15 January, 2025


Gota Faces More Damage Claims In The U.S.

Torture victims who suffered appalling predicaments during Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s reign of terror from 2008 – 2013, have filed ten new claims for damages in the U.S. district court in Central California.

The papers filed on June 26 speak of appalling human rights and right to freedom from torture violations, as the plaintiffs describe the way in which they suffered at the hands of Police officers and military personnel who enjoyed protection of the Rajapaksas. The case has been led by the International Truth and Justice project.

Among the counts of torture described by victims include incidents of being whipped, being choked using plastic bags, being continuously raped and sexually assaulted and being branded with hot metal rods. The identities have been concealed to ensure the safety of the victims who consist of both Tamil and Sinhalese individuals.

The torture claims listed in the charge papers have occurred in army camps spread across the country including Galle Boossa camp, Vavuniya Joseph Camp and police stations of Colombo adn Pulmudai. The victims have identified officers from various government agencies, the CID, TID and SIS perpetrating the torture.

Among other appalling allegations including rape and sexual assault, plaintiffs say she, along with several other female tamil prisoners were given birth control injections after being raped to prevent pregnancies.

Latest comments

  • 45

    The D.A Rajapakse case is easily an open and shut one. But it is tragic and comic that he has managed to flit from court to court in a cold sweat to stop the commencement of the trial. This is the man who boasts about annihilating the worst terrorist outfit the world has ever spawned. Yesterday the Attorney General informed the Supreme Court that he will amend the indictments filed – pursuant to another desperate Appeal from him. So that’s how it goes here. You need to possess a different type of arrogance to ask the Govt to pay for a 33.9M museum he wanted to erect for his father! Now lets see how he fares in the courts of the U.S.A.

    • 28


      Thanks you for your review of Gota’s court cases.
      However do you think he would be able to fix the outcome of the cases?
      Where is he now?

      • 24

        So, this open criminal wants to become the Executive President of this Monkey State called Sri Lanka. The Gota bugger and the entire GOVIGAMA MAFIA Ruling Elite gangsters are backing him with the expectation of keeping them covered up from their CRIMINAL past by hijacking the system. The unceasing Anti Muslim War on Islam is designed to pull in the entire Sinhala population to back him. So, that they are expecting a FAKELY engineered “Popular Revolution” to go to the next level of the continuation of the 70 years curse further more. Sirisena’s Death Sentence implementation is another GOVIGAMA trick to put everyone on the death BUT ANY GOVI CRIMINAL. Have anybody seen any GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE member being sentencing to jail or any justice being served on them for their proven crimes???? none! Unless the people or some entity get rid of them all, the destruction of this nation and its people is unstoppble.

        • 2

          The reason the Govigama Ruling Elite Mafia operative Sirisena is made to declare the implementation of the DEATH Sentence for a special reason. That reason is undoubtedly as a showpiece to hoodwink the public that they are doing something good and they have made the choice of the category carefully determined. The GOVIGAMA ELITE team have chosen the sentenced Drug Convicts, the scapegoats for this newest misadventure as a deception trick to take the focus of the general public and the world opinion away from the massive GOVIGAMA crimes committed throughout the 70+ years of their rule. Why Sira and the Govi team did not consider the convicts of MURDER for the death row??? Because, many of the criminals under this category belongs to the GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE families. Mahinda’s entire family is Mega Murderers. Plus many others are complicit to those crimes. Sira is the one who ordered the killings of Tamils at the last stage of the Elam War4. All of them are complicit in Crimes against humanity for which the UNHCR is giving more and more time for them get away from punishment. Will they be held accountable at least now???? After 70+ bloody years of inaction…..

        • 2

          Gota’s presidential expectation itself is ominously designed with so much of death and destruction to the Muslims is a clear indication that the Brand Name “Sri Lanka” will be synonymous with “The Enemy Number One to the Islamic world” as the bulk of the Sinhala politicians are openly demonstrating their hidden animosity and the prejudice against a religion (Islam) and a community (Muslim) who helped Sri Lanka throughout a span of 40+years uplifting the national economy and the ungrateful Sinhala population whose personal income level was made stable, is like biting the very hand that feed them. Gota and his criminal GOVIGAMA Elite gangsters have teamed up with the sworn enemies of the Muslims and Islam – The Zionist / Israeli system with the plan of knocking down Iran and Pakistan to implement the demolition of Al Aqsa (the third holiest Islamic site). Gota’s or Mahinda’s victory would mean, Islamic countries trade and oil embargo to the RACIST SINHALA BAUDHDHA Rajya in accordance with the Champika Ranawaka’s dream where Muslims will be killed and maimed in order to satisfy the Zionist Jews.

