By Kumar David –
The people have damned all Lanka’s gutless, visionless, hopeless political parties and surged out. The spontaneous gush is cross-class, multi-ethic and omni-faith. (Of course, individuals may belong to this party or that). The government is corrupt, dysfunctional and tottering; Sajith and the SJB have flopped; the JVP is busy sleeping, the TNA with excruciating precision chose this moment to bum Gota and alienate itself from the mood on the streets. As always in such circumstances mass response unfolded with textbook exactness; spontaneous protests will not stop. Let me enumerate the likely responses of the regime. In ascending order of likelihood there are four tactics it will try – variations within each and a mix of options is what will actually unfold. For clarity let me put down the options separately.
* Gota will resign now or offer to step down at the end of his term without contesting again, conceding that his chances are hopeless. This is most unlikely; which Paksa will ever abdicate!
* Between now and the next election-cycle, processes will start in parties and parliament to abolish the executive presidency and give Lanka have start afresh after 2024-25. A referendum can be held if pundits and courts deem it necessary. The people will endorse it by a landslide.
* Sell Mother Lanka into harlotry and kow-tow to the Chinese, Indians, US, IMF, Saudis and the devil incarnate to attract funds, give economic concessions and improve the regime’s electoral prospects. This also gives Mr Ten-Percent an opportunity for additional foraging! But with the internal system collapsing will external promises remain cashable?
* Spontaneous mass anger together with agents-provocateurs and incitement will be used by the regime to launch a palace coup, cabinet reshuffle or some such stratagem. Emergency, extended curfew and social media and Internet cuts are an admission that the regime has gone belly-up and indicative of dastardly moves to come. A combination of options three and four is a tested strategy in other countries.
Defeating the subterfuges of the Rajapaksa Brotherhood is the principal task facing the country. First a little bit of history. In July 1917 (the July Days) the working class of Petrograd swarmed out on the streets ready to seize power, but this was premature for two reasons: (a) The peasantry, the great majority of the people was not ready to overthrow the Provisional Government (Kerensky Regime), and (b) the army had not disintegrated at the Front nor was the Petrograd Garrison ready as yet to place itself at the service of the Petrograd Soviet led by the Bolsheviks and Chaired by Trotsky.
The genius of Lenin was that he did not hesitate for one moment to throw in the Party and place it at the head of this spontaneous pre-revolutionary mass movement. By bold intervention the Bolsheviks took control of the direction of events. By no means am I suggesting that Lanka is in a pre-revolutionary whorl, not at all. The task facing us is to restore and affirm democracy, but the quintessential task of leadership is similar. The JVP if it ever were to wake up, could attempt to throw itself into leadership of the spontaneous protests, take control, expel agents-provocateurs, coordinate with other groups and see Lanka through to the reassertion of democracy. The next election is a footnote. But it has taken the opposite view and sees in the protest movement a black-hand, a conspiracy. Here is a quote from Colombo Telegraph of 3 April (Rajan Philips) “The JVP cautioned against protest campaigns that cannot be traced back to a recognisable and accountable organiser or group.” While acknowledging “the people’s right to organise their own protests against the worsening economic crisis,” it warned of “dangers lurking in a protest movement that has no accountability”.
Remember, in reverse chronological order, the defeats of Aung San Suu Ki, the Arab Spring and Salvador Allende and their leadership shortcomings. Remember Mandela, Uncle Ho, Gandhi and their indispensable leadership roles. The obstacle the JVP-NPP is encountering is that it has blown its credibility by taking a long and peaceful siesta. Repeated warnings fell on deaf years, don’t I know! I see increasing social media traffic infuriated with both the NPP and SJB for “wearing nice suits and firing blank-shots in parliament” without lifting a finger to coordinate the people’s movement. It won’t be easy for either to win back credibility, if ever they can. Things are moving fast and opens up the option of a SLPP-SJB led Liberal & Democratic Transitional Government, mere Cabinet reshuffles, a wider national government etc, but only till the next election. Perhaps L&DTG will assuage – that is pacify – the public for a while and buy time to complete the next election cycle. The much better option of course is full and proper constitutional dissolution of parliament at once, fresh elections and a repeal of the executive presidency. And after that? Your guess is better than mine!
chiv / April 4, 2022
KD, people are fed of with all parties and politicians, so it really doesn’t matter who said what at this time. And don’t rush to take victory lap on what you said about TNA meeting Gotha. No one has blamed or will blame TNA for the current situation. People are aware if at all it was TNA (especially Sumanthiran) who kept raising corruption, deals, judiciary and many others pertaining to whole country. As lawyer he even appeared cases involving family members.Out of all options a military controlled regime is the only possibility. I do not think people are going to be satisfied with any cabinet reshuffle or current politicians being around especially Rajapaksas. Mafia Family doesn’t look like, they will leave on their own.My concern is whoever takes up, will they be able to reverse situation ??? I strongly doubt.
