall Street movement that took months to disperse. 

Ensuring Sustainability 

In the case of debt restructuring, not only have the representatives of the workers who contribute to the EPF/ETF been left out, even the opposition parliamentarians have been disregarded. Opposition spokespersons have declared that they will correct the injustice of debt restructuring that focuses only on the EPF/ETF pension funds. The problem with the government’s approach will be to ensure sustainability. Those who are not included in a decision and feel it is unfair will be unlikely to want to support it. Instead they will be oriented to believe that an injustice has been done to them and work to undermine the decision made. On the other hand, if they are included in the decision making process they may be able to point out areas of compromise so that there could be a give and take which would ensure longer term sustainability. 

The government needs to heed the voice of the opposition in order to ensure the sustainability of the economic reform programme. This could mitigate the danger that a change of government could lead to a reversal of government policies with regard to the economy that may even lead to a greater economic crisis in the future. Former central bank governor Indrajit Coomaraswamy has said in a speech at a forum organized by an investment banking group that if the country allows elections to distract from the path of recovery, stabilization and growth, the country will be hit by a fresh crisis far worse than any before because it has a lower income and resilience at the present time. He pointed out that Sri Lanka’s election calendar has historically resulted in the reversal of progress made under the  IMF programmes that the country had undertaken. 

In this speech in which he covered wide ground, the former governor said that “Every single time there has been an election, Sri Lanka’s macroeconomic policies have become indisciplined. We’ve had 16 IMF programs before the current one. On many of them we did make progress in stabilization as we have done on this one. But as soon as an election approached, the progress that was made was reversed.”  In a democracy, the answer is not for the government to suspend elections as the supporters of the present economic programme may argue. This would be a negation of democracy that will be unacceptable to the people as well as to the international community on whose goodwill the country depends. It is for the government to practice inclusion, ensure accountability, take action against those who bankrupted the country by their corruption and heed the sentiments of the people so that the vision of the founding fathers regarding the wellbeing of all, especially the currently poor and marginalized, is met.

Latest comments

  • 7

    “According to the Oxford and Harvard trained economist Dr Nishan de Mel of Verite Research, Sri Lanka is the only country in the world (based on published data) that is putting the entire burden of local currency bond restructuring exclusively on the social security funds of workers”
    Yes, these are the savings of workers. Of course.
    But let me insert a heretical thought. Most of us had savings in FD’s. We lost 50 % or more of their real value due to devaluation . Haircuts are not a good thing, but if haircuts are to be implemented, everyone should be equally treated. Perhaps someone can point out the hole in this theory.

    • 4

      What kind of equal treatment?
      Equal sums of money or equal proportions of earnings? (or wealth??)

      • 4

        Equal proportions, preferably.

        • 0

          “We lost 50 % or more of their real value due to devaluation .”


          In that case, didn’t the EPF (ETF or whatever) lose 50% of its real value as well?

          Or ……… does the EPF has some form of currency-hedging to protect it?

          • 0

            “In that case, didn’t the EPF (ETF or whatever) lose 50% of its real value as well?”
            You found the hole! Congratulations.
            Still, something doesn’t add up. Among the wicked things Aloysius is accused of is selling a few billion CB bonds to the EPF. Those were good for 30 years at 12%. It has other investments that pay at similar rates. So, why is it paying only 9%?
            Is it because Elections are not being held on schedule.(In Bandarawela)?

            • 0

              Another thing that puzzles me is why EPF members quibble about a few percent in interest when they have already lost over 50 % of their capital?

          • 0

            The Deutz Bank and Court of Arbitration are seriously listening to the conversation, to make sure that they would be involved to ensure ‘FAIR PLAY’

    • 4

      Dear oc,
      What is wrong with all your arguments is that Elections are not being held on schedule.
      I’m sure that your a cleverer man than me, but you have a hidden agenda, which is something that I don’t have. I’m tired of your silly interjections, so please don’t make any in relation to this comment of mine.
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 4

        “Elections are not being held on schedule.”
        At the very least, don’t you even understand that any election before 2024 will not change the MPs? You might be taken more seriously if you hid your silly agendas.
        I am still waiting for your answer to the 5 questions.
        Let’s see if you’re smart enough to see the hole in my argument.

