The Northern Provincial Council (NPC) election is only a few days away. The election to the NPC is being held after a period of 25 years. The previous election was in 1988.
The Provincial Council (PS) system under 13th Amendment is in force from 1988. It was the by-product of the of the Indo-Ceylon Agreement singed between Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and President J.R. Jayewardene in 1987.
The key features in the Indo – Ceylon Accord are as follows:
•Sri Lanka is a ‘multi-ethnic and a multi-lingual plural society” consisting, inter alia, of Sinhalese, Thamils, Muslims (Moors) and Burghers (section 1.2),
•Each ethnic group has a distinct cultural and linguistic identity which has to be carefully nurtured (section 1.3),
•Northern and the Eastern Provinces have been areas of historical habitation of Sri Lankan Tamil speaking peoples, who have at all times hitherto lived together in this territory with other ethnic groups (section 1.4),
•Merger of Eastern Province with Northern Province will be decided by a simple majority of the people of Eastern Province (section 2.3), conducting a referendum by the people.
Since 1988 elections have been held every 5 years, except in regard to the Northern and Eastern Provinces.
In 1988 there was an election to the temporary merged Northern and Eastern provinces. But the council was dissolved in 1990 by the then government. Thereafter, elections were held for the demerged Eastern Province in 2008 and again in 2012.
Although the three decades old war officially ended on May 19, 2009, the government kept on deferring election under various excuses like delay in demining and resettlement of the 300,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
The parties contesting the elections have stepped up their campaign in all parts of the province.
For the 36 + 2 seats for grabs in the NPC a total of 906 candidates belonging to 11 registered parties and 9 independent groups have entered the fray. TNA is contesting all the districts with 51 candidates in the field. Each voter should cast his vote to the party of his choice and in addition cast his 3 preferential votes to 3 more candidates of his choice. He cannot cast all the preferential votes to a single candidate.
The main contest is between the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and the United Peoples Freedom Front (UPFA). Quisling EPDP as usual is contesting under the UPFA beetle symbol.
There are 5 electoral districts in the Northern Province and the number of members elected would be 36 plus the 2 bonus seats totalling 38. The total number of registered voters is 714,493 with Jaffna electorate with 426,703 voters. The following Table shows the details at a glance.
To the above number 3,000 Sinhalese families living in Weli Oya attached to Mullaitheevu district in 2013 should be added. Also thousands of Muslims re-settled in the North after 2012.
According to 2012 census the population of the Northern province is 1,058,762 made up of Thamils 993,741 (93.86) Muslims 32,364 (3.05) Sinhalese 32,331 (3.05) and others 326 (0.03).
The government thought by postponing elections, it can buy enough time to showcase the so called development of the North.
After the war came to an end, the Sri Lankan Government had a window of opportunity to close a sad chapter of history and quickly begin a process of genuine national healing and reconciliation by reaching out to the Thamil people. It provided a golden opportunity for Sri Lanka to turn the page on its past and build a Sri Lanka rooted in democracy, rule of law, tolerance, and respect for human rights.
The government could have engaged the Thamils, Sinhalese and Muslims to create a political arrangement that promotes and protects the rights of all Sri Lankans. To realize the fact that Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic, multi – lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural nation. To address the root causes of conflict between the Sinhalese and Thamils. That would include political steps towards effective devolution of power under the Constitution so that Sri Lankans of all communities, including Thamils, can feel at home and live with self-respect, dignity and equality of their own free will.
The regime had a historical opportunity to help resettle the more than 300,000 Thamil IDPs in their original homes, provide assistance to repair/rebuild damaged houses, provide jobs, dismantle the High Security Zones (HSZs), demilitarise the armed forces, restore civil administration, kick start the political process towards peace-building etc. But an arrogant and haughty government did not do any of these.
Instead, there was euphoria over the victory scored against the LTTE coupled with an ugly and naked display of triumplism by the government. There were military parades, rallies, dances and display of military hardware in Colombo.
The North was truly and verily militarized, Sinhalized and Buddhistised. Viharas and Buddhist statues sprouted where there are no Buddhist worshippers.
Land belonging to the Thamils was grabbed by the army to build army/naval camps, cantonments, health resorts, luxury hotels, restaurants, houses for Sinhala war heroes etc.
There were war museums built in the heartland of Vanni to display military prowess. The war ravaged North was turned into tourist hot spot for Sinhalese from the south. Bus loads of Sinhalese tourists descended on the North with an air of superiority complex.
It is in this sordid back ground elections for the NPC is being held. And Mahinda Rajapaksa has the temerity to ask the Thamil people to vote for the UPFA.
There is the general rule in Sri Lanka that elections will not be fair and just. The norm is they y are riddled with violence, threat, intimidation, corruption and other election malpractices.
Rules relating to orderly elections are being openly flouted by the ruling party. Soldiers and army intelligence personnel have started intimidating TNA candidates from the day they filed their nominations. At least, three TNA candidates including Ananthi Elilan were threatened by the army on the day they submitted their nominations. Thuggery has been unleashed against TNA candidates. TNA campaign in Neduntheevu was broken up by the chairman and members of the Pradesha Sabha controlled by the EPDP. TNA candidate P. Thambirajah was assaulted and his car damaged by Ramanathan, the father of SLFP organizer Angajan, in the heart of Jaffna town. Ramanathan brandished a pistol threatening to assassinate TNA candidate in broad day light.
The involvement of the armed forces in support of the ruling UPFA has prompted R.Sampanthan, leader of the TNA to fire off a missive to President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Tamil National Alliance (TNA) leader and MP R. Sampanthan charged that the military is involved in many exclusively civilian matters in the North “without invitation” and that they are also engaged in the election campaign for the ruling UPFA.
In an open letter addressed to President Mahinda Rajapaksa, TNA leader R. Sampanthan stated they have consistently raised the issue of the “heavily militarized atmosphere” in the Northern Province, which is not at all conducive to the holding of a free and fair election.
“What has been objectionable even before the announcement of the polls is not only the presence of the military but the fact that they without invitation engage with the civilian population in many exclusively civilian matters,” he said.
He stated that this involvement has continued even after the Election was announced and has also strayed well into election related activities.
“The rumour that the military has nominated some UPFA candidates is fuelled by soldiers pasting posters promoting those candidates and guarding such posters from being torn down even by election officials,” he said.
The TNA Parliamentary Group Leader also stated that there had been at least one instance when they had made a written complaint that the army was distributing building materials to the voters at Navanthurai, Jaffna with hoardings of some candidates kept in the background.
“A photograph showing a candidate physically participating in this event with the army was published in a newspaper. The election officials who visited the scene found the allegation to be true but were not able to stop it,” he said.
“These are only but a few glaring examples of the blatant manner in which the military is now engaged in the election campaign for the Government Party, UPFA. It is also a matter of record that at least three of our candidates were threatened by the army on the day we submitted our nominations.”
