19 February, 2025


Tamil Leaders Utterly Failed To Lead

By TU Senan –

TU Senan

Tamil organisations and self-proclaimed leaders have so far had refused to come out clearly in support of bringing down the Gotabaya Rajapaksa regime. With the position of ‘anybody but the Rajapaksas’ in the past, these leaders supported the former general who led the war on Tamils, the most right-wing UNP leadership, and even the SLFP-led coalition. Those forces that received the full support of Tamil leaders have never had any intention of ending the Rajapaksas’ rule or had given any concession to Tamils or even accepted any key demands that were prominent among Tamils. But the current mass protest movement has shown determination to end the Rajapaksa family rule and some sections had come forward with supporting some demands of the Tamils. And yet not only do Tamil leaders refuse to give full support to the movement, but some sections within their main party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), actively ask Tamils not to take part in the struggle. Two key reasons repeated by them were: “This is a struggle of the Sinhala masses to change their government and Tamils don’t have to be involved in this,” and “Not a single Sinhala person protested when Tamils were slain so Tamils will not come to the streets”.

It is possible to sympathise with the victims of brutal genocidal war. They have reasons to be bitter. No one came to their aid during the killings that took place in 2009. When tens of thousands of Tamils came to the streets in the UK and a number of western cities, the majority Sinhala masses did not take part in these protests. The so-called Marxist party, the JVP, at that time was in collaboration with the Rajapaksa regime. The communist parties in India indirectly supported the war in the interest of ending the LTTE’s terrorism. Many anti-LTTE sections within the Tamil community also kept their silence and dismissed the protesters as LTTE supporters. The mass media in every country simply ignored the massacre that was taking place in Sri Lanka. The initial resolution that the UN passed on this issue was to congratulate Sri Lanka for ending the war. Even the so-called ‘Stop the War Coalition’ in Britain refused to pass even a simple, strong resolution at its conference, despite the demands of Tamil activists taking part in the anti-war movement. This took place at the time when the Sri Lankan government had surrounded Tamils in the war region and driven them into a small strip of land and started killing them. But the self-proclaimed leaders in the diaspora and in Sri Lanka also did not support the mass struggle that emerged then. Many argued against the protesters, claiming that the British parliament and UN would take decisive action. After the end of the war, they focused on lobbying the UN and western parliaments as the only means of ‘struggle’.

Nobody in Sri Lanka came forward to organise any protest in the Tamil areas. It was not a fear of military repression that held them back, but their politics. Without exaggeration, it should be noted here that United Socialist Party (USP) was the only organisation in Sri Lanka that came forward to mount a campaign – and did all it could to oppose war and genocidal slaughter. They also became co-founders of the ‘Stop the Slaughter of Tamils’ campaign which later became Tamil Solidarity. There were a few other small Trotskyist organisations that stood strongly against the war and killing, but refused to take any action.

The utter hypocrisy of Tamil leaders and other right-wing individuals has nothing to do with how the victims of war feel. What these entire ignoramuses ignore is the fact that the Tamil masses are the most affected by the current crisis. Should the Tamils accept the price rises in fuel and food, and starve? Are no Tamils affected by this crisis? Why preach to the Tamils they should not to have a voice about the current economic deterioration? Then how can you expect them to go to vote in the next election? Why are Tamil leaders still sitting in the so-called ‘Sinhala parliament’ and still getting huge salaries? Those who argue that Tamils have no business in ‘southern politics’ must answer these questions. Does Tamil political representation mean just electing members to the Sri Lankan parliament to support the UNP? Should Tamil political representatives not have any say in any of the policies carried by the parliament? Why do you then need an electoral party? And why go to parliament? Tamil elected ‘leaders’, with the exception of very few, had one thing in common. They consistently stood by their traditional right-wing allies in the south and voted with them on policies that attacked the working class and poor. Though there has been some change in recent times, this has been the history of Tamil parliamentarians for decades. Tamil nationalist rhetoric for them worked only as a cover to hide their right-wing political positions.

So-called self-proclaimed diaspora leaders were no different. They were happy to fall behind western governments rather than support any struggle – or build real opposition. They still consider themselves as friends of the Modi regime despite Tamil brothers and sisters in Tamil Nadu in general standing in opposition to Modi. Some even built ‘Trump for Tamils’ during Donald Trump’s presidency. Such is the low level of political leadership that Eelam Tamils have. Most live in an imaginary statehood. Some well-to-do middle-class youth now follow in their footsteps. They occupy the political space of diaspora youth and push the working-class youth to the margin. However, no one openly says they are against building the struggle of Tamils as they fear losing support as a result. But in effect, they all stand in opposition to developing the serious struggle of the Tamil masses.

