9 September, 2024


The Lessons Of Batalanda – Chandrika’s Techniques Of Character Assassination

By Rajiva Wijesinha

Prof. Rajiva Wijesingha

Prof. Rajiva Wijesingha

Seeing all the posters asserting that ruggerite Wasim Thajudeen was murdered, I was struck by the similarity to the allegations made when Chandrika Kumaratunga was President regarding Batalanda. The Sunday Leader in December 2001, soon after the UNP won the election she had called, wrote

‘The legacy of evil that Kumaratunga has left behind is so rich that she is driven to defend her turf with all the tenacity she can muster. This is in part the genesis of her evil rhetoric in recent days, with talk of murders, plots and killing’.

The Sunday Times had the same idea about President Kumaratunga, and highlighted three occasions on which she came out with very harsh allegations about her then great enemy, Ranil Wickremesinghe. In August 2010 it noted that ‘Even those with short memories will recall that it was only a few weeks prior to the presidential election in December 1999 that the Batalanda Commission report was released to the media’.

That report was very hard on Ranil Wickremesinghe, but President Kumaratunga did nothing about it. This may of course have been because of the terrible injuries she suffered at Tiger hands just before the election. But by the time of the parliamentary election in October 2000, she was ready to resume the charge. In August of that year the Times reported the return of Douglas Peiris who had given evidence against Ranil as follows – ‘The ‘arrest’ of Peiris will surely be a prelude to major onslaught on Ranil Wickremesinghe linking him to the alleged atrocities committed at the so-called torture chamber in Batalanda.

Ranil ChandrikaThe language is interesting. I have no idea whether Ranil was responsible in any way for what happened at Batalanda and would prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt, knowing how readily Chandrika jumped to conclusions and then found evidence to support her prejudices. One has only to remember her claim that it was the UNP that killed Vijaya Kumaratunga, which paved the way for her to enter into an alliance with the JVP, an alliance that now seems to have been renewed, though the common enemy now is the SLFP rather than the UNP. But even assuming as I would like to do that Ranil was not guilty of the atrocities at Batalanda, there is no doubt that atrocities did occur there, the death of Wijeyadasa Liyanaarachchi being only the most prominent amongst many horrors.

Chandrika had won the Presidential election in 1999 and then won the Parliamentary election in 2000. 2001 however was a disaster, and several members of her party abandoned her that year which precipitated another election which the UNP won. I voted for them then, but before long it was clear that Ranil had no idea how to control the Tigers, and rather concerned himself with busily dismantling the State.

It was understandable then that Chandrika, who had been persecuted in defeat (Ravi Karunanayake and her handbag being amongst the more entertaining episodes of her solitary struggle against the UNP cabinet) returned to the fray at the end of 2003. Ranil refused to compromise, assuming that he and the then LTTE dominated TULF would get more seats than the SLFP and its allies.

He was wrong, and Chandrika established her own government again in April 2004. Needless to say, Batalanda was trotted out again for that campaign. The Times reported in March that year that she had announced ‘if the Batalanda Commission recommendations related to the 1988-90 period were implemented properly, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe would not have been a free man today. President Kumaratunga addressing women’s organization representatives at the President’s House in Kandy said that in furture, action would be taken to implement the law properly and corrupt persons, including 18 cabinet ministers, facing charges before the Bribery Commission would be firmly dealt with’.

Typically, nothing was done after the election. Chandrika works hard in adversity but, as I told her last November, if she succeeds she then relaxes. The 18 ministers did not face any charges, though perhaps she will now trot out allegations against those who are back with the SLFP.

On balance I suspect the Leader was right, and it is Chandrika who is behind the campaign to call her present hate figure a murderer. That was not Ranil’s style in the past. But people change, and succumb to the examples of politicians who seem to have succeeded through low tactics. So even the Times claimed that Chandrika’s persecution of Ranil happened because ‘she must have learnt her lessons locally. After all, she was witness to JR stripping her mother of her civic rights over some alleged land transaction and then saw the same JR accuse her husband of being a ‘Naxalite’ and then having him imprisoned. Now it appears that Presient Kumaratunga learnt the moral of the story well: ‘all is fair in not only love and war but in politics as well’.

