26 April, 2024


The Lion In The Sinhalese Imagination: Bestiality, Incest & New Beginnings

By R S Perinbanayagam

Prof. R.S.Perinbanayagam

Prof. R.S.Perinbanayagam

The use of the idea of incest in narratives of one kind or another for what may be termed its thematic and logical implications is quite common in the texts of many societies, if not indeed of all societies. The Sinhalese use of it in the chronicles is truly a continuation of the uses made of it in other legends and myths as one instrument for the solution of certain narrative problems.

In his famous discussion of the structural approach to myth, Levi-Strauss deconstructed the Oedipus myth and observed, “The myth has to do with the inability for a culture which holds the belief that mankind is autochthonous . . . to find a satisfactory transition between this theory and the knowledge that human beings are actually born from the union of man and woman.” (1967:212) Having stated this problem, Levi-Strauss notes that this is obviously a problem that cannot be solved. Every human being is born out of a union of two others and each of those two was born out of the union of an earlier two and so on into an infinite regression. In a succinct explanation of Levi-Strauss’ position on the incest taboo and its occurrence in myths, Edmund Leach wrote:

Incest and exogamy are, therefore, the opposite sides of the same penny, and the incest taboo (a rule about sexual behavior) is the cornerstone of society – a structure of social and political relations. This moral principle implies that in the imaginary initial situation, the First Man should have had a wife who was not his sister. But in that case any story about a First Man or a First Woman must contain a logical contradiction. For if they were brother and sister then we are all outcomes of primeval incest, but if they were separate creations only one of them can be the first human being and the other must be in some sense other than human. Thus the biblical Eve, is of one flesh with Adam and their relations are incestuous, but he non-biblical Lilith is a demon” (1970: 57).

In the Buddhist texts, too, one can see a similar use of marriage, copulation and birthing. Besides the miraculous birth of the Buddha, there are other instances too. Here, I quote from the rendition of the origin of the Sakiya clan given in the Mahavatsu:

It appears that one of the ancestors of the Sakyas married a second time and this wife bore a son and she, demanded in the usual fashion, that he should inherit the kingdom and that the elder children should be banished. The elder children, both sons and daughters, were banished and lived with their retinue in the forest for a while. In time, the ministers who were banished with the royal children thought, “These youths are grown up. If they were with their father, he would make marriage alliances, but here it is our task.” So they took counsel with the princess, who said, “We find no daughters of Kshatriyas who are like ourselves (in birth) nor Kshatriya princess for our sister, and through union with those of unlike birth the sons who are born will be impure on the mother’s or father’s side. Let us consort with our sisters.” They set the eldest sister in the place of the mother and consorted with the rest. They “increased with sons and daughters” says the commentary by Buddhagosa from which the above is taken, and reported in Thomas (1956: 6-10).

The story, however, does not end there. The elder sister contracted leprosy and her brothers decided to isolate her. While in this state, she is apprehended by another leprous, but royal, personage, who cures her illness as he cures his own and marries her. The union creates further progeny.

It creates something more, yet: it creates a set of brothers and sisters who are cross cousins of the incestuously created Sakyas. When the princess of the leprous couple grows up, their mother tells them, “Children, the Sakyas who dwell in Kapilavatsu are your maternal uncles. Your uncle’s daughters have the same style of hair and dress as you. When they come to the bathing place, go there and let each take the one that pleases him. They went there, and when the girls had bathed and were drying their hair, they each took one and making known their names, came away.” The Sakya raja on hearing of it thought “Let it be; to be sure they are our kinsfolk, and kept silent. This is the origin of the Sakyas and Koliyas, and thus the family of the Sakyas and Koliyas making intermarriages came down unbroken to the line of the Buddha” (Thomas, 1956: 10) That is, they marry their cross-cousins and Buddha is descended from one of these unions and here it functions as a variation on the theme of incest, which it would have been in cultures which did not differentiate between cross-cousins and parallel cousins.

Why is it important for the Buddha to have Kshatriya status? To begin with, the Buddha is being touted here as of being of the correct royal lineage, making his renunciation all the more striking, indeed dramatically significant. In addition, however, this text indicates, inter-alia , the imperatives of state formation and political legitimation through the management of descent, creating a set of clans, the Sakyas and Koliyas, who can exchange brides and grooms, thereby maintaining the purity of the Kshatriya status. The story establishes legitimacy for the king who was Sidhartha Gotama’s father as well as the principles by which states and status are formed and successfully maintained. Further, the text simultaneously establishes the Buddhist narrative of birth, being and death; indeed this narrative of the Buddha’s ancestry is an allegory of the great chain of causation. It is succinctly captured in the following discourse by the Buddha from the Jajjhima-nikaya:

Let the beginning be, Udayin, let the end be. I will teach you the Doctrine: when that exists, this exists, with the arising of that, this arises; when that does not exist, this does not exist; with the cessation of that this ceases.” (Quoted in Thomas, 1956, 199).

The Buddha is of unimpeachable kshatriya ancestry, and he is born miraculously too.

The Rigveda’s answer to the problem of origins is also expressed in terms of incest, in this case between father and daughter. The father is identified as sky and the daughter as dawn, but they copulate in any case, and the father spills the seeds on the ground:

As his phallus was stretched out in eagerness for the act of a man, the manly one pulled back. He drew back again from the maiden, his daughter, that tireless phallus which had been thrust in. As they were in the midst of the act of union, when the father was satisfying his desire for the young girl, the two of them left a little of outflowing seed shed upon the back of the earth in the womb of the earth in the womb of good deeds (in O’Flaherty, 1975: 26)

The Sinhalese mythographers however were not interested in solving the “riddle of man” so much as in creating a “new people” or a “chosen people” with little or no continuity to earlier ones. Faced once again with the riddle of creating a new people without reproductive origins in two people who have ancestors as well, these writers use an animal and an incestuous union: the lion begets a son and a daughter, albeit on a royal princess. In this way all human ancestors on the paternal line are severed and discounted and a new beginning made, and insofar as we are dealing with a patriarchal and patrilineal society, this solves one problem. Having the lion around, however, would not be feasible and further one would be forced to deal with his kin. He is, therefore, slaughtered by the son himself, symbolically severing another ancestral connection and establishing a new line through the son himself. The problem that it seeks to solve is not the origin of “people” but the origin of a people. It does not have to create a creator so much as to create a context in which a break with certain other people could be promulgated. This is achieved by invoking the lion as the father. The other people were mere humans begot by other mundane humans, but the Sinhala people begin their new destiny with this radical rupture. To begin with, a lion is of an ambiguous moral value within Indian cultural contexts: the lion is reputed to be courageous, arrogant and powerful, of noble bearing and carnivorous and skilled in the hunt, the very embodiment of ksatriyadharma; it is, however, also a wild beast without decorum and discipline. The Sinhala myth of origin, therefore, provides for a noble but wild progenitor in the lion and a royal princess as the genetrix. He brings the valor and she the grace.

