As Sri Lanka concludes their celebrations of their 74th year of independence, several Sri Lankan Parliamentarians, and other representatives of the Tamil community in Sri Lanka, have written to the Minister for South Asia, the United Nations and the Commonwealth at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, Lord Tariq Ahmad highlighting their concerns with the deteriorating human rights situation in Sri Lanka risking their lives.
The letter addressed a plethora of publicly reported cases which highlights several different aspects of human rights violations. The letter emphasized that these public cases only demonstrate a fraction of cases that are present, tip of the iceberg. They also submitted a list of the most recent, media reported cases dating from November 2019, till as recent as January 2022. The list included over 800 cases, and within January 2022 alone there have been 38 reported cases.
Regarding torture and deaths in police custody, they highlighted the importance of the Scottish Police in stopping their training. While acknowledging the decision to stop training the Sri Lankan military they urged the Scottish Police not to train them in future. Additionally, they highlighted that most of the cases that have been publicized were brought out by Sri Lankan journalists outside the country, as this indicated that sources inside the country many do not have the space to safely operate without their human rights being infringed upon.
Furthermore, the letter revealed that there continues to be ongoing unlawful arrests, abductions, illegal detentions by the security forces against the Tamils and acknowledges that only a fraction get reported in the media. One can sense the arrogance of the Sri Lankan authorities as it reports at least one of the reported incidents occurred whilst the EU human rights’ investigation team was in Sri Lanka.
The victims of these crimes tend to be young men from the north and east of Sri Lanka, who had no connection with the LTTE, as they were children during the war. MP Rishad Bathiudeen, who is currently incarcerated, corroborated this by stating that “Within last 2 months, 40-45 Tamil youth arrested under Prevention of Terrorism Act are held in prisons. I’ve spoken to some in their early 20s while I was in prison. They must have been 10 or 12 at the time war ended”.
The letter further uncovers, there have been many recent cases of former LTTE cadres being arrested to paint a false narrative of LTTE resurgence. This has been done to justify continued militarisation of the north and east. Moreover, a number Parliamentarians and journalists have been arrested and questioned arbitrarily, further highlighting the imminent fear they face daily. There are some noticeable triggers to these arrests and abductions, such as protests and commemorations, as well as simple social media posts.
They emphasized the units of the Sri Lankan government and security forces that are involved, including police officials, Criminal Investigation Division, and the army.
Many Sri Lankan MPs have backed this letter such as Justice C.V. Wigneswaran, Selva Adaikalanathan, Govindan Karunakaram, S. Noharathalingam, Dharmalingam Sithadthan, Charles Nirmalanthan, Mrs Anathy Sasitahran, M. K Shivajilangam, and Sivagnanam Shritharan.
They also jointly requested the UK government, as the pen holder for the Geneva process, to do more to vet and screen Sri Lankan officials it engages with, to apply Magnitsky Sanctions to Sri Lankan alleged war criminals, to exercise universal jurisdiction over alleged perpetrators and to speak out about ongoing grave violations of human rights that drive so many Tamil people to flee their homes and seek refuge abroad. (By KG Nathan)
To read the full letter click here
GATAM / February 6, 2022
This has been happening since 2010. Nothing happened! UNHRC drama starts in February, ends in March. A small show in October. That’s it. Nothing changes in SL.
Only dignified solution is one island 3 mono ethnic nations with relocation of people. Until then it is drama only.
Pandi Kutti / February 6, 2022
You can scream from the top of the roof but there will never be an Islamic Nation on the island for a converted Arabised South Indian origin Tamil Dravidian immigrant population, as there never was one and there is no valid claim for it. However, there may be two nations Chingkallam and EEzham Thamizh. like it was before the arrival of Europeans, especially the British if the Chingkallams do not mend their ways. Try to mend your ways and reconcile with your fellow non-Muslim Thamizh brothers and sisters and live amicably with them, instead of constantly trying to find ways to backstab and undermine them. for petty short-term benefits from the Chingkallams. You can see how they craftily used you to marginalize the Thamizh and once this was done and there was no use, just like Hindia, showed their real feelings, towards you. Even the international community will never support your claim, as it is not valid and has no historical basis. You have a right to live in peace and dignity but have no right claim for homelands on the basis of religion and a largely imagined ethnic origin, over the head of the native population who have lived and ruled that land for over 2000 years and took pity on you and gave refuge a few centuries ago.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / February 6, 2022
Did Sumanthiran sign the letter. If not why, and has to explain for this lapse. Sumanthiran had met lord Ahmed when he came to UK, where he told lord Ahmed that human rights situation in Srilanka has improved and Tamils had not been subjected to any violation in the recent past. This is why I have been saying that Sumanthiran is a lackey of government, planted to save it. There was news in BBC TV yesterday that lord Ahmed has been sentenced to five and a half years imprisonment for child sex abuse. His plea was that he followed the practice of prophet Mohamed in committing child sex abuse and therefore should not be penalized.
Eagle Eye / February 6, 2022
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
“Tamils had not been subjected to any violation in the recent past.”
Tamils who declared war against the Government of Sri Lanka and Sinhala Nation were not subjected to human rights violations. Tamils who massacred Sinhala Buddhists committed war crimes and human rights violations.