        • 4

          “Due to the foundations laid in that time, and which were sustained by other leaders who followed, by the 1970s Sri Lankans had a quality of life that surpassed that of people in other countries where the national income was much higher.”

          Sri Lanka joined the International Monetary Fund on August 29, 1950. Since June 1965, Sri Lanka has taken 16 loans from the IMF, with a total value of 3,586,000,000 SDR’s.
          I daresay that if a “higher quality of life” involves living beyond your means, that’s a bad bargain.

          • 1

            Absolute Truth and Fact!! Wager the Bottom Dollar – Winner!!! Absolute Truth and Fact!! Wager the Bottom Dollar – Winner!!!
            The total SDR’s designated Loans as above are the result of/caused by Deficit, Deficit and Deficit Budgets all along to keep or realise the politicians ‘Free Bees’ or enticement at Election Rallies – unending Political Promises to garner votes from Foolish Voters!!!???The total SDR’s designated Loans was the result of or caused by Deficit, Deficit and Deficit Budgets all along!!!??
            The politicians ENTICEMENT at Election Rallies – unending Political Promises only to garner votes from Foolish Voters, who readily sink into SLRs 5000, ¼ Bottle Gal and Chicken Biryani, handed over on election day, expecting ‘FUTURISTIC’ Vistas of prosperity and SPLEDOUR, which like a Mirage never attainable!!!???

            • 2

              You’re right, elections will only bring another set of economic experimenters, maybe wearing red shirts this time.

              • 2

                Have you been persuaded by the one whose NIC number we know?

                • 1

                  Even he isn’t so confident about the red shirts nowadays.

                  • 1

                    Naivety and stubbornness are blind. It misleads our so-called “Satyaguru of Akhidists”[NIC hunter aka Sinhala Man]. Rev. Pathegama Ghanissara Thero confirms that our people are so stupid, they will fall for any trick.

                    And Sinhala-Buddhism is the dessert of their meal. That’s why we can’t trust our own people, religion, race, anything. It is unwise to blame only their representatives or politicians.

                    At least people today should be guided to use their brains.

                  • 0

                    For a moment I thought that he had successfully tempted you.

                • 0

                  Why Not?

                • 1

                  He seems very Persuasive by his attempts!!! Doesn’t mean it’s ACHIEVING ALWAYS SUCCESS!!!???
                  If we were to attempt a scholarly attempt at evaluation, would include sub-division “EFFORT” -= 99%, to provide a comprehensive evaluation of ‘deed’ or ‘deal’ in progress!!!??? Better representation!!!???

        • 3

          OC, I am speechless.
          Am I the only person who feels compelled to think that SM’s staple food should be something other than “rice”?
          Some biologists believe that what you eat can guide your psychology and behaviours. Simple questions like how do JVPs bring in dollars go unanswered and how are we expected to answer critical questions?
          I think SM or similar SENIOR citizens should be held responsible for the destruction of our society. These people must eventually change their way of thinking. SM is very gentle but judging as teenagers. I am ashamed to have exchanged with the kind of naive men. Not only politicians, but also people like SM should be held accountable for the Sri Lankan crisis.

        • 4

          The Janata Vimukthi Peramuna believes that if an election was held, things will be a “litmus test” for their power. This has completely swallowed up the NAIVE SINHALA man and the millennials these days. However, the wave has now somehow caught some setbacks from a few months ago.
          People are starting to think again if they are misled again like what happened during Gotabaya’s election campaign. Even Dr. Harini W is quite shocked. Although the obvious signs are visible, they are not easily understood by people like SM.

        • 2

          Dear “old codger”
          What are your five questions?
          Elections for Local Government Councils are long overdue. Of course I know that such elections will not change MPs in Parliament.
          Let the scheduled elections be properly held. There will be no complaints from me about the outcome of the elections, provided they are held according to accepted norms.
          It’s not your business to see how smart I am. Your hiding behind a pseudonym is acceptable in this forum. I have told you, and anybody else who is interested that I want those elections held. I know that you cannot hold them. But please don’t keep defending those who refuse to hold them, giving unacceptable reasons for such denial of our rights.
          Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