Dinuk / April 4, 2022
Come on KD. There were protestors supporting the IMF and US Citizen Basil Rajapakse and Minister of Economic Disaster going to Washington with a begging bowl.
IMF is the Endgame of the US backed plan for Gota’s Democracy all party National Government of corrupt politicians that is said to be the solution in the name of Fake DEMOCRACY!
Since the ISIS claimed Easter attacks and Sri Lanka rejecting the MCC and SOFA the island has been subject to Hybrid Economic War to send it to IMF and Washington with the begging bowl. All the rating agencies, and Sovereign Bond traders who hold Sri Lanka’s debt work with the Washington Consensus and target small STRATEGIC countries like Sri Lanka and Lebanon. The social media organised protestors are also part of the de-stabilization project to send Basil to Washington.
nimal fernando / April 5, 2022
The next government should rescind all presidential-pardons and put people back in gaol to do their time.
nimal fernando / April 5, 2022
This is just classic! …….. finally some signs of liberation from pseudo-Buddhist bondage ………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjRsPd7ueao
The Cardinal finally coming to the party and sprouting some wisdom ……………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLwCWjZV2AI
I’m not knowledgeable of the facts but someone exposing the duplicity of Sajith and AKD ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFnXF506aKc
Where ever this takes us ……. we should go with our eyes open ………….
old codger / April 4, 2022
Yes, blaming the TNA is wrong. It was exactly the time to catch Gota, at his most vulnerable. They did get some concessions, including a stop to military land seizures. But all that is up in the air till the dust settles.
SJ / April 4, 2022
“But all that is up in the air till the dust settles.”
I agree.
Then what is clever about catching him under any condition?
Sargent Nallathambi / April 5, 2022
Yes Mr Sumanthiran
Was the only parliamentarian that exposed human rights violations and corruption of this government in the resent past.
It is time we all get together against corruption with one voice.
old codger / April 5, 2022
At least they can claim to have got concessions from Gota of all people even if they don’t materialise.
old codger / April 5, 2022
I would advise the TNA to join the government, if only to humiliate the opinionated prick who claimed he doesn’t need minority support. That would also neatly destroy the credibility of the other fire-breathing “patriots”
Native Vedda / April 5, 2022
old codger
Do you think the benevolent Chinese state would give $10 Billion to Sri Lanka to settle all its debt for 2022 without expecting anything in return (for example a piece of prime land)?
The Sanghas have issued a common statement. After reading it I was wondering if they really live on this planet.
Please read:
Mahanayake Theras in letter to President call for Interim Government
Have you seen Shavendra, Kamala, Weerawansa, Udaya, Sarath Weerasekera (prince of darkness), … in public?
chiv / April 6, 2022
Native I hope people will realize Sangha’s rolè as they did with Rajapaksas. I guess Sangha dosen’t want to miss the party and be part of interim council.
old codger / April 6, 2022
“Have you seen Shavendra, Kamala, Weerawansa, Udaya, Sarath Weerasekera (prince of darkness), … in public?”
Well, at least it seems the public have found where Weerawansa lives. The rest will get their turn.
SJ / April 8, 2022
Then, why did the street demonstrators spoil the fun?
That will be quite a few in a row for the TNA (alias FP)
leelagemalli / April 4, 2022
TV channels (Hiru, Derana and Swarnawahini) also well known as “Pachwahinis” – and their owners being close to Rajapakshes fooled the majority of this country.
They knew that general knowledge of the average is far below than appeared to be. MAHINDA Rajaakshe the dog of the nation – never focused on the real grievances of the majority.
All these were not overlooked but media mafia which is multiple times powerful than drug mafia, mastered the fake public perception about Rajapakshes.
Be them Island, DM, Mawbima, Lankwadeepa are all the same. They worked for Rajakashes. Their deals continued their mutual activities in order to fat their pockets.
