16 February, 2025


The Proposed Constitution Will Worsen The Ethnic Issue

By Dinesh D. Dodamgoda

Dinesh Dodamgoda

Dinesh Dodamgoda

Although the draft of the proposed constitution is not yet available, comments made by ‘authors’ indicates its fundamentals. It will be again the same old wine poured into new wineskins, especially in terms building peace sustainably.


It is clear from remarks made by the Prime Minister and the M.P. Mr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne, a member of the Steering Committee drafting the new constitution that the new constitution will also adhere to philosophical principles of Majoritarianism, the main cause of the ethnic issue in Sri Lanka, in a context where the Committee should adopt Pluralism.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe recently stated that Buddhism would be given the foremost place in Sri Lanka’s new Constitution, a statement that upholds Majoritarianism. Interestingly, it was reported in the government run Daily News that the Prime Minister said all political parties and religious leaders across faiths had “no issue in giving priority to protect Buddhism in the country.” The Prime Minister added the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), the main political grouping here representing Sri Lanka’s northern Tamils, agreed to retain those articles protecting Buddhism in the existing Constitution unchanged.

What does the Prime Minister tries to say in his statement? It is again Majoritarianism in the new constitution as well and even the minority religious leaders and the TNA, groups that should propose pluralism as the guiding principle for the new constitution, are also pleased carry on with Majoritarianism. What a world we live in!

It doesn’t matter what the minority or majority leaders want to believe. Yet, their beliefs matter to citizens as they are the segment that severely would suffer from another round of violent conflict. If we are not to aim at building sustainable peace with the proposed structures in the new constitution on the basis of pluralism, it will take Sri Lanka into another round of violence.

Bankruptcy in finding a solution

It is evident from the minority and the majority leaders’ satisfactory stances that they believe that the Majoritarianism would bring sustainable peace. This shows that their pundits are ideologically bankrupt in finding an out of the box solution. May Triple Gem and the God bless Sri Lankans!

The problem in Sri Lanka is a problem of identity! The Sinhalese think as the Sinhalese or even Sinhala-Buddhists, the Tamils think as the Tamils, the Muslims think as the Muslims, the Catholics / Christians think as the Catholics / Christians etc. Furthermore, where their cultural and group demands are not met democratically, they fight and challenge the State’s monopoly on violence. The Majority wins most of the times where the minority veto that creates ‘super minorities’ is not recognised. The causes for all the problems again go back to Majoritarianism.

Such Majoritarianism is the principle that the country’s majority and the minority leaders want to uphold again in the new constitution as well. Why? Their pundits and those leaders think that they cannot adopt pluralism in Sri Lanka without neglecting the majority. What an ideological bankruptcy?

Therefore, apart from the statement made by the Prime Minister regarding Buddhism, M.P. Mr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne even afraid of taking the ethnic issue into the forefront of the Agenda of the Constitution. In a statement given to Daily News he leaves the issue in the periphery. In my opinion this cowardly tactics can be welcomed at the initial phase of drafting the constitution in attracting minority groups and requesting their assistance. Yet, the same tactic that cannot be changed later will be counterproductive at the consolidation phase where the country should establish peace into a sustainable mechanism.

It is a pity that these pundits and the minority and the majority leaders will take us on a ride to another round of conflict by embracing the main cause of the ethnic issue, Majoritarianism. Therefore, it is certain that the proposed constitution will worsen the ethnic problem, this time with the assistance of the minority leaders!

Latest comments

  • 7

    As long as the minority complex of the majority and Minority complex of others, jealous and greediness exist in Lanka there won’t be any real peace and happiness. Yes they will have happiness with drugs, alcohol, and rape. They have free education, house, healthcare transport is the cheapest in the world. You need money, only for the drugs and alcohol there.

    • 13

      In a multi-cultural society, if one particular race, religion or culture is given the foremost place, then that particular race, religion or culture becomes the first class citizens and all others will automatically become second class.

      The Tamil struggle in Sri Lanka started officially only after SWRD Bandaranayake came up with ‘Sinhala Only’ in 1956 and eventually turned into a bitter war for 30 years. One of their most important demand right from the beginning was, everybody in Sri Lanka should be equal, and nobody should be considered 2nd class. By giving Buddhism the foremost place, Buddhism is made the first class religion in Sri Lanka and all others automatically becomes second class.

      Are we going back to square one (the 1956 – 1972 era) to restart the struggle again? This time, not only Wigneswaran but all the Tamil politicians and the entire Tamil community (tens of thousands) will rise and protest. The government cannot simply fool the people saying equal status to all and then give foremost place to one religion only.

      The new constitution should guarantee equal status for all ethnic groups that live in Sri Lanka as its citizens, and equal status for all religions that are practiced by the Sri Lankan citizen. There shouldn’t be any foremost place for majority religion or majority race. All religions should be equal and should be independent of politics. This is the most fundamental thing that a constitution in a country with a multi-society should have. If this basic concept is not adopted in the new constitution, then what is the point in changing it?

      If the Sinhala-Buddhists think that the Tamil freedom struggle ended at Nandikaddal, they are worse than the worst fools in this world. Just like the Palestine-Jew conflict continues with the Western World supporting the Jews, the Sinhala-Tamil conflict will also continue with the West (including the UN) supporting the Tamils. In the future, the Sri Lankan government may have to deal with Uncle Sam (USA) and the powerful west in order to solve this once internal issue. Poor Sri Lanka will always continue to be the begging nation and known as a pariah state by the West.

      • 4

        you said, “This time, not only Wigneswaran but all the Tamil politicians and the entire Tamil community (tens of thousands) will rise and protest. The government cannot simply fool the people saying equal status to all and then give foremost place to one religion only. “

        Yet, the writer says that,

        “It is a pity that these pundits and the minority and the majority leaders will take us on a ride to another round of conflict by embracing the main cause of the ethnic issue, Majoritarianism. Therefore, it is certain that the proposed constitution will worsen the ethnic problem, this time with the assistance of the minority leaders!”

        • 4

          Clausewitz this is from Ashkenazi who have suffered but smile and the world smiles with us.
          Slippery Slope
          Get the Book!