The princess marries the lion, leaves civilization behind and enters the wilderness from whence she returns with her cub-children who are not patrilineally connected to the civilization she left behind. She returns with the seeds of a new people and a new civilization. The Greek myths too, Levi-Strauss notes, contain the theme of the killing of the monsters. Cadmos kills the dragon and Oedipus kills the Sphinx. (1967: 211) The slaying of the “monster” – lion, dragon or sphinx in any case cannot but have one significance: it is the end of something and since all ends are also beginnings, it is also the beginning of something.

Once the ancestral connections have been cut, the next problem presents itself: to make a new people without making connections to others – ancestors and consanguine – connections, if they existed, that would make it impossible to claim new beginnings. The slain lion fortunately begot a man and a woman, Sinhabahu and Sinhasivali, two with no human ancestors and no kin on the paternal side. What could be better than for these two, siblings though they were, to be united and bring forth a whole new people destined for the maintenance and propagation of Buddhism? Incest then is also a way of creating a new beginning.

In any case, these myths of origin – the Hebrew one, the Greek one and the Sinhalese one – are not really facing a contradiction , as Levi-Strauss(1967)argued and seeking to resolve it so much as seeking to solve a narrative problem. In constructing narratives, whether they are fictional stories about individuals, about a whole people or even humanity itself, the initial problem to solve is the problem of the origins of the individual in question or the people in question. In solving this problem, certain immutable principles must be kept in mind:

a) In terms of narrative logic, there must be a genuine and irreproachable beginning. The beginning must be constructed in such a way that there is nothing of significance before it. In the biblical story of the origins of a people, this condition is well met: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” That is to say, there was nothing before that act of creation because heaven and earth is all we have now. Further, it is said “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the deep.” Not only was there nothing, but once something was created, it had no form, and God proceeds to give it form. The Lankan chronicles had good examples to follow in the use of these narrative principles.

b) In constructing these, beginning an essential and inescapable distinction must be established between different categories. In the biblical story, there are the following:

God – Human

Man – Woman

Good – Evil

Knowledge – Ignorance

Power – Weakness

Super-ordination  – Sub-ordination

c) Development from these categories must be accomplished so that they combine syntactically to create new structures and lead the narrative forward. In the biblical narrative, Eve, rejecting her sub-ordinal role, leads Adam to knowledge and power, and the rest is history, or at least story.

The story of Vijaya’s birth and ancestry follows a similar logical structure. In fact, rarely does one find a myth of origin that contains all the features of a classic myth, as this one does: an unusual copulation between beast and woman, a parricide and an incest, a beginning in civilization and royalty, a sojourn in the wilderness and a return to civilization. These features obviously cannot be considered descriptions of events that actually happened nor can they be considered accidental or arbitrary introductions in an otherwise factual account. Rather, they seem to embody an order and a theme.

The myth then asserts a unique origin of the Sinhala people by separating them from all others by the use of a number of narrative devices. In doing this, the myth-makers were establishing or creating not just a people, but a community whose destiny was to inhabit the island of Lanka and become the practitioners and repositories of pure Buddhism. There were others in India were no doubt Buddhists, but here in Lanka was to come into being a whole new people whose task it is to propagate the religion. A new religion, both challenging and separating itself from Hinduism, as well as connected to it in many ways, it is represented as a new beginning in as decisive a way as was possible to make it. Buddhism created a rupture in its theories of reality, causation, and life in this world from those of Hinduism It was a rupture in its theories of the individual, society and state. It was also connected to Hinduism in that all these theories were advanced in reaction to Hindu theories or were more sophisticated and coherent developments of Hindu views. They were connected and separate at the same time, just as the children of the Vanga princess were connected to the Vanga people as well as separated from them. The monster father, the lion makes a difference, a discontinuity, a rupture.

Vijaya’s birth itself establishes a new order for the new people. But the work of the text toward creating a new people is not quite done. It gives Vijaya a bad character:

“Vijaya was of evil conduct and his followers were even like himself and many intolerable deeds were done by him (M: 53)

The result of these deeds was banishment. The king Sinhabahu, the son of the Lion, exiles him and his followers, including their wives and children: he crosses the water, separating himself from his ancestors, his ancestral land and his former self. But the boat carrying the women gets separated from the one carrying the men, thereby making the men arrive in Lanka without women. The biological separation of the Vijaya figure from patrilineal ancestors by means of bestiality and incest is compounded now by a social and cultural rupture: Vijaya is evil and he leaves the kingdom, loses his women, crosses the sea and arrives in Lanka to found a new people and a new kingdom.

The mythic construction of a new state has been adroitly completed by the composers of the Mahavamsa as a purely textual reality. In view of recent discussions, both by the learned cognoscenti with a penchant for historical reconstruction with a chauvinistic bent and scurrilous journalistic propagandists and political opportunists it must be mentioned in passing that there was no real lion copulating with a princess in the jungles of Bengal and blood of the lion flowing in anybody’s blood. The recent invocation of the blood of the lion however is another myth being concocted to advance ethno-chauvinist cause—not exactly a very pleasant or even a Buddhistic metaphor to describe a community.


O’Flaherty, Wendy Donniger. 1976. The Origins of Evil in Hindu Mythology. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Thomas, Edward, J. 1956 [1927] The Life of the Buddha as legend and history. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd.

Leach, Edmund. 1970. Claude Levi-Strauss. New York: Viking Press.

Levi-Strauss,Claude. 1967.“The Structural Study of Myth”. In Structural Anthropology. New York: Anchor Books

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Latest comments

  • 10

    Thank you Prof. Perinbanayagam… This was very informative… Thank you…

  • 14

    Tamils in their entire history are dumb and were always backward. Tamils are inherently violent, the word thuggish came in to the vocabulary because of South indian Dravideans who killed their own in the name of god.

    Even to date, tamils can not unite on the basis of their language. Because, Tamils are just different tribes who were from different tribes who specialised in different trades.

    Even to date, they talk a lot when they are india and Srilanka even though they don’t have anything genuine Tamil to be proud of.

    Ever where else in the world, they talk the majority language and come to Sri lankan web sites to bully Sinhala people. Even with out anything has over 2500 year written history and over 35,000 years of anthropological evidence to show they were there.

    Tamils were not the only enemy that Sinhala buddhists had during their entire history. They survived big India for centuries and 500 years of european invasion. If Tamils now can make Sinhala people live in to their agenda, they are really mistaken.

    So, just grow up.

    • 18

      @ Jim softy

      you need an urgent treatment at Angoda hospital …

      You simple express the comic ..fake book Mahavamsa crap ….so your ancestor is a Lion he he he ???

      Animals may be think like you….

      Check your DNA it will end up in a Tamil Naadu village in India


      • 8

        @Cholan, angoda cannot treat him as he is having an illness far more serious than what can be handled locally. He has to be sent to Switzerland for treatment by scientists who deal with animals with this kind of an illness.

      • 3

        chOLAN RE: @ Jim softy

        “You simple express the comic ..fake book Mahavamsa crap ….so your ancestor is a Lion he he he ???”

        Humand have 46 Chromosomes and Lions 38 Chromosomes.

        So the “Sinhala{ para-Sinhala, @ Jim softy, has on that basis, as per Mahawamsa, has 1/2(46+38) =42 Chromosomes, whereas humans have 46 Chromosomes.

