5 December, 2024


The Battle For The Kingdom He Lost

By Nimalka Fernando

Nimalka Fernando

Dr. Nimalka Fernando

I write this comment with a sense of disgust. People who braved the risks of resisting Mahinda Rajapaksa’s regime knew they were doing so with death standing at their door-step. President Maithripala Sirisensa eloquently expressed this reality by saying that “I would have been seven feet below the ground where I stand today if we had lost the election”. This reality is not yet over. Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brothers did not build their “Vampire State” for nothing. They are not sulking in a political corner licking their wounds. They have begun to mobilise with a vengeance. Don’t look far to see how they are planning their comeback. Look to those that slept inside the well of the parliament yesterday night. It is pretty obvious that these politicians are learning to live in ‘Political Displacement Camps’ (PDC). We Sri Lankans will have to start a new humanitarian venture called PDCs.

It is disgraceful that none of these members of parliament ever thought of doing this kind of `satyagraha’ when the coutry was being sold to China. Where were they when the Port City Project was signed? Were they sleeping when the Chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines was diverting flights to see his girl-friend? What were they doing when the son’s were bringing bollywood gangs at state expenses for their fun and frolick? What have they to say about “Siriliya Katha”, the Dame of Madamulana having some unbelievable identity card numbers and Bank accounts? Who benefitted from the Dame’s Fund? What happened to the funds of the Nil Balakaya and the so called “gifts” given to the youth leader? For every job given by the `young leader’ funds had to be deposited to the so called `Balakaya’ account. It is only very recently a former Minister of the Rajapaksa era shared these stories at a local meeting in Kurunegala. SLFPers present had all left this meeting silently after this revelation. It is truly shameful. The parliamentarians who went to sleep inside the well should be ashamed but I guess they cannot be because they are no better than the frogs who cannot see outside their own well.

People in Sri Lanka have no pity for those who now rally around to protect the privileges of the Ex-President. Did the Ex-President protect us from evil? He betrayed the very General who helped him to win the war? What did he do with the sacks of gold robbed from the areas of war, espeicially from Mulathivu and surrounding areas? What did he do to protect a poor government servant who was assaulted by a Cabinet Minister and who also tied him to a tree and forced the person to admit that he tied himself up? Did he act against this Minister who went on to claim that he made journalists to flee the country? The former President remained indecently silent when his own colleague, Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra was killed. The regime even sent sleuths from the criminal investigation department to record a statement from their erstwhile friend Vasudeva Nanayakkara, the former minister in effect to threaten others. All cabinet ministers shut their mouths afterwards. Thosands have disappeared during the Rajapaksa regime. Dead bodies were found thrown into shrubs. Some were assasinated in broad daylight like Lasantha and Raviraj. Raviraj and Joseph Pararajasingham were parliamentarians. Who dared to sit inside the parliament well then demanding `protection’ for their colleague? Whose privileges were violated then?

Mahinda April 12 2015Mahinda Rajapaksa avatar knows only one thing. He knows how to inculcate fear and violence. Thuggery is the word he knows best. This is what they are unleashing now. Muscle power inside the parliament. The President is now called upon to call their bluff. Why should President Sirisena give in to these corrupt forces? I am of the view that he has to bring order into the present political process. I do not wish to repeat that the people of Sri Lanka did not expect the Pavithra’s and other shameless lot to be drawn into the yahapalana governance process. They violated multiple elections laws, used violence and “bought votes” misusing state resources to come to power. Given an independent and free election dozens of these crooks in the United Peoples Freedom Alliance alias United Profiteers and Fraud Alliance (UPFA) would have lost. The Rajapaksa regime robbed samurdhi funds and one brother slipped out of the country with looted funds and came back. Thank God the authorities are now taking action against him for robbing the funds of the poor which came under the Divi Neguma Programme. Who is paying for the expenses for the mobilisation taking place now to welcome Mr Basil and to maintain the political thamashas of MR supporters. Surely the devotees of Abayaramaya is not running a Wesak Dansala at Narahenpita? Who will spend the funds for the massive May Day rally being organised by the `left overs’. Surely we know that these political parties have little or no funds at all. Least of all left over funds. I am sure these expenses are paid by MR from the spoils gotten from deals, tenders and contracts rubber stamped by the Cabinet of Mahinda and horu hathaliya of the yester year.

