19 February, 2025


The Master Of The Game

By Chanuka Wattegama

Dr. W A Wijewardena, a highly esteemed individual, has recently completed his 75th journey around the sun. Over those years he has accumulated a wealth of experience on the subject of Economics, which he has generously shared with the rest of us. One sees his contributions to the society, particularly in his capacity as an educator, garnering significant recognition on social media, particularly from his students. Although I was not a formal student of the master, I am deeply grateful for the knowledge I have gained from him in the field of Economics. Undoubtedly, he stands among the most exceptional teachers I have encountered thus far.

In addition to his pedagogical prowess, Dr. Wijewardena possesses an amiable and compassionate nature. He consistently displays respect for others and exhibits a remarkable ability to embrace divergent perspectives. His willingness to engage in civil discourse and entertain dissenting opinions is commendable. On numerous occasions, he has thoughtfully responded to my opposing viewpoints through his columns.

Dr. W A Wijewardena

For those who still don’t know him (I have a substantial non-Sri Lankan audience here) Dr. W. A. Wijewardena is a leading scholar in Sri Lanka who has established himself as a prominent figure in the realms of economics, banking, and finance. He has held distinguished positions, including serving as the President of the Business Management School and as a former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. His research interests extend to encompass areas such as monetary theory, environmental economics, and economic development. Beyond his expertise in economics, Wijewardena is also a talented poet, novelist, and storyteller. Notably, he recently authored the book “A Child’s Guide to Ranilnomics, Cryptos, and Currency Boards,” wherein he explores Sri Lanka’s economic challenges and proposes alternatives to the existing currency system.

While I may not align with Dr. Wijewardena’s views on every issue, I firmly believe that our differences in perspective should not hinder our recognition of his exceptional scholarship. On a previous occasion, I expressed the sentiment that had he been born in a more industrialized European nation, he might have already been bestowed with the prestigious Nobel Prize in Economics. Such is the extent of his expertise. Despite the fact that the Nobel committees tend to favor candidates from more developed nations, I maintain my belief in Dr. Wijewardena’s capability to achieve such recognition.

I wish him the best and a long productive life.

Latest comments

  • 2

    Dr. W A Wijewardena deserves every laurel the author bestows on him.

  • 1

    Happy Birthday, Wije!
    Your contribution to the country has been immense.

  • 1

    I do not know Dr. Wijewardena personally to comment much about him, but few opinion pieces and espcially the book “A Child’s Guide to Ranilnomics, Cryptos, and Currency Boards” I read of him were all very educational. The book to the discerning reader reveals that at the heart of this economic crisis the country is facing, lies the economic doctrine adapted and promoted by none other than J. R. Jayawardena. Basically “living beyond our means”, facilitated by the establishment of a central bank for the benefit of short sighted politicians who were and still are incapable of taking any initiative that could make the economy grow for real. Hence loans had to be taken to meet ends. We are experiencing first hand the results of these short sighted actions. But knowledge isn’t enough, syrength of character and courage to stand up against wrong doers and to act on what is right is what the country seems to lack. Could see that in every sphere of life on the island. Politicians to professionals to public servants all, even though endowed with knowlege, are so embroiled in the corrupt system, not much work could be obtained from them.

    • 1

      Should one ought to ‘know’ a person personally, to make comments on his contributions to Society, I am afraid that not many would qualify.
      If you could top 200 words without even knowing him, imagine the # if you were to have known him!

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        This whole puece written by some joker is to blow him out of of proprtion. Probabbly getting paid by the dirty money tour diaspora and the LTTE accumulated by drugs and sex trafficking.

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      “Politicians to professionals to public servants all, even though endowed with knowlege, are so embroiled in the corrupt system”
      As one would expect, Mahanayakas are not included.

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        Why are you so obsessed with Mahanayakes? Did one molest you when you were small? Is that why you want to molest other people’s women. Consider yourself doomed. Pervert.

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    I have acknowledged and appreciated his contribution in my comments. Not just here previously too. In addition I have once emailed him wrt a minor question I had about a news item, to which I don’t think he ever responded. I don’t think his interests align with those of mine. Besides you don’t have to know everyone personally to appreciate their professional work. In my personal experience it’s best you keep some professionals at a distance, specially Sri Lankans. Most of them have no honesty or integrity.
    What are you trying to get at? Your very comment suggests that your Tamil brethren acting through the Ranil & Clowns may have bagged him. Good for him 14% of USD 4 billion is a lot of money to go around. I for once have better things to do and have better ppl to get to know.

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