19 February, 2025


The 20A: A Very Wrong Approach To Constitution-Making

By Jayadeva Uyangoda

Prof. Jayadeve Uyangoda

The proposed 20th Amendment has several major defects. One of its key faults is that its sponsors and framers have chosen a very wrong approach to constitution making.

There are several reasons why this approach is wrong.

The first is their refusal to learn constructive lessons from the past constitutional reform experiments. The lessons that seem to have been learned are all partisan, narrow-mimed, politically short-sighted, and therefore, wrong ones.  

The second is that the framers of the 20A are not animated by the larger democratic interests of the political community which Sri Lankan people constitute collectively. Instead, the primary motivating factor seems to be political self-interest.  

The third is that the proposed Amendment is totally devoid of a democratic normative framework relevant to our society and its own progressive-modernist legacies of constitutionalism. Instead, in disinheriting the progressive legacies our society’s modern political and social life, it builds itself on one or two dreadful and destructive experiments of constitution-making in the recent past. 

Lessons from the Past

Sri Lanka has a relatively long history of unmaking, making and amending constitutions. They offer a rich array of lessons about what to be avoided as well in constitution-making. 

Both the First and Second Republican Constitutions of 1972 and 1978 together and individually offer the following lessons: 

(a) Any popular mandate for a new constitution should not be interpreted as license to undermine or remove the democratic checks and balances in the exercise of political power. The reason is quite clear: it would encourage rulers and bureaucracies to violate with impunity citizens’ freedoms and liberties. Such misuse of the popular mandate is certain to produce tyrannical consequences and ultimately will erode the legitimacy of the government itself. 

(b) Undermining the rule of law, weakening the independence of the judiciary, and making the accountability institutions subservient to the executive will initially please the egos of the politicians and officials, but in the long run are bound to create a deep chasm between the government and the citizens, rulers and the ruled.

(c) The eventual political cost of ignoring minority demands for political equality and equal citizenship rights in a constitutional scheme can be quite high. It will create a condition of unending ethnic tension in society as well as between the state and the alienated minorities.

(d) Constitutions with undemocratic intent as well as content will harm the legitimacy of not only the government in power, but also the prevailing system as a whole.

Lessons from 1978C and its 18A

Both the original 1978 Constitution and its 18th Amendment, together as well as individually, offer us the following crucial lessons: 

(a) Any ruling party or government that ignores the golden rule of democratic governance that (a) political power is NOT unlimited and that (b) the right to, and exercise of, political power has inherent limits will do so only at its own peril.

(b) Any new constitution, or any major alteration to an existing one, should not be designed to please the personal desires (‘whims and fancies’) of an individual, however powerful he or she may be at the time of constitution-making. A constitution thus designed is certain to come into conflict with the actual and objective needs of society as well as aspirations of its citizens.

(c) A new constitutional scheme should not be designed to serve only the interests of newly emerged wealthy elites in society. When a constitution becomes an instrument of a narrow class of wealthy elites, who are suspicious of the dispersal of political power among citizens in a democracy, and entertain political ambitions to capture the state, it runs the risk of providing legality to despotism.     

Lessons from 19A

There are four key lessons, among many, to be learned from the process of making the much-maligned 19th Amendment: 

(a) Wide consultation in the drafting process is not only useful, but also helpful to improve the level of democratic health in the polity. 

(b) It is always better to build consensus across all political parties in parliament for a major Amendment or a new constitution. Constitutional consensus-building in a deeply divided polity like ours is a frustrating and time-consuming political exercise. Yet it enables all, or a majority of, the stakeholders to take part in the process, make their inputs, and claim some ownership to the outcome, although for partisan political reasons, some might later withdraw from the consensus.

(c) If the consultation and consensus-building in constitution-making is not politically managed with clarity of purpose, the overall goals of the constitutional compromise may run the risk of producing a constitutional scheme with potentially harmful internal anomalies and contradictions.

(d) A Democratic constitution-making exercise today needs, more than ever, an unwavering political leadership to champion it through to the end by innovative and imaginative democratic means. The reason is a paradoxical one. Alternatives to democracy are also competing with democracy, with enormous material resources, to gain popular support and loyalty through democratic means. In this age of Right-wing populism, media-manufactured popular consent and manipulation of public perceptions through information pollution, post-democratic alternatives tend gain easy currency and public legitimacy.