          • 2

            SM ,
            “What are your five questions?”
            Now you’re being totally dishonest. A hint : Chinese selling petrol.
            “. Your hiding behind a pseudonym is acceptable in this forum. ” unlike you, I don’t want my grandchildren to know when I make a fool of myself, such as:”
            “But please don’t keep defending those who refuse to hold elections, giving unacceptable reasons for such denial of our rights.”
            Rights are secondary in national emergencies. In case you haven’t noticed, at this time last year, we were bankrupt. As a proclaimed Anglophile, do you even know that there were no elections in Britain between 1939 and 1945?
            “Churchill was appointed prime minister on 10 May 1940, aged 65. This only came about because the obvious candidate, Lord Halifax, declined. The position of prime minister was one that Churchill had always craved, yet had seemed so unlikely to reach.”
            I am not saying Ranil is another Churchill, but I suppose even you can see the obvious parallels. In SL, your god AKD was Halifax. Now stop trying to provoke me.
            Old Codger of no fixed abode.

            • 2

              “Now you’re being totally dishonest. A hint : Chinese selling petrol.”

              This clown is/was naive and dishonest from day one.
              When asked about Matara, he always came to say something about KKS or other areas. If you would expect him to answer you properly, PIGS MIGHT FLY.

              He never took to heart when we raised crucial questions that the JVP ultimately needed to answer. Instead, he brought the links of public speeches of AKD.
              He is just an AKD worshiper for no good reason. He does that to his good old friends again and again. No matter, what they say, this guy would continue his usual habbit, which is only hero-worshipping.

              But today’s CT spokesperson (I feel he is the number one apologist for JVP activities, but don’t know enough) for JVP, is misleading everyone.
              He preys on anonymous commenters (which are the majority) for stupid reasons. What does it matter if a person posts good comments but doesn’t reveal their identity?

      • 3

        The Bigger question that BEGS an answer, importantly and urgently, than “ELECTIONS ARE NOT BEING HELD ON SCHEDULE” is that which is below!!!??
        IS ALL CIITZENS HAVING THEIR ‘NORMAL’ MEALS ON SCHEDULE!!???? In my view, 40% aren’t!!!???
        Why???? Lack of Funds or Superfluous Prices due Inflation, because an IDIOT pegged the dollar at unreasonable price – Conversion Rate – USD to SLRs and remittances dried up and country went Bankrupt!!!
        Who are these Whiz-Kids calling on all and Sundry for elections, when everything else is LOST, DRIVEN TO penury some to utter uselessness in continuing to Live!!!???
        If I may, the NEW ENTRANTS and ASPIRANTS, who want to replace the present lot in continuing the “Looting and Robbing” of National wealth, to become part of THEIR OWN!!!
        What a proud Nation and the Symbolic accompaniment of Rectitude, Elite and Erudite Ladies and Gentlemen Citizenry!!!???
        Good we have positive posturing on the matter, but when dealing with these Politicians, who work so fast, especially in the aspect of Aggrandisement, one should exercise caution and Patience, which is a ‘VIRTUE’ – Sine Qua Non – INDISPENSABLE!!!??

  • 7

    System Change Happening In Wrong Direction

    Is the correct action 113 minister defeated no confidence motion of the health minister, The messaging is that the minister has done a good job, Several patients have died or suffered impairments, including blindness, during treatment. This Action is same way the minsters commitment done before a good example for the country to be bankrupt. This the stubbornness whatever our party does must win at the end. Disappointment is really just a term for our refusal to look on the bright side.

  • 7

    The founding fathers of independent Sri Lanka who set the stage for … .
    The founding fathers set the stage for our present chaos, giving the independence of enslaving the minorities to the majority Sinhalese.
    Today no one is spared.

  • 4

    DS Senanayake had a vision of a self-reliant farming community … .
    Jehan Perera,
    You have the wrong idea of the vision of DS Senanayake. His vision was to let the minorities live at the mercy of the majority.
    Speaking of Hon. CWW Kannangara along with DS is a travesty. Wash your mouth!

    • 6

      “DS Senanayake had a vision of a self-reliant farming community … .”
      DS, like other Sinhala nationalists, was brought up on legends of past glories. He failed to realize that said past glories were built on compulsory labour, feudal hierarchies, and perhaps the entire population being engaged in agriculture. Those glory days were long gone even before the Europeans arrived. Eventually, even soldiers had to be imported, because paddy farmers aren’t very good fighters.

