18 September, 2024


The Secret History Of Jaffna And The Vanni

By Darshanie Ratnawalli

 Darshanie Ratnawalli

Darshanie Ratnawalli

The Vanni was the source of elephants to the Kingdom of Jaffna and elephants were Crown Property. By issuing a proclamation dated Lisbon, 3rd Jan., 1612, the King of Portugal had let the natives know that he had cottoned on to that and no one therefore should mess with Crown Property, which right now meant his property. ” Whereas I have learnt that the elephants in the Island of Ceilao are and always have been from ancient times the property of the Crown,…”-(The Kingdom Of Jafanapatam 1645 Being An Account Of Its Administrative Organisation As Derived From The Portuguese Archives, P. E. Pieris, 22-23)

While managing their newly acquired crown property, elephantine and otherwise, there accrued to the Portuguese, a wealth of information, which reveals to us, the modern observers, the threads of cohesion[i] between the centre and periphery of the pre-colonial Lankan state. We learn for example that one such thread had created synergy in the realms of Lanka with regards to elephants and bequeathed the office of Kuruwe Vidane to the Kingdom of Jaffna, a territory which by the 17th century was covered by a diaphanous Tamil garb, through which the Sinhalese inner garment showed much plainer than it does now.

In Jafanapatam, the officer who supervised the collection of the elephants due to the Crown was called Kuruwe Vidane. This information comes to us courtesy of the “Copy of the Foral of the Kingdom of Jafanapatam and the Vany” as well as of the “Island of Manar and of Mantota”, a manuscript in the archives of Portugal, which is the basis for P.E Pieris’s work op.cit. This Vidane do Curo or Kuruwe Vidane, as P.E. Pieris explains in page 64, endnote 50, “is a Sinhalese title, the Kuruwa being the Elephant Department. In later times the officer was called Kuruwe Mudaliyar. The office was in existence within living memory.” (The living memory of the 1920s is meant).

According to the Foral, the Kuruwe Vidane received areatane from the Bellales (Vellalas), who were not hunters, “both for his maintenance and for the expenses of the elephant catchers.”- (P.E, op.cit. 25-26). More importantly for our ‘threads of cohesion’ trip, the Kuruwe Vidane of Jaffna “was also allowed the areatane of the village Changatarvael.”- (ibid). The name Changatarvael “signifies “the rice field of the Buddhist priests.” Changatar represents the Sinhalese Sanghaya, Buddhist priest, and the word is used by Ribeiro.”- (P.E. op.cit. p64, endnote 54). Also according to the Foral, the Recebedor at Manar was authorized to incur the expenditure of two Kurunayakas (the traditional Sinhalese word for elephant caretaker, rendered in the Portuguese as “cornax”) for a tusker of certain size and one Kurunayaka for an alea. – (P.E. op.cit. p31-32 and endnote 63 in p65).

Another group of people who entered the Jafanapatam-Vanni-Mannar-Mantota Foral by having dealings with “aleas” (throughout the Foral, this Sinhalese word is used for elephants without tusks) was the “Patangatins” of Manar. This word (as P.E. explains in endnote 55, p65) is the “Sinhalese Patabenda, usually applied to headmen of the Fisher caste”. These people had been given the village Pembathy “as an emphyteuta” by the native kings of Jafanapatam and by the Portuguese too “this was confirmed on the Patangatin Mor Thome de Mello, the heir of the last holder, on condition of his supplying yearly an alea of not less than four covados.”- (P.E. op.cit. 26).

That the tusk-less elephants captured in the Vanni and brought to the Jaffna peninsula through Alimankada were known there as “aleas” is not really strange. The elephant trade would have acted as a unifier throughout the pre-colonial island. The strange thing is the washermen of Jaffna. According to the Foral they are known as “mainatos”. The “mainatos”, decrees the Foral, are forbidden to wash any cloth, which has not received the official stamp, with which earlier the native Kings and now the Portuguese marked all cloth traded within Jaffna. What even P.E. finds strange about the Jaffna “mainatos” is “to find this word still used in the Kurunegala District, where it is sometimes employed as a proper name among washermen”.(p63, endnote 32).

