15 January, 2025


The New Political Mission Is Essentially The Old One

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

An expatriate academic critic, Dr. Siri Gamage spends a great deal of space, attempting to reconstruct, and analyze and denounce “Jayatilleka’s New Political Mission and its Darker Undercurrents” (Colombo Telegraph, March 10, 2015) Having de-coded it to his evident satisfaction, he is confident it will not succeed, based on the results of the most recent election.

Firstly the confident assumption that the success or otherwise of my political project rests upon an election result can only be based upon ignorance of Rousseau’s clear assertion that the General Will is not reducible to (arithmetical) representation.

Secondly to base one’s political conclusion so confidently on the results of one election when the political system makes for two, is as smart as basing one’s prognosis of a cricket match on the narrowly better performance of one side in the first innings of a two inning Test match. Let us await the results of the general election and the new balance of political forces that will issue—a balance which I hope will lead to greater political and social equilibrium.

More pertinent is Dr. Gamage’s idea that my political mission is new, bound up entirely with Mahinda Rajapaksa and is indeed post-2015 election. This is preceded by Dr. Gamage’s assumption that I ignored issues of governance and backed the wrong horse as it were.

Both these assumptions are wrong. It is not that I was unaware of or unconcerned about the many faults of the Rajapaksa regime. It is that, as I had written repeatedly, that was not and is not my main arena of concern. I am not primarily concerned with matter of political culture, political behavior and issues of governance. My focus is the state. This has been a decade’s long focus. I distinctly recall the first tutorial set for us freshers by our guru Prof K.H. Jayasinghe when we entered Peradeniya: “What is Political Science?” My tutorial which earned an A Plus from him was entitled – and the title prefigured my conclusion which I had argued out in the tutorial—that “Political Science was the Science of the State and Revolution”. That has remained my perspective, though I would add “and Counter-Revolution” to the definition and title.

Any academic should be able to understand the distinctions between State and Government. I am concerned about the State, not about Government, still less governance, which I why I didn’t give a darn as to whether or not President Premadasa ran a “one –man show” as was widely alleged.

The distinctions I observe are analogous to the one made so famously by Carl Schmitt, between ‘politics’ and ‘the political’. He conceptualized the latter as defined by the “friend/enemy” distinction, and paid a tribute to Lenin for introducing this new political perspective—which, interestingly, he also traced to tough-minded Catholic political thinkers. In the 1970s, French intellectuals drew a similar distinction between “la politique” (government, everyday politics, politicians) and le politique” (‘the political’ especially as concerns State power). It is the latter that is my main domain of concern and has been so for decades. I cannot be accused of not using criteria from another domain or genre, any more than I can be accused of not liking country and western music (which I actually detest) when I have long stated that I am a blues, jazz, rock and soul fan.

That’s why I support/ed Mahinda Rajapaksa, Ranasinghe Premadasa (rather than the DUNF or CBK), Mao (despite the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap), Stalin (despite the Gulags), the Communist tradition rather than the Trotskyist, and am a (non-practicing) Catholic rather than a Protestant. I am sure the continuum of values and criteria are rather plain.

To get to grips with the question of Jayatilleka’s ‘new political mission’: It certainly has elements and emphases that are new, because there is a new ‘conjuncture’ and as Lenin said, the main thing is the concrete analysis of concrete conditions. However, it would be erroneous to locate everything or even most of it in Mahinda Rajapaksa and the elections- recent or forthcoming. It would also be wrong to locate it in a recent Pauline or ‘reverse Pauline’ conversion to Sinhala nationalism. The shortest, most helpful explanation I can give is to quote from the essay I was invited to submit to ‘History and Politics: Millennial Perspectives- Essays in Honour of Kingsley de Silva’ published in 1999.

In it I wrote inter alia, as follows:

“…The struggle against the hegemonic project of the sole superpower: The US hopes to maintain and protect the historical moment of unipolar hegemony. This is manifested in its aggressive, interventionist and militaristic policy of downgrading the sovereignty of independent states. The policy of serial state cleansing is meant at changing the norms of the global state system, deconstructing the global political superstructure and redrawing the world map. The aim is quite simply world domination. In response the strategy should be one of a global anti-hegemonic alliance based on the defense of national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. This alliance would include countries, nations and peoples. It would also take many concrete forms ranging from the Belarus President’s idea of an anti-NATO bloc to a worldwide movement of solidarity with Russia in the event of a Communist or Communist-nationalist victory at the elections.

