By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“It shows that something is wrong with the system of government that injures the felicity by which society is to be preserved”. – Paine (Rights of Man)
A majority of Sinhalese are less extremist, more rational and more humane than their Rajapaksa-saviours, according to the latest opinion survey by the Centre of Policy Alternatives (CPA)[i]. They are also becoming increasingly discommoded by and therefore disaffected with the existing regimen.
‘Top Line Survey: Democracy in Post-War Sri Lanka’ contains many expected and unexpected insights into the collective thinking of the Lankan people. One of the most politically portentous and (helpful) findings is that an absolute majority of Sinhalese (59.1%) think that ‘the government should give priority to allocating resources to rebuild the conflict afflicted areas, even if this means that less money is spent in the rest of the country’. Only a miniscule 7.9% of Sinhalese think that ‘rebuilding the conflict affected areas should not be given priority over the needs of the rest of the country’.
This shows a spirit of generosity and solidarity which augers well for Sri Lanka and badly for the Rajapaksas.
“Making the community more fanatical and exploiting the resultant fanatics”[ii], a key instrument of Rajapaksa rule, is clearly not achieving the expected success.
According to another fascinating finding, just 15.9% of Sinhalese[iii] believe that only Buddhism should be given a special place in the Constitution while assuring the freedom of other religions (status quo). Only a miniscule 6.6% of Sinhalese[iv] support the more extreme (JHU/BBS) position that ‘Only Buddhism should be given a special place in the Lankan Constitution’. 45.5% of Sinhalese and 50% of Lankans think that the Constitution should guarantee religious freedom as a fundamental right (without giving primacy to Buddhism). Interestingly, the stance closest to secularism (making no mention of religion in the constitution) is more popular with Upcountry Tamils (49%) and Muslims (29.1%).
Clearly the Sinhala public is far less majoritarian supremacist than their rulers want/need them to be, even after years of concerted fear-cum-hate mongering by the Rajapaksas and their more rabid proxies. And that cannot but be bad news for the Siblings because their political project depends on inter-communal disharmony. Without terrifying enemies and potent threats Familial Rule and Dynastic Succession cannot survive.
The CPA survey paints the picture of a people who are open to logic, reason and ordinary kindness, a people capable of drawing closer together on the basis of common problems, shared interests and human sympathy. The divides do exist; but they are not unbridgeable.
And the best bridge between the communities is their growing dissatisfaction with the present and their increasing pessimism about the future.
The Economy, Stupid’[v]
50.5% of Lankans and 45.4% of Sinhalese think that current national economic situation is somewhat bad/very bad. Of this category the absolute majority (70.5% of Lankans and 66.6% of Sinhalese) believe that the government is responsible for this unhappy state of affairs.
Only 30% of Lankans think that their own financial situation improved in the last two years while 52.7% of Lankans think that their own financial situation deteriorated. Only 44.3% of Lankans think that the general economic situation improved in the last two years. Just 35.2% of Lankans believe that the general economic situation will get better in the next two years.
Comparing the results of the 2013 survey with a similar survey by the CPA in 2011 provides some interesting insights into the trajectory of public opinion. There is a country-wide decrease in wellbeing/security and in future expectations. A growing number of Lankans believe they live less well and less safely today than they did two years ago; a growing number of Lankans are less hopeful about the future than they were two years ago.
The Sinhalese are no exceptions to this general trend.
In 2011, just 35.2% of Sinhalese thought their financial situation got worse in the two preceding years; in 2013, almost a half of Sinhalese (49.3%) think that their financial situation deteriorated in the two previous years.
In 2011, 53.9% of Sinhalese believed that the general economic situation improved in the two previous years. But by 2013, this figure has crossed the key 50% mark; only 49% of Sinhalese think that the general economic situation improved in the two preceding years.
In 2011, a mammoth 70% of Sinhalese thought that the general economic situation will get better in the next two years. In 2013 only 38.5% of Sinhalese think that the general economic situation will improve in the next two years – a decrease of 45%, in just two years!
The reason for this drastic increase in pessimism is sourced in the yawning gap between popular priorities and Rajapaksa priorities.
Expressways, ports, airports, convention centres, sports complexes and other mega infrastructure projects, so beloved by the Rajapaksas, do not figure on the spending priorities of ordinary people. Most Lankans think that education, health and agriculture should be prioritised in spending national wealth.