Constitutions and the Political Community

A Constitution for a country is in the final analysis a constitution for the entire political community within a country. Although the basic nature of that constitution may be conceptualized by a ruling party, to be sustainable and be able to survive post-regime change shocks, it should not reflect only the agenda of that ruling party or an individual leader. Experience in Sri Lanka as well as other countries shows that such constitutions have been the first step to despotism in some form. 

Rather, a Constitution should embody the highest democratic goals and aspirations – ‘noble ends’ — of the political community, that are open to be shared voluntarily by the vast majority of members of that political community, notwithstanding the momentary shifts in their political judgement occasionally expressed at periodic elections. 

A Normative Framework Needed

A good constitution is always a democratic one.  A good democratic constitution for Sri Lanka should be guided by a value framework embodying a synthesis of the normative ethics which the people of our political community have inherited from our own liberal democratic, republican and social-egalitarian traditions, evolved through our own political and social modernity. 

The Indian and South African constitutions are model post-colonial constitutions that are guided by such a value synthesis, derived from the best traditions of modern constitutionalism as well as egalitarian and social-justice impulses inherent in their local cultures and histories. 

What Legacy? What Inheritance?

Finally, Sri Lankan constitution-makers should not consider the South-East Asian developmentalist authoritarian state model as a new constitutional template for Sri Lanka, because it goes against our own progressive constitutionalist legacy evolved during the past century or so. 

What needs to be inherited and further advanced is that progressive strand of constitutionalism which we can claim as authentically modern and local.  It appears that the framework of 20A have sought inspirations from wrong constitutional models, at home and abroad, that are devoid of any democratic normative content.

The Supreme Court where the constitutional validity of the proposed 29th Amendment will be examined and debated is perhaps an eminently suitable forum to raise these points as well. In a number of previous judgements, and as recently as December 2018, our Supreme Court has repeatedly validated the inherent normative framework of Sri Lanka’s own tradition of democratic constitutionalism.

Alerting our Honourable Justices, who make up the much revered public institution that is the last bastion of citizens’ freedom and democracy, should also be a part of the struggle for re-inheriting and defending our own best legacies of political and social modernity.

Latest comments

  • 18

    If you want to stop 20A here is the only foolproof way to do it………………………
    ……………write to Modi and say 20A will dilute 13A. He will summon GR, MR, BR, NR, etc. and give them a earful. That will be the end of 20A.

    (If you have a problem with the servant of a neighbor, you don’t take it up with that servant. Instead you take it up with the master of that servant.)

    • 4

      Only uncivilized people with tribal mentality interfere in internal affairs of another sovereign country.

      • 12

        Mahindapala, 2500 years ago 500 uncivilized people with tribal mentality led by a convicted criminal interfered in internal affairs of sovereign country of Kuveni. Since then history had repeated and will do so now whether you like it or not.

        • 1

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam ,
          Dumbo, don’t you know the difference between invaders and politicians that interfere in internal affairs of other countries as you God Father from uncivilized ‘Sakkili’ land.

          • 3

            Mahindapala if you say that invaders are better than politicians that interfere in internal affairs, then why not ask Modi to stop interfering and invade.

          • 2

            Eagle Eye ultra racist@

            Dont you know that we sinhalayas, tamils and all others come from India ?

            You always add your thoughts attacking the other but never respect the facts. Why is that ? is that because Rajaakse pariahs raped you guys morally as nothing can help reverse ?

            I added below the link for your own reference:

            Relationship to other ethnic groups in Sri Lanka
            A study looking at genetic variation of the FUT2 gene in the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamil population, found similar genetic backgrounds for both ethnic groups, with little genetic flow from other neighbouring Asian population groups.[11] Studies have also found no significant difference with regards to blood group, blood genetic markers and single-nucleotide polymorphism between the Sinhalese and other ethnic groups in Sri Lanka.[12][13][14] Another study has also found “no significant genetic variation among the major ethnic groups in Sri Lanka”.[15] This is further supported by a study which found very similar frequencies of alleles MTHFR 677T, F2 20210A & F5 1691A in South Indian Tamil, Sinhalese, Sri Lankan Tamil and Moor populations.[7]

      • 2

        Dear Eagle

        Have you read the indo-Lanka peace accord? Please do. Both parties accept north east as traditional habitat of Tamil speaking peoples. Rajapaksas are too chicken to change that!