        @ Jim softy, the 4 missing Chromosomes, show.

        “you need an urgent treatment at Angoda hospital”

        Do they at Angoda Hospital fix chromosome deficiencies?

    • 8

      @ Jim softy

      Yes Tamils are dump ..this is why they have made you all hide under bed hugging your wife till 2009 May…

      Coward can you slap Karuna who is walking in Colombo in day light ?

      Else any Sinhalese have the guts to raises their finger against him ?

      You can’t he he he ..but you hide and write crap here …


    • 13

      Kuveni’s Curse

      Sinhabahu’s eldest son Vijaya and his followers who were banished from India landed in the island Lanka. He used Kuveni to get a foothold in the country and seized power by annihilating most of those aboriginal natives. Once he had achieved that, he abandoned Kuveni and his two children to marry a princess from the royal family of India. His followers married women from the land of this princess and from this union sprang the Sinhala race. Kuveni then went back to her clan, only to be put to death for the crime of betraying the country its people to Vijaya. It is said that in her dying moments, Kuveni cursed Vijaya and the entire Sinhala race stating that no ruler would ever be able to rule the island without bloodshed and strife.

      Of the 54 rulers recounted in the Mahavamsa, 22 were murdered by their successors; 11 were overthrown; 13 killed were killed in battle and 6 were assassinated. Every time when the Chola and Pandya invaded, there was enough bloodshed. The Sinhala race is a cursed race, if you are born a Sinhalese, then you are already a part of this curse and you have no choice but to suffer.

      • 4

        @King Wala Gamba


        Fake comic book Mahavamsa say deported criminal Vijaya and his cronies later married Pandiyan Princess and girls…

        BTW Pandiyan Kings were Tamils so the mothers of today Sinhalse were Tamils …

        Truth is Sinhalese came from then Tamil Sera Kingdom today Kerala ….

        What ever it may be curse is a curse …

        Tamils have cursed the Murderpakse and his family before they die in Mullaitivu …this curse has just started …


        • 4

          I have read, right here in Colombo telegraph discussions some comment by someone called Kautilya, that the south Indian Kings, wanting fair-skinned wives, always managed to get North Indian princes as their wives. Apparently, the wives of the Madurai kings were from the North, and Vijaya rejected the dark-skinned (i.e, the meaning of the name ‘Kuveni’) Kuveni and went for a princes from Madurai. The Mahavamsa is said to mention that one such princess, Badda-Kachchaayana, was a Skayan princess (i.e., a relative of the Buddha).

          The excellent and LEARNED article by this professor is a PLEASURE TO READ, in comparison to the drivel being uttered by various people here. Perhaps the Professor would be able to clarify about the Kuveni myth and the calling for a ‘not dark-skinned wife’ from Maudari by Vijaya. We aLL know well, that in Tamil society, fair-skinned daughters can be married of with a smaller dowry!

        • 2


          Do not believe the fake comic book Mahavamsa which says Vijay married Pandiyan (Tamil) Princess and girls. Mahavamsa is telling lies. Vijay actually married Prakrit speaking Aryan Princess and girls from North India. Also, King Elara, kings Sena & Guttika, are all North Indian Prakrit speaking Aryans, they are not Tamils, Mahavamsa is telling lies, do not believe the Mahavamsa. Tamil kings did not rule Anuradapura, do not believe the Mahavamsa, all those invaders were North Indian Aryans, not Tamils. Only the fake comic book Mahavamsa says they were Tamils but actually they are not Tamils.

          If Vijaya and his men came from Tamil Sera kingdom, they should have been speaking the south Indian Dravidian language (Tamil) but all the inscriptions are in the North Indian Aryan language (prakrit), Why?

          Did the Tamil Sera kingdom speak prakrit instead of Tamil?

      • 3

        King Wala Gemba

        “The Sinhala race is a cursed race, if you are born a Sinhalese, then you are already a part of this curse and you have no choice but to suffer”

        Well, they killed the Native Veddah Aethho People. They should be cursed for ever.

        Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations

        Journal of Human Genetics (2014) 59, 28–36; doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112; published online 7 November 2013

        Lanka Ranaweera1,3, Supannee Kaewsutthi1,3, Aung Win Tun1, Hathaichanoke Boonyarit1, Samerchai Poolsuwan2 and Patcharee Lertrit1


        “Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.”

    • 5

      Jim softy the dimwit

      “Tamils are just different tribes who were from different tribes who specialised in different trades.”

      I am just curious.

      Are you one of the last remaining descendants of Kalabhras Tamilaham?

      • 3

        Anyway, I am not a dumb Tamil talk for Tail but talk in english or Some other majority language at a corner of the world.

    • 3

      Kovana Puhal Jim softy or rightly Jim Soththy

      What are you writing in these columns. Your comments make me angry.

      You are seeing the world through your two legs. That too without keeping them wide apart.

      You are nasty fellow.

  • 7

    Prof. R.S.Perinbanayagam

    RE: The Lion In The Sinhalese Imagination: Bestiality, Incest & New Beginnings

    “The Sinhalese use of it in the chronicles is truly a continuation of the uses made of it in other legends and myths as one instrument for the solution of certain narrative problems.”

    Many Sinhala “Buddhists” believe that when it comes to Mahawansa and the Chronicles, Stupidity is a Virtue.

    So, the lion has 38 chromosomes, and humans 46, so that the Offspring of a lion and a Human should have 42 Chromosomes.

    It is very likely, many Sinhala “Buddhists” believe that.

  • 10

    Hello Prof, you just got carried way overboard with the Vijaya legend.

    In terms of narrative logic, there must be a genuine and irreproachable beginning. The beginning must be constructed in such a way that there is nothing of significance before it.

    Well, the Island of Bali, Indonesia has Hindu inhabitants. The Hindus of Bali have a structurally complete Hindu caste system. They have the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.

    That struck me as odd because here we have an a parcel of land twice separated by a large body of water. The Brahmin laws forbid them from crossing water.

    So how did the Brahmins end up there? That can only happen if the Hindus have been there since before the land separated into an island.

    The Hindus predate Buddhism by many thousands of years. If Ceylon had anything of significance before Vijaya, logic demands Ceylon would be similar to Bali. Ceylon would have Hindu inhabitants covering the full gamut of the Hindu caste system.

    Given the hierarchical nature of Hindus its the Brahmin who lead the pack and establish a Hindu colony. The Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras follow.

    Hindu colonies in Jaffna, indeed in South Africa have one trait. It consists of Vellala and menial castes i.e. the agricultural caste and their helping hands.

    This is not a “traditional Hindu homeland” similar to Bali established by the Brahmin. They are a colony of slaves taken by Europeans to aid with their plantation work.

    The Nagas and Yaksha that inhabited the island wasn’t significant and now extinct. The island received its significance only after the arrival of Vijaya. Ptolemy concurs.

  • 10

    Lion for Sinhala is similar to Tiger for Tamil. Its related to qualities, and nothing to do with incest or fornicating with animals. Are these present day people so stupid to read words written in ancient books literally. Why cannot people today understand figure of speech that intelligent people in middle ages understood.

