13 February, 2025


Tamils Squeezed Between Militant Islam On The Ascendancy & Sinhala-Buddhist Territorial Expansion!

By Veluppillai Thangavelu

Veluppillai Thangavelu

History, it is claimed repeats itself first as tragedy and then as farce. In Afghanistan, the Western countries, notably the US, trained and armed Muslim Taliban to fight Soviet invasion in the seventies. It took ten years of grinding insurgency before Moscow finally withdrew, at the cost of millions of lives and billions of dollars. In their wake, the Soviets left a shattered country in which the Taliban, an Islamic fundamentalist group, seized control, later providing Osama bin Laden with a training base from which to launch terrorist operations worldwide.

Taliban like Al-Qaeda is an Islamic fundamentalist outfit which enforces the Islamic Sharia law, which resulted in the brutal treatment of many Afghans, especially women.

The war lasted for 9 years from December 1979 to February 1989.  Thereafter, the Taliban used the same weapons provided by the US to fight its enemies and capture power. Today, the Taliban, which rose from the ashes of Afghanistan’s post-Soviet civil war, is fighting the US and US-backed Kabul government. The US and its allies declared war on the Taliban on October 17, 2001. Daily scores of innocent civilians are dying.

We witness a similar scenario in Sri Lanka.  Till 2009, the Sri Lankan government armed and used the Muslim Home Guards in its war against the LTTE.  This outfit aided and abetted by the Sinhala army killed and drove thousands of Tamils from border villages in the east.

At least 10 villages in the eastern provinces that were once occupied by Tamils 100 % are now occupied by the Muslims. Worse the village names have been Arabised like Meeravodai, Jinnah Nagar, Meelath Nagar etc.  Prior to 1985, the Muslims lived mainly in Oodamavadi, Eravur and Kaththankudi. Today more than 50 Muslim villages have sprung in the eastern province thanks to Arab money!

In 1990 Muslims destroyed the Kalikoil temple at Oodamavadi. MLAM Hizbullah, presently the Governor Eastern province boasted that it was he; he alone as the Chairman of Batticaloa District Development Committee took over the Hindu temple land (once 100% Tamil village) and handed same to the Mosque Trustees. This takeover took place despite vehement opposition from Tamil MPs. Hizbullah also boasted that it was he who was instrumental in building a three storey market that included meat (https://youtu.be/YKy75wxbDpI) stalls! Obviously, he was promoting Islamic fundamentalism.

The above is the general pattern in the eastern province since 1983. Tamils became victims of militant Islam aided and abetted by power wielding hungry Muslim politicians. The periodical riots between the Sinhalese and Tamils were used as a cover to dislodge Tamils from their homes using brute force.  Successive Sinhalese governments pampered Muslim militancy and Islamic fundamentalism at the expense of Tamils.

Today, both Trincomalee and Amparai are Muslim majority districts. TABLE 1 below shows the ethnic–wise demographic changes that took place between 1946 and 2012 in the Trincomalee District.


Population of Trincomalee District by ethnic group 1827 to 2012
Year Muslim Sinhalese Other Total
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1827 3,245 16.94% 15,663 81.76% 250 1.30% 0 0.00% 19,158
1881 Census 5,746 25.89% 14,304 64.44% 935 4.21% 1,212 5.46% 22,197
1891 Census 6,426 24.96% 17,117 66.49% 1,105 4.29% 1,097 4.26% 25,745
1901 Census 8,258 29.04% 17,060 59.98% 1,203 4.23% 1,920 6.75% 28,441
1911 Census 9,700 32.60% 17,233 57.92% 1,138 3.82% 1,684 5.66% 29,755
1921 Census 12,846 37.66% 18,580 54.47% 1,501 4.40% 1,185 3.47% 34,112
1946 Census 23,219 30.58% 33,795 44.51% 11,606 15.29% 7,306 9.62% 75,926
1953 Census 28,616 34.10% 37,517 44.71% 15,296 18.23% 2,488 2.96% 83,917
1963 Census 40,775 29.43% 54,452 39.30% 39,925 28.82% 3,401 2.45% 138,553
1971 Census 59,924 31.83% 71,749 38.11% 54,744 29.08% 1,828 0.97% 188,245
1981 Census 75,039 29.32% 93,132 36.39% 85,503 33.41% 2,274 0.89% 255,948
2012 Census 152,854 40.42% 122,080 32.29% 101,991 26.97% 1,257 0.33% 378,182

The population of Muslims climbed from a mere 16.94% in 1921 to 40.42% in 2012 while the population of Tamils declined from 81.76% to 32.29% during the same period. And thanks to planned state-aided Sinhala colonization the percentage of Sinhalese dramatically increased from 1.30% in 1921 to 26.97% in 2012!

