By Niresh Eliatamby –
Terrorists and Murderers rejoice! Maithripala Sirisena may have saved the day for you!
The next time that Sri Lanka asks the European Union, UK, Canada or Australia to arrest and extradite a suspect wanted for terrorism, murder, drug trafficking, etc., we are quite likely to be firmly told ‘No!”.
Around the world, most countries that have abolished the death penalty have implemented policies that they will not extradite a suspect of a capital crime (a crime liable for the death penalty) to a country that practices the death penalty. With President Sirisena announcing that he has signed the death warrants of four persons and that their executions will be carried out shortly, Sri Lanka has stepped from the ranks of countries that do not practice capital punishment, to the ranks of those that are willing to execute our fellow human beings.
It may now also become possible for a Sri Lankan terrorist or murderer to simply catch a flight to Europe or Australia and be safe for the rest of his life, because those countries will not send him or her back to a country that practices the death penalty. Such may be the consequences of the President’s thoughtless political ploy.
Extradition of a suspect from one country to another is carried out under bilateral extradition treaties. A global research organisation on capital punishment, capitalpunishmentincontext.org, notes that “Countries that have abandoned the practice of the death penalty usually will not permit an alleged criminal to be extradited to countries that still practice the death penalty unless they are assured that the defendant will not face this punishment. For example, the countries of the European Union will not extradite to the United States a person charged with a capital offense without assurances that the death penalty will not be sought.”
Worldwide, it become progressively more accepted that the use of capital punishment is a barbaric method that has been scientifically proven to serve no deterrent purpose for future crimes. Of the world’s 198 countries, a remarkably high number of 106 have legally abolished the death penalty. Another 28 have it in the law books but do not practice it (as has been the case in Sri Lanka since 1976). Another eight nations have capital punishment only for extraordinary crimes such as war crimes, and not for common crimes. Thus, a total of 142 nations have turned their backs on the death penalty. These include the entire European Union of 28 countries (including the UK), Canada, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and South Africa.
Only 56 countries actively practice capital punishment, most of them Islamic countries, with the notable addition of China, India, the United States, South Korea and Japan. In the United States, 21 of the 50 states and the District of Columbia have banned capital punishment.
However, in most of the countries that practice capital punishment, there are very few actual executions, some as few as one or two per year. In fact, only about a dozen countries executed over 10 people in 2016. The glaring exceptions were China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan and Egypt. China is believed to execute more people every year than the rest of the world combined.
Quite apart from its lack of effectiveness as a deterrent to criminal behavior, studies have proven beyond doubt that the death penalty worldwide is used disproportionately on people of lower social class, as well as ethnic minorities that are discriminated against by government authorities.
At present, more than 1,200 convicted persons are on death row in Sri Lanka. The death penalty is the punishment for a significantly large number of crimes in Sri Lanka ranging from treason to murder, drug trafficking and the use of firearms in certain crimes. Certain military offenses are also punishable by the death penalty.
In Sri Lanka in 1956, Prime Minister SWRD Bandaranaike in practice abolished the death penalty. However, with his assassination in 1959, the gallows returned and the monk who assassinated him, Talduwe Somarama, was executed. The death penalty continued in use and the last execution was on 23rd June 1976. The 1978 constitution effectively introduced safeguards that made it extremely difficult to carry out an execution, requiring the President, Minister of Justice, Attorney General, and the judges who heard the case in the High Court, Appeal Court and Supreme Court to all decide on execution. If not, death sentences were automatically commuted.
However, following the murder of High Court Judge Sarath Ambepitiya in 2004, President Chandrika Kumaratunga heeded calls for the reintroduction of the death penalty by reinstating capital punishment. However, she did not send a single person to the gallows. Neither did her successor Mahinda Rajapaksa.
*Niresh Eliatamby was for many years an investigative journalist, who also spent nearly two decades covering Sri Lanka’s civil war
saurus / June 27, 2019
Gamarala is suffering from tunnel vision.
When all one has is a hammer everything is a nail. This is a godayata magic scenario because Gamarala on one his umpteen travels ran into Duterte and heard about his war on drugs so Gamarala also wanted to play the tough guy ahead of the election. The mob might have fallen for it if not for the Mohommedan cult going Allah Allah kaboom.