Jit / April 4, 2022
LM, spot on! In fact people on the streets should go after these traitors called journalists who were world class bootlickers who helped this gang to rob the country left right and centre since 2005. They manupulated heaps of fake news like Dr Saafi case, Easter attacks, Kelani river fake snake…..Dilith Jayaweera and Reno Silva are #1 scum bags in this stinking game.
nimal fernando / April 5, 2022
The next government should rescind all presidential-pardons and put people back in gaol to do their time.
old codger / April 4, 2022
“TV channels (Hiru, Derana and Swarnawahini) also well known as “Pachwahinis” –”
To be fair, nowadays all these channels show the true situation, even ITN. Even the owner of Derana is complaining that her channel is showing “negative news”!
But Rupavahini is still full of sunshine stories about LPG ships in the harbour.
Simon / April 4, 2022
Daer LM: Haven’t the “Average” you mentioned above show that they are FAR ABOVE the “Rajapakse Mafia”? I was discussing the “Resignation” of the Cabinet with my Kadamandoya comrades and all of them said: “Mun epara apiva Booruwanta Andawanna Hadanawa. Mepara Eva WANA. Warella Chande Illan. Kelinawa Dekonem Yanna”.
See how those “Average” expressed their opinion on the “Resignation” of the Cabinet. So let us keep that “Average” more and more “Informed” and “Alive”. It works.
chiv / April 4, 2022
Rajapaksas sure holds the record for bringing a newborn/infant out on the streets, protesting against them.(reportedly, just a few days old). SAD
chiv / April 4, 2022
KD, situation is so fluid information keeps flooding by hour. Did you and me underestimate the public. I sure did and you better admit it. SLFP resigns taking away reportedly more than 50 MP’s demanding to hand over to opposition. Apparently Rajapaksas will lose majority. What about Lankan constipation?? If that happens will it satisfy hungry public?? Shavendra told foreign delegates He and his war outfit is ready for a war against public . All I say signs are very ominous coming days. Need Gananakka STAT.
chiv / April 4, 2022
Remember when Gotha visited his grandchild soon after birth and all the sentiments we heard from well wishers. Today this infant is out on streets and they have no plans to quit. Patriotism in deed. I will also like to remind Gotha ‘ s speech after getting elected. I am a true SB , born, raised, studied SB , here to take care of SB living in their own SB country. True SB indeed. Retards wanted more of it and sure they got it.
Mallaiyuran / April 4, 2022
Don’t you think, until today, Prof. Kumar had fallen in siesta, on the roads of Bucha and just woke up only after Russians are defeated by Ukrainian Patriots and chased out of there. Welcome to CT enthusiasts’ club, Mr David Kumar, with an advice of please stay awake from now on.
I don’t know what to write about the parents on the picture. So I write only one line hope about it. “No gas, no oil, money cannot make food for middle class parents. No breast milk, no milk bottle, no milk power to the infant. They want to show their infant for the rulers, who are on the process of redeeming their $7 billion bonds, if they will change mind and open up the imports. But, remember, these beasts bulldozed in Mullivaikkal that 150,000 of all ages, like an exterminator doing it for cockroaches. Let the Tamils united with these parents to create a country for them, so that Tamils will not ever ended up like Ukraine has Russia next to it.
Sinhala_Man / April 4, 2022
You are anonymous, it is true, but you talk plainly, without trying to be “clever”, like nimal fernando.
I have submitted two comments below this article. addressed to nimal:
This is no time for “jigging clowns” like him.
I have said it before, and I’m saying it again:
The people who can realistically take charge of the country now are the NPP, and Shanikyan Rasamanikkam.
We can now add to that, Harsha de Silva, Eran Wickremaratne, Imtiaz Bakeer Markar, Kabir Hasheem, and (nimal’s suggestion) Indrajith Coomaraswamy.
I would be appalled to find the Malaprop, Sajith Premadasa, there.
Some will suggest Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga. No objection from me, but is she ready to take on any great responsibility? At this critical time, Ranil Wickremasinghe may be useful as an “advisor” – but no more “Appointments” for back numbers like that.
Why has nobody thought of Kumar David as President? He’d be fine, but I have yet to read this article of his!
nimal fernando / April 5, 2022
So, now it’s a running vendetta for exposing the shortcomings of the JVP? :))
Buddy ……. stop trying to make yourself more important than you really are!
Try and overcome your insecurity of insignificance.
Anyway, thanks for the entertainment in this bleak time. :))
nimal fernando / April 5, 2022
I have said before, I know what people think even before they know it themselves.
Do you want me to expose how your mind works?