Even now, there are serious human rights violations taking place in Yapanaya. In order to cover up those human rights violations, Tamils always point their finger towards the Government and Sinhalayo. UK should pay attention to human rights violations committed by Tamils against fellow Tamils in Yapanaya instead of targeting Sinhalayo who are the victims of the war started by Tamils.
SJ / February 6, 2022
There are more than a Lord Ahamed
This is lord Tariq A.
Please check before throwing rock.
KP / February 8, 2022
The correct title and name is Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon. Please note the surname is Ahmad and not Ahamed.
SJ / February 8, 2022
Thank you for the correction.
I think that it points to an error in the title of the essay as well.
What you miss is that a false allegation was made against Lord Ahmad-of-Wimbledon.
Does it not matter to you?
old codger / February 10, 2022
It seems the other Lord himself was underage at the time. Peculiar case.
Rajash / February 7, 2022
There was news in BBC TV yesterday that lord Ahmed has been sentenced to five and a half years imprisonment for child sex abuse.
That is Lord Ahmed of Rotherham
not Lord Ahmed of Wimbledon
But in the North of England Muslim enticing underage white girls and having sex with them is a big sandal even various authorities wanted to bury the news
Rajash / February 7, 2022
There was news in BBC TV yesterday that lord Ahmed has been sentenced to five and a half years imprisonment for child sex abuse.
That is Lord Ahmed of Rotherham
not Lord Ahmed of Wimbledon
But in the North of England Muslim enticing underage white girls and having sex with them is a big sandal even various authorities wanted to bury the news
Sumanthiran was busy attending the Independence day celebration – to sign the letter
SJ / February 8, 2022
How many MPs signed the petition?
Is the number or identity of the signatories crucial?
If so, why not list everyone who did not sign?
Were you at the celebrations? You seem to be the only one who has
spotted Sumanthiran.
Punchi Point / February 6, 2022
What is the relevance of the age of someone at the end of the war? Tamil separatism and terrorism didn’t end with the war. LTTE is not completely dead. There are reports that there are training camps in Tamilnadu. They have huge rallies and meetings all the time. If a Tamil is caught with bombs and weapons, are we not to arrest him, because he was 10 years old when the war ended? If a Tamil armed and dressed for suicide bombing is arrested and imprisoned, is it a violation of human rights? Should he be just let to roam freely? What about the security of the rest of the population? Tamils have executed more suicide bombings than any group in the world, including Islamic terrorists, amounting to over 600. Tamils have also executed terrorist acts of suicide bombings in India – killing of Rajiv Gandhi.
soma / February 6, 2022
Sri Lanka is the only country in the world where majority is held hostage by the minorities.
Leaving aside their largely disproportionate numbers immediately outside the borders as well as distribution across the world their enormous financial clout has made the majority totally helpless, defenceless and vulnerable. There power of propaganda has been incredibly successfull in convincing the world the very opposite – that they are a weak, handicapped lot under the yoke of the majority constantly being subjected to discrimination, harrassment, torture and even genocide.
One minority set up an army for the purpose of dismembering the country and attaching the northern part with their racial counterpart of 80 million just 20,km away. They perfected suicide bombing which was mercilessly deployed at civilian targets and terrorised the country for thirty years. They deployed child soldiers. American FBI described them as the most ruthless terrorist organisation ever. Though they were decimated with the help of very entity that created it their remaining members who are active throughout the world have been successful in dragging the legitimate government that saved the country from terror to UNHRC. Such is the power of money and propaganda and greatest irony of justice in this polarised world.
To be continued.
soma / February 6, 2022
The second minority with totally alien ethical make up and living as parasites are a group of zombies brainwashed and mesmerised by their religion. Again infinitely disproportionate numbers and money in comparison to the majority. Intent on setting up a Caliphate they transformed themselves in appearance within a matter of three decades and set up a branch of their beheading bridgade in Sri Lanka.
They demonstrated their prowess in one go making the acts of the other competitor previously mentioned look like child’s play and taught us the true definition of ‘terrorism’ by targeting a totally unconnected minority practicing a religion that also worship a brother superpower .
Such is the predicament of a ‘majority’ who are a small species confined to this island in the Indian Ocean struggling against all odds to delay their eventual extinction..
Native Vedda / February 7, 2022
“Sri Lanka is the only country in the world where majority is held hostage by the minorities.”
Did you mean the 6.9 M is holding rest of the 19 M hostage?
Before you go into your racist analysis of every aspect of life in this island tell me how a noisy minority along with saffron fraternity manage to hold back progress and development in this island?
Tell us how a tiny minority (a clan from the south) is being able to hold this island to ransom?
Grow up.
Punchi Point / February 6, 2022
As it is evident from that all that is being said in this letter and the constant and continuous fanciful Tamil accusations against the Sinhalese, there is no way Tamils can live peacefully in this island. From long before the war started, and even before independence, these Tamils have been accusing the Sinhalese of discrimination and even genocide. Tamils started this war with the help of their ethnic brethren in Tamilnadu in the pretext of fighting for their so-called Tamil rights. The real situation is that this pathetic immigrant 10% minority wants to run the whole country. They have sabotaged all forms of development and practically hijacked the whole political scene, by their unjust and unachievable demands for rights that they simply do not have. Even a separate state for these Tamils will never give a solution, as the conflict will then be about the borders and resources like water, and Tamils trying to encroach into Sinhalese parts. All the water sources are outside the area these Tamils are claiming, and there will be huge conflicts for water, as already seen between some Indian states – example between Tamilnadu and Kerala and Tamilnadu and Karnataka.