We come now to the piece of evidence in the Jaffna-Vani-Manar-Mantota Foral that seems (to me) to be the most evocative proof that the threads of cohesion that bound the peripheries like Jaffna and Vanni to the centre of the pre-modern, pre-colonial Lankan State grew from a common bedrock. According to the Foral;

“In the time of the native Kings the inhabitants of Pachchilapalai and Illidematual used to go to the Vanni to cultivate camas there and would pay to the renters from ten to twenty lachas of foodstuffs for each cama, in accordance with its size.-(p15, P.E, op.cit). As P.E. explains (in endnote 39, p63), ‘cama’ is the “Sin. Gama, Sansk. grama. The highest cultivator among the Tamils is still the kamakaran” while lacha is the “Sinhalese Laha. Like the Sinhalese word this is used as a measure not only of capacity, but also of superficies…”

The Foral also reveals that certain functionaries of the Vanni districts, where the elephant Hunt was held, insisted on charging “Juncao” (According to P.E, endnote 59, p65: “This word seems to be the Sinhalese Hungam, imposts collected on the borders of towns.”). This interesting because the excuse these functionaries (the foreiro on one bank and the foreiro of Muliature and Valanculy on the other bank of the Parangali river ferry) gave for the charging of this “Juncao” was that it had been paid under the native kings.-(P.E., p27)

The Vanni is an area where threads of cohesion run thick and fast. The Sitavaka Hatana, a contemporary (16th Century) eulogy to Mayadunne and Rajasinha I describes how “The “vaddan” and “vannilayo” were among the forces of Rajasinha I of Sitavaka (SH 1999:v.565);”- (Michael Roberts, 2004, Sin. Con[ii]., pg. 74-75). The Rajasinha Hatana  (“composed about 1638 by an unknown author or authors and edited by Somaratna in 1968”-[Roberts, op.cit., p116]) in verse 249 describes how Rajasinha II in preparing for battle against the Portuguese in 1638 (RH is dated around 1638 because it ends with the recovery of Baticaloa from the Portuguese- C. R de Silva 1983:16), assembled forces from “Ratdala, Kitulana, Yala, Panama and Magampura; from Wellawaya, Palugama and Tirukkovila; from the Vadipattu, Kottiyarama and Mathota; and from many a land of the famed Vanniyas”-(Last line of the verse goes; “Nit dula wanninge noyek ratinuth sen awu eka vita”)

The foot-print of the Vaddas in the Vanni and Vanniya heritage has been strangely forgotten by most modern scholars who have explored the Vanni cultural space with a pen. This is very conspicuous in the works of Indrapala (1970) and Pathmanathan (1972). A complex combination of factors including ignorance, dishonesty, lack of political clout in the vaddas and the inadequacy of the sources used could have been responsible for this selective blindness. This blindness is preposterous considering that the Vaddas prominently display the lineage term, “Vanniyalattho” in their names.

In the Vanni Puvata (Or 6606 (139), Hugh Nevill Collection), which details the settlement of the immigrant chieftains of “Ariya-Vamsa” from Madura, in Nuvara Kalaviya, the north western littoral and in the Jaffna peninsula, there is a very evocative declaration. “Me Sinhala rajjema hitagena Vannikam kala ayaval nam vadi-peruven pavatimayi datayutuy”-(those who were indigenous to this Sinhala country and held Vanni chieftaincies were the descendants of the vadi clan or the vadi lands). This is the Sinhalese folk historical tradition making a “differentiation between the genealogies of those chieftains who came from overseas and those of indigenous origin” – (D. G.B[iii] de Silva: 1996[iv])

@ http://ratnawalli.blogspot.com/  and rathnawalli@gmail.com

[i] I invite you dear readers, to take this “threads of cohesion trip” with me by reading “Into The Vanni And Jaffna Of The 17th Century”  followed by “Deciphering The Vanniyas; A People Out Of The Box”. They are the first two episodes of my “Threads of Cohesion Series”. The present article is the third. There’s more to come.

[iii] Today I received a mail from D. G.B about the present article in The Nation. I reproduce a part of it below;

“Dear Dasrhani,

Thank you for your article on the Vanni in today’s Nation (10 Nov).This is an aspect I had omitted in my article on the Vanni in JRAS – I mean the Portuguese connection with Vanni. This was because the basis
for the article, The Hugh Nevill Commemoration Oration by me at RAS was done in a hurry. I did not have even two weeks notice from the President to deliver that Lecture and I did not have computer
facilities then.  Consequently, I had to put my notes of research done at the British Library in London into some shape quickly. The Portuguese -times part was not there. Though I had looked at the Jaffna Floral in Lisbon I could not find my notes. Nor could I check whether former Director of Archives, Haris de Silva had micro-filmed them. (I arranged funds from UNESCO to micro-film some of the Portuguese documents..You might as well follow this up and see if these are available).