        • 1

          The US and Israel who are promoting the regime changes all around the world to bring in Criminal Intent individuals and groups after destroying the progressive elected govts., against the will of the population, will be used as MERCENARY FORCES to work on the Anti Islamic/Anti Muslim projects. Under this scheme, as the most criminal political family in the ASIA region, the RAJAPAKSES are favoured by the Human Rights promoting Western Nations, especially the US, have cleared the massive crimes of GOTA by relieving him of the US citizenship to stand for the oncoming Presidential election. The very same Mass Murderers, thieves and rapists are being silently promoted by the US/Israeli alliance to install a govt., that will violate anything just to make its political scores working. The world population must raise the questions as to why RAJAPAKSES and the SL GOVTS., (past and present) have always given a new lease of life to further their Anti Humanity activities on a repeated manner???? Why cant they be held responsible and be given the same punishments that the NAZI’s were given, Milosevic, Rwanda genocide convicts were given…? Why special treatments to these criminals??? aren’t they the ones who are now working on WAR ON ISLAM and the persecution of the Muslims on a massive scale???? Will the OIC members at least brand the SINHALA RACIST LEADERS as terrorists and the enemies of Islam to begin with, plus adding the members, supporters and well wishers of Racist entities as enemies and deprive them of providing Visas and Job opportunities and blacklist them.

    • 25

      All gods should come forward to get rid of this BP from our sight. Former Defence secretary but to have carried out a load of high crimes in the aftermath of the war – should thoroughly be considered. These men should be hung by their balls, if our heartfelt emotions to find some comfort.

      Local media men and Rajapakshe family have been sowing seeds of extremism in the country. Now with all their fears being surfacing regarding that particular Obestrician s case was a fake to send the message across the grass eaters… dominated country…. wimal bruuwansa nad gonthadipila re made somewhat silent to the media these days.
      I want to see that BP wIMAL AND Udaya gonthadipila with Madhumadhawdha most abusive man of Pohottuwa be jailed forever. These men are like POISONOUS reptiles… that would harm in many ways not them being socialized enough to face human association.

    • 28

      If anyone would raise me the question:
      what my wish would be

      1) Rajaakshe be jailed
      2)Bp SIRISENA be jailed
      3) Former Rajakashe ministers … now in their pohotottuwa front … with all high sets of on going investigations on their high crimes be jailed.
      4) Then hold the elections and let Mr Nagananda K or the like unconventional candidate let allow get elected by people s votes.
      5) Make a nation respect and dignity being allowed to any race of people if they born to th elanken soils.
      6) Removal of monks from lanken politics, and strenghthen the sanaga hood… by introducing real LAWs for SANAGAYA TOO:

      • 9

        Bramps; The first thing to do is to introduce a law that require all who are promoted Upasampadawa are castrated by a qualified surgeon.

      • 1

        Good suggestion but. , all possible if they
        become U.S.A. citizens .

    • 1

      Gota is hiding in Singapore to escape from the court case, citing bi-pass operation, there was no such operation performed, and he will return only after announcement of his candidature for the election, so that he can escape with the sympathy, and at that time he can say it is a revenge arrest.

  • 12

    “The identities have been concealed to ensure the safety of the victims who consist of both Tamil and Sinhalese individuals.”

    So Gota was not a Racist ??

    • 24


      “So Gota was not a Racist ??”

      Nopes. He is not.
      He is not a racist.
      Like VP Gota also a psychopath, a national hangman.
      He is above all these petty differences.

      • 7

        Why do you single out Gota and VP?

        Wonder why SL has been an incubator for people with “special talents” even from Ramayana stories?

        Should we blame it on the toxic breeze originating from deep deep Indian Ocean?

        • 7

          Gifted Kids

          “Why do you single out Gota and VP?”

          Please feel free to add other names too if they fit the category.
          For example Rohana Wijeweera. …….

      • 2

        Native Vedda
        What is your problem man?
        Do you know VP or Gota to compare and contrast. You are typing your comments based on hear say!! Only stupid people do such thing. get a life man or is it too much to ask.

