24 January, 2025


Thajudeen Murder: Calls Made To Ex-Narahenpita OIC From Presidential Secretariat Deleted But CID Says CPU Recovered

Even though the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) informed the Colombo Court yesterday that the phone calls received from the Presidential Secretariat to the then Narahenpita OIC had been deleted on the day ruggerite Wasim Thajudeen was killed, the CID also informed the Courts that the CPU which stores all details of phone calls has been recovered.

Wasim Thajudeen

Wasim Thajudeen

According to the CID, the officials of the Presidential Secretariat have deleted the data of all calls made from the Secretariat on that particular day. The officers who were in charge of the telephone call operations at the Secretariat have also resigned from their positions.

However, the CID has recovered the CPU which stores all details of phone calls, and is expected to carry out a further investigation on the matter shortly.

In early August, the State Counsel informed the Courts that the OIC of the Narahenpita Police had received several phone calls from the Presidential Secretariat on the day Thajudeen was killed.

Latest comments

  • 41

    What slow motion justice is this. If they recovered the CPU doesn’t take time to recover the information it holds. Unless they want that too deleted.

    • 23

      RE: Thajudeen Murder: Calls Made To Ex-Narahenpita OIC From Presidential Secretariat Deleted But CID Says CPU Recovered

      They are tying to cover up, bit the fact of the matter is that thee is dead body, with missing body parts.

      Yes. Will the CPU disappear too?

    • 10

      If the sons and their mediation to the murder is not the case, why all these to go missing ?

      Is this the Nature governed by the most unique president who self proclaimed to have stoped the srilanken war only by his magical powers ?

      This is not the single case where one finds no required documents/tapes/ as it should be.

      • 1

        There are enough examples – to take them as truths that ARMY intelligence men have mediated handling murders in the country –

        So, slowly the truths suface to light – before long these young men and their brutal past will come to light..

        Their father should be made accoutnable for all the harm that he as the father has made in his offsprings.

        Basics: Parents shold guide their children not to go that far. That is the basics but power greediness have intoxicated Rajakshe: Even his wife should have been mad not to have taught own children the basics.

        Today Wasim s family is destined to live that way, still being fought for their rights – justice should be fulfilled for their great loss, basta.

    • 28

      “”But CID Says CPU Recovered”

      By definition, the CPU is the chip that functions as the “brain” of a computer.The CPU—or microprocessor, in the case of a microcomputer—has the ability to fetch, decode, and execute instructions and to transfer information to and from other resources over the computer’s main data-transfer path, the bus.

      He could never have recovered from a CPU computer processing unit.- its dynamic memory not static so the recycling of m bits of info.

      He could have recovered it from the media (hard drive, removable drive etc) that it was recorded even if it was burnt.

      • 0

        I believe they are referring to the system unit :)

    • 8

      At this rate we might need Agatha Christie to look into this case. What a joke!

      That Canada analysis has been on-going forever now. Another eyewash.

      Yahapalana monkeys think people are morons. I don’t blame them for that. Sri Lankan electorate is actually pretty stupid. From north to south.

      New Law and Order monkeys, from Minister-in-charge to FCID have only one instruction. Use these grusome crimes for political purposes. Nothing else.


    • 10

      something is fishy with these documents – why should all these go missing if there is nothing hidden behind the murder ?

      Earlier it was not a murder…

      Then since the new govt is in power, it is murder…

      Body parts went missing …. and No responsible were found…

      Then CCTV or the like videos are not clear… or phone records do the same…

      Why why why….

      Senior Police man in in custody reveals nothing… may be he is also suffering from the same sickeness allegedly suffered by Basil Rajakashe the most abousive among all Rajanos.

  • 32

    Aiyo Sirisena, Aiyo Ranil stop these cheap tactics. Dont drag the case for another 10 years as the family of thajudeen has been through agony for the past 4 years.

    Finish the case off as soon as possible and bring all the Rajafucksa culprits who caused this gruesome murder to justice.

    Justice has been delayed and hope justice will be not denied.!!

    Enough is Enough.

    • 7

      Since this is a number one murder case of a young chap – President of could also use his executive powers to speed up the process….. if not for such a murder case, when would a first citizen react for the sake of the nation ?

      Germans call it NOT BREMSE ZIEHEN -apply emergency brake

      • 6

        Yes, if I were President, I would do as you suggested to finally allow due justice to the kind of victims.

        Civil society groups should go protests not seeing any tangible changes towards justice is served sofar.

        I miss my beloved golden son of the nation – Late Rev. Sobitha thero as no times before.

        We should have the folks with the kind of fearless energies to fight for our fundemental rights.

        MR family belongs to prison – no doubt about that.

    • 9

      Why look to Ranil and Maithri?

      Haven’t you heard? With the 19th amendment we now have independent commissions – for law enforcement, we have an independent police commission.

      Unlike in the MR days, now the politicians and government CANNOT influence criminal investigations.

      So investigations will be carried out at a NORMAL pace, and the result will always be as JUST as possible.

      This is what Yahapalanaya is all about. Forget getting politicians to get what you want done. Those days are now over.