You have really surfaced some very useful information. (The sting is absent though! Remember no jam for Sitrampalam!). There is more you can do. I wanted to fill this void in my Vanni article about the
Portuguese period but never got down to it. I wanted to do this as a revision to my article in JRAS. which was very badly edited and proofs not shown to me). Now it is too late for me.”

[iv] D. G. B de Silva, “New Light On Vanniyas And Their Chieftaincies Based On Folk Historical Tradition As Found In Palm-Leaf Mss. In The Hugh Nevill Collection, 1996: JRASSL, (New Series) Vol. XLI Special Number. (Published in 1998)

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  • 2

    Ayyo ayyoo ayyoo…….

    Wait a minute, doesnt this woman ‘[Edited out]’ sounds like Jimsofty/KAS/Thondamanaru/fuku-fuku, so on?

    • 1

      Unlike you and your filthy mates, I love reading Ratnawalli’s no-nonsense and clear articles. Can’t you nutcases see that she is a sophisticated and a lovely lady. She is not the type you buggers think of. May the triple gem bless her.

      • 3

        Truth hurts!

        Now truth is bashing Tamils left, right, center and bottom too.

        Stateless fools.

        • 3

          The uncivilized Singala-Buddhist Barbarians is the ONLY race in this entire world that believes, the majority race in a country are the sole owners of the country and the minority race in a country are stateless. This is one more reason they are known around the world as MODAYAS.

          Look for the Jaffna-Vani-Manar-Mantota Foral and see if you can find the famous Portugese saying, “Singalaya modaya kavum kanna yodaya”.

          • 1

            Tamils had the whole world. but, they were stupid.

            OR the Tamilnadu is under water under the ocean and Tamils are trying to chase out regional minorities and are trying to claim homeland ?

            • 1


              “Tamils had the whole world. but, they were stupid.”

              They were and indeed they are.

              “Tamils are trying to chase out regional minorities and are trying to claim homeland?”

              Being a Minority in the region you should behave as one. However your Sinhala/Buddhist stupidity motivates your people to think, believe and behave like majority. This can be partly attributable to your Mahawamsa Ghetto mindset.

              When you renounce Sinhala/Buddhism the majority in the region would respect and protect you as Sinhala and Buddhists.

              It is up to you to earn respect from others.

              • 1

                N V;
                and other commenters,

                Recently I read Darsahanee’s short story.
                Nice piece of story.

                “The first man to look upon my naked virgin breasts and compliment them was…” .

                And She Says, He said “They Are Pretty”.

                Mind You, This in her Short story.

                You should not misunderstand her writings.
                before reading that, better look around to see no any opposite sex looking.

                HA HA HA.

            • 1

              “Tamils had the whole world” ???? That’s the kind of utter nonsense Jim Shifty pollutes these pages with his regular verbal diarrhea. For God’s sake, man, If you don’t have anything sensible to say please keep off wasting print and our valuable time.


              • 0


                “If you don’t have anything sensible to say please keep off wasting print and our valuable time.”

                You can save time by ignoring him. Jimmy is not forcing you to read his contributions and you are not going to miss them anyway.

        • 0

          What is truth. Have you seen one in SL

        • 0

          Brainless fool ( fart/ Fucku)

      • 0

        Ado Bando, by your own admission, you are a bugger!!

      • 0


        “Unlike you and your filthy mates, I love reading Ratnawalli’s no-nonsense and clear articles.”

        You mean this one below:

        The first man to look upon my naked virgin breasts and compliment them was….
        by ratnawalli – July 19, 2009 at 10:18 pm


        You dirty old man.

        Let me have your mother’s contact details.

        • 0

          I think this cow need a good whack & hard rock solid **** …..Are u ready Veddah, if u cant I can….

          • 0


            “Are u ready Veddah, if u cant I can….”

            Beware you will be charged for child sex abuse.

          • 0


            This is the problem with you guys. You gave your women to soldiers and now going after cows….

            • 0


              “This is the problem with you guys. You gave your women to soldiers and now going after cows….”

              Are you calling child Irathina Valli a cow?

              I would have thought that you marry them.

