13 September, 2024


The Land Of Short Political Memories

By Emil van der Poorten –

Emil van der Poorten

Immediately after I coined the title of this piece I was struck with its inadequacy in the matter of describing the Sri Lankan “reality.”After all, it seems that political memories are not simply short, they appear to be non-existent most of the time.

Take the continuing discussion in the electronic and print media of politicians, particularly in the matter of their being placed in a position to dictate the fate of the vast majority of Sri Lanka’s citizenry.

You have what passes for Sri Lanka’s “first family” in the matter of politics, the Rajapaksa’s. The most prominent of these is Mahinda who, literally, wielded power of life and death over most of us and, if circumstantial evidence is to be believed, didn’t hesitate to demonstrate that power and authority. A very interesting tidbit here is the fact that, on more than one occasion, an anecdote has been trotted out when, thanks to his intercession, the life of one who was being “white-vanned” to a final resting place was saved. The simple reality of a relationship with murderous abductors/killers seems to have escaped those making “objective” assessments of this episode in our recent sorry history: if you have a congenial enough relationship with the worst criminal elements in the country aren’t you a part of the problem rather than a part of the solution?

The foregoing is but one head of a Hydra-headed monster called complicity that Sri Lankans either fail to see or, more logically, choose not to. That attitude towards actions than are considered completely unacceptable in any society calling itself civilized, is the stage on which our political tragi-comedy has been performed, seemingly, since the time of that most cynical of Constitutional documents was brought into existence by J.R. (“Yankee Dick”) Jayewardene.

Take for instance the other names that are being bandied about as candidates for the most powerful positions in this country, if they aren’t already in them.

One thing that is forgotten about Ranil Wickremesinghe when his active supporters display their loyalty to him and the party he leads is the fact that he was, if an unobtrusive one, one of the premier and most consistent supporters of all that Yankee Dick stood for; not the most liberal or democratic of principles as anyone claiming to be even slightly objective would have to admit.

In the matter of dynastic politics in the ranks of the United National Party (UNP) you have the only son of a past President from that party whose assassination was greeted by the (joyous) lighting of firecrackers that I was witness to while visiting my homeland from North America where I was then domiciled. There is a certain irony that that man’s son is now held in quite high esteem in some UNP quarters and is allegedly the favourite of a very powerful electronic media outlet which has for a long time conducted a vendetta against Ranil Wickremesinghe and his supporters in the current government. “Byzantine“would be an accurate description of this corner of Sri Lankan politics. While maintaining an aura of loyalty to the UNP, this man plays his share of petty politics a part of which resulted in the resignation of a recent, widely-respected head of the Wildlife Department because he wasn’t permitted to act in the best interests of the real residents of the Yala National (Wildlife) Park, bending essential rules to accommodate the jeep-drivers who are more of a menace than an asset to the operation of that facility.  When push comes to shove, this man continues to display the political cunning of his father, sans the vision that the father displayed, however flawed it might have been.

Then there is the current Speaker of the House of Representatives who, some would have us believe, is a candidate for elevation to the ranks of the saints for simply adhering to Parliamentary procedure.  This is the man who led seventeen of his UNP colleagues across the floor to provide Mahinda Rajapaksa with the numbers to visit upon this country the most violent of administrations through exercising the might of numbers to make more draconian the already-draconian constitution of this country. Oh! But you say, “He saw the error of his ways, and returned to the fold.” Even if that contention is accepted, he did so after irreparable damage was done to the political fabric of this country and leaving behind his seventeen acolytes to continue the mayhem with the Rajapaksa Royal Family. And Sri Lankans can’t see these facts that have been staring them in the face for so long? Or is it simply a 21st century instance of a collective Nelsonian blindness? Pardon me, but I tend to lean to the latter explanation.

And among the motley crew that have returned to the fold, so to speak, is one who is the most prominent of the third generation of professional politicians who were not averse to jumping ship when it seemed to promote their immediate ambitions. This worthy has been elevated to the position of the National Organizer of the United National Party. It should be noted here, also, that this gentleman cannot be faulted in the matter of the skills he has demonstrated in moving hither and thither and yon on the political battlefield with no risk whatsoever, personally or politically. When one thinks back on those who sacrificed a great deal in order to support a political ideal of some description, this man’s adherence to ‘pragmatism,’ is more than obvious.  Typically, he has brought along with him people of similar ilk, some owing their “eminence” to being associates of his father and having demonstrated a similar philosophy in the matter of “allegiance-flexibility.”

And then we have the “new guard” of the UNP, not tainted with the kind of sleaze that some of their more senior colleagues have, justifiably, had attached to them. One of these displayed a certain lack of intelligence when he admitted to making numerous telephone calls to the now-notorious Mr. Aloysius at the time that worthy was on the verge of being apprehended for allegedly master-minding the “bond-scam,” which, it has consistently been suggested, is the largest boondoggle in Sri Lankan history. His reason for the plethora of telephonic communications? He was “researching material for a publication” on the very same “bond scam.” The curious fact about the chronological sequence of those events was that the calls were made after the publication of the expose!

Those who have not tainted their reputations with similar shenanigans have not advanced the cause of honest governance because they have shied away from anything resembling up-front criticism of unacceptable policy or practice by their senior colleagues.

The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna as an alternative to what we are faced with? Their insistence on continuing to treat Rohana Wijeweera as one deserving of canonization in the face of that man’s espousal of cruelty and murder that stands with the worst in this land’s history, seems to preclude them from even a long shot at this country’s political leadership while there are still people who endured the living hell that was the late nineteen-eighties in Sri Lanka.