Ironically the abuse of power JR engaged in to destroy the SLFP is now being used by both Ranil and Chandrika to try to destroy the SLFP again.

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  • 42

    Ok what exactly are you trying to do here Rajiva?

    i) that just because CBK didnt take action on Batalanda ,My3 also should not take action on thajudeens case?

    ii)because UNP has a bad record in 88-89 they should not investigate Thajudeens case?

    iii) If Ranil ,CBK ,My3 troika were so bad and evil why the hell did you accept the Minister job when your current hero MR lost his job to MY3 in Jan 2015? did you have selective amnesia then?

    iv)Forget you being a Thomian but as human being dont you have any sense of justice in you why are you trying to discourage this investigation?

    for once you have forgoten your favorite quote “Dayan,Tamara and I (poor Tamara is always in a sandwich,habits taken from STC I assume?)

    I’m sure your Uncle the former Bishop will be dissapointed in the evil in you especially since he was such a gentle and righteous human being

    • 3

      Rajiva is a p.o.s., is a sick s.o.b. No need to say more. This moron, yesterday’s garbage, doesn’t he know when to get out?

  • 36

    My thanks to CT for publishing this fellow’s rubbish and exposing him for what he is.

    • 1

      Rajiva and Dayan, bag of shite and bag of vomit, should be sealed in a thorn barrel and rolled down Hantane hills in the presence of University students with due fanfare and celebration. Like in the old days of Sinhala Monarchy.

      Now that will be some fun event to attend.

  • 25

    According to Ugaperaliya, the learned professor was thick in the plot to oust MAra. Then how can he promote the same man again, liberally.

  • 21

    This idiosyncratic professor coughs loudly for the wrong side, just being unable to get on with the current regime. There were no real reasons him to diverage from the GOOD GOVERNANCE program, but his ego. Anyways, time will teach him a lession for sure. If CBK or any others did work against MR et al it was all because the many in the island nation supported her. Today, almost every 2nd is against Rajapaksahe and their kind of policies. Young Unp powerful voice Sujeewa Senasinghe made it very clear the manner how Basil Rajapakshe attacked them in a thuggish manner asif Basil lived on a the street. The filthy langague used by him was akin to the langague being used in PRISONS by prisoners. This is the culture Rajapakshe et al introduced to the country.

    Good professor, if you love to this nation the manner you always utter, please rethink it is right to stand by cronies. Please go and see in mirror and change your heart feelings at least for the sake of people.

    • 7

      Yes Seelawathi,
      I believe these men got education on the west have sorta superior complex- since they can communicate in ENglish. But afro countries that speak French as their native seem to be not that arrogant towards their own folks.
      I really dont know why these men and women fail to do their best to the nation using their abilities. THis man s ego is abovethe country. I listend to him several dozens of time. I even thought this man could be the best candidate to run lanken ministry of higher education. But his inability to get on with various kind of people in a team convinced me the manner he handled the issue related to UGC at the dawn of new regime. So i believe higher academics are not appropriate for lanken politics. GLP is the other example. They could do lot more to the nation if they functioned for local unis.

  • 27

    Stop the bloody nonsense Ragiva. It’s disgusting to read yours and the other henchman Dayan’s articles in CT.
    You both are writing scraps in the sake of writing something everyday.
    My humble advise: Stop boozing before writing!!!!!!

  • 22

    Please dont fall on to the level of Wimal Weerawanse who has been manipulating the poor for vote gains. If you cant get on with politics in a developing country such ours, please go back to your teaching carrier that will help the masses among the youth for sure. Just being entwined as is the case with backboneless Glp, you cant do any tangible changes in the prevailing system of the country. Besides, you behave as if you are kalusudda for your own reasons, but mostly your nose seem to be filled with overgrown nose hairs. It is high time you to check on yours person rather than talking about anyone else. That can then help the masses for sure. Mr Knowall.