…This requires the construction of the broadest possible anti-comprador united fronts bringing together all possible classes and strata including the middle and perhaps even the big manufacturing bourgeoisie) in a bloc against the neo-liberal model… Two corresponding united fronts then mirror parallel strategies: an anti-hegemonic front and an anti-comprador front. Common to both is the recognition of the main enemy and the primary aspect of the primary contradiction– Imperialism. It is on the whetstone of anti-imperialism, which organically includes the struggle against its national local allies, that Marxism can continue to be sharpened…” (Dayan Jayatilleka, ‘Marxism and the Millennium’, History and Politics: Millennial Perspectives- Essays in Honour of Kingsley de Silva 1999).

Certainly Mahinda Rajapaksa was nowhere in the picture when I wrote this. I was nowhere near Geneva and the successful united front in the defense of Sri Lanka’s sovereignty in the battle against ‘human rights imperialism’. All my stances since, including on Sinhala nationalism, should be seen within the perspective laid out here.

I know on which side of the barricades Western imperialism is and in the final analysis, Mahinda Rajapaksa was and is. Mahinda was on the side of sovereignty.

Tamil nationalism—I should say expansionist ‘Tamil Zionism’– was always on the side of imperialism and sought its support against Sri Lanka’s sovereignty. Those within the Tamil movement who were anti-imperialist were violently eliminated by the Tamil ultranationalists or converted to their cause.

I know the strategy and tactics of imperialism and its regional allies and partners, in the move for regime change from Iran in 1953 to Libya in 2012 and Venezuela today. It failed in Syria thanks to Putin’s Russia.

I know that Mahinda Rajapaksa was in part, externally de-stabilized, with the stakes involving the competition with China and Eurasia (China and Russia). I know which states in the world system have proved our consistent friends and allies. I know how slogans and the ideology of human rights and governance have been used for decades to de-stabilize patriotic regimes throughout the third world and since the 1990s, through the so-called Colour Revolutions, in Europe itself, in an effort to encircle Russia.

I know that the game, the great struggle is not yet over. The Mahinda Movement is a force for resistance. Whatever its backward features may be, Sinhala nationalism is a force and factor of resistance and the defense of sovereignty, and is therefore objectively progressive. This is why Stalin said in the 1920s that “the Emir of Afghanistan is more progressive than the British Labour Party”—a line that Samir Amin often quoted in recent decades.

I know that neoliberalism, Tamil nationalism, the pro-imperialist comprador elite (Ranil’s UNP), and the semi-feudal residues (CBK) are in a single power-bloc. I know which side of the global struggle this new power-bloc is located. It stands against national sovereignty, with imperialism, for hegemonic interference and interventionism.

Those in Sri Lanka who oppose Mahinda Rajapaksa were and are objectively on the side of imperialism and against sovereignty. Those who were at Nugegoda on February 18, 2015 were objectively for national sovereignty and against imperialist de-stabilization of a patriotic regime. As a Gramscian I know which is, or approximates, or is potentially, the national-popular bloc, the bloc of the ‘people-nation’, and which is not; which is the opposing cosmopolitan bloc. I know which side of the barricades I am on. I also know the duty and the ‘project’ of the ‘engaged’ intellectual.

Latest comments

  • 16

    This shameless [Edited out]
    Just to attack few guys of his choice, this man seems to bring article on to this one behind the other – so pathetic not to have changed the mind towards the betterment of the folks yet – right at the moment, what we the peace lovers need is all parties to get together and form a powerful govt to tackle the long awaited problems of the nation NOT forgetting to prioratize the tamil and minority problems.

    • 14

      It is quiet disgusting to see CT hosting DJ’s articles when he uses the opportunity only to promote himself and the cause of MR. It is worse when other writers write articles in reply to his BS… not to mention educated readers taking the trouble to comment on his articles.

      Why not all these DJ obsessed ‘writers’ just exchange letters with him privately instead than wasting the CT space? DJ blew his last chance of getting a diplomatic posting by backing the losing horse.

      I as a one-time columnist of CT rarely browse through the once much respected site and it is indeed regretful to note the drastic drop in the quality of content.