Not a great prospect for this land and its people who deserve far better than they’ve endured since the time of independence.

But we can and must endure even if, initially at least, it could well be by some Quixotic gesture of supporting a less well-heeled aspirant to high political office who displays a modicum of intelligence and principle. There was one potential candidate who rather “blotted his copybook” with many of us by refusing to state plainly and simply that he would eschew any type of alliance with the Rajapaksa clan to which he was related and which he, allegedly, had supported, on the record. Hard to advance the candidacy of anyone with ties to that lot I’m afraid!  The other man who has consistently offered himself as an alternative to the current lot is Nagananda Kodituwakku who is, supposedly, not the epitome of bonhomie. However, beggars can’t be choosers at this point and you’ve got to start somewhere unless you are prepared to roll over and play dead!

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  • 10

    Emil van der Poorten,

    RE: The Land Of Short Political Memories,

    “And Sri Lankans can’t see these facts that have been staring them in the face for so long? Or is it simply a 21st century instance of a collective Nelsonian blindness? Pardon me, but I tend to lean to the latter explanation.”

    “One of these displayed a certain lack of intelligence when he admitted to making numerous telephone calls to the now-notorious Mr. Aloysius at the time that worthy was on the verge of being apprehended for allegedly master-minding the “bond-scam,” which, it has consistently been suggested, is the largest boondoggle in Sri Lankan history.”

    Thanks for the article. The mean IQ of Sri Lankans is 79, and it is dropping due to emigration as it is mostly those with higher IQs than the mean emigrate.

    A land like no other!

    • 4

      Stupid amarasiri: Only 4% of the brain is enough to function as a Normal Human being. Eventhose with the full brain, only 10% is used ever.

      • 11

        Human are strange animals; very strange ……….. who display the same traits ………. all they need is for someone “brave” to walk in and set a precedence

        Who would have believed that someone would be perverting the course of justice the way The Donald is doing of all places the good ol’ Us of A ……… while at the same time colluding with the main enemy ………. people will cheer and holler approval …………. and support if your perceived side has a perceived advantage ………. The Republicans can’t be happier; The Donald is doing what their biggest heroes couldn’t do …..

        The “brave” Rajapakses set a precedence …….. now it has become the norm ………. that’s progress in “human-social-development” ………. the “dialectic” in action; ol’ Hegel’s Ying and Yang

        As a realist; an ultra-realist, I don’t care or afford to care – survival comes first – who is in the wings in Lanka, they are all the same; all Lankans ……….

        But what has happened in the past 20 years or so ……… the Yang is missing …….. from the Ying and Yang ……… because of Ranil’s long slumber with an iron-grip on the UNP ………. it’s a very funny “never-before” state of affairs that very few see

        Today is a day of rest ……… let me go and study the scriptures/philosophy of a man who felt unhappy with his life ……… and sacrificing all, including his own family – which he himself had started – and walked into the jungle to find his own happiness and meaning …….. how a man’s act of selfishness can somehow teach me to be altruistic ………..

        Such is life ………

      • 14


        It seems even 4 percent of your evolved brain seem not to function in your case. Were you brainwashed by the Monks, Priests and Mullahs?

        • 5

          The 4% of brain of JD that is functioning is that concerned with sensory and motor aspect of his anus. Now it is explained why all what comes out from him is gas.

    • 11

      There is only one solution,ensure that no body from the professional politicians who run / ran this country get any voter near 50%.That will open their eyes.I doubt any body outside the dirty labrinth can survive a challenge to the nut leading the parties today.

    • 9

      thanks for this beautifully formulated article. I really like your way of describing lanken politics. You are a fantastic writer. No doubt about that. I would kindly ask you to write lot more articles, since stake is there. Not many have the talent the way you do.

      To me, lanken future is in danger. Crucial factor in lanken politics is the opinion of rural folks. They have been misled by Rajapakshe propaganda (LOCAL MEDIA) for such a long time.See, they dont mind Rajaakshes abuse the nation by any means, while they would not agree with any other parties doing so.
      People’s intoxication towards Rajapakshe-manthra has not declined since 2015. More freedom given to press has been abused by local media today. Instead of supproting the good moves of the ruling govt, what the media is doing is the opposite. Therefore, I believe, lot, more articles about the behaviour of main stream media within the country is indispesable in today s context.

      You AND I seem to know what is going on there, but I dont think changing the opinion for good would be an easy task. Printed and visual media would not work for the people but to RAJAPAKSHEs and their supporters.

      • 1

        Sri Lankan people are smarter than whole of you think they are. They elected nobody else but the least bad candidate at each presidential elections. Even in 2010, they voted General Fonseka in. But MR stole the win from the winner.

        It is our Colombo based political establishment who cheat abuse and fail the nation. They do not give people worthwhile choices. They are not dumb either. They are running an exemplary scam in maintaining the status quo – whwre few individuals/families always looking after each other. That completes the picture.

        We are not dumb. Nor we are impoverished enough to be enough violent to break that evil cycle. People probably will accept JVP’s leadership in changing the system. But there too, they are smart enough. They will never vote JVP in.

    • 9

      May I kindly suggest that Sumanthiran should contest as an all party candidate for the president. He will be a better Sinhalese ( A Must Qualification) than a Sinhalese. If not for him (according to him) democracy in Srilanka would have been in peril and lost its meaning. His nomination, will be good test to see whether a Tamil, however Sinhalized he may be, will receive nomination at least from the UNP.
      After all he was considered and claimed himself to be to be a Hero in the episode after 26/10/18.
      I doubt it, as he is also an Anglican.