        Get it?

        If you are a Buddhist listen to the Nagadeepa sermon of Buddha and give up Tamil majority areas of north and east. Split the island into two nations. Let go. Relocate people by whatever means. Sinhala only Elam and Tamil Elam. Lasting solution.

        Until then this dual, hybrid twin nation thing will continue.

        • 0

          Was there a war between India and Sri Lanka to sign a Peace Accord? This is a result of BIG BROTHER bullying the SMALL BROTHER. As such we do not have to accept everything in that accord as true. Dumbos who ruled at that time did not have guts to challenge the BS imposed by Hindians.
          North and East was the traditional homeland of Sinhalayo where Anuradhapura and Pollonnaruwa existed before ‘Para’ Dravida invaders and Dravida slaves occupied that land.

        • 2

          I dont think Mahindapala AKA Eagle Eye was able to read and write those days.

          From what he adds, he should be new to this world. Bugger does not seem to respect anyone but his fairy tales.

          Why cant he seek any kind of therapies if he would not become normal over the decades ? THe kind of PSYCHOPATHs can only worsen the situation in our home country, We should be ashamed SRILANKA to have produced the kind of mlechcha people really.

      • 4

        EE DEMENTED BALNGODA MAN Who re civilised ?

        . If u think Rajapakshes are civilised would they continue abusing power misleading masses that are really in need, like fishing on muddy waters?
        What have they achieved during the last 10months not even 1% of 100 day programme of gg govt?
        . ????????????????

        • 4

          EE DEMENTED MAN,
          Would they even try to bring 20a if bitch s sos have hearts? .
          Telling something and doing the very opposite after grabbing the power is not overlooked today by their reaction s.
          As for me all these in power today should long be in jails if true buddhism is right. MR should not be free man at all.??????????

          • 5

            By 2015, entire world stood against RAJAPAKSHE politics.

            Ginipenellen batakaapu miniha kanaamadiri eliyatath bayayi lu (ගිනිපෙනෙල්ලෙන් බැටකාපු මිනිහා කණාමැදිරි එළියටත් බයයි ලු) The man who has been beaten by a fire-brand dreads the light of even a firefly. When someone goes through a traumatic experience, he/she tries to avoid everything that even closely resembles that experience.


    • 1

      Some say that the master is China.
      You say Modi.
      Is Modi working for China or vice versa?

      • 2

        China is yet to make their own amendment to SL’s constitution. It will happen in 2023. Until then only India has its own amendment – 13A.

    • 0

      Idiot and a half.

      Do you think Modi cannot read?

  • 12

    The peasants/population have no jobs to go to,
    no jobs mean no money to buy anything.
    no food to eat
    no drugs are available even for cash
    no fertiliser to cultivate the arable agricultural lands
    no foreign exchange to import the essentials
    no schools to educate the nation’s children/adults
    no clothes to wear.
    IT’s ALL a NOes Country.
    Around the corner, it will soon become a nudist beggar colony where Adam & Eve will be made honorary VIP citizens.
    The costs of living is going up to the moon beyond the reach of the 26 million poverty-stricken yobo’s who have no other choice but to abode in this sad shitty shithole a proud rajapuka’s creation.
    Till these shortcomings are resolved the 20th amendment meant to be the new rajapuk’s dictatorial military constitution has to be shoved and rotated up the arses of the entire said, uncouth unsavoury clan.
    The suffering masses must expose their privates and state vehemently a big NO to the 20th shithouse amendment.