I’ll only do it if you give me permission ……… because you won’t like it. :))
What do you say?
nimal fernando / April 6, 2022
“without trying to be “clever”, like nimal fernando.”
Could it be (will it dawn on you?) not trying-to-be-clever ………. but just clever ………
Yeah! my anonymity gives me the freedom not to have to wallow in false-modesty. :))
nimal fernando / October 13, 2019
Sure, I’m on edge a little …….. however we look at it …….. we are sleepwalking into handing over the country to a well-known serial-killer. That’s the bottom line.
Some people might want that to happen ………. but in the 21st century …….. in a daily loudly professed Buddhist country ………. for someone looking-in from afar it looks surreal beyond belief.
A serial-killer ……… well-known to all the citizens ………. will be voted in by a majority as the president in a month’s time!
That’s the reality we have to face ……….. all the scholarly articles in the whole damn universe is moot ….. not gonna do a thing!
nimal fernando / April 6, 2022
May 14, 2021
There are only two ways how this is going to end.
Rajapakses’ callous disregard for the people indicate/hint that the people’s opinion doesen’t matter ……. the elections will be stolen …… they are planning to cling to power for generations by force.
Or if the living conditions get unbearable,
The fear and intimidation tactics won’t work ……… people will come on to the streets without any concern for their own safety and topple the government.
Then all the Rajapakses will be hung upside down in the Gall Face Green like good ol’ Benito.
Native, ever the humanist you are ….. better make sure you wipe off the buckets of spit dripping from their faces ………. cause Lester and EE won’t be there ……. by then they would’ve done the ol’ Judas and vanished.
Now, if that is trying to be clever ……. then as a teacher, shouldn’t you encourage everyone to try to be clever? :))
Nathan / April 6, 2022
Isn’t it a contradiction for you who say, ‘I know what people think even before they know it themselves’, to ask, ‘What do you say?’.
nimal fernando / April 6, 2022
Oh C’mon Nathan, try to be clever!
I knew his answer ……. but still had to give him the choice. :))
Native Vedda / April 5, 2022
Harsha de Silva is publicly described as Sinhala/Buddhist Southerner and he was proud about it hen he said he would not betray war veterans.
He never said why he was proud about being Sinhala/Buddhist and a southerner. He should know without independent investigation (Similar to South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission) the war crime ghost would not be put to rest. Without a proper reconciliation there won’t be peace or development.
Please advise him to come clean, that he should not participate in competitive racism, inform the masses openly.
Chandrika could play a role in genuine peace building.It is not easy to put 74 years of self destruction right. Lets try.
Nathan / April 6, 2022
Native Vedda,
Would Chandrika be ‘genuine’ …. ? I see no evidence.
Will she have the courage to offer a Tamil any truly important role under her administration? I doubt.
She’d run the country better than anyone who succeeded her. I agree.
Sinhala_Man / April 5, 2022
What does this sentence of yours mean? “Out of all options a military controlled regime is the only possibility.”
Can we have a government more military than what we’ve had for the past two years? This is why I have been saying for so long that we must pledge firm support for some group or organisation. I have proclaimed that for me, it is the NPP – and I have clearly identified myself.
Look at what you have started off saying. You should then support Sumanthiran. I’m a Sinhalese, but if Sumanthiran it has to be, so be it!
Didn’t you say that you had taught at S. Thomas’ Mt Lavinia? You said so in a comment. But you said that you didn’t want to support what I was saying about corruption in the school because you didn’t want to let the school down.
Rubbish! You’re just a coward. I have now read all of this article by Kumar. I’m flummoxed even by his attitude to the NPP. Why is he suddenly calling it the JVP?
chiv / April 5, 2022
Sinhala Man , trust me I respect your opinion as much as many others here. The only reason I hang in here is because of like minded
good decent human beings who know the differences between right and wrong and do.not hesitate calling it. but call as it is. We wish, only the best for our country but at the same time are tired, fed up and do not trust our 75 years of political system anymore. I agree in that the best option is to get the few good ones under one umbrella. My answer to KD was what I thought is highly possible (military) right now. But I admit, events in the past 24 hours are totally unexpected. ( possibility of an early election).
old codger / April 4, 2022
“Sell Mother Lanka into harlotry and kow-tow to the Chinese, Indians, US, IMF, Saudis and the devil incarnate to attract funds,”
Well, why not? We have proved ourselves incapable of governing ourselves. Let someone else do it.Of course they’ll exploit us, make us work harder for less money, impose unfair taxes…. It goes with the territory. But if we integrate with India, things might work better. The Sinhala Kings weren’t really independent. We should push for a currency union to stop forestall clowns like Cabral. Sign CEPA immediately. Include professionals as well. That will reduce the horrendous cost of specialists and drugs. Why should a PCR test cost 6000 bucks when it’s only 1500 in India?