      • 7

        I have no objections.
        But we can stand against the ground reality. Rajapakshe led EXTREMISTS and RACISTS groups would never let anyone from minorities to take their chances.
        We perfectly know what happened at the time late Mr Kadirgamar name was suggested by larger groups but Rajapakshe supporters.
        There, they stood against Kardir. Now I feel one another possiblity to have gunned down Mr Kadir -not by terrorists but some southern groups.
        We are caught by a devilish situation in this country. We fought a brutal civil war. Now the war even more brutal with Rajaakshe and their supporters.
        Media is made blind and eternally partial to them and their opinions. So the grass root level of people would PERMANENTly be kept away away from FACTs and figures of today situation.
        *May well be they are fed with UNTRUTHS about the NOTHERN areas and nothern politicians. That Arun Siddharth or th elike should come forward in order to changed the cemented thoughts by some RACIAL groups for their political survivial.
        Wimal buruawanse would cry for their own survivial. Now again making every efforts to stand against abolish of executive presidency.
        All in all, this country would take another few decades until one can even think of a better future for their lovely ones.

        • 1

          All Tamil politicians were gunned down by LTTE. Kadirgamar was not an exception.
          An unofficial weak suggestion of Kadirgamar’s name came as opposed to Mahinda, due to Chandrika’s eternal resentment towards the latter.
          There was no way people will accept someone from 11% of the population as against someone from 75% of the population. Moreover, how could Kadirgamar secure the majority in the Parliament to function as the PM? You should learn to think logically.
          Mahinda and Wimal are adored by people. Your grudge against them cannot make any difference.
          Wimal will definitely stand against abolition of executive presidency and he will be supported by the majority of Sinhalese. Minorities should also join, as without an Executive President who have the power to control the entire country, they will become vulnerable.
          There is no need to wait another 5 decades. A change for the better will happen in 2020.

          • 6

            Wait and see, that will then be the nemesis of Wimal Buruwanse.Vasidewa is no in his late 70ties. I don tthink the bugger would surivive to ruin this nation in the years to come. More of less the same destiny is the case iwth other senior small party heads within UPFA.
            Minorities will never buy it, that BP Rajakashe the Nittawa of the nation would ever pave the way for sustainable peace and harmony in thie country.
            All in all, I have the feeling Wimal Buruwanse will learn it this time. 6.2 mio of voters elected BP Sirisena in 2015 was for not just him to enjoy being fallen to the bunch of criminals, but to go for abolition of EP.
            . But he has now been manipulated by BP Rajapakshe et al.We have lost our full faith.. that means, there will be lot more alliance greater than 6.2 mio are in making to drive away the Rajapakshes in the next election.
            As we hear from various news items, Rajaakshes have been suffering from an internal crisis within their family circles.
            Even if Gotabaya would be the common candidate, no chance him to get elected in this life. Rather his becoming a prisoner will be more likely.
            What our wish would be RAJAKASHE to be caught by their INVESTIGATIONs in the days to come so that BP Sirisena would be the canddiate. That will be the reality for sure. Sirisena deserve to be sent to 6 feet under for all the BETRAYAL he has made sofar.

            • 0

              I didn’t vote Sirisena. Therefore, he is not my problem. I don’t think Sirisena will ever get a chance to contest from MR’s side. Even if he does, people will never vote him. If he insists MR to field him, it is not to win, but to block any other contenders from MR’s side.
              It looks like he wants to come back to Parliament as an MP again!!!
              Who is your pick against Gotabhaya? You haven’t given any clue other than spreading malice.

          • 6

            What you say does not merit comment except to suggest to anyone reading your piece to simply take the time to digest it when it’s content, or lack thereof, will be apparent.
            In the matter of minority communities being excluded from the seats of power would you care to tell us which majority community in the US Barack Obama belonged to?

            • 1

              Emil van der Poorten
              Your example is funny. America has only two political parties and all coloured people along with mainstream whites rally under one flag and one national anthem. What similarity do you see here in terms of Sri Lanka? Tamils and Muslims are hell bent on dividing the country and have a piece for themselves while accusing Sinhalese as racists. Moreover, Tamils and Muslims want to keep separate identities. Barack Obama earned his place. If he sought a part of America for Black Americans, white people would never have elected him as the President.
              Minority communities being excluded from the seats of power??? Who does that? To become the President, any contestant have to have 50% + 1 votes. To become the Prime Minister, any party should win majority seats in the Parliament. This is where the power lies. Nobody excludes anybody. Simple logic!

              • 2

                You and what you have to say are truly beyond belief, particularly when you are caught with your pants down, metaphorically speaking, of course.
                You made a simple direct claim that nowhere in the world has a member of a minority group been head of state. Barack Obama comes from a minority within a minority and he served two terms as president of the USA, still reckoned as the most powerful nation in the world (Donald Trump, notwithstanding!). Would you please explain how President Obama was NOT a member of a minority?
                I must admit though, like many of your racist/communalistic ilk, what you spout is, more often than not, way beyond idiocy.

                • 1

                  Emil van der Poorten
                  You guys add your own words to my comments and come to weird conclusions.
                  In that particular comment, I was talking about Kadirgamar.
                  Show me where did I “make a simple direct claim that NOWHERE IN THE WORLD has a member of a minority group been head of state.”
                  Go ahead, quote and prove it with my words, not with your words.
                  I haven’t talk about the world. I was talking about Sri Lanka.
                  Your accusation is absurd as I didn’t CREATE the ethnic ratio in Sri Lanka.
                  You are in your wildest imagination while I am talking reality.
                  You tell me, how could a Tamil or a Muslim be a Barrack Obama in Sri Lanka.
                  And since 2015, I have talked about needs of people in the North more than any Tamil in this forum.
                  And there is another I should warn of Tamils. There is a move to bring in a new ex-militant Tamil Party, funded by LTTE diaspora and supported by some opportunistic Sinhalese politicians. The aim is to replace TNA and it will be a beginning of a serious disaster for Tamils. So they should keep their eyes open.