  • 24

    So what’s wrong with charging MR regime with Thajudeen’s murder? It’s public knowledge that MR sons were behind the murder.
    Due to political rivalry or whatever the reason it’s good that justice is done to Thajudeen’s family.
    At least those murderers should never be allowed to be saints in front of people & should never be allowed to hold any public office , if they cannot be sent to jail for life.
    Let Rajapakse junta suffer humiliation for what they did & make their political come back more & more difficult.

    • 1


      You say ” It’s public knowledge that MR sons were behind the murder.”

      So under Yahapalanaya, simple “Public Knowledge” is enough to Charge, Condemn and Punish anyone ? If so, how come this Yahapalana Bandwagon has yet to bring even the simplest charge against the MR sons, never mind murder ?

      I thought this whole “Yahapalanaya” thing is about Good Governance and Rule of Law – and here you are, encouraging a straightforward Public Lynching

      • 0

        Police already informed Magistrate courts that it wasn’t an accident but a murder, so let the law take it’s course.

        Most important thing is why this murder was put under the carpet for 03 long years by MR regime ?

        Why the hell Police said it was an accident then ( Under MR regime)when it was abundantly clear by Postmortem report that it was a murder ?

        On the other hand who is afraid of this investigation now ? Is it Ranil + UNFGG or MR’s UPFA ?
        So isn’t it public knowledge who is behind the murder ? with overwhelming evidence against Mr sons ?

  • 20

    “SLFP is now being used by both Ranil and Chandrika to try to destroy the SLFP again.”

    I have no idea why Professori is being so sentimental about the destruction of corrupt SLFP.

    Is Professori the twin brother of Chief Nutcase Sarath N. Silva?


    PS: Professori is correct about one thing. Ranil, Chandrika and Mahnida all use grave crimes to manipulate the dumb public. Not to establish rule-of-law or Justice.

    • 14

      And Rajeeva is being used by MR thugs for their political campaign.

      Anyways, [Edited out] to behave this way is to my eye unethical. Regardless of the race, we dont need to stand by anyone that commit murders.
      We the majority folks are said to be buddhists afterall. If Rajaa family each of them are sunk in blood as no leaders sofar in lanken history – there is nothing wrong that the law should work on them and convict them for all the crimes commited. Be it for an ordinary person or Raja should be the same.

      I generally believe academics usually would not take the side of wrong doers while they can see it beyond. LATTER is not valid with Dayan Jayathilaka the most abusive man and his buddy Rajeeva for sure.

  • 23

    I have never supported UNP but from what I hear today also considering the full blood young politicians such as Harsha De Silva, Sujeewa, Eran, Rosy, I feel UNP of the day can do more to the country than the filthy mouthed filled UPFA.
    Please check the following link

    This interview reveals how fair RW has been compared to MR or anyone under MR.

    MY3 and Ranil are the best to bring this country back into tracks. Democracy will be given a place so long duo will be in action – CRYSTAL clear.

    • 4

      I think be them about CN Bond issue, Ltte money transactions OR any other highly important issues are portrayed by them only in favour of them.
      When it is articulated by a man such Buruwanse of THunmulle- the versions become even worst. THat is how Rjaaakshe machineries worked sofar.
      Truth is burried under the carpet.
      Having listend to Bond issue – real interviews given by CN Governer I felt my gosh why should people attack the man for no reason.

      a) There had been no legal dept functioning for the CN during the last few years
      b) CN governer confirm in the past, at the time, he worked for the very same bank before, they had been one
      c) He further says, there is nowhat so ever any anti his view article on the international press on this but only in local media run by Rajapaskeh proxy institutions

      Like frogs living in wells, people have no access to foreign media than local get lagged with their own thoughts as if CN really did the job against the country.