Lay an undersea cable to connect our grids together.
Forget national pride. What good is it when we are reduced to beggars, standing or dying in queues for everything from parippu to petrol?
“This also gives Mr Ten-Percent an opportunity for additional foraging!”
Seriously, who expects Basil to be even in the country after today? He’ll probably be back home pumping gas.
ReginaldShamalPerera / April 4, 2022
Old codger,
I wouldn’t swab an Indian PCR test even on our Dog. Keep in mind though that our dig is a champion Norfolk Terrier.
The Sri Lankan PCR costs 6000 RS because it is of high quality. You can swab the garbage Indian PCR test even on a dying Covid patient and it would still ring a negative result.
old codger / April 5, 2022
Reggie dear,
“I wouldn’t swab an Indian PCR test even on our Dog”
If that’s so, how come we had a higher covid death rate than India? It costs 6000 bucks because it’s imported only by Gota’s henchman .
You would be well advised to keep your medical opinions to yourself and your dog. I believe your expertise is more on mass murder and rape, right?
Native Vedda / April 5, 2022
old codger
Reginald Shameless Pererass types:
“I wouldn’t swab an Indian PCR test even on our Dog.”
Don’t get me wrong, I am not sure as to why Pererass reminds me of his ancestor’s origin from bestiality.
chiv / April 6, 2022
Regie needs a STD swab, not the PCR . Didn’t he tell us how much he loves using soap as rear end specialist in Lankan army.
SJ / April 8, 2022
Do not believe the infection and mortality rates of 2021. there is ugly politics to it. Those who refused to believe the government when the infection & death rates were low were quite happy with the data when numbers were exaggerated.
I personally know heart attack victims whose cause of death was recorded as COVID-19.
Our medical profession stinks.
Native Vedda / April 5, 2022
old codger
“That will reduce the horrendous cost of specialists and drugs.”
Where would Channa Jayasumana find job?
You are being very cruel to him and many others.
old codger / April 6, 2022
“Where would Channa Jayasumana find job?
You are being very cruel to him and many others.”
You could say that to the guys who are stoning his house.
Singar A. Velan / April 4, 2022
The shot at TNA seems unnecessary there. That meeting is unlikely to be in the minds of people protesting. But Sumanthiran did make a very valid point there — a little bit of devolution to the parts can go a long way in buying loyalty to the whole, reap economic benefits via diaspora investment and make us a better people.
Mallaiyuran / April 4, 2022
Ali Sabri has forced all cases against Hitler King be withdrawn by being the Injustice Minister of Langkang. Now he is moving to Finance so he will bravely redeemed all the Royal Bonds to Aanduwa. Ali is the classic example of Velikku Oonan Sadchi. Sabash!
Captain Morgan / April 4, 2022
O.C. – “Lay an undersea cable to connect our grids together.”
Whereas undersea communication cables are a safe and feasible proposition and are in common use today all over the world, I don’t think undersea high voltage power transmission is a practical and safe proposition as per my limited technical knowledge. I kindly request Professor K.D. to answer this question as he knows much about this subject. All I want is a brief paragraph.
old codger / April 5, 2022
There are lots of high voltage undersea cables . They are quite practical.
Trust me, I do have technical knowledge.
Captain Morgan / April 6, 2022
O.C. old fox,
You are right! I should have checked my facts before writing. Anyway, there is the risk that one of those pesky Indian bottom trawlers might snag the high voltage cable and damage it. They don’t usually bury the cable but lay it in a shallow trench, if at all.
old codger / April 7, 2022
“there is the risk that one of those pesky Indian bottom trawlers might snag the high voltage cable “
Wouldn’t that neatly solve the bottom trawling problem, and offer a free fireworks show too?
SJ / April 8, 2022
Good one!