These brothers knew (more than the Deaf Left) how to rob people and this country. They put into practice `each according to his/her ability and each according to his over spending needs’ to rob from the state coffers. The making of a North Korea and a little Chinese despot came to an abrupt end and hence these external masters will not take the sovereign people’s wishes kindly. Looking at the rallies and surveys conducted by them now to make plans for the come back I firmly believe that a conspiracy is on against the sovereign people of Sri Lanka. The powers who paid for the Rajapaksa luxury wants the reinstatement of the despot.

From the beginning these forces were against the passing of the 19th amendment. It is clear that the rogue state they built required unbridled power with something more than simple immunity. This is because Rajapaksa believes in his own ‘lost kingdom’ theory. Hence the disposed king is fighting back. This is not about the democracy simple citizens like us are hankering after. If the situation were so simple the Rajapaksa team could have waited until the next election and contested it. Ordinary citizens are perplexed. They are inquiring as to what is happening? The politicians are not fighting with each other to end poverty in Sri Lanka. These forces who robbed from Divi Neguma funds and those who are trying to cover these acts are yearning to establish the mafia state back. Unfortunately Sri Lanka is facing another ugly struggle. This is not a democratic struggle. These forces will resort to violence, make the present government more fragile by this type of parliament sittings. They are ready to make parliamentry democracy a mockery. If they had respected parliamentary Democracy in 2010 the 18th amendment would not have seen the light of day. Each one of the MPs who are promising to bring back MR are those who got bloated with MR’s benevolence. Them, and their families enjoyed these perks on the back of the blood, sweat and tears of our citizens. This is what they are used too and they have been doing this for years. They will fight for it with everything they have.

Those who have sold the very soul of mother Lanka, her rich resources cheaply and made her the unique display in the China shop have exposed us to regional vulnerabilities. Those supporting them are deliberately concealing this conspiracy by ponting their crooked fingers towards the west. It is the people who voted for President Sirisena who liberated us from the clutches of looting forces of the dragon. We have to denounce all forces eyeing our beautiful island. The people of Sri Lanka has always taken the proper political decision always.

Our struggle is to establish democracy and not to bring back Mahinda Rajapaksa. Sri Lanka needs a fresh beginning a new parliament. The politics of deal must come to an end. Let the voters decide the future of the Executive Presidency. President Sirisena was elected to deal with the matters of the State and not the matters of the SLFP nor United Fraud Allaince. He has to deliver the promise given to hold elections. He has to come before the people and expose the cheating going on inside the political well as MR forces delays the removal of powers of the exectuive presidency. This is his time to prove true statemanship. Be the leader we all respected as he left the folds of the `rogue regime’. Mr President mother Lanka now needs a true leader a man who will stand up to these ugly pressures and dissolve the parliament. Mr President they are waving fake olive branches. The plot is to send you alive seven feet below into the political abyss as you lose the popularity and stature becoming a prisoner of the mess that is SLFP.

We want a better system of governance, peace and reconciliation to be established, to put and end to abuse of power and corruption. The rape of mother Lanka including her daughters have gone unpunished. These criminals have to be brought before the courts of the people. Justice and accountability for all have to be established. The future of our country rests upon building a new vision and activism based on a new leadership able to end the ‘rogue regime’ culture that still lives within the cracks and corners of the Sri Lankan State. We cannot afford the dark ages of Sri Lankan politics to return back and remain silently for the return of the Vampires.