In the Amparai district carved out of Batticaloa district in April 1961, the Tamil population has decreased from 23.23% in 1963 to 17.40 in 2012 while the Sinhalese population increased from 29.28% to 38.73%!


Population of Amparai District by ethnic group 1963 to 2012
Year Sri Lankan Moor Sinhalese Sri Lankan Tamil Indian Tamil Other Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1963 Census 97,621 46.11% 61,996 29.28% 49,185 23.23% 1,312 0.62% 1,618 0.76% 211,732
1971 Census 126,365 46.35% 82,280 30.18% 60,519 22.20% 1,771 0.65% 1,670 0.61% 272,605
1981 Census 161,568 41.54% 146,943 37.78% 77,826 20.01% 1,411 0.36% 1,222 0.31% 388,970
2001 Census 244,620 41.25% 236,583 39.90% 109,188 18.41% 715 0.12% 1,891 0.32% 592,997
2007 Enumeration 268,630 43.99% 228,938 37.49% 111,948 18.33% 58 0.01% 1,145 0.19% 610,719
2012 Census 282,484 43.59% 251,018 38.73% 112,750 17.40% 165 0.03% 1,640 0.25% 648,057

In the Amparai district, the Tamil population has decreased from 23.23% in 1963 to 17.40 % a drop of 5.83%.

Today, the Tamils once a predominant majority in the eastern province, consisting of Amparai, Trincomalee and Batticaloa, has been reduced to a minority. A glance at the following Table 3 confirms the present status of the Tamils.

The deliberate state policy of Sinhala colonization pursued by all the successive Sinhalese governments since independence has drastically altered the demography of the east.

Today, apart from Sinhala colonization which has slowed down, the Tamils are losing land to illegal and aggressive encroachment by Muslims aided by their politicians who wield tremendous political power.

Wahhabism is named after an eighteenth-century preacher and activist, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703–1792). He started a reform movement in the remote, sparsely populated region of Najd, advocating a purging of such widespread Sunni practices as the veneration of saints and the visiting of their tombs and shrines, that were practised all over the Islamic world, but which he considered idolatrous impurities and innovations in Islam (Bid’ah). Eventually, he formed a pact with a local leader, Muhammad bin Saud, offering political obedience and promising that protection and propagation of the Wahhabi movement meant “power and glory” and rule of “lands and men”.

The Easter Sunday attack on Christian churches by Islamic fundamentalists could be traced to the influence of Wahhabism.

A private Sharia University, the largest in South Asia, in Arabic architectural style has been built in Punanai, Batticaloa at a cost of Rs.3, 000 million. Not surprisingly the funds for the University came from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim states. This super University is slated to enrol over 5,000 students next year to study Bachelor of Arts in Sharia and Islamic Studies in Islamic Law in Sri Lanka. It will produce 1500 Ulaam priests a year free of charge for Sharia Laws.

The University is expected to produce 15,000 Islamic theologians at the rate of 1,500 per year for the next 10 years. Over a period of from the year 1500 on a 10-year basis. In addition to Islamic Religious Ideology graduate courses in Business Management, Medicine, Information Technology and several other subjects.

The authorities have decided not to charge any money for the degree students, and they have already started pre-campaigning through Islamic organizations in Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh.

The name of the Malik Abdullah University College, named after the king of Saudi Arabia, has been called the “Batticaloa campus”. The Hira Foundation sponsors Saudi Arabian financial aids. Saudi Arabia’s main bodyguard, Sheikh Yahan Abdul Aziz Al-Rashid, came to sign the agreement in 2013.

Wahhabism — a hard-line strain of Islam blamed for breeding militancy — proposed a direct path to God, albeit one that aimed to return the religion to the time of  Prophet Muhammad.

Kattankudy town with an area of just 3.9 square kilometres, it has more than 45 mosques. It borders the Tamil towns of Manjanthoduvai and Arayampathy has 66,000 Muslims. It looks like an Arabic satellite town with delicate swirls of Arabic calligraphy. Date palms line the roads, Cafes offer tiny cups of Middle Eastern coffee; a rarity in the land of Ceylon tea. A monument in the shape of a rehal (book rest) adds to the Arabic ambience of the town. Not surprisingly Zaharan Hashim, the man accused of masterminding the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka, grew up. And it was here that he preached his ideology calling for the killing of nonbelievers of Islam and even other Muslims.

In the eastern province, Tamils are squeezed between militant Islam on the ascendancy and Sinha-Buddhist territorial expansion.