The Sinhalese prioritise health (40.4%), education (39.7%) and agriculture (35.4%). Education is the greatest priority of the minority communities (Tamil – 73.7%; Upcountry Tamil – 63.7%; Muslim – 63.7%).
Most Lankans believe that government should focus on cost-of-living, poverty and education issues. Sinhalese believe that cost-of-living (58.5%), health (33.1%) and reducing poverty (33%) should be primary government concerns. Tamils think that education (52.3%), jobs (46.5%) and reducing poverty (33%) should be government priorities. Upcountry Tamils think government should prioritise education (50.9%), unemployment (43.4%) and cost-of-living (40.1%). Muslims want government to focus on cost-of-living (72.4%), education (39.9%) and reducing poverty (37.9%).
What do Lankans hope for from the current development process? Not hubs, miracles or international renown; just reduction in living costs (78.3%), employment generation (56.5%) and better education facilities (38.4%). The Sinhalese hope for reduction in living costs (78.5%), employment generation (52.7%) and developing agriculture (40.7%); Tamils want reduction in cost-of-living (73.2%); job creation (67.8%) and education (54.2%); Upcountry Tamils hope for reduction in living costs (70%), jobs (58.5%) and education (50.5%); for Muslims, the desired results are decrease in cost-of-living (88.3%), employment generation (67.5%) and education (51.8%).
The priorities of most Lankans and most Sinhalese accurately reflect the national reality of a developing country beset by ordinary livelihood issues. The Rajapaksas are trying to impose the superstructure of a developed country on an economically struggling land. Their pretentious policies are dangerous, unsustainable – and obviously unpopular.
Politically too a sense of disenchantment is visible, both nationally and among Sinhalese.
In 2011, 96.1% of Sinhalese thought the security situation got better in the previous two years; currently only 87% of Sinhalese think so – a decrease of 9.5%.
In 2011, 78.6% of Sinhalese believed that the security situation will improve in the next two years. In 2013, only 59.7% of Sinhalese believe in a more secure future, a drop of 24%.
The potential to win over a majority of Sinhalese without succumbing to the lure of Sinhala/Buddhist-supremacism (masquerading as ‘nationalism’ or ‘patriotism’) does exist. The Siblings have not succeeded in turning most Sinhalese into automatons, willing to march towards any disaster, on command.
The people can be weaned away from the Rajapaksas with reason, information, education and knowledge.
Is the Opposition up to the task?
[ii] The Language of the Third Reich – Victor Klemperer
[iii] 12.6% of Lankans
[iv] 4.8% of Lankans
[v] A phrase coined by Clinton campaign strategist James Carville during the 1992 American Presidential Election. He wanted the campaign to focus mainly on the tottering US economy in order to counter President Bush’s political aura as the winner of the First Gulf War.
Anpu / November 17, 2013
Dear Tisaranee,
Thank you.
Please pass a copy of this article to the president for him to read and to respond.
mike / November 17, 2013
Yes, but with a Sinhalese translation please. This bugger cannot understand the nature, effect and content of any document in English.
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / November 17, 2013
Are you Mad???????????.
better give that to fish vender to use or use.
the fish vender will understand some value is there.
THIS moron Jarapassa cannot understand this much of simple thing,
That is why, he is depending on so called advisers,
who are also morons like the Dahja Jarapassa.
george jilmart / November 17, 2013
This guy will not understand no matter how much he reads!!!1
IOSalli / November 17, 2013
According to this, even though this is not a Muslim majority country yet many Muslims (70% of the Muslims) need this country to have a Islamic ruling system.
This will be very dangerous for all Sri Lankans except Muslims.
BBS Rep / November 18, 2013
It is dangerous for Muslims also.
Native Vedda / November 18, 2013
This island is no sovereign state as it appears that it is run by colonial office, Mahinda as the governor general.
You celebrated the return of your white master.
Where were you when the white man tell MR off.
You should have taken him to Hague.
You are still subservient subject to the already dimished British empire. Your old habits die hard.
Go kick some Muslims, Christians and Tamils and show the white man who you are.
fred / November 18, 2013
IOSalli, I don’t think you are interpreting the numbers right. If 29% of Muslims favour secularism, it does not necessarily follow that 71% want an Islamic ruling system,
IOSalli / November 19, 2013
Yeah I can’t exactly say that. But Most probably I can think it’s Islamic Sharia due to several incidents.
It’s better preparing for the worst case rather living in sweet dreams.
