20 September, 2024


Tamil Politics Sinking In A History Of Tamil Lies – Reply To C. V. Wigneswaran

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

Faced with the monumental achievements of the Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation the Tamils have been struggling constantly to pose as if they were the Gullivers who were the founding architects of the nation, from “the dawn of  history”,  and the rest were all second-class Lilliputians. However, in the twentieth century, as decolonisation unleashed the suppressed grass root forces, the Tamils of Sri Lanka were in for a rude shock. They were unnerved and shaken by the consciousness of their scanty history. Their arrogant response was to make a mountain out of their mole hill in the north, partly to claim that they are superior to the other Tamil-speaking people and partly to downgrade the classical heritage of the Sinhala-Buddhists. The inadequacies of their patchy history – unlike the unbroken line of Sinhala-Buddhist history from the pre-Christian era – have forced them to revise and rewrite their history to make them look good in their own eyes and that of the world.

Overwhelmed by the dynamic and the dominant forces of history rising to regain its lost heritage in the  post-colonial age the Tamils have reacted aggressively to claim huge chunks of history and territory – a reactionary move that  has retarded the growth of all communities. Besides, the intransigent and self-destructive politics of the Tamils have boomeranged on them.  Their arrogant political ideology led them to the most humiliating defeat in the  battlefield. Their only consolation has been to blame everything on the Sinhala-Buddhists, even their catastrophic end in Nandikadal.

 Unable to face the challenges of the new post-colonial world they took to fear-mongering as the last resort. It is their fears that have driven them to demonise the majority as their perennial enemy. The Tamil leadership has survived in the competitive democratic electorates by creating the Sinhala-Buddhist bogey. The mytho-maniacs of the north cannot survive in the political arena without this bogeyman. Not having a greatness of their own the Tamil ideologues have been on the defensive quite aggressively, often claiming to be as great as the Sinhala-Buddhists, or even superior. Not having a grand history equivalent to that of  the  epic Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation, they fill it with arrogant and ignorant claims that have exacerbated inter-ethnic harmony and peaceful co-existence in the post-independent age.

Consequently, one of the main industries of the Tamil ideologues has been to manufacture a history that has (a) not happened in recorded time, or (b) substantiated by the available evidence of the known past. They are desperately in search of a history that could justify, incontrovertibly, their modern political agenda for a separate state. Without a history comparable to that of the Sinhala-Buddhists their claim for a separate state would be watery. Just nothing more than pachcha thanni!

They are also aware that history plays a decisive role in shaping the politics that bedevils our lives. Prof. K. Indrapala, the controversial Tamil historian, highlights this aspect when he wrote: “History has been enlisted and mobilised to fight the issues of our day. Some academic historians have become willing recruits for this battle”. (p. ix – The Evolution of an Ethnic Identity, The Tamils in Sri Lanka, C.300 BCE to C. 1200 CE.)

So history has become an indispensible factor for the Tamils to pursue their separatist political goal. History has become an incurable obsession with the Tamils. Absence of a glorious history makes their heart yearn for a history that would validate their delusional past. The best they have produced so far to justify their elusive political demands is the Vadukoddai Resolution of 1976. It contains the essence of the politicised history of the Jaffna Tamils.

Part of the crisis faced by Jaffna intellectuals has been the absence of an authoritative history to guide their thinking rationally and objectively. They’ve had bits and pieces picked from here and there but never a comprehensive history measuring up to objective academic standards until the late 20th century. It was “a serious gap in the known history”, wrote the most controversial Tamil historian Karthigesu Indrapala. In fact, he was sent to the London University in 1962 to fill this gap. (Ibid.)

His doctoral thesis confirmed that the Tamil settlements began in the 12th and 13th centuries. The Tamils who believed that they had a kingdom from “the dawn of history” (Vadukoddai Resolution) were floored by this scholarly research written by a Tamil historian.  To this day the Tamil prefer to believe in the politicised history of the Vadukoddai Resolution which has become the Bible of the Tamil activists. They refuse to accept that it is the best fiction ever written by the Tamils of Jaffna to glorify a past filed with the first recorded ethnic cleansing, first mass massacre of the Tamils by the Tamils, Tamil casteist fascism, subhuman oppression of the Tamils by the Tamils, persecution and denial of the basic human rights of Tamils to even walk in God-given sunlight, or drink a sip of water from the Vellalar wells.

Tamil obsession with their concocted history is expressed clearly in the opening line of the Vadukoddai Resolution. It says: “Whereas, throughout the centuries, from the dawn of history, the Sinhalese and Tamil nations have divided between themselves the possession of Ceylon……..”  This gambit sums up the Tamil version of history written to justify their current political agenda of demanding a separate state. Their argument is that they had a separate state from “the dawn of history” and, therefore, they are entitled to another one now. It is this narrative that is used to justify the divisive politics propagated by Tamil ideologues. Their cries for “fifty-fifty”, federalism, and Eelam are derived from this assumption which is based on a narrow, self-serving history that dismisses the larger dimensions of an overarching history.

They have been digging every nook and corner to discover evidence of their antiquity to prove that there was a separate “Tamil nation” from the “dawn of history”. First, this lie can be exposed with a simple statistic. History records that there were 181 kings from the Anuradhapura period (BC) to the Kandyan kingdom. This included Tamil kings who were the rulers of the Sinhala kingdoms and not that of Tamils for they had none. But if the “Tamil nation” existed from the “dawn of history” shouldn’t’ they too have over 150 kings, at least? The best of available history of the Tamils, Yalpana Vaipava Malai, records only 20 odd kings. So in what earthly kingdom were the Tamil kings ruling from “the dawn of history”?

Second, the irony is that though the Tamils boast of an ancient history comparable to that of the Sinhalese they did not even have a valid history book written in their name, says historian Dr. Murugar Gunasingham, in his doctoral theses presented to the Sydney University.  He claims that his book, Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism, A Study of its Origins,(1999), is the first of its kind to document authoritatively the history of Jaffna. In contrast, the voluminous tomes of Sri Lankan history explain with its physical depth alone the length of the Sinhala-Buddhist kingdoms, civilisation and culture.  Compare this to the size of Yalpana Vaipava Malai. Without the notes of the C. Brito, who translated and edited it in 1879, it runs into only 59 quarto pages. Can the Tamil kingdoms that were there from “the dawn of time” be reduced to 59 pages? And that too was written not out of a deep sense of history like Mahanama who wrote the Mahavamsa or Dhammakitti who wrote the Chulavamsa. It was written because the Dutch Governor, Jan Maccara, commissioned Mayilvakanam to do the job for his official guidance and use. The authors of Mahavamsa and Chulavamsa wrote their epic poems because they were moved instinctively by a deep sense of history driving them to fulfil their social and spiritual mission. They did not write their texts to please foreign masters, or because foreign masters gave them orders to do so. But Tamil historians from Mayilvakanam  to Mudliyar Rasanayagam wrote their histories to please the colonial governors.

Tamils, by and large, depend on scraps of archaeology to prove their antiquity. No one can deny their presence in Sri Lanka soil from the dim distant past. In fact, the Mahavamsa mentions the Tamils as bit players more than the Sinhalese. It even mentions the role of Tamils gigolos in Queen Anula’s court.  Like them there were many migrants who visited the shores of Sri Lanka. The core issue, however, is whether they had a history comparable to that of the Sinhalese. A potsherd here and a skeleton elsewhere do not add up to a glorious history. Lacking in a history comparable to that of the Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation, they have been frustrated by their failure to fill the gaping empty spaces in their past. Unable to find a history that can match that of the Sinhala-Buddhists they have resorted to (1) either denigrate and downgrade the Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation that dominate Sri Lankan history , or (2) fill the blank spaces with distortions, misrepresentations, misinterpretations or brazen lies. C. V. Wigneswaran’s article (Colombo Telegraph – 25/12/2019) is a typical example of both tactics. He is a committed Tamil ideologue struggling, with mental gymnastics, to fill the empty spaces of Tamil history with distortions, misrepresentations, misinterpretations and sometimes with even blatant lies.

Since the charge of lying in public is a serious one let me begin with it. Here is a verbatim quote from his article: “Professor Indrapala wrote his thesis for his Doctorate in the 1960s. They would not give him his Doctorate at the Ceylon University if he told the truth of the existence of Tamils prior to Chola occupation. So he said real cogent evidence of permanent settlements of Tamils was found only during the Chola occupation.”

In this statement CVW avers that Indrapala would not have got his doctorate from the Ceylon University “if he told the truth of the existence of Tamils prior to Chola occupation”. (Parenthetically, it must be stated that Indrapala in his doctoral thesis states that Tamil settlements began around the 12th and 13th centuries, blasting the Tamil beliefs that their history began from the dawn of time). CVW is quite emphatic in saying that Indrapala couldn’t have written the truth about the Tamil origins dating back to “the dawn  of history” because telling the truth would not have enabled him to get his doctorate from the Ceylon University.

In other words, CVW is accusing Indrapala of sacrificing the truth to get his doctorate from the Ceylon University. CVW is, perhaps unwittingly, branding Indrapala as a liar with no integrity. In the process he is also questioning the capacity of Indrapala to tell the truth. If Indrapala could lie, according to CVW, what trust can one place in Tamil historians to tell the truth? If his doctoral thesis was a lie how can one trust his subsequent thesis, The Evolution of an Ethnic Identity, The Tamils in Sri Lanka, C.300 BCE to C. 1200 CE.) written to recant his doctoral thesis? Isn’t CVW also saying that in 1962 there was an anti-Tamil professoriat at the Ceylon University that would accept only lies? Is this true?

It is quite obvious that the Tamils are utterly confused about their undiscoverable history that exists only in their imagination. In the absence of hard evidence they fill their imagined history with lies like CVW. He lies about the Mahavamasa. He lies about the Yalpana Vaipava Malai.  Even on the verifiable issue of Indrapala he lies through his teeth. Indrapala should know best of how he came to write his thesis that shattered the myths of the Tamils. He tells an entirely different story of how, when and where he got his doctorate based on the historical evidence available to him at the time.