      • 13

        what we as citizens feel, is what we see.

        we see a revolving door in front of our eyes.

        (manchu, no manchu, manchu…play the band tune.)

        what the muslims whisper behind the screen %%*%% is what some of us know mr TRADER who speaks tamil when cornered No, and the sinhalese have their whisper too Buddhism.wealth fame & power the Humbug of Buddhism.

      • 3

        Rizwan -Agreed that 19th amendment is a good piece of legislation
        but are they following it. Diplomatic passport fraud case, road accident involving a minister, thugs of a politician attacking a married man and those involved escaped punishment in the recent
        past,due political influence, giving scant respect to the 19th amendment.

    • 3

      Mudson – May be its not part of our culture to give due respect to the
      dead. Sure, Thajudeen’s family must be begging the govt. to drop the case for his soul to rest in peace.

      • 4


        Sangaya will rally round to MR since they are just pinguththarayas living on the DANA of people.

        Real Sangaya would have to rise against the kind of Murderous, cruel leaders.

  • 25

    What more proof do you need to arrest the Rajathuma for aiding and abetting in the murder by authorising to delete vital information. This Tsunami Swindler was in charge of the Presidential Secretariat at the time, no pin would move without this moron’s signature, such was the autocracy under his regime.

    The whole family the Rajathuma,the Synthetic Son, the GOAT Bappa, all should be put behind bars for this dastardly murder.

    What a name…MARA Family.

    But, can we do it under our Judiciary is the Billion Dollar Question.

    • 9

      What punishment shuld be meted to that crook Sarath Silva?

  • 14

    No matter what they hide, whom they bribe or threaten, what they destroy to prevent the passage of justice when karma comes down hard it sure does creep though every crevice they never knew existed! Rajapakse and his class who are well known to have done this which makes everyone suspect them with good reason will meet their fate in the way it is destined by the creator. On that day many a Lankan will actually turn to the truth or explore the truth for it is the answer to all the blatant lies of politics and society today.

    • 12

      it is because of Karma the rich are getting healthy, wealthy and buddhism.

      while the poor go stale and pale to Badagini??

  • 3

    Whoever murdered him should be given pardon. All religions say forgive everyone. If the victim is no more why worry?

    • 20

      Okay – let’s pardon them. But, can they come forward and accept that they did? After all/most religions say ‘be truthful’.

    • 4

      Any body wishes to have a try on KAMAL ?
      he is gonna pardon lol.

  • 2

    Batalanda’s UNP CID are computer savy..Aren’t they?.

    Next time when I delete something I have to check the CPU as well..

    • 7

      Batalanda’s UNP CID are computer savy..Aren’t they?. Next time when I delete something I have to check the CPU as well…………………….yes Sumanaya, you should check the CPU, you might find your pea brain in there mixed with cow dung. Bloody joker!!!!!

  • 20

    You know what happened to Sarath De Abrew, a bosom pal of MARA. If justice is denied retribution come whatever you do to conceal. MARA and his sons will meet their waterloo in KARMA.

  • 6

    Why these sri lankan investigation bureau recovering the CPU? for what purpose.
    this is murder crime not a cyber crime.

    better get some our Scotland Yard assistance.

    • 8

      We are in a hurry to get the culprits hanged! In Courts, the technicalities
      matter and the Black Coats who will be paid in Millions will defend the one directly accused and the hierarchy – the CID cannot and must not fail and
      this is the reason for the delay is my guess.
      At every release of news on this Case, a new part of evidence is put out and
      one must be intrigued how and why the CID does this – to show that they are
      sincerely work on it or presuriseing someone for “cuts” over the last 2 yrs.?
      I recall a murder – Mahendra Sathasivams wife – the renowed SL Cricketer.
      Scoatland Yard helped SL Police, but the local Black Coat got him out. This
      must never happen again.

  • 10

    Earlier the Mig deal papers involving Gota were reported lost.
    Copies which necessarily had to exist, have not yet been found.

    Later, the phone call records from the presidential secretariat on the day of Thajudeen murder were lost, but now the CPU is reportedly recovered.
    I hope that this will not be found to be wiped clean and that some expert will decipher all it contains.

    The MR family looks after its own effectively and there are those who will sell their souls for a million bucks or more.
    Will the investigators themselves be tempted?

    • 11

      Burning of documents
      it’s a sinhala and kotchhi pepper virus only among them buruvas- . if the media was not plastic tape its possible to recover from burnt media unlike when the sinhalese burnt the katcheri to add names.