        • 2


          Do you know both long/deep enough to counter my comment?
          Or are/were you the official b***s carrier to either of them?

  • 17

    so who is going to be the SLPP’s presidential candidate now?
    it might give him another heart attack

    • 11

      According to the Asgiriya Prelate it is Chamal Rajapakse

    • 10

      Heart attack for a psychopath who has no heart.????? Open hear surgery will prevent him from campaigning. He can never be a President. Thank God

  • 11

    the cia will put gota in charge of sri lanka. we will see what happens with the country going back to the war days. investors will have to pay 5% to gota and gang to be in business. now already muslim businessman are killed. next will be the tamils.

  • 25

    I wonder if many readers of CT are determined to vote for Gota. I sincerely hope not. Unless, of course, you close yr eyes & ears to (alleged, certainly — so far) shocking complaints of torture on his watch.
    See the 60+ pages in the Plaint & understand that the terrible treatment described is by survivors. What of those who didnt survive? What did they have to endure?
    Can we risk such abuse again? Can we empower anyone believed to be capable of condoning torture? Would you give your vote to him if one of your loved ones had been treated like this by officials following his orders?


    • 20

      I think that GoRa’s heroic character is mostly a creation by the clan itself with the help of media during the MaRa regime and that he is nothing but a pathetic case suffering from not yet properly diagnosed mental decease called “bipolar syndrome”. His taped phone conversation with Fredrica Janz provides one of the best proof.

      • 18

        Gota was in Jaffna working under Maj. General Denzil Kobbekaduwa. When General was killed by a land mine at Kayts on August 1992, this coward got scared and deserted the army and ran away to USA (fraudulently winning US lottery) worked in a petrol pump. He came back as a brave man when his brother became president. What a brave man he is? Do not boast this coward as brave man. This patriotic brave man trying to play the same gimmick what he did in 1992 by staying back in Singapore. Hope this coward will come back alive to face all the trials (USA & Sri lanka) and suffer his rest of the life.

    • 2

      Manel Fonseka,
      “I wonder if many readers of CT are determined to vote for Gota.”
      Many readers of CT are Colombo Toiyas. They cast their vote to a guy who had a role in ‘Black July’ and who earned the name as ‘Batalanda Wadakaya’ because of torturing and killing thousands of Sinhala youths. So why can’t they vote for Gota?

      • 13

        Well, as one who DIDNT vote for him, I’ll just say this, as far as I know, there have been no real attempts to verify the Batalanda rumours. Has anybody followed them up or lodged a serious plaint? Are explicit details, such as those given in the present plaint, available of inhuman treatment, torture, etc., at Batalanda?
        It is true, unfortunately, that for far too many years, there have been horrendous happenings in Sri Lanka, and almost all the top leadership is very seriously tainted, to put it mildly. And there are politicians who are known to have blood on their hands who are still out there making hay while the sun still shines for them. I could even name a few myself.. The rest of the political pond life is scarcely better, some of it even worse.
        Maybe Gota was just more open about his readiness to resort to extreme methods. How many people would declare in a publicly broadcast interview: “We’ll HANG him!” It was as if he didnt see anything wrong in what he was so ready to do. That frightens me.
        So I hope Sri Lanka manages to throw up some alternative to ALL these guys in time to present a decent candidate at the end of the year.

        • 4

          Batalanda Investigations revealed that Ranil lived in a house adjoining the torture chambers. The AG produced evidence that there is no way Ranil was not part of this horrific setup. Go check the records, mam. Batalanda Ranil is a psychopath.

          • 9

            Patriot (oh dear, I always think of what Samuel Johnson said when I hear that word), Patriot,
            tell me where to find “the records” or give me a website with some real info.
            Are u sure RW lived near Batalanda? I thought he always lived at his home near Thurstan College, unless he was in Temple Trees.
            I’ve never been a fan of the man, anyway (and that’s not because of the aspersions he once cast in the House on a person very close to me), or under any illusions about him. But I still need substantial evidence to believe him to condone torture.