Latest comments

  • 8

    The depletion of the number of Sinhalese in the Eastern Province (which was an integral part of the Kandian Kingdom as Robert Knox and the Dutch Admiral Van Spilbergen has attested) was a consequence of the fall out between the Dutch and Rajasinha II. In the belief that the Dutch would would be forced to abandon the island without a subject population of natives, he ordered all his subjects in the maritime areas to move closer inland beyond the reach of the Dutch. This is what caused the decline of the Sinhalese population in the East. But they did not vanish without a trace. They left behind much that can be seen to this day. The place names, the Purana Gam – abandoned villages in the middle of the jungle. Sometimes the only signs are a few groves of Tamarind and Coconut trees. However the most indisputable evidence is of course the archaeological record. There is a buddhist stupa or hermitage on practically every rock outcrop in the province attesting to the culture of the previous occupants of this land.

    The Tamils who complain about Sinhalese expansion should re-examine the nature of their own bonkers territorial claim. Where do they expect the Sinhalese and Moslems to retreat to when they grab 35% of the landmass for their 11% population? Do they realise they are asking for four times as much land per capita as what they are prepared to yield to the Sinhalese and Moslems? I would argue that “Territorial Expansionism” is more a Tamil thing than a Sinhalese thing.

    • 6

      Eastern Sri Lanka was never Sinhalese land but has always Tamil land. You can see from the history ruins and places names. Everything is Tamil. Take a map of Sri Lanka prior to 1948 and see all place names in the north east and north west coast of Sri Lanka , other than one or two border villages is Tamil. Every town, village, city, river hill. No Islamic or Sinhalese names. All these only started to crop up after 1950s when all Sri Lankan governments started to deliberately settle hundreds of thousands of out of area Sinhalese in the east and part of north on state and ethnically cleansed Tamil lands and stared to rename these once Tamil towns and villages with Sinhalese names , or Sinhalise the original Tamil name. EG: Pattipalai Aru became Galoya, Manal Aru became Weli Oya. Kantalai became Kantale, Amparai became Ampara. The east was ruled by Tamil Vannimai chiefs , however from time to time parts of the east came under the loose control of the Tamil/Sinhalese kings of Kandy. This still does not make the east Sinhalese or negate the ancient Tamil claim and history of the east . Just because parts of the east from time to time were lose protectorates of the Kings of Kandy. As per your stupid argument then the island is British as British ruled the island for around 150 years. The population in the east had always been Tamil and Hindu and the eastern Tamils who came under the loose control of Kandyan Kings , did not see him as a Sinhalese Buddhist but as a Tamil Hindu , as these kings belonged to South Indian dynasties. spoke Tamil , spoke and dealt with the eastern Tamils in Tamil and practiced Hinduism.

      • 0

        you are an agent of global spy agency

    • 1

      “However the most indisputable evidence is of course the archaeological record. There is a buddhist stupa or hermitage on practically every rock outcrop in the province attesting to the culture of the previous occupants of this land.”

      Don’t distort the archeological record. Most of the Buddhists in the North and East assimilated into the Tamil Hindu identity by the 13th century. Language shift via elite dominance was the main driver for this change, not population displacement.

      There is no evidence in Jaffna and the east coast for large scale population displacement. The Hela place names are merely Tamilised, suggesting language shift (e.g. Valigama -> Valikamam)

      The entire island was predominantly Buddhist at one point, Mahayana Buddhism prevailed in the east.

      • 7

        Contd: Since 1990s Islamic extremists and Salafists with help from certain Islamic nations , ,monetary and other support, have been very busy , using large scale violence and other political methods to marginalise the indigenous Tamil Hindus in the east and convert the east into a Wahhabi Islamic Caliphate. Large scale killing and ethnic cleansing of thousands of Hindu Tamils in the east , Sinhalese settlement and very high Muslim birth rate of 5% compared to 1.2% amongst the Hindu Tamils greatly helped this. All Sinhalese governments including he current and former , encouraged this Islamic radicalisation and Arabisation of these South Indian origin Dravidian eastern Muslims, who only arrived in the east as refugees , a few centuries ago, as a tool to create divisions and marginalise the Tamils. This is why they deliberately appointed this Tamil Hindu hater and Islamic extremist and fundamentalist as the eastern governor and other rabid anti Hindu/Tamil Muslim politicians from the north and east , to very powerful positions, despite knowing very well about their anti Tamil and Islamic fundamentalist activities . This is why the LTTE attacked these Islamists/Salafists and extremists in the east and expelled them from the north, as they knew what they were up to , however the Sri Lankan government who also deliberately armed these Muslim home guards , as well as other governments , deliberately were misinforming , stating these were innocents being killed , when 99% of them weren’t. This was done to demonise the LTTE and the Tamil Hindus, This includes India. Now all are blinking . This is the reason these Islamic fundamentalists and Muslims were celebrating the defeat and demise of the LTTE , not because of any patriotism but because they held them in check. Now even Sinhalese Buddhist priests are reluctantly admitting to this fact.