      How can a man who has been having that long records internationally, could go agianst own country.
      All these allegations are like what made to Ranil for all the past few years. Leaving truths aside, they work on their on advantages. UPFA are born goons to do the job well.

  • 18

    Prof. Rajiva Wijesingha

    RE: The Lessons Of Batalanda – Chandrika’s Techniques Of Character Assassination

    “Seeing all the posters asserting that ruggerite Wasim Thajudeen was murdered, I was struck by the similarity to the allegations made when Chandrika Kumaratunga was President regarding Batalanda. The Sunday Leader in December 2001, soon after the UNP won the election she had called, wrote..”

    What are the Facts?

    The Facts are that

    1. ruggerite Wasim Thajudeen was murdered

    2. Eknaligoda was murdered

    3. Lasanthan Wickramatinga was murdered, AND

    Tsunami Funds were Stolen, by the “Tsunami Hora”, and used to Bribe Velupillai Prabakaran so that the “Tsunami Hora” could win the Presidential Election.

    News: Tsunami funds: Champika says MR may lose civic rights if guilty


    United National Front for Good Governance (UNFGG) General Secretary and Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka said today that former president Mahinda Rajapaksa would be stripped of his civic rights if he was found guilty of misappropriating Tsunami funds.

    “Mahinda Rajapaksa will have to face the charges levelled against him with regard to the misappropriating of Tsunami funds and assisting a terrorist organisation. He had presented a Cabinet note instead of a proper Cabinet paper to release funds for the LTTE. Since he had taken measures in his capacity as the then finance minister when asking the Treasury to release the funds to the LTTE, the legal immunity of a president will not be able to protect him,” the minister told a news conference.

    He said according to Clause No: 157 of the Constitution, aiding and abetting a terrorist organisation could result in a person losing his or her civil rights for seven years. It also includes the from employment in state institutions if they are state employees.

    The minister said Mr. Rajapaksa had provided Rs.800 million to the LTTE, through the Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA) headed by former parliamentarian Tiran Alles and said the police had found records of a part of it being a cash transaction of some Rs.169 million.

    He said the funding of the LTTE by Mr. Rajapaksa through bogus companies had continued until the LTTE attacked former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa in 2006.

    “Neither Mahinda Rajapaksa nor his brother Basil, who had secret meetings with LTTE front-liner Emil Kanthan, had denied the charges against them of having funded the LTTE,” the minister said.

    He challenged the former president for an open debate on charges against him and said he was equipped with evidence to prove the charges.

    Meanwhile, commenting on the Supreme Court delaying the arrest of former MP Tiran Alles, the minister said the case was blow to the reputation of the Supreme Court.

    “The case should not be heard in the Supreme Court. I may be charged of contempt of court for making these remarks but I’m not afraid to tell the truth,” he said adding that they would make sure the judges are impartial in future and would probe all cases of corruption and disappearance. (Lahiru Pothmulla)

    – See more at:


    • 0

      your order of events are in the reverse,why? Under normal circumstances the crime that took place first has to be investigated first and in that order.
      Besides in the last campaign Lasantha and Eknaligoda investigations were a campaign promise while Thajudeen was not even there.
      Jahapalana suckers can scream all they want but the fact remains that this is a politically motivated drama preecise ly for the consumption of the jahapalana idiots.

      • 1


        “your order of events are in the reverse,why?”

        People have short memories.

        Facts are facts. Murders are Murders. Better chance of capturing criminals of the newer crimes and murders than the old ones.

        Lasantha was killed over 6 years ago.

  • 18

    Mr. Rajiv Wijesinghe, why do you and others of your ilk not shut up at least till the remains of the body that was exhumed two days ago are finally disposed of ? Do you not have a heart or conscience? I would ask you tp read the letter written sent by Mr. Nimal Lewke, Retired D.I.G. regarding what a fine young man Mr.Wasim Thajudeen was and if you doso you will not write rubbish at this stage.