          Get the book, Logically Fallacious by Bo Bennett, PhD by selecting one of the following options:
          Get It!
          (also known as absurd extrapolation, thin edge of the wedge, camel’s nose, domino fallacy)

          Definition: When a relatively insignificant first event is suggested to lead to a more significant event, which in turn leads to a more significant event, and so on, until some ultimate, significant event is reached, where the connection of each event is not only unwarranted, but with each step it becomes more and more improbable. Many events are usually present in this fallacy, but only two are actually required — usually connected by “the next thing you know…”

          Logical Form:

          If A, then B, then C, … then ultimately Z!
          Example #1:

          We cannot unlock our child from the closet because if we do, she will want to roam the house. If we let her roam the house, she will want to roam the neighborhood. If she roams the neighborhood, she will get picked up by a stranger in a van, who will sell her in a sex slavery ring in some other country. Therefore, we should keep her locked up in the closet.
          Explanation: In this example, it starts out with reasonable effects to the causes. For example, yes, if the child is allowed to go free in her room, she would most likely want to roam the house — 95% probability estimate[1]. Sure, if she roams the house, she will probably want the freedom of going outside, but not necessarily “roaming the neighborhood”, but let’s give that a probability of say 10%. Now we start to get very improbable. The chances of her getting picked up by a stranger (.05%) in a van (35%) to sell her into sex slavery (.07%) in another country (40%) is next to nothing when you do all the math:

          .95 x .10 x .0005 x .35 x .0007 x .4 = about 1 in 25,000,000.

          Morality and legality aside, is it really worth it to keep a child locked in a closet based on those odds?

          Example #2:

          If you accept that the story of Adam and Eve was figurative, then you will do the same for most of the Old Testament stories of similar literary styles. Once you are there, the New Testament and the story of Jesus does not make sense, which will lead you to believe that the resurrection of Jesus was a “spiritual” one. Once you accept that, you won’t be a Christian anymore, you will be a dirty atheist, then you will have no morals and start having sex with animals of a barnyard nature. So you better take the story of Adam and Eve literally, before the phrase, “that chicken looks delicious”, takes on a whole new meaning.
          Explanation: Accepting the story of Adam and Eve as figurative rarely (it is sad that I cannot confidently say “never”) leads to bestiality.

          Exception: When a chain of events has an inevitable cause and effect relationship, as in a mathematical, logical, or physical certainty, it is not a fallacy.

          Tip: The concept of a “bad day” is part of this fallacy. You wake up in the morning, and you discover that you are out of coffee. From there, you fallaciously reason that this means you will be grumpy, late for work, then behind all day in work, then have to stay late, then miss dinner with the family, then cause more friction at home, etc. This is only true if you act it out as if it is true. Of course, with an already bad attitude, you look back on the day, block out the good and wallow in the bad, just so you can tell yourself, that you were right all along about having a “bad day”.

          Don’t let that happen.

        • 1


          If you Tamil can do we too can do the same. in 1557 as per historical records Then Jaffna ruler killed all Sinhalese lived there. their worshiping places destroyed for simple reason not accepting his claim as ruler there and asking replacement of him with Sinhalese prince.as such we Sinhalese Buddhists have every rights to go there in numbers and demand their lost land.This time we go there with all the retired and deserted soldiers who are said to be more than 50,000.we do not kill people but chase them out from our historical land to their traditional historical land tamilnadu. specially Waligamo district now called walikamum.in event like that I challenge you to dual.After seen your comment I started practicing angam martial arts I learnt when young at my grand father’s angam court for dual with you.come and face that challenge

      • 3

        “Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit” Latin- C.J.

        (Called or not called, God will be present).

        The first man is of the earth and is earthly.

        The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.A.R.

    • 4

      Dinesh Dodamgoda

      RE: The Proposed Constitution Will Worsen The Ethnic Issue

      “Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe recently stated that Buddhism would be given the foremost place in Sri Lanka’s new Constitution, a statement that upholds Majoritarianism. Interestingly, it was reported in the government run Daily News that the Prime Minister said all political parties and religious leaders across faiths had “no issue in giving priority to protect Buddhism in the country.” The Prime Minister added the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), the main political grouping here representing Sri Lanka’s northern Tamils, agreed to retain those articles protecting Buddhism in the existing Constitution unchanged.”

      So it is not only the Buddhists, Sinhala Buddhist who wants to be idiots, and show their idiocy, others as well. Highly unlikely. The politicians want to please the Buddhist Idiots. So, no Separation of Religion and State, and no separation of Idiots and non-Idiots.

      The whole lot of politicians is corrupt and scum from the head down: Sri Lanka is rotting from the head- its so called leaders, Gon Gamarala are corrupt criminals.

      Wait a minute. We are talking about the 2,500 year-old Sinhala “Buddhist” Civilization. Do you know that civilization? In case you do not know, some notes from the Vines, Bulath Vine, Vettila Vine and Grape Vine from April 2014.

      Sri Lankan Buddhists …Friday, 25 April 2014

      This week its not one idiot, but rather a very large group. Actually, this is usually the case as most idiots follow other idiots. In fact I may just have to start calling it idiots of the week all the time, as surely some fool will do whatever they get told by these weekly nominees.

      It turns out that this week Sri Lankan Buddhists have gone and deported a British tourist for a vile crime against their local beliefs. So, for this week I give you a few choices to make you see how rational these people they are.

      So why did Buddhists export a British tourist?
      a) for killing Buddhist monk?
      b) peeing on a Buddhist statue?
      c) having a Buddha tattoo?

      If you chose (c) you are right.
      As you know they are highly logical people these Buddhists. Nope they are just as stupid as any other theists that take offense to the dumbest stuff. Muslims don’t like pictures of Muhammad and these Buddhists don’t like pictures of Buddha.

      To put a little more perspective. This country is 112 richest country in the world according to the IMF, yet they deem it necessary to send tourists with money away as they feel a little hurt. This is a country with a nominal GDP per capital of 3,139 USD. But hey, lets get upset about a Buddha tattoo when we have no running water. Logical right? No, Sri Lankan Buddhists you are idiots.