So-called Tamil leaders so far failed to call for protests or Tamils to come out in opposition to the Gotabaya Regime. Most of them never believed in the mass movement and never did anything to build the mass movement of Tamils in relation to any demands. There is nothing much different this time. They are, however, not holding back on justifying the inaction of Tamils as though it is a ‘conscious political decision’ of Tamils in general. “Tamils are sceptical,” claims the Tamil Guardian, a downright right-wing dominated medium. “Tamil areas are quiet,” claimed another with appreciation. While saying this, none argue for the escalation of protests or even support for the protests that are taking place in the capital. There is massive anger in Tamil areas against the Gotabaya government. This anger is now dominated by the deteriorating economic and social conditions. This so far has not had a mass expression. Despite Tamil leaders holding back the protests, there were many going over the head of these so-called leaders and protesting. If the movement develops further without an attack on Tamils, it is very likely that this will spread across the North and East (there were mass protests taking place in hill country areas). The protest wave that has emerged in Sri Lanka still needs to go far to become a strong movement. So far, the centre of these protests has been Colombo. Not just in the North, many regions have not seen significant developments. Tamils and Muslims who live in the capital have joined the protests in significant numbers. As the movement develops, we are likely to see more actions taken in the northern areas too.

The point however is not to be happy at the quietness of the Tamil region, but to call for action. So far, Tamil leaders have failed to lead. The Tamil Youth Organisation (TYO), a former strong Tamil youth group during the LTTE period that is now almost extinct, released a statement recently devoid of any political content. There is nothing in their statement except the usual call for recognition of the Tamil homeland. Of course, they did not forget to include calling on the so-called international community to deliver on this, as usual. Youth in the north are left leaderless in many senses. Some of them are intimidated enough that they think they will be considered pro-Sri Lankan government or pro-Sinhala if they come out and organise a protest. Meanwhile, the anti-LTTE loyalists are once again lifting the Sri Lankan flag.

Latest comments

  • 4

    One can only agree. This morning Suren Raghavan joined the Government. Most of the new cabinet are relatives of former politicians

    • 7


      Does Suren Raghavan believe he and he alone could uplift the country from all forms destruction?

      Once he was very upset when he pointed out in the parliament Tamil Diaspora in Canada was planning to pass a resolution condemning Sri Lanka for committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

      He had do it to show his fake loyalty to this island and condemn LTTE diaspora.
      He forgot to remember it was VP who went to war with Hindian IPKF to show his loyalty to this country.

  • 5

    Dear TU Senan
    Yes you are spot on. What is the game plan of the Tamil leaders.Taking no action is not an option

    • 12

      Tamils should not interfere into neighbouring countries affairs

      • 5

        In my opinion, he sounds and posts more and more like our Vennu kunju, who suddenly disappeared and this Ratnam Nadarajah appears posting in the same vein. Vennu Chetta Enganai.

    • 1

      Ratnam Nadarajah,
      “What is the game plan of the Tamil leaders.”

      Is it to end up in Nandikadal again?

  • 23

    Sounds like some frustrated ramblings from an ultra-leftist person, wanting Tamils to commit harakiri en masse on behalf of a largely racist Sinhalese population, who elected these selfish, cunning, self-serving, racist, war criminal crooks, who preached racism and Sinhalese Buddhist supremacist Ethno- religious state to be built on the back of marginalized Tamil speakers. Yes, Tamils have been suffering immensely and have been suffering from the time of independence, at the hands of these largely racist Sinhalese population, elites, religious leaders, and politicians. Especially during the period of the 30-year-old civil war, when Tamil areas were deliberately deprived of all basic essentials.

    • 20

      The Sinhalese south was fully aware of what was happening and kept quiet, as they did not care. The victims were Tamils, therefore, were very happy with what was happening to them and gave their full support to the people, armed forces, and politicians who were committing these crimes. Calling them Golden Heroes, felicitating and rewarding them, and electing these racist war criminal politicians again and again to more damage to the Tamils. Committing war crimes against the Tamils, killing them, torturing them, looting their wealth, starving them, and imposing all sorts of hardships on them was fine and good.