                  • 1

                    Your “response” is truly beyond belief, given the facts and what YOU have placed on the record and I have no intention of wasting further time by dignifying it with some form of rebuttal.

                    • 0

                      Emil van der Poorten
                      In other words, you can’t prove what you said. Thank you.

              • 1

                It is not that Tamils and Muslims are hell bent on dividing the country’ it is the Sinhalese who are hell bent on promoting divisions. Sinhala only act, Buddhism being given the foremost place, disenfranchising of the Hill country Tamils, STATE AIDED colonization of north and east to change the texture of the Tamil population. Planting the Buddha statues in the Hindu Temples in the North/East, army occupation of the north east are some of the causes which keeps the division ‘intact’.
                Can any Tamil or Muslim become the president or prime minster of Srilanka even if they become a member of the Sinhala political parties. Kadirgamar paid with his life while attempting to become a Prime Minister. After all he was a better Sinhalese than all the Sinhalese Put together- but he could not change his DNA.

            • 2

              Emil van der Poorten

              Come on, let’s have fun with Champa while she lasts in this forum.
              By the way facts, history and truth don’t mix with Champa.

              • 1

                Native Vedda
                My journey in this forum will end at the end of the Presidential Election. You will have peace after that.
                Also, I wish to repeat, the next President is not a Rajapaksa. I also don’t know who. But definitely not a Rajapaksa.

                • 2


                  “Also, I wish to repeat, the next President is not a Rajapaksa. I also don’t know who. But definitely not a Rajapaksa.”

                  Perhaps your pimp Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa has a good chance as his finest moment came when he thundered he would evict Ranil from his official residence and when the country is in turmoil he went on a farce onto death, a great gesture. People still fondly remember him eating Lemon Puff.

                  • 0

                    Hindian Vedda
                    On the contrary to your pea brain, I don’t promote WW for Presidency as obviously he will be killed before elections.
                    Who knows, someone will change Sri Lanka’s destiny. How about Nagananda Kodituwakku?

                    • 1


                      “I don’t promote WW for Presidency as obviously he will be killed before elections.”

                      When and how did you obtain the ability foretell the future of the people and country? Are you planning to bump him off?

                      Let Nagananda Kodituwakku do what he does best.

                      Why don’t you spend next few years and months in jungle monastery? It’s good for you, good for the people, good for the country, ………………

                    • 3

                      Champa your words are beyond belief.

                      Champa your words are beyond belief.

                      Champa your words are beyond belief.

                      We got rid of Filip, Paulette et al from the island. I cannot imagine how we missed this one.

          • 1

            You want the minorities to to join the president and lose their identity?. Would you like to change your identity with any one of you siblings? Is Mahinda AND HIS SIBLING IN THE BEST OF TERMS?
            The TNA joined the the Sinhalese and safeguarded them from a free for all. But at what cost to the Tamils?,

      • 1

        he wont be able to rule and control. The country cannot afford to have a set up worse than what we have now. Good idea in principle. But it is too early for this time.

    • 8

      OR ” Selective Memory “to the extent of some , OR that ” Ignorance is Bliss.” All contributed to the destruction of this so called on paper ” Buddha Land ” .
      Theres no turning back. The Actors are the same no change in dialogue. Close the curtain time for good.

  • 8

    The “CULTURE” of “WHITE VANNING” as confirmed by the then Secretary of Defense, Mr. Gotabhaya Rajapakse was introduced by the “MR & Co. Inc.”. This “Confirmation” came out recently, when “GOTA” said: “Yes, we brought the suspects in white vans”. Now what happened to those “Suspects” and “Others” is coming out in a very “SLOW” speed; but keeps coming. Now, ex Chief of Navy, Mr. Vasantha Karannagod has been named the “14th Accused” in the abduction and murder of those 11 people and collecting ransom. In connection with same case the present “Chief of Armed Services” Mr. Wijegoonaratne has also been arrested and released on bail. Now, do the PEOPLE “Remember” OR “Talk” about these and very many such other gamut of “CRIMES” committed by the “MR & CO. Inc” and its “COHORTS”? No. But what are a section of People living in the “Land Of Short Memories” involved in and work hard? “Bring Back Mahinda and POHOTTUWA”, while another section are involved in “Continuing” with the present “NADE”, BOTH who have brought MISERIES to all the citizens and country. This trend has to CHANGE.

  • 7

    There is only one solution,ensure that no body from the professional politicians who run / ran this country get any vote near 50%.That will open their eyes. I doubt any body outside the dirty labrinth can survive a challenge to the nut leading the parties today.

  • 6

    Land of political ineptitude leaders.. Politicians destroyed future 22 million people .. Do not them alone blame public too who voted them.

  • 5

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    • 8

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      What’s up?
      Have you forgotten Dr Ranil for second?

      • 0

        Dear Native,

        Nothing serious mate…

        It was all about the goodies , which Dr Ranil and his Yahapalanaya have given our Inhabitants with the “Short Memory Span”…

        • 2

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          Aren’t you going to compare Ranil’s goodies to Inhabitants with Dr Mahinda’s goodies to his Mahindawamsa?

  • 7

    Well stated, Emil.

    “Motley crew” describes the entire bunch of creeps who have infested parliament and displayed their contempt for decorum for all to see with their recent shenanigans.