      Their leaders are no different, including the current President, Gon Gamarala.

      A 2500 Year-Old Culture That Was!


  • 8

    bhuddhism should be given the same place in our constitution that hinduism is given in the indian constitution.Then the tamils or muslims can’t grumble.

    • 13


      “bhuddhism should be given the same place in our constitution that hinduism is given in the indian constitution.”

      What special status Indian constitution has given to Hinduism?

      • 2

        last of the non assimilated native vedhhas

        don’t know.i’am not indian but i agree with izzeth in many matters that concern national unity they have got it right and we have got it wrong.most indians consider their national identity foremost while most srilankans consider their ethnic identity foremost and also the minorities are so cheesed off they don’t even have the national identity at all.

        i suspect because of secular constitution india must be not giving any special status to hinduism.as a hindu that is the way i would want it too.being a hindu is to be tolerant of everyone else’s religion and respect them as equals.Otherwise i would be ashamed of being a hindu.

      • 6

        please refer this it might be helpful.
        got to stop toads from promoting Naxalites.

        Very informative. I got it on my shelf.
        Ethnic Minority Rule and Civil War Onset
        James D. Fearon, Kimulikasara and David D. Laitin
        The American Political Science Review
        Vol. 101, No. 1 (Feb., 2007), pp. 187-193

        • 3

          Upul Tilakaratna

          Thanks for your information.

    • 9

      India is a secular country with different states run by its own government. We have Provincial councils with its Chief Ministers. We need to devolve powers from the Central Government to these councils. I do agree with Dinesh about Majoritarianism

      • 0

        Yes! Provided Majority agreed at a referandum.
        Then give something to majority to be happy with like some little prominant to majority religion and get majority to agree more important thing like devolve powers from the Central Government to councils.

    • 6

      Looks like the Yahapalana government is not going to solve the Ethnic Issue. The way the President and the Prime Minister are behaving, it looks like the Yahapalana government is on the verge of collapse. Get ready for another Anti-Minority Rajapakshe government very soon with Gota as the President and Mahinda as the Prime Minister. The Minorities will be Kaput very soon.

  • 9

    Frogs- Naxalite in the village will have the shock of their lives next year.

    go back to bangaladesh your blood beacons you.

  • 9

    The majority of Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Catholics and adherents of other religions in this country do not have any objection to the Government giving the foremost place to Buddhism. But they do not want it to be ‘enshrined’ in the Constitution as that would be ‘rubbing it in’!

    Give the foremost place to Buddhism by all means, but do it unofficially, without making special mention of it in the Constitution. Then we will be able to boast of a ‘Secular Constitution’ and other countries will look up to us.

    India is supposed to have a secular constitution and they can maintain that claim because there is no ‘State Religion’ in India. But the real truth is that the ‘foremost place is given to Hinduism’ in India. They are shrewd enough not to put in writing but do it unofficially.

    Why cannot we do the same?

  • 3

    Show me a country where minority decides.

    Minority of course are welcome to ‘propose’ and having evaluated to be ‘reasonable’ majority finally decides. Again it is the majority which takes action against its own members for not treating minority equally.

    Theoritically there is no escape from “Majoritarianism” without the consent of the majority.

    Writer’s desired scenario could come to effect if India decides to capture this unruly neighbour temporarily, impose a constitution compiled by them and let go. There again it is the majority (India) that decides, you see.

    Only solution: Minority must behave themselves.


    • 12

      “”Show me a country where minority decides. “

      Knowing others is intelligence;

      Tin pot pol gedi olu Stink on!


    • 10

      Dear soma,
      “Show me a country where the minority decides”
      Surely you have heard of a country called Czechoslovakia? Do you know what it is called now? Have you not heard of the Scottish referendum?
      Do not make sweeping statements that expose ignorance.

    • 9


      “Only solution: Minority must behave themselves.”

      Thanks for your belated/enlightened message to the noisy minority, the Sinhala/Buddhist Ghetto builders.

    • 4

      Hybrid Wars 7. How The US Could Manufacture A Mess In Myanmar (I) Tue, Oct 11, 2016 By Andrew KORYBKO (USA) Stupid softy http://orientalreview.org/2016/10/11/

      The same thing is going in Burma. The name comes from the majority ethnic group name. They changed it to Myanmar. Now they want to give some federalism called IDentity Federalism.

      This will happen to many countries.

      Only problem is uneducated politicians in Sri lanka, who force them into parliament by cheating the voters.

    • 6

      Soma message from lost simony.
      “”Only solution: Minority must behave themselves. “

      the counter reads 010 – @6:41 gmt-

      the smallest minority in the island is the individual and has shown you what behaviour is like by offering you all 3- suduru maduru kottamalli.
      don’t indians make the best of undergarments for you to pack all 3 in one.??

    • 2


      “Only solution: Minority must behave themselves.”

      Our assessment of you is spot on! What a complete chauvinist you are indeed. We Tamils are not a minority in our nation; this is exactly why we need to safeguard our areas. We simply cannot trust you lot. The Tamils must seek maximum power devolution; it is because, you sinhala cannot justly govern. You cannot introduce a secular constitution and build a nation of subjects leading to a common Sri Lankan identity. This you cannot conceivably and objectively do. This is exactly why, we Tamils must insist on maximum power devolution.

      What exactly you do not agree with the author of this article. Basically, you want to maintain the superiority status of the Sinhala Buddhists and at the same time you want the Tamils to behave in another words toe the majority line. Wow soma!

      “Show me a country where minority decides.”

      There is no surprise at all as to why you object to power devolution and empowerment of the Tamils!

      • 1

        My dear Burning Issue

        “There is no surprise at all as to why you object to power devolution and empowerment of the Tamils!”

        No I object to power devolution to North and East because majority of Tamils (Tamil speaking people) live outside North and East.