GIGO / November 18, 2013
Also, please send the framed version of the photo produced here that is hanging in your bedroom, with a note to say “your sexy body keeps me awake at night” so that he might offer an audience.
May all your wishes come true.
Peter / November 18, 2013
GIGO(LO?) – Stop putting YOUR words in Tisaranee’s mouth. If YOU find him sexy and he keeps YOU awake at night, go for it. Maybe YOUR wish will come true!!
Amarnath / November 17, 2013
What is the sample like? Does it represent a more or less adequate cross section? See the urban middle class is more sinister and more Sinhala racist than the rural Sinhala Buddhist m/class. In Western Province it is the small town trader who guide Sinhala sentiments. So is the ordinary govt. School Sinhala teacher in urban areas. So they have to be in the sample used.
Anyway, electoral politics is different.
Dinuk / November 17, 2013
Many thanks Thisaranee for this! As always!
The Sinhalese are a naive and uneducated lot for the most part – at elections far less rational than may seem in survey results. They like a good spectacle and perahera and forget the rest, much like plantation Tamils who keep voting for the same politically and morally bankrupt leaders.
Of course, it is principally the fault of the opposition and civil society who have failed to educate the Sinhala villager re. good governance and corruption in politics because they are themselves corrupt.
The fact is the no on in the opposition has been able to use the disaffection of the Sinhalas with the Rajapassa military dictatorship to topple it. In fact we need a survey of the people’s views of the opposition parties and POLITICAL CULTURE in the country to help find a way forward for political transformation.
Kapila / November 17, 2013
Agreed with this – seems that only the northern Tamils have become politically educated – through all their 30 years of violence and suffering under the LTTE barbarians!
Sinhalaya Modayas will still drink the arrack provided by corrupt provincial and national politicians the night before the elections, and then vote for the MOST CORRUPT politician just because he gave them a drink or ‘bath’ packet!
Political education of the Sinhala voter is very important!
Lapatiya / November 17, 2013
Madam Tisaranee always telling that Sri Lanka is a poor Country, lot of people are suffering from malnutrition etc. etc. But this photo says otherwise.
Photo says everything and for most of us he is the Most wanted c.o.r.r.u.p.t.e.d, c.r.i.m.i.n.a.l t.h.u.g in this Dharmadveepaya. only Robert Mugabe and few others in the world are little bit ahead of him.
Yasodara Fukushima / November 18, 2013
Mr Lapatiya,
How dare you say that Mugabe is ahead of our king.
E kaale giya. Now our king family is leading in anything and everything.
Do you know the latest? I think they going to break a few world records for
1) Going to Own most Number of Merc (Benz) by one single family in the world, its 54 in total.
2) The entire fleet is given (taken rather) to them by free of charge.
3) Life time free Gas to the entire lot on tax payers sweat.
Monawada oya kiyanne Mr Lapatiya, Isnt our king hon mahinda ahead of any leader?
Now he is the boss CHOGM his family is also as famous as the Royal Family of Britain.
Can Ranil do such brave things? He wouldnt even dream of. Can Obama or Cameron do? We should be really proud to have such a wonderful royal family. In fact api pin karala thiyenna oney.
kali / November 20, 2013
Fat ” Mama ” Fuk U Shima,
The name Yasodara does not suit you as it is a Tamil name.
You cant be Sinhalese, Mislim, Japanese and at the same time Tamil
kali / November 20, 2013
Fat ” Mama ” Fuk U Shima
Stop Barking like a Mad dog as that is what you are. You can Bark but you cant Bite anymore. You are DEFEATED man and accept defeat and surrender we wont shoot you.
You have no friends left in the World as even China who has a terrible Human Rights Records after Tiananmen Square has abandoned you. Try Robert Mugabe for friends.
China asks Lanka to protect and promote human rights
Nov 18 (PTI) In a surprise move, China today asked Sri Lanka to “make efforts to protect and promote human rights”, backing calls by India, Britain and other countries at the CHOGM summit in Colombo to address allegations of rights abuses against the country’s minority Tamils. “Due to the differences in the economic and social development of different countries, there could be differences on human rights protection
Sumith / November 17, 2013
/* Only 30% of Lankans think that their own financial situation improved in the last two years */
this should be Rajapakse family, their relatives, and the henchmen. -:)
peace loving / November 17, 2013
I wonderful finding and we should be proud of this generosity of the singhalse people. who want to share this country with all communities, they do not want to marginalise any one.