    • 3

      Nathan more people are needed to articulate and fix this realistic perception. IF you are interested in joining in this task please contact me…

    • 2

      Kannangara for all his selfless service and vision on education was not without blemish.
      He had ignored the Hill Country Tamil community.

  • 3

    Trying to whitewash Evil as trying to develop the country will not develop the country. He was brought to that place by Rowdy Royals, who were looking for not development, but for loot while hiding from local or international justice for all they did for time. The main rascal can be sued for his girlfriend’s murder even after 100 years. Kadirgamar murder is another. Further every Tom, Dick & Harry knows everything of all these, sans the Aanduwa promoter Jehan PhD. Because the criminal conduct of Royals is so public and open, everybody in the country is a Good & More-than enough witness, if there is an honest leader who wants justice. If sanity is not restored in the country by a decent gentleman, not by wild foxes, before even the people make a penny, that is going to be looted and transferred to foreign accounts. In that condition, it is only a simple arithmetic calculation to extrapolate how much the country slipped from 1948 slipped for 75 years and find out where it will stand in another 25 years. It is a serious mistake to think it is only the Rowdy Royals that are the only problem for the future.

  • 3

    The last few years (after defeating LTTE) of exponential growth in burglary, rape and murder in the country is telling that by 2048, how many new Rowdy Royal Families will be manufactured by these fake development projects they will be ruling & storming around in the country. One has to wonder how many Resolutions would have been passed on Langkang by UNHRC and how many Documents Channel 4 is going to have broadcasted by 2048. We don’t know by that time India will have retaken the Katchatheevu only or all areas other than a couple towns that China would have bought from Evils for $10B and other future loans. Why cheat the Modayas who already have been avenged by God by depriving any light in their heads.
    Almighty God, if you are not willing to save the masses of Langkang, at least please save “Jehan PhD” who has been so dedicated to Appe Aanduwas in power, but the rulers use anybody without showing any difference between dedication or not.

  • 5

    It looks like “Aragalaya” turned into a barrier for the system change. In fact, the involvement of USA and Ranil to use Aragalaya in favour of them is to protect the existing system. Like Gota did the Easter Bombing to capture power Ranil did it with USA to capture power. The burning of houses of MPs and Ranils House must have done by some power greedy politicians. Thw way military behaved during Easter Bombing and “Aragalaya” are similar and asks lots of questions that need answers.

  • 2

    Back in April/May 2022 when the Aragalaya movement was in full force, there were rumours (or were they conspiracy theories?) that the US government agency NED which has a track record of supporting regime changes and colour revolutions worldwide, was ultimately behind it, in particular getting the Sri Lankan English speaking middle class to also participate, given they do not have a record of street protests in Sri Lanka. It appears as things progress some 12 plus months later, with the current government wholeheartedly embracing the IMF bailout and the coordinated talk of postponing elections, there maybe some truth to it. And Sri Lankans thought, RW was put there to serve the interests of his fellow citizens, funny that!

  • 13

    Is it not amazing that the government can brazenly torture and make destitute the poorest people in the country by depriving them of their only means of survival in old age after retiring from work? The contempt with which Sri Lankan governments have treated the very people who put them in power is strikingly obvious. First, they steal the poor people’s money through taking bribes from foreign contractors so that the poor people’s funds are used to pay those contractors, whose prices include the bribes. The bastards also physically steal the foreign exchange earned by slave labour in the mid-east and stash it offshore in numbered accounts, where they cannot be traced back to the thieves. Then they deprive poor people of their health and lives by not allocating funds to bring medical material and equipment for public hospitals. They stage massacres to come to power and cover up their trails. One third of the country are below the poverty line and half the population are malnourished or starving for no fault of their own. Yet, the foolish cattle keep voting for their tormentors and oppressors. Only a few people want to change this and quietly suffer. That is why even a popular uprising is still so far away. How much more do people need to suffer, before they decide to rise against their enemies within?

  • 9

    What is required is not a “system change”, whatever that may mean, but to return to reality and address the deliberate actions being taken that are progressively driving you deeper and deeper into civilizational collapse beginning by discarding the illusion that “The founding fathers of independent Sri Lanka (who) set the stage for the benevolent state that provided for its people” which they did not.

    What they did was to initiate a process of nation building on the basis of a National Development Policy that calls for the effective marginalization of minorities while borrowing heavily and even printing money to increase economic opportunities and quality of life for the majority while paying back debt by increasing productivity.

