20 September, 2024


Thanks, Homosexual Government

By Thisuri Wanniarachchi

Thisuri Wanniarachchi

It was simply disgraceful listening to our members of the opposition speak in Nugegoda yesterday, but let’s get some facts straight.

First of all, let’s be real about crowd size. MR was President of this country for almost a decade. Don’t be awestruck by the fact that he can bring 5,000 people to a rally. I mean this was a man who got 6 million votes in 2010 and and 5 million in 2015, if he can’t bring a fraction of that down to a supermarket car park that’s not normal, so let’s chill about the numbers.

Secondly, this country is a democracy. That’s all we’ve got. That’s why it stung really hard when MR changed the democratic terms in our constitution to run for an extra term of Presidency. In political science, that’s called a constitutional coup. It happened in Congo, it happened in Burundi, it happened in Zimbabwe, and it happened in Sri Lanka in 2014. That’s what we went down in political science textbooks as, a country with constitutional coups. That shifts us from a democracy to an autocracy. We restored our democracy through the 19th amendment in 2015 so a President won’t have those executive powers to blackmail a parliament into a constitutional coup again. And now to hear Kumara Welgama say “We will make Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa the Prime Minister in 2017” is a threat to our democracy. MR ran for President and Prime Minister and lost both elections. Not just once, but twice. The people rejected him multiple times but he just won’t give up. MR has gone from a king and a savior to the creepy ex-boyfriend who keeps following you down the Nugegoda bus stand. We just want to be like, “dude, stop following us, just give up and go start a new life and take your loser friends with you.” We have to agree that despite the many decades of corruption in this country, the racism, the sexism, the homophobia, all we have had is the fact that we can vote every 4/6 years and choose our representatives. And for someone to threaten the core principle this country is held together by is disgraceful. And we must not take that lightly.

Thirdly, the homophobia. There were kids coming home from tuition classes yesterday, there were kids watching the news last night, who heard the classless words of these full grown adults yesterday. The fact that they think calling someone homosexual is an insult alone shows their miseducation. You want to call this government a homosexual government? Great. Then, that’s what it is. And guess what our homosexual government got us GSP+, a $1.5 billion IMF allocation, restored our diplomatic ties, gave MR and his JO friends the the freedom to protest and disrupt people’s daily life just to make a political statement, without being blocked by barricades, shot at or picked up later that night by a white van. So I’ll take a homosexual government any day over your Rajapaksa-Welgama-Weerawansa straight masculine macho government that put us $64 billion in debt, killed teenagers when they protested for clean water and changed the words in the constitution to their benefit.

I know you have frustrations with this current government, most of us do. Politics is frustrating. Think about it, for the first time in our history two of the largest parties in the country, that have for many decades shared completely opposing political views, built on opposite values and have run against and attacked each other are working together; of course it’s going to be frustrating. And if we are to grow, we have to be frustrated, we have to be angry, and we have to demand more. But don’t make the mistake of mixing up the frustration you have with the current government with the fear you felt of the previous one. There’s a big difference and we have to acknowledge that.

All this being said, yesterday made me incredibly proud. I realized that today our democracy is stronger than it ever was. My country is the kind of country that an opposition party with a minority of support can exercise their freedom of assembly, without being arrested, or obstructed. Tolerance is a key part of democracy and yesterday it shun brighter than ever, and we have (in the words of the JO) our homosexual government to thank for it.

Latest comments

  • 34

    Getting Gsp plus is a child’s play compared to beating and anihilating worlds most violent terrorist organisation.
    Only a true man , a man to the core, fearless and strong like.Mahinda can do that.

    • 26

      Yes, he said, we agree n gave him the job. He finish. That’s it . Beating the same old drums for ever is useless. Now we need to move forward, not by robbing or cheating but with true values. Come on man be sensible.