      • 14

        Eagle eye you shameless twat.
        How much do you get paid to play the same record over and over.
        I have heard accounts of massacres of suspected JVP guys in Matale by Gota while he was a colonel in the Ukuwela camp.
        He not only murdered our own people in cold blood, he used his cruelty and carnage to show as an example to the tamil people saying if he can be this heartless to the Sinhalese then you can imagine what he can do to tamils.
        Gota is a beast. He is not supposed to walk the streets freely. Its a shame that some people assume that a person like Gota can do good.
        As they say there is no medicine for stupidity.

    • 0

      If RW & Gota contest, I would prefer Gota, since RW’s inaction, silence and hanging on to the UNP leadership for decades have created worst outcome to the country.

      • 5

        Dear Amila W.,
        Don’t you realise that in 2015 there were 19 candidates? Well, it’s your sovereign right to vote any way you want to.
        You have declared that you would prefer Gota to Ranil. Well, give Gota your THIRD PREFERENCE; you seem to grant that both are bad.
        Upto now, when I used my 3 Preferences, which have always been available since 1982, I used to vote for an honest no-hope candidate as my No. 1. Often it was the same for second and third preferences.
        Can one of the three current elections Commissioners (how many readers are so ignorant that they imagine that there is only one Commissioner – who they imagine is Mahinda Deshapriya?) please let us know if in any of the 7 Elections second and third preferences were actually counted?
        Here are all the First Preferences:
        You miss the forest for the trees when you look at that sort of thing. I’m pretty sure that they are accurate.
        Well, there are a few details missing in 2005. This may help:
        Lazy louts who don’t do their homework don’t deserve to vote – but our system allows them. What to do?
        My mind has almost been made up: I will vote Number One for Nagananda Kodituwakku, and probably list numbers 2 and 3 as well.
        This may help you understand how a similar, less important election has actually worked with more intelligent voting:
        Sri Lankans are probably among the most Uneducated Voters in the World – and so we have this mess!

    • 0

      Wow, these are some quite disturbing accounts. Thanks for sharing the link Manel Fonseka. But, frankly, I am not too shocked and these are just scratch on the surface. The violence committed on the Tamil bodies, particularly sexual violence, has to be understood in the context of the racial conflict/racial characteristic of the Sri Lankan state with the Sri Lankan military (and law enforcement arm) being largely a Sinhala male patriarchal institution that perpetuates this domination over the ‘other’. There can be parallels drawn to white colonialism – they don’t just conquer lands but women’s bodies, as in the sexual slavery case described in one account. These are not merely to do with impunity but body politics meant to degrade, humiliate, and subjugate a population.I hope one day the Sinhalese people will answer for this instead of keeping on denying Tamil genocide.

  • 16

    So all in all, now 12 cases are being heard in the US courts, and might be still more to come. Yes, he might escape from the Sri Lankan courts but not from the US courts. The judgement too would be out from the US courts ahead of the Sri Lankan courts.

  • 26

    As a Sinhala Buddhist I wonder if any learned person of the Dharma give me an idea how on earth a deceased parents are blessed with erecting a statue from stolen government funds with the peasants of the Ruhuna suffer from endless hardships like lack of water, Jobs, housing etc.

    How many houses can be built for those homeless people with this money?

    These Rajapaksas will be rot in the hell for this crime., shame we do not have a legal system to get these bastards hang for the crime.

    • 11

      But, they still have loyalists who even can’t feed their own children. The parents of the child who died from malnutrition belongs to such blind loyalists in Tissamaharama!

    • 0

      You should read a publication in .pdf format in 32 pages by votesl.com

      titled Decade of Corruption. Most media Editors have read it but too

      frightened to quote from it still. This is being translated into pithy Kavi

      for entertainment during Election Campaigns shortly.

  • 3

    US courts know very well about tamil terrorists and their supporters. As long as Trump adminstration in power Tamil terrorist supporters have no chance.

    • 10

      Charles, even the terrorists cannot be treated in the manner described in the plaint. Also, it’s not only to Tamils who went through these horrendous crimes Sinhalese and others too. It’s an open secret in SL the way Gota ran the country. That’s why even the highest prelates called him Hitler. His brother lost the presidency purely because of him. Masses put up with corruption but murder and extortion. In CHI CHI’s words everyone was scared to throw a candy wrap knowing what GOTA will do to you. Dictator in any other name is still a dictator

  • 9

    All these are allegations which if he is strong as he displayed to the meak and the weak, should defend. One cannot escape from law of karma.