IOSalli / November 17, 2013
According to the stats given above I feel that sample of Sri Lankas who was selected for the survey has defects.
Javi / November 18, 2013
You look like you’re going to the dogs?
IOSalli / November 19, 2013
This survey has problems. It’s very clear to anyone who live in Sri Lanka.
Bensen Burner / November 17, 2013
Very Good Tissaranee. The problem is that there is no opposition in the true sense of the word and Rajapaksas are thriving on this. This is the first time that members of the opposition are lured with money and positions and they succumb to this. From your statistics, it is heartening to note that the genuine Sinhalese people by and large prefer a secular State. The chauvinistic provisions of the 1978 Constitution were imposed upon the people because of the accidents of a two thirds majority not directed towards these aspirations but because the people sought to change a corrupt and authoritarian government. It is now become worse with the people imprisoned within this quagmire as it were with no alternative government. Bensen
Max Silva / November 17, 2013
Thisaranee,you should ask the defeated Tamil terrorists to give you a raise.
Peter / November 18, 2013
Max – What’s your problem? Can’t you handle the truth? What do the Tamil Terrorists have to do with this survey’s results?
kali / November 20, 2013
Max You Racist Moron,
Stop Barking like a Mad dog as that is what you are. You can Bark but you cant Bite anymore. You are DEFEATED man and accept defeat and surrender we wont shoot you.
You have no friends left in the World as even China who has a terrible Human Rights Records after Tiananmen Square has abandoned you. Try Robert Mugabe for friends.
China asks Lanka to protect and promote human rights
Nov 18 (PTI) In a surprise move, China today asked Sri Lanka to “make efforts to protect and promote human rights”, backing calls by India, Britain and other countries at the CHOGM summit in Colombo to address allegations of rights abuses against the country’s minority Tamils. “Due to the differences in the economic and social development of different countries, there could be differences on human rights protection
Max you Animal,
By your own admission you have confiremd the following.
1) You belong to the Animal Kingdom ( History has taught us this )
2) You have sex with your willing partner and then kill her.
Both the above admissions are on record.
I have already asked you the following questions and told you that before you answer them you are not fit to post any Comments.
1) When did you last have sex
2) Was that with a willing partner ( or may be an Animal).
3) Have you killed her or have you passed on to another Animal
Anjala / November 17, 2013
What ever the fact are, the writer should have put a better photo of the Head of State. You don’t ridicule a Head of State of any country!
Rationalist / November 17, 2013
The writer is not ridiculing the Head Of State.
She is showing the whole world that Rajapakse is not a bigoted Sinhala Buddhist.
He is dressed appropriately for a Tamil Hindu Ceremony in a Hindu Kovil!
ruwan / November 17, 2013
I agree, but in RAJAGODAYA’S case I make an Exception ! He is not worth rediculing to begin with Anjala !
Solution / November 18, 2013
What you are saying is true to a leader but not fit for a Tsunami hora.
if the head of state is a crook what kind of respect you expecting us to give him, unless you are one of his sidekicks.
Tisaranee always selects the right picture.
By the way this is him right? So why worry?
This is how he looks. Do you want Tisaranee to add Brad Pit or George Cloony’s pics instead?
poor softy.
mike / November 17, 2013
I hope the Psycho Queen will request this bugger to wear a brassiere!!
Solution / November 18, 2013
Psycho Queen, who Jala jala or Darshani irathinawalli?
Varathan / November 17, 2013
Thank you for the Survey, It reveals the trend of Sri Lankan Society
I think post war has not improved our economy, When we became
indipendent country, our economy was doing good, even better than
Our economy started to degrade and continued long before JVP and
LTTE error.
I think people of Sri Lanka; Singelease, Tamils or Buddhist,
Muslims, Hindus to be self secure and proud of their identities and
word toward advancement of society is a good thing.
Using racial segregation or racial issues for gain of a society will be short lived
and permanent development will be difficult.
We could discuss of distinction of tribes in USA, Australia etc. but these are not
democratic principles. In Russian continent several people have been moved without
willingness, In China, in the modern error people are relocated to build new township
and new societies will this be sustainable?
What is wrong with Tamils, Hindus , Muslims ? Singelease and Buddhism are the reason
for development of Sri Lanka? Hitler said Germany is better off without jews and
economy of Germany was better without jews ….
The big question Sri Lankans should ask is what kind of society we wish to develop in
the future for our coming generations.