    • 7

      It’s a restless hungry feeling
      That don’t mean no one no good
      When ev’rything I’m a-sayin’
      You can say it just as good.
      You’re right from your side
      I’m right from mine
      We’re both just one too many mornings
      An’ a thousand miles behind – Dylan

      The seed of our nation’s destruction is ingrained in every Lankans’ genes.

      There is no greater curse.

    • 11

      Mahinda is a shit coward like a street thug. His show of strength is in the number of brutes around him, Get him alone and he will piss in his sarong. So much for the fearless Mahinda, an absolute coward

  • 18

    Thisuri’s frustration at its best! Dont worry lass. You have given a lesion to JO by holding a ‘mega’ rally in Anuradhapura in the following day! So be happy!

    Even ‘konde bendapu cheennu’ wont listen to her ‘baila’ of unity govt.’s “democracy”!

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 9

    Some of your readers have argued that LBGT is a globally
    accepted phenomenon. In this modern day life, I have no
    quarrel with this viewpoint. After all, those propagating
    the idea are speaking out openly, exercising the right
    available to them in any democratic society.

    However, the move in Sri Lanka to decriminalise homosexualty
    and prostitution was to be smuggled concealed in a large
    document, the National Human Rights Action Plan. It was
    placed for Cabinet approval by Mangala Samraweera, the Foreign
    Minister. It seems everything is becoming foreign to him

    He should have had to guts to put out a memorandum directly and
    speak for it. Now that the smuggling project has misfired, he is
    keeping quiet.

    • 7

      SameeraKumar,” decriminalise homosexualty and prostitution” What is all this fuss.If you want to criminalize homosexuality you will be forced to close down all the Monastic Temples including Buddhist Temples with resident Monks.Monastic life is a training ground for homosexuality.Some of the complaints about homosexulaity outside Buddhist temples come from the catholic Church, which also run Monasteries.There was this case reported few months ago about three priests and a civilian being arrested for sodomising a young acolyte at a Temple at Matara.Few years ago Lanka Guardian reported about a Buddhist priest at a temple near Galle sodomising a boy.One ex-Helaurumaya priest was punished by the courts for sodomising boys.

      Prostitution my dear is so common that no body cares about this at all. Read some of the weekend newspapers and take note of the advertisements calling for the public to enjoy what their prostitutes offer.In one broad sheet ,one page was full of such advertisements. Take a walk along the roads of the coastal towns from Colombo, note the number of places offering rooming facilities.These are not meant for school going boys and girls but for prostitution.One crazy bit of news I came across recently was that there are male prostitutes offering sex.Not for the same sex, but to old women who are frustrated.One person in the know, described how these institutions select their male prostitutes and I was shocked.

      • 2

        Buddhism May be the only religion where under 5 year old are ordained to an environment of adult males, going along the lines of Buddha ordained his son Rahula. You can assume what will happen.

        • 2

          Buddhism is the only religion that give liberation which can be experienced in this very life rather than waiting for unseen god to help after death. that is if you practice the teaching yourself

      • 1

        The very scoundrels who insist on keeping homosexuality and prostitution illegal engage in these activities with high class foreign hookers and some have even got caught with their pants down.

  • 16

    Dear Thisuri, with reference to your quote “Think about it, for the first time in our history two of the largest parties in the country, that have for many decades shared completely opposing political views, built on opposite values and have run against and attacked each other are working together.”
    Here’s my two cents, if you think they (UNP and SLFP) are together for the greater good of the people, then please stop smoking whatever you are, because you are floating above ground.
    They are in this together because its serving them too damn well, not because its serving the country and its people in any way. I voted for both Maithri and UNP, and I opposed Mahinda Rajapaksa’s system of governance, but that doesn’t mean I will shut up and live in a bubble talking crap about ‘working together’.
    The only reason this so called national government is working is because all the MPs are being looked after financially and with a load of new allowances while we, the public including you Thisuri have to end up paying tax after tax and have to put up with a new bunch of robbers.

