19 January, 2025


The Need For Accelerating The Pace Of Prosecutions

By Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

While the endless yammering of the Dayan Jayatillekas and Rajiva Wijesinhas continues unabated both in Colombo Telegraph and the mainline media, suggesting that the same criteria were applied in the awarding of the PdDs to them as was to Dr Mervin Silva, the government of the day continues on its path of procrastination in the matter of bringing those who raped and pillaged this country to book.

Apart from the unacceptable permissiveness that this conduct by the SirisenaWickremesinghe cabal displays, they do not appear to realize the personal danger they are placing themselves in. There is an oft-quoted dictum to the effect that those who do not read history end up paying the ultimate prices for such neglect. And we do have a historical precedent (or two) in this matter right here in Sri Lanka.

Our politicians appear to have terminally short memories, considering that one of their number, the iconic (I use the term in its broadest application here!), Solomon West Ridgeway Dias Bandaranaike was done in because those who wanted him gone saw him as standing in the way of their self-aggrandisement. This is made even worse if you take the “mad Buddhist priest, Somarama,” out of the tale and substitute the notorious Ossie Corea as the man who actually pulled the trigger.

The late Don Philip R. Gunawardena made no bones about the fact that he knew who was behind the assassination: some of those closest to SWRDB, both personally and politically. There is a real irony in the loudmouth son of ”The Lion of Borolugoda,” Dinesh, being one of those leading the charge to restore Rajapaksa to the wanna-be 21st century Monarchy of Sri Lanka, our home-grown version of the House of Windsor! That certainly sounds like it runs contrary to the old saying that the fruit does not fall far from the tree!

Anyway, back to the burden of my refrain and the real danger to the current political establishment and, most important, the prospect of the restoration of something resembling democratic practice in this country.

What there can be absolutely no doubt about is the rampant corruption, accompanied by unprecedented violence that was the day-to-day reality of life in Rajapaksa Sri Lanka. This extended beyond the “traditional” gang wars between drug barons competing for monopoly rights in Sri Lanka’s best established enterprise to low-level opponents of ”wanna-be” local political overlords venting their spleen on perceived challengers at the local level, sometime bumping off political functionaries such as Chairmen of Pradeshiya Sabhawas from their own political parties.

The significance of this culture of violent crime is that, despite whatever shortcomings it might have demonstrated in meeting all the swiftly-expanding “needs” for power, prestige and lucre that it demonstrated, it was “no-contest” when juxtaposed against the prospect of a return to the norms of basic democratic governance.

The bed-fellows might be considered strange when one considers the broad coalition that embraces the Duminda Silvas, the Mahinda Rajapaksa, his illustrious brother with his selectively-applied private transport system, the “Patis-Kata” professor, the (currently-apostate) holder of another PdD – Mervin Silva, Wele Suda, those in and around the Prime Ministerial cabal involved in the spiriting out of a container-load of heroin without anything resembling legal consequences etc.etc. However, make no mistake about their capacity for violence of a kind that even this country might never have encountered in its recent chaotic past.

The last thing you want to do in the name of progress is give cornered rats the ability to re-group and re-arm, in every sense of the word, and resist the return of civility and civilization to this nation already on the slippery slope to hell and damnation. The mayhem that they are capable of sowing is not going to be selective. The stakes are far too high for that. The assault weapons will not be on “single-shot” mode. They will be used to spray the primary target(s) and any of those inconveniently in the vicinity of said primary target(s). Think about it: the preceding sentence could be simple reality, not just a figure of speech. There is wealth, power and hegemony beyond the ken of the average Sri Lankan at stake here and that’s certainly worth fighting (and killing) for, particularly for those who’ve already supped at that particular trough and can conceive of no other means of returning to it.

What the Ranil/Maithri coalition is engaged in at the moment is simply goading these rogue elephants with, at best, a besmirching of the god-like persona that they’ve created over years of enormous “cut-outs” in every part of the country and clear evidence that they will brook no opposition, no matter how token, to their grab for absolute power.

Also, factor in the logical outcome of success in their truly evil endeavour: absolute power, with all its accoutrements, for generations to come! Does it make any sense for people of this kind to even proclaim that they will go quietly into the night like good democratically-defeated sheep! Give your head a shake, buddy, that’s not the way that the “normal” people of Sri Lanka (or any other place) behave and react once they’ve developed a taste for fame and fortune that is truly beyond the imagination of the average Banda or Biso.