He stated that there is real apprehension that the military involvement will increase in the coming days and will serve to dissuade voters from going out and casting their votes on Election Day. “It is rumoured that the army is already discouraging the local populace from voting on the 21st,” he claimed.
Therefore he kindly request from the President to take steps to “confine the military to the barracks” and remove the “biggest obstacle” to the conduct of a free and fair poll on September 21.
The ruling party in order to buy votes is doling out jobs, free building materials, cycles, train service from Vavuniya to Kilinochchi etc.
About 250 Samurdhi officers have been recruited to Samurdhi Programme in the North. Eighteen of of them are Sinhalese. This is in addition to the existing 18 Sinhalese Samurdhi officers representing 9 Village Headmen divisions in Weli Oya Divisional Secretary’s area. The Weli Oya Sinhalese are also the beneficiaries of India’s housing scheme for those affected by war. Six groups of Samurdhi officers have been dispatched by the Samurdhi authority to “election duties” in the North. Five district coordination officers have been appointed in the Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaitheevu, Mannar and Vavuniya for this “Supervision of Samurdhi Banks.”
Forty five ex- women LTTE cadres have been recruited to the army.
One hundred and seven LTTE detainees have been released after rehabilitation. All the rehabilitation they received was learning the Sinhalese language.
Thus the entire government machinery has been galvanized to bolster the chances of the ruling party to win the elections. Those ex-LTTE cadres recruited to the army and defence forces numbering more than 2,000 have been pressed into service to canvass votes by door to door visits, especially in Vanni.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa has been very candid by saying police and land powers will never be handed over to the PCs even if the TNA wins the NPC elections.
In the meantime the Provincial Council election manifesto issued by the TNA has generated vitriolic criticism from individual Sinhalese as well as Sinhalese dominated political parties. The list includes individuals like Dayan Jayatilleka and parties like UPFA, UNP, JVP, JHU, BBS etc.
Dayan Jayatilleka former diplomat attacked the TNA for criticising the Soulbury constitution that was designed by a progressive post-war British Labour administration that unitary character and did not entrench majoritarian hegemony as did the successor constitution of 1972. He conveniently forgets how D.S.Senanayake robbed the citizenship and voting rights of one million Hill Country Thamils despite section 29(2) of the Soulbury constitution. He also forgets the fact Soulbury himself did regret lack foresight on his part. Soulbury Constitution under which the island was granted its independence required a 2/3rd majority for any act affecting the minority. This was regarded to be adequate protection against any abuse of power by the majority community under a unitary constitution. But he was proved wrong. Lord Soulbury himself was to regret this lack of foresight. Latter, he said it was a pity that the commission did not also recommend the entrenchment in the constitution of fundamental rights on the lines enacted in the constitution of India, Pakistan & elsewhere.
Dayan Jayatilleka is also piqued that references in the TNA manifesto to the LTTE are morally repugnant. He blames the LTTE for resuming the war when the CFA was in force. But he forgets or feigns ignorance that the government was also made feverish procumbent of sophisticated arms and ammunition from China, Pakistan, India, UK and USA to resume the war. It is time he gets over his LTTE phobia once and for all. LTTE was the creation of Sinhalese racists like Jayewardene, Premadasa and others.
The JVP has accused TNA of trying to gain power following Indian instructions for an elite group. This shows JVP still suffers from Indian phobia. However, the JVP also claims the present government uses communalism, encourages it and sponsors groups that spread communalism and religious differences to maintain its power and undermine the opposition. JVP as a party is least qualified to speak about communalism when itself fanned the flames of racism under the cloak of patriotism during the war.
A lesser known lawyer’s organization linked to the Nationalist Organizations Collective has said the TNA manifesto was against the Constitution of the country. The Sri Lanka Lawyers’ Guild said that they will file a case in the Supreme Court against the election manifesto of the TNA. Kapila Gamage, the convener of the Sri Lanka Lawyers’ Guild said that the proclamation of self-rule in the manifesto is a violation of the Sri Lanka Constitution.
The perceived fears by politicians of the South that TNA after gaining police and land powers, the Northern Province will restart the separatist war with India’s support is meaningless.
The words distinct people, historical habitation, self – determination, federal structure, shared sovereignty, devolution are all dirty words in the vocabulary of all Sinhalese chauvinists.
According to their thinking all these are in no certain terms a commitment to a separate state. Nothing can be further from the truth. The TNA is committed to finding a political solution within a united country. The manifesto makes that as clear as crystal. This is the stand of the TNA on the question of political solution.
The principles and specific constitutional provisions that the TNA considers to be paramount to the resolution of the national question relates mainly to the sharing of the powers of governance through a shared sovereignty amongst the Peoples who inhabit this island. According to the TNA the following salient features of power sharing are fundamental to achieving genuine reconciliation, lasting peace and development for all the Peoples of Sri Lanka:
• The Thamils are a distinct People and from time immemorial have inhabited this island together with the Sinhalese People and others
• The contiguous preponderantly Tamil Speaking Northern and Eastern provinces is the historical habitation of the Tamil Speaking Peoples
• The Tamil People are entitled to the right to self-determination
• Power sharing arrangements must be established in a unit of a merged Northern and Eastern Provinces based on a Federal structure, in a manner also acceptable to the Tamil Speaking Muslim people
• Devolution of power on the basis of shared sovereignty shall necessarily be over land, law and order, socio-economic development including health and education, resources and fiscal powers.
As rightly pointed out by the Chief Ministerial candidate ex-justice C.V. Wigneswaran we have entered the third phase of struggle for self-rule. He states:
“In 1994, when attempts were made to enhance devolution of powers to the North and East, the diehard attitude of the Tamil militants towards creating a separate State did not permit the political attempts to succeed. The struggle for the political rights of the Thamils first started in 1956. Thereafter, with the failure to find political solutions, the militant struggle emerged. The militant struggle that lasted for three decades internationalized the political struggle of the Lankan Thamils. Therefore, the third phase of the Tamil struggle will commence as a strong political attempt to win the rights of the Thamils in the country with the support of the international community,” he said.
The Thamil people have repeatedly and overwhelmingly endorsed TNA’s policies in every election held since May, 2009. Today, there are more than thousand reasons for the Thamils to vote against the rabid anti-Thamil stance of Mahinda Rajapaksa and his UPFA on September 21st.
This government has not built a single house for the displaced people. On the other hand it has built 10,000 houses for war heroes on land grabbed from the Thamil people at Murugandy.
Last week Basil Rajapaksa, Minister for Economic Development was asked at a press conference held in Jaffna about the fate of the 7, 623 families comprising 25,328 IDPs living in 27 G.S. divisions in Valikamam North. They have been displaced since 1990 and the army has confiscated 6,382 acres (102,112 lachcham) of ancestral property belonging to them. This is equivalent to 25.8 sq kms of land almost 2/3 of Colombo city. The Minister arrogantly replied that their property had been appropriated for use by the army. Questioned how come some of those have been used to build sports grounds and hotels, Basil Rajapaksa replied saying that is the norm now in all army bases.