He says: “……..(I)n 1962, when as junior as a junior member of teaching staff of the university at Peradeniya (then known as the University of Ceylon), I was planning my post-graduate research, the late Prof. W. J. F. LaBrooy, my revered teacher and, that time, Head of the Department of History at the university, advised me to research into the early history of the Tamils of Sri Lanka for my doctoral dissertation…….In October 1963, I enrolled as a postgraduate student at the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London and commenced my research on the ancient settlements of the Dravidian-speakers (please note, not Tamil-speakers) in Sri Lanka. I was fortunate to engage in this research in a department headed by Prof. Bernard Lewis (still a leading specialist in Middle Eastern history), under the overall supervision of the late Prof. A. L. Basham (then the foremost British historian of ancient India) and the  guidance of Dr. Johannes de Casparis (then Reader in History at SOAS and later Professor at the University of Leiden), whose profound knowledge of South and Southeast Asian history as well as expertise in Indian and Indonesian epigraphy became invaluable for my training, My thesis was completed in October 1965.” (p.vii – Ibid).

Indrapala who should know better than anyone else about the origin of his thesis says that he wrote and presented it to the London University. CVW says that Indrapala presented it to the racist Ceylon University and that’s why the Tamil researcher could not tell the truth. Indrapala contradicts even the racist attack on the Ceylon University because he speaks fondly and reverentially of his fellow-academics at the Ceylon University. So which of the two stories would the reader believe: the facts as narrated by Indrapala or lies concocted by CVW? More than the lie of CVW it is his incorrigible anti-Sinhala-Buddhist hatred that comes out in distorting simple basic facts of the known history and that of historians that is unpardonable. It reveals the calibre of Tamil intellectuals whose penchant for believing in their own lies far exceeds their capacity to believe in basic facts. It is disgraceful that a Tamil judge should resort to this kind of venomous hatred to prove the fictitious fantasies of their corrosive and divisive politics.

*To be continued…

Latest comments

  • 25

    HLD Pala

    I thought this man has already gone to glory to be with his maker. Sadly, See what dotage does to peoples’ thinking ability. Bless his cotton socks in his twilight years. Ane, Pow. It is the old age let him enjoy, Let him say whatever he wants to say for one last time. I would have thought with his verbal diarrhea it would have been enough said for him.

    • 7

      What about CV Waran he is old too

    • 7


      Are you talking from the hell after you were sent there from Mulliwaikal.

    • 6

      HLD Mahindapala,

      Yes, this is a Para-Dispure between Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils, to assert their hegemony over each other, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. Perhaps, they should have stayed in their homeland, Southern and Eastern India.

      Now get some blood or cheek DNA samples and analyze the mt-DNA and figure out which part of India they came from, and make a request to the Indian Prime Minister Modi, to make the necessary arrangements for homecoming.

      • 11

        Muck in the parlour, of Malay/Kerala mix has come out with some crap. In this modern world people will accept only things that have been proved scientifically and not such cock and bull stories being told. So far archaeologically and genetically it has been shown that there were only two sets of people who inhabited the land in pre-historic times viz Veddahs first and Dravidians later. This rubbishes the concept of four races of Siv-Hela. In the last century archaeologists like Paranavitarana tried their best to prove that Sinhalese are Aryans and miserably failed. Unfortunately science had not advanced during their time and they escaped being ridiculed. Now another set of idiots like Somadeva have cropped up trying to link Sinhalese with so called Balangoda man. To prove that you must match the DNA of the excavated skeletal remains with living Sinhalese. They will be laughing stock in international forums because it has been proved that Balangoda man is genetically connected to Veddahs, and have no resemblance to any other inhabitants. Legend Ramayana correctly depicted Ravana as a Dravidian Saivite and currently BJP has correctly designated Sri Lanka as Hindu land where Buddhists have become majority.

    • 6

      This article must have really hurt your feelings

      • 3


        “This article must have really hurt your feelings”

        If you thought so, many in this forum would not have commented on his typing. Please go away go impress your wife/girlfriend/partner if you have one.

        • 2


          Listen and learn.

          Professor S Pathmanathan on historiography

    • 6

      If he wants, I can ask LTTE supporters to fast track him to Nibbana. That is the best way for him to end this Sansara, a cycle he led full of falsehoods and hatred.

      • 3

        Ah….showing usual tiger strips arent you ,…….if someone says something you cannot digest he should be killed…LTTE supporters also share the same fascist tendency like their prabhakaran

        What does it mean when no sinhaleae asked for Wiggle’s death, there are Tamils threatening Mahindapala with deatg……

    • 8

      Mahinda pala is known as the ULTRA RACIST his early80ties NOW: He the kind of SINHALA racists are not the majority, but his energies are beyond all levels. This bugger would open his lips, what comes out is more than poisonous to both sinhala peace lovers and minority folks.
      Good thing is, the kind of men would not live longer, now him being in his 80ties, days are numbered him to abuse his mouth and pen further.
      Other good thing is, if this bugger lived in SL, he would have been DISMEMBERED by the very same society, long ago. Not prabakaran or Wijeweera, but this kind of real BORN racial terrorists should be DESTROYED on the spot.

      • 3

        I can see how much Tamils are fear for pen & when expose truth.

        • 5


          Do you have anything serious to say in this forum apart from self degrading yourself?

          • 2

            Tamils behave as they have seen a ghost.

            • 5


              Actually HLD M does not look normal or behave like one.

              • 2


                Do you think CVW is normal? Nice photo of him dressed like poosari.

        • 0

          And what about sinhalese ? Latha G ?
          Do you still think that WE THE SINHALAYA SHOULD BE KEPT ABOVE AS ALWAYS ?
          That we can do only within rascals and uneducated dominated srilanka right ?

          This ballige putha ultra RACISTS not much time having for life, still to spread hatreds is good thing ?
          He does not know how to address our tamil people. We though know that not we but NATIVE veddas were the real indigenous of the island nation.

          And just not respecting truths but to stay walking on circles regarding these issues, can only worsen the wounds.

          I truly beleive our sinhala mind set should be changed drastically. We should better KEEP MAHINDA Jjarapakshe away from LANKEN POLITICS.

          He should be KEPT WHERE HE REALLY belong to if we at all need to see it better.
          Gotabaya and his politics are not yet clear, but I dont have much hopes about him either since HIS BUNCH of thugs appointed for his cabinet are same wine in new bottles. There drug traffickers are also there. I thought Gotabaya would not tolerate NIMAL LANZA ballige putha who destroyed the youth in NEGAMBO.

    • 4

      Mahindapala “Faced with the monumental achievements of the Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation ” When did this happen.You speak like this because the histgory books were rewritten after bandaranayake came to power. This is natiopn that imported the Kings drom India.

  • 7

    Stop distorting even Indrapala’s words. In his 1965 thesis he says the Tamilisation of the North and East started during the Chola period. That is in the 11th century.

    In his recent book Indrapala stresses the importance of language replacement. It is very clear for example that the majority of Jaffna Tamils have some Sinhala ancestry. This is evident in the widespread Sinhala place names. Indrapala alludes to this in his 1965 thesis.

    One of my ancestral villages is Suruvil (maternal side). In the first censuses its population was close to a 1000 people. Everyone in the village knows each other, that is how tight knit it is.

    Its original name must have been Suruwila. For this name to have survived in a Jaffna Tamil village must mean that significant admixture between Tamils and Sinhalese took place from the Chola period onwards.

    • 24

      Dear Author and readers,
      Why you Sri Lankans are not worried about the future of the younger generation and the Country? High time you give up tribalism and look at todays world. History written is found entirely different from the real past. You can read about the recent scientific methods to differentiate the truth from the writings by historians. Beyond all the tribalism put your Country first.

    • 13

      AS THERE were Sinhala SETTLEMENTS IN Jaffna there also were many pre historic Tamil settlements in the south of Srilanka primarily near Tissa, Devinuwara, Mathurai ( now known as Marara) and many more.

      The DNA analysis of the Sinhalese by DR.Gautam Kshatriya shows Sinhalese have 70 % South Indian Tamil DNA contribution,. also it shows 55% Sinhalese contribution in the Srilankan Tamil DNA.

      This is the reason why Vicki is arguing that the Sinhalese and the Srilankan Tamils belong to the same race speaking different languages.

      Most of the people who are attacking vicki here have not come up any serious arguments to the contrary. Name calling and personal abuse is not going to bring people together in Srilanka when there are people like Ampitiya Sumana thero.

      • 4


        All the flora & fauna of the Earth have started from one root( Cell). Both share same 20 proteins in their cells. Can my brother claim my property saying you & I share same common Genes.

        • 7


          I agree with your logic but with the greatest respect for you If you and I are the children of the same parents and you are the older of the two of us ,is it fair for you to take all of our parents property without giving my rightful inheritance to myself ? We don’t hate the Sinhalese for the sake of hating but we are asserting our rights which are as legitimate as yours or better.

          • 5

            Latha read Mahabaratha where Pandavars the rightful owners of the land fought a holy war against Kauravars the usurpers who incidentally were their cousins. This is exactly what is happening in now and should be a lesson for Sinhalese. Pandvars asked for their share only though they were the heirs, but Kauravars refused. Tamils are asking for their share only though as Dravidians are the heirs and Sinhalese are refusing. Pandavars gambled and lost, and similarly Tamils have gambled and lost. Pandavars went into wilderness and similarly Tamils are in disarray. Pandavars got the help of Lord Krishna, recouped them, attacked Kauravars and won. Will that be repeated in the case of Tamils, if so who will take the role of Lord Krishna. Does Modi fits that, we have to wait and see.

            • 1

              what Tamils has to do is to write a Mahabaratha type fiction to satisfy themselves.

              • 4


                How and where would you include the juicy parts of incest, parricide, beastiality, rape, ………..

                Try and listen:
                Professor S Pathmanathan on historiography

            • 1

              Tamils have your own land. Why claim parts of the Sinhalese island?

          • 1


            Fake DNA reports leads us nowhere.

            • 1


              Are You calling DR. Gautam Kashtriya a fake professional ? Do you want me to believe you over him ? Obviously you can’t be serious.