      • 20

        They inflicted more pain hardships on us, denied us everything to us, food medicine, all essentials, our language, history, education, employment. stole our land using the might of the state and chased out 1/3 of our population, overseas, made another lot stateless, and rejoiced that they had reduced the Tamil population from around 26% to 16% within 74 years. Committed horrific war crimes against us and want us to join them in their hour of need. They will use us and then after they achieve their aim, as usual, will discard and elect racists and Sinhalese Buddhist supremacists and treat us badly again, just like they did from the time of independence. Very good as breaking promises not only to the Tamils but to India, and the west. Get them what they want and then discard or treat them badly.

        • 1

          “…as usual, will discard and elect racists and Sinhalese Buddhist supremacists and treat us badly again, just like they did from the time of independence.”

          Why keep on grumbling and live with this horrible barbaric, ethnocentric, racist Sinhala Buddhist supremacists. They did not invite your ancestors to come and settle down in their country. The saloon door is there. If you are not happy with the decision taken by your ancestors, feel free to leave at any time.

          • 3

            (Part I)
            “They DID NOT INVITE YOUR ANCESTORS TO COME AND SETTLE DOWN in their country.”
            MAY HAVE DISMISSED IT AS USUAL, “Pathological Lie”, by a ‘Boot Licker’ of the Messiah, proliferating with “Manufactured Truth”!!! NO definitely!!!
            Think not!!
            Amnesia is a very bad disease suffered by many in the ageing process!!!
            Therefore a Pardonable sin!!
            No necessity to rush to a priest for confession and ablution of the ‘committed’ sin!!!

          • 5

            (Part II)
            In any case, sure you do not need to do that as you are a committed Sinhala Buddhist and a practitioner of Buddhism, has no process of ‘confession’!!!
            Corrected history reads as,
            The Sinhalese kings, during the long cherished 2500 years of cultured (so claimed and no intention of denunciation thereof) History have invited the support and fighters from the 3 South Asian (SA) Indian kingdoms (Cher, Chola and Pandiya) and latterly from the Wijeyanagar Empire early 14th-century of Western Ghats o India (Bharath – which is the claimed place of origin of the SB progeny)!
            Also Muslim Arabs of the same empire and MALAYS OF THE MALACCAN STATE, South East Asia (SEA)
            A retraction would be ideal in the circumstances and very welcome to set the records straight!!
            Would the GENIE OF THE GENTLEMAN be enabled, with the GRACE OF ALMIGHTY GOD, SAVIOR OF ALL!!!

            • 2

              (Part III)
              Does this exalted persona, enjoy the singular privilege of the Messiah’ Boss and the Messiah’s younger sibling, to deny responsibility and accountability of all actions, legitimate or otherwise and follow that one-time politician, from Kelaniya, who claimed that the “Samurdhi Niladhari” tied his “own hands and self to the tree and beat himself up”
              How that “Sole” did it is inexplicable and the 8th wonder of the world sill, as this Kelaniya politician has not come up wit any explanation!!
              Wonder of Asia EE!

        • 11

          Rohan I agree in that two essays written by this author is nothing but stereotypical facts. 1) Author says Capitalism will not help with Lankan recovery. Truth is, Lankan problem has nothing much to do with Capitalism, Communism, Socialism or any other ism’s. It’s nothing but 75 years of corruption, nepotism, racism…. exploited by politicians and religious fanatics, fully supported by our own retards. (it is like retards grading a school system negatively for failing or a person who cannot drive blaming the car for crashing) 2). Tamil leaders utterly failed to lead says author. Truth is every leader, politician, government after government and voters utterly failed and here we are now a dysfunctional, bankrupt and failed nation. To be honest among all the Tamil leaders had minimal role to play. I admit not reading after seeing the headline.

    • 7

      I don’t know the back ground of the protestors whether they are attached to any political parties or holding political ideology or any political demands other than the removal of Rajapaksa family and all these 225 MPs. We don’t know much about what sort of changes they are expecting to happen after the removal of this Government. It is true that majority of the Sinhalese people were not worried about what happened to Tamils in this country by both UNP and SLFP(SLPP) governments. Today all Sri Lankans whether it is Sinhalese, or Tamils or Muslims all are suffering under Rajapaksa regime. Therefore Rajapaksas have to go home and they have to face the reality. Since it is not a political movement, Tamils can give their moral support to this struggle in removing Rajapaksa family or any other corrupted politicians hoping that Sinhalese will not make the same mistakes they made for past seven decades.