    Koddituwakku appears to be someone who could well be considered, but will need a decent team behind him to organize a campaign to attract the m(asses)!

  • 2

    After all, it seems that political memories are not simply short, they appear to be non-existent most of the time!
    Like the antenna that is giving you trouble, Emil?

    • 9

      Freemason Madawela:
      In case you’ve missed it when I’ve said it before or have a very bad memory: half-wits like you attempting “witticisms” is the ultimate exercise in futility.
      PLEASE spare the readers of CT the agony of beholding your efforts.

  • 9

    My God van My God. What a bombshell!

  • 6

    Emil van der Poorten, Let me begin with your paraphrase, ‘ in any society calling itself civilised’.
    How did you even have the heart to call our society civilised? We are barbaric. Even if I am wrong in that, I cannot be more wrong than you are!
    You ‘imagine’ that we belong to this world. We don’t. I cannot think of another country less civilised.
    Let me get to another phrase of yours, ‘what passes for Sri Lanka’s “first family” in the matter of politics’.
    So, you too buy the idea that Sri Lanka considers a family as “first family”, be in politics, or in anything else. That idea is bunkum. The day we dispose of MR, that family loses its face!
    You are not wrong in everything that you have said. The narration on KJ is quite accurate.
    You assess JVP properly. You are able to do so because you don’t belong to JVP. If you do, you would have to give in to pragmatic positioning. That is my thinking anyway; Not that I have any love for JVP.
    Do we have time for Nagananda . Do we have time for more experimentation.

    • 0

      Thappu: You need counseling. Till you organize that, stay reassured that we live, is not a bad dream you cannot get out of. It is real and even 10 minutes ago I met a very decent human being selling young coconuts by the roadside. It is that world I live and belong in, and keep trying to make better.

  • 1

    Dr. Ameer Ali

    You have been promoting the JVP and the last time you did that was in your last piece in CT captioned “JVP Deserves A Chance” published on 21st Feb. What have you got to say about the following observation by Emil van der poorten?


    The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna as an alternative to what we are faced with? Their insistence on continuing to treat Rohana Wijeweera as one deserving of canonization in the face of that man’s espousal of cruelty and murder that stands with the worst in this land’s history, seems to preclude them from even a long shot at this country’s political leadership while there are still people who endured the living hell that was the late nineteen-eighties in Sri Lanka.


    • 7


      The question is has the current JVP reformed ?

      If yes, Dr. Ameer Ali’s argument should be considered.
      If no, it is the same JVP, a would in sheep’s clothing.

      Who were the terrorist leaders who became national leaders in history and got reformed? Lenin, Mao Tse Tung, Castro, Angulimsla, SWRD, JR, Mahinda Rajapaksa ( terrorized the Tamils), Premadasa (terrorized the JVP), Vepupillai Prabakaran (terrorized the Tamils, Sinhala and Muslims), David Ben Gurion who terrorized the Palestinians, to steal their land etc.

      Given the above scansroo is history, and the mess the mean IQ 79 populace has got into since independence, and the corruption described by Emil, giving JVP a chance of reform is in order, as it is a new generation of JVP leaders.

      • 0

        Correct your facts!!!!
        JR, Mahinda Rajapaksa terrorized terrorists, not Tamils.

        • 4


          SWRD and JR terrorized Tamils, and transformed them in separatists and terrorists. Gey your facts straight, and about the 1968, 1977, and 1984 riots. Mahinda continued on the terrorism, because Velupillai Prabakaran, continued on his terrirism.

          We all know, Test of the story, and the bribing of Prabakaran in the 2005 Presidential election by Mahinda and Basil Rajapaksa.

          • 2


            1958, not 1968.

            Get your facts straight.

            rest of the story.

            • 0

              Correction accepted.
              Now, get your facts straight.
              rest of the story.

          • 0

            Oh yeah, Tamils are soooooooo innocent now and put the blame on Sinhalese for making them separatists. But the truth is far from it.
            The problem with Tamils is that they think that they can own a part of a country by distorting its true history. They were masters of false propaganada until Sinhalese opened their mouths to talk about their ancient history with evidence.

            • 2


              Sinhalese and Tamils are Pats-Sinhala and Para-Tamils, in the Lamd of Native Veddah Aethho, who came illegally from Southern and Eastern India, Illegally, and have common Para- genes and characteristics So, whatever the Para-Sinhala accuses the Para-Tamils, must be true vice versa.
              The mean native IQ of the Paras is 79, and the mean IQs if the Paras in their homelands, Southern andEastetn India is 80 or 81.

    • 1

      Don’t take Dr. Ameer Ali serious please.

      • 1

        Amilsls W,

        The mean IQ of Sri Lankans is 79. Dr. Ameer Ali’s IQ falls in the group, at least two standard deviations above the mean. Many, who are around the mean and below, have hard time comprehending, just the many who cannot reconcile the fact the Earth rotates on its axis and orbits the Sun.

        Don’t try to compare Sri Lanka, mean IQ 108. It is like comparing apples and oranges.

        • 2

          Amils W,


          Don’t try to compare Sri Lanka’s mean IQ of 79 with the IQ mean IQ of Singapore, 108. The outcomes in comprehension and performance are quite different.

  • 6

    We are aware that our political memories are short. This is exploitable and successful politicians have made lot of capital off it.
    Emil is reminding us as to how short our memory is, particularly of past events.
    In the article carried in CT 17 February 2019 “Regaining Paradise, With Gotabaya Rajapaksa”, Tisaranee Gunasekera reminds us how short our short term memory is.
    How many of us ever think of our zombie walk close to the edge of Failed-State-Cliff?
    SLPP keeps reminding us of the need to keep the language/religion-divide.
    Presto, the zombie walk is forgotten!
    ‘The Daily Mirror’ of 23 February has this “Don’t let Police probe incident in Parliament: MR”. Seasoned politician MR expects us to forget the fracas in Parliament and the change on 26 October 2018, which lasted 52 days.
    Have we not?