      • 12

        In paragraph 8 of Mahindapala’s article, he refers to instances
        Where he speaks of depriving human rights by Vellala tamils depriving water to other tamils due to race and caste issues. The same issues prevailed in south of Sri Lanka and in other areas where due to caste issues people of lower caste ,were deprived of water by govigama Sinhalese. I know of an instant where during the Sinhala new year festival in April during 1960 s, the dhoby came and gave festival food to the family of Mr. Goonewardene the garden keeper at “ Temple Trees”. What Mr. and Mrs Goonewardene did to dhoby’s food was unthinkable. They threw the entire food in the presence of the dhoby’s son and told him that they do not eat from dhobies. And chased him away. I am a Malay and was living in the next house. I was shocked at this behaviour. This kind of practice still exists not only in Sri Lanka but in most Asian countries. I wonder how Mr. Mahindapala the former head of Lake House managed to survive under former late President Premadasa.

        • 2

          Tom Jones

          Temple Trees where Prime Minister resides? You were in next door looking at the incidence?

    • 8

      Nonsense Indirapala refuted all this in 2005 and openly stated all he previously stated was historically inaccurate. Tamil is far older and Sinhalese vocabulary is basically half Tamils . Many of the Sinhalese place names originate from Tamil and not the other way around, Wila is from Tamil Villu . Gala is from Tamil Kallu, Kualma is from Kulam. Gamma is most probably from Tamil Kammam. Oya is from Tamil Odai or Oyaval. Goda is from Tamil Khoadu. Male is from Tamil Malai. The list goes on. That the native Sri Lankan Tamils and the original Sinhalese share a common DNA of 55% is proof , that both people originated from one common ancient Dravidian people , who would have been speaking a Tamil or semi/proto Tamil Dravidian language. and only diverged after the arrival of Buddhism . It is a well recorded fact that the elite ruling Naga in the island had adopted proper Tamil as their mother tongue 3000 years ago.

      • 7

        COntd: The book . The Evolution of an Ethnic Identity: The Tamils of Sri Lanka C. 300 BCE to C. 1200 CE Paperback – May 13, 2015. By K Indrapala,
        This publication embodies the researches of a life time under taken by professor Indrapala It gives shape to his long held, though often controversial views that the Sinhalese and Tamils of Sri Lanka are descended from common ancestors who lived in the country in prehistoric and protohistoric times and have a shared history going back to over two thousand years. He argues that through a process of language replacement the north Indian Prakrit dialects spread among the vast majority of the people paving the way for the evolution of Sinhalese while Tamil became the dominant language in some parts of the island leading to the emergence of Sri Lankan Tamil. Buddhism, though at first common to both groups later became a religion associated with the Sinhalese. The rule of the Cola dynasty in the 11th century paved the way for the rise of Saivism among the Tamils. In the end Buddhism disappeared completely as a religion of the Sri Lankan Tamils and Saivism assumed dominance among them. The result was that religion in addition to language became a marker of ethnic identity. This research covers the period up to 1200 by which time the process of evolution had more or less stabilized and the chance of one absorbing the other eventually had receded, although assimilation of elements of one group into the other. Sinhalese racists conveniently omit his latest research and findings keep on harping on his old discarded findings of the 1960s. DNA testing , archeological research and everything else has moved on far more but they ignore this as what has been now found out is not suitable and refutes their Mahavamsa fairy tale.

      • 3

        gama is from grama (Skt).
        There are no Tamil “villu” names of places outside Sri Lanka. The source may be even European “Ville”. But there is also “Vilasa” in Skt.
        Deriving “goda” from “khoadu” is ridiculous. Interestingly, kOdu as place name does not exist in Sri Lankan Tamil tradition, but exists at least in one instance in South India. “malai’, “mEdu” and “kunRu” are common. Aven “acalam” from Skt is common.
        There has been healthy borrowing on both sides in this island.
        Subjective extrapolation is silly at best.

        • 5

          SJ the word gama can be derived from the Tamil word Kammam ( place of agriculture meaning a village ) or from the Sanskrit/Prakrit Gramam it is not sure this is why I stated maybe. Vil or Vilu in Eelam Tamil or Vila or Viluwa in Sinhalese means usually a pond , a hole of Chasm . It could be from Billa meaning a hole or reservoir in Sanskrit or from Pil or Pillavu in Tamil again meaning a hole to burst open cleft or crack. The word Villu is also used in Malayalam and Villal is used in Tamil and Malayalam for something hollow . Villuva a Sinhalese word form mostly noticed in the Puttalam district in Sinhalicising Villu-ending Tamil place names.

        • 3

          SJ & SSS

          Gama came from Portugal.
          Vasco da Gama dropped in for a cup of tea.
          Honoured by his visit every villager irrespective of race, religion, region, … named his/her village and farm GAMA or KAMAM after him.

          • 6

            LOL. Good one Vedda. Really! There are many Prakrit origin names in the North and East but this does not mean they are Sinhalese. Sinhalese came into the scene much later a blend of Pali/Prakrit and Tamil, now trying to claim everything as belonging to it. North Indian influence, traders and Buddhism influenced the Eelam Tamils a lot too and you find many Prakrit origin words in the Eelam Tamil dialects which are not found in Indian Tamil dialects. The Eelam or native Sri Lankan Tamils share a 30% DNA with the Bengali or NE Indians, compared to the modern Sinhalese who only shares 25% DNA with the Bengali or NE Indians . Of course this ancestry and influence would have influenced , their speech place names , especially when a good percentage of ancient Eelam Tamils also at one time were Buddhists. Pali/Prakrit would have influenced them and their language too.

      • 3

        Mr. Siva Sankaran Sharma
        Do you know that Australia was originally settled and named after Tamils?
        First settler of Australia was a fat Tamil lady.
        People called her “” Hasthi + Liya”” (Fat lady).
        And eventually name became “” Austhi + Liya””
        And then with time it became “” Australia””
        So Australia actually belongs to Tamils.
        All others came after them.

        • 7

          Recently Sinhalised Thootukudi Paravan ., you are very good example of 50% of the present day Sinhalese population , all recent largely low caste South Indian imports from Tamil Nadu /Kerala . now beating the anti Tamil drum , to hide your recent South Indian origin

    • 10

      HLDM types
      to impress his partner

      “Compare this to the size of Yalpana Vaipava Malai”

      Size does not matter.
      One hope by now one would have learned this universal truth that quality is important than quantity or size.

      There have been billions of things happening outside your imagined little world. Here is one of the important development that you chose to miss or you are not aware of:
      Read and educate yourself:
      Common ancestry of Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils – DNA proof
      “West Eurasian haplogroups among the Sinhalese, Sri Lankan Tamils and Vedda population groups with a longer history in the island suggest early migration of women carrying these haplogroups into the country. Our data led us to conclude that contemporary Sri Lankans share very close maternal ancestors and that ethnicity is created by linguistic, religious and cultural differences rather than by genetic differences.”
      – Prof. Kamani Tennakoon, University of Colombo.

      (This article is authored by the admin of this blog and not by Prof. Kamani Tennakoon whose work amongst other researchers is quoted from.)

      If you have any problem grasping the content of the article please let me know I could ask V. Kanthaiya to send his Donkey to teach you Genetics.

      In case due aging you would have completely forgotten about the caring Donkey here is the link:
      A Personal Thank You Letter To HLD Mahindapala
      By V. Kanthaiya

      • 1

        I like to think that Tamils and Sinhalese share the same DNA. But Sampandan uncle keeps on repeating “Tamils must be recognised as a ‘distinct ethnic entity’ “.


        • 1


          “But Sampandan uncle keeps on repeating “Tamils must be recognised as a ‘distinct ethnic entity’ “

          Its too bad.
          Similarly what made the noisy minority to brag about and stake claims to Sinhala/Buddhism, Sinhala/Buddhists, Sinhala/Buddhist country, Sinha Le, Sinhala Only language policy, Chapter II in the constitution, rights to riot against the minority, land grab, ………………… JHU, ….

          You should start thinking.
          I know it is difficult but doable.

  • 8

    Their arrogant political ideology led them to the most humiliating defeat in the battlefield. Their only consolation has been to blame everything on the Sinhala-Buddhists, even their catastrophic end in Nandikadal.

    Mr. Mahindapala:

    It is not good to say this kind of thing. Tamils and even ex-Supreme court Judge feel sad.
    What they say, we know every thing. But give us also something because we also like to exploit the poor and live flamboyant lives.
    The supporting fact is Sri Lanka is in the Indian Ocean and that helped Tamil politicians get leverage. On the other hand, Tamil Nadu politicians also profit from that.
    It is not good to bad mouth here. Anyway, what I learned from Mr. Wigneswaran’s article is that Aryachakrawarthi is a pure Tamil word. Thelugu is the second most common language in India. Tamils have enriched even Thelugu even though Tamils originated in 1964. [edited out]

    • 7

      Abundantly clear the humiliating defeat in the battlefield has lead Wigneswaran and others to look for solace in a Tamil history of their own making. A glorious past is presented to cover one’s humiliation over defeat. Have they not a vision to guide their youth to acquire education, skills and moral refinement?One would expect a worthwhile contribution from a retired judge rather than attempt to trivialise the Sinhalese civilisation admired world over.

      • 8

        lal loo

        What is abundantly clear is even at this age there are those who are willing to carry HLDM’s clanking b***s.

        “One would expect a worthwhile contribution from a retired judge rather than attempt to trivialise the Sinhalese civilisation admired world over.”

        Why would anyone with an iota of gray matter expect worthwhile contribution from a Sri Lankan retired judge or for that matter from president, prime minister, …. and bigoted racist like you?

        You are born to destroy this land with your arrested development.

      • 2

        Where is the nation ruled by Tamilians?
        None exists!
        If Tamilians had a glorious history, they must have at least one nation under their control. They don’t. All Tamils are ruled over by Hindis, Singhalese and Malays.

        Accept it.

  • 7

    Recently, one Australian Scientist wrote here about Tamil claims and said, Tamils have mistaken every thing. They do not present these things to any expert meetings. Instead, discuss web-blogs.

    By the way, Wigneswaran says, Sumanthiran Boss also talks to them too.