Punchi Point / February 6, 2022
The innocent Sinhalese people have a right to live peacefully in their island, without being constantly harassed by the Tamils. The only permanent and fair solution to this problem is that Tamils are given their right to go back to their homeland in Tamilnadu. India denied even the Plantation Tamils their right to return. Like the Jewish people were given their right to return to Israel by establishing the state of Israel, Tamils must be granted their right to return to Tamilnadu. In the case of Israel, it created problems, due to the Arab occupation of some of parts, but in the case of Tamils this problem is not there, as there exist a Tamil state already in Tamilnadu. This will be a win-win solution for everybody, which will ensure permanent peace for everybody. Tamils can continue to live here if they wish to, but their need for a separate Tamil state here will cease, as they would have the legal right to return to Tamilnadu, if they wish to live in a Tamil state. Now the IC and UN must intervene and push India to do the right thing and grant Tamils their right to return to Tamilnadu.
Pandi Kutti / February 6, 2022
Oh my. Stop shaking your little you know what everywhere here and rubbishing this thread.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / February 6, 2022
It has been established archaeologically that original inhabitants of the island were Veddhas and Dravidians and there was no race called Sinhalese prior to 2500 years. Some of these Veddhas and Dravidians have mixed with Bengalis to form the Sinhala race, while the rest of Veddhas and Dravidians have become Tamils. This has been corroborated in three genetic studies conducted by Sinhala scholars. Original language spoken in the land was Elu (Sanskritized to Hela) considered as proto Tamil by linguists. It has become evident that in the caves of Veddhas, stone inscriptions are in Tamil Brahmi. Original religion was Saivaism, which is proved by the fact that Veddhas worshiped Murugan the god of Tamils. Therefore Sinhalese are entitled to only a share of the land and not the entirety and Tamils are entitled for the rest of the land. Sinhalese claim of entire island is racism and Muslim claim to eastern province is worst racism, where they went as refugees 400 years ago.
Rohan25 / February 6, 2022
Ignore this chap a racist Sinhalese Nazi. Advocating the large-scale ethnic cleansing of the island’s Tamils or their forced deportation to Tamil Nadu, strange land to them, just because they speak Tamil. This is like some idiot stating all Arabic speakers should be deported to the Gulf or all German speakers irrespective of where they originate should be deported to Germany and all English speakers to England. Proves his thinking capacity and his diabolical and dangerous racist mindset. This is the biggest joke when history and genetic studies have proved it is not ancestors of the Sri Lankan Tamils from the north and east but the vast majority of present-day Sinhalese who originates from Tamil Nadu and most of them only arrived on the island a centuries ago.
Punchi Point / February 8, 2022
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Rohan25 / February 6, 2022
Yes, the biggest joke, ethnically Tamil of recent South Indian origin, arrived as refugees 400 years ago and were given refuge as fellow Tamils. Now in the name of Islam and Arabism claiming the entire east as theirs, as they are being set up the certain vested parties to do so, to muddy the waters and deny the Tamils any justice as well as to steal as much as land as possible from the Tamils. Tamils and the Tamilisezed Veddha have been living in the east for more than 2000 years and ruled the area. The entire history of the east is Tamil and Tamils are still the largest community in the east and hold most of the land, these people only a continuous majority along the coastal strip from Kalmunai and Sainthamaruthu 90% of the place names in the east is Tamil name. Sinhalese and Sinhalese place names only started to appear after the 1950s, when state-sponsored Sinhalese settlement took place. . No ancient history or even a valid claim but to the east but now brazenly claiming the entire east as theirs. We will seo where this dance leads to.
Rohan25 / February 6, 2022
Strange 72% of them live in the Sinhalese south but no claim for an Islamic homeland there, only in the Tamil areas as to where they speak and share the same ethnicity as the Tamils, as they feel they can get away with this but know what will happen to them if the same claim is made for Mulsim majority areas down south. and certain powerful parties are deliberately urging them to do so. This is why you see a certain person constantly posting the same comment again and again on every thread in this regard.
Punchi Point / February 7, 2022
That strangeness of “…72% of them [Muslims] live in the Sinhalese south but no claim for an Islamic homeland there…” applies to you Tamils as well. 96-97% of Tamils live in Tamilnadu and yet you Tamils who are only 3-4% of total Tamil population, want a separate state in the Sinhalese island! Also, out of that 3-4%, well over 60% live outside the claimed separate state. Your claim for a separate Tamil state is totally idiotic and unfair and simply not going to happen. Everywhere immigrants like Tamils and Muslims settle, indigenous people like the Sinhalese do not have any obligation to let immigrant communities establish separate states or even give political devolution. If you want to live in a Tamil state, the fair, right and dignified thing to do is to move back to your homeland Tamilnadu, where you migrated from in recent times. Not sit here and accuse the innocent Sinhalese people of crimes unheard of.