        The day I observe any tendency among Tamils (Tamil speaking people) presently in the south to migrate into North and East I will begin feeling ashamed as a Sinhalese and will actively support a separate political unit, even Ealam, for Tamils (Tamil speaking people)

        (My main comment was focussed on the “theoratical” aspect of “majorataranism” in general)


        • 4


          “The day I observe any tendency among Tamils (Tamil speaking people) presently in the south to migrate into North and East I will begin feeling ashamed as a Sinhalese and will actively support a separate political unit, even Ealam, for Tamils (Tamil speaking people)”

          Instead you should be ashamed of yourself for being a stupid begot ghetto builder.

          The idea of separate state for minorities should be first approved by the Hindians. I suggest you open a channel to negotiate with them then discuss it among your fellow racists, then with the stupid Tamils.

          When you are comfortably entrenched in Sinhala/Buddhism you not only will not see beyond your ghetto but dragging others into oblivion.

  • 6

    Nice to see this coming from a fellow Sinhalese. Yes if we loose this opportunity to adopt a constitution with pluralistic values there will be no future for the country. We can sink as a failed state embracing Sinhalese Buddhist triumphalism. The sad irony is, this is against the principles of this great philosophy which acknowledged the right to exist on equal terms(Samanathmatha) as one of the four governing principles acknowledged by Buddha when ruling states .

  • 13

    I am happy and thankful that Mr. Dinesh Dodamgoda has put his fingers on the root cause of our Problems. Instead of majoritarianism and minoritarianism, which are only numerical strength and weakness, and which have led to a modern crisis in the form of representative-democracy, let us give importance to a human and democratic value Basic to humanity – that is, equal dignity of all human beings and acceptance of ethnic differences. This in short is the acceptance of a healthy pluralism. Unless we Change our mindset and Outlook to a pluralism which goes beyond numerical strengths in the Country or in parliament, we cannot achive a peaceful coexistence in Sri Lanka.

    • 7

      Puli Cusu is the cause of much misery. shameless one. GREED of the Villager Me me me
      the innocent lives lost all folk of the island.
      You believe in father forgive them bu**.
      Take a lesson from Dali Lama who has not touched money.
      He is retired and stays retired.
      The English rose that made Bush Sr stop desert storm 1 (it is unprecedented in UK/USA to listen to UK priest) Retired and did not enter.

      Its the devil in you that has banned you from our financial saviors Hindustan.
      had no Balls even to moot an economic embargo because you and you gang are parasites with no mass support but a potty gun running group.
      mangala for diplomatic passport- vermin.

      Kolamba nagre kollo.

    • 0

      Father S.J.Emmanuel

      “Unless we Change our mindset and Outlook to a pluralism which goes beyond numerical strengths in the Country or in parliament, we cannot achive a peaceful coexistence in Sri Lanka.”

      What do you do when there are too many Idiots, and the average national IQ is 79? It is a hard battle. May be better nutrition will increase the IQs to get out of this Idiotic rut. However the Politicians will tow the line of idiots, because of the numbers.

      Lanka needs a Kamal Ataturk, to sideline the religion and keep Religion and State Separate.

      2 years ago Sinhala Buddhist Idiots went berserk and deported a British Tourist because she has a Buddha Tattoo.

  • 6

    Srilanka is supposed to be a secular state where no religion has to be given prominent stage. If the new Constitution fails to do so, we may have to face the consequences ….

  • 2

    Srilanka is supposed to be a secular state where no religion has to be given prominent stage. If the new Constitution fails to do so, we may have to face the consequences ….

  • 4

    In the first instance remove the requirement to state one’s religion and race in various official documents and at police stations etc. Do this ASAP it will help in the setting up of a secular state.

  • 2

    If the Old Wine comes in a New Bottle, we are in for another long period of misery.
    Secularism is a must.
    there are a large number of secular states, and all are prosperous.


    No religious/racial group is going to “run away” with the Democratic Socialist State.
    There will be peace and prosperity.

    The Buddha did NOT preach “Buddhist Fundamentalism”.
    He DID preach equality.

  • 1

    This is not news. The Tamils who have carefully perused the pages of annals of Sri Lanka wouldn’t entertain any satisfactory solution immediately or in the near future. Only those who have hitherto looked up to these Sinhalese leaders as saviours come from another planet – unlike the former Sinhalese leaders -totally free from any sort of prejudices and blemishes may be fooled yet again. This is a deep rooted one? which will never be eradicated with sugary words. Tamils have been deceived since the time of Sir P.Arunachalam, and to expect is the height of folly on the part of the Tamils. What to do for the Tamils other than being cheated again and again? Fate!

  • 2

    There is no place for a religion in politics. Religious leaders can give advice to the Government but they cannot influence the Government or the masses to follow one policy or another. Today in Sri Lanka a new trouble is brewing. The Catholic Cardinal is leading protest, he was a big supporter of Rajapakse when Mahinda was the President, and he still continues to be a supporter of Mahinda as he is trying hard to become the PM to protect himself and his family from all the wrong doings. This Cardinal was quite when Rajapakse regime killed so many innocent civilians. Similarly the Buddhist Mahanayake, especially the Asgiriya Mahanayake since taking over that position has clearly shown he is a racist. He has been supporting Mahinda openly. Now the SLFP moulded (40 yrs) President Sirisena is taking the bait from the Mahanayake. Where is this country heading? Have all these players forgotten that there are still law respecting Buddhists in Sri Lanka, they combined with the minority Tamils and Muslims can always make or break a government. Its time for these groups to show under whose power these politicians are sitting in their seats. There is no place for a religion in Politics. Let the Yahapalana be true and honest Yahapalanaya.

  • 2

    As the writer says its the majoritarianism is the real problem in Sri Lankan democracy. As long as a person like RW does not understand it there is no political solution. You can uphold Buddhism and wait nothing will improve in this country. One set of jokers have been replaced by another. They take turn to rob this country.

    • 3


      I think Roger is the Tamilnet editor.

      You now very well Tamilnadu is just 16 Km away and Tamil run away to Tamilnadu even to see Tamil movies. LTTE was/is operating from Tamilnadu. Tamils swim the strait in order to avoid poverty and Caste discrmination in Tamilnadu. Tamilnadu govt is making statements every time if Something Happens in sinhale North.

      Even without above everything vbecuse moderen communication and transporation the whole world is a small village.