      • 5

        They were Tamil Buddhists and many of these ruins are Mahayana and not Theravadda. Tamil Buddhists were found in Tamil Nadu too. Tamil Buddhists practised both Mahayana and Theravada, whereas Sinhalese Buddhists only Theravada. Like what you stated these one time Buddhists in the north and east. both Sinhalese and Tamil converted to the Tamil Hindu identity by the 13th century and there was no population displacement of any kind. Millions of Tamil Hindus and Buddhists down South converted to the Sinhalese Buddhist identity during the same time.

      • 4

        Contd: Hela or old Sinhalese is basically the local Tamil dialect Elu+ Prakrit= Hela. Compared to modern Sinhalese, it was very close to its Tamil mother in pronunciation and structure just like Elu. This is why even now modern Sinhalese vocabulary is around 35% derived from Tamil. Velikamam . Veli( out) +Kammam means in Tamil( Elu )the village outside. Would have been Valigama in Hela. Ahangama ( Hela) or Ahamkammam in Tamil means the village inside. Akam/Aham( in) + Kammam ( village or a place where agriculture took place) . Yatawara sounds very Sinhalese /Hela but is actually Tamil/Elu. Yata /Yati the bottom or foot is derived from Tamil/Elu Yadi/Adi meaning bottom or foot. Wara meaning the limit. edge or boundary is derived from Tamil/Elu Varai/Varambu meaning the edge /limit or boundary. I can give thousands of examples of place named like this. People/politicians/extremist and Buddhist Fascists who do not know proper history of languages and people and the large amounts of Tamil/Elu vocabulary that is found in Hela/Sinhalese talk and post all this misinformation. This is due to large amount of common vocabulary common to Tamil, it local dialect the indigenous Elu and its derivate old Sinhalese or Hela.

      • 3

        Tamils of Lanka and South India had been Mahaayaana Buddhists. The Brahmi inscriptions of the South with symbols and symbols found marked on the ancient coins, seals etc discovered in the North confirm this. The problem with the archaeologists and historians of the South and North is that they have not conducted a scientific study on Symbolization and Symbolization of Buddha and Buddhism! On the other hand, no scientific study has been conducted on “Saivaism” and the history of Mahaayaana Buddhism in Lanka and India. Saivaism is actually perfected Mahaayaana Buddhism! Because of this almost all the Mahayaana Buddhist Temples of North and East Lanka and South India were converted into Saiva Temples. Because of this only in all the Saiva temples we find Buddhists artifacts. The Saivaites do not know what Trisula and hand drum, triple lines on forehead etc symbolize. They do not know why all the so – called Hindu Gods carry swords and other weapons. They do not know why Lord Muruga wears triple line on his forehead and carries a bell and a spear; why Saraswathi is seated on a blossomed Lotus carries blossomed lotus by hands and a viina! They do not know why Lord Vishnu carries a conch and rotates a circular disc by his right forefinger. They do not know why Krishna has a peacock feather with eye on his head and always carries a flute! In short unless the Lankans and Indians raise their analyzing power, they will not be able to understand Symbolization and Symbolization of Buddha and Buddhism.

    • 3

      There were tamil Buddhists who were living in the Eastern province and some of the ruins could be attributed to tamil buddhists

      • 3

        Ravindren Theaver

        The 1881 Census confirms there were about 12,000 Tamil Speaking Buddhist living all over the island.

    • 5

      The east was always Tamil land , ruled by local Tamil chieftains named Vannimai. Just because it came under the loose control of the Kandyan kings at times during history , does not make it Sinhalese land or any other persons land. Muslim Mughals ruled most of India, this does not mean . India was Muslim, as most of its population was Hindu. These so called Sinhalese kings of Kandy had a Tamil lineage and spoke Tamil and practiced Hinduism in private but publicly patronised Buddhism to their largely Buddhist subjects. However in the east they patronised Tamil and Hinduism, therefore to the Tamils in the east , considered these kings Tamil Hindus. Every thing about the east from ancient to modern is Tamil/Hindu. This is why the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British declared the east as Tamil. It is only after independence from the 1950s onwards there was a deliberate attempt to change the history and demography of the east by all Sinhalese led governments , by settling hundreds of thousands of out of area Sinhalese in the Tamil east.

      • 0

        you are an agent of global spy agency. the matter has to be referred to sri lanka military agency. or And current defence ministry. There are more spies are installed around many websites. Their color changes from regions to regions. In the West, they are trained to play “Catholic or Christian card.” In India region they play “Hindus card.”

  • 7

    In the East Tamils are cornered by Muslims. I heard even One Tamil girl who is a medical student was kidnapped and made a Wahabi woman who is fully covered the whole body. Initially she was depressed but he had said if you follow the religion and I would help you and allow you to study.
    In the North problem is I heard Army hands over Lands to Tamils and Tamils sell those among high castes and their friends and those who lost lands won’t get after that they /I thin NGOs, have gone complained to UNHCR saying Army doe snot give their lands.
    I say Tamils are better off if they migrate to the greener pastures of the west.