  • 7

    “…….being choked using plastic bags…….” – I think what is meant is “being asphyxiated using plastic bags.” Either way, the victims would have had a hellish time.

  • 6

    There should be a new chapter of accusations/filing of cases on those who were abducted and “rehabilitated” after the war.
    And, another about Tamil girls “recruited” for the army to form a new regiment which was paraded – shown on U Tube – and, now unheard of – probably disbanded.
    There were videos of them being trained – crawling on all fours on sand, while being thrashed on the buttocks, with sticks.

  • 11

    US courts are independent of politics. . That is why few legislators, friends of Trump, congressman and others are in prison today. It is not Lanka , for Sarath, Mohan, and few judges to fix the outcome. Dream on retards. This is a clear sign that the wheels of justice turn slowly but grind exceedingly fine. Gotha will be found guilt of war crimes. Lanka lied and deceived to wiggle out of International court of justice but has now ended up in California to decide Gotha,s fate. International courts usually takes years to give verdict, where as this being regular case will take only few months.

    • 0

      “US courts are independent of politics.” ???
      The Federal Judges are political appointees.
      At lower levels, you even have racist bigots for judges. Check on race statistics of convicts.

  • 11

    Death Penalty is back. …. Hang this US Gas Station Assistant for the crimes committed against Tamils and Sinhalese alike………
    Please don’t let this uneducated moron escape and go scot-free

  • 8

    US judiciary id not like Sri Lankan judiciary US will not allow Gota to forgo his US citizenship until the courts decide on the cases. That means that Gota can not contest the President and escape from charges Who knows whether Gota will end up in Jail in the US. If he does not return to US Interpol will deal with him I an addition Gota is a heart patient as such not medically fit to contest for President, In addition, the minorities and many educated singhalese will not vote for him. The maximum he will pool 30% provided his bother spends money. Hence from Mahinda dynasty, the next option is Chamalas Basil refunded to contest The other option is Shiani from UNP it is Sajith or Jayasuriya. Sjith is young and the UK educated and carries the image of his father The rural masses like him Karu is equally good and honest Mithri is completely out

  • 1

    I have seen some people have written comments agaist GR for non proven cases. But there are more horrendous things happened during the 1977 to 2004. A few of such examples are Batalanda, Suriyawewa and abduction and killing of Many JVPs. Then there is a case of Richard De Soysa.

    Why our people are silent about those innocent killings of Sinhalese youths. No body is talking about these things done by the then UNP government. These UNP fellows have become Human Rights heros.

    • 5

      I disagree that “These UNP fellows have become Human Rights heros.”

      A number of human rights organisations protested against, condemned and recorded abuses under UNP governments. Some even took up cases, unpaid. I know of some of them. And Richard de Zoysa’s case was handled by Batty Weerakoon. I am familiar with the type of work the Civil Rights Movement (CRM) did from as far back as 1971. (You dont refer to anything before 1977.) Perhaps many people who are concerned with these things today were not around in the 70s, 80s, 90s when both SLFP & UNP majority govts were condemned for violations. It is easy to criticise human rights workers, but many of them actually work voluntarily (unpaid) and face harrassment themselves. It is a depressing business and requires guts and commitment to pursue for any length of time.
      I suggest you take the trouble to visit the CRM and read its reports and statements from nearly 50 years of caring. Start with “The People’s Rights” and “21 Years of CRM”. Look at “An Untimely Death” which commemorates one of CRM’s very brave members, lawyer K Kandasamy. A successful commercial lawyer, he actually stopped his main legal practice to engage more closely in the field of human rights – without payment. Tragically, he was abducted by a Tamil separatist organization and died in captivity. HE is a “human rights hero”…. not any of your “UNP fellows”.

  • 2

    Poor Nandasena..
    How can he fight those wealthy Diaspora dudes who are backed by the best legal brains of the White Lawyers?..
    Where will it end..
    The Hague suppose…

    When Dr Ranil won the Election, Muslims fed Green Kiribath to our poor Inhabitants in Galle.
    When Nande goes to Haig, wonder what the Diaspora will offer our Sinhala Buddhists ?..
    Do they serve Kiribath ?…

    • 1

      I think that MY 3 is cooking something special with his ALUGOSUVA for “poor Nandasena”.

    • 5

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “How can he fight those wealthy Diaspora dudes who are backed by the best legal brains of the White Lawyers?..”