      • 1

        ‘Can’t you nutcases see that she is a sophisticated and a lovely lady’
        Ha ha ha…You seem to know her well or you over praising her a bit too much.

        ‘She isnt the type you buggers think’
        Alright, what type is she then? BBS+Gota+Leela type perhaps!
        Irathinavalli is a paid naive amature writer copying boring old write ups for a reason.
        Banda you can have dozens of stage names but you cannot change your attitides so CT readers know who you are.

        This is what happens when Banda comes to town.

      • 1

        Intrestingly, Darshini has not commented on the origin of some of the place names (Pembathy, Pachchilapalai and Illidematual) mentioned, and her views would be of interest.
        Before that, a comment about some words and their origins:
        “mainatos” is probably a corruption of the sinhalese “madinno” (redhi madinno – washer people).
        Gama (kamam in Tamil) and many other words go back to old Sanskrit (or prakrit etc) and so such words are found in both tamil and sinhala.

        Similarly, Vidhane, Vithana, etc., related to the Sanskrit “Vidhaana”, i.e., command.

        Here is what I had said about some of the place names:
        (see htte://dh-web.org/place.names/ )
        Eluthumadduval, Illidematual (Giranikke, [kilinochchi])
        Disc. name given as “Ilondi Matual” in Dutch VOC records.
        According to Paul E. Pieris (p. 15 of The Kingdom of Jaffnapatam, the Portuguese ‘floral” mentions this village “In the time of the native Kings the inhabitants of Pachchilapalai and Illidematual” travelled to the Vanni to cultivate camas (from the sinhalese gama) there and pay the renters from ten to twenty lachas (from the sinhalese Laaha, a measure of grain, and also the corresponding area covered by sowing the grain) of foods for each cama (gama), as a function of its size.

        In the book:
        ‘Caste of the Tiger: Dalits among Sri Lankan Tamils’ by Ravikumar
        (Translated from Tamil by R Azhagarasan) in HIMAL South Asia, August 2002
        and reviewed also in the Sri Lanka Island of 26 August 2002.
        “In 1981, the UNP leaders, who shout themselves hoarse about democracy,
        summoned their military thugs and burnt down the Jaffna library, the biggest
        library in Southeast Asia. About the same time, caste fanatics in a small
        village, Ezhudumattuval, near Jaffna, threatened Dalit children at a school,
        seized their books and notebooks and set them afire.”Why did Tamil society
        choose to condemn one incident and remain silent on the other?”
        – Dominic Jeeva, Dalit author from Jaffna
        Regional map ලන්දෙමඩුව
        Eluvaitivu, Ezhuvaitheevu, எழுவைதீவு (Yapanaya [Jaffna])
        Pachchilaipalli, Periya Pachchilai Pallai (Giranikke, [kilinochchi], Yapanaya [Jaffna])
        Hist. Baldeus, 1658, Patchiarapahlle
        Disc.- ‘Pathhira’ tree is also known as “rata-goraka” tree Skrit: Pichchalabija, Malaylam, K.: Paccila, T: Pachchila. Botany: Garcinia family. ‘Palli’ could refer to a non-hindu (e.g, jain, Buddhist) shrine or, a low-lying region, or ‘back-yard, and may imply ‘burial grounds’. Also, ‘palli’,’halli, alli’ mean village or place (‘pala’ in S.), a current usage in telugu and kannada (c.f., Thiruchirapalli, Jalahalli.) It also means a place of worship as villages usually involved a temple. In modern usage in SL, it refers to a christian church or mosque.

        This village is mentioned in Paul E. Pieris’s Kingdom of Jaffnapatam” where we are told that “In the time of the native Kings the inhabitants of Pachchilapalai and Illidematual” travelled to the Vanni to cultivate camas (Sinhalese gam -villages) there and pay renters from ten to twenty lachas (Sinhalese Laaha, a measure of grain, and correspondingly, the area coverd by sowing the grain) of food for each gama, depending on its size.
        Pembathy(Japanaya [Jaffna] or Mannarama [Mannar])
        Disc.- According to Paul E. Pieris,Kingdom of Jaffnapatamthe “Sinhalese Patabenda”, i.e., headmen of the Fisher caste are referred to as “Patangatin’s in Portuguese texts (specifically, the Floral). These headmen had been given the village Pembathy “as an emphyteuta” by the kings of Jafanapatam and by the Portuguese “this was confirmed on the Patangatin Mor Thome de Mello, the heir of the last holder, on condition of his supplying yearly an aleya or aliya (i.e., elephant, usually without tusks) of not less than four covados.”-
        Anecdotally, we have been told that the old name of the village was Ping-Badda, where “ping-badda” means a “neighbourhood” given as a gratuity. This is consistent with what is stated in Paul.E.P. පිංබද්ද

    • 1

      dear Ct
      Today 14th of November.