  • 10

    Even though price controls have been autocratically enforced the prices of 3 essential items are as follows. –
    a. Coconuts still being sold by the SLPP supporter traders at 110.00 even though the controlled maximum prices the businessmen have been ordered to sell depending on the width are/is between 50.00 to 65.00.
    b. Eggs are still marketed at prices between 22.00 to 28.00 even though the draconian controlled price is 20.00 rupees.
    c. An ordinary pair of going to the latrine/toilet rubber slippers has within a short period of time has shot up from a price of 180.00 to 310.00
    So to get rid of the ills of the 19th amendment, a 20th amendment is what these prosperous peace-loving multi-racial citizens are living very happily.
    Bugger it I say.

  • 16

    Jayadeva Uyangoda

    “The first is their refusal to learn constructive lessons from the past constitutional reform experiments.”.

    As long as Electors have herd mentality (mob mentality, pack mentality, gang mentality) politicians behave as they do, because they know herds could be encouraged to behave in certain ways. Poor people who are so naive anyone can sell them anything, including Siripada, Mount Everest, Kilimanjaro, … No question asked.

    Look at S C Passcal, Blind Eye, Ravi Perera, …………. N Perera, … pathetic.

    • 12

      Native Vedda: Totally agree with what you say. Not only the poor people are naive, but also the “Public Servants”. I saw how the President (in a video clip) visited a remote village in Haldummulla and visited a school accompanied by his “entourage” of “Local Slave Masters” and calling all the teachers including the Principal to line up while the school was in session. Then “HE” went on to question the qualifications of each and everyone and asked a female teacher to change her position in the line up by moving her to a different position. On the same day, “HE” met the “poor villagers” and “reprimanded” some of the Public Officials (of course some needed to be shaken) and the “CROWED” giving cheering applause. What do you think of that “Raod Show”? Isn’t it the beginning of a “Foundation Laying Ceremony” for the up-coming “Constitution Making”? In that endeavor “HE” has enlisted the services of a “Newly Found” “Cohort” – the Minister of Justice Ali Sabri. In this process of “Making Constitution,” the “Basic Rule” has already being set, and that is: “My word is the Law”. : Hail Gotabahaya! The people will be “Reformed” to CHANT it in the days, months, and years to come.

    • 3

      Native (Fake) Vedda,
      Herd mentality prevail among Demalu. Malabar Vellala Demala elite politicians use that very efficiently for their advantage.

      • 1

        Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

        “Herd mentality prevail among Demalu.”

        True, I can also see the same herd mentality among the Sinhala speaking converts from South India.

        By the way where did your ancestors come from?
        Lot of those who came from outside this island continue to make silly claims. Gota believes thi is a Sinhala/Buddhist country. Look at this silly fellow Gota who himself is a descendant of Kallathonie like you yet he stakes many claims.

        Why don’t you first get some advice on history and then teach Gota while you are carrying his b***s?

    • 3

      Any way 20th Amendment definitely will pass over 150 votes. Where is now, PEELAM, where is 13A, where is Vaddukodai Resolution, where are LTTE leaders, where is LTTE? They all are dead dogs including DIAS-PODA

      • 10

        When Modi said to implement 13th amendment to allow Tamils to live with justice and equality, your cardboard veeraya tucked his tail between his legs and listened without a whimper of protest. Now he says something different for Sinhala gallery. Ask him to make public, the recording of conversation with Modi. When a child is truant parents give them sweets to bring them to book. 15 million Budddhism sop is to make him toe the line or face the consequences. Did you see a cartoon in Sinhala paper where Sarath Weerasekara was depicted first as veeraya wielding his sword and then fallen to the ground by an Indian arrow. Writing is on the wall for all such idiots.

        • 1

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
          When Modi said to implement 13A, PM Mahinda Rajapakshe has told instead of implementing 13A that has been rejected by low caste Dalits in Yapanaya and will benefit only Wellala Demalu who oppress Dalits, he will implement Phase 2 of Nandikadal project to liberate Dalits from the iron clutches of Malabara Vellala Demalu by scrapping ‘Malabar customary law ‘Thesawalamei’, taking measures to eradicate caste based oppression and discrimination and launch an economic development program to raise the standard of living of Dalits.

        • 1

          Now, Gota too is openly defying Modi & Hindia, saying there is no pressure from Modi to implement 13 and giving impression that it was left to will of Sori Lanka.