    Effective marginalization of minorities violated their rights necessitating the practice of impunity in order to protect violators leading to resistance, brain drain, capital flight, rebellion, armed uprising and war with repression and genocidal massacres, and global condemnation and opprobrium and increasing isolation driving investors away and making it impossible to secure transfers of technology techniques and knowledge that would enable the increase of productivity and access to global markets required to service and pay back debt while the rupee valued at approximately 3 to the US dollar at the time of independence slid to around 360 to the US dollar by the time the island was forced to declare bankruptcy in 2022.

    • 3

      Don Stephen is the nastiest political fugue ever appeared in Ceylon Political history. Muslims started the 1915 riots. But Don Stephen used it to divide Ceylon forever. When Ceylon got full freedom, he noticed Muslims were scattered all over Ceylon and were a small population at that time. Muslim women were not interested in politics that time. Possibly, at that time Muslims had no clue of Universal Franchise. So concluded It was Tamils who had to be wiped out. He saw the first election oriented racism or infiltrating into democracy with racism. Later, in Yahapalanaya time, Evil said he had to follow Don and Evil introduced the corrupted ICCPR to keep Tamils and Muslims in prison under PTA. That is why He is an Evil. Then Evil blocked Ceylon signing for the Rome Accord. Don invented Dynasty ruling in Ceylon.Don Introduced Dynastical Democratic politics and Nepotism are major path blocks guaranteeing never again Langkang to get out of the current cesspool it has fallen in.

    • 1

      There was clearly an underlying decline. But devaluations in 1977 and early last year were of the order of 100% each (almost accounting for a four fold drop in value compared with the Indian rupee)
      The India rupee slid from Rs 3.3 to the USD in 1947 to 83.9 in 2023.
      So the slump in the value of the Sri Lankan rupee is rather overstated in the regional context.

  • 7

    “ the 1970s Sri Lankans had a quality of life that surpassed that of people in other countries where the national income was much higher.“
    What happened since 1970’s that led NOT ONLY to the collapse of our economy BUT ALSO to Ethnic Crisis.
    1) Standardisation of University Admissions
    2) Minorities Suppressions
    etc etc
    One can not expect any CHANGE from the current government as they are THE cause of current perilous situation

  • 8

    Ceylon’s future was decided,
    When an head of State decided to change the way the country’s population was distributed around (with Tamils in the North and East predominantly) by bringing in the colonisation schemes + Making the tea estate workers STATELESS.
    We need the Lion with the sword in it’s hand take a 180 degree turn to face so that it doesn’t face the minorities!

  • 3

    System is changing but it goes in wrong direction. Not only in SL but also in UK:
    They say every 4th is under poverty…. ?

  • 3

    The Bigger question that BEGS an answer, importantly and urgently, than “ELECTIONS ARE NOT BEING HELD ON SCHEDULE” is that which is below!!!??
    IS ALL CIITZENS HAVING THEIR ‘NORMAL’ MEALS ON SCHEDULE!!???? In my view, 40% aren’t!!!???
    Why???? Lack of Funds or Superfluous Prices due Inflation, because an IDIOT pegged the dollar at unreasonable price – Conversion Rate – USD to SLRs and remittances dried up and country went Bankrupt!!!
    Who are these Whiz-Kids calling on all and Sundry for elections, when everything else is LOST, DRIVEN TO penury some to utter uselessness in continuing to Live!!!???
    If I may, the NEW ENTRANTS and ASPIRANTS, who want to replace the present lot in continuing the “Looting and Robbing” of National wealth, to become part of THEIR OWN!!!
    What a proud Nation and the Symbolic accompaniment of Rectitude, Elite and Erudite Ladies and Gentlemen Citizenry!!!???
    Good we have positive posturing on the matter, but when dealing with these Politicians, who work so fast, especially in the aspect of Aggrandisement, one should exercise caution and Patience, which is a ‘VIRTUE’ – Sine Qua Non – INDISPENSABLE!!!??

  • 7

    Why was not our great President Ranil W. invited to the G 20 meeting by India ?

    Thereby the whole world was denied an opportunity to benefit from Ranil’s infinite wisdom and endless knowledge !

    India is very bad !