  • 20

    Dear Professor Rajiva,
    From what I have noticed, your actions over the past few months have lead to you losing your credibility among the readers here at Colombotelegraph.
    We have all seen you on the news spreading lies in your campaigning speech.
    I have read the articles you post on LankaWeb, a website which is blindly supporting Mahinda Rajapaksa and also a wbsite where people consistently post articles filled with racial hatred towards the ethnic minorities. Let me quote just how bad it gets.
    “The Muslim having had no cultural leanings, and being small in number paid more attention in procreation of the kind. They became builders of mosques, living according to the Koran. They lived and lives with fear of their God, who according to Quran is every where watching what they do. Their God says in Quran that when there are two of them there is the third, when there are three of them there is a forth:

    “ And He is with you wherever you are. (57.4) “ There is no private conversation of three except that He is the fourth of them, nor are there five but that He is the sixth of them- and no less than that and no more except that He is with them wherever they are. (58.7) http://www.as-salaf.com/article.php?aid=83&lang=en%5D

    That means that the Muslims cannot take an independent logical decision on any thing, being constantly in fear of God.”

    So I kindly advise your Professor Rajiva, that you no longer post anything on Colombotelegraph as that would save both you, and the readers a lot of time which would have otherwise been wasted reading your article.

    Best regards,

  • 15

    A simple question to you.
    Why did you vote against Rajapkse in the 2015 Presidential election joining hands with Ranil, Chandrika & Srisena?

    • 4

      You know ajith this man made the very same mistake in terms of his arguments based on end of war atrocities. THere, as a scholar he could refrain behaving so, but buggered was carricated by MR regime for their favour.

  • 17

    When one professori Dr DJ takes leave another Professori take that place. “Hitu kiyala Liyapan” or “write as if there is no tomorrow” – just few more days left

  • 14

    So prosecuting the serial murders of the Rajapakshe family equals abuse of power to destroy the SLFP. What breathtaking dishonesty. I won’t waste my time countering this nonsense. But I will say this get over Batalanda. Don’t think you can win any votes now in this day and age by harping back to this ancient incident.

  • 12

    Rajiv has been dumped as leader by his own Liberal Party. He is homeless and now clinging to straws to survive. Nice fellow but has a chip on his shoulder. He can never complete a journey it must be noted. He started with Premadasa, then with Chandrika, then with Ranil, back again with Chandrika, then with Mahinda, then with Sirisena and now back to Mahinda. Rajiva is holding on the the wrong straws because on August 18th, the day after the elections he will have nothing to hold on to. Looks like he is heading into GL’s team of educated fools. Unfortunately no medication for foolishness.

  • 10

    This professori hates Ranil and attacking him everywhere.He always trying to drag the Bank issue and blames Ranil.It’s very clear this chameleon kalusudda is doing all these things aiming a Cabinet portfolio in the next Parliament.

  • 5

    Why most of these profs.(in politics) in Srilanka talk rubbish at most of the times? you know why these guys are always trying to apply the theory directly as in their text book. practically, these profs are all big zeeeeero.

    This guy opposes everything/anything Mr.PM does which is even 100% good for the country. ego. very bad. not good for intellectual.

    he is still in the conventional politics.Hay man, come to modern system.

  • 9

    Prof. Rajiva,

    Your reactions are those of a spoilt cantankerous brat! You are a good man with good intentions, but your ambitions are blinding you to realities in a dog eat dog political world. Please do not do further damage to yourself.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 1


      “your ambitions are blinding you to realities in a dog eat dog political world. Please do not do further damage to yourself.”

      Did you read what you wrote? — And, realize how appropriate that was, not just for Rajiva, but for yourself too?

      Remember the ambitions that drove you to cheerlead if not bootlick the Rajapakse regime for five years or so castigating the Diaspora for not heaping foreign exchange for the regime that was focused on entertaining the clan with the world’s most expensive racing cars, and slaughtering anyone who stood in their way of carnal pleasures as referenced in Rajiva’s article?