  • 7

    In order to clean the minds of, at least, sinhala children, govt should start teaching old literature to children. After, O/L, some children should be able to study those books even in the university. Then they can be assigned to specic ministries, some can become school children.

    • 3

      It’s STEM education that sri lankans most needed not that old dead languages and it’s literature; scientific temper, computer literacy are what we need most if we are choosing to go forward not backward.

  • 8

    Isn’t CVW also saying that in 1962 there was an anti-Tamil professoriat at the Ceylon University that would accept only lies? Is this true?
    We can come back to the Malaysian Hybrid’s somersault on Dr. Indrapala story. First let us recognize what the Malaysian is telling here. He is saying that if CV had told that anti-Tamil professoriate exists now it is true, but if CV tells that existed even in 1962, how could he accept it. Here is details from Wikipedia what Malaysian Hybrid is talking. “Eliezer was appointed professor of mathematics at University of Ceylon in 1949. During his ten years at the university he was dean of the Faculty of Science from 1954 to 1957 and deputy pro-vice chancellor in 1955.[1][2][4] Eliezer was a scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study from 1955 to 1956, working with J. Robert Oppenheimer.[4][6] He spent some time at the University of Chicago.[4] Following the passing of the Sinhala Only Act in 1956, Sinhalese nationalists at the University of Ceylon, led by vice-chancellor Nicholas Attygalle and chancellor Dudley Senanayake, attempted to remove Tamil as a medium of instruction at the university but this was thwarted by Eliezer and A. M. A. Azeez, a member of the university’s council.[4] Then Eliezer left Lanakwe, overlooked for VC position.
    Here, let me put small history of me, telling why I was interested in Eliezer (DSc-Jaffna). It is not about because he received MaManithar title from LTTE. But is about his book Concise Vector Analysis was written in 1963. When I was studying applied mathematics, I fascinated of the vectors study. So my teacher advised me a junior level good book was available, from a Tamil, in Malaysia, but it was boycotted by Local education department, so only I can buy it from Malaysia, if I were interested. So I was the only one owned and read Concise Vector Analysis in my applied math class (We were the first batch to start Vectors in our school).

    • 7

      Let’s now go to Indrapala Story. Ceylon University was only formed in 1967. In 1962, it was only a branch of London University, & any local matters strictly administered by Sinhala Chauvinist the Sinhala Intellectual Species. It is well known within Tamil circle that Dr. Indrapala avoided any friction with the local administration which allowed him to do the PhD. He avoided the struggle Prof. Eliezer encountered.
      Malaysian Hybrid purposefully avoided touching Deepawamsa and touched only the latter ones, the Mahavamsa and Chulawamsa. They both are well known fib materials and concocted long after the incidents (more 1000 years after the history). Mahavamsa rewrote the few pages of Deepawamasa in epic proportion as epic material. Deepawamsa nowhere telling Gemunu is Sinhala Buddhist. It knows the Tamil legends it was basing were not telling that Hindu Tamil King as a Sinhalese. Now you may ask me why Depawamsa was not written in Tamil, after all it was writing the Tamil legends. The Nuns who wrote the Depawamsa must have been certainly descendants (not by family, but by academic disciples) of Preacher, Nun Manimekhala. That nun herself had her own fights with mother and her Hindu culture. The disciples had seen the Hinduism – Buddhism fight in TN. So they never had any attachment to Tamil, which was a forward of Hinduism. So the nuns stayed out of Tamil and wrote in Pali. You see that in Tamil Muslims, who after living in Ceylon with Tamil for 300 years, now aggressively converting them to Arabic. This is the nature of any religions based organizational admiration. When they come under New Management, the organizations violently enforce the change on the followers.
      I don’t want to go on for Malaysian Hybrid bashing unlike that is all what he did to CV. He could nowhere challenge the Deepawamsa, which was the original source of Mahavamsa the creation of anti-Tamil Telugu pandit Mahamana, was telling mainly the Tamil legends, probably written by Tamil Nuns.

      • 6


        Does Deepawansha say that King Gemunu is a Tamil? Good you have found it you deserves Nobel prize for this latest finging.

        • 5

          I feel very sorry for the retarted former Judge. How can he walk with (wearing) clothes now.

          • 5


            “I feel very sorry for the retarted former Judge. “

            How come he was allowed to serve in Sinhala/Buddhist controlled courts for many years if he was retarded? By now our fellow forum sharers would have judged you.

            “How can he walk with (wearing) clothes now.”

            He is probably still looking for Mahinda’s tailor to stitch him “emperor’s new clothes”. Until then you will have to put up with him.

            • 1


              How come he was able to become a judge. I am wondering.

              • 2

                latha from Lata land

                “How come he was able to become a judge. I am wondering.”

                He must be a closet Sinhala/Buddhists whose two sons are married to Sinhala speaking girls.

        • 4


          “Does Deepawansha say that King Gemunu is a Tamil?”

          Does Dīpavaṃsa say King Gemunu was not a Tamil?

          • 1


            In Deepawansha or Mahawansha do not say King Gemunu is a Sinhalese but Gemunu said I can’t sleep in comfort stretching my hands & legs because Tamils are occupying in the North & there is sea in the South.

            • 4


              Gemmunu could have been just another Dravidian ( Tamil ) such as a Malayalee( Keralite ) . Chola, pandya and Chera fought amongst themselves more than they fought with out siders.

              I don’t know whether Gemunu was a Sinhalese per se but he had Tamil generals fighting on his side. His fatrher being Kavan ( crow coloured) Tissa, unless you tell me the crows in Srilanka are white and they are not black as every where else, Gemunu’s father was a black Tamil ( Dravidian) not an Aryan ( white ) Sinhala.

              Unless I have got this wrong, I heard it from some where that Sinhala Scientist ( all of them pseudo ) are trying valiantly to prove that they are light skinned than the Tamils.

              How can Sinhalese be Aryan and Srilankan at the same time ? Even the fairy tale Mahavansa doesn’t say there was any mass migration of Aryans from the North of India to Eelam. May be Buddubala sena and Hela Urumaya will now say that the Sinhalese invented the aircrafts first some 5 thousand years ago and flew down here from their Arya vartha. Pigs may fly

            • 1


              Kaimugan was sleeping in Theesan Kathirkamam. (Tissamaharama). His mother was, a Tamil Princess, kidnapped from Kelaniya. So then Kaimugan said what you are saying to his Tamil Mother? Even the Malay Hybrid will not say that to his wife! The royal family were praying only in Kathirkamam, no Buddhist temple (At least as per Mahanama). So why didn’t he say “in south the Kathirkamam Hindu Murugan” instead he said that there was only sea in the south? Anyway what did he say to Tamil God Murugan (Murugan is the God for Tamil, not just for Tamils) when he went to pick up the sword from Murugan? In fact Dipavamsa has no those details. It is some work Mahanama did himself, but found it nowhere.

              • 1

                Latest findings say Vihara Maha Devi is not from Kelaniya but also from a place close to South. Her true name was found in four inscriptions.

            • 3


              “Gemunu said I can’t sleep in comfort stretching my hands & legs because Tamils are occupying in the North & there is sea in the South.”
              So I take it that between north and the sea there was nothing important to mention, no Sinhalese, no Tamils, no Bengalis, no Keralites, No Christians, no Hindus, ………… just a no man’s land.

              I thought unlike any other world class history books Mahawansa gave a comprehensive true (hi)story of the Sinhalese. I m disappointed.

        • 4


          I have a problem from the start when I noticed your first comment, in CT. Latha, are you really a woman or an activist believes men can have women’s name?

          It is not surprising to the reader see you going stunted by the fact that Deepawamsa was written by Tamil Nuns (not by one). When you go with puny head for large war, results frequently turned out the way you are now experiencing. Still you are strong enough to get out of it; don’t panic.

          Anyway, thanks for your recommendation for the Nobel Prize for in “Mahawamsa Besatlity Research”. But The Hybrid deserves much more than Nobel Prize for having put lot of work day before yesterday in writing this essay and make me to tell the enlightening truth to you. Like the calf makes the man get the milk from its mother, The Hybrid helped you to get enlightened by the shock (rude awakening) that it was Tamil nuns wrote Deepawamsa from Tamil Legends.
          Remember recently the Old King said that small children should not be exposed to some truth? He knows some stories that you never would even dream in your wildest dream. That is why!

  • 10

    This man is an out an out liar and a racist bigot , who constantly posts lies and anti Tamil articles here and at many other sites , especially at the well Known Sinhalese racist web site starting with “Lanka”. He constantly comes here and posts nasty lying derogatory comments under the identity Eagale Eye or Eagle Blind. Funny hates Tamils so much but is married to a Tamil woman and now lives in Australia thanks to her. All these outdated theories of Professor Indrapala that were formed by him in the 1960s , that he himself has now repudiated and has stated is incorrect but still lovingly quoted by Sinhalese racists .. pseudo historians and bigots , as this suits their agenda. They do not refer to his latest findings or other Archeological findings or the DNA research on the island;s Sinhalese and Tamil , or his book published in 2015 where he states that the island’s original Sinhalese and Tamils originated from the same people and got influenced by cultures / religions and languages from different parts of India and gradually became two different people. Obvious this original people would have been a Dravidian people , speaking some form of Tamil or a language very closely related to Tamil. This is why the Sinhalese language still has a 40% Tamil derived vocabulary , despite the strong Prakrit influence. DNA also proves this., The Sinhalese are share a 70% DNA with Indian Tamils and the Sri Lankan Tamils and the Sinhalese share a 55% DNA proving, all these people are one and the same.What former high court learned judge Justice Vigneswaran stated is correct and not this racist bigot or the Sri Lankan state. Justice Vigneswaran is fluent in Sinhalese , Tamil and English and is a learned judge , who can analyse. Unlike this racist hate filled m=r=n.

    • 1

      “Justice Vigneswaran is a learned judge, who can analyse”

      Is all the so called learned Tamils are like this justice?

  • 10

    This guy is one of these pseudo-intellectuals taken refuge outside Sri Lanka spewing words at random. A complete and utter unfathomable human. In fact a poor excuse…

    • 1

      Karthigesu ……….