If the Ranil/Maithri government continues to give evidence of a terminal inability to get off the pot, they need to be shoved off it. And their camp-followers, the PhD-worthy insurance-buyers with them. Even if it takes such as the sophomoric-socialists of the JVP to perform that task, so be it. Better that alternative than the current, totally-counterproductive posturing of this everything-from-soup-to-nuts coalition whose actions are taking us down the road to making Rajapaksa 1 look like the model of benign governance!

Latest comments

  • 5

    If Maithripala Sirisena had lost the presidential elections, he wouldn’t be alive today! Unfortunately, he does not seem to realize this at all!

    • 5

      How is it then that Sarath Fonseka is alive?

      • 1

        Sarath Fonseka did not actually die, but he spent some time in hell and managed to come back due to international pressure.

    • 2

      “Even if it takes such as the sophomoric-socialists of the JVP to perform that task, so be it.”

      I could not agree with this assessment more. And for that reason, I think it behooves us all to seriously consider giving the comrades of the JVP our vote at the upcoming election in spite of their myriad faults and chequered political history. After all, we simply cannot afford the luxury of clinging on to ideologies when much more is at stake here. And particularly when the established lot of both the UNP and the SLFP are simply unable and unwilling to clean out the Aegean stables.

    • 0

      Emil van der Poorten

      RE: The Need For Accelerating The Pace Of Prosecutions

      All the Criminal activities are being treated like Commissions… and delaying tactics.

      Lasantha Wickramatunga Killed.

      Alutgama State sponsored Killings and scripts. Hardly anybody arrested. The 13 Arrested were set free. What happens? Nothing? So, does it mean that the People need to take the Law and Justice into their own hands ?

      Aluthgama Incident and Latest Situation, Sri Lanka News 2014


      Killed the Little Girl’ Father


  • 12

    There is a frustrating delay in the prosecution of some of the culprits. We can understand Maitrhree/Ranil combine do not want any “jungle laws” applied in prosecution process. However, still the public view is that Maithree/Ranil combine is soft peddling.
    We do not know the exact position but when you consider some cases, it is suspicious both Police higher ups and officials in the Attorney General’s dept are slowing down for whatever reasons may be. We are aware MR supporters are still very much in the scene in all departments but this cannot be allowed to continue but drastic actions taken against these wrong persons. If they are sort of experienced personnel in these areas can’t they enlist some smart retired persons to as substitutes for a prescribed period.

  • 4

    Emil van der Poorten:-

    Surely you do not want this Government to take a leaf out of the previous one’s book?

    Their method was to resort to ‘White Vanning’ and ‘Tying to Trees’ ‘Changing Law Makers and Upholders’ etc. etc. to speed up the process of action.

    The hundred days’ deadline was a mistake this Government made, causing your type of impetuous comments!

    • 4

      I have NEVER so much as SO MUCH AS SUGGESTED extra-judicial action. On the contrary, I have consistently proposed the opposite and even stated categorically how this can and should be done within the constraints of basic law and order.

      A friend just sent me a photocopy of a letter from Mr. Edward Gunawardene, a retired Senior DIG who specifically states that the manner in which the prosecutors are dragging their feet and not acting against those concerned is a seriously dereliction of their duty to uphold the law.

      WHY IS THE RANIL/MAITHRI GOVERNMENT DRAGGING ITS FEET IN THIS MATTER? I know enough people, now in positions of great power and “near and dear” to our current Prime Minister who have a record of “buying insurance” from the head of the previous regime, sucking up to him in the most public of places.

      To repeat: the call is for prosecution,applying the existing laws of this land, not this shilly-shallying which will prove, as it already has begun to, that justice delayed is justice denied.

      • 3

        You are asking the present Govt. to act like MR – e.g Tissanayagams arrest
        Charges etc.& release – in that order, even in the case of say Gotas misdemeanours?

        MR Regime was openly dictatorial and did not recognize Democracy – this way they
        were removed on 8th Jany. Just because R&S announced a 100 day programme, as
        a political gimmick, should not they follow normal law & order process, which
        cannot be expedited in say white-collar crimes?