Therefore, the NPC election gives an opportunity to the ordinary Thamils reeling under the jackboot of military dictatorship to return the favour. Thamil voters must reject decisively and resolutely Mahinda Rajapaksa and his government bent on imposing Sinhala hegemony at gun point on Thamils.
To sum up, there are more than one thousand reasons for the Thamil voters to vote against Mahinda Rajapaksa and his UPFA on September 21st. Thamil people want fundamental rights not development largely meant for the Military.
Ajith / September 15, 2013
Excellent article with facts and figures and telling the truth. Since Independence, Sri Lanka enjoyed the constant and frequent blood bath of innocents because of the National politics. The blood bath and destruction was throughout the country, North, East, South and West. We tried to put the blame where its suits to us and the people who are weak. You don’t see any honest politics in Sri Lanka.
Who is responsible for that? Is it those who hold power or those who are weaker?
sarojini / September 16, 2013
Thangaelu . what are these fundamental rights of the Tamils ? The fundamental right is the ability to live anywhere in SL . Which if you step into wellawatte in Colombo will realise . The same right has been denied to the majority Sinhala . With words like “SInhalaisation ” thrown in . There is no animosity to the Tamils living among the Sinhala . It is people like you who like to raise the race card like most rabble rousers . The post war British adminstrative norms are not relevant or suitable to the 21 st post war era . They should be revised or revoked as soon as possible . You talk of common terms for those pushing the racists cards like ” Triumphlism “. If you do look around the world there are commerative ceremonies especially in Countries like the UK ,where the dead in world wars are remembered . This is what civilised nations do in gratitude for soldiers who laid down their lives for the country . Maybe you are not aware of what goes on in other countries. SL endured 30 years of brutal terrorism . The people rejoiced as they believed it would usher in an era of peace where people once again could be free to walk the roads without fear . That itself is an amazing feeling of liberation which needs to be celebrated . I do not know where you live . If you are in SL you should be thankful that you have been given fresh hope and a new beginning to walk anywhere in SL without been ripped apart to pieces .This is due to the brave soldiers who paid with their lives, for your freedom .Think about this .
Ajith / September 16, 2013
The fundamental rights of the Tamils is same as the fundamental rights of the Sinhalese. Sinhalese are majority in the South and West of Sri Lanka and they have their own government where they make the government all decisions are made by Sinhalese. You have your own 100% Sinhala military, Sinhala Police and Sinhala President and Ministers. The majority Tamils in the North East do not have a say in the administration of North East and it is done by Sinhala Governer , Sinhala military, Sinhala police and Sinhala ministers. IfSinhalese can have their government in their places, Tamils should have the same government where they are majority. That is the fundamental right. Wellawatte is a small part of Colombo region and Colombo is the Capital. Tamils living in Wellawatta are not colonised by the Government. They bought the land from their own money. There is no Tamil army or Tamil Military Governer in Colombo.
Let North east have the same rights as Sinhala in Colombo, make Trinco as the Capital of North East province and if you sinhalese want to come and buy house, work and study, you are welcome to do so. Tamil army will protect you unlike your army breaking law or raping women.
gamini / September 17, 2013
Ajith, I as a Sinhalese confirm all what you have said. Sadly some of the Sinhalese as Sarojini who have fallen from the sky, with no surnames are unable to understand what is fair for the Sinhalese should also be fair to the Tamils. Ultimately everything boils down to good breeding. So these people with no background and breeding are like bulls in a China Shop.
sarojini / September 17, 2013
Ajith , In the UK the minorities do not have the same rights as the majority , The minorities have accepted that . So is that in Malaysia where there is the Bhumi puthra law . The Tamils protested for this in KL . The protest demanding the rights of Tamils did not last more than half an hour as they were told “you could live here but if you are not happy go and live where you are happy “. The police came and dispersed the crowd and their protest ended .what people must learn is to live and let live . It is a handful of greedy politicians that use the innocent people to achieve their agendas. I do not believe that the entire south have only the Sinhala , who as you say take decisions . In Hambantota there are plenty of Tamils that were not even heard of in the early years of SL . The entire demography has changed . This is a fact . No good talking of rights when all people must live within one country as one big family .
Jay / September 18, 2013
What BS are u talking Sarojini ?
If the minorities dont enjoy equal rights as the majority folks in the UK, how come the srilanken born but later become British have bought properties as the indigenous of the country have done ? This you have just found to attack the tamils and other communities in our country.
As it is known to us all, how the tamils were attacked in 83, if you still have guts to open your mouth saying that sinhalese would not discriminate tamils – there you should be brain sick.
If we had not have problems with our minorities, why should have they fought a war went on 30 years ? We the sinhalese should finally learn to treat all others without any discriminations. Unfortunately, people like you stay the majority in this country, all minorities would continuously feel discriminated… That is for sure.
We the sinhalese are well aware, they also discriminate their own community people just considering what school education they have got. For example, Royalists are swollen just because they went to that school – no matter they have not earned a basic degree.
Ajith / September 18, 2013
I am sorry for your pathetic example UK. United Kingdom is a union of three Nations England, Scotland and Wales. The people of Scotland have expressed their interest on separation and the Central government agreed to hold referendum. In UK even a small group of minorities have equal opportunities unlike Sri Lanka. Can you explain who are these Sinhalese and Who is King Vijaya? If you have any statistical evidence to prove that Sinhalese lived in majority in the North East region? Can you tell how many Tamils were killed in 1958, 1977 and 1983 genocide attack on Tamils by Sinhalese out of North East? How many murderers brought on to Justice? What is the proportion of Sinhalese in the Sri Lankan miliary? Why?
kali / September 18, 2013
Sarojini Rajapaksa,
If you don’t know what fundamental rights mean you need to go back to the drawing board and re learn. Until then don’t talk rubbish. I will give it to you straight.
Fundamental Rights:
As a Minority with distinct Identity and territory (over centuries )
1) Being able to live in security without fear either for your life or liberty.
2) Being able to look after your property and family.
3) Being able to safeguard you religion and language in other words your heritage.
3) Being able to express your view without the threat of being killed.
But just look at Sinhala Lankas history.
1) Since independence how many race riots have we had and how many thousands have been killed. In the modern World Sinhala Lanka holds the record.
2) Have you ever attempted to either devolve power or developed the North. That is why we are all over the place looking for work as we are totally dependant on you lot for hand outs.
As minority we can and will never be a threat to you as you rule the country have the Army , Navy and the Air force at your disposal.
Your barbaric army can rape our women, kill or bomb but we have never done that except kill Combatants when we were fighting for Freedom and to their credit the LTTE have never raped any Sinhalese Chicks .
Yes there were excesses and we are ready to admit and say sorry unreservedly but it was a WAR and the responsibility for that lies with you lot.
a) The same right has been denied to the majority Sinhala . With words like “SInhalaisation ” thrown in . There is no animosity to the Tamils living among the Sinhala . It is people like you who like to raise the race card like most rabble rousers .