      I am in a funny, laughing mood, Because of this young lady Darshanie Ratnawalli Made this much of a Halo bolo in this CT blog.
      publishing a Bit of her researched History of Sri lanka’s vanni.
      and our C T commenters are Howling, jumping, biting, each other in words with many accents.
      Well done you made these guys mad girl.

      A little bit of information to Miss/ Ms Darshanie Ratnawalli.

      I met a Tamil gentleman near Nethali AAru close to pudukuduiruppu of Paranthan Mulaitheuv Road.
      who is a descendant of Vanniyars of North sri lanka and he is rich person of that area and has more details of his Peoples history.
      every body in that locality knows about this person.
      and you can get more details from him.
      May be there are many like that but this info I can give to you MS Darshanie Ratnawalli.
      Why don’t you try to learn Some Tamil language?.[ May be you know].
      One question.
      No offence to you?.
      mind you and excuse me.
      Don’t you like to have a Tamil Husband???.

  • 0

    Next thing she is going to say Sinhalease (children of a lion) gave birth to Tamils. She might have said this already.
    NB: I am not against any human being.

    • 0

      Not only that, in a few days she will say the Sinhalese gave birth to Veddas too. When it comes to ignorance, dishonesty, lack of political clout in the vaddas and the inadequacy of the sources used one can only think about Paranawithana, D. G de Silva, Darshanie Ratnawalli, et al.

  • 0

    Well said Darshanie Ratnawalli.

    You nailed south India junk.

    These things should be taught to Jaffna kids.

  • 0

    Why suffering so much to find hidden clues to prove something that is created within the mind. D.G.B the former diplomut seems to be even worse. This is nothing but joke. First of all, learn the Eela Tamil language to understand these words. Anybody and everybody can twist the words in their direction and call it Sinhala or Tamil but one should know both languages to understand and clearly differentiate them.

    ‘Vidane’ is the Tamil term used in the North and East even today to address the Grama Sevaka. I am wondering how ‘Vidane do Curo’ mentioned in the Jaffna Floral became the Sinhala ‘Kuruwe Vidane’.

    Camas or camam is the Tamil term used in the North and East for paddy fields. I wonder how ‘cama’ became the “Sinhala. Gama and how “Juncao” becomes the Sinhala Hungam. The Tamil term lacha becomes the Sinhalese ‘Laha’.

    This article once again goes into the treasury of Jokes by Darshanie Ratnawalli appreciated by an even bigger joker D.G.B.

    Instead of looking for terms like Vidane, Camas, Juncao, lacha, etc and twisting those to your advantage please look very carefully at the Jaffna Floral for any clear and distinguishable Sinhala terms that are not used in the Eela Tamil vocabulary.

    This article itself is just a waste of time and cyber space.

    • 0


      “This article once again goes into the treasury of Jokes by Darshanie Ratnawalli appreciated by an even bigger joker D.G.B”

      You are free to comment on Irathina Valli and her work of children stories, please D G Bandu de Silva out of it.

      The old eccentric chap is my potential employer. Being a kind Sinhala/Buddhist’ he offered me a job in his household as a domestic servant. I am grateful to him.

      I don’t take too kindly to those who are abusive to my potential employer.

      However since I haven’t heard or received my employment contract and appointment letter from him you are free to have a field day.

      I believe he is multi-lingual story teller. Beware he could offer you jobs in all those languages.

    • 0

      Well said!!!

      Why look for hidden clues???

      Why cannot they find direct evidence, solid proof instead of wild gessus (twist & turns) which has no meaning. Such unrelaiable clues will not serve any purpose in history. And remember, in the old days anything Buddhist cannot be coined as Sinhala. Do not think of old history in today’s context.

    • 0

      The first census of British rule based on caste tells the “Vellala” caste was only 3% in 1834. But a caste “Madapally” was the majority caste and now it is vanished.

      The census was done by Simon Cassie Chetty Mudaliyar.

      I hope madapally must be “MAGADHA PAALI” who were the descendents of the soldiers came from Orissa with “Kalinga Maagha”.