Any paw Gamaral thought he could have 5 more years of munching cashews in business class on tax payer expense.
Amarasiri / June 28, 2019
Sirisena is a Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist”. He Prostrates to Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” Monks. They all are low IQ imbeciles. What have they produced over the so-called 2,500 year old civilization? Lies and imaginations of Magawansa. No Algebraic, no Arithmatic no Almagest, no Astronomy , but imbecile monks who are after boys.
Now, all the terrorists have to do is flee.
Remember, SWRD prostrated to Monk Somarama, and he shot him.
Eagle Eye / June 28, 2019
Sirisena is not a ‘Para Sinhala’ but a ‘Sinhala Paraya’. ‘Para’ in Sinhala means ‘Foreign’ e.g. ‘Para Sudda’, ‘Para Desakkaraya’. ‘Paraya’ means ‘Rogue’. Sirisena is Native Sinhalaya who is a rogue..
IQ is low because Demalu were included in the sample.
MsMaralathoni / June 29, 2019
Eagale the most abusive BP on CT platform;
Why you mix it up with Tamils ? Why you bear a hatred against our TAMIL brothers.
Why on earth you come up with the kind of racial statements even if you are in later day life today. BPs of your nature should be subjected open executions. Then only we can breath in for a better future.
Buramphisincho / June 29, 2019
Not just by Tunnel vision but not having proper education and background.
No matter anyone in his advisoary board would share him, the bugger s self esteem is far from the average. The kind men to become leaders can ruin almost everything is what we learnt from this President.
India s Modi is also coming from rural background. He cant even pronounce an english world properly. But his is different to that of Rajapakshes and Sirisenas. Our leading bearing sinhala genetics would never see it right.
I am sinhalaya but I call myself today srilanken. Those who brand them as SINHALA BUDDHISTS are the real racists and facists in this country.
justice / June 27, 2019
When “fearless” judge Sarath Ambepitiya was shot dead by a drug dealer, all lawyers refused to appear for him in the case filed against him, except one lawyer who did – and he was hooted at by all other lawyers present in court.
On the fifth day after the murder, President CBK visited the widow and gave her Rs Five Million as “compensation” – no one knew what was being compensated for !
Earlier, the “fearless” judge sentenced a young widow with children, to life imprisonment, for possession of 30 mg of heroin.
Anpu / June 27, 2019
I did a quick google and could not find any reports by “Niresh Eliatamby ” on sri Lankan war.
The real terrorists are the govts including the Sri Lankan govt.
JD / June 27, 2019
Eliya Thambi: What did you talk when LTTE was blowing up bus Stands, Railway Stations, Buddhist temples, Central Bank, KIA etc., Political solution and Federal solution ?. give us a glimpse of what you talked.
I am pretty sure, the International community is behind both the DRUG Cartels in Srilanka, Wahhabi attacks, Problems inside the Parliament and Economy of Sri lanka. There are lot of indirect evidence to prove that. Politicians know it directly.
Some how the Drug problem in Srilanka is serious. Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines used death. So, why not Sri lanka. Why muslim countries do not have drug problem. It will be death penalty.
Saurus / June 28, 2019
What is this magical penalty goal? Is it only applicable for the Trishaw drivers, laborers street hustlers and 100 rupee hookers OR Will it also be applicable for SUV drivers, political sons, politicians also. How about Gamarala getting some skin in the game and hang a political son for smoking weed.
Before bringing additional penalties how about implementing one law for everyone (including no special laws for cults).
Besides a begger nation needs GSP plus and needs to dance to Euro tunes. A nation can’t get panditha and go burn farm in huff like certain gamaralas
Lankan / June 29, 2019
The Western countries are scared if Sri Lanka uses death penalty the country will come up and compete with the West.
JD / June 27, 2019
So far this year, at least 104 people have been executed by Saudi Arabia – at least 44 of them are foreign nationals, the majority of whom were convicted of drug-related crimes. In 2018, Saudi Arabia carried out 149 executions during the whole year
Sri lanka should execute even the Foreigners that brings in Drugs to Sri lanka. Why European union which is just a building stops what Srilanka is doing with the Drug barons.