  • 15

    Thisuri you are very young but appreciate your braveness.You only think Sri lankan political history begins from MR period.

    We have gone through much dangerous threats to democracy under Sirimawo,JR,Premadasa’s and even CB’s regimes.Kindly check with your parents.

    Biggest threat to the democracy is not holding elections in time which already happening in SL under Yahapalanaya. Also they have not recognized the real opposition in the parliament ( biggest Group).
    This regime nominated rejects/ loosers to the parliament and also to the cabinet. Those are much worst and more dangerous actions ever done against peoples verdict (democracy) by any regime in SL history.
    Note that MR extended his terms through the parliament by 2/3rd majority though I am against it.He kept elections in time.HE introduced ID’s for Voting.Do not get mixed up with the democracy and corruption.

  • 15

    Comparing GSP+ to eradication of terror!
    You are the representative of ungrateful generation!
    Go and read the UNP history of Blood and tires before you criticize people for personnel vendettas!

    • 7

      If you go and see the history of UNP – you should also be ready to see the ground realities of SLFP and UPFA men have been that murderous and high criminal – even today.

      Why is that your brain cells alow to see only against SLFP ?

      If you are no stupid – all these should long been clear to you as a sechagenarian. And you have the chance to live in the uk where the law and order in place it is written onthe book – but you guys seem to have learnt nothing why ?

    • 4

      srinath gunaratne; all govts since 1977, with the exception of DBW had blood in their hands.CBK had the least.

      My anger against JR, RP and Mr is that they had a country that was mortally scared of them and they could have used that fear to clean this country, to discipline the society, they failed and the society got criminalized.

      Why talk of the Holy Executive Presidency.

    • 3

      This girl worrying about mention the word homosexual in the meeting because some kids on the road after tuition classes

      She completely forgot current leaders trying to legalise the homosexual in this country

      If she is happy with 1.5 B loan and GSP plus with homosex then [Edited out]

  • 10

    Your Ranil was defeated countless numbers and even now he is in power thanks to SLFP votes!Why is he still in power, He will never be accepted as a leader in this country by the people! He is the weakest link!

  • 3

    “I realized that today our democracy is stronger than it ever was.”
    Totally agree!

    “your Rajapaksa-Welgama-Weerawansa straight masculine macho government that put us $64 billion in debt, killed teenagers when they protested for clean water and changed the words in the constitution to their benefit.” True!

    “….opposing political views, built on opposite values and have run against and attacked each other are working together;”
    I am not sure, for it is the perks these politicos are given keeping them in the government! All of them!

    ” if he can’t bring a fraction of that down to a supermarket car park that’s not normal, so let’s chill about the numbers”
    With that crowd they couldn’t have filled the Sugathadasa stadium that can take, 60,000 ( Max ?)

    • 6

      Yes, .. that is very right…

      today there exist democracy… but some like Srinanth.. thought retired men – cant see it beyond. They the like ill fated buggers, being in UK but
      lick the balls of Rajaakshes – that is the saddest reality.

  • 0

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  • 0

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  • 9

    “MR has gone from a king and a savior to the creepy ex-boyfriend who keeps following you down the Nugegoda bus stand. We just want to be like, “dude, stop following us, just give up and go start a new life and take your loser friends with you.” That’s the best line, Thisuri. Great work!

  • 2

    “MR has gone from a king and a savior to the creepy ex-boyfriend who keeps following you down the Nugegoda bus stand. We just want to be like, “dude, stop following us, just give up and go start a new life and take your loser friends with you.” That’s the best line, Thisuri. Great work!