  • 17

    Mr. Senan. Where were the Sinhalese elite, people, or masses when horrible things were happening to the Tamils from the time of independence, the war crimes, and all other marginalization activities that are still occurring? Nowhere but kept quiet rejoiced and elected the same racists and war criminals who promised to do more of this to the Tamils. I also did not hear your voice of protest. Ok, the Tamils and their politicians/leaders join with the Sinhalese and protest, and do you think the grateful Sinhalese after all this is over are going to grant just Tamil rights and recognize the Tamil homeland, federalism, history culture, and language rights? Some may but the vast majority of them will go back to their Sinhalese racism and fanaticism and the same cycle will start again. The Tamils will get played out again as usual.

    • 18

      The Tamils will have to face even more hardships and repression than they are already facing now. Is that not enough for you and do you want more torture, killings, repressions, and hardships heaped on them for you to prove a point? It was not the Tamils or the Muslims who elected these racist war criminals, they knew what was coming to them and their real nature and have been agitating in many ways to get rid of him. It was the Sinhalese who elected this government full of racists and war criminals, despite knowing what they did to the Tamils and later to the Muslim Tamils, therefore it is their duty to get rid of them and elect people who are not racist or scoundrels not the duty of the Tamils.

      • 17

        Have all these protesting Sinhalese and their leaders and organizers, as well as their politicians, promised the Tamil people once this government is kicked out, their leaders and all those who were responsible for the horrible war crimes committed against the Tamil people and the continuing human rights abuses against them will be tried internationally and punished? Have they promised that just Tamil rights, federalism, and the recognition of our ancient history, language, and heritage will be granted and there will be no institutionalized racism or religious superiority of one ethnicity and religion but all people on the island will have equal rights and justice? The answer is no. Even if they did, most probably, after things go back to normal, they will renegade as usual. Now tell me why do Tamil people or their leaders have to organize protests. If you want to protest please feel free to do so.

        • 3

          Siva Sankaran Sharma,
          “…their leaders and all those who were responsible for the horrible war crimes committed against the Tamil people and the continuing human rights abuses against them will be tried internationally and punished?”

          They do not have to give such a promise because the Government of Sri Lanka or Sinhala Nation did not declare war against Tamils and killed Tamils, committed war crimes or crimes against humanity.
          It was Tamils who declared war against the Government of Sri Lanka and Sinhala Nation after passing Vaddukkodai Resolution to create a separate State for Tamils grabbing land belonged to indigenous Sinhalayo in NE and carried out genocide of Sinhalayo for three decades committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. Sinhalayo should ask whether they will punish those who violated the Constitution by attempting to create a separate State within Sinhale and promoted terrorism.

        • 2

          Siva Sankaran Sharma,
          “Now tell me why do Tamil people or their leaders have to organize protests.”

          Tamils tried to get their demands by using terrorism, suicide bombers, AK47s, chemical weapons, swords and machetes and miserably failed. So, they know there is no point in organizing protests.

          According to the grapevine, Gotabhaya has promised TNA that he will come up with a Constitution to share power. That could be the reason why they do not want to protest.
          If that rumor is correct, Sinhala Buddhists will come to the streets and tell Gotabhaya in one voice ‘Gota Get Lost’.

      • 3

        Siva Sankaran Sharma,
        “It was not the Tamils or the Muslims who elected these racist war criminals, they knew what was coming to them and their real nature and have been agitating in many ways to get rid of him.”

        Have you forgotten that once upon a time Tamils wanted to elect a person who is considered by Tamils as the one responsible for genocide of Tamils as the President?

    • 3

      Siva Sankaran Sharma
      “…and do you think the grateful Sinhalese after all this is over are going to grant just Tamil rights and recognize the Tamil homeland, federalism, history culture, and language rights?”
      Definitely not. So, do not waste your time to protest.
      If anyone who comes to power try to give these things to Demalu, Sinhala Buddhists, irrespective of political party, will come to the streets and ask that person to go home.

      • 3

        “Truth after all, rises from the ashes and surmounts all manufactured truth or lies of imbeciles????
        What wonders the god almighty, the ever powerful create for ‘mindless’ humans to UTTER without their knowledge of “what they are saying”???