The above is a piece of rubbish and you know it and I have given the reasons above . So stop rabble rousing.
b) Maybe you are not aware of what goes on in other countries. SL endured 30 years of brutal terrorism.
We Tamils endured 64 years of brutality at your hands and the Terrorism you talk about ( which we call Freedom Struggle) was a reaction to an action which has now been replaced by State Terrorism.
You are a woman ( I hope you are ) and you know what dignity means to a Woman and read the story of Krishanthi and hundreds others ( which is happening as we speak in occupied land) and if you have any humanity or decency left in you apologise ( But I know you wont because that is your nature)
Then I will begin to forgive but I cannot forget.
Let me ask you this:
You are a woman and within the marriage if you have been systematically beaten up your partner and abused over many years would you say or it was alright because it was my husband or seek divorce.
My dear lady the time has for us to seek divorce based on 1) Violence 2) Unreasonable behaviour.
kris / September 25, 2013
As a Minority with distinct Identity and territory (over centuries )
1) Being able to live in security without fear either for your life or liberty.
2) Being able to look after your property and family.
3) Being able to safeguard you religion and language in other words your heritage.
3) Being able to express your view without the threat of being killed.
Did the bloody minority respected the majority fundamental rights in last 30 years
1) did any person live in south without fear of bomb blast last 30 years
2) Did south were able to protect their property and family from barbaric tamil people-blowed up central bank, dalada maligawa, trains, busses etc.
3)Did south were able to express view without the threat of being killed, Kadiragamar, Premadasa, Athulath mudali, chandrika etc
So idot Kali what the F–CK you expect from other people if barbaric tamil minority can’t follow the same rules
Vichara / September 18, 2013
“Excellent article with facts and figures and telling the truth”
Far from it. Consider the following statement which is a canard distorting all the facts of the issue.
“He conveniently forgets how D.S.Senanayake robbed the citizenship and voting rights of one million Hill Country Thamils despite section 29(2) of the Soulbury constitution.”
These are the facts.
“Donoughmore Commission in its report of 1928 (p.87) stated that “we have decided to recommend the adoption of manhood suffrage. On this basis according to the figures supplied to us, the possible voting strength of the electorate will be increased to 1,200,000. We desire however to make two reservations. In the first place we consider it very desirable that a qualification of five years residence in the Island (allowing the temporary absence not exceeding eight months in all during the five years period) should be introduced in order that the privilege of voting should be confined to those who have an abiding interest in the country or who may be regarded as permanently settled in the Island…. this condition will be of particular importance in its application to the Indian immigrant population.”
Change in citizenship status is a phenomenon associated with change of status of a country. In the case of Sri Lanka, change from colony to independent country resulted in those who were not entitled to vote in colonial Sri Lanka (as well as their dependents) becoming non-nationals resident in independent Sri Lanka. Their fortunes were affected merely by Sri Lanka’s change of status. It has nothing to do with the Citizenship or Franchise Acts of independent Sri Lanka. As stated already, even if the qualifications required by the Acts were based on criteria used since 1931,
These Acts were challenged in the Supreme Court of Ceylon and in an appeal to the Privy Council.
In the Privy Coucil case with G.S.N.Kodakan Pillai, Appellant, vs. P.B.Mudanayake et al., Respondents. In delivering the judgement, Lord Oaksley made the following observations:
“The migratory habits of the Indian Tamils (see paragraphs 123 and 203 Soulbury Report) are facts which in their Lordships’ opinion are directly relevant to the question of their suitability as citizens of Ceylon and have nothing to do with them as a community”.
“For all these reasons their Lordships have come to the conclusion that the Citizenship and Franchise Acts are intra vires of the Ceylon legislature and they therefore humbly advise Her Majesty that this appeal ought to be dismissed. The appellant must pay the cost of the appeal” (1954, New Law Reports, 54, 433).”
Ela Kolla / September 15, 2013
[Edited out] Veluppillai Thangavelu, get this to your head filled with shit, that SRI LANKA IS A SINHALESE BUDDHIST COUNTRY not a multi ethinic and multi religious bull shit
Donald J Gnanakone / September 16, 2013
WTF? Coward with NO Name… The Island belongs to the Tamils as well. Take a walk in Wellawatte, Kotahena and Colombo 1 and 2. MalaiNadu and NE P. You will get a bloody rude awakening.
Take a look at the stock market and find out who really owns what or even the Colomno Skyline from Queen Street down Galle Road, Sea Street or Fort/Pettah! Morons.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / September 16, 2013
The Sinhalam just really, really suck at this whole genooociittee business, eh Donald :-)
Cyril / September 16, 2013
Donald, [Edited out]
sach / September 17, 2013
so u mean Tamils have the opportunity to excel in SL in every field and this claim of genocide is bogus?
kris / September 25, 2013
Stock market was owned by the insider trader now living in US jail
gamini / September 16, 2013
This mind set of the Sinhalese started to appear after the Vernacular system of Education was introduced after 1956. There began a set of Sinhalese coming up the Social Ladder with no Surnames, like they had fallen from the sky. They have names like, Nihal Ranjith. Lakshman Sunil but with no surnames. The truth was they had dropped their Surnames (Gay Names) which would have revealed their origin. These are the Buggers who are at the fore front who try to fight that this country is for the Sinhalese only. Buggers who have fallen from the sky with no proper family background.
sarojini / September 17, 2013
SO Gamini what is your surname ??????
gamini / September 17, 2013
For you to understand my Surname, under the Feudal system only the Aristocrats and the Govigamas had Sinhala Surnames. The rest of the society was identified by their respective cast and called with an identified land mark. Hence Linda Langa gedara, Gala langa gedera, Kamatha langa gedera, Kos gaha mula, Amba gahamula etc. That is why when the Portuguese came to Ceylon, all those who had names like that took up Portuguese names.
For the Aristocrats for any good work done, the Kings bestowed an additional Sinhala name each time, before the surname. Therefore all Aristocrats have a long list of initials denoting their wasagama. My family has eleven initials in the wasagama and I have opted to drop all except my surname. So you will have to excuse my pseudonym, thanks to your Megalomaniacs as I am unable to reveal my surname.
sarojini / September 18, 2013
Gamini what is good for you is good for everyone else . You cannot attack people without surnames when you do not use yours !
YOu are no way an aristocrat though you like to believe you are one . You cannot buy class and good breeding unfortunately.
gamini / September 18, 2013
Sarojini, Not having a surname and not using one’s surname here are two different things for your information. Precisely one cannot buy class nor breeding. One is born with it. Therefore I do not have to buy it and you can never acquire them in this life. So what to do? Hard Luck is it not?
Jay / September 18, 2013
Gamini I agree with you, but not only the family background, but they should be educated enough. What bothers us all today is the top leadership of the country is highly abusive. If he had a better background, he would not have been behaving in this way for sure. Mahinda Rajapakshe is the most known hypocrite to us all today. He says something palatable, but in the same time, he has underground programmes. As it was the case with recent protests at Rathupaswala.