  • 7

    My darling van

    You right so well. May God bless you son

    (No no I’m not Daisy Achchi)

  • 3

    Dad- da-da! Meet the next contender for the doyen of Sri Lankan English writers trophy. After a close battle betwee Shimon Jasinghe, Sarath De Alwis and Lorry der Pooten, the bronze goes to Lorry for this article.
    There were no worthies for the first and second prizes, and Shimon and De Alwis can engage in a poo fight for those two positions.
    Pooi luck to both!

    • 3

      Freemason Madawela:
      If you provide me with a mailing address, I’ll attempt to send you an English primer, assuming, of course, that you are able to read even that.
      Incidentally, “Freemasons” are not “baas-unnehes” who work for nothing, something of which you are probably not aware.

  • 5

    Sri Lanka is bad, Canada was heaven !

    What can memories do when the present Ranil administratin is so bad and even more corrupt ! Ranil iis saying as he comes from royal College and speaks in English he is good and ignore all his faults. !

    The situation is both are bad. So what can our memories do ? Let us vote for aperson who can at least bring discipline and also develope the country. Enough of the UNP gay hypocrisy

  • 7

    Unforgotable moments of Srilanka
    1. Three kingdoms in Srilanka: Before Year 1500
    2. Power changing over to Dutch, Portugese and British – 1500 – 1948.
    3. Power changing from British to Buddhist Sinhala – 1948 – 2018
    4. First Assasination of SWRD by Sinhala Buddhist Monk. Since then continued blood bath in this soil for 50 years in the name Lord Buddha.
    6. With the assistance of Lord Buddha, murders, corruption, abductions, bribe become the national assets and cultural norms.

    • 1

      Lord Buddha

      Pardon this sinner!

      • 1

        Cl early SKM don’t understand Buddhism.
        Buddha says “you have to save yourself by your own effort”.
        Sins cannot be pardoned, because they become Karma (mental attitudes that determine your future and present actions and well being).
        In many primitive belief systems, “Sins and sinners” can indeed be pardoned
        by an almighty God- we are told.

    • 1

      1) Wrong.
      There were 7 Kingdoms before the arrival of Portuguese, namely; Tambapanni, Upatissa-Nuwara, Anuradhapura (King Pandukhabhaya), Polonnaruwa, Dambadeniya, Gampola and Kotte.
      Before Vijaya Hora’s arrival, there were Yaksha Kingdoms, namely, Rawana, Vibhishana, Dadimunda, Veeramunda (others now I don’t remember.)
      2) There was no power “changing” as you say.
      Portuguese, Dutch and the British all three breached their Agreements with our Kings.
      First Portuguese came to Sinhale in 1505 looking for cinnamon and abused the hospitality of King Vijayabahu.
      Then in 1636, Kandyan King Rajasinha-II sought the help of the Dutch to chase Portuguese. They captured Portuguese coastal forts agreeing to release them when their war expenses were paid by the King. However, instead of releasing them to the Sinhalese King, they invaded inland cities and eastern and northern coastal areas.
      When Holland came under French in 1794, in order to prevent a French invasion of Dutch colonies, in 1796, the Dutch Governor handed over coastal areas of Ceylon to the British.
      3)In 1803, British invaded Kandyan Kingdom.
      In 1815, they took hold of the country through Kandyan Convention, with forged signatures of Nilames.
      4) SWRD wasn’t assassinated by a Buddhist monk, but a man who was in a saffron robe.
      Assassinations in Sri Lanka didn’t begin with SWRD, but with the assassination of our First King Rawana by Indian Rama.
      (According to “Rig Veda,” Rama had waged war with Rawana, the “Ten Heads of Regents,” aka “King of Dasa Rajna Buddha”, possibly during Konagama Buddha. Rawana’s was an era of aircraft, missiles, fire/cobra arrows and gold/iron production.)
      Since then, our Kings and country men were assassinated by South Indian invaders, Portuguese, Dutch, British and LTTE terrorists until 2009!
      5?6/ Don’t be stupid to show your stupidity by insulting a Teacher of a Great Religion.

      • 6

        My Dear Champa,
        Can you tell me who is your stupid Teacher of Great Religion (Which)? Do you know who is First King Rawana? Did your Teacher tell what religion Rawana was? What did your Teacher tell about the Lion + Female (don’t know the race) gave Sinhala race? .
        Anyway my point is not about the accuracy of past history but about the bloodbath in this island within the past 70 years by the Sinhalese in the name of Lord Buddha. The great King Asoka after the end of Kalinga war gave up his power and became a Buddhist after seeing the suffering of the people but Your masters Mahinda & Gota gave up all the Buddha’s teaching to enjoy the benefits of power by bribing.

        • 3

          Champa , the great reader of the great religion .
          All that we know that these books of national curriculum are well publicised concocted propaganda books in schools.
          Well rewritten by the Sinhala Propaganda Machines soon after the Bandaranay’s well known SWABHASHA MEDIUM CULTURE.
          SAD people with Peanut Brains.

          • 1

            Wrong again.
            I referred to Rig Veda and it is not taught in Sinhala schools.
            I am a big fan of research articles.