      In that situation who is Majority Sinhala People or Tamil People or Muslims People or Christian People ?

      • 5

        jim softy

        When are you going back to Tamil Nadu?

        • 2

          Kallathoni Jim

          “jim softy When are you going back to Tamil Nadu?”

          When you go, can you take him with you?


  • 4

    It is obivious the agenda is to confuse, delay and to prolong the problem so as to deviate and remove the spot light from the international community, and to play the majoritarian superior card. The unity government is bound to collapse soon.

    The sooner the “Two nations in the Island” solution is resolved by the international community, the better for the Sinhala majority to concentrate on their Mahavamsa by themselves. No violence please, China will be watching.

  • 2

    Dinesh Iddamalgoda:

    You are an idiot who knows nothing but has become an intelletual for a day. That is how journalists are identified and are called. There are so many like you in Sri lanka in bunches. Those like you that write from overseas have some experience or a PhD in their resume. Some of those write in Sri lanka say they have PhDs too.

    The worst thing is Sri lankan politicians, their children comes after the mother or father. Because becoming a politician is the best thing in Sinhale to live luxurius and flamboyanant life without at least a peanut brain.

    What you all do is screwing up and destroying Sinhale and want to make Sri lanka a Kerala.

    There are no western countries that is arranged in your crappy model.

  • 3

    Dear Dinesh Dodamgoda and all participants,
    Our religion is usually a family affair. In one family there can be more than one religion practiced. Practicing religion is a personal preference. It will be foolish creating enmity in one family by forcing one member to follow another religion. We all knew in the past wars were fought between groups and Nations for forcing one religion on to the other. Can any of you see any Democratic Country falling prey to the rest of the world by giving priority to the religion of its major population? What a foolish thing it is giving priority to a religion and creating more problems without finding ways to exist for all the poor citizens of the Country? Of course the Sri Lankan religious clergy comfortably live demanding Alms from religious people.
    This kind of similar thinking of Sri Lankan politicians has been in existence at least for the last 70 years.
    This mentality that brought down the Country from a prestigious position to todays poor situation has not taught a lesson to the Leaders yet! Because all leaders are “Birds of the same feather”, their decision making continues without a hitch. They are simply immune to the world.

  • 3

    In Colombo District Tamils account for 97,690 of the population while Sinhalese are only 79,468 and Muslims are 126,345.

    If the Sinhale Constitution is so bad, why Second highest population in Colombo is Tamils ?

    Chelvanayagam’s adopted son Chandrakanthan says 70% of the Eelam Tamils living in Tamil Nadu wants to return home in a survey.
    Eelam Tamils are treated like criminals in TN by the TN corrupt politicians and sheepish public,by forcing them to live in refugee camps for more than three decades,with very curtail freedom of movement and denied of basic rights enjoyed by the natives.
    The UN should help the Tamils returning home to settle down and the diaspora also has the duty to help them.

    Why Tamils left to Tamilnadu want to come back if the Sinhale constitution is so bad bad for them ?

    • 5

      jim softy dimwit

      “In Colombo District Tamils account for 97,690 of the population while Sinhalese are only 79,468 and Muslims are 126,345.”

      Population by ethnic group according to districts, 2012

      Colombo district population 2012:

      Sinhalese 1,771,319

      Tamils 231,318

      Indian Tamils 27,336

      Muslims 242,728

      Burgher 13,304

      Malay 12,463

      Sri Lanka Chetty 1,314

      Bharatha 721

      Other 9,306


      Go visit local optician or check your reality.

    • 8

      Idiotic person Colombo and the western littoral north of Colombo from Watttala/Ragama to Chilaw/Puttalam was Tamil a few centuries ago. Look at all the place names including Colombo( Kollam just Kollam or Quilon in Kerala) and many of its suburbs all Tamils. The Business discrict of Colombo is Kottai now Kotte in Sinhalese meaning the fort in Tamil. The next area is Pettai. Pettai means next to the fort in Tamil. Then Kothanchannai now Sinhalised to Kotahehena. Next to that is Mattak kuli. now Sinhlised to Mattakuliya. Then there is Wellampitiya from Vellam Piddi. Borella from Borellu from the Tamil workd Parukai meaning small stones. The list goes on. Tamils have always lived around Colombo for centuries.
      The Colombo Chetties are the living proof. A medieval Tamil trading community that is still existing. very precariously as many of them now are taking a Sinhalese identity. All these so called coastal Sinhalese from Wattala to Puttalam were Tamils a century and half ago. Go and learn history properly before commenting. Chilaw and Puttalam were part of the Tamil Jaffna kingdom. This is the reason when you travel along the western coast from Negombo( Neerkallapu) to Puttalam you get this strong feeling of being in an area that was recently Tamil. The people the place names, everything about these areas.
      The Tamil Karawa from Negombo northwards only became Sinhalese very recently. The Tamil Karawa south of Negombo to north of Colombo became Sinhalese a bit earlier. The Tamil Karawa south of Colombo from Dehiwela to around Matara became Sinhalese a few centuries ago, Therefor much more assimilated into the Sinhalese identity unlike the so called Sinhalese Karawa north of Negombo to Puttalam as many of them still speak Tamil at home or remember their parents and grand parents speaking Tamil. I remember speaking to Sinhalese lady from Negombo or Chilaw area. Her family name was Warnakulasooriya or Kurukulasuriya or something similar very Tamil. When I stated about the so recent Tamil origin of most of the Negombo,Chilaw Puttalam Sinhalese. She smiled and stated it is funny that you say that, as I remember only speaking Tamil at home as a child as my grand parents only spoke Tamil. Despite being called a Sinhalese I only learnt Sinhalese when I went to school but my home language still largely remained Tamil. Now my children cannot understand a word of Tamil. He case is not isolated. Have come across many Negombo/Chilaw and Puttlam Sinhalese admitting to this. Although many will now deny this historical fact.
      Tamils and Tamil Muslims have been living around Colombo and the western littorals for centuries and have legally owned their lands. Unlike the Sinhalese in the north and east who only arrived there 60 years ago under government colonisations schemes that were planned to deliberately change the Tamil majority demography of these areas and were settled on stolen ethnically cleansed Tamil lands. Just like what is now happening in the north and east under the racist occupying Sinhalese armed forces, who are stealing thousands of acres of fertile private Tamil land under pretext of high security zones for future Sinhalese settlement and then opening spas luxury hotels holiday resorts and farms in these areas, whilst the original Tamil owners are living in tents refugee camps or with relatives and in dire poverty