Punchi Point / February 7, 2022
Establishing a separate state or any amount of devolution is not going to help achieve any peace here, it will only get worse. Tamils will start fighting with each other – Muslims against the Tamils and Plantation Tamils against the non-Plantation Tamils (the so-called Ceylon Tamils), and all the Tamils will fight against the Sinhalese demanding for more space, as their numbers grow 2-3 times faster than the Sinhalese, as the last couple of census has shown. So even a 40% of the land area won’t be sufficient for the Tamils. The only solution is that the Tamils be given the right to return to Tamilnadu. This issue should be taken up in the UN.
Eagle Eye / February 6, 2022
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
“It has been established archaeologically that original inhabitants of the island were Veddhas and Dravidians and there was no race called Sinhalese prior to 2500 years.”
Who established?
There are no archeological or documented evidences to support any of the claims made by Dravidians. That is the reason why Tamils came up with Vaddukkodai Resolution that contains a manufactured history of Sinhale.
SJ / February 6, 2022
“It has been established archaeologically that original inhabitants of the island were Veddhas and Dravidians “
Can you cite source?
Mallaiyuran / February 7, 2022
Truth is an obvious matter. If a blind insists to show him/her Sun, his ability is not capable of verifying the existence of Sun. North was ruled and inhabited by Tamils. Muttu Sivan was converted to Buddhism. Are you telling Ellarlan, who went to Mid but ignored or spared North? Mahavamsa, the concocted book is saying that Gamunu fought with 32 Tamils Chieftain is South to reach Mid. Far south, Kathirkamam existed even before Gemunu. Thondeswaram, and Thivendra Munai at terminal South is saying the rest of the story. Instead sitting here and stupidly and repeatedly asking for every comment “Really, Really, Really, Really, Really” like an autistic child, go have an eye operation done and come back then I show you the Sun. With your imbecility when your self-aggrandizing get mixing, you are making our situation worse than “Caught a Tartar”
Eagle Eye / February 7, 2022
“Mahavamsa, the concocted book”
Are you following the footsteps of racist GG Ponnambalam who delivered a racially charged speech at Nawalapitiya in 1939 ridiculing Mahawansha and denigrating the Sinhala-Buddhist culture, its history and the people.
According to Jane Russel:
“The Ceylon Tamils had no written document on the lines of the Mahavamsa to authenticate their singular and separate historical authority in Sri Lanka, a fact which Ceylon Tamil communalists found very irksome”. (Russel, Jane: Communal Politics under the Donoughmore Constitution, Tisara Prakasakayo, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, 1982. p.131)
You think western scholars are dumb people to translate Mahawanshe to German and English if it is a concocted book.
Use your brain before using the keyboard.
Pandi Kutti / February 7, 2022
Including this here are some other Thamizh kings who ruled Aunrathapuram
Tamil historical figures who ruled the Sinhalese kingdom
Sena and Guttika – Tamil horse merchants who ascended the throne in Anuradhapura, 237-215 BC
Ellalan – ruled Anuradhapura from 205 BC to 161 BC; considered a most impartial and just monarch
Pulahatta – Tamil king, ruled from Anuradhapura 103 -100 BC
Bahiya – Tamil king, ruled from Anuradhapura 100-98 BC
Panya Mara – Tamil king, ruled from Anuradhapura 98-91 BC
Pilaya Mara – Tamil King, ruled from Anuradapura 91-90 BC
Dathiya – Tamil King of Anuradhapura 447-450 AD
Pandu – Tamil king from 436-441 BC
Parindu – son of Pandu, ruled for one year, 441 BC
Khudda Parinda – brother of Pandu, ruled 441-447 BC
Tiritara – 447 BC
Dathiya – 447-450 BC
Pithiya – 450-452
Chempaha Perumal – a Jaffna Tamil who ascended the Sinhala throne as King Bhuvanekabahu VI of Kotte
SJ / February 10, 2022
So many ‘obvious’ things, but little truth in any!
Siva Sankaran Sharma / February 7, 2022
Can you cite a source it is not? Other than for purposes and motives are only known only to trying to constantly belittle and undermine the Tamils, their just struggle, as well as their history. Constant blind support to Sinhalese racists and Islamic opportunists and hardliners. The Sri Lankan Tamils, who have lived continuously from historical times in their traditional territories in the north, east, and north-western regions have their own language and distinct ethnic, religious, artistic, and cultural traditions and uninterrupted history. They are the ancient Tamils of Sri Lanka. They exercised sovereignty in their territories with independent kingdoms that European invaders deprived them of in the sixteenth century. When the British finally departed from Sri Lanka in February 1948, they handed the governance of the country to the Sinhalese ethnic group as they were the numerical majority in the population. It is common knowledge that since Independence, the majority Sinhalese community has continually subjugated the Sri Lankan Tamil minority. They have been subjected to various oppressive measures affecting their ethnicity, language, religion, culture, and economic wellbeing. This has resulted in immense suffering for the Tamils.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / February 7, 2022
Many renowned Sinhalese and Tamil Historians Archaeologists Anthropologists and Linguistic Scholars as well as Indian, American, and British Scholars have engaged in research, on the ancient history of Sri Lanka for more than 30 years, conducting Archaeological excavations.