      • 4

        “If anyone who comes to power try to give these things to Demalu, Sinhala Buddhists, IRRESPECTIVE OF POLITICAL PARTY, WILL COME TO THE STREETS AND ASK THAT PERSON TO GO HOME”
        What are you doing for a change???
        Golden words of a long term denials??!!
        What more do you want from this intelligent protagonist???
        You have miserably failed in your lifelong mission of misinformation!!!
        Admit it please, without any more “Tom Foolery” and deception??!!
        You have been unmasked and dared to say so!!!
        So that is the bottom line!!

  • 6

    Tamils have been demanding the various GoSL since independence to treat them as equal to Singhalese.
    They never succeeded. Instead they were discriminated economically and educationally. Their lives and properties destroyed time to time since Independence.
    Retrospectively did we make a mistake by not joining the main national parties.
    Had we not formed Political Parties solely for Tamils (Federal Party Tamil Congress) , we could have got ministerial posts and serve us as well.

    • 3

      “Tamils have been demanding the various GoSL since independence to treat them as equal to Singhalese.”

      You are talking about treating Tamils as equal to Sinhalayo. Please tell us:
      • What is it that the Sinhalayo are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala?
      • What is it that the minorities do not enjoy because they are the minority which the majority enjoys because they are the majority?
      • What is legally, constitutionally and legislatively given to the majority that is not given to the minorities?
      • What is it that the Sinhala Buddhists are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala Buddhists?

      In fact, GOSL has given Tamils in Yapanaya more than equal status by allowing them to retain ‘Thesawalamei’ which is a customary law from Malabar region in Hindusthan brought to Yapanaya by Malabars (Tamils after 1911) who came after 13th Century.

      • 1

        Comment of idiosyncratic, amnesia bound partisan, such as this, is best ignored and confined to the Rubbish bin, where it retains a prestigious place for it, GOLD BOUND ‘UPKEEP’!!!
        History is rubbish and ‘manufactured’ history takes its place, makes the explanation to the 6.9 million amnesia bound electors of the HR violator claiming as “war winning hero”!!
        6.9 million, who also had and suffering from the same disease, Amnesia which is a ‘favourite disease’ of the elated Clan, elected Human Rights Violator and Murderer (Planner of a murder is always prime accused, not the executioner) to protect their inviolable sovereign right – Human Rights –being the majority community of this Island!
        They will devise ways to exterminate, ‘Terminator’ their own way?
        I would not dare suggest that these 6.9 million voters are mere sycophants without an ‘Exit Strategy’, knowing the credentials of the individual they reposed ‘temporary trust’ and importantly, to the mess and Chaos they created in 2019!
        They are intelligent, even if it is partisan at times!!
        Realisation of Folly, ‘Dawned on them’!!
        It has started revolt and gaining momentum and let not detractors, such as these diversionary “BOOT LICKERS” OF THE MESSIAH, GRAND PLAN, DISRUPT NOBLE MISSION!

    • 2

      “Had we not formed Political Parties solely for Tamils…”

      That is the biggest blunder made by racist separatist Tamil politicians in Yapanaya. Sinhala politicians formed national political parties (United National Party, Sri Lanka Freedom Party) assuming that Tamils will work with indigenous Sinhalayo to develop the country but soon after Sinhale gained independence SJV Chelvanayakam formed a political party called ‘Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi’ in 1949 (toned down as Federal Party in English but the real meaning was Tamil State Party) which had as its hidden agenda the establishment of a separate state within Sinhale and told Tamils not to learn Sinhala. At that time, V Tamils in Yapanaya were the most privileged group in Sinhale.

      • 6

        Why not take the example of ‘SINHALA MAHA SABHA’ and SWRDB and “Pancha Maha Balavegaya”??
        They slowly crept into the SLFP, with the help of SWRDB’s (Anglo-Christian turned Sinhala Buddhist) to be a National Dressed, instead of western suite attired Oxford educated Maha Mudaliyar progeny to suit his Political Pursuit???
        The queer turncoat who was a pronounced “Federalist” turned ‘Centrist’, power ingratiated Sinhala individual??!!

  • 12

    TU Senan,
    “Most of them never believed in the mass movement and never did anything to build the mass movement of Tamils in relation to any demands.”
    Which planet you are from?