    • 6


      “Lion for Sinhala is similar to Tiger for Tamil.”

      Could you elaborate on the above citing evidence from literature and tell us when did Sinhalese and Tamils start comparing themselves to animals given that there is no evidence to suggest these two animals ever existed in this island.

      “Are these present day people so stupid to read words written in ancient books literally.”

      Yes they are.

      “Why cannot people today understand figure of speech that intelligent people in middle ages understood.”

      Yes of course they did in middle ages when they didn’t have the use of computers, facebook, you tube, rockets, inter planetary travel, space tourism, ……………. atom bomb, ….

      If stupid Sinhalese/Tamils want to remain in dark ages, middle ages,or stone age let them remain wherever they want to, however its the responsibility of the the wise and learned to drag these stupid people (if necessary kicking and screaming) out of their embedded stupidity to the new brave world.

      Would you now advise the historians to stop telling the children of this island the lies, myth, and ………. through school text books, history lessons through media, and ….

      “The Stone Age did not end for lack of stone, and the Oil Age will end long before the world runs out of oil” – Sheikh Zaki Yamani

      Sinhalese/Tamil stupidity will not end for lack of stupids (like you) but a new enlightened generation (only if allowed to)will change this related mythical beastly qualities.

      I do not see a Sinhala man walking like a lion nor a Tamil man walking like a tiger.

      • 7

        Veddo, do you always hang on to other peoples wake vortices to survive. Would you mind writing something of your own imagination. If not kindly come out of your leaf skirts and PO.

        • 4


          “Would you mind writing something of your own imagination.”

          I am neither a novelist nor a historian, not even a creative accountant. Therefore, I need not depend on creative writing.

          If you enjoy reading stories, please do read Alice in wonderland, Beauty and the Beast, Harry Potter, Little Red Ridding Hood, නරියා සහ මිදිවැල (Fox and Grapes), ……….. or ලග්න පලාපල (Forecast) 2016, …… Sivakamiyin Sapatham, Ponniyin Selvan (English version available on net) or Kamalika Pieris’s weekly comedy set in the historical period.

  • 7

    Having sex with certain four legged species is common knowledge in certain parts of the World.

    People with cyber connections can even see them on the SLT Internet, with the resources , personnel and the freedom which are now provided by the current Yahapalana Government..

    However even the bravest among the brave chicks wouldn’t dare to have sex with the mighty lions, which is not a a species which is present in our Sinha Le,

    But one doesn’t have to read Darwin’s take on Genesis to understand that animal chromosomes are not compatible with that of humans although some of our well known Sinhala Buddhist Bashers here believe that a lion is our ancestral Grand Pa…

    But our Yahapalana Foreign Minister P. U. K Mangala needs to get a copy of the Darwin’s Book.

    Before he makes himself look like a total idiot, by trying to tell the Foreigners that our ancestral Grand Ma was laid by a Lion.

    • 7

      KASmaalam K.A Sumanasekera

      Jellyfish do not have bones, a brain nor a heart.

      But it lives and swims.

      Therefore you need not to worry too much about your existence.

    • 3


      You are lucky to make a claim that your ancestral Grand Ma was laid by a Lion. How it would have been if your ancestral Grand Ma was laid by an elephant. Wonder how you all will call yourselves?

      • 4

        U.N.P…I guess

        • 5

          KASmaalam K.A Sumanasekera

          “U.N.P…I guess”

          A good one.

          I am surprised, a professional moaning minnie too have a sense of humour.

          Drop MR’s b***s down and keep up your good work.

          Hope you will be our next W R Wijeysoma or Awantha Artigala. Wish you all the best.

          • 2

            Dear Native ,

            You got one thing right .

            Rajapaksa is the only Leader with the Balls and his score is on the board.

            In contrast see what your Yahapalana Bosses have if any..

            Bodhi Sira seems to have some , looking at the way he is standing next to Hiirunickers, in that photo , which the CT Staff have been kind enough to show you lot.

            But those seems to be for a different purpose.

            I don’t want to talk about Abiththaya and his two spiritual leaders.

            Yahapalana PM and his Foreign Minister were born without them.

            The latest addition to Yahapalanana Heavies has a good reputation for using his balls to kill LTTE Tigers and harass our Girl Soldiers,,

            • 3

              KASmaalam K.A Sumanasekera

              You have no redemption, will continue to be a MR’s b***s carrier, and professional moaning minnie, a failed potential satirist, …

              I would have thought you would use this opportunity to horn your humorist skills, unleash your potential, make us laugh, smile or grind our teeth, though now it appears you have none of the skills.

              Go back to your self wherever you are comfortable. I just remembered pigs like, love and being comfortable living in slurry.

              It was Tricky Wicky (Ranil) who laid the foundation (trap) for the complete destruction of LTTE, greatly facilitated by Hindians, eventually VP won the war for MR. And MR’s b***s have nothing to do with the war though the clan greatly benefited from it.

  • 5

    What a learned & impressive way of calling the Sinhale thing all b-s!

    And what a tale he spins! So many realities,so many imperatives and so many ruptures. And so many succincts.

    On the way the prof also regales us with edifying exotica from the Pali,Greek,Buddhist and Hindu references in addition to stimulating yet succinct authorizations from illustrious fellow anthropologists.

    Though a bit too tedious, a succinct, a good word this, illustration of the craft of theorizing in professional anthropology.

  • 5

    Super reading for a rainy day, Professor.

    Now where is that fragrant Darshanie when you need her?

    • 5

      Spring Koha

      “Now where is that fragrant Darshanie when you need her?”


      She has now appointed herself as a leading journalist specializing in international affairs.

      • 2

        Spring Koha, native

        I felt a fresh fragrant breeze was permeating my mind while reading Prof RSP’s article ,leaving aside how much I understand the article or what the learned prof pontificate on the mythology of mahavamsa.

        Reminding DR spoint that fun.

        • 3

          ken Robert

          DR the child defined common Indo-Aryan myth pool as follows:

          [By ‘common Indo-Aryan myth pool’ I mean the shared lore and ideologies that belong particularly to the cultural milieu of peoples who spoke and speak the Old Indo Aryan, Middle Indo Aryan and New Indo Aryan languages. Of course, the fact that it was a dominant cultural milieu meant that even people belonging to other speech communities waded into this pool and took its creatures to their cultural bosoms. On the other side of the coin, some of the most fecund and multiplying creatures in the IA myth pool may have crept there initially, from the myth pools of pre-Aryan populations. Kashmir for instance, “may not have been Vedic from early on”- (p7, Witzel: 1999a[iv]– full text)]

          I would be grateful to Prof R S Perinbanayagam for a comment.

          I suspect Spring Koha is onto something. Please keep an eye on him. One cannot trust an old man (though young at heart) with a brown bimbo.

          • 1


            I suspect the ubiquitous presence and the spread of buddhism as well as Hinduism in ancient south asia tells us that our ancestors possessed a higher literacy, intelligence and intellect as much as in Greek and Roman civilisations.

            Presence of serpent worship, legends and multiple myths were also present from Kashmir to Kolkatta and far beyond.