      • 9

        Real Siva Sankaran Sarma

        I knew a very few young women in the Negombo Area, they only spoke Sinhalese and they hated the Tamil language. For your information, most of the Sinhala-Catholic women of Negombo area hate Tamils. One day an interesting thing happened, one young Sinhala-Catholic lady of Negombo (who hated Tamil) was playing with her 2 months old baby, I surprisingly watched her saying the famous Tamil phrase ‘nand uru nari uru’ which the Tamil mothers say/play to their young kids. I am sure she must have learnt it from her grandparents who were obviously Tamil speaking. Even though the present day Sinhalese of Negombo Area do not speak Tamil (or rather hate Tamil), their great grandparents must have been definitely Tamils because it is very obvious from the customs/behavior of the present generation.

        • 4

          aren’t you paronide meegomuva sinha_le??

          hate boomrangs- how many times you use it??

          keep fishing in the kalapuva

      • 1

        Somala’maada’we! The Real Siva Sankaran Sarma is not a million miles away, and ‘Negombo Sinhalese’ brings us up to date. No point nit-picking, but I’ll say this: In all my years in Negombo, man and boy, from Pitipane to Poruthota, the fisher folk have lived in peace and harmony EXCEPT when driven to distraction by devious, mischeivous politicians. The people who for centuries have inhabited the littoral are god-fearing, emotional and kind. They do not have much, but will happily share what they have. There is no doubt whatsoever of their ancient Tamil connections – their language is well interspersed with words and phrases of another time and place.

        If only the politicians would stop stirring up raw emotions in their quest to divide and rule.

    • 4

      Dim jimmy,
      “In Colombo district sinhalese are 79468 “,
      Colombo city , dim softy.

  • 2

    Does The Buddhist god superior to other Gods? Does Buddha superior to other Gods? Does the Buddhist superior to others? In What way? The particular lies superior to others? Lies superior to truth? The arrogance and greediness superior to other? The gun superior ? the illusion bond Buddha and Lanka.

  • 2

    can anybody constitutional expert here show us any historical evidences including Mr. Dodangoda writer of this assay name of this Island as lanka or lankawa except Ramayanaya.All the names mentioned in any languages available in any country including south Indian state related to Sinhalese race except one name thambapnni the name said to be given by vijaya and the notorious clan.name sinhaladeepa mentioned in various historical documents in many countries as per their languages can be seen in most of the historical records available in their archives. what does that means. Sinhalese are the real owners of this land. they are the ones who built civilization in this land.like Germans in Germany, french in France, Japanese in japan , Englishmen in England, Irish in Ireland. they all have every rights and freedom to give priority to their culture and their religions practiced for many years but here Sinhalese if Sinhalese do same it is against pluralism. it is racism. not recognition of other religions.what a pity. now can any one tell me difference between Saudi Arabia and old south Africa as far as racism is concern.one can say it was base on skin color in south Africa but in Saudi Arabia not granting permission to other religion.further they even quote famous Muslim lecturer nike saying they allow teachers who teach 5+5=10,Others teach 5+5= 9,that means they think only the their religion is correct.but those countries are considered as good countries by our experts but other countries like our Lanka, Myanmar as bad countries.if all the religion give same status Hindus can do animals sacrifices in every corner of the country, Muslims can do halal ritual killing including beheading of human at every corner of the country as per their religions rules.if our expert talk on pluralism those should be allowed as those events are part and parcel of their religions. countries criminal code should be adjusted as per those rules.if a Hindu comes and take your cow for sacrifices you have to be silence spectator. if Muslim come and rape your mother you have to be silence spectator as well. as per their religions those are allowed.

    • 5

      Sri Lanka is not a Sinhalese only country. Do not distort history. Most of its kings nobility were of South Indian origin mostly Tamil, some Kalinga. Around one third of the land from prehistoric times has been continuously occupied by Tamils and ruled by them. Most of the present so called Sinhalese are purely descended from immigrant Indian Tamil slave indentured labour that was imported into the island by the Portuguese and Dutch colonials. Ironically it is their recently Sinhalised Buddhist and Catholic Sinhalese speaking descendants who have now become the biggest anti Tamils. Go to the Sinhalese extremist site Lankaweb and check the family names of most of the so called Sinhalese bloggers and contributors, largely from the Sinhalese Karawa, Salagma, Durawa and other communities all having a recent South Indian origin. Now the biggest supporters of the Mahavamsa Sinhalese Aryan myth. Most probably to hide their own recent lowly Indian Tamil immigrant origin.
      Just because the British amalgamated the ancient Eelam Tamil lands in the north and east with the Sinhalese lands down south in 1833 to create a new colony called Ceylon and thereby making the Eelam Tamil nation that was a majority in their own land into a minority in the island and then giving the entire island to the Sinhalese on a platter in 1948 without the permission of the Tamil people, does not make this island Sinhalese. For your information Sinhalese has nothing to with a lion. It is derived from the ancient Tamil word for the island Chingkalam or Chinkala theeevu meaning the island or land with the cooper coloured soil. The Pali version of Chingkalam is only Sinhala Just like Eelam or Eezham became Hela. Thambapanni has nothing to do with mythical prince Vijaya but is named after the Thamaraparani or Thamaraporuni river that still flows in southern Tamil Nadu and empties at the Gulf of Mannar. The ancient Greeks could not pronounce this.
      You can have Sinhalese in the south of the island but the North East and the North West coast was and is still the land of the Tamils and Tamil speakers. The mother tongue of 99% of the north is Tamil and the mother tongue of 79% of the population in the east is also Tamil so is the mother tongue of a large percentage of the population along the north western coast.