    • 5

      We all know that you are rabid Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist and a liar. Go and post this garbage at some Sinhalese extremist site. There are many and they will lap all this

  • 4

    Except for the Wahabis, Muslims are peaceful and co-operative people. Tamils have superiority community and they always cry more more. they do not talk about how they have destroyed for 30 years.

  • 8

    All races have to wake up to protect Lanka from Wahabism and Islamic Extremism. Hisbulla is already proved to be an Islamic Fanatic and a crook yet he is at the lap of MY3. He wants Gnanasara Thero to be released at once to hoodwink the moda Sinhalayas. I doubt that Sinhalays are still modayas and they can easily understand his trick. Hisbullah thinks that after his boru declaration Sinhalese will carry him on their shoulders and run around saying he is a Sinhala Patriot. Hisbullah has to be stripped of all his powers and positions and taken into custody and a commission ought to be established to investigate all his misdeeds. These Muslims again and again talking of the LTTE killing at Kattankudi mosque but these liars are not telling what and what they did to tamils especially in the east. It was only LTTE’s response. However much they acquire they will never be satisfied until SL is fully taken over.

  • 1

    WHAT A IDIOT. We are too kind and forget things too soon.

  • 7

    Thank you Mr Thangavelu.
    Buddhism is the best religion/way of life
    Former PM of Singapore was not a Buddhist.
    He did good thing for multiculturalism and kept the country united and made Singapore a leading nation.
    Ceylon was leading nation in 1948.
    Sinhalese Buddhist politicians cheated Sir pon Ramanathan, arunachalam,… Sampanthan
    Tamils started loosing lives from 1958, started loosing their livelihood, mass migration to other countries.
    Demographic changes taking place to loose our identity and rights – GENOCIDE

    தற்கொலைத் தாக்குதல்களில் சேதமடைந்த தேவாலயங்கள் புனரமைப்பு பணிகள் துரித கதியில்

    When are they going to stop Tamil Genocide and compensate?

    • 4

      Pulmoaddai is only one of several locations in the North-East in which Tamil-speaking people have expressed concerns about the government’s deliberate efforts to change the demographics of the region. Since the end of the armed conflict in 2009, the government has constructed at least four navy camps, two army camps, and one Special Task Force camp in Pulmoaddai, including on private land. The proliferation of military camps has often gone hand-in-hand with the construction of Buddhist sites.

  • 6

    This racist Tamil man is spreading lies and rumours. He incites backlashes and tension between communities with his writing of this article. He wants to catch fish in trouble water, All what he want to see is a tension between Muslim and Sinhalese community for the failure of LTTE to have EELAM: This writer does not know how many thousands Tamils went to Europe and other countries as result of war,,, Naturally, Tamil population will go down… During the war 30 years of war many Tamils are displaced and some are killed or injured. So, natural birth rate has gone down in all three communities. Why should blame Muslim for this, .. Muslims have not looted lands of Tamils but LTTE grabbed that lands of Muslims in North and East, Who chased out 100.000 Muslims from North? Are they Muslims or LTTE? Do not tell lies please. Tamils have inherited hatred in their hearts due to caste system.. Because, Brahmans have been enslaving people and you want to show that here in Sri Lanka too. Shame on.

  • 2

    (A private Sharia University, the largest in South Asia, in Arabic architectural style has been built in Punanai, Batticaloa at a cost of Rs.3, 000 million. Not surprisingly the funds for the University came from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim states. This super University is slated to enrol over 5,000 students next year to study Bachelor of Arts in Sharia and Islamic Studies in Islamic Law in Sri Lanka. It will produce 1500 Ulaam priests a year free of charge for Sharia Laws.
    The University is expected to produce 15,000 Islamic theologians at the rate of 1,500 per year for the next 10 years. Over a period of from the year 1500 on a 10-year basis. In addition to Islamic Religious Ideology graduate courses in Business Management, Medicine, Information Technology and several other subjects).
    you are a lair and in deed, a bigot. You must be punished to spreading lies. This university funded by Saudi as a help to give education to all communities. This includes Tamil, Sinhalese and Muslim students of this country . The courses are not exclusively Islamic subjects. if you do not know find out about all course. Do not spread lies. You like to see all student communities suffer in Sri Lanka. 80% of A/L students do not have placements in our universities. You are a real idiot and you have shown your hatred to our nations with your racial writing of this.. You LTTE supporter must be punished for harming peace in SL: Before you write next time find the facts and truth. Do not write your evil thought in public. Tamils ( some) have more hatred and more jealousy than nay other communities in Sri Lanka. you are one of them. That is why India did not support your fight to get EELAM:: it knows well your cast system is dangerous than atomic bombs. An atomic bomb may kill people once.