      • 0

        ha siva,you have come back after your drubbing in the northern PC elections.I won’t say glad to see you back because nobody will be glad with your screeching,but i’am glad that you are getting out of your depression slowly after the polls.

    • 0

      ravi & Irathinawalli
      “Juncao” becomes the Sinhala Hungam. In Tamil Sungam is Custom. Used in Sri Lanka.
      ” Sunga Vari Thinaikalam”. In Sinhala it is Regu Departhamenthuva.

      Word Larcha is derived word. Used when refering to Land in English by Native Tamil. They Use Parappu ( Varahu ) or Parapu (Nel).

      Sangam was and is Tamil Word Long before Sinhala came to exist. The First Sanga, Second Sanga & Thirs Sanga era of Pandia kings. In Tamil it is Muthal Sangam, Idai Sangam and Kadai Sangam.

      Rajasingha ll too is not a hela. He is a hela Buddhist Like Catholic Percival, Basil, the famous Soloman, West Ridgeway, Dias, John, Dods, Stephans, Dias, Etc Etc.

      Pattu is Tamil word denoting Ten. Conglomerate of Ten Villages.

  • 0

    I am sure Darashanie is in search of more “SECRET HISTORIES” and will soon unearth the the Rajapakse’s are direct decendants of lord Buddha. And Lord Budhha has secretly asked them to make BBS custodian of Buddhism

    • 0


      “I am sure Darashanie is in search of more “SECRET HISTORIES” and will soon unearth the the Rajapakse’s are direct decendants of lord Buddha.”

      Don’t be silly and stop belittling the clan and his Sinhala/Buddhist people.

      Their lion/man history goes well over 32,000 years and can be traced back to Aryan origin of their ancestry.

      Read the following excerpts:

      32000 year old Idol of Narsimha (Lord Vishnu’s Avatar) found in Germany

      Many news about prehistoric founds and their possible meaning reached the world in the last decades. One of them, found in South Germany, puts scientist around the world in amazement. The centerpiece is the “lion man” (narsimha), an idol that is made from the tusk of a mammoth in the form of a human body with a lion head. Amazingly it is dated back 32,000 years from now.



      Jan 10, 2013
      Global Hinduism


      From now on give Gota some respect.

      Between you and me, now I will have to find a way to send them back to Germany.

      The hardest part is not the visa procedure but changing their physical appearances from dowdy little people to Hitler’s Aryans: blond hair, blue eyes and ginger beard.

      Let me have some ideas.

      • 0

        Dear Mr. Vedda,

        I think this story about the Sinhala/Buddhist man being a descendant of a Lion must be true.

        My husband Jim shows all the traits.

        He eats almost all the food I work hard to put on the table, leaving only scraps for the children and me.

        But unlike the Lion Jim doesn’t get into brawls with other Lions because he always loses. So he sleeps all the time and his waking hours are wasted venting his frustrations making idiotic comments on CT columns.

        He is also impotent.

        Mrs. JimSofty

        • 0

          Mrs Jim Softy,
          Why didnt you mention about his/your kids.
          Did he make any Cubs or at least some (Jack)Foals or Puppies?

          Enjoyed your comment and keep entertaining us.

          It seems that some elements in the sountry working on changing the past systemattically on order to change the history or delete it completely. This is not healthy to any nation.
          I really feel sorry to see a confused future generation as a result of the present so called patriotic trend.

        • 0

          Sorry to hear darling, Not some one some where help u out…one day. Vedda is a gentlemen he wont help you…

        • 0

          “He is also impotent.”

          Mrs.Jim softly can i have your address please you poor woman.I can’t solve your food problems but i can help in the more important impotence area.I will bring my good friend the ex army bloke david blacker.We both together always specialise in the sandwich shot in a threesome,so your food problems also will be a little bit ameliorated as you will be sandwiched between us.

          The bonus here is after it is over if you pretend dead david will continue on his own.You must not show any signs of life because that is important for david to go on and on for hours.

        • 0

          Tx. Excellent.

  • 0

    Native Veddah, where are your comments?

    • 0


      Irathina Valli is only a child and is having fun. Why spoil it.

      My only advice to her is that she should be aware of “dirty old men” bearing gifts in the form of goods, services, praise and displaying fatherly affection.