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  • 2

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    • 4

      We also voted for Sirisena – no more – He is nothing but a lifeless, gutless puppet on a string!

  • 21

    It seems high time that people started encouraging the government to fix the myriad problems faced by the country instead of promoting a witch-hunt against the former President. This rant looks eerily like President Bush and his weapons of mass destruction rant. It is not what the country needs at the moment.

  • 22

    Well said. The mps who rally around mr are worried about their future.all of the are corrupt or political orphans. They are only a handful when it comes to real pra tical situation. MY3 should dissolve parliament and should not give nominations for these characters. Forget about crowning RW

    • 2

      Nimalka should go live in the west as she sounds a fundamentalist purist!

  • 27

    Nimalka adequately expresses the outrage most citizens, outside the loop of the Rajapakse Ali babas, feel. But rogues who plan to clean out the meagre resources of a 3rd world country, do not do this alone. They have a few hundreds who sing their hossanas and benefit by this.
    Jackson Anthoy went down to the level of calling MR a Buddha and a God. That was the depths of sycophancy some of these men/women will sink into to earn a few dollars more. Look at the way Weerawansa’s wife dresses, her jewellery and her high fashion clothes. What was she when Weerawansa lived in a wooden shack at Kandana only 10 years ago.
    This is only the example of one crook.

    Nimalka points out the looming danger of an undue Rajapakse comeback.
    Like in Tamilnadu and elsewhere in India, wholesale robbery of State resources through mega tenders is now a huge business. They conspire and steal. They send over 50% to a fund of sorts kept with the leadership for their continued staying in power and to fight the next elections. The highly publicised 3 big staged rallies and the daily visits of hundreds in buses to Carlton are all Rajapakse-paid enterprises to keep alive the comeback project. It was only the other day MR said he is out of politics. Predictably, the man changes his tongue and knows no honour. The Rajapakses have nowhere to go if they are not at the top of politics. Therefore, they will fight to the end.
    Basil came back because the US Immigration authorities told him to go home and face the music.

    What is needed is a concerted fight back by the Sirisena-Ranil-CBK and Mangala quartet. Weak Sirisena and Ranil will easily buckle down. But CBK is the “strongman” in that quartet. She had a score to settle with MR and she will not rest until she sees the back of all the Medamulana Rajapakses out of politics. There can be chaos and anarchy following Basil’s incarceration – and paid for and set up by the Rapakses, BBS and other Buddhist Sinhala supremacists, Weerawansa and their cliques. Even an armed Coup cannot be counted. After all there are rogues who benefited from the Rajapakses in that sector too.

    Sri Lanka will go through a dangerous period in the coming weeks.

    Dr. B.I.Passe

  • 25

    Going by Sri Lankan politics, unless you throw the knock out punch , you leave yourself in danger of your opponent getting up again. JR Jayawardene , the savvy politician that he was, made sure Ms. Bandaranayake was out for the count by stripping her of her civic rights even though he had a 5/6 majority, he was brutal with his political opponents and made sure they didn’t stage a come back.
    So, unless Sirisena understands the political landscape that is Sri Lanka murky as it is , it is going to be a hard road ahead for him as well as for the general public in this country .

  • 13

    What about the shortcomings of the present regime. President should watch his back knowing the twists and turns of some of them. Ranil has given a good indication of his cunning and his thirst for power. He knew that the appointment of Arjuna Mahendran had its flaws and now he is trying to cover up. Shame! Why is the Government dragging the issue and not cancelling the flawed (criminal) bond issue. It is so naked in its trajectory of events. Prosecute all that are guilty. There are no holy cows,or is it the new ‘Raththarang Puthas’

  • 20

    Isn’t this the same Nimalka, the NGO person who was against the annihilation of the brutal LTTE? It’s not surprising for her to write such rubbish against MR who annihilated the brutal LTTE and brought peace to Sri lanka. She certainly is [Edited out] and she is just carrying out what she has been tasked to do. The country needs people like the Rajapakses who have a straight and strong backbone to ward off the threat posed on countries like Sri Lanka by the western countries and India. Hope these traitors don’t succeed in partitioning this land.