      Hope the editor of CT takes serious note…

      • 2

        what dayan writes is much more important than the [Edited out] rubbish you write

        • 4

          really…. i think yours too should have been wandered to your posterior to see it that way. We all respect writings of Fazil Muhammed regardless of him being a muslim. YOu buggers would go on [Edited out] of Rajanos for no reason. But never see it that you are smeared nothing could help recover.

          • 3

            Keep respecting the Fazl fellow the shariah poster boy,,,,after all no wonder LTTE supporters loving ISIS supporters.

            LTTE = ISIS

        • 1

          I said islamist..how wrong is that?

      • 1

        All he has done is to effectively reply to his critics on the CT. Unfortunately, most Sri Lankans show evidence of being struck by lightning, and I don’t mean by the Carlos Santana version, ‘lightnin’.

    • 7


      A man has gone berserk, armed and dangerous, head full of smart ass patriotism, nationalism, meaningless existentialism,…. unleashed by former despot, the said person is looking for people of foreign origin.

      Public is warned not to approach him. He is prepared to bore them to death, ………

      The man was sighted holding reams of typed papers, police believe he previously has had close relationship with Tamil terrorists and worked with them to destabilise and divide this country.

      Only a few days ago Mr Lipert The US ambassador to South Korea was attacked by a nationalist.

      The government should step up security to all foreigners, especially the Western diplomat, including those tourists who sports Buddha tattoo on their body.

      • 3

        His performance has fallen to support Wimalweerawansa et al.

        Who thought that this man would end up this way. We will see it right in the days to come while going thr ough on going investigations of sharks and sprats that there will be no space all those work for Mahinda Rajapakshe. We thought People are so stupid, but I dont think that people would let them decieved again. Wimal Buruwanse, Sajin Vaas and the likeare said to be searching for good excuses to claim the properties about which BC questions them today. Today the tabloid say, COMOS AVIATION school and its ownership they dont want to reveal … why ?

  • 9

    It is quite evident that you are pro MR, as you have the right to be, Unfortunately you don’t seem to have your ears to the ground, maybe you left it in Geneva, sadly you wont be going back to pick it up! So wake up…
    Heard your speech at Nugegoda…you are getting as good as Mr Weerawansa!
    What a Joker

    • 9

      dont worry ABOUT the guy, but about your dogs- Besides, [Edited out]

    • 10

      D.E.M.O Krazy

      “Unfortunately you don’t seem to have your ears to the ground, maybe you left it in Geneva,”

      What is the purpose of having a pair of years when his head is infected with racism?

      We need people like him to replace other aging public racists. We have so much fun with racists.

    • 2

      It is not a speech shehan, it is a letter by MR

  • 9

    “those in Sri Lanka who oppose Mahinda Rajapaksa were and are objectively on the side of imperialism and against sovereignty. Those who were at Nugegoda on February 18, 2015 were objectively for national sovereignty and against imperialist de-stabilization of a patriotic regime. As a Gramscian I know which is, or approximates, or is potentially, the national-popular bloc, the bloc of the ‘people-nation’, and which is not; which is the opposing cosmopolitan bloc. I know which side of the barricades I am on. I also know the duty and the ‘project’ of the ‘engaged’ intellectual”

    to the point of view of the peaceful folks:



  • 11

    We the peace loving people of this country are sorry for DJ.

    His focus is to widen the gaps rather than supporting to the reconciliation of the all folks.

  • 10

    Dayan the war monger types:

    “I know on which side of the barricades Western imperialism is and in the final analysis, Mahinda Rajapaksa was and is. Mahinda was on the side of sovereignty.”

    He sounds like George W Bush:

    Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.

    George W. Bush

  • 8

    I love DJ because he has my genetics AND only person represent us these days.

    I only want to see things end up as stumbling blocks- so thtat we the selfish people can survive better. Then only our representative DJ can also enjoy his fantasies.

    IF our leader- MAHINDA THE MOST KNOWN JARAPASSA was reelected, needless to say we all the abusive people will have a better life. Surely, DJ wouldhave been offered a better post so that he could show off his colours as had been before.