            Our infatuation to Mahavamsa is not to ridicule as sinhalese, but to dissect it passionately as Prof RSP has done and to understand the motives of such history/stories. Indeed our old friend Bandu Silva would have love to say that tamils would not have a legitimacy in Srilanka without the frequent mentioning of dameda in Mahavamsa.

          • 3


            I assure you, my intentions are entirely honourable.

            Yes, Native Vedda, I have read some of DR’s recent stuff, and I am impressed at the smooth transference of skills, taking us from the then and there to the here and now.

            • 1

              Hello friends. let me tell you an interesting anecdote about the author Dr. Robert Perinbanayagam. Last year, Dr. David Miller was invited from Oxford to give the Neelan Tiruchelvam memorial lecture. I interviewed him for Sunday Island. I wrote the following intro to the interview.

              “Dr. David Miller, Professor of Political Theory, Nuffield College Oxford gave the 16th Neelan Tiruchelvam Memorial lecture this year titled “Democracy in plural societies. Problems and Solutions”. Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam was gunned down by the LTTE on 29th July, 1999. He was co-architect of the GL-Neelan devolution Package under the aegis of the then Executive President Chandrika Bandaranaike, which sought to replace the unitary state of Sri Lanka with a union of regions. It enshrined the post-colonial claim that the Sri Lankan Tamil community was a distinct and separate Nation. It came into conflict with the overriding claim that although centuries of historical processes had placed concentrations of Tamil speaking peoples in the eastern littoral, Jaffna Peninsula and the Northern Wanni, they were minority communities settling in the inalienable and sovereign habitats of Lanka and did not constitute a separate Nation.

              Predictably the Package was abandoned. But the issues still remain in the Lankan ideologisphere, an ideal playing field for a political theorist like Professor Miller”

              Michael Roberts put up this interview on his website (https://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2015/07/27/remembering-neelan-via-david-miller-in-q-and-a-on-pluralism-and-devolution-issues/) and sent the link to a host of his contacts. When Robert Perinbanayagam got it, he responded: ” Thanks Michael, particularly for the essay by Ratnavallie. I missed it in when it first appeared. Every time my conviction that the Tamils need a separate political space begins to weaken I have only to read Ratnavallie to have it strengthened!!”


              • 3

                What is your point Ratenavallie? I completely agree with the RSP; people like you indeed alienate the Tamils from the mainstream.

              • 2

                Ken Robert and Spring Hoha

                The child has spoken.

                • 1

                  Clueless, isn’t she?

                • 1

                  It is clear to Colombo Telegraph readers about views of MR and DR on issues pertaining to tamils and reconciliation.

                  I am troubled by DR’s comment on an discussion note sent from prof RSP to MR which came to light via a third person. This is certainly a breach of privacy.

                  Secondly, comment on author’s credentials rather than analysing what Prof RSP is trying argue shows lack of maturity. I have to concur with you(native) on that.

              • 2

                This is a classic example of ‘monkey praising its own tail’.

                Whatever she says about Prof. RSP writing to Dr. MR about praising her, here among the CT readers, DR has earned the label ‘Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinist’.

                DR is just another brainwashed child, an easily convincible victim, a very good example of a middle class Sinhala-Buddhist vulnerable customer.

  • 4

    This belief that the Sinhalese believe that they came down from a lion is taking up an unconciable amount time and energy of great many scholars.

    Sinhalese also believe that the earth is flat. Another point to write PHD theses about.

    It looks like Mahavansa is read more than the Bible.

    It indicates that Tamils unlike the Sinhalese are not much burdened with promblems of day to day living and are blessed with enough time for intellectual pursuits.

    Can anyone suggest any psychological remedy to this hallucinating fantasy of a mythical lion coming behind and doing something unmentionable.


    • 5


      “are blessed with enough time for intellectual pursuits.”

      You should also try it without worrying too much about the minorities.

      My Elders tell me intellectual pursuits make one happy, rational, compassionate …. and a caring person.

  • 3

    The Lion is beloved of Goon Gotabaya – the modern Sinhala Buddhist Lion King cum wanna be military dictator of Lanka!

    Gota’s Independence Square shopping arcade has lions, so too the Kollupitiya junc. traffic circle!

    Leopards and tigers who actually live in Lanka are missing!

  • 5

    Oh my!!!!! Should it be again a Tamil who could interpret and enlighten the masses about this otherwise sordid mythological story into an understanding of a possible history. Incredulous indeed! Well-Done Mr Perinbanayagam. My congratulations.

  • 2

    My apologies! Congratulations and my appreciations Prof.R.S.Perinbanayagam.

  • 6

    Why are we people trying to bring myth into the realm of reality, and tripping over each other in the process. The creation of Sinh-ley was purely done to fire-up the imagination and boost an self-centered ego of being second to none. This is also a display a one-up on showmanship to draw popularity and recruit membership against the competition. These may also be political gimmicks to hoodwink the masses to believe in something which they are not, and to promote ‘us against the rest’ policies in defining how they must act and behave towards minority communities. Sheer short sightedness which can only spell disaster for our little nation.

  • 9

    Fantastic. Thank you!

  • 4

    dear Prof,
    very scholarly, informative and interesting.
    best wishes, Bensen

    • 1

      Bensen Burner:
      Thanks for your comment.I would like to know more about you.Perhaps you can find me on google…

  • 16

    Prof. Perinpanayagam,

    Fantastic and very scholarly. The virgin birth of Jesus Christ and that of Karnataka to Kunthi in the Mahabhratha belong
    also to a similar category. The making of the first man and women -Adam and Eve by God is related. Even Eve was made by God from Adam’ s rib. I hope your essay will be read by many and appreciated. The legends are full of such stories.

    In the instances I have mentioned, there is some sort of superiority assigned to births without sexual intercourse.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 1

      Correction: Karna and not Karnataka.


    • 2


      “in the instances I have mentioned, there is some sort of superiority assigned to births without sexual intercourse.”

      and also births through intercourse with animals it seems as the sinhalese are proudly proclaiming their superiority and even having the animal on the flag and now the sinha le etc.What about the duplicate converts to sinha le from south india,who are the most vociferous sinha le of all,do they also claim their superiority through the lion?

      • 0


        Here is a partial list of animals on flags and coat-of-arms

        UK (Lion/Unicorn)
        US (Eagle)
        Bermuda (Lion)
        Croatia (Goat)

        Additionally, many national flags referring back to the British Colonisers use a Lion as a device (Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Jersey, Fiji etc)

        The eagle has the highest occurrence, followed by lions

        What can you glean from this ?

        • 2


          not as prominently as on the sri lankan flag.The srilankan flg lion covers most of it.

          not only a ferocious beast to scare the living daylights out of us tamils but also a sword to foretell the riots of 58,77,81 and 83 where we were butchered with knives and swords.

          look at the UK coat of arms.Diluted by a beautiful horse and lions only about 20%.No sword to cut up the scots,irish and welsh.A small lion has to be there to scare the living daylights out of indians and Ceylonese.

          This what i glean from this.Hope you are happy with my answer.


  • 2

    According to the legend lion paternity is connected to origin of Vijaya and the dynasty. Not to the Sinhala speaking people.