    • 7

      Thank you Vinodh, You were the only person who knew about Nimalka.
      There is an old say which reminds me “When the Lion is dead Frogs dance on the carcase.”

      • 1

        Anyone who opposes racism and murder by xenophobes is a racist, LTTE supporter or some such, in your book. Maybe, you might do well to look for some frogs to dance on your “carcase” because civilized people are not supposed to act like that.

  • 7

    What about the shortcomings of the present regime. President should watch his back knowing the twists and turns of some of them. Ranil has given a good indication of his cunning and his thirst for power. He knew that the appointment of Arjuna Mahendran had its flaws and now he is trying to cover up. Shame! Why is the Government dragging the issue and not cancelling the flawed (criminal) bond issue. It is so naked in its trajectory of events. Prosecute all that are guilty. There are no holy cows,or is it the new ‘Raththarang Puthas’ Hey, sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander.

  • 1

    [Edited out]

  • 17

    Thank God, we iare blessed to have women of quality,calibre, bravery and honesty like Tissaranee G, Sharmini Serasinge,Nimalka Fernando,Savitri Gunasekaa,and others, to call a spade and not play hide and beat about the bust to distract cloud real issues that confront the country, unlike the dumb greedy, self seeking Upesekas,Pavitras,Malinis and such others.
    Let us ensure and encourage those gallant ladies to continue their admirable work and support them and like minded civil activists, so that the likes of Dracula’s like MR and his cronies to re-emerge is thwarted for ever.
    Let our people have good governance and democracy in this island of ours.

    • 10

      Cheers for our women who are standing up against corruption

  • 14

    Well, one fine example of how diaspora funded USD working against even the slightest possibilities of the countries betterment.

    Aliging a cpuntry like us with China has no disadvantages fopr the smaller prty, where even UK and US is now behind China is one fundementale thing Nimalka got wrong.

    Also wonder who funds her NGO? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimalka_Fernando


    There are enough

    Why not question the man who repeatedly got defated became PM without any people’s concent?

    Nimalka included these ARE the MegaDeals of the diaspora and the west!

    Be wise!

    • 4

      Thank you Vinodh, You were the only person who knew about Nimalka.
      There is an old say which reminds me “When the Lion is dead Frogs dance on the carcase.”

    • 3

      Thank you for your brilliant comment.

  • 14

    Nimalka your Alma mater should be very proud of you for standing so boldly and putting down in writing what so called enlightened people are refusing to see as you say because several have benefitted from the regime.Please translate and place this article in a Sinhala paper and in the other Daily papers.Take care and God Bless.

    • 11

      Well, contrary for that Nelun, her alma mater must be silently sorrowing for the fact that she made a quisling product who has been going against her own country since the day she left the school.

      • 0


        What is your problem? Are you having competition from Pavithra Wanniarachchi to serve MR? Are you an Air Whorestess at Mihin Lanka?

  • 8

    This article by

    This article by Nimalka Fernanda reminding us of the sordidness of the MR government and the recent article by Tisaranee Gunasekera on the postive impact of the Maithri-Ranil government within the 100 days of its instalment, are complementary , accurate and very welcome at this juncture. Thank you ladies.

    The people- Modayas to many commentators -see the contrast too, despite the antics of MR and his gang. The up coming General Elections, regardless of the voting system it is held under- the inherent wisdom of the common man.

    Let us enjoy the Gypsy’s monkey dance, until the Election Day!

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    A very welcome narrative of MR government misdeeds by Nimalka Fernando. A very much needed corollary to the recent perceptive article on the 100 day rule of the Maithri -Ranil government, under very difficult circumstances. They also provide a vivid compare and contrast, that no other political analyst has been able to provide. Thank you, ladies.