  • 4

    good education on how the American trained Taliban and how the SL Govt used Muslim Home Guards against the LTTE, and the info on Soviets, Afghan Govt., Sharia Laws, population Tables, Wahhabism , Osama bin Laden, just to mention a few of your vast knowledge. Wow! you really wanted to touch all these to make your point? But do not worry any more. The great leaders of the Tamils – Sampanthan, Mavai, and Sumanthiran will educate the Tamils on how they should listen to the UNP leadership and all their problems will disappear. All the problems of the Tamils will disappear if you follow Sampanthan and Sumanthran. After all, they are the elected representatives of the Tamil people, no??

  • 2

    Pulmoaddai is only one of several locations in the North-East in which Tamil-speaking people have expressed concerns about the government’s deliberate efforts to change the demographics of the region. Since the end of the armed conflict in 2009, the government has constructed at least four navy camps, two army camps, and one Special Task Force camp in Pulmoaddai, including on private land. The proliferation of military camps has often gone hand-in-hand with the construction of Buddhist sites.

  • 3

    The demographic trend is not new.
    What have the Tamil leaders done about it?

    • 3


      Basically the Tamil leaders have been running almost all government department including
      Planning and Development,
      Land Development,
      Mahaweli Development,
      Security forces,
      local government,
      Department of Forest Conservation,
      Cabinet Office
      Department of Wildlife Conservation
      Department of Archaeology
      Department of Survey
      Department of Agriculture
      Land Commissioner General’s Department

    • 3

      They have been wanting you to ask this question; now, soon they are going to do something about it. But anyway the Tamil Leadership is not including Deva; he has an assignment in Chennai to visit.
      (You are doubting your knowledge of Tamils’ 70 years of struggle. If you claim you know, start from 1948, then we can analyse if there is anything to decide whether they did anything about it no. Another your mavellous, but stupid, lousy,imbecile quip. )

  • 3

    Why worry? I am sure the elected Tamil leadership will get that federal constitution (or so they promise every year) with the help of India, West, and Ranil – just do not open the mouth and spoil it. Besides, some learned pundits are suggesting that it is the Tamil resolve for self-determination that is standing in the way of a political solution that the Sinhalese have in store for the Tamils – just that much work needs to be done to win their confidence, so keep at it.

  • 5

    V Thangavelu

    Haven’t you seen the photograph where your leader Sampanthan, at his residence, is congratulating Hizbullah and wishing him well, after Hizbullah was appointed as Eastern Governor. Having known Hizbullah’s actions against Tamils in the East, why did your leader Sampanthan gave his blessings happily. Why other TNA members remained silent on his appointment? I now hear one or two of your MPs raise voice against him but there was none before Easter attack. Anyhow discontent had been brewing among Tamils and you will see their verdict at the next elections.

    • 2

      Our tamil leaders are talking to Sinhalese political leaders from 1915. What these Sinhalease politicians have done – committed Tamil genocide.
      I do not see Mr Sampanthan has done anything wrong in meeting him.

      • 1

        Genocide of native Sinhalayo by Dravidian invaders from Hindusthan who wanted to colonize Sinhale took place from 3rd century BC. Most recent of these Dravidian invasions and genocide was led by megalomaniac Velupillai Prabhakaran and his barbaric Army LTTE.

        • 4

          First do a DNA test and put it on CT.

  • 1

    JD, you must get much more real information instead of gossip and rumour. We have come long way from Mahavamsa mindset. Better wake up and stop your slimy business and first unite the backstabbing sinhalas.

  • 5

    Native Sinhalayo are squeezed between Demalu who are the descendants of slaves brought illegally to this country by Portuguese, Dutch and British colonial parasites and descendants of Muslims who were saved from Portuguese butchers by King Senerath. First Demala separatists started terrorizing native Sinhalayo and that terror campaign lasted for about four decades. Thanks to the leadership of Mahinda Rajapakse and brave Sri Lankan Armed Forces Demala terrorism was brought to an end and Sinhalayo started enjoying peace. That joy did not last long. Muslim extremists dragged Sinhalayo back to pre-2009 era.
    Sinhalayo are going through this hell because of the wicked actions of Portuguese, Dutch and British barbarians and compassion of our Sinhala Buddhist King Senerath. Sinhalayo should curse Portuguese, Dutch and British but should not curse King Senerath because he took that decision with a good intention. He would never have thought that his decision will bring so much misery to Sinhalayo.

  • 2

    If we had statistics, should look at the population figures at least from 3rd Century BC. At that time there were no Demalu or Muslims in the North-Eastern part of the country. That area was 100% Sinhalayo. Sinhalayo had their first Kingdoms, Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa in the NE of the country. Due to invasions of Dravida barbarians from Hindusthan, those Kingdoms went into ruins and gradually Sinhala population declined. During the short periods that Dravidians ruled Northern part of the country, they brought Dravidians and settled there. A large increase in Dravida population in the Norther part took place due to import of slaves from Hindusthan by Portuguese and Dutch to work in plantations.
    There were hardly any Muslims in the East until King Senerath settled Muslims who were in the western coastal area to save them from Portuguese butchers.