Native Vedda / September 18, 2013
Ela Kolla
“SRI LANKA IS A SINHALESE BUDDHIST COUNTRY not a multi ethinic and multi religious bull shit”
It is a brilliant idea.
You should have one not in my ancestral land but in Sinhapura, Venga Desa. We will support you.
What goes around comes around / September 15, 2013
Ela Kolla go and read some history books before you come and pour your venom here. Don’t show your immaturity.
Thiru / September 15, 2013
Sinhala Buddhist extremists want Sri Lanka to be a Sinhala Buddhist country.
This is the dream of the ruling elite and their followers since 1948, and they have been steadily working on it since then. They even committed mass massacres of Tamils climaxing in 2009.
After May 2009, they think their dream is in the bag, and started to give more works to Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Tamils they treat as slaves.
If anybody talks anything to upset their dream imminently becoming realized, they get angry, like Ela Kolla, for example.
This is the real situation in Sri Lanka today.
Native Vedda / September 15, 2013
“Sinhala Buddhist extremists want Sri Lanka to be a Sinhala Buddhist country.”
Here is a paper you would enjoy reading:
‘History’ after the War:
Historical Consciousness in the Collective Sinhala-Buddhist Psyche in Post-War Sri Lanka
By Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri
ICES Research Papers
Jim softy / September 15, 2013
I Understand Nimal Devasiri’s motives.
IF he writes articles to a RACIST TAMIL web site and blame Sinhala buddhists.
sarojini / September 16, 2013
Thiru , YOu are in denial . SL is a Singhala Buddhists country , where the majority are Sinhala Buddhists. for example Malysia is a a Malay muslim country , the UK is a British Christian country . Similiarly , Indonesia , Pakistan , Afganistan are Muslim countries where the majority are Muslims . I cannot comprehend why people cannot understand this basic concept .
Native Vedda / September 18, 2013
“SL is a Singhala Buddhists country”
This a secular island, Veddah land, will remain so for another 2,500 years.
You can go to any of the Buddhist countries if you want to remain a Sinhala/Buddhist. Afghanistan is a very good choice for Buddhists particularly Bamiwam or North, South Korea, Japan, Burma, Thailand,…………. and don’t forget Thaminadu where Buddhism flourished once.
North Indians speak Indo Aryan language, hence an ideal region for Sinhala speaking Aryans.
“where the majority are Sinhala Buddhists.”
So what?
” I cannot comprehend why people cannot understand this basic concept .”
I cannot comprehend as to why Lankies are so stupid?
sarojini / September 18, 2013
I do not know how to express myself in Veddha language . The basic fact is Buddhists can travel to Afganistan or Timbuctoo, but they will not be the Majority , like in SL. Is that too difficult for you to understand .
Native Vedda / September 18, 2013
“Is that too difficult for you to understand”
I find many things difficult to understand, this is not one of them.
“The basic fact is Buddhists can travel to Afganistan or Timbuctoo, but they will not be the Majority”
Buddhists are the majority in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Myanmar,Thailand,…. Get your facts.
So the whole issue is about majoritarian domination of other minorities.
In the North of India majority people speak Indo Aryan languages, being part of the language group why don’t the Sinhalese go back to North India where they will be treated as one of them?
“I do not know how to express myself in Veddha language”
Forget it, go learn proper Sinhala.
kali / September 18, 2013
You are beginning to annoy me you Moron.
We Tamils have inhabited this Island as long as you have and you also came from India and read the following. So stop Rabble Rousing
Sinhabahu or (“Lion-arms”), was the son of a Vanga princess and a lion. He killed his father and became king of Vanga. His son Vijaya would emigrate to Lanka and become the progenitor of the Sinhala people.
Native Vedda / September 18, 2013
“We Tamils have inhabited this Island as long as you have and you also came from India and read the following.”
Now that you have accepted the fact that ancestors of both stupid Sinhalese and stupid Tamils did really come from India, do you not think it is only appropriate for both descendants to go back to their ancestral homeland (India)and continue their stupid conflict?
Be reasonable Kali and Sarojini, not that you are.
kali / September 18, 2013
Now I know who you are either a Native American Indian or may be an Aborigine
Native Vedda / September 18, 2013
I am neither, but authentic son of the land, a Veddah.
Does it bother you?
When can we have our ancestral land back?
kali / September 18, 2013
You have gone mad man and for your information this is who you are so stop asking for a Refund and by the way where is your receipt. Produce it at the checkout.
As per Sri Lanka history Mahavamsa, written around 400 AD by the monk Mahanama, using the Dipavamsa and Sinhala Attakatha as sources, correlates well with Indian histories of the period. Ceylon before colonization by Prince Vijaya was earlier inhabited by the ancient tribes known as the Yakkhas and the Nagas.
With the arrival of Prince Vijaya and his 700 followers [3] history of the Sinhalese started. Vijaya was eldest son of King Sinhabahu (“Man with Lion arms”) and his Queen Sinhasivali of Bhurishrestha Kingdom.
Veddas are descended from Prince Vijaya (6th–5th century BCE), the founding father of the Sinhalese nation, through Kuveni, a woman of the indigenous Yakkha he married
Native Vedda / September 18, 2013
Now the stupid Tamil has been converted to Mahawamsa mythology. Please go discover your own history and heritage then we will be in par with each other to discuss my history.
“You have gone mad man”
You don’t have to be mad to survive in this forum, but it helps.
kali / September 18, 2013
You have to be a Yakkha to claim to be a Native. So stop claiming to be who you are not.
Native Vedda / September 19, 2013
I am surprised to read your comment, as a Tamil you aren’t suppose to buy Mahawamsa myth. You have just done that.
Now you have the right to be a fully fledged Tamil speaking Sinhala/Buddhist.
With that mindset don’t tell me who I am.
sarojini / September 18, 2013
The Orign of Vijaya is from Bangaladesh . Not from where you say he came from,
kali / September 19, 2013
Who cares where you lot came from as long as we agree you are aliens from another planet The Planet of the Apes Saro: Got it.
Native Vedda / September 21, 2013
“The Orign of Vijaya is from Bangaladesh . Not from where you say he came from,”
Its time you got back to your ancestral homeland.
kris / September 25, 2013
Abolutly SL is Sinhala buddist country where majority of the people live , Does india says it is a tamil country , Does UK says it a multicultural country , IT says English country
We know truth is bitter
Bensen Burner / September 15, 2013
A very good expose. It was the arrogance and the short sightedness of the LTTE that helped Rajapaksa to come to power in 2005. Now,in order to reverse this at least to a considerable extent, the Tamils in the north must use their vote judiciously taking advantage of the secret ballot for what it is worth, despite the setbacks and the harassments by the army and the EPDP. Benson
Uthungan / September 16, 2013
Correct.You have hit the target.