    The ordinary citizens-frequently called Modayas- have noticed the difference and will express their opinion on General Election Day, regardless of the voting system.

    Until that day let us watch the antics of the monkeys, orchestrated by MR led monkeys in parliament and outside. Street theatre- Sri Lankan style!

    Dr. Rajasingham Narendran


  • 6

    A very welcome narrative of MR government misdeeds by Nimalka Fernando. A very much needed corollary to the recent perceptive article on the 100 day rule of the Maithri -Ranil government, under very difficult circumstances. They also provide a vivid compare and contrast, that no other political analyst has been able to provide. Thank you, ladies.

    The ordinary citizens-frequently called Modayas- have noticed the difference and will express their opinion on General Election Day, regardless of the voting system.

    Until that day let us watch the antics of the monkeys, orchestrated by MR led monkeys in parliament and outside. Street theatre- Sri Lankan style!

    Dr. Rajasingham Narendran


  • 13

    Dearest Dr. Fernando,

    Let me start of by saying that I am fully aware of MRs shortcomings and his poor choice of advisers and his failing to control certain scum.

    Firstly, MS may find himself in a position wishing 7 foot had come true few months ago, because at the rate he is betraying and ruining our country, 7 foot won’t be sufficient anymore and MR will not be the one he should be afraid of.

    China owns half of the world. The US owe china $1.224 TRILLION as of Feb 2015, China has just invested £105BILLION in UK Infrastructure, China owns the most lucrative Greek Harbour and the list goes on and on.
    Who do you think we are NOT to be sold to China? At least China has done so much for us and has been so loyal to us, which we certainly cannot say for our new BFFs. I think it’s the “Island Complex” that we think we are important enough to have a say in the big boys game. We do not. We merely have a choice of which team we want to support. And I salute MR for making the right choice for our country. But arrogant and ignorant people such as yourself fail to see the biggest picture for reasons unexplainable to me. The Port City Project is a once in a lifetime long term investment. Long term investment have it in their nature to reap its fruits in the Long-Term.

    I find it high interesting that all these “Corruption” stories truly are stories and non have found any base over the last 100 days as promised. Finally, not even summoning MR to the BC was on base of those stories, it ended up being a pathetic story of “giving someone a ministerial post on illegal ground”. Goebbels Theory of telling a lie so many times it becomes the truth may have worked leading up to the elections, but now people want to see substance and the new Government is miserably failing at it. This Corruption nonsense has become a joke. It is at the hand of the new Government, that Ranils buddy Mahendran robbed the people in broad daylight in the biggest robbery yet. What happened to him? A good for nothing committee of 3useless lawyers appointed by yours truly found Mahendran not guilty, what a surprise. I’m surprised I have not seen you commenting on that Dr. Fernando. Real corruption is that. Real corruption is stopping constructions for revenge and letting the country pay penalties higher than the actual project itself. The numbers of penalty are higher than 500Billion already, Now that is real corruption.

    Sirisena’s brother got his salary at Telecom increased from 9.5 Lakhs to 30 Lakhs. Not even 100 days, this mans performance must be breath taking for such a promotion. But of course, that he is the Presidents brother is irrelevant since its Yahapalane, these things only matter with MR. Speaking of MR, his brothers, all apart from GR, were elected way before MRs time. Same cannot be said for MS.

    I am very pleased that you brought up the General because betrayal and Fonseka go hand in hand. He threw his own brothers, sisters and children to the wolves for his own political gain. He started the war crimes with his white flag story. He was ready to sell out his own country. For that betrayal he should not have gone to prison. For that betrayal he deserves things that I will not write out in case there are light hearted readers. There is no bigger sin than a man who will betray in a blink of an eye those who gave their lives for our freedom and safety.
    Fonseka could have lived like a King, instead he sold us out. Not to mention that Candrika and Ranil never thought him worthy in the first place.