    • 13

      Tamil “Satyagraha” Paralyses Administration in North and East 60 Years Ago

  • 14

    When the Sinhalese have ignored the rights of the Tamils, the North-East Province Tamils will only silently watch such protests. Even the hill country Tamils to realize for ignoring such protests. Srimavo Bandaranayake had done great injustice to them by deporting about 640,000 hill country Tamils. To date even the protestors have not even sent a signal for the implementation of the 13th Amendment. The past Tamil political leaders were selfish in not joining India before the independence, as a Union Territory. The Tamils do not want separation as it is suicidal but to be accommodated as an Independent Territory within the Union of India, like Pondicherry. They do not live in an imaginary Statehood.

    • 3

      Let Tamil Nadu worry about Tamil
      rights. After all they are their brothers and sisters as Narendra Modi put it.

      • 6

        Good and thank you. Hope very soon the northeast and even the estate areas all become part of India. Your wishes will be then answered and then Thamizh Nadu and Modi can worry about us. You Chingkallams can keep on demonstrating and begging for food and essentials from everyone, especially from Thamizh Nadu and India. Yes, poor Thamizh Nirmala Seetharaman the Finance Minister of India had to plead for the cause of Sri Lanka to the IMF and request them to loan money to Sri Lanka, so that Thamizh heating Chinkallams like you, can be fed, clothed, with fuel and medicines provided. Your comments amply prove, what we have commented and why Thamizh and Thamizh leaders do not want to demonstrate and face hardships and even lose their lives for a largely ungrateful Chingkalla electorate, most of whom are still anti-Thamizh to the core. If Thamizh were starving and when they did they kept quiet, danced rejoiced, and voted en masse for the racists and war criminals who were responsible for this, so that they can do more of this. Now that the same thing is happening to them, they want Thamizh to come and support them.

        • 6

          After we support you, it will go back to the same. So far hardly any Chingkallams or their leaders, elite, sportsmen, politicians, or priests. ( Christian and Buddhist) have come out to and acknowledge the suffering caused to the Thamizh by the Chingkallams and this racism and suffering is the root cause of all this economic mess, as so many funds and money were used to prop up the Chingkalla Buddhist Fascist state. Huge spending on defense and an exclusively Chingkalla public service is very inefficient and creates Chingkalla colonies in Thamizh areas. Giving lots of freebies to the Chingkallams.

      • 6

        Uncle Toni, still around ??? after
        you with aunty Champa witnessing thousands of abortions in the dark without any assistance. Is any outsider calling you two as their family, when you’ll cannot identify your own, back at home.

    • 2

      “When the Sinhalese have ignored the rights of the Tamils, the North-East Province…”

      What rights of Tamils that Sinhalayo have ignored?
      The truth is Tamils have ignored rights of indigenous Sinhalayo in NE by not allowing Sinhalayo who were chased out from NE by Tamil terrorists to return and not returning the land and business premises grabbed during the time Tamil terrorists controlled NE.

      • 4

        Will the Sinhalese political leaders construct a canal from Anuradhapura to Paranthan for irrigational purposes. Tamils know how to find water for these canals. With such narrow-minded Sinhalese one ponders whether the Tamils will lift the Sri Lankan flag. It is the the so-called indigenous Sinhalese who voted for Gotabhaya and today the Sinhalese are instrumental for the price rises in fuel and food and for their starvation. Sri Lankan Tamils also knew about the cunningness of the DMK especially when the helpless people with the fight flag were shot dead (leave alone the LTTE) and how M.Karunanithy’s children celebrated that tragedy. The BJP leaders N.Modi, Amit Shah, Dr.S.Jaishankar, Mrs.Nirmala Seetharaman, Mrs.Vanathy Srinivasan, Annamalai, etc are far better and sympathetic towards the Sri Lankan Tamils to find out meaningful solution.

    • 0

      I support any proposal which benefits at least 90% of Tamils (Tamil speaking people) scattered across the country.
      Your proposal is viable even today with relocation of some.

  • 15

    His name should be TU Sena not Senan.
    He has no idea about the history of Sinhala polity.
    Tamils out rightly rejected Rajpaksas in every elections.
    Let the people who elected them to deal with them.
    When police and army try to supress the protesters Tamils know how they kill them indiscriminately But TU Sena doest not know that.
    Leave us alone in every aspects.
    Only American toons and goons are up against the SL regime. TU Sena also one of them

  • 1

    Couldn’t agree more. Tamil leaders utterly failed to lead the Tamils back to their motherland Tamil Nadu.