Mallaiyuran / April 4, 2022
So far the protests are very well thought out, though the laymen have no philosophical, net working minds. They are aware who caused all these, though they just voted the UNP-SLFP cartwheels, as had no-other alternative. Important matters are creating a non UNP-SFP, honest group to take care of the government after the Royals are ousted. Further now they should make sure Central Bank Cabal transfers all the country’s money to foreign banks in the name of redeeming bonds. They must clearly warn the dirty Cabal in Central, if he sends out one more penny to redeem Royals’ Bonds, he will wake only in Bogambara, tomorrow. People should work out a diplomatic way to recover Ravi, Ranil Mahendran, and the royal robbed, and deposited from the international government from their banks. Dubai, SA, Belarus, Seychelles, US, UK government should freeze these crooks’ assets and should release it only to the people ‘s government. They should clearly tell China, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan that they should forgo their loans because they have knowingly given those loans to thieves. Protestors should be straightforward and honest in their action or they attract international investors to come and invest in their country.
Mallaiyuran / April 4, 2022
I hear Central Bank Cabal is also gone. That rascal is a foresighted, smart rascal. But who even comes to CB, people should not allow Central Bank to pay a penny back on any loans outstanding,
Mallaiyuran / April 4, 2022
Let all those governments to go to WTO or ICC against Royals’ international properties, not a penny from people’s money at this desperate time.
Gus / April 4, 2022
Old Codger says “But if we integrate with India [Hindustan (nod to EE) ] , things might work better”
This is going to upset some like EE.
Instead of telling ceylon tamils to go back to Hindustan, we might well see sinhala land become Hindustan.
I amuse myself with the sinhala country situation youtubes and viewed a “Hindustan”youtube that says that sinhala land even imports fish despite being an island and surrounded by lush fishing seas.
Not industrious persons it seems in sinhala land.
Without a doubt the Rajapakses are controlled by the CIA being USA citizens or obliged to follow USA requirements after 7 years of giving up USA citizenship which Gota claims misleadingly to have done. We will know the truth about Gota’s USA allegiance when he shoots off to the USA with his tail between the legs.
Once Gota and his Rajapakse clan are out of power the USA not having any use for them will then proceed with a war crimes attack on him [eg what the USA did with Saddam used him to attack Iran and when Saddam stopped outed him on a pretext of WMD]
Mallaiyuran / April 4, 2022
Five to ten people, who can speak foreign languages, should call Colombo embassies and get appointment with the staff. There, people should go and explain to them that they have moral obligation to prevent Royals swindling their wealth locally and taking it to their countries. Foreign Nations must freeze all Royals, properties and give the value to rehabilitate Ceylon. But please don’t be fooled by another Mangala to recover the loots.
Rajash / April 4, 2022
“Gota will resign now or offer to step down at the end of his term without contesting again”
There is no way the people will let him serve the term..
If he doesn’t do the right thing and resign eh will be forced out
Express22 / April 4, 2022
A good summary of contemporary happenings by Prof. KD.
For once since August 1953, the nation has seen an all inclusive outburst of explosive anger and wrath. To canalise this flow of energy, the nation would look forward to LEADERSHIP manifesting in a single personage. Capacity for Theorizing, Organizing, Leading is the need of the moment. If it does exist now the polity would have identified now. Embers are afire, with a futile hope of a leader to emerge. One could see a beginning but the haul is long.
To be wished and seen is the destruction of all pervasive deception which is perched securely. A dent has certainly been made.
srikrish / April 4, 2022
This is revolution!. This is people power. It is above the constitution and it is a futile exercise to find solution within the constitution. Along with Gota and his cohorts, those in the opposition also will be destroyed. It could not be stopped midway. It is not instigated by any of the political parties.
A new social order will be born out of this chaos. Then and only then the survivors could think of a constitution and a new government.
Not only politicians but the so called intellectuals- the academics, and professionals have to answer for their long silence while the crime against the entire social fabric was committed.
Paul / April 4, 2022
This is what people must be careful of, as history repeats itself.
The hand of Vengeance found the Bed
To which the Purple Tyrant fled
The iron hand crushed the Tyrants head
And became a Tyrant in his stead
(William Blake)
SJ / April 4, 2022
A timely reminder, although history repeats in many ways, no two identical.
old codger / April 5, 2022
Those who are protesting want instant solutions. No government can provide that. The only real solution is hard work and deprivation for the foreseeable future. But will people who voted for attractive fairy tales pampering their nationalist egos vote for that?
SJ / April 8, 2022
You said it for me.
Human Touch / April 4, 2022
Dear Prof KD
The turn of events leading to the present state of the country makes me proud after a long long time.
Suddenly our people’s mindset has changed to normal.
We are claiming our place amongst the human race.
Having witnessed the way we behaved in 2009 and thereafter, where the majority of the people had become mindless yes men to the nefarious Rajapaksa bastards, believing in the most bizarre myths and fallacies propagated by the Rajapaksa rogues.