      Isn’t it a closely knit family?
      One for all and all for one.
      If the clan pooled their resources together they could fund 10 US candidates over 40 years.

      Anyhow I was led to believe Subramanian Swamy was going to take care of Gota/Mahinda campaign finances as the Hindians did in 2005.

      Are you saying Gota never earned a cent from all those lucrative procurement contracts he signed between 2005 and 2015? They were worth billions of dollar budgets every year.

      • 1

        Dear Native,

        Pitakotuwe Podi Hamuduruwo asked Dr Ranil and his mates what happenend to that USD 18 Billion loot , Dr Ranil’s emissaries Mangala Samare, Dentist Dr Ranitha and Darling Son Chatura found in the Arab Vault .
        And duly reported to Dr Ranil’s F******CID and the Yahapalana Bribery Commission

        I know Dr Rnil impounded his mate Aloysiou’s Family Fortune,quarantined all the Bank Deposits including the rolling Credit and put everything under his UNP Compensation Fund to pay back that 11 Billion to the poor Inhabitants EPF..

        Has Dr Ranil done the same with that USD 18 Billion to compensate all those poor LTTE Cadres and their Supporters and the Financiers who are flocking to US Courts asking for Damages?…

        I know those Yankee Judges are very generous with the Damages payouts.
        Wonder how much each will get.
        Will that 18 Billion cover all the claims?..

        Dr Ranil’s investment in young Chatura specially, is paying bloody good dividends..
        You should ask your mates to contribute something for Chatura’s Election Camapaign . ie if Dr Ranil has one sometime in the next 5 years..

        • 1

          KASmasalam K A Sumanasekera

          I continue to miss your point.
          Could you put everything in a nutshell.

          By the way why did Gota first sold our dignity to Blake by signing the defense agreement, the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA) in 2007?
          In return what did he gain personally apart from huge US support to VP in the war to destroy LTTE?

  • 6

    Craig: Did you hear the latest developments in the case against Gota? The AG has agreed to “Amend” the charges. This was stated in SC when the case he appealed was taken up. His appeal was when the Court of Appeal rejected filed against the decision of the Special Courts. See how he “Jumps” from one court to the other. – a delaying tactic adopted by him and the “Black Coat Mafia”. What the “Amended” charges are yet to be announce, but definitely take another five to six months. See the “Circus” of our Judiciary system. If proper justice system is in practice in this country, Gota would have been behind bars by now wearing the same “Uniform” that ex Army Commander was wearing in jail and lining up with the plate in hand to receive his meal. Shouldn’t he receive for that Rs. 33.9 million pilfered from the RDA to build the “Father’s Memorial”.

  • 0

    I think USA likes Maithripala Sirisena and Gota went to China for some thing long ago. USA knows it. So, they are scared. Therefore, they show all the sticks. Gota did not have political ambitions earlier. allowed the brother to play him the way they want. Gota Should come as the PM. Ask Ranil to step down as Ranil unbelievably INCOMPETENT Ranil should get his Pension and enjoy the life. Probably, he thinks he won’t get bullet proof european luxury cars with his pension. Just like Mahinda Rajapakse, say, all the people are waiting to get him.

  • 3

    GR is under lot of pressure. He has opened his heart in a Singapore hospital.
    What an expensive way to relax/meditate!
    His favourite ‘nool-Monk’ BBS-Buddhist Ganasara has betrayed him.

    • 0

      His two Brothers, particularly Mahinda Rajapakse could have helped him a lot. Instead Mahinda Rajapakse wanted everything available to be used in his lost President post and in his dynasty building project. It is MR allies who took shots at BBS and said too that MR lost because of BBS. I think all the instructions also like that “Malli make my son the president”

  • 0

    You have to torture people to gather various forms of intelligence. Otherwise they won’t talk. What the US does is “outsource” the torture. For example, they will capture an ISIS guy in Afghanistan, let the Pakistani ISIS torture him for info (with US people asking questions), and then send the person to a place like Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Bush Jr. built this camp to avoid US laws against torture. S. Lanka does not have military bases all over the world, so the torture must be done at home.