      Are you not a refuge some where? Do upper cast Tamils treat you equal?

      • 6


        Are you a rent boy or a woman working in a brothel .if you assume that every Tamil is a refugee then we will assume every Sinhala woman is a toilet cleaner in a Middle Eastern , Far Eastern or European country . In Lebanon apperantly the kitchen language is Sinhalese due to 90 % of their house maids are non English speaking Sinhala house maids .

        Stop calling names

    • 5

      Yes Latha, Every word is true. There are two 2 roomed houses in Temple Trees for working staff. One occupied by us and the other one occupied by Mr Goonewardene family about 15 meters from our house.Casteism is not confined to only tamils and Sinhalese. It exists in all communities mostly in Asia. It is lunatics like the writer who makes use of these for their survival . Wonder what the caste of the writer is.

      • 1

        Tom Jones

        Who is that Mr Goonawardene

  • 4

    Fascinating.. Queen Anula had Gigolos from Thamil Nadu?
    Didn’t we have Ramanayakas during Queen Anula’s time ?
    What was wrong with Queen Anula’s King Husband?..

    Serious stuff here.
    Thamizas had 20 Kings out of 161 in total.
    But they, the Thamiza Kings didn’t have any Thamil Kingdoms .
    They were all Kingdoms , where Thamizas and Chingalams held the Big Position in rotation.

    Why can’t we do the same now?..

    If the Thamizas lead by Vellala CM Wigneswran are hell bent on dividing it, no way they can claim 33 Percent if they had only 20 Kings.
    So the max which they are entitled is less than One Sixth..

    Even then it is unreasonable when there are less than One Million there to start with. And the rest of the 2 Mil are in the South.

    Also most of those One Million have nothing to do with Wigneswaran’s Thamiza Kings., because they migrated only in Nineteen Hundreds.
    Plus most of them can’t have even a Glass of Water let alone live side by side with them, even if they had the Dosh.

    That is another issue.
    The net worth of the Vellala Party TNA bosses and their members must be at least one hundred times or more than most of the the Tamils who came in the Ninetees .
    And still live on Tea Estates.

    They are not going to get any lands in the Federal State which the TNA wants.

    No wonder the Vellala Bosses lead TNA never talk about Jobs, Money to put food on the Table or Homeless.
    I mean the people without Freehold Houses which have running water and flushing Toilets, unless they are LTTE Orphans and War Widows..

    Cant wait for the Second Episode…

    • 4

      ” What was wrong with Queen Anula’s King Husband?.


      Her father got her married to a Brahmin who would not eat meat.

      You know Gemunu refused to eat Marakari Kulambu and Rice from his father’s hand but his brother ate so his father sent Gemunu out of the palace and gave the kingdom to his brother?

      • 1


        I heard all Poosaris are Brahamins in Hindia.
        And they don’t eat even Oysters..

        But the way they bless those young women who have all sorts of problems like inability to conceive is amazing.
        I have seen it on many Desi Websites .
        So I am really flabbergasted that Queen Anul’s Brahamin Hubby had to hire Gigolos –

        BTW What is Marakari Kulamabu Rice, Mally?.
        Does it taste like Ambulthiyal and Kirihodi with Samba Rice?..

        Mally I just read Dr Rani’s UNP Cabinet has approved a Official Residence for the TNA Boss Sampathar, although Sampathar has indicated that he is calling it quits soon.

        What a coincidence after the same Cabinet gave the retired Sira that Double House in Cinnamon Gardens worth LKR 880 Million.

        Wonder whether this Sampathar’s House is in the same location..

  • 8

    Please don’t take this HLD Palan’s eagle shit seriously as he once told me that he writes just for kicks to annoy people as otherwise there was fun in writing for him. IEven though he is a genial guy, [edited out]

    • 1

      ” Please don’t take this HLD Palan seriously”

      Not at all. We are taking serious what CV Wigs, Gonna Sankaran, Malleurin & SSS say only.

      • 3


        CV has two of his children married to Sinhalese. How many of your are ready to settle in Tamil families? Take bottle of mouthwash and rinse your filthy mouth before you start to pronounce CV’s name. Paid coolie like you are defending the cesspool man Mahindapala, without knowing what you are talking about.

        World is moving fast. You study what the beaslity Mahanama wrote. But world will research Ceylon history and tell that out to children in the correct way. The Tamil Nuns who wrote Dipavamsa didn’t tell Kaimugan’s mother was Sinhalese. You deny that she is from Kelaniya because you are so nervous to accept the fact that she was a Tamil Princess from Kelaniya. But unfortunately even Mahanama has accepted that fact. The way Vihara Maha Devi’s character said in Tamil legends confirm that none of her children would be behaving like a Sinhala Buddhist, as described by Mahanama.

        • 1


          Tamils nuns can’t write Deepawahsha they can write Thivpawansha ( if wansha is also a Tamil word) & kaimuni in it.. We Sinhalese don’t claim your Thivpawansha or your Kaimuni. Is this kaimuni a priest of Tamils. I have never herd before. If you have this type of history please publish it.

          • 0

            ” Is this kaimuni a priest of Tamils.”

            I will answer to your question. But, first, will you answer for which Malleurin comment you are writing your question?
            You are not just a stupid has no idea of what you talking, but you are a donkey by your behavior too. Otherwise would you ask a question from me like that one, while you have worst inability to conceive a question? Further it is sheer portrayal of the Sinhala Buddhists’ arrogance while you couldn’t understand what you are writing, but struggling to turn my words into a question to me. In that condition you are defending a hybrid, who just pretend that he is a descendant of wild lion, but he does not have that status to get into that claim. Pls tell the Hybrid, being a hybrid is not enough to become a lion cup. Further the nuns who wrote Divuwamsa did not write any filth like Telugu Pundit. Those ladies have just said the woman married a man known as Sinha, a dangerous rowdy, rob standing on the roads from travelers for living., In your attempt of defense of the Hybrid, You are right at the level of those who passed MMDA to get Muslims support to genocide Tamils and now destroying the same Muslims,.
            There is no meaning in Deepawamsa (Dynasty of the lamb), it is Divuwamsa(Island’s Dynasty). Yes that is Tamil. Vamsam is Dynasty in Tamil. Vasanam is one single sentence in Tamil. It was Telugu Pundit who translated Mahavamsa as Mahawasana without understanding Tamil. Tamil Nuns didn’t do that mistake with Divuwamsa which they coded from the Tamil legends.

            • 0

              “ If you have this type of history please publish it. “ Thanks for the second recommendation too, from you. Isn’t it your stupidity to tell me to publish it when you think it is at Nobel Prize level? You think I need that consultation? You want to put me only at Nobel Prize winning level, but want to put you at a consultant level to a Nobel Prize winner? You are extremely heavy headed fool, Latha. Yet you seems to be very poor, Latha, Ane Pavum!

              Publishing of just this one is not the most important job for us now. Having the Royal Family staged at Hague for the 150,000 massacres & genocide they did is the most important job. We will take all these wrong history, wrong bestiality history school text books based in Mahavamsa to Hogue to prove the case of why the Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinist are so convulsed to genocide Tamils. This is only a Appe Aanduwa’s program from 1948 to train young minds to carry out barbaric genocide, not knowing the truth. Once we have proved our case, we will get the UNESCO Researchers to help to write real history of Tamils & Ceylon. If you want, I can send you a copy of that published history book free for you.

              Truth is truth and that doesn’t need a publication from Mahanama or Champika or by you.
              Don’t dream too much. In the time of Dipavamsa there was only Tamil nuns were there to write a Buddhist chronicle. Nobody else was there. You can sing or dance, it will not move beyond that.

              • 1


                There is nothing new to publish more. Whole world know the truth. Are you carrying there Devanambia Tissan & Motta Sivan? World Know what you are up to. In 2009 May both parties SLFP & UNP rejected Federal.

        • 1

          “You deny that she is from Kelaniya because you are so nervous to accept the fact that she was a Tamil Princess from Kelaniya”

          But you don’t have to nervous , you know now new evidence are emerging so in your next comment just say there was a Tamil kingdom in the South from where Tamil Princess Vihara Maha Devi has come from. That is so simple. But find out her true name. As I remember it is like Semera Devi dut I am not sure. I am helping you to rewrite Tamil History in SL.

          • 1


            “….so in your next comment just say there was a Tamil kingdom in the South….”

            Weren’t Kandyan and Kotte kingdoms ruled by imported South Indians?

            • 1


              According to Tamils all the kingdoms from Anuradhapura to Kandy were ruled by Tamils no?

  • 4

    HLD is right

    The Tamils are hitching their ride to History, and DNA by creating their own Fabricated History and Fake DNA ..

    • 6

      Why don’t you both publish your real DNA?

      • 4

        Some body asked a senior Muslim Minister of Indonesia as to how a Muslim majority nation is having a Hindu God on its currency.The answer that came can be written in letters of gold “we have changed our religion but not our ancestors . https://twitter.com/napoleontheONE/status/1173634556097789952?s=20

    • 2

      Abhaya Premawardena

      What is DNA?

  • 4

    An American friend of mine recently visited Sri Lanka and was absolutely stunned after seeing the rich Sinhala cultural heritage of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Sigriya. He could could not fathom such engineering marvels were made by the Sinhalese Kings. He also visited Jaffna and was rather disappointed. I asked him why. He said other than sand dunes and Thal-trees there was nothing. I said the sand dunes were made by their ‘great leaders’ dating back to the 12th century. LOL !

    • 8

      Oh really you expect us to believe this crap about the American friend? Or another Mahavamsa fable, Did you tell him the truth that Polonaruwa was founded by the Tamil Cholas and all those ancient Buddhist and Hindu monuments now being falesely touted to the world as wonders of ancient Sinhalese engineering was built by them . Did you also tell your fictitious American friend that all these so called ancient engineering marvels were all built by Kings of South Indian origin who imported South Indian craftsmen and artisans to erect these monuments. This is why they look very similar to the ancient hydraulic and other monuments in South India and the Sigiriya frescoes looks very similar to the Ajantha and Ellora caves in India , as all these were constructed and built by Indian labour and craftsmen . Just like you still import South Indian craftsmen to carve out huge Budda statues or western technicians and engineers to build the Mahaveli scheme. Very soon you will state another Mahavamsa fib that all these were the work of Sinhalese engineers and technicians

      • 3


        Yes we say them very aloud but nobody believes. By the way please mention what are the things Cholas built at Polonnaruwa. Don’t write the names of all the ancient buildings there then it will be a one like what a retarded judge would say.