      • 2

        We are not distorting history of Sinhalay but you people distorting it.if your claim is true do DNA test and prove communities you mentioned are south Indian Origin. reality is jaffna people are descendant of south Indian labor imported by dutch.and refugees who came after collapsed of Pandyan dynasty.other than that no historical records of Tamils living here as separate community here. jffna was the part and parcel of Rajarata Kingdom. Time to Time chola and pandyan and other Indian invasions taken place. that brought destruction and carnage to our Sinhalese Buddhists land .Portuguese, dutch and British ruled our country almost 450 years. that does not mean country is belong to them.Likewise chola and pandyan invasions ruled our land time to time but that does not mean our country belongs to Chola and pandyans. first read recent book published by Colombo University dons on Tamil myth on traditional home land.

        • 4

          Salagamma Ranjit Soysa now plain Ranjit, after I once highlighted his recent Indian Tamil ancestry, is part and parcel of the low caste Indian Tamil slave import by the Dutch colonials to work in the huge cinnamon estates down south. Now the descendants of these low caste/untouchable Indian Tamil slave imports have all metamorphosed into ardent Aryan Sinhalese Buddhists and Catholics, just like the tadpole turning into a frog or the ugly duckling turning into a swan and are now busy accusing everyone else as descendants of Indian Tamil slaves to hide their real lowly origin. ‘
          Most of the Pandian and Chola invaders and settlers became Sinhalese. This is why the Sinhalese share a 70% DNA with Indian Tamils compared to the 17% DNA that Sri Lankan Tamils share. As most the so called Sinhalese including your low caste slave ancestors all originated from Tamil Nadu and then Tamil Kerala and southern Andhra.
          None of the ancient kings in the island ever called themselves Aryan or Sinhalese I this includes Dutugemnunnu ) as they were neither. They were Hindu or Buddhist Dravidian Tamil Nagas or from south Indian dynasties. Now Sinhalese extremists are distorting history and calling them all Aryan and Sinhalese. There was no Sinhalese people or language until around 8-9 century AD. Ever heard of the Jaffna kingdom.
          Devanambiya tissa father was Mutta Sivan a pure Tamil name meaning the great or venerated Siva. This means before converting to Buddhism he was a Saivite and a Tamil. Dutgemunu’s father was Kakkai Vanna Thessan meaning the king the colour of the crow or the black king in Tamil. Never heard of a black Aryan king. SO a Tamil father has a Sinhalese son, when a people called Sinhalese or the Sinhalese language did not exist. This war a religious war between the population that converted to Buddhism and the ruling Tamil Hindu establishment that was reigning from Anuradhapura. Not a war between a then non existent Sinhalese people and Tamils. Even according to your Mahavamsa fable Duttugemmunu had to fight and conquer more than 42 Tamil chieftains and their lands before entering Anuradhapura. Showing the extent Tamils and Tamil kingdoms and cheifdoms that existed in the island from ancient times even 2300 year ago.

          • 2

            my full name is Sooriya Patabandige ranjith ravana Wickramasooriya. my father grand father surnames are like that. my mother saunda hannadige. my kiri amma or mothers’s mother kokku hannadige, father’s Mother yakdehige. as such never had Portuguese mixer. Real sinhala.I am from down south.for others i will reply latter

            • 0

              Why you guys as if nothing better to have on hand, are busy with Kulabedaya – castes but castes. What gives you to hang on that rather than any good solutions to alarming problems of the day ?

              I have not lived inthe country for the last 3 decades, and I cant know the ground realities of the society, but from what i heard and got to see, I believe many today are not into Castes. That is a real good thing. I dont mind them being radawa, berawa or anything else, what matters is we are homo sapiens and our values…. civilized nature.
              You sound be wanting to bear Pure DNA which you would never be able to. I know it from my education on – me being one from GENETICS. We are more of less mixed over the centuries of our evolution. That are the facts. What is wrong with being mixed with Portuguese or Dutch or others so long you bear high values of the humanity ?

          • 1

            I think I have proved your judgement on my caste is completely wrong and I am from down south karawa caste. caste system existed and still in existence as such your mentioning of it is not an issue but your judgement is completely wrong.you must have done it to insult me with your Hindu wellala mind set that untouchables or dalites have no say in any matter concerning politics. ther job is to work for higher caste people and keep quite like slaves.that is your way of looking at it but you people talk big on democracy and human rights. what a pity.

            if we start with ramayanaya oldest document we have to refer to. your judgement on existence of naga tribe or clan who worshiped serpent like cobra too is wrong.it clearly stated that victory celebration started with erection of shiva linga and offerings and worshiping it done on Indian soils not on lanken soil and no mentioned at all on participation of vibishana younger brother of sri ravana of whose assistance and guidance, rama was able to win the war over ravana and rescued sita.if we explore reason for these two noticeable occurrences my conclusions are 1. under normal circumstances celebrations like this done on the place where war was fought and it could have been the great occasion or event for next king or ruler to get people support if they were shiva worshipers. mass worshiping together should be a moral booster for next rulers. it was vibishana. vibishan did not participate in that celebration. that means local yakka,raksha and deva tribes were not worshipers of shiva or Hinduism. we can take this as model for imagine or draw picture on situation just before arrival of Buddhism here.

            mutta shivas you may find plenty if you go to pettah market. but we talk on a king called muta siva not mutta shivan. muta siva invisible person who can do wonders in quick time.

            on matter of kavan tissa .genuine chief not black aryan.by the way can you pronounce sinhala word kaha tamarind same as sinhalese do kaha not gaha

            yes Tamil is an one of the oldest language on earth. but that does not mean that you can meet all the sound with your language.grabbing or hearing of sounds by humans vary by person to person.as such you can not say Tamil is the mother language for all south Asian nations.if you go to papua new genia you may find 832 different languages spoken by just 3.9 millions inhabitant.we like or not we humans are member of monkey family. behavior of early hominids was just as monkeys.after demarcating area for one group . no permission granted for other groups to roam that area under any circumstances. that is why we get such situation in very remote papua new genia. as such old sinhalese language called halu existed but written language was Prakrit. scriptures found in anuradhapura belong to sixth century BC vouched for it. though your language is so much old scripture found in same century BC but not in pulli scriptures but in brahamin scriptures.like your language developed by Sanskrit, our language developed by the help of Prakrit.