        • 0

          Many times, I have answered Indian addition of adult only part of Vangha Prince Vijaya Hora. Such activities are a part of almost all ancient Indian frescoes while Sri Lanka never had that type of art which is proof that adults only is just an add-on due to Indian influence.
          Buddhism never saw to any bloodbath. Again, bloodbath is all Indian which is a Hindu ritual even to-date.

  • 2

    I wonder why we keep talking about the mistakes of our present set of rulers and the past set without looking for a new set. Two outsiders (NK) and (RP) have expressed their intention to come forward for the presidency and JVP too is there although they have not mentioned who their nominee is. We have to select one party out of these three and gather around him without keep crying over spilled milk.

    • 4

      Emil, BSP,
      Entirely agree with you.
      But, someone/some organisation with means should commence and ‘start the ball rolling’ in the media.
      Most Sri Lankans are fed up with the present set of politicians and their acolytes and will join.

    • 2

      RP is Sirisena’s cousin. Their fathers are brothers. Therefore, he is out, unless of course you want to help Sirisena’s family tree grow.
      Now there is only NK.
      JVP, I don’t know. They will most probably field a less known professori.

      • 3

        Champa, for your information all the INBREDS or THOROUGHBREDS ‘ are Brain dead family trees in the Parliament and outside the Parliament , so where would you find a CRoss breed or a Hibrid Srilankan???
        The answer for this a Sinhala Tamil cross breed or the Sinhala Muslim cross breed. Then will have a Hibrid race with functioning Brains to Steer this country forward.
        The Brain dead INBREDS with equally zombic Brain dead Mahasanghas will rise up to practise Barbarism .
        Noway forward for this CURSED COUNRY.

        • 0

          Sinhalese were never lack of leaders.
          No chance for cross breed when there are 16 millions of unmixed Sinhalese.
          Can’t you see what a damage was done by current hybrid rulers? Do you want more of them?
          Maha Sangha protected the country since King Devanampiya Tissa’s time. Therefore, stop insulting and spreading lies about them.
          You are not a Sinhalese. That is why you say Sri Lanka is a cursed country.
          What Sri Lanka now needs is, not a ruler who could control people, but a ruler who could teach and guide people.

          • 2

            With the Evolution of the past ( In SL ) resulting in the Present Day Peanut Brained 16 Million crossed bred , inbred , and warped brained a right old mixed up genetics from the Portugeuese saints ( plagued with Leprosy ) , Dutch drunkards , South Indian Nayakees , Mongoles from Borneo jungles , what more do we need , Raping our Nation’s wealth like BANDITS HAD BEEN JUST RELEASED IN TO CIVILISATION. DIMWITS.
            You people are in a right old Mess aren’t you Chimbooo
            Names changed over the years by the order of the Bandits in yellow robes . Thus the stunted Genes of the foreign Nincompoops to ” Inbred ” Half wits are Flourishing in Apeh Aaanduwe , God save SL from the Inbreed Dimwits.

          • 3

            Champa , get your facts straight. Current rulers are Not Hibrid.
            They’re the Inbred zombies with wealth and power ( armed with stolen or Bogus qualifications) , looted from the state by themseves and their forefathers.

  • 4

    Short sighted Srilankans wanting muderers to come back to power , Sirisena the worst man in Srilankans
    History trying his best to come back to power and make Srilanka spin and spin at his selfish antics , Ranil a good administrator BUT a backbone less man who will free even the most crooked of men from punishment
    if it suits him .These and many useless politicians are contenders for the highest post in Srilanka
    What a shame Sri Lanka does not have a good human being to run the country to prosperity and be a country where all citizens are equal.
    Above article is an eye opener

  • 3

    Aren’t there any experienced & proved ones out of SL doing freelance Presidency and Premiership that we can try for a term (dumb thing to say) ? The British let us lead a country when we were/are not ready. We did not create remarkable leaders since then, but sadly, majority of people still don’t seem to know the power of their vote or what is to be expected from their government and the politicians – Democracy is not for all countries on earth.

    How many leaders with leadership qualities did we have in the past? How many politicians with leadership qualities do we have right now that we can elect to fit in those chairs? We always elected politicians based on their party colors, their family background, sympathies, fake talks and etc, and always thought that electing anyone to occupy those positions will make them true leaders.

  • 5

    SriLanka has come one full circle or has it been going around circles for quite awhile?
    Still there is no candidate on the horizon who can change the course of the circle and break away at a Tangent.away from the hitherto orbit.
    Nagananda Kodituwakku? Redefining Hobsons Choice?!

  • 5


    Did you read the report that implicates RW the favorite of the USA and UK?
    oh such sweet short memories indeed. Mass graves at Sooriyawewa. Short memories.
    JVP lamppost killings; counter killings by the GOSL.
    Tamil mass graves
    Matale mass graves.

    Sri Lankan people have an inherently violent blood-letting gene in them.

  • 1

    Are the Halgolla rocks getting too hot periodically, like every two weeks or so around weekends, or is it the waning moon that triggers these inane commentaries?
    For heavens sake, one should keep quiet if one has nothing to say.
    We know what is coming when we read the title and the byline. Read more and prepare for the coming of the saviour.

    • 3

      Saimon Saparamadu:
      YET another pseudonym. CT will have, as they once did, to list the very many pseudonyms under which the likes of you hide.
      One dead giveaway, though, is the total inanity (stupidity?) of content. You can hide the man but not his total lack of cranial content!

      Says something about the people who CHOOSE to read what they term “inanities” and then contribute what patently qualify for inclusion in that very category!

  • 0

    Emil are you kidding???For Lankans it is ULTRA short. Because we are people like no other. My question is it a pathology ??? or pretense ???? . Because this has been a pattern for more than 70 years since independence.