  • 2

    “And thanks to planned state-aided Sinhala colonization”
    Has anyone heard native people colonizing their own country? These dumbos who say ‘Sinhala colonization’ do not have brain to understand that. There was a mediocre academic called B.H.Farmer in Cambridge University who wrote a book ‘Pioneer Peasant Colonization in Ceylon’. He put this title because he was misguided by Demala bureaucrats.

    • 0

      Also, there are other spies who owned news papers trained Tamil play “Christian card.” and in India, Tamil’s Homeland, they trained to play “Hindu card.”

  • 3

    This is a Historic moment for the Tamils of Sri Lanka. And the Tamils must grab this once in a lifetime opportunity and fight alongside the Sinhalese against a common enemy.

    Keep in mind, with or without you, the Sinhalese will overcome this Muslim parasite. There is no middle ground, either you are with us or you are with the Terrorists.

    This is not a time to be complaining about getting squeezed, this is the time to raise your hand and join the war.

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      Retarded Shamal

      “And the Tamils must grab this once in a lifetime opportunity and fight alongside the Sinhalese against a common enemy.”

      The common enemy is the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists, people like you.

      “Keep in mind, with or without you, the Sinhalese will overcome this Muslim parasite. “

      Oh please.

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    Mr. Veluppillai Thangavelu
    If you want to know what happened to Singhalese who lived in the north and east from Portuguese, Dutch and English historians please read Island
    Go to the links given there and read the history by Portuguese, Dutch and English historians and eyewitness accounts. Then you can get a good understanding why Singhalese population is very low in the North and east of Sri Lanka in early 1800s

    • 2

      Please do not post fake history and links . Go and post them at some Sinhalese extremist site and they will love it. There is enough and more genuine and recorded history regarding the history of the Tamils in the island and not these fake histories and links posted by anti Tamil Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists on that anti Tamil rag.

  • 1

    The author puts down population numbers from the Eastern Province and the Districts of Amparai and Trincomalee. Granted, the overall number for the SL Tamil population as a percentage has decreased. But, it is disingenuous to only focus on the Eastern Province in a vacuum. It would be ideal if the author listed the population figures of all the Provinces side by side to see how the Tamil population may have increased in those other provinces.

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      Your sur name Tennekoon gives away your Tamil origin , ancestry, but so full of anti Tamil venom. Thenar ( south))+ Kone(king) = Thenarkone meaning king of the south Tennekoon is a variation of this Tamil name or title. Yes the Tamil population in the island has decreased from the time of independence from 28% to current 15.8% due to systematic discrimination , large scale killing , ethnic cleansing and forced Sinhalisation of poor Tamil Catholic fisherfolk living along the north west coast. The first act after independence was to make one million Indian origin Tamils who had lived in the island for over eight generations and earned most of the exchange stateless, deliberately done , so that Kandyan Sinhalese can maintain their majority . Then the Sinhalese state with the help of these fake Arab, refugee, immigrant low caste Dravidian Tamil converts to Islam , started to discriminate , marginalise and commit atrocities and war crimes on the island’s indigenous Tamil population from the north and east. They were denied employment, education, language rights . They were ethnically cleansed and their lands stolen and hundreds of out of area Sinhalese and even Muslims were settled on these lands to deliberately change the demography . Ancient Tamil place names changed to Sinhalese or Islamic sounding names. Tamil districts were deliberately not developed, so that the Tamil were forced , to move to the south and be economically dependent on the Sinhalese. If they were developed, out of area Sinhalese were brought in. Over a million indigenous Tamils were forced flee to the west or to India , or were displaced to the South . This was done deliberately. There were many state sponsored anti Tamil pogroms, Around 300000 Tamil civilians were killed from the time of independence. 145000 in May 2009. Sinhalese percentage at time of independence 66% now 75% . Muslims from around 6% to 10% .

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      About 50% of Demalu from what they call their ‘Traditional Homeland’ now live in other parts of Sri Lanka.