Suddenly there is a change of heart, citizens embrace and recognize one another as partners, equals, brothers and sisters regardless of language, caste, creed, gender, economic standing, or social status.
This is what we need to develop our precious country. It is not something money could buy. It has to come from within.
Nation-building takes resources, of which, human resource is the key. Sri Lanka is in a unique position in Asia, our women are equally educated and capable just as the men or even better.
This means that our output can be twice as efficient as most other south Asian, middle-eastern, and African countries for a given population size.
If a proper government comes into power we can all participate in rebuilding our country with all hands on deck as one mighty team, unbreakable.
Human Touch / April 4, 2022
… continued
It is becoming more and more clear who our real enemies have been. It has been our leaders all along.
Not all, but most leaders have been towing the divide and rule line even more strongly than the colonial masters did.
They have also used our security forces, the justice system, the education system, and the economic system to keep us under their feet.
In the meantime, the political leaders, the top businessmen, and some so-called elites have been enjoying the sweat and suffering of the masses.
They however have been ignoring the fact that, as they keep the population caged, so will the country stay underdeveloped. This is perhaps ok by them since they have created their perfectly insulated cocoons separating them from the public.
However, we have stagnated, while most countries have progressed. In relative terms, we have gone down.
All these anomalies are being addressed now. I think it is time we made an informed and rational choice for the next set of leaders.
For now, the public is on course to make a much-needed, long-awaited breakthrough.
I hope and pray that the bastard politicians don’t wangle their way into scuttling this drive.
Sinhala_Man / April 5, 2022
Dear Human Touch,
You speak of rationality and Logic, but all I see in your comments are slogans and generalities.
We have talked on WhatsApp because you don’t live in Lanka. Because I have promised not to reveal your name or the country you live in (after all you live on Planet Earth, and every bit of land {and even sea? No, not quite, I think} has been claimed by some country.
My promise I will keep for two days more only. If you don’t commit yourself to supporting some credible group, I shall denounce you! Let me see. Let’s say, by 23.59 on Wednesday the 6th, commit yourself.
If Sajith really is the guy you want, say so. I have already called him a fraud, so he’s not my choice. Don’t you have any backbone?
Panini Edirisinhe
Plato / April 4, 2022
Prof: David is indignant; Rightly so; But I suspect more indignation than he could possibly contain……………..
a] Sajith and the SJB have flopped………
b] The JVP is sleeping………
and dreaming too that the street protests are engineered by the Govt!
c] The TNA with excruciating precision chose this moment to BUM GOTA and alienate itself from the mood on the streets…………
Not quite so.
The TNA- GOTA MEET preceded the spontaneous street protests and besides as OLD CODGER has rightly pointed out in his comment above they did extract certain concessions from Gota.As for the street protests even Gnakka was clean bowled.
The street protests will gather momentum as the days roll by, and chances are that it would not subside with a pettyfogging National Govt: in place, limping towards a constitutional based next election.
Its now or never……. Elvis Presley
The last dance for the Rajapakses [ courtesy Inglebert Humperdink ] and last but not the least the end of the Executive Presidency…………………………………..
Nathan / April 4, 2022
The noise and the hullabaloo is only a reflection of our desire. Is there anyone among our politicos who could translate our desires into reality.
SJ / April 4, 2022
Do we know each other’s desire?
Sargent Nallathambi / April 5, 2022
Yes Mr Sumanthiran
Was the only parliamentarian that exposed human rights violations and corruption of this government in the resent past.
It is time we all get together against corruption with one voice.
Human Touch / April 5, 2022
If the younger generation can understand that we are all one, why can’t you fathom the fact that as humans we have the same basic desires?
I know this new Sri Lankan mindset is a bit hard for the older generation to accept.
The older generation has been indoctrinated to have a very rigid point of view, based on virtual divisions amongst us.
For instance, genetically there is no definite Sinhala person or a definite tamil person.
We are a mixture of different DNA variations. Can you understand my drift?
I hope you know that every human on earth shares exactly the same mitochondrial DNA, which we get from our mothers. It may interest you to know that mitochondrial DNA is actually bacteria that have integrated itself into our human cells during evolution.
There is another trait in human males, that the Y chromosomes are all linked to a common ancestor, most probably a man who lived in Africa about 200,000 years ago.
Thanks to advances in DNA analysis, these facts have emerged and our human migration patterns and scientific explanation as to why we are the way we appear can be explained.