      Was your wisdom in hibernation then? Did you listen to the same advice many gave you when you were under the spell of the king? Why would you expect Rajiva to do that now?

      • 1

        Kumar R.

        ‘Did you read what you wrote? — And, realize how appropriate that was, not just for Rajiva, but for yourself too?’

        Did you forget what you in fact eat when you went to meet Mahinda with your Manike NN in Colombo. Apparently, the poor one sense less dog meat was served by your darling Mahinda to thank you both that you are the most the faithful dogs he has come across in his political life. He showed you his gratitude further by blessing you to take the excess meat chewed bones on the table in doggy bags.

        Your Manike is so ugly and stinky that I hear Mahinda gave you a pot puri, some scents and an expensive make up kit.

        Unfortunately your Manike has not changed. She is still ugly and smelly.

        • 1

          Kumar R & Raghavan

          After long tome- Hi!

          This is too much. How can you tolerate it?

          Give me a buzz. I am ever ready with two barrels of fried chicken oil (one in London and the other in Colombo) to dispose off under your command.

          • 1

            Hi Machan Rowdy Rajan

            Where are you. We lost in touch for some years now. We must get together and reignite our anti-social mission against our common enemies.

            You did a splendid job then and together we can do wonders now on.

            I wish to say Hi Rajash Kumar too. He is a man of inspiration. Please confirm my love and regard to aunty NN. She used to be dirty and smelly. Hope she is ok now. Kohoma soap is good for her. I am a dealer in Europe for Kohamba soap.

  • 9

    I used to admire Rajiv when he defended our country during the last Eelam war, proving an equal to hard type interviewers of BBC, CNN, Al Jazira etc. using his abilities in English. He did his part then in those debates as well as in other fields. As a Sri Lankan, I am really grateful to him for all that.

    But of late, he is showing signs of inconsistency as well as erratic behavior, in my opinion. What a waste of talent that we could have used in diplomacy! His problem with Ranil seems to be a personal one. Whatever Ranil’s faults are, he is the most internationally accepted leader that we have today while MR is the most pariah type of leader for the same audience, competing in behavior with Mugabe and the likes.

    How can we ignore Ranil and vote for MR? Just consider a few of his characteristics. (i) MR is a firm believer in astrology, good luck charms, voodoo etc. That is OK if it is only a personal trait. But if he is taking decisions affecting the whole country based on such stupid things, the it matters a whole lot. (ii) MR cannot tell an international audience from a local audience and uses the same type of gallery type approach for both. He does not know what fair play is. (iii) His attempt to face elections again, having being beaten thoroughly is like a cricket team trying to replay the game that they have lost. It is not acceptable under any circumstances.

    • 1

      Almost every wrongdoer in general are superstitous. See the manner the former prez always plays with a thing similar to old door key – may be according to his masters from India. Even if Ranil W is used to visit indian kovils or the like, he has NEVER be carrying such. Nor does Prez MY3 behave so. Those in general do things against their heart feelings are bound with astrology. They know what they have been doing against their own wills but becuase of being either addicted or narrow feelings.

      After Premadasa, MR is the abusive kind of leader that the country produced. To that time, we then students left the university premises leaving our belonging to save our lives. I mean going back tothe era of Premadas a whose admin killed over 50k of youth across the country – to that time, we discussed it louldy and promised not to allow leaders of that kind to be taken the office, but stupid folks allowed MR to take office and ruin the nation.
      As it moves, the murder of former Ruggby player should have been carried out by brat of former prz. This is not the only murder kind of crime that the offsprings have commited. So all in all the respect of the family will go down as a glass wall instantly destroyed. WAIT and see.

  • 7

    Wijesinghe forgets that two wrongs do not make a right.
    No, the world is left with two crimes – and all the more a sadder place for it.

    I wonder what his noble-natured friend, Richard de Zoysa (had he been alive) would have thought of Wijesinghe, rather suave externally but at the core, unjust; given to hunting with the hounds while pretending sympathy for the hares.