        • 0

          I am not going to attempt to categorize what you have said, simply ask you to read my response to “Hamlet.” I would suggest however that you make some attempt to substantiate what you accuse me of: something completely contrary to the record. Is this simply the old Goebbelsian business of repeating a lie until some idiot(s) accept it as the truth?

  • 3

    In addition to the greed and megalomania of the one man Mahinda Rajapakse, just imagine the pain he must be going through. He had everything on the day last year when he declared elections when he did not have to. He lost everything. And he can blame only himself – not even his astrologer, or his cardboard hero brother. He lost his planes his helicopters, his palaces, the wide open women for his sons, more gold for his wife, the grovelling at his feet of accomplished Professors and all the “respect” they brought him, and above all the power of life and death over citizens. All he had to do was say “Be” and it was. He was so godly. Ranil and Maithripala together made his an empty nothing.

    His head must be in an unstoppable spin. He must be delusional and hallucinating.

    Can you imagine what must be going through his mind as to what he should be doing to Maithripala. My capacity for wickedness must be infinitisemally smaller than a grain of sand compared to that of the Mahameru Parvathaya – Mahinda Rajapaksa. So I cannot imagine what he will do if he gets a chance. But I imagine that the least he will want to do is slice Maithripala like you do mukunuvenna over the knife held between your toes. But of course the punishment will be infinitely worse.

    Maithri, Ranil, in your own self interest, please pay heed to Emil’s warning!

  • 3

    Poorten mate..

    Now you seem to be talking Turkey,although it is shrouded in your antagonism towards our true Hero Mahinda.

    My Elders tell me one Ossie Korea was the hit man and poor Soma who had a penchant for Pol. ( or is it Whiskey from the Old UNP Establishment funnelled through the blue blood lady Minister and her robed boy friend) was the sitting duck.

    And poor Some didn’t utter a word because he couldn’t understand a thing about the whole court case because it was all in Queen’s dialect.

    The latest gossip in Wellala Gardens is that PhD Mervyn is totally embedded with the Maithri forces ( under the guidance of the PM, not officially of course).

    And even Junior Mervyn occasionally summons Media Scrum to attack Rajapaksas.

    It is now Alibaba and 80 thieves.

    But none of them are game enough to put the hand out to arrange new contracts for the Mega development projects which our squeaky Clean Mr Ranil stopped.

    Our Southern inhabitants wouldn’t be least surprised if K Duminda , PhD Mervyn and even Junior appear on the UNP/ SLFP joint ticket to wrest power from the 5.8 Million True Believers..

    If Mr Clean gets elected,and your Insurance mate and Galleon Ravi renegotiate the new commissions, what Rajapaksa alleged to have collected will look like small change or should I say peanuts ….

    • 4

      Believe it or not, your idiocies never cease to amaze me (when they are even marginally comprehensible)s
      Still no “English tuition teacher?”

      • 3

        Answer the questions raised Mr Poorten, don’t get bogged down in English. Even you write nonsense at times like “I have NEVER so much as SO MUCH AS” for which all readers will pardon you.

        • 0

          You are to be congratulated on your mastery of the English language that has enabled you to discover a typographical error. Bravo! However, those who suffer from terminal myopia cannot, I expect, be able to read, leave alone comprehend, simple statements of fact. Oh, well….!
          Hey! A recent news item has the descendants of Joseph Goebbels suing a German publication for unauthorised use of excerpts from that man’s diary. It might suggest hope of untold riches for some people that this country has recently produced! Constantly repeated lies and fabrications, anyone?

  • 4

    A wish list has been produced here, one that has been around for quite some time, based on multiple allegations, some with a degree of merit, others utterly bogus. For a prosecution to proceed, evidence needs to be sufficiently robust, and presentable before a Court of Law.
    What has been overlooked is that a case presently before the Court with a named accused, summoned to appear on the 29th of January seems to have hit a brick wall. The accused happens to be the Finance Minister. It is also pertinent that a US$-denominated bond issue on the Singapore Stock Exchange has been rejected because the signatories were found to be unacceptable, ie the Finance Minister and the Chief of the Central Bank. Sri Lanka pays the price, for the as yet alleged, misdeeds of two prominent sons.

  • 3

    That is reason why I begin to believe there is a sinister understanding between MR and Ranil.
    You can bet your last penny that Ranil will not do anything to MR and his clan.