  • 1

    This “Loss” of files and other records pertaining to varying types of Government (Central & Institutional) is no surprise and has happened as expected. During the “Regime” of “MR Family & Co” created and developed a “Bureaucratic Mafia” to meet any eventuality including that of a change in the “Ruling”. This “Bureaucratic Mafia” started from the very top of the Civil Service right to the lower levels. One example of that “Top” level is the way the ex Secretary to the ex President had worked. He is already charged for mishandling of Rs. 600 million and also he is implicated in the “secondment” of a “hand picked” flight crew from the Sri Lankan Air to serve in the Presidential Secretariat when in fact he knew that staff was to serve an outfit of Namal Rajapakse. There are so many other matters that would come up in the near future for which he would be made answerable and accountable. When the rest of the staff down the line notice this type of behavior, no wonder they too misbehaved and made hey while sun shined. So as the inquiries and investigations go on, those who are still in those positions of responsibility will definitely resort to many dubious ways of “Cover ups” and create distortions. This picture came to light when the 100 odd executive grade staff who are serving in Government Institutions met the President and “THREATENED” to resign from their positions, if inquiries are instituted involving them. We see this “MAFIA” spread from the President’s and Prime Minister’s offices and it acts as “Cancer”. It is no doubt an UPHILL task for clearing this mess and unless it is handled cautiously and with DETERMINATION, things could go wrong for everybody. However, we must be very appreciative of those efforts of Investigative teams who are confronted with all these obstacles placed on their way from the “Top to Bottom”. Hope they would perform in the interest of public service.

  • 12

    And so the “Game of Shape (Sri Lankan term for cover up)” continues! This “Game of Shape” is happening in all the cases involving the Rajapaksa family is being carefully documented both locally and internationally. Those involved in the “Game of Shape” are all being identified for action to be taken against them eventually. This “Game of Shape” is going to lead to international intervention sooner rather than later. The people of Sri Lanka are losing faith in their leaders day by day.

  • 8

    It appears that somebody at the helm of this Yahapaalanaya Government wants this case be dragged on for ages and finally set the culprits free. Aiyo Yahapaalanaya !!!!!!
    No doubt about the end result.

  • 6

    The whole process of discovering “facts” are agonizingly slow and really is testing the patience of any normal man. If Sri Lanka is a country, it must account for every life and respect the right to live. That means every death must be explained whether natural causes, homicide etc.

    Upto now the only tangible thing we know is that the death of this sports star was not an accident and that Police officers were involved in covering it up. But it is also incidental that a very senior Police officer is already convicted for the murder of a wealthy muslim person of Bambalapitiya, Colombo and that another wealthy muslim young man of again of Bambalapitiya, Colombo, is now found murdered far away from Colombo, again, after abduction.

    What is going on? Are we to surmise that Muslims who may be considered to be wealthy are being targeted as victims of crime for some unknown reason, especially by those who have the fire-power?

    A change was made on January 8 of 2015 to have a better governance. Is that happening?

    • 9

      They are not the only mouths, however sinister they may be in calling the western media shots.

      Heard of Loot – how did it get into the cambridge dictionary first place…Welshman Clive Nabob learnt it too.

      if you happened to be at colombo and moving around freely black july week then you should be aware where the loot went.

      its part of what they pay for friendship- kuddu pakistan, and slave labour Medieval middle East.

      The problem has to handled in the middle of the population of sinhala buddhist – the only answer would be wipe out like Trump and new settlers.

      you can not change unless given the stick. or die naturally in the animal being state.

  • 1

    Are the Sri Lankan police moronic? Do they mean they have found the hard disk? CPU does not hold any data. Try to understand what a computer is. Stupids

    • 0

      You are correct. The Hard Drive contains the information.

  • 5

    Mr President Sirisena and Mr Pm Ranil now come on dont keep files idling. Tell your Judges and AG not to drag as the UN is watching the yahapalanaya comedy. All the deal dasas should be arrested and a taught a lesson.

  • 4

    If the yahalpanaya government is serious about ensuring justice meted out, why the hell don’t they get the FBI and Scotland Yard to assist in the investigations. These procrastinations have been going on for a long time and what this means is that the evidence will also gradually disappear as is obvious now. Also Ranil’s statement that the FCID be 200% correct is stupid as 100% is the norm and why should an exception be ,made because the Rajapakses are the murderers. The FCID will be extra cautious and this will only result in further delays. There is enough evidence already to lock up the Rajapakse criminals pending the court outcome. RW and MS, please don’t think we the citizens are stupid, you are being monitored closely and every action you take will be scrutinized. Also all the others who aided in this dastardly act like the JMO, police puppets, should be interrogated and locked up.

  • 3

    When they earned the target amount the phone calls were deleted, and now they have another target, and recovered CPU with all details. Wait and see soon our CID will find that CPU also burned somehow , and cannot read any details. Ha! Ha! Ha!

  • 0

    This case is ample proof that Muslims will never be treated equally in this land like no other!

    Minorities are second class citizens and the ruling sinhala Buddhists, although mentally retarded, will always remain the kings of this fool’s paradise.

    The minorities have to live with this injustice as long as they call Sri Lanka their home.

    • 2

      “”This case is ample proof that Muslims will never be treated equally in this land like no other!””

      Supreme and Just does not go after the meek but judgement day is for all.

      buddhist and muslim are in it from 48 under the guise of raddala governance.
      all are guilty of ethnic crime.- faith crusaders buddhism and islam as partners.

      Trump said I will shut the door then we know what is wrong. He never said I will keep muslims out. You can’t do paccha with him, he does not read long reports but likes simple one line- enterprise.

  • 0

    Oh Dear. Its like leading Mobile Company keeps records but does not maintain data – FOR THEIR SAFETY.

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