How can Sri Lanka achieve real democratic government and political parties?
Can we have powerful families manipulating ordinary peoples life? Is their any truth in
powerful nations are manipulating the countries development? Does the people living out
side Sri Lanka have any voice about Sri Lanka when they denounce their nationality ?
The Professional / November 17, 2013
“Is the Opposition up to the task?”
Which opposition?
1. Is it the opposition in the parliament?
2. Is it the opposing political parties out side the parliament?
3. Is it the political parties which oppose some bills in the parliament?
4. Is it the NGO Alliance which oppose anything and everything proposed by the present government?
5. Is it the opposing media?
6. Is it the opposing academia and professionals?
7. Is it the opposing Trade Unions?
CPA appears to have conducted Surveys without disclosing the composition and the size of the sample and therefore the outcome will not have any impact on policy making by the present government.
Thisaraneeta Thisrarana Saranai.
SI / November 18, 2013
Sample and methodology included in the report – http://www.scribd.com/doc/182597529/Top-line-survey-results-Democracy-in-post-war-Sri-Lanka
Javi / November 18, 2013
Tadpole (゜゜)~ Which opposition? (゜゜)~Tadpole
The truth is not for ass licking gal/pol selling professionals but only for those who seek it.
Tadpole (゜゜)~ without disclosing the composition (゜゜)~ Tadpole
Specially for you, Try auto urine therapy for composition as the statistical average of all the frogs is not equivalent to each and every frog.
Gota “Gooo”ta “Booo”ts – Mugabe loves you Lankets
O:-) :* :*
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / November 17, 2013
“The CPA survey paints the picture of a people who are open to logic, reason and ordinary kindness, a people capable of drawing closer together on the basis of common problems, shared interests and human sympathy. The divides do exist; but they are not unbridgeable.”
This conclusion based on the CPA survey about the Sinhalese is absolutely correct. The same conclusion can be drawn about the Tamils too.
It is a small stream that divides us and not a mighty ocean. It can be easily bridged or forded, if there is political will on the part of our ruling class and the false Messiahs, the way will be very easy.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Rajash / November 17, 2013
Tisaranee…you know what response this surevy will get fronm the Sinhala racist.
CPA is a LTTE rump and funded by the diaspora
Mahela / November 17, 2013
Thank you for another great analysis.
I don’t know why they did not put out this President Rajapakse Portrait out for CHOGM which is more appropriate.
Also Baby face Ranil should get onto street and meet people and educate them than saving his pretty virgin face while spending Wasteful time in Air conditioned Parliament and in Siri Kotha.
Follow Callum Macrae and CH4 as an example.
Jazz / November 17, 2013
‘Is the opposition upto the task?’
Very simple answer. NO.
Happy / November 18, 2013
Seems like,[Edited out]
Javi / November 18, 2013
Tadpole (゜゜)~ Seems like,[Edited out] (゜゜)~ Tadpole
Seems like,[kuuudu] Happy :) (’-’*)
Ö Ö Ö 0:3
Senguttuvan / November 18, 2013
Tisaranee’s useful analysis goes a long way to contribute to reconciliation and better understanding between the Sinhala and
Tamil people. Much credit to CPA as well. Left to themselves, the Sinhalese are a peaceful and reasonable people. The problem, as always, are the vocal microscopic extremists – both cleric and lay – whose immediate agenda is themselves and not the country and its well being.
It is good to read “an absolute majority of Sinhalese (59.1%) think that ‘the government should give priority to allocating resources to rebuild the conflict afflicted areas, even if this means that less money is spent in the rest of the country’. Only a miniscule 7.9% of Sinhalese think that ‘rebuilding the conflict affected areas should not be given priority over the needs of the rest of the country”
The gulf between the two main communities was widened by Mrs. B’s (and Colvin’s) 1972 Constitution that unnecessarily gave one religion a special place. While it is difficult now to retract, it is good to learn “just 15.9% of Sinhalese[iii] believe that only Buddhism should be given a special place in the Constitution” With this sense of reason those deep wounds of the minorities can, over a period, be healed.
But the Rajapakses and their fellow-beneficiaries are hardly the people who can be counted upon to lead the country towards a more united and enlightened society or provide justice to Tamils.