  • 3

    How fast an earnest attempt to have a learned discussion degenerates into insults and name-calling on these threads….!
    Don’t people realize that myths and legends abound in human societies, and while that lore is to be valued as all documented history is as reflection of the emergence of culture…just as Adam we are told in the Bible, to have been ‘created’ by an Almighty God, and Eve via Adam’s Rib…these are but myths that have been shattered, with better understanding through scientific knowledge of the earth’s origin and the evolution of Man from primitive Primates, which is now a given.
    Our bestial origins still lurk in our DNA and emerge under stress, for what we see on the streets of the highly developed and industrialized West is not far removed from what happened in the jungles of Africa or Sri Lanka.
    So “keep your head while all around are losing theirs and blaming it on you”…. it is perhaps a good line of verse to remember these days.

    • 2


      How fast did you disappear from the discussion on constitutional issues relating to Tamil National Anthem?

      “Our bestial origins still lurk in our DNA and emerge under stress, for what we see on the streets of the highly developed and industrialized West is not far removed from what happened in the jungles of Africa or Sri Lanka.”

      How about urban jungles in this island?

      I take it that you are happy to continue dwelling in myth than finding the truth. In myth, you need not face the reality, how comforting.

      • 1

        Just discovered your convoluted response.
        And for your edification, I voluntarily abandoned the National Anthem issue since I had made my point re my NOT being a racist, and that all that was needed was to let the Rule of Law prevail via the SL Constitution.It had become clear that abiding by the Rule of Law/SL Constitution did not exist as far those who went ahead with arrangements for the singing of the Tamil version, and perhaps for other concessions to follow.

        • 3


          The rule of law has no bearing on abandoning the national anthem whereas your racist mind prevented from singing it. You just accept it and move on.

          Also I am not sure whether you defended the constitution with the same Gusto in the past, when laws were constantly broken, breached, …. Did you make your choice of abandoning the constitution and in frustration abandoning the country as well?

          What does “the National Languages of Sri Lanka shall be Sinhala and Tamil.” mean to you?

          Let me know your understanding of CHAPTER IV – LANGUAGE of the constitution or lack of it.

          Unlike you I am not a constitutional expert.

          Please stop hiding your public racism behind the constitution as if you have respected it as a sacred document all your life.

          • 1

            Native Vedda:
            Your “Koheda yanne, Mallay pol” approach seems to be the Yahapalana approach too. Confuse and confound!

            • 0

              The topic of discussion is on understanding the origin of myths and legends. What we have above is an eloquent explanation of what and how it may have happened.

              Correct me if I am wrong; I thought ‘countryfirst’ is trying to rationalise the practice of incest in ancient and modern times. There I see a “Koheda yanne, Mallay pol” approach.

              Learned professor (RSP), being a master in sociology is trying to understand the nature and origin of belief systems of certain ethnic groups. It would have been beneficial if someone brought innumerous awful belief systems of Tamils in a separate article for discussion.

              Furthermore, I would not want take a moral high ground in a literary discussion like this where any one can make silly errors.

  • 3

    This long story about the ancesters of Siddhartha’s parents, appears to be all conjecture.
    Leprosy cannot be cured without antibiotics which were developed/identified only since 1955.

    But the origin of Vijaya, as a child of parents who were siblings, and their birth by a princess impregnated by a lion is beyond the realm of fantasy.

    A lion cannot copulate with a female human as the latter cannot accomodate the lion’s member, and the lion’s weight will kill the female.
    Animal sperm cannot fertilise a human egg.

  • 1

    O’ God!
    Not another old bugger getting his rocks off with Bestiality and Incest !
    Spare me!

    Dear R S Perinbanayagam,

    You should probably refer to Indian temples first where all of the above is referred to in ample detail. Since Indian culture is admittedly many thousands of years older than Sri Lanka’s, we must assume this stuff originated there and the fellers who turned up in Sri Lanka over the years, (Vijaya included, yes.. but the the always-unfortunate Tamils as well) simply brought over their family practices with them, no ?

    • 3


      “simply brought over their family practices with them, no ?”

      Yes, it is vigorously being practiced in this island, there are plenty of reports in the media about the incestuous relation between father and daughter.

      You are proud being a Sri Lankan where imported myth is being transformed into a reality show.

      • 0

        @Native Vedda
        What’s your point ?

  • 0

    By the way is the author of this fine essay Sandy Perinpanayagam son of a former Director of Education?

  • 3

    In some Jaffanisthan Tamil castes INCEST is a tribal habit.

    • 2


  • 2

    Prof. R.S.Perinbanayagam took so much of pain and carefully written a difficult but wonderful article to make us understand the complex story of the so called myths and fictions of our ancient peoples character with probable truths and imaginations filled explanations about the Lion blood story in a very decent manner.
    The so called lion blooded people, if there are any, should get a feel good moment reading this article, but they don’t seem to understand or appreciate the hard work of this gentleman professor.

    Some comments are virtually not even touching the main subject. What a pity !

    Thank you so much Professor for the enlightenment and your valuable time.

  • 5

    After reading some of these comments on my essay I happened to read the sage comments of Dr Uswatte Aratchie in the Island on the importance of teaching humanities — that is literature,among other subjects –to our students.In fact if some of these commentators in these pages had studied the humanities they would have learned to read my remarks more intelligently and insight fully !!

  • 2


    some sinhala men are forced to have sex with their daughters because the wives are getting buggered in the ME.It is impossible for an animal to control themselves when the urge strikes and some humans too find the urge uncontrollable.It all depends on how animalised you are because we humans also would have evolved from animals and animal traits will still be there in all of us.The best way to stop the incest in srilanka is to stop sending our women to the ME,but then how to forego the principal foreign exchange earner for the country.The only way to do that is to quickly develop the country without all the argy bargy that we hear all the time which has no relevance to development.

    The president should give clear targets for the average incomes for the people for end 2016,2017 and 2018.If targets are not achieved he should send the people home who were tasked to get the targets.If after that also the targets are not being achieved the president also should buckeroff.

    If the incomes are good women don’t need to go to the ME.Then no incest.

    • 1

      It is happening in India too. I heard, in India fathers are busy in Middle East, and mothers are sleeping with the son. Now Sons are confused. that is a well known secret.

      So, how is the situation in Tamilnadu ?

      • 0


        situ in tamilnadu is quite calm.They are busy making money there as it is now the car manufacturing hub of india.After a hard days work they go back and satisfy the wife.

        what hub did you say srilanka was.housemaid hub?

  • 1

    Read the bible and see about polygamy, Some christians even todate practice it. there is no thing to talk about ISlam. It is legal to have 72 virgins. How about hinduism, Krishana is a womanizer.

    Why do you want to bug sinhala buddhists because they are minority ?

  • 3

    jim Softly
    It is not the Indian man who is desperate to go to the Middle East. You know who fits your description of promiscuity? Do you know the highest foreign exchange “earned” by your mother country is from the”maids” of your clan?.You also know who was sentenced to death by stoning and why. Do not try to insult other countries.