    The sacks of Gold? Maybe you should put that question to the brother and sisters of those in Mulathivu, who have beautiful bank accounts in good old Switzerland. I do wonder why those monies are nowhere to be seen in SL let alone in the North, after all it does belong to those who claim to be the sole representative of the Tamils.

    Dr. Fernando you speak of all these events, why is no one being arrested? Why all talk no walk? Dare I say the scum from this side ran quickly, and were welcomed with open arms, on your side? And not even 100 days were over and we saw a few dead bodies floating on that side of the river that claimed to be cleaner than this side. Not to mention the disappearance of files such as the one of Waelle Sudda *shocked gasping of breath*. I suppose it would be self-destructing for a scum to prosecute fellow scum.

    All this money, goodness, MR must have the Ring from Lord Of The Ring. You wear it and it disappears, he must have got a ring made that makes all his money disappear. And of course the VP of Seychelles is all in it as well since he refused to admit to the Trillions stacked away in their Banks.

    I am truly bored of this Dhushane talk with no base. MR never claimed to be a saint like the joke we have running the country at the moment. But if one is going to scream so loud whilst riding on a white painted black horse, one should have something to substantiate that scream. But as for now, Dr. Fernando, you only have your words, no proof. Where as that the country is being betrayed and robbed in broad daylight is a fact. But that is okay since it’s the “Yahapalane”

    Dr. Fernando, I sincerely think you should refrain from talking international politics since you clearly seem to have no grasp of the real world and the real threats for SL. Mother Lanka is at the brick of being sold out to the LTTE under the disguise of India and America. In which country does another head of state come into Parliament and dictate to us how to handle our internal affairs. We are not a British colony anymore and we sure as hell have never and are not an Indian one. Damn right, he would have never dared to utter a word when MR was there. But with this spineless coward of a President they have become so chandi, that they dance all over us.

    And there are people like you, I have no words for you, who sit there in their comfortable chairs, talking as if they had a right. You do not have a right to make the lives of our boys who died for us worthless. You do not have the right to speak as if you care for my country when you are helping them divide it into two.

    MR may be many things, but he is the only true Leader who stood for my Sri Lanka’s sovereignty, for her independence, who protected her through the good and the bad, who made her what she is today. And we will be in his debts for lifetimes to come. Either you don’t remember or you pretend to be young enough not to know how it feels to have suicide bombers going off everywhere. Maybe you were abroad you did not have to wonder whether your children will come back home after school, your husband back from work. Maybe you don’t know how it was or maybe you just belong to those ignorant and arrogant Colombo elite who, for reasons I do not comprehend, think they have a right to talk this way. It was not you who fought for our freedom and if you had you would never talk like this.

    I read your article not with a sense but with absolute disgust. And I can tell you hand on heart, I pray every day that MR will, and he will, come back to save us from people like you. I pray every day for my beautiful Mother Lanka. I have faith that there is a higher power that will protect us. We will not become another Iraq or Afghanistan. I know the truth will prevail and the people will rise. And I pray that people like you will have no room to run when that time comes. Because this is not a Myth, he will come and he will have the support of Millions.

    God Bless Mother Lanka.

    • 4


      Please do not take people for fools! If you are suffering from selective amnesia, you need to seek help.

      MR concocted charges to arrest people but whereas, the current government progressing matters with due diligence and in congruous with law of the land. This is why the culprits are not arrested in a rush!

    • 1

      Well said.

    • 2


      Are you working on a cunning idea?

      What LTTE couldn’t do MR had and could do in the future. MR and his clan can destroy the island in no time.

      Seriously are you working for the LTTE diaspora?

  • 8

    My god woman, get a life!! [Edited out]

  • 9

    An NGO funded woman has started her usual propaganda. This is her living. So no one should take seriously for what she writes.