      • 0

        before she goes looking for secret history, she should look for her fathers name… People are happy to use the surname, this woman never does.. but talks so much about Buddhism.. probably one of the early test tube babies….

  • 0

    Ms. Ratnavalli Amma always use the records of Parangiyas and neither Sinhala or Tamil records.

    Vanni means forest in Pali language. Vanni is the forest areas of Lanka. That was from Nikewarettiya to Ampara.Wanni Nayakes and Wanni Arachchis are from those areas.

    The kings of A’Pura brought people from Kerala to Vanni to maintain the elepahat herds before the WHITE criminal rulers.Lot of Malayala names are still available in those areas..

    Kerala is the most important country still use the elephants. The author or others better go to the temple festivals of Tirussur pooram or Padmanaabha swami temple.

    Now the Elepahant language contains to Sinhala and malayalam.

    • 0


      I have a feeling that the Mahavamsa was originally written in Tamil. If not how could a monk record events accurately very much later? The script was discovered in early 19th Century abd subsequent archeological discoveries proved the events recorded in it. I think it is a translation from Tamil. Originally it was Mahavamsam, then it became Mahavangsaya.

      It is no secret that at least 20% of Sinhala is originally Tamil words. Definitely South Indians would have been in the Island long before the North Indians. However, later on the Northerners had a greater influence in the country.

      Also, they say Sigiriya was built by Sinhalese. Then why painting girls with a red dot on their forehead, were Sinhalese Hindus till that point in time?

      • 0


        “Then why painting girls with a red dot on their forehead, were Sinhalese Hindus till that point in time?”

        Sigiria is swarmed with wasps. Perhaps it was wasps sting on her forehead.

        • 0

          ..or Kasiappan, The Patricide, perhaps a Tamil/Hindu?

      • 0

        King Datu Sena was known as “Maurya” prince who married two “Pallava” princesses from Kanchipuram. The author of Maha Vansa, Bhikku Mahanama came to Sri lanka from the same Kanchi Puram.

        Bodhi Dharma,from Pallava Royal house went to China and invented the KUNG-FU which is a martial art to defend without killing others.

        Pallava inscriptions (many of them not translated because they were written in OLD Prakrit) started with Prakrit, then Sanskrit then Grantha(a mix of Tamil, Pali and Sanskrit).

        Sinhalese can trace their relatives in Kerala and not anywhere in India.

        Sinhala and Malayalam scripts developed at the same time and from a common ancestor.Some letters are same in both languages.

        Recently I came across with an important “snake bite” medicine in Kerala. That is known as “yalpaana vaidya nikandu”. Keralites have it in books of “OLD” Tamil. They call it “SEN THAMIL”. SANKAM period Tamil is completely differs from the current TAMIL of Tamil Nadu or Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    Elephants eat a lot and poops a lot. The Jaffna Tamils had no use for it – sensible of them to leave the big idiotic beast under Sinhalese management ?

  • 0

    I understand how some Sinhala names became Tamil

    Tirukkovila – Tamils say Koyil


    did you read anywhere anything about the strength of the Sinhala population in JAFANAPATAM during the Portugeuse time ?

    • 0

      Kovil is a Sinhala term???


      The best joke ever!!!

    • 0

      It is Sinhala that absorbed Tamils and South Indian culture and assimilated them into this so called Sinhala ethnic group.
      Even before interaction in Ceylon, Sinhala and its parent language own a considerable part of their being to Dravidian languages .

      • 0

        Sinhala, Tamil, Malayalam and Thulu evolved from a common ancestor. It was “HELA” or “ELU”.

        Just check the Malayalam script. You will find many similarities.

    • 0


      An amateur etymologist recently told me that evolution of Battaramulla in Kotte area which he thinks was derived from the Tamil words Pathar Moolai, meaning Gold Smith Corner. He also thinks Kotte was initially populated and ruled by Tamils.

      I was surprised.

      Were there any Sinhala Kovil around this area?

      • 0

        native veddato Jim Softy

        Present Day Kotte is Ruled by a “PerumPuli” ( Big Tiger). So Goes


      • 0

        Kotte is derived from Tamil “Koattai”(fort). Colombo and suburbs were populated by Portuguese.

        We can see two names to many places in and around Colombo.

    • 0

      THIRU KOVIL is in Kerala also. How?