These excavations were carried out in various parts of Sri Lanka and their findings were published. However, some excavations have been suspended while, in other cases, the findings have not been released. In particular, there are many instances where excavations in the northern regions of Sri Lanka were suspended and the findings withheld. However, unbiased and honest historians have openly published the findings of their studies on this subject.
SJ / February 10, 2022
Just cite one credible scholar
Eagle Eye / February 7, 2022
Siva Sankaran Sharma
“When the British finally departed from Sri Lanka in February 1948, they handed the governance of the country to the Sinhalese ethnic group as they were the numerical majority in the population.”
Indigenous Sinhalayo ceded Sinhale, the Land of Sinhalayo and Veddo Eththo to British when they signed the Kandyan Convention in 1815 with British. British took Sinhale from indigenous Sinhalayo and returned the country to Sinhalayo in 1948 not because Sinhalayo were the majority but because they are the rightful owners of this island and that was the right thing to do.
Jit / February 7, 2022
“………inscriptions are in Tamil Brahmi….”
Gnana, there were never any ‘Tamil Brahmi’. ALL Brahmins descended either from Hindus or Jains.
Tamils have a long history – about 5000+ but they NEVER were part of Bahmins. Tamils originated in Dravidian Tamilnadu, and they NEVER treaded on to the northern parts of India where Brahmins dominated.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / February 8, 2022
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Siva Sankaran Sharma / February 8, 2022
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Pandi Kutti / February 8, 2022
What! Thamizh Brahmi also known as Tamili or Damili is an ancient form of Thamizh writing that started around 3BCE is a variant of the Brahmi script that was used to write old Thamizh found in modern-day Thamizh Nadu, Kerala , Andhra, and Sri Lanka, and had nothing to do with Brahmins . The Vatteluthu and modern Thamizh script originated from this. Most believe it originated from the Mauryan court in north India that came to the south and developed from this. Others say it developed from an indigenous proto Vattelutu script from which the northern ( Brahmi) and southern Brahmi( Damili.Tamili or Thamizh Brahmi ) scripts evolved.
Jit / February 9, 2022
Pandi, extremely sorry I misunderstood the term Brahmi to Brahmin. Since then I researched and found it is a method of scripts or writing ways. And they are beautiful scripts! I found some characters are closer to English letters. So is Tamil Brahmi has any connection to Latin via Aryan migration or any other form of evolution?
SJ / February 10, 2022
Do not feel bad, as most comments here are not based on knowledge.
Sunil Abeyratne / February 7, 2022
As previously noted, my knowledge of the origin of the Sinhalese or the Tamils is very limited. I question the relevance of such a discussion to the future of Sri Lanka.
Statistics indicate that Sinhalese, particularly from rural areas were grossly underrepresented in the professions, universities and the corridors of power. I would argue that 1956 was a critical element in the removal of the disadvantaged position of the rural Sinhalese. Undoubtedly, the Tamils lost the dominance they previously enjoyed as a consequence. It is considered unbecoming or rude to say so, partly because it offends Tamils and partly because the messenger is branded a racist.
Wonder if persistent lobbying and campaigning for a separate state would help the Tamil population in anyway apart from further alienating the communities.
There has been a victory in Toronto. How would the Sinhalese who are driven by the fear of the proximity of Tamil Nadu perceive such a victory?
Do you consider a disproportionately large geographic area exclusively for the Tamil community constitutes a reasonable proposition?
Would you consider that Sinhalese would allow it to happen unless a foreign power forcibly imposes it on Sri Lanka?
old codger / February 7, 2022
“Sinhalese, particularly from rural areas were grossly underrepresented in the professions, universities and the corridors of power.”
I am a great believer in equal opportunity and merit basis for appointments. It is a fact that communities differ in their abilities due to cultural differences. If an unbiased selection process throws up , say, more Tamil doctors, so what? Aren’t they Sri Lankans? If we can have foreign residents in senior government positions, why not Tamil doctors or engineers? Isn’t it a fact that everything worked better in this country before 1956 and the “restorative justice” for the Sinhalese?
Separatism didn’t grow out of nothing. Sinhala leaders must make this clear to their people, instead of opportunistically trading on Sinhala gripes to grab power.
Sunil Abeyratne / February 8, 2022
Thank you for your observations.
You say:
I am a great believer in equal opportunity and merit basis for appointments.
I entirely agree with your position. Merit should take precedence over any other consideration, otherwise humanity will stagnate!
It is a fact that communities differ in their abilities due to cultural differences.
My understanding is that innate ‘Ability’ does not depend on cultural differences. It is something people are born with.
The achievements of individuals depend on many factors. A critical factor is the availability of opportunities, which include good schools with competent teachers and the socio-economic background. Cultural differences include motivation levels, which are based on what each culture subscribes to. Some children are fortunate to have a rich background – educated parents ensure their children have a head start.
Sunil Abeyratne / February 8, 2022
You say:
If an unbiased selection process throws up, say, more Tamil doctors, so what? Aren’t they Sri Lankans? If we can have foreign residents in senior government positions, why not Tamil doctors or engineers?
I entirely agree with you.
There is no link between 1956 and University Admissions being soiled by standardisation. 1956 was the empowerment of the Sinhalese to the point where ordinary people felt it was their government. I have heard (no evidence) that people thought that they could travel free on public transport.