    • 0

      *Pakistani ISI

  • 1

    I never ever imagine so many people are are depending on US justice system in Sri Lanka. I’am sure they put their faith in US Justice after all they hardly ever convict a innocent never been in hurry to torture or convict a single terrorist.
    If VP was still alive he would be the first eye witness to be called by the prosecution against GR’s. Number two for sure would be one & only Pretty boy Karuna Amman he may still turn up in his camouflage uniform.
    Forget the Tiger suicide bombers , mass killings of innocent civilians bombing of jetliner central bank, other devastation and mayhem caused by Tigers catch cry
    “Go After G.R’s we are with you our Tiger brother & sisters”.
    How quickly people forget the recent past in Sri Lanka, this made me think some Sri Lankan’s are only happy to live under shadow of terrorism as it happening now.

    “Wrongful convictions are devastating events that are unfortunately not uncommon. In the United States, there have been 2,095 exoneration’s of innocent inmates since 1989.
    With about 2 million people incarcerated in the U.S., a 2% innocence rate would be equivalent to 40,000 wasting their lives in jail or prison”.

    What a pompous lot of self-serving hypocrites in fact they give a bad name to real Hypocrites.

  • 0

    These are all attempts by cowards who are scared to face Gota in the court of public opinion at a national election. Gota’s immense contribution towards SL national security, and preserving it’s territorial integrity are unmatched. Majority of Sri Lankans are always grateful for it. These pygmies cannot dent it.

    • 2


      What has justice got to do with public opinion?
      Public opinion keep changing all the time.
      On the other hand learned judges are supposed to preside over cases in the court of law.
      Seriously what is happening to you dimwits?

      “Gota’s immense contribution towards SL national security, and preserving it’s territorial integrity are unmatched. “

      Gota signed the security agreement in 2007 which in effect made this island a semi colony of the USA.
      That coward didn’t stop the Hindian invading forces violating the sovereignty (whatever that maybe) of this island.
      The IPKF prevented the then Army commander travelling in areas which were under its control.
      Now you claim the opposite.
      Little islanders should know their place in this world.

      What on are you talking about?
      Get your head checked or stop sitting on it.

  • 1

    Just a reminder. This is where The Great O.J.Simpson was found guilty for the murders he committed. In the initial criminal case O.J was able to wiggle out by spending all his fortune on top Lawyers (it was then known as Dream Team) who were able to poke holes, in the case presented by state.After months of hearing O.J was given the benefit of doubt and released free. Later the family filed a civil case where O.J was found guilty on same charges. Karma took its toll and O.J not only was financially broke but went on make more mistakes and ended in prison for good. So lets wait, to see how Gotha,s fate is to be played out. As in Lanka, there will be no Sarath, Mohan or judges to influence outcome.

  • 1

    gots goes to restaurant karma.”waiter what is this .you have served me with meat.I did not even order it.I’am a vegetarian.waiter”sorry sir,in this restaurant you don’t order.You get what you deserve.”

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    Wow, these are some quite disturbing accounts. Thanks for sharing the link to the complaint Manel Fonseka. But, frankly, I am not too shocked and these are just scratch on the surface. The violence committed on the Tamil bodies, particularly sexual violence, has to be understood in the context of the racial conflict/racial characteristic of the Sri Lankan state with the Sri Lankan military (and law enforcement arm) being largely a Sinhala male patriarchal institution that perpetuates this domination over the ‘other’. There can be parallels drawn to white colonialism – they don’t just conquer lands but women’s bodies, as in the sexual slavery case described in one account. These are not merely to do with impunity but body politics meant to degrade, humiliate, and subjugate a population.I hope one day the Sinhalese people will answer for this instead of keeping on denying Tamil genocide.

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    I dont believe in Karma. But if the guys have a conscience then their mind will torture them and that may become a bad karma. But looking at guys like Gotta, there just cant be any conscience or mind. He is a deadly evil. A cold blooded killer. I dont know whether he will suffer for his crimes or not but no one can deny that the guy is in fear and he cant escape that. He has undergone by-pass surgery twice but there are good people too undergo such surgeries or suffer from worse illnesses. But time will tell us as to whether he suffers well and truly for the crimes he has committed.

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    Mein Gott! The fucking shit eating pigs have revolted. The wool-balla from Switzerland has bitten back. Karma can be such an unforgiving bitch.

    Still, The Great Enforcer has friends in very high places (at home, and across the seas) who will want to use him, so once again there is the possibility that he will do a ‘Houdini’. Reports of his demise must be treated as greatly exaggerated.

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