    • 3

      Deepti Silva/Botox baby/ self-proclaimed doctor from the UK@
      Please, Deepthi, go and stand in front of a mirror. Then you will see the answer. Maybe you are dying of surprise….however your comments are even more hilarious.

      Why did not they invite Ranil ? How can they invite him ? Do you think that we are better than Ethiopians ?

      Besides, what can they, world leaders, learn from SRILANKENS (ruined by Rajaakshes) ? How to make a country bankrupt ?

      For everyone s note (G 20 member countries)

      Group 1 :Australia (2014) Canada (2010-1) Saudi Arabia (2020)

      Group 2: India (2023) Russia (2013) South Africa (2025) Turkey (2015)

      Group 3: (Latin America) Argentina (2018) Brazil (2024) Mexico (2012)

      Group 4: (Western Europe): France (2011) Germany (2017) Italy (2021)
      United Kingdom (2009-1)

      Group 5 (East Asia):China (2016) Indonesia (2022) Japan (2019)
      South Korea (2010)

      Now you will raise the question, how did India (over 60% are under poverty) then become a member of G20? Europeans are accustomed to having both hell and heaven on the Indian continent.
      Is Sri Lanka (another beggar country, Asia’s Tahiti or Somalia) in the G 20?
      When I read this, it suddenly came to my mind. How defiicient is your general knowledge ?
      Do you never see the basics? What blocked you so much?

      • 2

        For everyone s note (G 20 member countries)

        Group 1 :Australia (2014) Canada (2010-1) Saudi Arabia (2020)

        Group 2: India (2023) Russia (2013) South Africa (2025) Turkey (2015)

        Group 3: (Latin America) Argentina (2018) Brazil (2024) Mexico (2012)

        Group 4: (Western Europe): France (2011) Germany (2017) Italy (2021)
        United Kingdom (2009-1)

        Group 5 (East Asia):China (2016) Indonesia (2022) Japan (2019)
        South Korea (2010)

        Now you will raise the question, how did India (over 60% are under poverty) then become a member of G20? Europeans are accustomed to having both hell and heaven on the Indian continent.
        Is Sri Lanka (another beggar country, Asia’s Tahiti or Somalia) in the G 20?
        When I read this, it suddenly came to my mind. How defiicient is your general knowledge ?
        Do you never see the basics? What blocked you so much?

      • 3

        Has the US dropped out?
        How nice!

    • 2

      Dear deepthi, 20 is not just a number!

    • 1

      “Why was not our great President Ranil W. invited to the G 20 meeting by India?”
      You are asking us? Oh God!
      We are trying to take you earnestly in the CT gang, but you are stubbornly remaining as an outcast. We cannot help in that situation. It is not going to work. Sorry!
      After seeing the UNHRC has declared that it was the ruling coalition’s Human right violation the Langkang has plunged into poverty, destitution, or indigence (whatever the heck it is; you better than me what it is, anyway), Comedian Cardinal Called for International Investigation for UNP-SLFP Jihadism on Tamils Churches & foreign tourist hotels. But you are not ready to relent.

      • 6

        Oh gosh your ‘CT gang’ is so lacking in humour !

        One guy is even telling me that G20 is not just a number !

        It seems you guys are only another version of RW . Being introduced to book reading/learning recently you guys have become dangerous to yourselves -a little learning is dangerous .

        Sri Lankans talk big but everything about their country is below average.

        I was trying to mock this unelected president who is detested by all those who have come to deal with him including Prabakaran,. RW talks as if he knows everything about everything. Ask him to write one page ( 1000 words) on any subject, history, architecture , IMF you will see how average the guy is

        Even Einstein did not claim he knew physics, any serious question he would ask for time to consider and even then only offer a hypothesis-that is true intelligence.

        This Ranil is a joke, like the rest of the 23 million, especially the CT gang !

        • 5

          You asked, ‘Why was not our great President Ranil W. invited to the G 20 meeting by India’?
          I responded, ’20 is not just a number’!
          And now, you complain that ‘One guy is even telling me that G20 is not just a number!
          I pity you.

          • 4

            You don’t own humour. It is laughable that you think that you do!

            • 6

              I don’t know about humour, but she owns more than 2 thumbs.