A cynic would argue that Sinhala only was SWRD’s ploy to win the elections and he never anticipated the how Sinhalese would perceive it. Such a consideration is irrelevant as we deal with the chronology of the events.
1962 coup d’état, which was led by a section of the Sinhalese, was the reaction to 1956, essentially to preserve the privileges enjoyed by the elite.
Sunil Abeyratne / February 8, 2022
You say:
Isn’t it a fact that everything worked better in this country before 1956 and the “restorative justice” for the Sinhalese?
This is where I disagree with you.
Everything worked better for the privileged but not the ordinary people (includes both Sinhalese and Tamils).
Tamils were affected by the ‘Sinhala only’ element and hence Tamils are reasonable to perceive 1956 as a disaster.
1956 was not “restorative justice” for the Sinhalese but a natural development where the majority of the people were empowered to pursue their aspirations unhindered. Where Sri Lanka failed in 1956 was not incorporating the aspirations of the Tamils as well.
You say:
Separatism didn’t grow out of nothing. Sinhala leaders must make this clear to their people, instead of opportunistically trading on Sinhala gripes to grab power.
I entirely agree with you.
My comments are limited by the number of words but each of the statements I made could be elaborated upon and justified where necessary.
It is easy to misinterpret what is said because not all readers have the same background or experiences and perceive history based on their existing views. This comment applies to me as well.
old codger / February 8, 2022
Thanks. We must also remember that not only the Tamils, but the Burghers were greatly affected. This tiny community had intellectuals and administrators far out of proportion to its numbers. When the country lost them, it was like losing the yeast in the bread. Our independence was a result of the British exit from India. The Indians wisely didn’t engage in such divisive policies, and look where they are now. I think our zeal to make everyone “equal” is part of the problem. You can’t do that if everyone doesn’t work equally hard.
SJ / February 8, 2022
You make sense, but for:
“The Indians wisely didn’t engage in such divisive policies, and look where they are now.”
What is Hindutva? The wisdom stopped with Nehru who had some egalitarian thinking.
Caste still burns people alive and religion makes Muslims the most deprived.
“I think our zeal to make everyone “equal” is part of the problem. “
None but the left had such zeal.
The imbalance could have been restored through opportunity for the deprivied. (Interestingly India had a policy of ‘reservations’.)
Had Tami leaders been sensible, Tamils would have competed well against the Sinhalese by being trilingual.
Advantages that Burghers and Tamils had were not from favouritism or cheating.
Long ago Burghers mostly drove railway engines (no fun job, but better than tea-plucking or rubber-tapping.
A picture has been painted of British favouring certain groups. They did, but not in the ways we are told by some.
SJ / February 8, 2022
Being a Christian helped: SWRDB, JRJ and many other ‘national heroes’ were Christians. Not being a Catholic thouh.
The wealth profile on the 1940s will tell us more than government employment profile.
If we have chosen to follow wrong clues we will always be fooled .
old codger / February 10, 2022
“Long ago Burghers mostly drove railway engines”
Yes, even they were mostly poor, as Carl Muller’s books reveal, but there were many educated ones like Spittel, Brohier, Wendt, Lorenz, Kueneman, Gratiaen….
Many more than one would expect. Perhaps from self-perpetuating rich families. But they were an asset to society.
Native Vedda / February 7, 2022
Punchi Point
Punchi Brain
“The only permanent and fair solution to this problem is that Tamils are given their right to go back to their homeland in Tamilnadu. “
Brilliant idea.
However they should be sent back on one condition, that when they went they would take their Sinhala speaking brethren, the descendant of converted kallathonie south Indian with them.
Eagle Eye / February 6, 2022
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soma / February 6, 2022
The second minority with totally alien ethical make up and living as parasites are a group of zombies brainwashed and mesmerised by their religion. Again infinitely disproportionate numbers and money in comparison to the majority. Intent on setting up a Caliphate they transformed themselves in appearance within a matter of three decades and set up a branch of their beheading bridgade in Sri Lanka.
They demonstrated their prowess in one go making the acts of the other competitor previously mentioned look like child’s play and taught us the true definition of ‘terrorism’ by targeting a totally unconnected minority practicing a religion that also worship a brother superpower .
Such is the predicament of a ‘majority’ who are a small species confined to this island in the Indian Ocean struggling against all odds to delay their eventual extinction..
Punchi Point / February 7, 2022
Yes Soma. Its as if any goddamn lot of people can come here like the socalled north-east Tamils or be brought here like the plantation Tamils and Sinhalese should give way to their assumed rights to establish states and what not. The Tamil claims to statehood here simply cannot be realized for the obvious reason that they can very well be achieved in Tamilnadu without any upheaval or infringements of rights or territorial integrity or sovereignty of other people, which is what is embodied in international law, including the Principles of self-determination. Also the international community is not interested in facilitating establishment of new states, which will create international conflicts, once international borders are made. In the case of Tamils and Sinhalese in this tiny island, border and resource conflicts and fierce wars will be unavoidable.