    • 6

      PSE, the answer is obvious, all those Sinhalese Kings were Tamil. Anything good or great in Sri Lanka, you can be sure the Tamils will claim as their doing. It reminds me of the British comedy Goodness Gracious Me where the Indian father was claiming that everyone from Shakespeare to Jesus was Indian. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=goodness+gracious+me+also+indian+

      • 5

        They were and you know this. 90% of your Sinhalese kings belonged to the Pandian Tamil dynasty. This is why many of your kings had the title Pandu or Bahu , a dead giveaway to the their Pandian Tamil origin. 10% to the Kalinga. Before this they were all local Dravidian Hindu or Buddhist Naga. None of the ancient kings ever called themselves Aryan or Sinhalese as they were not. Now the Sinhalese are claiming all these people are Sinhalese. These people were Tamils and used to take brides from the Pandian kingdom. The Pandian Tamil king usually was the father in law , grand father brother in law or the first cousin of the so called Sinhalese king , some times he was both brother in law and first cousin or grandfather to the king and the queen , as both were his grand children.. This is why the Mahavamsa constantly praised the Pandians but runs down the Cholas and calls them Tamil invaders, despite both being Tamils from South India. After the fall of the Pandian kingdom , they started to take brides from the Tamil speaking Telugu origin Naickers from Madurai, who took over from the Pandians. Ultimately these Tamil speaking Naickers from Madurai took over the Kandyan throne. The Kandyan convention was mostly signed in Tamil as the king and most of the so called Sinhalese aristocrats only knew Tamil. This includes the great grand fathers of many well know anti Tamils. You know this. King Senarath’s two daughters in law were the princess from the Jaffna kingdom.

        • 2

          Rohan, there is a lot of truth in what you write but you have omitted one important fact, almost all the ‘Sinhala’ (you would say Tamil) kings were Buddhist. This is true even up to the last Nayakkar king Sri Vikrama. The fact that they were Buddhist and protectors of the religion was more important than their racial origin.
          BTW have you ever seen the Kandyan Convention? Here it is, how much Tamil can you see?


          • 4

            Half of it is in Tamil and these are the more important Adigars and this includes the Great Grand Father of one of the biggest anti Tamils Srimavo Ratwatte Bandaranayke. He has signed his name in Tamil as Ravathai. Which was later Sinhalised by his descendants to Ratwatte ., so that they can preserve their wealth. It is after the fall of the Kandyan kingdom as well a the capture of South India by the British , that many of these Naicker ruling families decided to cut their umbilical ties with their South Indian homeland in the Tamil country and stop taking brides and other ties and taken on a Sinhalese Buddhist identity in order to preserve and safeguard their wealth . The so called kings were all Buddhist only in name to rule their subjects but were all Hindus at home and in their homes and palaces they had Hindu temples and worshipped Hindu gods. Their mothers were Tamil Hindus. Their wives were Tamil Hindu princesses from South India. Usually it would have been their first cousin or a very close relative within the family,. Even in Kandy /Polonarruwa there were many important Hindu temples built by these kings and the Kandy Perehara was originally not a Buddhist Perehara but a Hindu procession . Only in the late 18Th or early 19Th century it became a Buddhist procession but still honours Hindu gods. In ancient times and even until very recently Hindus and Buddhists in the Subcontinent worshipped at each others temples and considered each other as brothers sisters. To Hindus Lord Budda is an avatar of Lord Vishnu and in many Hindu homes there is picture of statue of Lord Budda . Lord Budda himself was born a Hindu and died a Hindu.

            • 4

              Kandyan kingdom was the only kingdom in Sri Lanka which was never conquered by any western power. It was ruled by a line of Tamil Kings, who came from South India, for nearly eight decades. As King Narendrasinghe, the last Sinhalese king of Kandy, died without an heir to the throne, his wife, who was a Tamil from South India, invoked a custom that was practised in South India which grants the Queen�s family the right to claim the throne in the event of there being no legitimate claimant from the King�s side. This unprecedented move by the Queen paved the way for an unbroken line of Tamil Kings ruling Kandy, and laid the foundation for the Tamil customs and cultures to take firm root in the Kandyan society. This influence is evident in every social activity of the Kandyans to this day. Tamil power in the Kandyan royal court was such; one of the Queen�s brothers was brought from South India and enthroned as King of Kandy.
              There were many Sinhalese kings in the past who were married into South Indian royal families in order to extend their influence, and to protect their territory against aggression. Tamils held high positions in the Kandyan Kingdom. The language of the court was Tamil. Hence, even the high ranking Sinhalese officials in Kandy were fluent in Tamil. Hindu religion was given an important place along with Buddhism and none of the Tamil kings ever failed to promote and maintain Buddhism as a major religion in Kandy. The presence of Hindu temples and the procession of the Hindu deities during festive seasons were the result of Tamil influence.

              • 2

                No Tamil ever ruled Kandy. All kings who ruled Kandy were legitimate rulers chosen and appointed by the Sinhalese. The Nayaka kings were Telugus. Nayakas are still considered as aliens in Tamilnadu. How come they suddenly became Tamils? Also please note that the Nayakas who became kings here were either brought up here or born here. They had the upbringing of Sinhalese princes and were practically Sinhalese. The first Nayaka king was adopted as Narendrasinghe’s son, and he named him as his heir and heir to the throne. The last one Sri Vikrama Rajasinghe was probably the illegitimate son of Pilimathaluwa. These kings were not at all Tamils.

                The Kandyan convention is written and signed in Sinhala. There are two “t”s which look like Tamil in Ratwatte’s signature. That’s all. Anyways this was a time when Madras Presidency had been running the British occupied area in the low-country. When the British took over the the low-country from the Dutch they put the administration under the Madras Presidency and imported Tamils to run their affairs. These were the first Tamils in Colombo. During those few years, all the Sinhalese were replaced with Tamils and they played havoc with the administration in addition to being extremely corrupt. (This kind of British Tamil favoring policies is what made the ethnic conflict too, because Tamils who were nothing but an insignificant immigrant community was given power). So they might have been exposed to Tamil and dealing with Tamils. All of the signatures in the convention look like as if written by children learning to write. Galagoda and Galagama look like carbon copies of each other. There is speculation that none of the chiefs actually signed the convention, and that their signatures were forged by somebody who couldn’t write proper Sinhalese.

                • 2

                  Punchi Willy, as stated please shake that little willy of yours somewhere else instead of here . We do not want to see what your filthy discarge


                  • 2

                    So? What is your point? The Nayaka kings were not Tamils as it clearly states in your own reference. Tamil is an unnatural intrusion into this island as such it has no place in this island at all. Read “The Hindu” all you want, and live in your pathetic Tamil universe.

            • 2

              Rohan, what utter rubbish you post.

              • 2

                Only thing rubbish is you . A Sinhalese racist and bigot trying to pretend to be reasonable but still racist to the core and trying to mislead. What I have posted is recorded history. You and many Sinhalese here , ironically many of them descended from recently migrated South Indian immigrants are now trying to make up history , edit Wikipedia , with the help of the Sri Lankan state

      • 1

        @Adrian, apparently some Tamils in Australia are now saying that they served Dhosai and Wadey to Captain Cook when the first fleet arrived in Sydney in 1787. So as you can see they will ‘cook-up’ anything ! In neighboring NZ they are saying they were there before the Maoris. Same story in Fiji, and South Africa, and Guyana, and Malaysia and Singapore.

    • 2

      Terms used in irrigation are Tamil words. What does it tell you?

  • 4

    Now I am fully convinced that ‘reconciliation ‘ is NOT necessary for the progress of Sri Lanka. Not possible and can’t wait for that.


    • 6


      “Now I am fully convinced that ‘reconciliation ‘ is NOT necessary for the progress of Sri Lanka. “

      You are right, all what the island need is a swift and sophisticated method of getting rid of parasitic elements from this island, like in Uganda expelling the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists including their “strongman” back to their ancestral homeland South India.

    • 4


      The best boxer in Ceylon School girls is one from Vavuniya. She was alone at home yesterday. She was dropped in a well. Now she is dead. Same way one, one year child was also dropped in a well, from Vavuniya. Answer to these or get the hell of the 150,000 Rapist Army from North East and we will take care of us.

      • 1

        Mr. Mallaiyuran,
        No my dear…
        We are going to increase number of army camps in North and East.
        And we are going to increase number of soldiers too…
        And we are going to erect a “pansal” everywhere possible….
        So that we can protect little girls from rapist Tamil fathers…
        And we will give them Sinhalese names… And raise them as Buddhists…
        You can go and hide in Swiss Embassy…..

  • 5

    Just a comment and I admit I have no intentions of reading what M pala has to say. After Ampitiya, today Mahalganthe Sugatha Thero came out threatening Sumanthiran , MP of same fate as Prabha. M pala is no different from them. Reading his article is waste of my time.

    • 3

      This Chiv cannot pronounce the Sinhalese village name Magalkanda. He/She distorts it as Mahalgantha. Same as this there are many distorted Sinhala village names in N & E by Tamils. Eg. Ganthalawa – Kantale, Thambalagamuwa – Thampalakamam, Puhulmote – Pulmoddai

      • 7


        “Same as this there are many distorted Sinhala village names in N & E by Tamils. Eg. Ganthalawa – Kantale, Thambalagamuwa – Thampalakamam, Puhulmote – Pulmoddai”

        Where is the proof you are not distorting the names?
        Earliest source material will do.