          • 2

            Modi is not interested whether Gota implements 13A or not, but it is a noose round Sri Lanka neck which he will use to throttle and make it fall in line with Indian supremacy. Now that Mahinda who asked for a meeting had got it well (Illang Kewa), it is time that Modi frog marches Gota to read the riot act to him.

            • 3

              Dr GS, brother duo obvious ly know nothing about what they ve been doing to this nation.
              THis was known to over 58% of voters in sl by 2015. But our sinhalayas are born modayas, and are provably world champion s at memory losses. That s why they repeat their failures. ??????

      • 2

        N. Pererass

        “Where is now, PEELAM, where is 13A, where is Vaddukodai Resolution, where are LTTE leaders, where is LTTE?”

        We know when Sinhala/Buddhists are in dire circumstances they need imagined enemies to fend off their home grown Southern rebellion, hence the need to revive PEELAM, 13A, Vaddukodai Resolution, LTTE, ….. ?

        Bad luck Gota and his family have to do without them.
        Look for home grown southern enemies.

  • 9

    The way 17A,18A,19A and the proposed 20A had become part of our constitution are lesson s why politicians who are elected for a fixed term should not be allowed to meddle with the country’s constitution.

    The same politicians had voted all the following crucial amendments such as 17A,18A and 19A and going to vote for the proposed 20A..

    The names include that of Mahinda Rajapakse, Richard Budiudeen , Rau Haheem, Douglas Devananda, Maithripala Srisena,Vasudeva Nanayakra and a whole lot.

    It is fascinating reading !

    Do they have any shame?

    Could they justify their strange actions.

    The formulation of new constitution should not be left in the hands of politicians and lawyers. They should not be allowed to have the final say!

    They do not represent the people forever, but for a limited number of years.

    • 2

      Do you want the fruits in the tree branch fall down? You have to shake it left and right, and up and down. Pushing it one side will not make them come off to your hand. The fruit of political gains comes only if the parliamentarian PC lawyers keep changing it back and forth. Long Live Lankawe!

    • 1

      You missed the Biggest Rascal GLP!!!!!

  • 7

    The immediate need for the country is economic development not the constitutional amendment or new constitution. Not only Srilanka but also the whole world is in the blink of economic collapse due to Corona impact. Sri lanka has limited opportunities and comparative advantage in the international market in terms of resources, technology and Capital. The existing constitutional arrangement provides sufficient power to deal with corruption, misuse of power and efficient and effective management resources. There is a responsibility to the government to explain the public about our economic status of the country and the impact of Corona on employment, economy, debt and the challenges the country and people have to face to overcome the situation. Unfortunately, it is almost one year from the President and people do not know anything about the economic status and what programme the government has to overcome the situation. They only talk about amending the constitution and satisfying family needs such as age requirement, dual citizenship to become minister etc.

  • 14

    Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye
    Where are you?

    I feel sorry for Gota.
    You know the story of The Monkey and the Wedge (Panchatantra) . The monkey that pulled the wedge and had it’s tail and b***s caught in the split of the log.

    Gota is caught between deteriorating economy and Sinhala/Buddhist noisy minority.

    Now the Rajapaksa brothers are begging Hindia (a country where ordinary people lack basic sanitary facilities) for aloan to settle other loans.
    What a shame.

    He could apply for a concessional loan or an advance from his family’s’ sovereign wealth managers.

    • 1

      Native (Fake) Vedda,
      Rajapakshes were caught in between ‘Para’ Tamil terrorists who claimed that they cannot be defeated, pressure groups who wanted to stop the military operation against LTTE to rescue megalomaniac Prabhakaran, dong keys in UN, Koti Diaspora channeling funds to Tamil terrorists but eventually they came out with flying colors. So, wait and see.

      It is the members of Terrorist National Alliance that go to Modi and beg chanting:
      Modi Saranam Gachchami
      Modi Saranam Gachchami
      Modi Saranam Gachchami
      to save 13A instead of praying to their Hindu Super-Duper Gods to do that. Is Modi more powerful than Hindu Gods who even carry weapons? Of course not AK47s!!!!