    Many dealers that stay roaming in the surrroundings near to temple trees, would have joined MR in his palace bathing and enjoying with Dansalas.NO matter Rajarata people went dying not having proper dialyse apparatus, our leader would have honeymooning from A planet to B abusing AIR taxi as used to be. I wonder why MY3 DID NOT even booked his flight by SRILANKEN this time heading to London: MY3 should be really fool not tohave courage to abuse the funds of poor man. Anyway, our representative Dayan will not let us fall deeper.

    • 0

      Yes all Depitakattuwos would love him considering he can be a great voice for them. But I really dont think that people would get what these men add this way. Just scare mongering for personal gains and revenges – they can achieve nothing but social destruction further.
      Looking back if one would see it right and healthily, what has DJ been doing since 2009 ?

      Since his return from France few years ago – he has been kept idling… former Prez had categorically named him as a POWERFUL NGO worker. But the licking and loyal nature comparably to a Colombo Kakko (colomobo craws-tharawkarayasa roaming inthe harbour and any other crowded areas to mosquitoes anyone for their gains) DJ has been continuing his work pleasing anyone his mind allows him to sideby regardless of the gravity of impact. No matter impact of what he adds, he feel he shold do so – to show his ego. Actually anyone looking back would see it – that th eman is a mixed character – sometimes, not many would get him really. I wonder whehter his wife or the close ones would get him really. This kind of nature was compared to a nature of Katussa in general. But he has betrayed entire educated community to this date. That seems to be not important for him.

  • 2

    “General will is not reducible to (arithmetical)representation” Thats exactly how it works in a Democracy where there is one man one vote.O.K DJ lets wait the results of the General elections and see the new political order-It will be a UNP-Slfp Govt and the nugegoda mob will be an insignifcant factor in the political equation.

  • 7

    I salute DJ.

    You seem to be busy with defending us. We are so grateful to you.
    I have lately spoken with my mates that attacked Ajith Perera, Eran et.al while visiting to Hambantota – they are all happy the very you still back OUR RAJATHUMA irrespective of all these alleged high profile abuses being filed against him and his kith an kin these days.

    • 2

      yes what happened to you even if you carried out all criminal acts with direct approval of Rajathuma

  • 4

    DR DJ knows it all; who the hell Dr Siri Gamage to question Dayan? Those who voted for MS are all imperialists! I do not know whether to laugh or cry.

  • 4

    Blatant chauvinism couched in political parlance … so the naughty Tamils are trying to help the White man conquer the poor, honest Sinhalese folk eh? A visceral and unashamed appeal to humanity’s base instincts. Such a nasty, nasty little man.

  • 6

    How impressive.Gobbels has picked up an academic style in refuting allegations that he is a simple opertunistic, inconsistant, racist moron -who sgould be sent to the middle east to acompany his kith building roads for the arabs and providing women as maids to serve them.Instead he was sent to Geneva.Now back at home helping the sinhalese to continue being global nationalistic servents to the arab world preventing thier evolution.

    What a dead weight.

  • 2

    I do wonder what would be the content of Dayan’s intellectual masturbation ejaculations if sajith premadasa was elected as prime minister.

    Dayan had been demanding a separate state, when all progressive forces in the country were asking for a federal solution, even before LTTE was born, as his previous master Stalin told him so. Don’t blame Stalin! Since then he has been serving different masters. He also served premadasa the senior to promote LTTE and crush all other progressive forces in north and east. He may have had contributed to obstruct first provincial council to win LTTEs heart. He was happy to go along with Premadasa to remove EPRLF and PLOT to crown LTTE. Such is his Stalinist education. He obstructed peace during CBK period although it was mainly done by TNA as instructed by LTTE. When peace is on the way Dayan always goes on the opposite way. He says that is the revolutionist way. Guys dont blame Stalin, Castro, Che or Gramsci.

    Dayan you are responsible then and responsible now for forces of division to proliferate in srilanka, of course without your awareness. You are busy reading Stalin to Gramsci. Carry on cow-boy. Srilanka dying for/with your contribution,

    I remember reading somewhere, may be in his masters writings that how easily one extreme left wing person can become an extreme right wing person overnight. Dayan proves his old master was right on this regard.

    Dayan if you can stay quiet you will see there is a way Sajith Premadasa can become Prime minister. I think Sajith figured it out how. He is quietly working hard.will he be a good PM i dont know. time will tell. Dayan you are not impotent to see the real world where people trying hard for better future in democratic Sri lanka. You can be part of them.