SJ / April 8, 2022
“…humans we have the same basic desires”
Would I question that? It is the specific desires that differ.
It is those desires that make them kill each other.
Do other species of animals wage wars?
Mallaiyuran / April 5, 2022
Sounds like you too stood in front of Deva’s Kari- Aalayam to get Tharishan with usual Pirasatham. Let me ask something that is tempting me too much, Was the line you stood is longer than Royals’ cooking gas line?
SJ / April 8, 2022
Was your k*** queue very long?
MyView / April 5, 2022
Yes – individually at times – eg. lovers have one desire.
And collectively the current crowd sentiment has one definite desire – Gota & Govt must go.
old codger / April 5, 2022
“Do we know each other’s desire?”
Good question.
A Sinhala Buddhist utopia as per the various Mahanayakas and Urumayas?
A chauvinist paradise according to Weerawansa (with free Lemon Puff)?
A regime of big words but no action by Sajith?
Blood and thunder from the JVP?
The only common thing is “Gota out”. What next?
SJ / April 8, 2022
What next?
A better question.
Sinhala_Man / April 5, 2022
Yes, Nathan.
I have faith in the NPP. And in young Shanikyan Rasamanikkam, the 31 year old MP from the Batticaloa District.
There’s something wrong with YOU, if there’s nobody whom you can trust.
People are so vague that I fear that we will get stuck with some people even worse than the Rajapaksas.
Tell me, Nathan, despite all my transparency, after I’ve shown you my photograph (displayed with the articles that I have written), given you my NIC number, and told you so much about myself, can’t you take me seriously.
I’m 73, never in “politics”. I’m NOT putting myself forward as a candidate for leadership. But I’m naming those whom I support.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela NIC 483111444V
MyView / April 5, 2022
Dear SM.
…There’s something wrong with YOU, if there’s nobody whom you can trust….
“TRUST” is not something for ever and anon. It is only till the current time. People change – that is why you hear “I never expected this of you” often. Like your trust in NPP, so did U.Tubers Sudantha and Jananayake, who campaigned heavily for GR but now have come out to apologise for their mistake openly asking those who were swayed by them to vote GR.
NPP have never been in power to be open to temptation to corrupt themselves but who knows their future.
Point out good and bad but better to be circumspect with your “trust”.
Good luck.
Nathan / April 6, 2022
Translating our desires into reality does not require my trust or yours.
That requires the strength to reach the position of Head of State.
I can do it; I can never be a politician, let alone being the head of State.
Gus / April 5, 2022
100 thousand plus tamil souls murdered at the instigation of USA security guard cum sinhala land so going to be exle President will be eagerly awaiting Gota’s arrival in the next world. There he will get his just deserts.
I had a situation where a guy transferred a house to his exwife regretted it and it ate eaten his mind and he died because of his regret and torment.
It is known that Gota has a heart ailment and as such the national and international personal shame embarrassment hurt (he considers himself the saviour of the sinhala landn and now not appreciated) etc will aggravate and without a doubt hasten his demise
Good Sense / April 5, 2022
Prof Kum describes that the JVP has blown its credibility by taking a long and peaceful siesta. Does he expect them to do something resulting the authorities to point a finger and unleash violence on them? JVP involvement? The labels are an attempt to overthrow an elected government and for them to run a dictatorship. Just as much as there are many who are voting for the JVP or its proxy there are a considerable number who believes that they should be shot and burned (perhaps alive like in Wijeweera) because their loved ones were butchered and humiliated in death, especially in the 1988 uprising. As far as the options are concerned whoever are or would take over the power of government would opt for harlotry, the only way to get money. Already the air and sea space of Sri Lanka is in Indian control by treaty signed by Mr. 10% or the “Ugly American” Just for a billion of dollars. Any other fellow would sell or lease other body parts of Mother Lanka.
Gus / April 5, 2022
THE RATS ARE LEAVING THE SINKING SHIP. Namal’ RATpakse wife family and parents have bolted to enjoy the swindled 100s of millions of USD in Dubai. sinhala media reports said $700 million USD.
Basil RATpakse has resigned and left the RAT infested Gota Government to enjoy his looted millions possibly to the USA where he does not have to pump gas anymore.
Mahinda RATpakse is wondering where he can run and how best to do it.
Gota RATpakse must be wondering why he is being poisoned at the moment and in the throes of his death from being LORD RATpakse of sinhala land.
Jeeves / April 5, 2022
Give Ranjan Ramanayaka a warm welcome back…