      • 4

        Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

        Okay, if Sri Lanka is strong, rich, clever, ….. why the hell Gota and Rajapaksa are begging the Hindians for more than $2 billions loans through various schemes instead he could apply for a concessional loan or an advance from his family’s’ sovereign wealth managers.

        You are a sad beggar with an attitude.

  • 9

    Indeed a very wrong approach. MR is the only person who can fix this problem without having future chaos. I appeal to you,
    Mr.MR; at least think about your future generations, your children, grandchildren. Even to rule there should be a country. GR has less interest in this country, so he can take risky, arrogant decisions, his family is American, but not yours. When the country is in chaos, he and his family will go back, like he did once. By then where can your family go? You have seen the destruction happened since 1978, you fought to correct that until 2005, then your American siblings came to the scene and changed your mind. They were a poor bunch in America, they just wanted to loot the country and have a better life there. You fell for that, you forgot about the real friends like Thripathi, Bharatha Lakshman, Lasantha, Mangala who helped you to get into the highest position in the country. You promised to abolish the destructive Executive Presidency, you marched with the Mothers Front. Maybe at that point you didn’t plan to deceive people. You would have meant all good.

  • 10

    But your family who came from USA, changed and clouded your mind. Mr. Mhinda Rajapakse, even after so many misfortunes, still you have the last chance to correct this situation. You have the power over Parliament, you are the Pohottuwa leader. Still they listen to you, not to GR. Please do the right thing. With 19A you have more power. Future generations will respect you, worship you for real, not for the power you have right now. You can be a real hero, if you save the country’s DEMOCRACY from this disastrous 20A. I am sure you would have seen the way GR said no need to follow the circulars. I am sure you know how dangerous and irresponsible that saying. Can you predict for what length he will go after 20A? Don’t you see a threat even to Namal’s future, if he doesn’t agree with his ideas? Our country’s history is full of family betrayals for power, sons killing fathers, brothers killing brothers, spouse killing spouse etc. For power, Prince Vijaya even chased his own children. History always repeat. Please think about all those things, and do the right thing if not for the country, then for your family. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE.

    • 6

      Mahinda has other plans. He wants to oust Gota and take over the presidency. As he does not want to inherit a dud presidency, he wants 20th amendment to go through, before he makes his underhand manoeuvres.

      • 4

        Dog eat dog situation. MR verses GR.

      • 4

        Gadafi siblings were no different to that of Rajapakse brothers and their politics. Another comparisons can easily be found in far poor african nations led by their tribal leaders. I m ashamed today whenever I am asked about where I com from.but what to do thanks our own people we are fallen that deep today. ????????????

  • 5

    These are lot of good theories, agreed. But why 20A? Who wants it? Why reverse the good 19A, Mind some useful things in the parliament instead of wasting time.
    So stupid governments wants to waste another 75 years.
    In Tamil they say “By the great Penance mother did, the Child which started walk is nor crawling”. By Buddha’s grace Sinhala Buddhists’ deserve the 20A instead of 19A. Why Tamils has to go through this?
    No point in Tamils waste their time with this group.

    • 1


      Dont worry about us . clean the toilets first

      • 7


        First try to learn the basics, which is to respect the human beings, even Colombo shanty dwellers learn that (Best examples we read from Ms Scp) Who is sakkiliya you or Mr Mallaiyuran?:
        Mr malli has always good arguments than many others on this platform. U guys behave like mad dogs constantly being abused by rascal politicians, in the end u are no different to toilet papers? From what u add, the readers can learn lot more about ur profiles/sensitivities. Please go back to ur cages if u cant behave ?????????????????

      • 5


        “Dont worry about us . clean the toilets first”

        You missed a few words and letters before clean and ing after clean.

        I have corrected your typing as follows as necessary:

        Dont worry about us, we are cleaning the toilets first.

        You don’t need to thank me.

        • 3

          Simply great NV?????????

      • 4

        Truth is our sinhalayas are among those guest workers exported to ME countries for cleaning jobs. I dont think many of them are srilanken Tamils or muslims. Our minority
        citizens hardly send their sons and daughters for cleaning jobs.
        These pariahs dont seem to know the facts about srilankens .over Also in Italy they are sinhala people exported to them for cleaning jobs. Most of them were diehard supporters of Pohottuwa criminals until COVID broke through. I get to see all these well as a traveller around the globe. ?????????