    If you go back to the years where you stand in peradeniya bus stop in kandy, after all your political sessions, you will see your journey and may cry if you are a honest man .regards

  • 0

    You guys still don’t ‘get it’! DJ’s whole purpose of infecting CT [Edited out]

  • 0

    I cannot understand most of the words in the article.But the meaning I got is he tries to say the set up before January 08 is the proper one for us and should be continued in future. He indicates the words imperialism , Tamil….nationalism etc.Neverthless through my first hand experience I know there was no democracy at all. The words could be used to express situation are self centeredness, jealousy, not concerned about common good. no balance thinking. Cannot imagigine how certain important decisions are arrived at. People used to think Tamils are bad since they have not developed balance thinking. They are also a category of human similar to us.One Priest committed suicide forcing to stop consuming beef.They wanted to iimport beef upon stopping slaughter here.

    One person was killing pigs next to Lord Buddha’s temple.Today Buddhsts want others to be good. Best thing is to set an example to others. One priest make our national flag down, Today other communities are extending their hand to us. But so called Buddhists want to eleminate minorities,One Professor said the Western Science is a myth completely. There is an old saying being one is angry with face one cuts his own nose.

    But I do not know whether we have any considerable number of industries here.though we are so proud unnecessarily.When I was employed at office people asked me not to do good things sinnce I could could end up with havoc. Today I know that they are correct. Then how could people are to be expected to be good if the common concept among all is that.

    If this article was written in a language so that I could understand fully, I could clearly explain my first hand experience.Simply I can say people become more and more selfish when they accumulate more and more easy wealth for theisr unlimited comforts. Then they are blind to the reality. We know the reality since we travel using the public transport. We meet average people everyday.

    I really love all people irrespective of caste creed or religion not like the person who wrote this looking at a side which he prefer.

  • 1

    What is acceptable and what is not, in order to defend the sovereignty of a nation? Good question to ponder.

    Is it better to have 2 countries where people are at peace than one country that is constantly at war?

    I am sure Hitler loved Germany and wanted to defend it from the unfair treatment it suffered at the hands of the Allies from WW1. But were his strategies of regaining Germany’s lost power and prestige acceptable?

    Israelies also wanted to regain lost sovereignty when Zionists established Israel in the 20th century with the help of the West. Was how they did it acceptable? Has it lead to a peaceful nation?

  • 0

    I do not understand all this BUT what is clear to me is that this DJ actually LOVES the way that the former president ran his government with NO rule of LAW and killer squads used to ensure that his writ ran throughout the land while his henchmen looted the country. The DJ DOES NOT like the rule of law and he wants a return to the way things were done under the past president.

    So the DJ supports extrajudicial killings, rule by presidential fiat enforced by well trained and well equipped squads of killers and the impunity that ensued. Though he claims to be a political scientist he either cannot see the connection between this type of outcome and a certain political tendency which I call fascism or he himself actually supports such a system of governance.

  • 2

    UNP with the backing of the West shot down Rajapaksa after targeting him for a decade, especially in the last five years since Rajapaksa banished Prabakaran and his Tamil Terrorists.

    Loss of Rajapaksa is the biggest loss for the great Sinhala Majority inhabitant population since British captured Kandy.

    Elite, Anglicans and the Vellalas who became servants of the British, helped the masters to marginalize the Sinhalese for two hundred years .

    They kept the Sinhalese in check, by confining them to rural sector and denying them proper education, health care and employment opportunities.

    But the arrival of a son of the South with balls, changed the balance in favour of the rural inhabitants.

    Especially during the last five years where the development was brought to the village and rural poor mums, dads and their children were give a chance to find a job and live a safe life.

    The Government went even that extra distance to provide them services which were not available them before..

    Now the poor rural inhabitants are back where they were prior to Nanthikadal.

    And the straws in the air are pointing to even a worse situation, as the Elite e Anglicans the Muslims in the current Government have started culling Sinhalese from top jobs and rolling back the development projects which benefited the rural sector.

    These pension age political analysts and the Intelligentsia with expired use by dates may argue and carry on about who said what in text books on politics.

    But these don’t matter a shit as far as our great inhabitant population are concerned.