  • 9

    Good article Nimalka

    I am just wondering as to why we should bother about 19 A. I know we all voted for this change but if we have to bend into four to get it passed, we might as well live with it and let MS work with those powers to ensure that MR and the Alibabas are punished. 19 A is not to the benefit of the present After all we tried

  • 9

    Nimalka,.. Are u the same one who was vasu’s partner ! Have u changed your left views ? How can u possibly vote for RW ‘ . A USURPER AND UNELECTED PM.. Is this democracy for you ? What has the 100 DAUS ACHIEVED ? What bribery and corruption have they proved against MR and Gotha ? Only talk talk talk. MR is a charismatic leDer whom th majority Sinhala people love. No defeated president in the world has this kind of following. He is loved by the majority of the
    Spoke except the noth and east. He saved this country from the LTTE. DJ accurately analyses the real political situ. Learn from him if you are capable of understanding what he says ….

  • 4

    Well said.We respect your courage and strength.

  • 6

    Please get this translated and have it published in the Sinhala papers.Thanks

  • 4

    Sirisena can say anything. If his life was in danger show us the proof. He is airing what he FEARED, not a reality. He has said a few untruths about MR, such as luxury airoplanes, building palaces around the country etc. We cannot believe him to be a credible leader anymore. He agreed with and voted for all MR projects while in MR’s government, now accusing against the very actions he himself voted for. What a turncoat, a liar and a back-stabber he is,if ever there was one.

  • 5

    Nimalka is ranting just like her ilk with allegations which have not been proved. Until these allegations are proved beyond doubt before a court of law no one can take them seriously. If such allegations are brought in a true democratic country they would be considered libellous and can be sued. So prove the accusations first Nimalka, before shooting your mouth. Just accusing people is ‘pure gossip’ equivalent to ‘samprappalapa’ in Buddhism. If you are a Buddhist stop wagging your tongue because you only show you have a very loose brain by doing that!!!

  • 6

    Thank you Dr.Nimalka Fernando. You are indeed a brave person, given the thuggery the Rajapakses are capable of, to publicly say what most of us are thinking but dare not utter. Those people sleeping in the wells of parliament are not displaying their loyalty to the Rajapakses, but out of fear because they are rogues too and in the radar of the Bribery Commission.

  • 5

    You are the only one who understand the “kingdom” that is still firmly fixed in the Sinhala Buddhist brain. Those who do not want to live in this feudal kingdom will have to collaborate with each other in order to defeat its attempts to rise again and again and again.

  • 7

    Dr. Nimalka Fernando

    The Battle For The Kingdom He Lost:

    1) I write this comment with a sense of disgust. People who braved the risks of resisting Mahinda Rajapaksa’s regime knew they were doing so with death standing at their door-step. President Maithripala Sirisensa eloquently expressed this reality by saying that “I would have been seven feet below the ground where I stand today if we had lost the election”. This reality is not yet over. Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brothers did not build their “Vampire State” for nothing. They are not sulking in a political corner licking their wounds. They have begun to mobilise with a vengeance. Don’t look far to see how they are planning their comeback. Look to those that slept inside the well of the parliament yesterday night. It is pretty obvious that these politicians are learning to live in ‘Political Displacement Camps’ (PDC). We Sri Lankans will have to start a new humanitarian venture called PDCs.

    *** I write this comment with a sense of disgust.
    I take my hat for the above statement but people like you are a rare commodity in Sinhala Lanka.

    But I don’t entirely agree with your fear. Mahintha is gone and let me tell you why. MS has revealed a Secret in his interview which is an unpalatable truth. He admits that it is tough at the top and he is under tremendous pressure from India and the West to deliver on the Tamil issue. You might wonder why I am so sure that MR is not coming back and the reasons are as follows.

    a) We are no longer under the clutches of the Italian Witch next door. We have a man who has a different approach. The West is determined to bring MR to books and even Mangla”s delaying tactics is not going to work. September is when the final nail will be driven into MRs coffins and MR cannot be saved and will not be saved. Look at how things are evolving and the noose is tightening around the former EVIL EMPIRE. Basil was given a choice by US. It is either Guantanamo or Welikade and he chose the Home Comfort. MR & Gotha have no where else to go other than the HAGUE.
    For Sinhala Lanka it will be COMPLY or DIE. Just like Milosevic.