    • 0


      It seems that Between 2008 and 2012, over 35 Lakhs of Indians went to the Middle East for work. By now, it is probably more – I am not sure whether they are going for desperation or not but 35 Lakhs must point to SOMETHING
      [Edited out]

  • 2

    Writer started with myth and fell into that and lost his cause too. He thinks the entire myth is trying to establish a unique race. That is why, he feel he story started with lion.

    First thing the story’s start is not corroborated with a parallel story from North India. There was a small migration took place. They harmonious mixed the people living in Ceylon. As migration’s aim was not land capturing, they did not capture anybody in Ceylon. The Kings had the names of “Chena” simply because of the Pali connection. Pali did not migrate, it was only taught. So the entire thing of Mahavamsa was a Sri lankan creation.

    If you look at Mahabarath, yes it was trying to establish a dynasty with so many concoctions. That is not what happened in Mahavamsa. These Monks, Mahanama or the Dipavamsa writers are not Ceylonese. They are Monks left Tamilnadu for at least two centuries for the continuous religious fights. The deportation story came with them on the deportation like circumstances they faced. The original migration was not deported, they were economical and to some extent, political refugees, because of the Kalinga war.

    We know Krishna is not Kshathriya, only a Dravidian King. Buddha is also same like that. Just like the way the Hinduism was hijacked by Aryans and with some confusion the Aryans started to pray the Dravidian King Krishna, Buddha the Dravidian Prince was prayed by Aryans and eventually, Buddhism was too was hijacked by them. Then the natural brutality of the Aryans were infused into the Buddhist. This faced serious threat in Tamil Nadu where still clean Dravidian idealism existed. Aryanized Buddhism failed to foothold in Tamil Nadu. But if you see Thiruvalluvar and Sangrar whose preachings were pretty close to Buddhism. While the aryanized Buddhism was struggling to foothold, the original Buddhism, the part of the Hinduism which see Buddha is like Krishna or Sangara, thriving in Tamil Nadu. Otherwise the Brahmin boy, who was punished to drink milk from others, would not sing “Veatham Nankilum meyipporul Aaavathu Nathan Naamam Namchivayave”. What he is saying the Tamil mantra “Namah Shivaya” is superior than the four Vedas. The Buddhism that failed to foot in Tamil Nadu exported the hartrism to Ceylon, That is the origin of the deportation story.

    These chased away monks, Once they settled in Ceylon they created the stories. Mahanama is so confused, he was starting with a woman to create a Kshatriya generation. Unfortunately, in their tradition, father is only one passes hereditary marks. The runaway princess can not have taken anything to the jungle with her. She is a woman, does gets even Thurakku for her parents or siblings. Mahanama knows well the hindu system that existed in North India. Further it was the time of Manu, who insisted women are nothing but rice cookers where you where you pour raw rice and water and make rice. According to him, they worth for nothing else. So, only the jungle lion could have passed the offsprings any hereditary traits. The lion’s son did not have any claim for the mother’s kingdom. Unless the entire royal family was wiped out, she never would have had any rights there. There was no way he could have approached the palace.

    When the foolish poet came down to Vijeya, he is utterly confused and waffling. Vijeya is man deported by his father. He found the Rakshasa princess Kuveni. She did not have any relations and appears to be another runaway. So he married and took the kingdom and divorced her. This is the secound time a Kshatriya getting a kingdom by cheating a woman, rather than fighting a Kshatriya to get the Kingdom from him. The comedy additional here is, he is a grandson of a wild lion. He did not like the beauty a human person, Kuveni. So he divorced her. Here is where Ramayana and the Mahavamsa showing parallel stupidity of the Ariya beliefs. They both think Tamil Nadu and Ceylon were not inhabited by human being, but by either monkeys and Rakshasas. This is nothing strange, but Mahanama simply did know the Ramayana. That’s all. Then the third time, the foolish poet is bringing another woman to ensure the purity of the Kshatriya royalty. After bring a Pandian queen to Lanka only his Kshatriya dynasty creation fulfilled. This is not how poets create dynasties. This man is a utter comedian. What this religious monk doing was simply spreading the imported religious hate.

    While the North Indians believed they were born to lions, Southerners believed they were born to snake. But there is a huge difference, that is, he is their god too, so rather implicating him with incestial sex, they prayed him. They are nobody other than Dravidians. These Nagas are the one brought Buddhism to Ceylon from South India. Naturally they have been praying Shiva, who is the master of the snakes. These are the people could had established pancha ishwarams.

    • 2


      • 0


        I see the irony in your praise of mallaiyuran. Is it a trait of people of Jaffna to be good at “aram paadal”?

        • 0

          Is it a trait of people of Jaffna to be good at “aram paadal”?

          May be; But not believers in the Mahanama Paadal. Or it is better said as the Harm paadal of cheating, killing and incest of the Sin-Vamsa. You are badly suffering by thought block and trying to divert the topic.

          But we did not tell after completely fooling with the resolution signed with the UNHRC, saying that unless JR had not gone to Kandy Walking the Lah Lah woman would not have slept with the lion and SinhalE would not have born and destroyed the country. How do you call that kind of paadal? Is that because we not the war criminal list on the erased OISL report we doing aram paadal and you are war criminal so are claiming zero casualty? Can you tell me something about the new signature campaign started by the Old King in the name saving the soldiers? Will that be too hard for this man to get out of the hiding Viharas and tell at the court “I ordered for the war and that is why soldiers killed”. Will that not save the soldiers? How do you call this game “it is not aram paadal but Haram paadal?’ There is nothing better to expect from war criminals other than fooling everybody and trying to escape out of the accusation. Where the Kshatriya blood got out-fused to face the investigation? Do you really believe you can dodge IC like in the way Vijeya dodge the Kuveni, like in the myth?

          ‘The beautiful land was made into Wildlife Sanctuary by a woman sleeping with lion. It has been taking place from the 6th Century.’ You can believe that or if you don’t want to believe that, it will not be hard for you to believe why the Buddhists were chased out of Tamil Nadu. The sex deprived monks fantasied fifth. Because woman children are not next to them, brutal is their thought. A man who has been living with a woman next him never would have seriously thought she is capable of sleeping with a lion. This where the serious defects starts when the monks start myths to create unique dynasty. It is not a dynasty, it is deadly nasty filth.

          The Buddhism to Ceylon was brought by Tamils. Kanaki, Muruga, shiva Temples were brought to Eelam by Tamils. Every food in Lankawe is brought in entirely by the Chera, Chola Pandiya Tamils. The dresses are not North Indian styles, if there is anything to claim from there. Never a Sinhala man or woman dress in Bengal way the Dhoti or Sari, but modified Tamils way, yet Tamil Nadu Brahmins dress in Bengal way. People did not migrate in that amount to influence the Sinhala culture by Bengal norms. Only some saffron clad rowdies who were chased out of Tamil Nadu brought the Pali.