  • 0

    Every country has had its share , where criminals and crooks enjoy overwhelming public support until they are exposed. There are religious heads /politicians/ and others who had shot to fame until they could not keep up with their lies. But not in Lanka . The only country, where murders, criminals , corrupt, rapist,drug peddlers having thousands of followers, who not only support, but get some of them elected to the parliament or reward them to be influential public figures.The same Lankans love to quote and make fun of others stupidity without realizing they are currently leading the stupidity scale. I will give one example. In India a pseudo religious saint with millions of followers had amazed wealth, living in Luxury, made a movie where he himself had acted, daily hobnobbing with political heads (including current federal ministers, CM,governors) was eventually exposed, after proving guilty of raping under age followers. When the police went to pick him thousands of armed followers barricaded his residence with intentions of protecting and had openly declared war against the authority. A pitch battle ended up in casualties on both sides and the government was forced to declare emergency and call reserved military for help. After days of battling , the Godman was arrested and now in maximum security prison serving time. Where as in Lanka this guy will be a MP or a religious head , protected by the president/PM him self.

  • 0

    Enjoy your commentaries and your “in your face” rebuttals to many. I observed people mentioning US and your responses. So before I tackle that, because I am a coward who was told by his father not to return during the Dooshana-Beeshana UNP-vs-JVP killings and counter killings, because I at that time supported the IPKF mission and peace agreement(not much after that when I changed my mind, but my old man was afraid what happened to his cousin Priya Ratwatte at the hands of the JVP will happen to me because I refuse to keep my pie hole shut). So the data shows Obama despite all the massive changes in 2008 or in 2012, DID NOT receive a majority of white votes in any state. It was of course expectedly (white votes) very low in the Southern Confederate states . Even overall he only got 43% of the White votes. See data( writing here, I said Hillary will not get “apey kena nemei” black votes at the same percentage and that is what happened to her. She never had the blackthusiasm as it is called.
    Nearly all (95%) black voters cast their ballot for Democrat Barack Obama. Among Latino voters, 67% voted for Obama while 31% voted for Republican John McCain. Among Asian voters, 62% supported Obama and 35% voted for McCain. In contrast, white voters supported McCain (55%) over Obama (43%).
    In 2012 the white voter percentage he got dropped to 39% but because of the ELECTORAL college system he still won handily. I think the highest percentage of white votes he received in ANY state was 47% in one of the Northern states. But his was truly a coalition of all minorities and it is the minorities that pushed him over the edge.
    Reality is the new Democratic party will probably have a tough time winning in 2020 against Trump.

  • 0

    Priya Ratwatte, was said to have been burnt alive in his car or killed and burnt in his car by the JVP.
    Another person I know well from a prominent Kandyan family, related to us via marriage, was chased out of the estate and shot and killed in front of his family because he simply raised the National Flag on Feb 4th at the estate as ordered by President Premedasa. They say if he did not trip and fall over his sarong he may have been able to get away but who knows? Love the JVP.

    That was the beautiful period of Dooshana-Beeshana and the mass of killings. I always wondered if the UN mission, US and UK and EU as a whole ever threatened war crimes investigations and wholesale sanctions when there was so much blood letting in the South. I am glad you mention the sweet Sadhus and Saints of the party of Comrades in the JVP to remind people of those Pol-Pot days of compassionate slaughters.. Thanks for writing from the motherland. This cowardly emigre’ enjoys your writings, even if I do not have to agree with all of them. Thanks.

  • 0

    My goodfriend and classmate’s father Professor Stanley Wijesundera a Bio-Chemist was killed by the great Pol-Pots.

    JR’s sibling’s wife, a medical doctor who was chair person State Pharmaceutical corporation was assassinated . Dr GLadys Jayawardene was threatened by the JVP to stop imports of medicines from India due to their Anti-Indian policy. She refused to be intimidated and was assassinated by the JVP on September 12, 1989 by a bomb planted in car.

    Really love the kind, compassionate, buddhist JVP. How many CTB buses did they burn? How many government officials and their families did they slaughter for just going to work everyday?

    JVP was a really compassionate group like the Khmer Rouge.

  • 2

    As Mano Ratwatte has claimed extensively, Sri Lankans (mostly Sinhala) have the capacity to be quite brutal and uncivilised in spite of their Buddhist cultural background, especially when emotionally charged by manipulative politics of ruthless wannabes.

    It is encouraging to note that there is substantial debate here in the midst of mud-slinging. I was intrigued by the exchanges between Champa and Emil, somewhat akin to a marital dispute of sorts!

    On the subject of short memories or lack of them, it is probably a result of poverty and pressure to focus on matters pertaining to money and survival that make people forget their political bondage to a parasitic system that devours them. My recent CT article on “failing state” also attempts to address these issues..

    • 1

      Prof Lasantha Pethiyagoda
      I will NEVER forgive you for suggesting a “relationship” between “Champa” and me And that comes from one who is not prejudiced against either hetero- or homosexual relationships! (Don’t know what gender “Champa is!)
      I couldn’t agree with you more when you say, “On the subject of short memories or lack of them, it is probably a result of poverty and pressure to focus on matters pertaining to money and survival that make people forget their political bondage to a parasitic system that devours them.” That pretty well sums up the Sri Lankan predicament.

  • 0

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    • 0

      Retarded Shamal P:
      Still trying to make it under the “civilised” barrier? Without success! Must be tough without the tips from caddying for the rich and famous (white) guys in now snow-bound Ontario, eh? Were you promoted from Corporal to 2nd Lt. on your retirement from some quasi-army regiment, by the way?

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