  • 3

    Why is that the people who plotted a coup have not been punished. A coup is Treson. In any other country the plotters would have been shot. But in Sri Lanka where they roam as free citizens and even contemplating to contest the next election, why, why, why?.

    • 1

      Simple reason – M and R took into account the 5.8 mil. voters possible re-action, with the unknown factor the Forces would lean in such an event. Even now they would like to
      bring down MRs castle only brick by brick, is my guess. It will be suicidal for Ranil to
      give into MR at any time in the near future. So up-rooting the Dynasty is time-
      consuming political business, not a 100 day matter.

  • 1

    What you say makes sense, Mr. van der Poorten, but don’t forget that a decisive election is around the corner. If you look carefully, you’ll notice that the cronies of Rajapaksas are very people who make the most noise demanding that Rajapaksa crooks be punished immediately. No sooner that happens these same hyenas will start wailing about the injustice meted out to the “hero that saved this country”. You may have noticed a glimpse of that strategy when Weerawansa woman was arrested. They understand how much of a role sympathy plays in Sri Lankan politics (need I remind the aftermath of SWRD assassination).

    But I do agree with you about the canal desires of the Rajapaksas and their propensity to go to the depths, that no decent human being would ever imagine possible, in order to get what they are after. In-fact I bet if Mahinda Rajapaksa were to contest again, he will most likely sacrifice a fat cow to draw sympathy. His schemers are that heartless and that stupid; though they have PhDs.

    So I suggest it is OK to wait until after the election to tighten the noose on these crooks who thoroughly deserve it.

  • 1


    One of the strategies of the Rajapakse Mafioso is to cast doubt in the minds of people about the government’s resolve to bring the criminals to book. They do so by speculating about the reasons for the delay in the criminal justice process without looking at the practical and technical issues involved. I know you are writing in good faith, and your criticisms of the new regime are well-intentioned. But unfortunately you’re also adding fuel to the fire. As I already urged you in a previous post, you need to stop being hyper and learn to calm down. Life is not just politics 24X7, you know. There are many other things in life like ………. books, music, art, nature, sex and arrack. You’ve probably heard of them. Why not give them a try? The age factor might come into play in some of the areas ……..but you’d still have many choices left. But again….. don’t go ballistic about them either.

  • 3

    Emil van der Poorten:

    Which planet are you living on. Without wishing to be too critical let me give you my take on the unfolding events in Sri Lanka.

    1) The government of the day continues on its path of procrastination in the matter of bringing those who raped and pillaged this country to book.

    *** Delay in bringing those to book can be excused but pretending to do something when MS appoints former cronies of MR to positions of wielding powers makes a mockery.

    2) Apart from the unacceptable permissiveness that this conduct by the Sirisena-Wickremesinghe cabal displays, they do not appear to realize the personal danger they are placing themselves in. There is an oft-quoted dictum to the effect that those who do not read history end up paying the ultimate prices for such neglect.

    *** I find the above intriguing and interesting. My question is what personal danger are you talking about. The only danger is if MS & RW move too far too fast to apprehend those ( MR Gotha etc) who have committed serious Crimes. The Majority voted for the Lawbreakers. MR is the 6th richest person in Sri Lanka and has anyone bothered to ask him how he made his fortunes coming from humble origins in Hambanthotta. Gotha similar story. They are not summoned instead the officer visit them to take Statements.
    I like to say if you do not read History you become history. MR is history and he will never rear his ugly head again.

    3) Our politicians appear to have terminally short memories.

    *** One correction. They are not born with Brains( Memory Cells) so don’t have any memory power. Can you blame them.

    4)Mad Buddhist priest, Somarama,” out of the tale and substitute the notorious Ossie Corea as the man who actually pulled the trigger.

    ** You are wrong. Somarama wasn’t mad. He was outraged that SWRD was about to solve the Tamil issue. Somarama was in sound mind when he pulled the trigger.

    5) Anyway, back to the burden of my refrain and the real danger to the current political establishment and, most important, the prospect of the restoration of something resembling democratic practice in this country.

    *** Either you are born with it or you are not. There is no democratic tradition similar to the Western Countries. Anything resembling democracy is knowing how to play the Race Card for which there is a willing Audience.