Punchi Point / February 7, 2022
Whatever the Tamils and their lackeys say, and however many sob stories and made up baseless allegations they make against the Sinhalese, according to international law, these Tamils simply do not have the right to self-determination, as they do not fulfil a single requirement given in the principles of self-determination, neither does the territory they are demanding – namely the north and east of this small island, which is an integral part of the rest of the island without any natural barriers separating that area and that area is also an integral part of Sinhalese nation’s economy, culture and Sinhalese national history. The first requirement in self-determination is that they have to be a separate well defined nation, which they are not, as they are not sufficiently differentiated from Tamils in Tamilnadu, with their own language, culture and history. As for the Muslims – well, that’s another joke. The claims made by these different immigrant minority groups in this small island is totally unjust to the indigenous Sinhalese people and dangerous and detrimental to local, regional and international peace. Separate states for the Tamils and Muslims in this small island will undoubtedly end in never ending war and bloodshed.
old codger / February 7, 2022
“Its as if any goddamn lot of people can come here like the socalled north-east Tamils or be brought here like the plantation Tamils and Sinhalese”
That’s soo very interesting, coming from someone whose name is Waduge. How very curious, madam.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / February 8, 2022
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Siva Sankaran Sharma / February 8, 2022
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Siva Sankaran Sharma / February 8, 2022
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SJ / February 8, 2022
A hat trick for SSS!
Pandi Kutti / February 8, 2022
OC, Vadugu ( Telugu) is a beautiful language and is called the Italian of the east as like Italian most Telugu words end in a vowel. This is the reason most western operas were composed in Italian and for the same reason, most Carnatic music is composed in Telugu ( Vadugu) even by non-Telugus like Thamizh. I hope Vaduge appreciates this beauty of the ancestral language.
SJ / February 9, 2022
“most Carnatic music is composed in Telugu ( Vadugu) even by non-Telugus like Thamizh”
Can PK list a few prominent Tamils who composed mainly in Telugu?
Dikshitar composed mostly in Sanskrit. Was it because Sanskrit was more musical than his mother tongue?
The rise of late Karnatic music had to do with the arrival of musicians from Andhra in large numbers three centuries ago. Settling in Tanajavur (Tanjore) and royal patronage helped.
Some accuse that composing in Tamil was kept down by the rulers who were not Tamils and by anti-Tamil Brahmins. (A bit of an over-statement I will say, but concede that Tamil compositions revived only much later and proved successful, but an up-hill task tough.)
There are cultural and historical factors besides linguistic features for the preference of a language.
As for Vadugu referring to Telugu:
Tamils use that word to refer to Telugus among other things
But do the Telugus use it to describe themselves?
Does not Vadu (Wadu) mean carpentry: Wadu-baasunne?
Will not a ge-name deriving from Vaduga be Wadugalage or Wadugage?
old codger / February 10, 2022
“Does not Vadu (Wadu) mean carpentry: Wadu-baasunne?”
You’re right. Waduge is a Karawe family name like Liyanage (scribe) .
You know where the Karawes came from.
Native Vedda / February 7, 2022
“Such is the predicament of a ‘majority’ who are a small species confined to this island in the Indian Ocean struggling against all odds to delay their eventual extinction..”
The Sinhala/Buddhists are going to extinct anyway.
The phrase survival of the fitter applies only to the ones which learn to adapt and change. Don’t think just because you believe you are in the majority therefore you are strong and would last longer.
At the time of the extinction Dinosaurs were the strongest living animal. The entire Dinosaurs family gone. However Rodent has survived more than 150 million years. Rats learned to adapt and change.
You must let your peers know that flexing mussels don’t always work, especially Kamala, Chagie, Wimal, Shavendra, Thinesh, Udaya, Elle, Mahanayake, ………
Grow up.
soma / February 8, 2022
Your comparison of Tamils to rodents is not quite politically correct.
Native Vedda / February 9, 2022
“Your comparison of Tamils to rodents is not quite politically correct.”
As usual you are missing the point.
Whether you are Tamil Dumbass or Sinhala Dumbass if you don’t adapt and change your chances of existence guaranteed for certain decades or centuries, not millennia.
Grow up.
Captain Morgan / February 6, 2022
Lord Tariq Ahamed sounds as incongruous as Mullah John Sebastian. For important posts like this they must appoint women like Navaneetham Pillay, Yasmin Sooka or Michele Bachelet. The trouble with men is that they don’t have balls!
SJ / February 9, 2022
CM, The trouble with men is that they don’t have balls! (which the women do?)
Captain Morgan / February 10, 2022
SJ: Don’t take it literally. By balls I meant guts.
Sarcasm is lost on half the commenters.
Mallaiyuran / February 10, 2022
“(which the women do?)”
Didn’t you study science in UK. Then what were you doing until they deported you from there. Well leave it that there.When did your Google stopped working.
A woman without ovaries is equivalent to a man without testis.
(Did you mean the Seeni bollaies you have your hand on? Then this answer is not for you, sorry.)
Rajash / February 7, 2022
Lord Ahmed of Wimbledon is a disappointment – I am not sure why Tamils are rallying around him
SJ / February 9, 2022
“Lord Ahmed of Wimbledon is a disappointment”
Can you kindly say what he has done to disappoint you? (He did not abuse children as someone claimed here though.)
The appeal is in consideration of the position he holds (Minister of State for South and Central Asia, United Nations and the Commonwealth).