      • 5

        Listen joker , these place names have been here form ancient times . Long before a language called Chingkallm or a people called Chingkallams evolved from the locally converted Dravidian Tamil speaking tribes and other Indian immigrants , again largely from South India . Chingkallam only evolved as a language around 8AD. and it is a blend of Pali/Prakrit. Smaskirithum and Thamizh . Out of these three Thamizh is the largest contributor to the evolution of Chingkallam. Now Chingkalla jokers are calling these place names that existed long before Chingkallam originated as original ancient Chingkalla names. Yes this like some idiot stating my grand mother or father was names after me , instead of the other way around. Thamizh existed in the island long before Chingkallam existed and there is recorded history of Thamiz living in these places from ancient times. You mean to say they never named these places? Your vocabulary is 40% Thamizh derived. Thamizh Kal or Kallu becomes Chingkalla Gal or Gala . Vil or Villu becomes Chingkalla Villa or Villu. The list goes on. Borrow everything from Thamizh even 40% of your words and then claim it as yours. Go to Puttalam Chilaw , Negombo or even to the North Central Province and see the amount of ancient Thamizh place names deliberately changed to Chingkllam in the last century

    • 5


      I do the same. If I feel truth is exposing in something I read which I don’t like to here I don’t read it.

      • 6


        “If I feel truth is exposing in something I read which I don’t like to here I don’t read it.”

        In other words you don’t read at all.
        You can manage just about on mere hearsay.
        Don’t worry.

  • 7

    Chingkalla, vocabulary is almost 40% Thamizh derived and not the other way around . therefore many place names will be very similar. not only in the North and East but even in the Indian mainland. Now all these names are being claimed as ancient Sinhalese origin , a language that is a hotchpotch of Thamizh Samaskritham and Pali. So place names ending in Villu , Kulam., Kal . Khode etc , in Tamil Nadu and Kerala are also ancient Chingkallam ? What nonsense is this? This is like one person stating here I think is Sankaran that the daughter is now claiming that the mother looks like her, instead of the other way around. Thamizh and Thamizh place names are far older than Chingkallam , You can seen many Thamizh origin place names in the so called Chingkalla south , especially along the western and southern coasts and even in many Kandyan areas. It is true that there are many Prakrit words found in the Sri Lankan Thamizh dialects , that are not found in the Indian Thamizh dialects , but this has nothing to do with Chingkallam , it is the influence of Northern Indian immigrants and traders. After all even Sri Lankan Thamizh have a higher percentage of NE Indian DNA than the Chingkallams around 30%

    • 7

      Professor Indrapala in his recently published scholarly book titled The Evolution of an Ethnic Identity – The Tamils of Sri Lanka C.300 BCE to C.1200 CE has this to say about the Mahavamsa:
      ‘The Mahavamsa may be described as a chronicle of that famous Buddhist Institution Mahavihara. It tells us about its foundation and the rulers who patronized this institution. It chronicles some of the main events in the kingdom of these patrons, the domain they controlled from Anuradhapura. The domain was, in the period covered by the Mahavamsa never the whole country now known as Sri Lanka. Whatever we glean about the other matters from the Mahavamsa is incidental – about other Buddhist and non-Buddhist institutions, other religions ( like Jainism)and other kingdoms in the island.
      Using the Mahavamsa as their main source, most historians of Sri Lanka tend to consider this work as chronicle of the whole island. That they do this is not the fault of Mahanama. The author is quite clear as to his purpose and audience He wrote the chronicle for “the serene joy and emotion of the pious”. He was not an official scribe recording the monarch’s reign for the benefit of posterity.’ The Mahavamsa has many times referred to the lands to the north and east of the island as Thamizh lands. It is Chingkallams and the British Colonial officers who were full of Aryan white European supremacy and then other Brown Skinned Aryans and Western Asians coming below them in the racial supremacy order , who misinterpreted Mahavamsa and jumped and latched onto this and still do. The so called Encyclopedia Britannia still stubbornly clings to this North Indian origin Chingkalla Aryan myth , when there is mounting evidence , that it is indeed a myth. Just like the British openly favoured the Chingkallams at the time of independence

      • 4

        What you say makes sense to me, Pandi Kutti.

  • 3

    Tamil supremacists claim Sinhala is derived from Tamil. In fact, according to this list, less than 100 words in Sinhala come from Tamil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sinhala_words_of_Tamil_origin
    As the writer has correctly pointed out, there is virtually no data other than a piece of pottery or some isolated shrine to support the Tamil historical narrative of a continuous, unbroken settlement. The only logical explanation, therefore, must be that they were invaders, as per Mahavamsa.

  • 4


    The Tamil Electronic Library contains the history of Tamils and their language / works.

  • 3

    Arguing Historical Fiction is not going to change actual facts.

  • 3

    It is unnecessary for Tamil commentators to get exercised here.

    For the sake of argument, let us say that in the worst case, Tamil ancestry goes back at least to the 13th century. That is more than 7 centuries of living in the country with a distinct identity, in a distinct geographical area. That is a lot more than what citizens of the world’s leading power, America, can claim. That is more than enough to claim Tamils are a founding people.

    The Tamil people, therefore, easily have all the elements needed to assert themselves as a distinct community with the right to self-determination. Indeed, many serious humanist parties, including Vasudeva Nanyakkara and Dayan Jayatilleka in their saner days, recognized this. Whether it was prudent and practicable to make the maximalist demand for a separate country is a different issue.

    Extremist Sinhalese know this well, but they try to goad the Tamils into arguing unnecessarily about even more antiquity. Tamil commentators, including people like CVW, shouldn’t fall into that trap. There is absolutely no need for it. Take comfort from the fact that HLDM is actually making the case for Tamils’ right to self-determination.

    That said, the man has always invited a choice word that the Palestinian American Congresswoman in the US, Rashida Tlaib, used when talking about Trump: “impeach the xxxxxxxxxxxx.”

    • 7

      Tamils had a chance to get federalism under the Indo-Lanka Accord. Similarly while CBK was President. Instead they killed Neelan Tiruchelvam, Rajiv Gandhi, Premadasa, and tried to blast CBK. The Tamil track record when it comes to “self-determination” doesn’t look very good. Pinning the blame on “Sinhalese extremism” won’t work at this point. Having resorted to kamikaze-style suicide bombing, the international community will not buy this outdated fiction of Tamils as victims. There will be no outside intervention, as the global attitude to terrorism became “zero tolerance” with 911. The only way Tamils can get their “Eelam” now is to convert to Islam en masse and enlist the help of wealthy Sunni backers. Hardcore Sinhala-Buddhist regimes like that of Gothabaya’s are likely to dominate the SL political scene for the next 2-3 decades, so even devolution is unlikely.

      • 4

        @Lester – in a nutshell you have said everything. Yes, their last chance was under CBK whom they tried to kill. Under the Rajapakses (with more to come starting with Namal etc) Sri Lanka will be a Sinhalese dominated country for years to come. People will be encouraged to move to the North and the East like what China did with Tibet. You see, the geopolitics have changed so much over the years that the LTTE sympathizers now have problems of their own from Islamization of the West, immigration, stagnant economic growth, low births among Whites, crime, to rise of right-wing groups in their own backyards. Unless the Tamils are able to convince the Chinese about human rights in SL (good luck btw) there won’t be anyone to exert pressure on SL. And Gota will play the China card well despite his rhetoric to keep India in check. No one can stop China. They will be the world’s super power and everyone will have to dance to their tune. Those who say ‘nonsense’ are surely in denial.

        • 3

          1. Saudi Arabia, with billions of dollars in defense spending and American defense guarantees, was thought to have been a military power, but then it struggled to handle the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and couldn’t even detect a drone attack by Iranian backed forces on its most critical oil installations.

          2. China is confused about how to handle the Hong Kong protests.

          The people in denial are those who, having failed before in their predictions, continue to think they can accurately predict long term future events based on current or past assumptions.

      • 4

        Hello Lester,

        Your post is a red-herring because the issue in question is what level of antiquity is needed for Tamils to make certain claims and I have effectively shown that HLDM has superbly argued the Tamil case.

        You say ‘Tamils’ did this and that, but it was the LTTE, in particular their leadership, which made those decisions. Self-determination is just a principle; of what form it should take and what will work is for the people there to decide.

        Your claim about suicide bombings and international standing is vastly outdated; these days, the international community is faced with decapitation of Western journalists by the ISIS and allied terrorists, as well as the dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi using a bone saw at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul by officials, under orders from none other than Mohammed bin Salman himself.

        The LTTE’s decades ago suicide bombings, by contrast, are seen as something that was confined to SL ( except for the Rajiv Gandhi assassination in Tamil Nadu) and had a real political context, with state terrorism in play as well. Moreover, after the end of the war, with the LTTE no more, the Tamils haven’t resorted to violence in any shape or form for more than a decade. The moral high ground has been regained; the past is no longer prologue.

        • 3


          The bottom line is that Tamils threw their luck into one hat – armed separatism – and took a hard loss. There was never a backup plan, e.g. to enter into the democratic political process and negotiate for a political solution. The agenda of the TNA – and before the TNA, TULF – has always been separatism. Chelva gave the blessing in 1972 when he put his signature to the Vaddukodai Resolution. Federalism is just another form of separatism, albeit a non-violent one. The justification for (Tamil) separatism is based on claims of discrimination and a non-existent history. HLD is correct that Tamils are sinking politically. Their intransigence will lead naturally to the next phase, whereby they are replaced demographically by the Muslims. Who came to the island first will be a moot point when very few are left to discuss it.

          • 3

            Lester, in Mahabaratha Pandavars threw their luck into one hat – Gambling- and took a hard loss. There was never a back up plan, other than to retreat to the jungle. Did they sink politically and were they re[laced by any others. The same fate that befell Kaurawars will happen to Sinhalese. Despite the international community requesting Sinhalese to enter into a political solution to usher reconciliation and peace, Sinhalese are showing intransigence. International community are getting impatient and the next assault will come with their full backing, and from outside which Sinhalese will have no power to control.

            • 0

              ” International community are getting impatient and the next assault will come with their full backing, and from outside which Sinhalese will have no power to control.”

              There is no evidence fot this. Bargaining of Tamil issues and political solution in lieu of geopolitical or other concessions by Sinhalese is taking place.

              What is the reponse of Hindia and in particular of Modi to the blunt refusal by Gota?