But what is to be done when illegal ballot papers get stuffed with the help of conniving mandarins and the like who are entrusted at tax payers expense to officiate in the polling booths.
lal / September 15, 2013
“…..Indo-Ceylon Agreement singed between Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and President J.R. Jayewardene in 1987”, says an idiot.
There was no such agreement, check the correct wording of the heading of an agreement signed in 1987. Ceylon does not feature anywhere.
Sri Lanka is multi-lingual, therefore what is wrong with ex Ltte cadres or any Tamil learning the Sinhala language? I believe Thagavelu speaks and writes excellent Sinhalese, and should not deprive anyone from learning any language.
Fathima Fukushima / September 15, 2013
Who cares about what Tamils want.
Not every Sri Lanka is a Tamil. We are also Sri Lankan.
Tamils are only 11% of Sri Lanka. 89% are NOT TAMILS.
What do the 89% of the people want? Development and no Tamil homelands.
Tamil colonization of Colombo must stop if they want any power sharing in the north.
Ratnavale / September 15, 2013
A correction – as per the last census – 2012 – Tamils are still 15.4% of Sri Lanka’s population!
Jim softy / September 16, 2013
Yes, lot of migration of Tamils from India during the LTTE times.
They don’t like Tamilnadu, and they would rather die in Sri Lanka.
sarojini / September 16, 2013
Ratnavale wrong again , SL Tamils have been killed gone to foreign lands and still they are 15 %. No No No the % is very much less than what you have predicted . They were 12 .9% in 1981. how come they have surged ahead after the war . The present Number quoted is 9% both SL and Indian Tamils . This is how disinformation gets to the NGO’s and the UN !
Burning_Issue / September 18, 2013
May the the Sinhalese have become infertile!
kali / September 18, 2013
No Fat “Mama ” Fuk US (h)imam. You are not Sri Lankan you are an Arab according to BBS and they want Muslim Colonisation to Stop and Halal Eating to end . So where would you go back may be into the Dead Sea How nice
Ratnavale / September 15, 2013
Thangavelu – you write sense but you conveniently sit far away in comfortable Canada. Why don’t you return to Sri Lanka and serve our people here. We would like that. The Sri Lankan Tamils unfortunately have had far too many arm chair diaspora activists living far away in comfort but not bothering to heal the wounds of war by being physically present in our country. They have strong views but refuse to contest the elections and offer the people a choice!
punchinilame / September 15, 2013
Of course many a diaspora wish to return and live short periods with
their kith and kin, but an evil Public Servant has put a hold on “dual-citizenshp” in a most undemocratic move, with no remedy to activate
a 1948 Citizenship Act.
The double-speak President however calls for the Tamils abroad to
Invest in the North!
Rajiv / September 18, 2013
Many in the diaspora left SL claiming political asylum. Now they want dual citizenship. With all the complaining going on about the GoSL, what has changed? Can someone in the diaspora clarify this please.
kali / September 18, 2013
Yes Rajiva You Sinhalese,
I can and will explain.
Claiming asylum in the west was to stay alive which I am sure even a Moron like you will understand ( may be not).
Do you know many of your lot taking advantage of the Tamil Misery have claimed Asylum in the west claiming to have helped the LTTE and as a result are being wanted by Gotha. Shameful and many have actually killed Tamils and escaped.
Wanting a Dual Citizenship.
What is wrong with that. The north is still our country whether you accept it or not. After 21st September and March 2014 there is nothing you can do to continue colonisation of the North and that is why MR delayed the election but he was forced in to submission by the Power Players.
The Jews left Palestine and later came back to Claim it and we are entitled to do the same and it is not up to you to deny our right. So learn to live with it.
2) With all the complaining going on about the GoSL, what has changed.
For your information we haven’t changed but GOSL has been forced to change in other words somersaulted
abhaya / September 15, 2013
obviously this donkeyvelu does not live there . and he wants to keep his low caste poor cousins from haveing a decent livelyhood . That is the only thing development will give them . The longer the northen province is economically depressed the better these pigs will be able to gets ther poor mans support .
Clearly he can no longer ignore the actual development that is taking place in the north :)
Paul / September 15, 2013
Dear Thangavelu ayya, I wonder why you waste your time to respond to people like Dayan Jayatileke who have defended this ruthless regime tooth and nail. The very fact that he became a minister in 1988 in the North Eastern Province being a Sinhalese show that he was an Indian agent then and now he is an agent of MR and his family. Whether the TNA manifesto is right or wrong is not to be judged by fundamentalists in the south but the common man in the North.
Jim softy / September 15, 2013
Velupillai thangavelu:
Why don’t you move to Tamilnadu and there work for your right of Self determination ?
Thanga / September 15, 2013
Learning different languages benefits not only the individual learner, but the society as a whole, it profits economically, politically, and socially when its citizens can communicate with and appreciate people from other countries and cultures. US is a superpower, but it is mono-lingual. Lately, US educationists and industrialists have begun to realise the benefits to society of adopting a policy of bilingualism and multilingualism. Fluency in a language other than English can enhance America’s economic competitiveness abroad, maintain its political and security interests, and work to promote an understanding of cultural diversity within the United States. All those engaged in international trade, overseas media correspondents, diplomats, airline employees and national security personnel need to be familiar with other languages and cultures to perform well in their jobs. Teachers, healthcare providers, customer service representatives, and law enforcement personnel also serve their constituencies more effectively when they can reach across languages and cultures. But in Ceylon Sinhalese politicians destroyed amity between the Thamils and Sinhalese by pushing down Sinhala only down the throats of the Thamils.
In the forties, schools in Jaffna voluntarily started teaching Sinhalese. I was a beneficiary and I learnt to write and read Sinhalese at the elementary level. Our teacher was one Jayewardene from Kandy. He was a very affable and charming teacher. Thamil students used to beat the only Sinhalese student in the class hands down. His father was one Seneviratne, the Jaffna Superintendent of Police and I guess he spoke English and not Sinhalese (except to the servant) at home. But all this ended suddenly after the Sinhala Only Act in 1956. The equation changed in favour of the Sinhalese. Thamil public servants like me became illiterate over night. Forget about promotions, even your annual increment depended on passing Sinhala proficiency exams. In practice learning Sinhalese meant learning the language of your master like in the British days. There is a significant difference between Sinhalese learning Thamil and Thamils learning Sinhalese because of the master servant relationship. Once Sinhalese become fluent in Thamil the Thamils who learnt Sinhalese will lose out in the job market! The official languages of Canada are English and French, which “have equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and Government of Canada” according to Canada’s constitution. English Canada encourages learning French language from primary schools onwards. Official bilingualism is the term used to collectively describe the policies, constitutional provisions, and laws which ensure the legal equality of English and French in the Parliament and courts of Canada, protect the linguistic rights of English and French-speaking minorities in different provinces, and ensure a level of government services in both languages across Canada .