          I do not know who you are. But if we are “aram paadies” it does not make you Kshatriya race. It makes that you are only a Haram Paadi. (Shame on you to attempt to divert the talk)

      • 0


        Nanri- istuti- Thanks

  • 2

    Truly sad to see what little we have learnt from history! Sad to see that we are unable to distinguish between right & wrong, between truth & lies, between hate & love between intelligence & ignorance! Even much worse, we are unable to respect our own, after all every human is no different to another except when they are intoxicated by hate & ignorance! Ignorant when they refer to a Lion as fathering a human. Ignorant when scoffing at history. Myths and history was often interwoven by the imaginative hands of poets and authors!
    The “Lion” was evidently an emblem of a tribe. Strangely enough, there are animals in the form of Gods worshipped today. There are some gods worshipped who seem to have more than two hands, with heads of animals, with faces of demons, etc.
    This said wake up, open your eyes and see to the future of your children, your brothers and sisters, who were lucky enough to be born in this wonderful island, blessed with everything that one wishes for.
    The past has left many skeletons in the cupboards, the results of mans evil let it be foreign invasions or otherwise. Lets live in the present and and not in the past, and make this a land where a multiethnic society will merge into one as happens in the modern world. Lets not insult another, it certainly brings no solutions but divisions. Lets teach our children the meaning of love & compassion, after all what every one wish for is to live happily and in peace. So give love its rightful place and bury the evil word hate to find Peace! I am of mixed blood and I am proud to be. Proud that my mixed blood made me a human as like anyother, proud that I am love my fellow humans and hope this message will serve as something to reflect on!

  • 1

    If you are not a noble Sinhalese, the only choice left for a bigot like this writer is to attack Singhalese with poisonous pen. If he does not understand or refuse read about Singhalese, we cannot help him. These are the third class intellectuals of Dravidian origin. HE MUST FIRST STUDY THE HISTORY AND REPORT WHY DRAVIDIANS WERE EVICTED AND CHASED AWAY FROM MUCH FERTILE LANDS OF “MAHA BARATH”.THE YOUNGER GENERATION OF DRAVIDIANS HAVE TO PAY FOR THE MISINFORMATION SPREAD BY DUBIOUS TAMIL PROFESSORS LIKE THIS ONE. SO GO TO SCHOOL AND LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF FIRST BEFORE QUESTIONING OF SINHALESE; THE FOUNDERS OF LANKA.

    • 6


      Very interesting observation.

      Could you cite any reference material for me to read about Dravidian history and agree with your conclusion.


      Another interesting observation.

      Could you cite some reference if you don’t mind. What existed before founding Lanka?

      • 0

        Dear Vedda

        A good book to read as reference:
        By:George Feuerstein, Subash Kak, David Fawley

        Answer to second:
        Good question. The people known as “HELA” or “HELAYA”, Princes Kuweni’s clan. They were the indigenous people.The people of island of “HELA”

        After subduing or you may say defeating HELA forces, Prince VIJAYA of SINGHA Clan, unified both clans under the name of SINGHA + HELA, and PRINCE VIJAYA ESTABLISHED HIS OWN KINGDOM.
        That is the origin of the clan “SINGHALA” combination of two tribes or clans.

        • 3


          “After subduing or you may say defeating HELA forces, Prince VIJAYA of SINGHA Clan, unified both clans under the name of SINGHA + HELA, and PRINCE VIJAYA ESTABLISHED HIS OWN KINGDOM.”

          There is NO evidence what so ever to prove what you have said above. The Pali chronicles Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa does not say anything about Prince VIJAYA of SINGHA Clan unified the aboriginal tribes (Hela) to form the Sinhala race. Even the stone/cave inscriptions does not say anything about Prince VIJAYA of SINGHA Clan unifying the aboriginal tribes (Hela). From where did you get this story? Can you please cite some reliable/authentic reference to your story?

          According to the Pali chronicles, Vijay and his men annihilated most of those aboriginal tribes and the remnant had been driven (escaped) into the jungles (including Kuveni’s children) and become Veddas. Later he (Vijay) married a Pandyan princess of Madurai, South India and his men were given in marriage to the Pandyan maidens and from this union sprang the Sinhala race. The Sinhalese people are made up of half North Indian and half South Indian and the poor aboriginal Veddhas (the original natives) had to live in the jungle forever.

          Also refer to the comment above ‘Kuveni’s Curse’ by King Wala Gemba.

    • 3

      Bimal: I think you should get someome to read and explain my article to you!

    • 2


      Tell us about Sinhalese origin?

      ” the Sinhalese were Tamils up to the time Buddhism came to Ceylon, and thereafter these very Tamils became Sinhalese gradually” http://sangam.org/2011/11/Aryan_Theory_4.php

      • 0

        You are sadly mistaken fellow, Only Prabhakaran’s School of History (PSH) taught that kind of warped history. You seem to be a victim of misinformation or a graduate of PSH. Accept the fact the fact that Singhalese are the founders of Lanka and their origin is traced back to the arrival of Prince Vijaya, if you prefers , I will be able to send you a copy family tree that originate from Prince Vijaya. Oh by the way Prince Vijaya after unifying Singha and Hela clans, brought hundreds of Dravidians as maids and servants from Southern India along with some Aryan (Noble) women for procreation purposes. You may be alluding to those Dravidian Maids and servants.

        • 3


          I do not follow Pirabaharan.

          Please visit the link and read the book.

          “In this treatise, Samuel Livingstone had (1) provocatively challenged the Mahavamsa version of Ceylon Buddhist history, (2) strongly critiqued the views of his contemporary non-Tamil historians such as S.A. Pakeman, Senerath Paranavitane and Garrett Champness (G.C.) Mendis, and (3) supported his thesis by citing other non-native scholars such as Zenaide Ragozin, Jawaharlal Nehru, Col. L.A. Waddell. What is revealing is that, though Samuel Livingstone raised serious doubts in 1971 about the Prince Vijaya’s landing in Ceylon which resulted in the origin of Sinhalese race, a later study published in 1988 on blood genetic markers in Sri Lankan populations by N. Saha concluded that “genetic evidence linking the legendary origin of the Sinhalese population to East India (Prince Vijaya) is lacking.” [source: American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1988; 76: 217-225].”

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          Ha, ha, ha…

          Bimal has discovered or rather created a brand new history for the Sinhalese that is completely against the Mahavamsa. None of the Sri Lankan or Sinhala histories found till today has the details that Bimal has discovered. LOL!

          He has also made a family tree for his own creation, LOL!

          Looks like this poor fellow has not even learned his own basic Sinhala history. I am sure he must have NEVER seen even the Mahavamsa.

          Anyways, he seems to be a very good Joker.
          Sinha+Hela = Sinhala Ha, ha, ha… ROFLMAO!

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          You are talking about the new Sinhala history written by Nalin Silva.

          The Sinhalese are nothing but the North Indian exiled criminals/invaders who mixed with the low caste South Indian Dravidian tribes (Nagas & Yakkas).

          GG Ponnambalam once said ‘the Sinhalese are a hybrid mongrel race split from the aboriginal Tamils and mixed with Aryan invaders whereas the Tamils are PROUD DRAVIDIANS who always ruled the Sinhalese.

          Sinha+Hela = Sinhala is what you created which is not true. Actually, Sinhala was 100% Indian (North + South).

          The truth was, Sri Lankan Tamils were Dravida + Hela = damhela, the original people of Lanka.

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