        • 0

          Minority citizens sent their sons and daughters for cleaning jobs in UK, Canada, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden because they thought cleaning toilets of white people is better that cleaning the toilets of Arabs.
          Are you enjoying cleaning toilets in Germany?

          “Our minority citizens hardly send their sons and daughters for cleaning jobs.”

          • 3

            Eagle, please be honest to u. U truly know how many of our poor women do all dirty work in middle east countries?
            Some of them get back home be sealed in coffins. Some of them have become sex slaves. MR administration could not afford their continuous loots without such human exports. For them what is counted is illegal funds by hook or crook.. Now the criminals have given Avantgsrde the authority to charge us 4 lacks of rps for a return air ticket from europe to combo. Bitches sons go back to their divinaguma style huge crimes in a fine manner. I have no doubt these men would not survive healthily. People s curse would work on them sooner than later. Wait and see, god is the mightiest. ???????????

          • 3

            Dont mix it up please. Sl Minorities live the aforementioned countries as asylum seekers.
            We should be thankful to those nations to have welcomed thrm at the time civil war destroyed almost everything for them. I also know sinhala and muslim slankens that live in europe as economic refugees. Just because I dont agree with u I must not necessarily be non sinhalese. U attack also my good decent friend, sinhala man being non-sinhalese. Perhaps change ur pschiatrist, that can give us all good relief. ??????????????

            • 0

              Those who are not aware of the facts about srilankens living in Europe (UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Demark, Netherlands and north european countries)-

              True, most of them are srilanken tamils as civil war refugees. Not only sl tamils but also Erithrians and Kurds also live as refugees. Now you find lot more Syrians in Europe (in Germany).
              However they later became minorities in each of the country today. This is common to any country in Europe.
              Some stayed back after their education. Others migrated directly to UK and other countries through migrant visa.
              So it is no right to call them all as ” toilet cleaners”: Toilet cleaners are exported to MIDDLE east and italy: That you guys should be able to differentiate accordingly. Most of those toilet clearning community are close with WIMAL BURUWANSE et al until COVID breakthrough.

      • 0

        So you are telling. in Gandhi’s lexicon, I am the child of the God- I should be proud and lucky one within these writers, commentators and readers to be called as child of the god by Gandhi. It is irreverent whether I am atheist or secularist or conservative; god receives general populations’ veneration. (Hari-Jan= Krishna’s Children; Hari means Krishna; Haran Means Siva. )

        For you: Don’t become ROYALS SARANAM GACCHAMI

  • 2

    The current draft of 20th Amendment ,written by a ghost is not acceptible at all. How can one PERSON be above the LAW. If one has committed crimes before, during or after holding the Presidential post of a country should face the court of Law. Judges appointment should be by an independent Constitutional council…so is for most senior posts in Public service. Minorities rights should be constitutionally guaranteed. Why not limit the number of Provinces to 5 & give police and land powers to them. North and east as one province;rest are western, north central,south central and Southern.
    No Governor post needed. We need to put the new constitution for a referendum.

  • 1

    We were told that Emperor Nero fiddled when Rome was burning; He was commonly associated with impulsiveness and tyranny.
    I am reminded of this tale for a good reason. We are in the midst of a repeat performance!
    We have a hobby, – Constitution making. If we do it right we lose our pastime. Let us not make it right!

  • 1

    An independent judiciary can uphold justice for the ordinary masses only as long as their lives are not determined by a people’s chief. If favourites fill these top positions, they will naturally consider self-preservation above justice..

  • 4

    The whole situation is heavily laden with wicked irony. The Rajapaksas and their Pohottu collaborators are bringing in 20A to dismantle democracy, calling the exercise constitutional reform. That is the first irony. The second one is, well-meaning people like Prof. Uyangoda are caught in a situation of having to preach the gospel to the devil.

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      Each and every election manifestoes were based on abolition of Executive Presidency. This was on the top of their pledges.
      This was the election slogans of CBK, MaRa and SiRisena.