  • 5

    [Edited out] MR was democratic that is why he held an election in Jan 2015 and MS could win. He did not influence voting through violence in the election day – look at the report of election commissioner. The same kudos should go to Mrs. B who did the same in 1977 and handed over the power to the winner immediately like MR. MR conducted elections and won many. He lost the presidential election and was defeated in the parliamentary election due to the undemocratic and unprofessional conduct of the President of SLFP. The power sharing is a joke and a hatchet job of the foreign powers and NGOs as it was the only way they could defeat MR. We all know that MR was not a saint but he had the backbone to stand for the country and take the bull by the horn! The current set of puppets are good only to the lick the boots of foreign powers and UN manipulators.

  • 7

    Just my 2 cents after reading this article by a young writer who is fired by loyalty to the UNP/Yahaps and seems more than a little uninformed of current sell-offs of the country’s assets by the Yahaps that will put Sri Lanka on its knees to the West in particular and into begging bowl status for the next 198 years, to China as well..let alone her ignorance of Sri Lanka’s post-Independence political history which needs a huge brush up.
    First off – attendance at the Nugegoda rally far exceeded her count of 500. At least some acceptable statistic would have give her statement greater credibility Starry eyed over the Yahaps she does not understand the implications of what is going on in the way of far greater corruption at the Central Bank, as well as the handling of other financial assets of the country than was/may have been done by the previous regime. Now the Yahaps have revealed their true selves as being much more adept at robbing the country and the people, and even more cunning at making way for a Federal constitution than any previous government. As a young and likely aspiring politician as Ms. W appears to be, she should first get her priorities between her personal ambitions and the throttling financial plight that this nation and its citizenry are being plunged into by unprincipled, money-hungry unpatriotic politicos who have forgotten promises made to the nation, and are putting the nation into a trajectory of beggary for decades to come.

  • 0

    Correction: “….her count of 5000…” at the Nugegoda rally

  • 4

    this reporter is always biased and anti MR therefore cant be taken seriuosly

    • 1

      really ?

      Do you find more that would not stand against Rajaakshe culprits ?

      The topic being addressed here is discriminations being set on the minorities. If your son, brother, sister or someone else would have been found with affinities to same sex- would you hand over them to a butcher to make steaks ? tell us that please ? some born idiots would also die as idiots. never change.. that is it.

  • 1

    [Edited out]The truth is different from the view or opinion you bare.Democracy, Rule of Law,good governance,equality,etc these are common questions for any nation on the surface of the world but it bears comparatively different faces from state to state.If you want to see here(right now) the democracy what you see in states or UK or whatever the so called bloody developed countries you are sadly mistaken.
    Under the homosexual yahapalana government the country is being headed to nowhere.You would realize 25 years later.Then every thing will be too late to be corrected.I feel already the country has been derailed and it won’t be easy for the homosexual government to put it on the track and move it towards the right direction.I feel something like lion nation(the nation believe in God Sun) is being headed by a sheep.

  • 7

    No point of fighting guys. Just ask the government to hold due elections at due times without delay, and the people will decide. That is the first principle of democracy. No point of talking about democracy without elections.

    • 2

      The Govt should not hold elections on a staggered basis as MR did. Hold them on one day and let us rest.It is cheaper to the tax payer.

  • 2

    Thisuri seems to be quite young and most people who comment seem to be of the same age group too and know Thisuri personally (I wonder if the big-match article has something to do with it?). However, in my case I wish to arbitrate the content of the article rather than the person.

    As I said previously:

    1. I am against legalising ‘sodomy’, but to each’s own (as we say in Canada). Legalising has a lot to do with monitary rights than sexuality…
    2. I am OK with a person with ‘different’ sexual orientation being the ruler, as long as that person and/or his ‘wife’ does not use the power to further ‘sodomy’.

    A reader may wonder why I state the word ‘sodomy’. I believe ‘sodomy’ is still illegal in most countries – even the countries that allow for LGBT communities.

    I am sure Thisuri will soon begin to use a pen name when she writes, in a society that seem to take things ‘personally’ and not ‘arbitratively’.


  • 1


    Let all the comments to be appeared here Thisuri, whether you like it or not!!!

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