What he can achieve is another matter.
But Tamil politicians need people to petition to– to distract the voters.
Eagle Eye / February 7, 2022
“The entire history of the east is Tamil and Tamils are still the largest community in the east and hold most of the land,…”
The rubbish you write shows that you have no idea where the Sinhala Kingdoms Anuradhapura (377 BC to 1017 AD) and Polonnaruwa (1056 AD–1232 AD) that were destroyed by Dravida invaders from Hindusthan existed and who were the inhabitants in those Kingdoms?
It is good if you devote some time to study the history of Sinhale before you write these rubbish.
Native Vedda / February 7, 2022
Eagle Blind Eye
Could you cite earliest inscription which confirms Sinhala/Buddhists were the early settlers (Kallathonie) of this island.
Punchi Point / February 8, 2022
I see the usual propaganda by the Tamils about non-existent genetic studies and bogus archaeological finds etc etc and the usual Mahavamsa bashing and tongue twisting Tamilizations of Sinhalese names, but none of it is going to get you Tamils a separate state or a history here. These bogus fabricated stories and the nonsense theories just goes to prove that you Tamils simply do not have a history here. All your history is in Tamilnadu and so is your Tamil state. Your claims to a separate in this small island has no historical basis and these claims and the rights you claim here infringe on the indigenous Sinhalese people’s irrevocable right to self-determination throughout the island. Tamils have done enough damage here and a separate state in 40% of the land area including 80% of the coastal line for an immigrant community like the Tamils is totally unfair and practically not possible to realize without continuous conflicts and endless wars. Also the problems of the assumed self-determination rights of the Muslims and the very recently settled Plantation Tamils will still not be solved even with a separate Tamil state for the so-called Ceylon Tamils.
Punchi Point / February 8, 2022
Tamils should understand that the Sinhalese have a right to live peacefully in their island without the constant harassment and attacks by the Tamils. Judging by the never ending anti-Sinhalese propaganda and the baseless accusations Tamils have been propagating its reasonable to assume that no amount of devolution or even a separate state will bring peace to this island. Although the Tamils think only they and their rights matter, any solution should not infringe on the rights of the Sinhalese and should be a liveable solution to the Sinhalese too, and should bring lasting peace. My humble opinion is that, judging by how this conflict has developed the best solution that will bring lasting peace is that all Tamils, get their right to return to Tamilnadu, where they have self-determination for the Tamils already. Since we cannot handle this without international laws, this conflict should be taken up in the UN and referred to the ICJ to find a solution. In that hearing, you Tamils can present your case with your bogus history and claims and see whether it is you immigrant Tamils with all your history in Tamilnadu or the indigenous Sinhalese who have the stronger case.
Pandi Kutti / February 8, 2022
We also hope you return to ancestral Vadugu land and listen to this beautiful Carnatic composition in ancestral Vadugu and the beautiful Kuchipudi dance from ancestral Vadugu land
old codger / February 8, 2022
“My humble opinion is that, judging by how this conflict has developed the best solution that will bring lasting peace is that all Tamils, get their right to return to Tamilnadu,”
But who will grow your tea? Who will run your garment factories? Who will produce 60% of your exports?
Will you import everything from Tamil-nadu? But will that good Portuguese Sinhalaya Cabral be able to print so many dollars? Why do you want to make Tamil-nadu even richer than it is?
SJ / February 9, 2022
Can I share my sneaking suspicion that he is a secret agent of Tamil mudalalies of India.
KA / February 8, 2022
Are sori Sinhalam and the coconut British, supposedly Lord Ahmed, still practising their oldest professional dealings of offering and accepting wealth, men, women and children?
KA / February 8, 2022
This is not some thing new. Blue eyed gay (may well be bisexual like his grandfather foxy Nehru) boy Rajiv’s mate Bandari & Sori Sinhalam did the same. Perhaps gay boy himself received what he could not in Hindia from Sinhalam (this is a still a suspicion).
Shava Shankar Menon and Namboothiris & Nairs, the Italian bitch etc. supposedly received Chinese money via Sori Sinhalam, and there may be more Hindis, people like Ram might have received as well.
I suspect International Crooks Group (ICG) were / are also influenced by Sori Sinhalam’s special wheeler dealer maneuverers of offering and accepting wealth, men, women and children. It may not be the local stooges of International Crooks Group.
SJ / February 9, 2022
Is KA by some chance related to the bigoted trio?
KA / February 9, 2022
I am not part of any trio.
By the way, what has led you to raise this question?
SJ / February 10, 2022
You say things very much in their style.
Humble Sri Lankan / February 9, 2022
It is extremely sad to read the adverse comments by the contributors and some against each other. We should be able to express our opinions but these must not include personal slander. I am sure most of you are intelligent and better people and we should strive to live as a community together irrespective of your religion and beliefs. Hatred does not have a place in this world. Our history goes back a long time. For example the Muslims were in the country even before the western colonial powers came to our sacred island. The Tamils too ruled some parts of the kingdom and interacted with the Sinhala Buddhist Kings. I would suggest you read, “Muslims of Sri Lanka” by Vasundhara Mohan (published1985) which summarises the historic past of Sri Lanka. Thank you