      If anyone with some sanity, would not agree, he or she should be mentally retarded, that 19A gains lot more right to the parliament…

      But to interpret that SIRISENA #s becoming HEADLESS man should not be explained because of 19A.

      If there had been no 19A, this country would have been filled with COVID patients today, because RASCAL leaders never thought about the health of people, but their votes. Rajakashes made records in srilanken politics to be HIGH criminals, heartless buggers, crime promoters, looters as no other country in the region. These are public secret to the masses.
      But Gota got elected as incumbent president, just because SIRISENA ran amok since end of 2018. Consequence was EASTER SUNDAY DISATER which took the lives of over 300 worshipers to the church.

      Sirisena is speechless today while revealing his greater failure one behind the other- Already at his 52 COUP, oct 2018, there were professionals that questioned, if SIRISENA s psychology is normal. That was buried by force and let him governn until 21 APRIL 2020, on the day a bomb killed that many innocient people injuring thousands.

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    There is no point in talking about constitutions in Sri Lanka: It is only an academic exercise. The rulers violated the constitution of Ceylon after independence and removed the rights of minorities unilaterally.

    Did they uphold the constitution when they moved down suspected JVP cadres in tens of thousands?

    Which constitution gave them the right to massacre 150,000 innocent Tamil civilians at the end of the war?

    Subsequent constitutions also violated minority rights – the constitutions turned out to be for majoritarian rule.

    Sri Lanka gave a promise to the UN Human Rights Commission a few years ago that is not fulfilled.

    They violate and intend to remove 13A which is an international agreement.

    Sri Lankan majority community is not knowledgeable about geopolitics, worldly knowledge, or even human rights and rule of law. Sinhalese leaders have been exploiting this ignorance.

    Any Sri Lankan constitution, in my humble opinion, is not worth even the toilet paper: At least during the pandemic toilet paper was found to be a valuable commodity!

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    A wrong approach to constitution making the author says. Let unpack that. From what we know it was Gotler who crafted this 20th Amendment. Not Mahinda not Basil. None of the pohottuwa crowd seems to have had much to do with it either. All these poeple are at a severe disadvantage and stand to lose almost all the power they have under the current constitution. The scribe who did the writing seems to be Ali Sabry. Basil might see some benefit but not much. Only an egostitical fool would even think of writing an amendment full of dictatorial power usurped from parliament the very thing that all sensible people tried to negate with the 19th. The idiotic voters who voted for these clowns think we need a figure like Hitler who lost the war and reduced Germany to rubble to teach all minorities a lesson. By lesson what they mean is that they want to do unto the Sri Lankan minorities what Hitler did to the Jews Gas them.

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    The Emperor has no clothes. It is only a matter of a short time before the adoring clowns begin to feel what is about to happen to them. The soon to be Sri Lankan Reich has nothing to invent, nothing to produce and is up to it’s eyeballs in debt. It does not matter who the puppeteer is for he will win and the clowns will have to jump into the sea their country ruined, taken over and occupied by its creditors. The 20th Amendment is necessary to ensure an orderly hand over of all sovreighn assets when the time comes to its creditors with dissent suppressed by the brute force of a military dictatorship.

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    Many writers and commentators, Including Prof Uyangoda, hoping on fixing the problem, that is advising the government what is wrong and how to correct it. This is taking place in the assumption that if the right path is taken even as at now, Lankawe can be rescued. I read a Tamil translation of an essay of Victor Ivan. I presume most of you might have seen the original version. That remembered me and very old Tamil Cinema song: Kada Kada Loda Loda Vandi, Madu irandum Chandi, Vandi Karanum Nondi: “Broken noisy Cart, Unruly two bull-oxen, the driver is lame”. That is what the Ivan’s see in Lankawe situation. He is not just blaming the Chandi Aanduwa because the country is Kada kada and the people are Nondi. He doubt if the country can be fixed and Royal government can fix it and the people wants this to be fixed. He estimate about millions already lost jobs. This is a legacy to continue until the cliff is reached. What is happening is 1983 Himsa to the whole country, not for just Tamils. This hurricane is going to break-open all roofs in the island and leaves the dweller open to rain and shine. There is nothing can be done internally to stop it unless some helping hand come from outside.

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