    • 7

      As per DNA and historical records, Thamizh Nadu is the motherland of most of the present-day Chingkallams and the Sri Lankan Muslims. Not the Sri Lankan Thamizh. However, denying this obvious fact., one lot now pretending to be Aryan, and the other lot pretending to be Arab, Turkish, Iranian, Afghan, North Indian, or whatever takes their fancy, especially the lighter-skinned ones. You may deny this truth but DNA does not lie.

    • 8

      Uncle Toni we can see how successful your leaders and you as a voter, now that the country is bankrupt and pleading India/Modi for food, fuel, medicine…..

  • 2

    “The mass media in every country simply ignored the massacre that was taking place in Sri Lanka.”

    There was no massacre taking place. Do you think the world would keep silent if 100K people really died, like Channel4 or other nonsense groups claim? The Western countries have satellites that can track every person passing gas with pinpoint accuracy. That’s why Biden made a speech announcing Putin would invade Russia weeks before it happened. What happened in 2009, a group of fascist suicide terrorists took innocent people hostage to create a humanitarian crisis. It almost worked, that’s why fat pig was caught in the mud at Nanthikadal. CBK government would have backed out, with Moda PM Ranil going for 10 rounds of “talks” while LTTE re-armed and re-grouped. MaRa government was the first one with a BACKBONE that did not bow to terrorist or Western demands.

  • 7

    If Tamils protest against the SL govt, Israeli and Pakistani pilots would fly Ukrainian planes and drop poisonous bombs (provided by possibly India) on them.

  • 8

    Mr. Sena. I am not going to add to what all the others here have commented, as they have already stated what I wanted to comment on. However are you aware of what may happen to the Thamizh if they protest on a large scale in the north, east, and estate areas? The Chingkalla armed forces and police will not keep quiet and respect their peaceful protest, like down south, but will attack these Thamizh-only protests in the north, east, and estate areas. Injure and kill a lot of Thamizh. Most probably the president will love this, their politicians/priests will love this, and even most Chingkallams who are protesting will. Just like they did before. They are only protesting for their well-being and not the well-being of the Thamizh, as I have not heard any demand to grant just Thamizh rights, implement Sec 13A, or federalism in these protests. Only give food, fuel, gas, and other essentials and reduce the soaring cost of living, that is now affecting them. Not for equality, justice for everyone and to dismantle this institutionalized racist ethnocentric state, that gives Chingkallam and Buddhism priority over the much ancient Thamizh and Hinduism.

    • 9

      Everything works both ways. Not a one-way street, like the Chingkallams, want from the time of independence. Everything for them. Nothing for the others, even worse take away what the others had also for them. Keep quiet dance rejoice and openly support racists and war criminals who inflict a lot of pain on the Thamizh, hardly utter a word of protest but want the very same Thamizh who they have treated abominably from the time of independence to come and support them and even suffer for them, at their time of pain. The Chingkallams have a history of using people and nations when their help is needed and then discarding them or breaking promises and agreements. Especially with regards to the Thamizh and will do the same. Once they obtain what they want.

  • 2

    “The mass media in every country simply ignored the massacre that was taking place in Sri Lanka.”

    True. The mass media in foreign countries simply ignored genocide of Sinhala Buddhists carried out by separatist Tamil terrorists over a period of three decades to grab their land in NE to create a separate State.

  • 2

    “Not a single Sinhala person protested when Tamils were slain…”
    You got it wrong. Tamils declared war against indigenous Sinhala Buddhists and carried out genocide of Sinhalayo for three decades. Not a single Tamil protested against that. In fact, Tamils in Yapanaya lit fire crackers when Tamil suicide bombers killed Sinhalayo. However, after Tamil terrorists were defeated, Sinhala Buddhists in the South sent lorry loads of food and other essential items to Tamils in the North.

  • 2

    Tamils who declared war against indigenous Sinhala Buddhists and massacred them for three decades are trying to clean their blood-soaked hands by putting the blame on the Government and Sinhala Buddhists.

  • 8

    This writer rhetorically asks why the Tamil leaders supported the former general who led the war on Tamils, the most right-wing UNP leadership, and even the SLFP-led coalition. This shows he is both naive and ignorant. When you have two choose between two devils, you choose the lesser evil. The object is to deny Rajapasas from getting elected. Even in the presidential elections in 2019, the Tamil people en masse voted against Gotabaya Rajapaksa. There are no right-wing or left-wing parties in Sri Lanka. All are Sinhala – Buddhist majoritarian parties. That includes the so-called Marist JVP. It is the JVP that went to the courts to demerge the northern and eastern provinces. It is the same party that is opposed to the devolution of power to provincial councils.