Only Quebec has declared itself officially unilingual (French only). However, in practice, all provinces, including Quebec, offer some services in both English and French. And some publicly funded education in both official languages up to the high school level is also present in Quebec. The moral ‘first make Sinhalese and Thamils to feel that they have equal rights by recognizing the equal status of both languages not in theory but in practice.’ Now you are forcing even election MPs to sign documents drawn in Sinhalese!
Jim softy / September 15, 2013
After the Sri Lankan war, US understand many things.
some Us soldiers also learn mindfulness meditation.
Uthungan / September 16, 2013
… and then the US soldiers will find there is nothing “mindless” in ‘mindful meditation’ like coming into accidental contact with a live wire and get burnt up…so what the point of all that poppycock?
Jim softy / September 15, 2013
Canada also needs security clearance and personal suitability. So, you may know all the languages in the world, you may be full 100% qualified yet you may not have the security clearance ad the personal suitability.
sarojini / September 16, 2013
Thanga . My father a Sinhalese worked as a public servant in the 1950’s and had to pass the proficency test in Tamil to get his promotions . This was the case for the doctors who worked in hospitals as well . I remember my father getting help in the evenings at home from a Tamil tutor.
Donald J Gnanakone / September 16, 2013
Right royal welcome for King Rajapakse planned in NY.
Sri Lankan President to attend UN General Assembly in New York
Sun, Sep 15, 2013, 08:16 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 15, Colombo: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa will participate in the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly that will open on 17 September in New York, the Ministry of External Affairs announced.
A special group of representatives including the Minister of External Affairs Professor G L Peiris, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN Dr. Palitha Kohona will also attend the Sessions.
The President is expected to address the General Debate that will run from 24-27 September and 30 September- 1 October.
On the sideline of the General Assembly sessions, External Affairs Minister Prof. Peiris is expected to hold discussions with several foreign ministers, including the foreign ministers of SAARC countries.
The Minister is expected to apprise the other foreign ministers of the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) that will be held in Colombo and other forums associated with it.
During the General Assembly Sessions Minister Peiris is also expected to participate in the 36th Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of G-15 Group, of which Sri Lanka is the current chair.
RajasH / September 16, 2013
Navi Pillay, Banki Moon, Vijay Nambiar reciprocating by rolling out the red capret?
R. Varathan / September 19, 2013
Till late Sept 17 His Royal Highness was very much in Colombo.
There is speculation here he might leave on Sept 18 – once again
with a mini-jumbo gang of bootlickers, relatives, drug-dealers,
Comfort women and so forth. Or has he changed his idea for a
NYC visit now that Gunadasa Amerasekera and the Sinhala extremists
of PNM etc are trying to cut his neck. Just about time anyway.
BBS rep / September 16, 2013
Greetings Veluppillai Thangavelu,
You do educate many people with facts and with pertinent election information with regards the provincial elections. However no matter what you say or how you say it the fact remains that a vote for TNA is a vote for division of Sri Lanka.
You berate many people including DJ for expressing an opinion. Well, this is still a democracy and everyone has freedom to say what they think. It is a fundamental right within a democracy and such people are exercising their rights.
No, the army must not go yet. It is premature. There are far too many LTTE sympathisers still out on the loose. A time will come when it will be safe for the army to leave. By the way before you criticise the army spend a few moments to think. Maybe the politician is using the army to achieve his ends, even using the unsuspecting Army personel as props in photographs to further their political interests.
We do not agree with the ‘Indo Ceylon Accord’ of 1987. It was imposed on us by the all powerful Indian Government who was playing a strange political game at the time. We do not agree with Sec 1.3 – “Each ethnic group has a distinct cultural and linguistic identity which has to be carefully nurtured.” It is the careful nurturing of separate ethnic identities that led to all this sectarian violence. We need to forge a one Sri Lanka with a single identity. This multicultural philosophy will not work out well in the long run.
Some things what you claim to be ‘crystal clear’ is not all so crystal clear to others. You see the TNA manifesto as crystal clear when it comes to working within a undivided coutnry. But others may see it otherwise, such as TNA views being akin to LTTE views.
For those who want a separate state within Sri Lanka, I must tell you; very clearly that it is not a sound idea. Of course a majority of Tamil people in Sri Lanka may want an Eelam for one reason or another especially over how they were treated in the past. However it is not a good idea. Sri Lanka basically is too small to be fragmented. TNA must give up any idea of dividing the country if they are serious about long term peace. It is quite naive for people to believe that peace will descend if the country is divided. I say, that the communal problems that at times decimated this country will become apocalyptic if divided. There will be new skirmishes, all out border wars, ethnic cleansings, new passports and visas, new restrictions on travel, new taxes and you name it, it will all happen. It is better for the country to be ruled as a single entity and for the ethnic minorities to work out how best to coexist with us. There are far too many advantages to be united than to be divided.
kali / September 18, 2013
BBS Rapper,
Like one guy said you stand for Bloody Bull Shit( BBS) and again I need to analyse your garbage.
1) You do educate many people with facts and with pertinent election information with regards the provincial elections. However no matter what you say or how you say it the fact remains that a vote for TNA is a vote for division of Sri Lanka.
The above is spot on and there is no disagreement but what are you going to do about it. Frankly bugger all. Even MR has buckled under pressure.
2) You berate many people including DJ for expressing an opinion. Well, this is still a democracy and everyone has freedom to say what they think. It is a fundamental right within a democracy and such people are exercising their rights.
First of all on the issue of berating DJ let me tell you that on my recommendation he has gone back to a Uni to read his PhD because the last one was dodgy and by the way he is singing in the rain and making us feel wet.
No this is not a democracy and it has been officially accepted it is a Dictatorship and the Author is none other than MR.
Freedom to express you are joking aren’t you and tell that to Lasanthas family and all the other journalists.
Freedom to express according to Chandraprema Author of Gothas “war” means only speaking what MR THINKS and nothing else.
3) No, the army must not go yet. It is premature. There are far too many LTTE sympathisers still out on the loose. A time will come when it will be safe for the army to leave. By the way before you criticise the army spend a few moments to think. Maybe the politician is using the army to achieve his ends, even using the unsuspecting Army personel as props in photographs to further their political interests.
No mate the Army has to go and will go and there is nothing you can do to stop it. It was an agreement between India and Sinhala Lanka and it will be enforced and only a Hindu Nationalist ( BJP ) can do business with a Sinhala Nationalist MR + BBS and March 2014 is your dead line for compliance and on the 21st September we just serve notice.
4) We do not agree with the ‘Indo Ceylon Accord’ of 1987. It was imposed on us by the all powerful Indian Government who was playing a strange political game at the time. We do not agree with Sec 1.3 – “Each ethnic group has a distinct cultural and linguistic identity which has to be carefully nurtured.” It is the careful nurturing of separate ethnic identities that led to all this sectarian violence. We need to forge a one Sri Lanka with a single identity. This multicultural philosophy will not work out well in the long run.
At least I give you credit for your admission that it was imposed on you and after March 2014 it will just be signed and Sealed.