    6) What there can be absolutely no doubt about is the rampant corruption, accompanied by unprecedented violence that was the day-to-day reality of life in Rajapaksa Sri Lanka. This extended beyond the “traditional” gang wars between drug barons competing for monopoly rights in Sri Lanka’s best established enterprise to low-level opponents of ”wanna-be” local political overlords venting their spleen on perceived challengers at the local level, sometime bumping off political functionaries such as Chairmen of Pradeshiya Sabhawas from their own political parties.

    *** Sri Lanka descended into Anarchy as soon as MR was elected and people are hooked on corruption from which you cant detox them and if you try they will have withdrawal symptoms.

    7) The bed-fellows might be considered strange when one considers the broad coalition that embraces the Duminda Silvas, the Mahinda Rajapaksa, his illustrious brother with his selectively-applied private transport system, the “Patis-Kata” professor, the (currently-apostate) holder of another PdD – Mervin Silva, Wele Suda, those in and around the Prime Ministerial cabal involved in the spiriting out of a container-load of heroin without anything resembling legal consequences etc.etc. However, make no mistake about their capacity for violence of a kind that even this country might never have encountered in its recent chaotic past.

    *** This is what I would call day of Reckoning. Punishment by God for Nathikadal that it is the turn of the Majority to enjoy the Good Life. I mean the mayhem sweeping the country from which there can be no respite.

    8) The last thing you want to do in the name of progress is give cornered rats the ability to re-group and re-arm, in every sense of the word, and resist the return of civility and civilization to this nation already on the slippery slope to hell and damnation.

    *** I hope you are not referring to LTTE because I remember reading one of your recent Articles where you recalled ” even the dastardly LTTE”

    9) What the Ranil/Maithri coalition is engaged in at the moment is simply goading these rogue elephants with, at best, a besmirching of the god-like persona that they’ve created over years of enormous “cut-outs” in every part of the country and clear evidence that they will brook no opposition, no matter how token, to their grab for absolute power.

    *** What Ranil/Maithri are doing is protecting MR and his achievements so that his Legacy of getting rid of Freedom Fighters lives on and the Flame of Sinhalamisation burns brightly.

    10) If the Ranil/Maithri government continues to give evidence of a terminal inability to get off the pot, they need to be shoved off it. And their camp-followers, the PhD-worthy insurance-buyers with them.

    *** This is the million dollar question. Without the Tamil Vote how are you going to achieve it.

    • 2

      While I might not agree with some of what you have to say, it made fascinating reading. More than anything, I appreciated the fact that it was a literate contribution that one could read and comprehend, something somewhat lacking in some of the comments on what I write!
      I cannot, however, subscribe to glorification of the LTTE, even though I am among those who never supported the blatant racism (and violence that flowed from it) of some Sinhalese politicians and which led to the LTTE coming in to existence.

      • 2


        You have taken time to respond and I presume that you have given it some thought before responding. I dont criticise for the sake of criticising but offer constructive criticism where it is needed. Mine is borne out of the suffering ( just like black music which expresses the suffering at the hands of their masters) at the hands of the Majority which didnt have to happen if successive Sinhalese Rulers had the vision and embraced Federalism and treated the Tamils as equal citizens.
        Prabakaran was a product of Sinhalese atrocities starting from 1958.
        But that is history and my worry is History might repeat itself which we can ill afford.

        But I live in hope and if we can bring those who are responsible for the Genocide to books and begin the process of healing the wounds by embracing Federalism we can avoid future horrors. We have a long way to go.

  • 2

    Emil van der Poorten:

    10) If the Ranil/Maithri government continues to give evidence of a terminal inability to get off the pot, they need to be shoved off it. And their camp-followers, the PhD-worthy insurance-buyers with them.


    *** This time it might be easy as the Tamils feel cheated by MS & RW. .

  • 0

    The money styacked away will be difficult to finds. It may not be in there names.
    The money will be a small amount compared to the additional large payments.The companies would have taken the large portion.Part maybe on hold with chinese companies.
    Money for infra structure and the central bank seem to be behind big deals. There could be CB involventment to hide funds.
    Gamblers were given a big deal. They are large players in laundery. We must focus on them too.
    Air lanka andMihin play fro big bucks. Stewards have being given much. Were they onvolved.
    A cascade of joint acounts with multi draweyers and telephone instructions. Singerpore may be on the deal at the end. Fixing cb governor maybe because he may find a link. Some accounts maybe small with provision for large transfers.

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