Lankamithra / November 18, 2013
Thanks Tisaranee. As you know, specially after CHOGM, the regime is running out of pages in their black list of journalists. Journalists of your calibre are their number one enemy. Your enlightening pieces have invaluable significance. Please take care. In their minds, inebriated with power and corruption the regime would not have ever expected to get this much of “bad exposure” and revelations…the very thing they wanted to avoid even by trying to bribe a few Tory MPs to visit SL during CHOGM to boost the image of the ‘dear leader’ Mahinda Percy Rajapaksa, – Kim Il Jong in making in Sri Lanka. Dr. Chris Nonis’s plan has gone terribly wrong for the regime. I will be surprised if his blunder was not dealt with by the regime, soon.
Happy / November 18, 2013
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Sengodan. M / November 19, 2013
Good statistics. But where is the leadership to move things forward? Neither in the government nor in the opposition. So, what can the poor ordinary people do?
Sengodan. M
crazyoldmansl / November 19, 2013
“A majority of Sinhalese are less extremist, more rational and more humane than their Rajapaksa-saviours, according to the latest opinion survey by the Centre of Policy Alternatives (CPA)[i]. They are also becoming increasingly discommoded by and therefore disaffected with the existing regimen.”
This majority of the sinhalese must be the ones sent to grow rice on the moon by a previous regime.
I reject the findings of the CPA as a play with a biased sample and I maintain that the majority of the sinhala buddhists support the government regardless of whether they are members of the ruling party or not. I maintain that there is a growing collusion between the opposition and the government in implementing the sinhala buddhist ideology as well as support the impunity and subversion of the independence of the judiciary that is required to do so.
Nanayakara / November 20, 2013
Whom did they vote for? Did they vote for extremist?
No doubt that people are extremely nice only individually but not collective.
kali / November 20, 2013
1) A majority of Sinhalese are less extremist, more rational and more humane than their Rajapaksa-saviours, according to the latest opinion survey by the Centre of Policy Alternatives (CPA)[i]. They are also becoming increasingly discommoded by and therefore disaffected with the existing regimen.
**** I beg to disagree with you entirely. You and few others are a tiny minority in a Country which is predominantly Inherently and Overtly Racist which is a fact. Anyone who plays the Race Card in Sinhala Lanka is assured of victory.
2) One of the most politically portentous and (helpful) findings is that an absolute majority of Sinhalese (59.1%) think that ‘the government should give priority to allocating resources to rebuild the conflict afflicted areas, even if this means that less money is spent in the rest of the country’. Only a miniscule 7.9% of Sinhalese think that ‘rebuilding the conflict affected areas should not be given priority over the needs of the rest of the country
**** If what you say above is true why is it that during the last 63 years since Independence we have not had any development projects in the North which accounts for only 5 % of the GDP.
3) According to another fascinating finding, just 15.9% of Sinhalese[iii] believe that only Buddhism should be given a special place in the Constitution while assuring the freedom of other religions (status quo). Only a miniscule 6.6% of Sinhalese[iv] support the more extreme (JHU/BBS) position that ‘Only Buddhism should be given a special place in the Lankan Constitution’. 45.5% of Sinhalese and 50% of Lankans think that the Constitution should guarantee religious freedom as a fundamental right (without giving primacy to Buddhism). Interestingly, the stance closest to secularism (making no mention of religion in the constitution) is more popular with Upcountry Tamils (49%) and Muslims (29.1%).
*** When Temples are being demolished at will and Buddhist Vihares are popping up like Mushroom it is going to take a Herculean Task to prove your theory.
4) A growing number of Lankans believe they live less well and less safely today than they did two years ago; a growing number of Lankans are less hopeful about the future than they were two years ago.
*** The above is I am sure due to State Terrorism which is sweeping the Country but many are prepared to Tolerate this as they whole heartedly support MRs agenda of Ethnic Cleansing and are prepared to put up with this inconvenience.
5) The priorities of most Lankans and most Sinhalese accurately reflect the national reality of a developing country beset by ordinary livelihood issues. The Rajapaksas are trying to impose the superstructure of a developed country on an economically struggling land. Their pretentious policies are dangerous, unsustainable – and obviously unpopular.
**** MR has pawned the Nation to the Loan Shark China because Sri Lankas Credit Rating is so low and no reputable Monetary Institution will give her a Loan and the Future Generations will pay for this. Frankly many Sri Lankans are not aware of what MR is doing.
kali / November 20, 2013
What a Wonderful picture which tells a Thousand Story.
He looks like a man about to be hanged. It is obvious he is now haunted by the prospect of paying for his CRIMES.