    Sad spectator

  • 5

    who is going to take action against the killers who killed 60,000 sinhalese youth in 88/89?

    where’s the justice for them?

    these low class politicians have politicized a death of a muslim to gain some votes of muslims…what a shame

    • 1

      Don’t hide under a bogus name you [Edited out]. We all know that you are really Balusena and not Baludeen. However, just to remind you that we are talking here of the wanton MURDER of a muslim and not just ‘a death of a muslim” as you put it. Cant blame you for getting your marbles mixed up. Too much gal arrack and OOru Muss has blinded your thinking. Become a Musallman and switch over to Hala Meat and you will think better.

      • 1

        [Edited out]

  • 6

    My thanks to Supun for his comments on the CB Bond issue. How many of the MP’s or even Ministers of UPFA have the intelligence and education to understand the complexities involved in the subject. All they can do is to pass ‘King Kekille’ type stupid judgments on a professional who was doing his honest best. My problem with Ranil is, why didn’t he try to explain the facts to the people of this country? Anybody who watched the interview with CB governor would know that the Governor is not to be blamed. At least an attempt should have been made to air it in Sinhala & Tamil. Ranil did not do that. So jumping monkeys have been provided with ladders to jump.

    My problem with Ranil is, why didn’t he try to explain the facts to the people of this country? Anybody who watched the interview with CB governor would know that the Governor is not to be blamed. At least an attempt should have been made to air a translated version of it in Sinhala & Tamil. Ranil did not do that and he goes on talking nonstop on other relatively minor issues. So jumping monkeys like Booruwansa have been provided with ladders to jump.

    Yahapalanaya involves not only not accusing the innocents but also defending them with all your strength. Perhaps, that is more important than punishing the guilty. It is better to allow 100 thieves to escape than punish one innocent.

    • 2

      Edwin, there is a big gap of the educated and uneducated people in SL.

      I also asked why CN Governer s issue was potrayed in that way harming the person that much. Even JVP did that without knowing that even in the past we had foreign passport holders held the post. JVPs immaturity brought the issues durcheinander, but I always believed, that RW would not do thing wihtout studying them. He would not add his comments evasively as MR does.
      He is very intelligent and a leader with wisdom. Whowever whatever being spread, RW is the leader to lead our nation to proper.

  • 0

    “His is a style that could prove immeasurably dangerous to the country. It is a great pity that the public tradition of the UNP, as exemplified by the Senanayakes and by President Premadasa (with his catchwords, Consultation, Compromise and Consensus) has now given way to the top down approach of J R Jayewardene – which led to the lid being pressed down so firmly on the country that it exploded, in both North and South.”

    I quote from your article: Good Governance 23 – Governance and Development

  • 13

    Chandrika and Rajiva

    I always felt Rajiva Wijesinha to be a strange character motivated by position and self-importance more than policy or principles. Since he relates stories, I am also compelled to relate the following. As the episode reveals, he is also spineless.

    It was somewhere in 2004 that President Chandrika Kumaratunga invited senior university academics for a consultation on higher education. The meeting was supposed to start at 3.00pm but as usual, President was late. We waited and waited and by 4.00pm we were served with some sandwiches to munch.

    Some academics even wanted to leave. Then suddenly Rajiva thought that he should take the lead and proposed that we should have the discussion because the President is too late. No one had any objection although some (including myself) were amused by the move. He proposed Prof Lakshman Jayatilake to be the chair. Lakshman agreed I think reluctantly. Then Rajiva started a big discourse (not discussion) moving his hands and walking up and down. I am sure the message went to the President.

    Within ten fifteen minutes, President’s giant dog appeared on the scene heralding her arrival. Alas! Rajiva had disappeared into the crowed. When President arrived, Lakshman Jayatilake explained to her that ‘we thought of starting a preliminary discussion’ to which President just nodded smilingly and asked Lakshman to be at the Chair.