    Some youths in the north have staged a massive protest a few days ago. The TNA and other Tamil nationalist parties have spoken against the SLPP and also signed the no-confidence motion against the ruling party. At least 13 Tamil MPs will support the vote of the no-confidence motion.

    The writer should understand why the majority of Tamils in the north and east have by and large stood aloof. The protesting Sinhalese youths have not spelt out what is in store for the Tamil people after ousting the Rajapaksas’ family fiefdom. It is not enough to send Gotabaya Rajapaksa home. That is commendable but changing the pillow for the headache is of no use.

  • 8

    This writer rhetorically asks why the Tamil leaders supported the former general who led the war on Tamils, the most right-wing UNP leadership, and even the SLFP-led coalition. This shows he is both naive and ignorant. When you have to choose between two evils, you choose the lesser evil.

    The object is to deny Rajapasas from getting elected. Even in the presidential elections in 2019, the Tamil people en masse voted against Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

    There are no right-wing or left-wing parties in Sri Lanka. All are Sinhala – Buddhist majoritarian parties. That includes the so-called Marist JVP also. It is the JVP that went to the courts to demerge the northern and eastern provinces. It is the same party that is opposed to the devolution of power to provincial councils.

    Some youths in the north have staged a massive protest a few days ago. The TNA and other Tamil nationalist parties have spoken against the SLPP and also signed the no-confidence motion against the ruling party. At least 13 Tamil MPs will support the vote of no-confidence motion.

    The writer should understand why the majority of Tamils in the north and east have by and large stood aloof. The protesting Sinhalese youths have not spelt out what is in store for the Tamil people after ousting the Rajapaksas’ family fiefdom. It is not enough to send Gotabaya Rajapaksa home. That is commendable but changing the pillow for the headache is of no use.

    • 2

      Thanga ,
      “The protesting Sinhalese youths have not spelt out what is in store for the Tamil people after ousting the Rajapaksas’ family fiefdom”.
      Have the protesting youths spelt out what is in store for the Sinhalese after ousting the Rajapaksas?
      When Tamils voted for Sarath Fonseka, and even Maithripala Srisena, what was in store for the Tamils. Why is the argument different now.

  • 12

    Do a little thought-experiment.

    If there was no economic hardships …….. would the people have protested?

    So, the people are not protesting about the governments’ treatment (good or bad) of the minorities or its strong “Sinhala-Buddhist” centric nature …………… the protests are for entirely different reasons.

    The government was elected by a landslide by the Sinhala-Buddhist majority ……….. who were well aware of the strong “Sinhala-Buddhist” centric/leaning nature of the government.

    The government failed to feed the Sinhala-Buddhists who elected them ………. the protests are about that ………..

    Tamils/minorities have a long tradition of experiencing mistreatment by the “Sinhala-Buddhist” governments ……….. now the Sinhala-Buddhists are experiencing some of that treatment ………. cause it was never about Sinhala-Buddhism in the first place: “Sinhala-Buddhism” was only a means/tool to gain power ………

    Only Sinhala-Buddhists can destroy “Sinhala-Buddhism” ………. the minorities have no role in it ………

    For once ……… the Tamils should sit on the sidelines and enjoy the show ………..

    The chance only comes once in a blue moon …………….

  • 4

    There is talk about “Sanga Convention” by the three chief prelates of three Buddhist Chapters, this may lead to a fundamentalist movement emerging from the Galle Face revolution which will be detrimental.

    My personal opinion is the Galle Face revolution does not have political depth. There were so many instances where social injustice was engineered and perpetuated by politicians and the governments. During these times there was no expression of political consciousness from civil society whatsoever.

    Now there is a sudden surge of ‘ political consciousness ‘ among the masses these days.
    This not really awakening of political consciousness, this is the result of encountering economic hardship face to face.

    There is talk about Sri Lankan identity, some say that Indians from any part of India identify themselves as Indians and Sri Lankans don’t identify themselves as Sri Lankans. The basic fact they overlook is that a Sikh can become the PM of India and a Muslim can become the President on India that is the beauty of truly secular Indian democratic society which we cannot achieve even in our dreams.

  • 2

    Absolutely correct. What have the Thondaman’s done for the plantation workers. The workers are still dirt poor, while the Thondaman’s are filthy rich. Rights for the Tamil community shouldn’t just be for the North.

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