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        Even as per your government statistics 51% of Tamils indigenous and Indian origin live in the north and east. 70% of the indigenous Tamils live in the north and east and many of them also live along the north west coast. Puttalam and Chilaw , which was part of the Tamil homeland, until the British took these lands out together with Padavi Kulam( Padaviya) , North Central and Thamban Kaddavai(Tamankaduwa) in the North Central province again and make the, part of the Sinhalese homeland. If you take these Tamils more than 80% will live in their own lands and 90% of the rest in Colombo. Most of the Tamils living in the Sinhalese areas are the Indian origin estate Tamils who have always lived there , where the British settled them. Please get your facts correct instead of lying and making yourself a fool

  • 5

    Lankan is barking at the wrong tree. His comments show he has no knowledge about current affairs. My write-up was based partly on information available in the public domain. I have no reason to lie. I will advise Lankan to read what is in print. Please visit URL https://www.change.org/p/sri-lankan-government-government-should-stop-the-construction-of-the-sharia-university-in-asia-at-batticaloa which supplement my write-up. To quote here is an excerpt-
    “This private university, built at a cost of Rs. 1,500 million, has been approved by the government and has commenced work in a land taken over by the government as a project of the government. The name of the Malik Abdullah University Collage, named after the king of Saudi Arabia, has now been called the “Batticaloa campus”. The Hira Foundation sponsors Saudi Arabian financial aids. Saudi Arabia’s main bodyguard, Sheikh Yahan Abdul Aziz Al-Rashid, came to sign the agreement in 2013.

    1500 Ulaam priests a year free of charge for Sharia Laws

    The creation of 15,000 Islamic theologians from the year 1500 on a 10-year basis, based on the promotion of the Islamic Religious Ideology, is the ultimate objective of organizing graduate courses in Business Management, Medicine, Information Technology and several other subjects.

    This special feature is the opportunity to study Bachelor of Arts in Sharia and Islamic Studies in Islamic Law in Sri Lanka. The authorities have decided not to charge any money for the degree students, and they have already started pre-campaigning through Islamic organizations in Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh.”

    Is this excerpt is also a lie? If so Lankan must be a mouth-piece of MALM Hizbulla who is the President of the Sharia University. His son holds Rs.500 million worth of shares!

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    The Tamils waged a deadly separatist war against the Sinhalese and lost. Some are upset about occupation, loss of lands to other ethnic groups, etc. This is the way war works. The loser takes a big gamble; therefore, expect the consequences to be equally severe. The Tamils actually got a good deal, considering the historical precedence. For example, between WWI and WWII, Germany permanently lost land in Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, and the former Soviet Union. The Germans in these places (numbering several million inhabitants) were chased out. Another example is Palestine. After the Six-Day War, Israeli territory expanded by leaps and bounds. What about Yugoslavia? The place doesn’t exist anymore, against the wishes of the Serbs. USA is still occupying Germany and Japan. The defense of Western Europe is actually in the hands of NATO, an American proxy against Russia. Rather than whine about the last days of 2009 or “genocide”, the Tamils should find a way to cooperate with the majority community. Put aside Eelamist aspirations for good, as these will fail completely. The demographic numbers in the article show what 70 years of a separatist agenda have yielded, with the Tamil population experiencing severe decline.

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    Eagle Blind Eye Modaya, you have more to suffer owing to your utmost stupidity and mischief making and lies. You are sick due to chronic Mahavambu poisoning and yet if you come back home there is a chance of redemption. Now that you are hiding in down under at Aussies tax payers money and good food and wine your mental faculties are going from bad to worse. You and your group are part of BBS and the Muslim Extremist group that were funded by MR and Gota to run this mischief campaign. Can there be such morons among Sri Lankans? It must be a real mixed gene. Why dont you write a rival history to Mahavambu and insert all your fantasies and hallucinations and illusions?

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    Dear Thanga. You are trying to cover up all. what is evidence that 15000 theologians? what a non sense? what a joke? check up your head with a good doctor please? Are you in a day light dream. How long it will take to produce a 15.000 graduates? where do they get such amount of Students from Sri Lanka? or Saudi? you should have common sense to write this? do you think people will believe in you? you must be joking .

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    Tamils are desperate now, since nobody pays them much attention these days…. LMAO
    Veluppillai Tangavelu writes “Successive Sinhalese governments pampered Muslim militancy and Islamic fundamentalism at the expense of Tamils. ” As all of us know this is utter nonsense and a blatant lie. Tamils are desperately trying to squeeze in their agenda, namely bashing Srilanka and the Sinhalese to get pity and acceptance in the west, even at a time like this. Now, Mr. Tangavelu do not spread rumours of this sort to try to destabilize Srilanka in this very troubled and dangerous time and be careful of what you write. Our government will inform your asylum host country Canada about the security risk these kinds of rumours pose and the authorities in Canada will drag you out of your asylum hostel and imprison you. So don’t play dangerous games.(Ref. Your World Tamil Terror movement has been tolerated in Canada although it also got ultimately proscribed (On June 16, 2008, the Government of Canada formally listed the World Tamil Movement as a “terrorist organization” under the Criminal Code.). The ISIS poses a serious terrorist threat worldwide, unlike your Tamil terrorism which was mainly a threat to Srilanka, so don’t count your asylum countries not to action against anyone who tries to spread rumours and sabotage the security efforts in Srilanka.

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