            on the subject of Tamil chieftains around city of anuradhapura. it was governed by invaded king foreigner by the name of elara. with the news of emergence of young dynamic prince from ruhuna, mass support elara got started declining.he got his forces planted around the city with their families got down from chola dynasty. that served two purpose. sexual harassment of local women by his mercenary forces and enhance the moral of mercenary soldiers. that indicate losing of elara’s popularity among locals. and egoism greediness for power. no concern over welfare of people lived in beyond city limits.you try to interpret it as some other way. it was security measure taken by elara with the news of emergence of threat from ruhunu kingdom in the form of dutugamunu.

            genetic affinities among people live in tamilnadu vary caste to caste. no general opinion can be seen on DNA test. as such home come you say Sinhalese genetic affinities with Indian Tamils are greater than you Tamils. do not talk bullshit.refer harappa project test results

            labor brought from tamilnadu by Portuguese were seasonal. like British, Portuguese never treated them well. they done the job collected wages and went back like pear fishing people.few might have remained.

            • 0

              Of course, there is plenty of evidence of pre-historic mankind in Sri Lanka (Fa Hien-lena near Bulathsinhala, Batadomba-lena near Kuruwita, Beli-lena at Kitulgala, Alu-lena at Attanagoda and so on). People lived in many countries in the world from times immemorial. There would have been many ancient civilizations in Sri Lanka very similar to other countries like Africa, India, China and so on but most of them disappeared over time, the last of them (as per Mahavamsa) is the so called ‘Hela’ (the term ‘Hela’ has no epigraphic evidence in Sri Lanka) but however, they have very little to do with the present population in Sri Lanka. In other words, the present day Sinhala race is NOT the offspring of the pre-historic generation of Sri Lanka. The present day population (both Sinhalese and Tamils) are migrants and their ancestry is in India (the latest genetic study on Sri Lankan population proves it). Only the Veddas are original natives with Sri Lankan ancestry.

  • 0

    They have now resorted to outright lying. Case in point. Chris Cuomo falsely claimed it was illegal for the public to search Wikileaks, but it was ok for the media to and therefore the public should stay good sheep and simply get their information filtered out to them from CNN.


    See how CNN is lieing.

    They say people can not read Wikileak and it is ille4gal to read. Only the media can read and present it to people.

    • 3

      What about Lankaweb and Karawa Jenali Borukiyanage? Always tells the truth?

  • 0

    All this wrangle about the Majority is essentially by the Tamil minority who had been favored by the Colonial rulers over a 150yr period, and came to consider themselves as the “majority’ in view of the Administrative power they enjoyed, and who became so arrogant that they viewed the REAL majority as not “big enough to govern” the Tamil people(per Chekvanayakam).
    The ‘divide and rule’ maxim for governing the colonies had been used by the British not only in Sri Lanka but elsewhere in the Colonies, and most post-colonial problems in all these countries have been the result of that misguided concept.
    The problem is that with this current effort in Sri Lanka to EQUALIZE a Majority with a Minority the very principle of DEMOCRACY itself that has been the core value gets violated.
    We the PEOPLE are ALL equal at the individual level of Rights, but when a society has a very distinct demographic difference the Minorities have to accept that it is the Majority that had the historical task of building a civilization and a culture, that reflected the principles of that Majority. For a 140yr old history to be superimposed on an age-old >2500yr history, and for demands that the former be considered EQUAL as a group to the latter cannot be defended by any legal argument, just because the Neo-colonialist Imperial West has now given overt support to Minority demands in ways that are clearly ‘unjust and unfair so that the West can rule again together with the Minorities they favour.

    Many citizens of the West see this injustice thanks to the Internet that has presented the REAL FACTS of history and colonialism so long presented through Western propaganda. That situation may not continue much longer, unfortunately, unless alternative information sources are developed.

    The effort to decimate and fracture the MAJORITY Sinhala people of Sri Lanka cannot succeed in the long run, as had been tried and tested many times before by those who thought they could… because Evolution and Nature itself will destroy those who attempt to use EVIL means to establish power. It is a belief by the Minority that they can WIN through MONEY, LIES and DECEIT that keeps the unjust power-hungry efforts of Minority groups aided and abetted by external powers who have nothing but their own self interests. Minorities think they can use the external powers without having to one day pay a price…and it is this misguided notion that will destroy them in the end. TIME WILL TELL.

  • 1

    TNA,specially M/s Sambanthan & Sumanthiran who take part in discussions
    on the new constitution with rest of the political parties, should affirm to the Tamil people whether the statement made by the PM that TNA has agreed to give Buddhism the foremost place, meaning, making it the state religion and other religions become secondary,is correct or not.Its true TNA made a statement rejecting PM’s statement but neither
    TNA nor the PM clarified their positions on the statement so far.

    Buddhism is an offshoot of Hindu religion and a good religion. Hindus
    worship Lord Buddha and Sinhala Buddhists worship Hindu Gods and fort
    -unately there is amity among the two believers and in fact the Hindus
    should give a prominent place for Buddhism, after all, the teachings stated there-in are based on Hindu religion as Lord Buddha was a Hindu,
    and Buddhism is an improved version of ancient Hinduism but the people who preach lord Buddha’s teachings, specially in Sri Lanka, preach hatred instead Ahimsa practised by lord Buddha. This is where the difference lies and Tamils should object to the idea of treating Buddhism as State or National religion as Tamils know how SWRD Banda tried to push ‘Sinhala only’ down the throats of Tamils, and state sponsored conversion could take place with Buddhism introduced as a subject in the class rooms in N/E.
    We know that TNA is cornered badly by the Govt. due to their ‘Yes Sir’
    policy, and CM, NPC Mr. Wiggy should take up this case as if, the new constitution is going to be worse than the present one, Tamil represent
    -ation should not be there at the discussions.,as what happened when
    JR introduced the 1st constitution and the IC & UN took note of it.

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