    She explained the purpose of the meeting and smilingly asked Rajiva to come forward and explain what he was discussing. Rajiva trembled and mumbled. Many couldn’t hide their giggles. Only after sometime into the discussion that President actually apologized for her delay. I thought Rajiva proved a fool by unnecessarily trying to show he is smart. Chandrika in fact outmaneuvered Rajiva well.

    • 2

      I thank you so much Dr. Fernando. Your true story about the guy will help many to get to know about him. To that time, as I go tot know from far – her delays are related to her security reasons.
      I hope you are keeping well sir. I always admire your thoughts – you always stand not being biased to anyone like Dayan Silva and Rajeeva W.

    • 4

      Dr Laksiri Fernando

      Does Rajiva ever get to the point?

      • 2

        Native Vedda,

        “Does Rajiva ever get to the point?”


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          Dr Laksiri Fernando


          I suppose his family must be well connected to both parties.

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      Dr. Fernando,
      Was it Prof. C. L. V. Jayatilake, the engineering professor who went on to become UGC chair,etc.?

      Many of us who were his students still have high regard for him.

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        Yes Agnos,

        I think we are referring to the same person, Prof. Lakshman Jayatilake, although I am not aware of his other initials. I remember (and knew) him at Peradeniya across Mahaweli and he became Chair of the National Education Commission for a long time among other assignments.

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    This professor is getting dumber by the day. Absolutely meaningless dribble written by a nitwit who appears to be sulking and has nothing to offer. The professor should be given a lesson in analysis and logic and common sense. What a bunch of jokers in Rajiva, GLP and Dayan J. If these are the professors that have emerged in Sri Lanka, no wonder the country’s education system is in a shambles. RW might be able to offer them a cleaning job in the schools where there skills will be more useful.

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    Professori, you really must have the thickest of meeharak skin to continue with this blatant rubbish. This is really about nothing of the old hat in the article; this is all about you ingratiating yourself in the run up to the 17th. Furiously working to show that you are on message, and hoping for a few crumbs IF your lord and master somehow strikes it lucky, again. You are truly a shameless bugger.

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    There is one basic thing that’jahapalana’fanatics forget. All are not fanatics like you who fall for any garbage that is thrown at you.
    They wish to see evidence before judgement. Now if any one has seen these so called ‘new evidence’ and ‘not cliams’ that justifies the exhumation of Thajudeens body you are invited to post them on CT and that will rest the case.
    The issue here is not about Rajapakses or any one else trying to get away with murder.
    We are all for getting the murderers,thieves,plunderers and rougues to judgement who ever they are,but for lies,pretences and deception we can not be silent bystanders.

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    Rajiva a [Edited out]

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    Rajiva’s father Mr. Sam Wijesinghe, a highly respected person among the parliamentarians and general public would have had high hopes that
    his son will one day take his place in the country but Rajiva does the opposite. He was given a ministerial position in Ranil’s Govt.and he could have proved his ability as an academic but resigned and switched alliance like any ordinary MP. He is one of the academics who think that he knows more than what others know and that he is always right
    and others are wrong..His egoism let him down from what would have been a promising career.
    Academics usually keep corrupted people at arms length and in fact,
    most of them keep out of politics but get active in humanitarian & educational activities and that is their nature but Rajiva huddles
    the corrupt people and not good politics and he is no better than his colleague Dayan Jayatillke.

    I pity him rather than getting angry with him, for wasting his know
    -ledge. Sri Lanka needs people who are educated enough to guide them
    in the right path.

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      Lanka watch@,
      this is the reason why I believe Profs of the kind of RW and GLP are not at all appropriate to politics of developing countries. They are like sqaure pegs in round holes. You may be right saying that RW always feels that he knows everything.. His adds like ” we perfectly know….. etc connects me with your comments here.
      But I like his way of thinking if he could get on with a team as any other goodies done (young UNPers have succeeded actually – though they were repeatedly attacked by both parties). .
      I advise Mr Wijesinghe to return to anUNI for the sake of the youth. No doubt he will be a good professor for teaching at the unis

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