              • 5

                And OC you have only one big unwashed B..l

                And that is where your brain is. Storing all kinds of insignificant while peddling VP and RW, in that order

                We can see through your pseudo intellect

                • 1

                  “And OC you have only one big unwashed B..l”
                  I suppose you would be the best person to know, having tried to wash it…..🤯🤯

                  • 4

                    OC, You have great delusions. We have the right to pick our men, not just any half-baked monkey.

                    Beside the kind of sick things you suggest -a vellala will not agree to contaminate herself. Go find a woman with your type of pedigree.

                    By the way is it true your kind are also very stingy ?

            • 2

              Dear Nathan,
              Please ask her to define what is humour? I bet you, she doesn’t what it is. She behaves like she is standing on her little head most of the time.
              She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. No doubt, I think the young woman is left alone by her loved ones and is looking for some provocation in CT.
              Once she only supported Rajapaksa so we had to stand against her. Again, she attacks people’s aging. I think she has some mental issues. She does not offer any kind of favorable opinion on any articles being published on CT. Cynics abuse CT space for their hobbies. so sad !

              • 1

                “I think the young woman is left alone by her loved ones and is looking for some provocation in CT.”
                Aren’t you being optimistic there? I have nothing against old hags, but………

                • 2

                  Sorry, old bags.

              • 1

                Dear leelagemalli,
                We would be confirming her suspicion that we are ganging, if I respond positively to you. I hope you understand!

        • 2

          “to write one page ( 1000 words) on any subject”
          That amount of words would be so cramped difficult to read and comprehend!!
          33% compression in 1 page!!!

        • 1

          “One guy is even telling me that G20 is not just a number !”
          May be because it has a letter in it.

    • 1

      Listen to this carefully please; we are serious. We are going to G90. One seat is only vacant on an Airbus a380. Chartered for the celebration. Swimming pool, Lazy River, Merry-go-round, bar-be-que gas grill……..One word answer please; Are coming “Yes or No”?
      BTW: Many of the Beggar 90 countries’ Machangs say that they don’t have money to fly to Cuba, so have made query to me if the “Sun Sea” we went to Canada is still floating or already sunk? So, consider yourself poor but lucky for the Airbus a380 offer.
      C 90: In Tamil “when the peacock opened its train & danced, the poor turkey turned back to see how good its bald back end was for a dance”. Toilet less India is having G20, Big mouthed Indian Ocean Turkey is going to C90. What is the point of having a toilet but nothing to eat, to use it?

      • 0

        “In Tamil “when the peacock opened its train & danced, the poor turkey turned back to see how good its bald back end was for a dance”.”
        A rather amusing go at translation.
        Keep it up.

  • 0

    System change and stuff are big words. but is there anyone who wants that. Does anyone want to live in HDB flats that are alike Battery systems for chicken like Singapore. or want to live under companies like google or tesla like Americans do. is this really what Sri Lankans want. Most Europeans or westerners who visit Sri lanka . Call this a paradise. and the people who have left this country want to come back. I for one will not want to come back to a Sri Lanka like Lee Kuan yews Sri Lanka. I honestly dont think any of my family who did not leave Sri Lanka would want that. Corruption is a big word of todays media. but this same media in the west is very selective of their own corruption. I for one am fine with Sri Lanka being what it is . and to me it is and will always be home.

    • 1

      My anaphora statements will stop no more. I am often dumb. Not knowing why our people are betraying or behaving as part of the continuation of mass crimes.

      Are they heroic forces ?
      Why can’t we go beyond the stories about the crimes of the Rajapaksa? Why on earth is the military still helping their brutal secret agendas? I have thousands of unanswered questions about our own people. Or why on earth is the CID acting according to Rajapaksa’s agendas?
      Please watch the video below:


      This evening I was watching this video which revealed long hidden information about Sri Lanka’s Criminal Investigation Department and its leaks and their own complicity in the crimes committed by the island’s evil politicians.
      Why is our society still reluctant to do justice to those who committed such heinous crimes? Can we point the finger only at politicians?

      Mass human communication has not yet been achieved. What more must we do to achieve the ultimate goal of imprisoning serious criminals?

      Scholars reveal the joint-opposition to Rajapakshes and his powerful supporters are rather weak due to some hidden reasons.

      What are these hidden obstacles? Is it related to Sinhala Buddhist mentality based on karmic beliefs often planted by Sinhalese, Hindus, Christians?
      Even today we feel that we have no leg to stand against their crimes

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