    2) It is disgraceful that none of these members of parliament ever thought of doing this kind of `satyagraha’ when the coutry was being sold to China. Where were they when the Port City Project was signed? Were they sleeping when the Chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines was diverting flights to see his girl-friend? What were they doing when the son’s were bringing bollywood gangs at state expenses for their fun and frolick.

    *** You are missing the point.

    Satyagraha is the idea of nonviolent resistance when you have a Grievance.
    Why would you do a Satyagraha Somersault when China was paying you billions in backhanders.

    3) It is only very recently a former Minister of the Rajapaksa era shared these stories at a local meeting in Kurunegala. SLFPers present had all left this meeting silently after this revelation. It is truly shameful.

    *** You are wrong because the truth was they were laughing ( or shall I say running) all the way to the local Rajapakse Bank.

    4) People in Sri Lanka have no pity for those who now rally around to protect the privileges of the Ex-President. Did the Ex-President protect us from evil? He betrayed the very General who helped him to win the war.

    *** Massive protests to go ahead in Sri Lanka despite court ban.

    Are you talking about a Silent Minority. ( People in Sri Lanka have no pity for those who now rally around )

    5) What did he do with the sacks of gold robbed from the areas of war, espeicially from Mulathivu and surrounding areas.

    *** He made a ” Thali Ponnuku Veli” for his wife.

    6)Mahinda April 12 2015Mahinda Rajapaksa avatar knows only one thing. He knows how to inculcate fear and violence. Thuggery is the word he knows best. This is what they are unleashing now. Muscle power inside the parliament.

    *** MS and RW gave their word to MR that he will be protected as a War winning hero so what do you expect.

    7) The President is now called upon to call their bluff. Why should President Sirisena give in to these corrupt forces.

    *** MS is estopped.

    8) Our struggle is to establish democracy and not to bring back Mahinda Rajapaksa. Sri Lanka needs a fresh beginning a new parliament. The politics of deal must come to an end. Let the voters decide the future of the Executive Presidency.

    *** Without the Tamils I am sure you guess is as good as mine of the outcome.

    9) President Sirisena was elected to deal with the matters of the State and not the matters of the SLFP nor United Fraud Allaince. He has to deliver the promise given to hold elections

    *** He was elected to deal with the “Tamil Issue ” by the Tamil Vote but the Majority voted to keep more of the same and not for change. MS has stabbed us in the back.

    Our destiny lies in the hands of the International Community.

    From Imayam ( Modi) to New York via London.

    Sleep tight we have turned the corner.

  • 5

    “Lady, go get a life”. Paranaoid, revengeful and full of hate – for people who sacrificed their life and freedom battling terrorism”

  • 5

    Nimalka dear! This is Ranil’s last ditch attempt for power” – wake up!

  • 4

    Hats off to you Dr. Nimalka for you elucidated article. i admire your courage to come out with the real facts in your writing. Thank god we are free from the utterly corrupted regime.You are free to pen this we also can read without being blocked by the censorship imposed by the past govt.Now we are free from clutches of spies who stalked the people who reveal the facts in journals.
    Pirisidu Lanka

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    Please can you tell those who disagree with NGO person NF what you want to achieve by bringing back MR to power? Has he governed the country beautifully without looting the resources and if so what is your evidence to prove?
    Has M3 governed the country without betraying our expectations re dissolving the parliament? Has M3 leaned towards anti UNP forces by not dissolving the parliament on 23rd as promised?
    He is making secret deals to bring SLFP into power and is betraying the UNP voters. These jokers who are now making deals did not bring him to power. Why is he waiting to bring the 20th amendment to the parliament if not for give way to SLFP?

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