              Slow genocide of Tamils is now being accepted by IC to make the Tamil sovereignty and territorial claim fade away.

              • 1

                The International community have an obligation to help the Tamils , as it was their intelligence and logistical help , especially the west and India , that helped these war criminal racist Rajapakses to defeat the LTTE. Without their help. especially India’s they could not have done it. The expectation was the just Tamil federal rights would be granted once the LTTE was defeated. This was the promise. As usual now the Sinhalese are renegading on their promise and the international community has an obligation to stop the Sinhalese committing slow genocide and the destruction of the island’s Tamils . Countries far more powerful than Sri Lanka have been brought to task by the International community for behaving in this manner . Why should the Sinhalese to away scot free?

          • 1

            “Federalism is just another form of separatism, albeit a non-violent one.”

            This is sheer nonsense. Under federalism, the federal unit will continue to be governed by the center’s constitution; national defense and foreign policy will continue to be handled by the center, etc. Federalism provides the people the ability to conduct their business in their own language and to have a regional administration, local judiciary and police force they can trust.

            Equating that with a separate country is a disease of the mind typically found among the Sinhalese.

            • 3

              Federalism makes sense in only two cases: a geographically large country like India, with hundreds of different ethnicities and languages, or an economically developed country like Switzerland, with a well-established middle class, in which people have no incentive to secede. Sri Lanka belongs to neither category. In any case, Sri Lankan Tamil political leaders are not interested in federalism except as a pathway to full-fledged independence. That is why Chelva rejected all Sinhalese proposals at accommodation (DDC’s, provincial councils, etc.) and instead put his name to the Vaddukodai Resolution, which says: “The first National Convention of the Tamil United Liberation Front meeting at Pannakam (Vaddukoddai Constituency) on the 14th day of May, 1976, hereby declares that the Tamils of Ceylon by virtue of their great language, their religions, their separate culture and heritage, their history of independent existence as a separate state over a distinct territory for several centuries till they were conquered by the armed might of the European invaders and above all by their will to exist as a separate entity ruling themselves in their own territory, are a nation distinct and apart from Sinhalese….” This is exactly what Prabhakaran, the TULF, and now the TNA have subscribed to. What they could not achieve with the gun is now being considered via stealthy political treachery, with federalism as an essential step. I will tell you how it works: someone like GR gives them the federal state. In about 15 years, an idiot like Ranil or Mangala comes along and with the connivance of the IC, these two fools give Tamils their independent state. This is why Gota was elected with a 52% majority. No devolution, let alone federalism.

  • 6

    The writer has the wit and the ability to use words cleverly and to manipulate and distort truths with blatant lies.His arguments are never substantiated with concrete evidences. Doctoral theses cannot be construed as something that provides ground to believe as historical facts.
    In 1980 or so Dr.Indrapala and a team carried out some excavations in Anaikottai in the Jaffna District and unearthed skeletal remains supposed to be of a chieftain of that period and some urn burials with ‘Brahmi ‘ inscriptions of 2nd century BCE. Urn burials of human remains was a traditional age old custom of the Dravidians. Brahmi language was the proto-Tamil universally accepted by linguists. Dr. Indrapala could not continue with his research due to nonsupport by the government. Any reason or logic cannot convince one who is fully immersed in hatred towards minorities and a racist bigot.
    I could recall an instance where many years back the writer(HLDM) confronted with a learned Sinhala Professor, whose name I cannot remember now, together with Late M.Sivasithamparam, MP, Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees over a trivial
    ‘ Beef up’ issue. His arrogant responses to the sober arguments of the two gentlemen were so detestable that they decided not to prolong the undignified debate further.
    Regarding the caste issue, the distinction truly existed in Tamil homelands of North and East but steadily waning off and signs are that it will disappear in course of time.This caste distinction existed among Sinhalese too and in some parts in the most obnoxious form which I have witnessed in the fifties. The Nilames and Menikes were held in high esteem in rural villages. A certain class of people who were considered low visit the walawwus frequently and do odd jobs, clean and empty the big brass spittoon overflowing with betel and tobacco saliva and so on. In return they are well rewarded with food, provisions, clothing and even monetary benefits. This caste menace came with the Feudal Administration where ‘Rajakaria structure’ was in vogue.

  • 3

    The writer has the wit and the ability to use words cleverly and to manipulate and distort truths with blatant lies.His arguments are never substantiated with concrete evidences. Doctoral theses cannot be construed as something that provides ground to believe as historical facts.
    In 1980 or so Dr.Indrapala and a team carried out some excavations in Anaikottai in the Jaffna District and unearthed skeletal remains supposed to be of a chieftain of that period and some urn burials with ‘Brahmi ‘ inscriptions of 2nd century BCE. Urn burials of human remains was a traditional age old custom of the Dravidians. Brahmi language was the proto-Tamil universally accepted by linguists. Dr. Indrapala could not continue with his research due to nonsupport by the government. Any reason or logic cannot convince one who is fully immersed in hatred towards minorities and a racist bigot.
    I could recall an instance where many years back the writer(HLDM) confronted with a learned Sinhala Professor, whose name I cannot remember now, together with Late M.Sivasithamparam, MP, Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees over a trivial
    ‘ Beef up’ issue. His arrogant responses to the sober arguments of the two gentlemen were so detestable that they decided not to prolong the undignified debate further.
    Regarding the caste issue, the distinction truly existed in Tamil homelands of North and East but steadily waning off and signs are that it will disappear in course of time.This caste distinction existed among Sinhalese too and in some parts in the most obnoxious form which I have witnessed in the fifties. The Nilames and Menikes were held in high esteem in rural villages. A certain class of people who were considered low visit the walawwus frequently and do odd jobs, clean and empty the big brass spittoon overflowing with betel and tobacco saliva and so on.

  • 5

    There is no Sinhalese in Singapore. There is no relationship between the word “Singa” and “Sinhala”. Lion is called in Tamil as “Singham”. There are number of Tamil and Sinhala names ending Singha, Singam. Sinhalese are not a pure race. It is a mixture of Tamils and Ariyans. Buddhism practiced in Srilanka is not a true Buddhism.
    Mahindapala is a fundamentalist. You can only expect lies from a fundamentalist.

  • 2

    Latha no inside your skirt, with my juice in you

  • 5

    I like to think that Tamils and Sinhalese share the same DNA. But Sampandan uncle keeps on repeating “Tamils must be recognised as a ‘distinct ethnic entity’ “.


  • 5

    Tamil is an identity very recently created . It was created during British period . No one used to identify oneself as a Tamil before ….
    History revisionism is part of dravidian movement in their journey to win more political support and acceptance

    • 2

      Tamil identity in this island is still in the making. Its a secondary hyphenated identity, to their main identity which is based in Tamilnadu. They cannot even decide which word to use in their hyphenated identity, since all the words they have available prove that they are infact an immigrant community. Ceylon and Eelam simply means the country of the Sinhalese, while Sri Lanka and Lanka are Sanskritic, and that is also problematic for them. Implicit in whatever spurious claims and nonsensical theories they make, is their indelible connection to Tamilnadu, which they try to erase in vain. Sinhalese history, our legends and myths, our entire cultural and historical heritage, our literary works, inscriptions etc are all appropriated and mutilated and we are insulted in the process. Our language is laughed at and made fun of. Basically Tamil history is about making nonsensical theories and spurious obnoxious claims, which have no place in reality. Its like the whole Tamil population is bitten by some sort of psychological disorder and they are trying desperately to reject their true identity and create a new one, based on lies and accusations. This all started with the Tamil political elite wanting to compete with the Sinhalese and claim parity in the late 19th century. Prior to that the Tamils never claimed that they were indigenous to this island, but maintained that they had come from the opposite coast and settled down here. Tamils will never get any acceptance as an indigenous population in this island. Mother nature and this soil will reject it. Its simply so unnatural and out of place.

      • 6

        ” It is like the whole Tamil population is bitten by some sort of psychological disorder”

        Gnana Sankaran, SSS, Rohan, Malliyurin, Sri Wickram has gone to delirious stage now. Their rational thinking is out. They will die with the disorder with out cure. Most of their so called scholars are not different to them. liars.

    • 3


      “Tamil is an identity very recently created .”

      Very good.

      “It was created during British period”

      Very very good.

      “No one used to identify oneself as a Tamil before ….”

      Very very very good.

      “History revisionism is part of dravidian movement in their journey to win more political support and acceptance”

      It is getting better and better.
      Very very very very good.

      • 4


        “It is getting better and better”

        In which world? In Lamuria or Kumari Kandam?

    • 0

      Sachoooooooooooooooo, hahahahaha……………(take a break from laughing)…………hahahahahahaha……………………..(take a break from laughing)…………hahahahahahaha……………………..(take a break from laughing)…………hahahahahahaha……………………..now I am exhausted. Thanks Sachoo for the bloody good joke.

  • 3

    “…monumental achievements of the Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation …”
    monks slapping priests?

  • 3

    Once again we find the word ‘nandikadal’ in a mahindapala article.
    What is your obsession with the place? Maybe you would like your remains to be buried there when you die?

    • 3


      “What is your obsession with the place? “

      It help him find his willi before going to toilet.

  • 2

    The only thing i agree with Mahindapala is on the caste racism among tamils. The north and east tamils in sri lanka are far worse for it than other tamils. But the problem is this hypocrite tries to pretend that the caste system is not a problem within the sinhalese also.

    • 2

      No there are not caste issue amongst Sri Lankan Tamils , is far less and severs compared to the Tamils in India or even the rest of India or even the Sinhalese. Sinhalese will never elect a non Buddhist or a low caste as their leader but Sri Lankan Tamils will elect a non Hindu or a low caste as their leader. Other than marriage , even this is fast breaking , Sri Lankan Tamils are not obsessed with caste and go around enquiring about a person’s caste or religion. Just read the Sinhalese marriage columns and see how much they are obsessed with caste. Parents always looking for partners for their children within their caste or higher but never lower

      • 1

        No there are not caste issue amongst Sri Lankan Tamils
        I suppose the moon is made of green cheese also?

  • 3


    “What is your obsession with the place? “

    It helps him find his willi before going to toilet.

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