5) Some things what you claim to be ‘crystal clear’ is not all so crystal clear to others. You see the TNA manifesto as crystal clear when it comes to working within a undivided coutnry. But others may see it otherwise, such as TNA views being akin to LTTE views.
You just need a change your glasses So see an optician and may be you need a Bi Focal.
6) For those who want a separate state within Sri Lanka, I must tell you; very clearly that it is not a sound idea. Of course a majority of Tamil people in Sri Lanka may want an Eelam for one reason or another especially over how they were treated in the past. However it is not a good idea. Sri Lanka basically is too small to be fragmented. TNA must give up any idea of dividing the country if they are serious about long term peace. It is quite naive for people to believe that peace will descend if the country is divided. I say, that the communal problems that at times decimated this country will become apocalyptic if divided. There will be new skirmishes, all out border wars, ethnic cleansings, new passports and visas, new restrictions on travel, new taxes and you name it, it will all happen. It is better for the country to be ruled as a single entity and for the ethnic minorities to work out how best to coexist with us. There are far too many advantages to be united than to be divided.
No mate a Separate State within ( A UNITED SRI LANKA ) is a Bloody Good Idea. BBS and Tamils Co Existing. You cannot Co Exist with your brothers the Muslims and how can you Co Exist with your enemies the Tamils. It is not possible man. Sorry to Disappoint you.
Uthungan / September 16, 2013
If you believe that multicultural philosophy will not work in SL and that only the direct opposite of that is most suited;then either the entire land mass of this island has got to be towed out and anchored besides Pakistan or Saudi Arabia or something has got to be done about it by Ela Kolla taking over the nuclear plant in the adjoining Tamil Nadu and a FFukishima set off.
Raju / September 18, 2013
Why the writer only blame the government. Even the TNA nominee to the North makes some inflammatory statements. When would the Tamil leadership will give a chance to work within a unitary state. WTM from London says they will support this TNA manifesto. I only wait for a new Tamil leadership to evolve for us to live in peace.
Rajiv / September 18, 2013
The NP and the EP were 2 different provinces that was put together by India in 1987 and was conditional on a referendum and the disarming of the LTTE by India. The disarming never happened. So, I do not see how the merger is valid.
The TNA did not complain when the LTTE used violence to bring the TNA to parliament.
Talking about a distinct people, what about the Sinhalese? Do they not count.
Clumping the Muslims as Tamil speaking people was ingenious. First, they ethnically cleansed them and now they want them to be brothers and sisters. Nice try to improve the numbers. What makes you think the Muslims want to be ruled by the Tamils?
The high caste Jaffna Tamils never considered the Up Country Tamils(and Tamil Nadu Tamils) as brothers until 2006 when they began losing the war. Looking to up the numbers? Nice try, again. First, let them attend the same Kovils as the high caste Tamils, not to mention the toilets. No one is talking about how the high caste Tamils did not want to use the facilities with the low castes in the displacement camps in 2009.
The US is still arresting and prosecuting Nazis, some 60+ years after world war 2. Did he say triumphalism?
294,000+ people were resettled, after all. All withing 4 years. Over a million mines were painstakingly cleared. What? No thank you? Too slow you say? delayed the process purposely?
Justice CV Vigneswaran is the poster child for “discrimination by the chauvinistic Sinhalaya”. Justice of the supreme court, living in Colombo 7, 30+ years in the legal profession, educated at Royal College, free university education, government pension. That must truly hurt.
Shared sovereignty? Love the term. Just like discrimination, aspirations and self determination.
Killed 140,000 civilians during the last stages of the war? Still waiting on the proof. Looks like all the terrorists swam to India, Australia and Europe and only civilians dies.
This is what Democracy does. The majority rules. Ask the people in Tamil Nadu.
kali / September 18, 2013
So many Sinhalese you included have recently taken Tamil Names. By the way welcome in to the Tamil Culture but I am sorry you have to start from the bottom to climb the Social Ladder but don’t be disheartened it can be done if you show loyalty.
You again a load of rubbish as usual .
Koneswaram Temple – Trincomalee , Sri Lanka
Koneswaram temple / Thirukonamamalai Konesar Kovil is one of the most famous Hindu Temples in Sri Lanka.Situated in Trincomalee an ancient port city and a famous tourist destination in the country.This centuries old temple was built on Swami Rock – a hill area in the place overlooking beautiful, vast Indian ocean.It is one of the best tourist attraction in Sri Lanka.
We Tamils have a claim to East as well as North. So stop talking nonsense and keep your nose out of this
Rajiv / September 18, 2013
As a Sri Lankan, Tamils can live anywhere in the country. There are famous temples in other parts of the country too. The problem is, you don’t think the Sinhalese should be able to live in the North and the East.
Native Vedda / September 18, 2013
Sinhalese and Tamils can live any part of the land as long as they renounce their race, religion, hatred, impulses, greed…. and adapt Veddah way of life. By the way I forgot include land grabbing.
No part of this island belongs to any of you.
Remember, you are living here on short term lease, renewal is subject to your good behaviour.
kali / September 19, 2013
Rajiv for your information,
Sinhalese like you can live in the North( just like any Northerner coming to Tamilnadu ) as long as their intention is not Colonisation as is happening under MR. So get it into your thick head that you are not master of your destiny any more. But then again you are so thick you don’t have any thinking power.
Just think ( if you have any grey matter )whether even a racist like you did ever envisage the following.
1) Election to the Northern assembly
2) Dropping the Removal of the Land & Police Powers
3) Allowing Mrs.Pillaito visit
3) Issuing Visas to Mr.McRae and others
4) Silencing Wimal the Wansa
5) Cutting the wings of Gotha.
All this happened after Basil was summoned to Delhi. But there is a lot of Bullish talk by MR but that is only for Local consumption.
If you want to avoid further misery and heartache come to terms with it and sooner the better.
CSM / September 18, 2013
This is a writing for the TNA not for Tamils in Sri Lanka.
Very bias as always by a TNA supporter.
Always complain never will achieve a progress. bigotory as no wisdom to change for the better .
kali / September 19, 2013
Foreign Vedda,
I feel sorry for you. You are now confused and struggling to find who you are. Don’t worry Poka Poka Therium.
Native Vedda / September 19, 2013
You once typed that the Tamils have had 3,000 years of Tamil heritage in this island. I demanded to see evidence. You shied away.
You think you know who you are.
However, we know who we are.
Stop telling us your Mahawamsa version of our history.
kali / September 19, 2013
No Vedda,
You are FOREIGN not Native . I am sorry to disappoint you but don’t worry this is a fast moving world. By the way I know Mahawamsa inside out and are you telling me that you have to be Sinhalese to Learn it. If that is the case you are a Racist.
Native Vedda / September 21, 2013
“By the way I know Mahawamsa inside out and are you telling me that you have to be Sinhalese to Learn it.”
If you belief Mahawamsa myth you will buy anything.
” If that is the case you are a Racist.”
I reserve the right to be a racist.