SJ / June 28, 2019
Is Saudi Arabia to be our role model?
JD / June 28, 2019
SJ: You are just a talker and not even follower or a thinker. Start thinking.
nalmen / June 28, 2019
god forgive him for he knows not the implication of what he does
carlos / June 28, 2019
Let those countries who wish to keep the rapists and drug dealers instead of deporting them to Sri Lanka, keep them at their expense and risk
Anjay / June 28, 2019
It is good to implement death penalty asap, thugs who do that know the punishment now and they have a choice. Who cares about other western countries it is foolish to believe west want Sri Lanka to thrive they destroyed our culture nation and the economy and continue to do that even now. If they love drug traffickers let them keep and look after them. We need to follow countries like Malaysia, Singapore,Indonesia et al they do not care what west says, there are shameful Sri Lankans who will still kneel down in front of western countries and white skin and believe them after centuries of destruction to our nation and after 71 years of hard earned independence.!!
Douglas / June 28, 2019
JD: I agree with you. This writer’s contention is that , when Sri Lanka request to extradite, the murderers, terrorists, drug traffickers , other countries would not oblige because we have the “Death Penalty”. FINE. Who cares. Let those countries have them, keep them and own them. That is another way of solving the problem. In addition, if any of those countries want to “OWN” those types, let them “RELAX” their entry rules and get them down, at their expense. We are ready to strip them of their citizenship and all other connected rights and freely “EXPORT” to those counties. Let us have our “STANDARDS” spelled out straight, i.e. NO NONSENSE with the Law of the Land of our country. We NEED to clear our stable , on our terms and PROTECT the COUNTRY and its’ PEOPLE. The TROUBLE at the moment is, we have allowed every “Dick, Tom & Harry” to DICTATE to us and given opportunities to TWIST our arms. This must STOP. If we stand FIRM and means BUSINESS with NO NONSENSE strength, everyone will start to RESPECT us. That is how some of the most thriving nations and counties have been developed and built, including Singapore by Lee Kuwn Yew.
Anpu / June 28, 2019
Mr Eliatamby
Have you written anything about war crimes?
Nathan / June 29, 2019
[Sirisena is not a ‘Para Sinhala’ but a ‘Sinhala Paraya’. ]
Well said Blind Eagle. Almost all the rulers since independence were Sinhala Parayas who fought for their benefits and looting the country and finally made Dhamma Deepa into an eternal Dukka Deepa. Why do we really need death sentence. We just kill in much more easier way and cheap manner than this hanging business. Every day we are killing. Did we have death sentence in force to kill hundreds and thousands of innocent tamil civilians in the open while the crimes being videoed by fellow murders. From 1956 we are freely killing minorities in the open by sinhala civilians, clergy and armed forces so why we need death sentence. We killed sinhala youths, thousands of them, so freely and did we have death sentence. So killing is our strength that our culture and ithihasa has given us. Tell me any sinhala history without killing, betrayal, back stabbing, patricide and matricide? Even our mahavamsa history proves that and proudly boast about it. Bestiality, incest, patricide, wantonness, betrayal are our roots from which this unique exclusive race evolved in this unique land and evolved to this present state of tragedy, chaos, confusion, hatred, betrayal, exploitation, poverty, ignorance, stupidity, rape, murder, drug addictions, stealing, and the list is endless. So Blind Eagle, aka HLD, you are the right evil, and you are the right Sinhala Paraya, to lead the nation. Also I agree that if not for Para Dhemalus, this unique race may not have appeared on this Dukka Deepa.
K.Pillai / June 29, 2019
There are reasons to speculate that Niresh Eliatamby in the words “Terrorists & Murderers” he is tilting it to suit the demands of extreme rightwing nationalists like SLPP who want a Buddhist-Sinhala-Only SL.
He is spreading the garbage: Fly to Aus or EU, claim refugee status and live happily ever after is Goebbelsian. Lankan Elites and possibly the ilk of Gnanasara may succeed but not typical layLankans.
Niiesh calls himself “Investigative Journalist”. He is anything but.
He covered the civil war for GR