    Especially when the leaders who are supposed to be the liberators and saviours of the poor Dalits and who promised to lead them to Economic as even Religious ( JHU) bliss are now licking the back sides of Cameron, Harper and Ranil Wickremasinghe and even try to arrest and incarcerate the people who fought valiantly against all odds to save the country from Terrorists.

  • 0

    The sri lankan nationalism is a fake. It is the sinhala buddhist nationalism , which is hegemonic. We now know that DJ’s present project is to turn the clock and bring back the family. In this he is in the company of Nalin

  • 0

    Let the dogs bark. Keep on writing DJ. I admire your views. Sri Lanka state is heading for disaster under this corny capitalist regime.

    • 2

      Crony capitalists ? So then what terms you would better use to name MR regime ? Ballige puthas of all kinds have grabed the funds of the tax payers with the direct backings of Rajapakshes. Today Cosmos oweners lag to say the truth about the real ownership, while all those aviation school runners let be scot free – however, the hope is there at least few of those sharks will have to be in the net by the ned of this month. Jaya niyathai.

  • 1

    Tamil Zionism..that is it the correct word….it is amazing when one look at SL and the parallels with Palestine…

    SL is the Palestine that defeated Israel

    • 0

      I doubt what blood flow your vessels ? You add thoughts as if you dont belong to any folks in the country. Either you should be brain sick – of course if you have let alone a brain the size of a needle head.
      You attack Muslims calling them sharia men and women. I feel me being a born sinhalaya… sharia or the like laws could save us from Rajapakshe tyranny – MUCH EARLIER if we had them in action. Today the wreckage left by him is similar to what we saw immidiately after 2004 tsumnami. 55 out of 100 days have already gone – but laws prevailing have failed to catch the sharks yet. Laws prevailing have no provisions to do the job similar to that in India- since either deficiency or lack of full paragraphs in them. What have those ministers of Justice done during the days of MR ? In EU countries, not only western but also eastern nations get their amds passed in each of their consitutions, so that the laws could well be applied as the majority s safe could be safeguarded. They discuss them in parliament to a regular manner, but none of them have been made in srilanka.. they just talk only. To come to a consensus has been the lack sofar… even today, SOME in SLFP shout loudly would not support the reforms to be implemented… all focus on their pockets.. as had been in the past… people thought the change woould be radical.. I beleive, ONLY way out would be to hand over power to JVPers. They need more practice but I truly beleive they can make it than any other prevailing parties.

      • 0

        How does what you vomit here has any relevance to what I said or Tamil zionism?

  • 0

    ‘Tamil Zionism’ = Eretz Tamilakam

  • 0

    Some weirdos are praising CT.

    but, CT is a Pro-LTTE, CathlOic/christian -web site given the opportunity gang with muslims to bash buddhists and gang up with buddhists to bash muslims.

    • 0

      To be more precise Anti lankan elements loiter around here. CT is only the conduit.

  • 0

    That Mahinda Rajapaksa was on the side of sovereignty will be news to him. He prostituted our sovereignty to the Chinese.

    He belonged to only one side, that of corruption, nepotism, lies, plunder of the country, abduction, murder and the destruction of values and institutions.

  • 0

    That Mahinda Rajapaksa was on the side of sovereignty will be news to him.

    His only side was that of corruption, nepotism, lies, plunder of the country, abduction, murder and the destruction of our values and institutions.

  • 0

    Dear DJ, the Ex Minister of Planning & Youth Affairs in the North-East Provincial Council, what is wrong with you Sir?.

    I didn’t hold this position, and I don’t thing any one in history will hold this distinguished position in future of being a Minister in NE Provincial Council. This is what I refer you have a confused mind, maybe something you might have affected by being in European countries.

    Just write some about you time as Minister in the NE provincial council. If you are so concerned and 13th and being a smart or stupid patriotic, how did you accept that position Sir?. Who do you want to fool?. Don’t try to disown the provincial council, which you tried to see as the perfect fix?. Is your going against 13th is because it has now been split into two province?. I couldn’t figure out what it is you are going on about, other than you ought to have a problem that it has been split since you whole heartily supported it. Why do you bring Wiggy into it, who can be left best to work around genocide which gains momentum because of your help of recurrent beating.

    The Kaleniya Mervyn has some remorse, but not you, you seems to be the like of those white collars ones.

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