    • 0

      This is not a response to Jim, but to counter an arguement. Kovil is a combination of two tamil words which is ko(menaing king) + il ( means illam , i, e house). Kings homes in ancient 3000 years before were called as kovil. Later ancient tamils started worshipiing their kings equivalent to God, they interchanged the word kovil and temple. Thats how the term originated to represent temple.

  • 0

    Very good article. As always history is written by winners or the ruling majority. Its good to get a rare glimpse of the other side of the coin.

    By the way I am from the “majority in the south”

    • 0


      “By the way I am from the “majority in the south”

      You mean you are Tamil from Colombo?

  • 0

    Many tamil words are given Sinhala meanings to suit the Sinhala historians’ manipulation of history in their favour. The latest artisan of this is the author of this piece of drivel. The Sinhala language contains a large number of tamil words and the author thinks the people reading her articles are all fools.

  • 0

    I always wonder if i lived in the old Serendip, not sure though, only God would know..

    I think we all lived in that period. Once you forget about this bullshit about Tamil and Sinhalese we will be much better off.. Trust me I don’t think.. I know you are not a Sinhalese or Tamil!!! You reading this article is just a fuck head thinking you are something and belonging to some kind of team..

    We are all the same.. And these cock suckers who know the truth deceive people like you to pretend you belong to some kind of team, so you can fight and argue against what ever you think is the enemy.. You are the donkey that gets it up the ass and beg for more from these parasites.. I say take some more boys and girls, you really deserve it, no doubt about it mate, why would the world be as it is if it weren’t for you folks..

    Once you get that through your thick heads you will never die and live forever.

  • 0

    There is also another thing I thought of, most freelance people wirting articles on Sri Lankan politics could and can write about the root of the problem.. And many have.. But once that is written what else to write??? Why talk about the karapincha price or parippu prices.. We have talked about the main problem..

    There’s no money in that so lets keep bringing up issues, hopefully not for the sake of getting money for every article that is written. But to deliver and educate the public who are not understanding the current situation like you do.

  • 0

    Tamils have no history in SL.

    They are just Tobacco, Tea, Tar and Toilet slaves brought down from Tamil Madu.

    Brits took them to Fiji, Malaysia and Singapore too!! Not just SL.

    Looks like very good slaves. Now Tamils’ new slave masters are the Chingalese! :) Obey thy master Tamils!!

    • 0

      You clearly know nothing about Tamil/Dravidian culture as your very being owed a lot to Dravidian/Tamil culture.
      You speak a language of Male babarian rapists from Eurassia brought down with them but you have very little in common with them; so who is the pathetic slave exhibiting stockholm syndrome. Atleast Tamils retain their ancient South Asian linguistic identity , unlike Sinhalese who speak the language of their rapist forefathers.

  • 0

    Fuku, Who are you? Where does your great tribe come from cock smoker? Guess what, I have Tamil, Singhalese and Burger in my blood..

    I know I am human and no idea where I actually came from.. It doesn’t matter who fucked my mom, and who fucked my grandmom. We all came from one source.. Call it God…

    You are just a parasite with no idea of who you really are.. What ever ethnicity you are, go and have talk with your elders, I’m sure they will tell you something to get you on the right track to find your true self.

    Until then, rotate on a pole to get good round picture of yourself.

    • 0

      The Penetrator

      You have penetrated Fathima Fukushima from all possible sides (top, bottom, front, back, and so on). She must be in real pain now, poor thing.

      • 0

        Penetrator, So, your greatest grand mother was fucked by the God eh. Do you know who fucked the God?

    • 0

      The Penetrator

      “Guess what, I have Tamil, Singhalese and Burger in my blood..”

      Where do you want me to send you? Choice is yours.

      • 0

        Vedda nice one. :)

        Look man, it’s like taking pee out of the ocean, once it’s in it’s too late.. I like Sri Lanka so can I please stay here?

        i wonder if you ask the elephants in Lanka where they would send the Veddas? How far do you want to go back?

        • 0

          The Penetrator

          “I like Sri Lanka so can I please stay here?”


          if you renounce


          If you
          stop grabbing my ancetral land

          If you
          stop being parochial, stupid, nationalist bigot.

          If you
          are wiling to share, land, resources and power

          If you
          are wiling to restore democratic rights to all people

          If you
          stop destroying the environment

          if you
          agree to abide by rule of law

          if you
          recognise my people as the first nation

          There are other thousand and one conditions that you will have to agree to before we accept your application for migrant status.

          Its also depends on your good behaviour. You will be asked to demonstrate your ability to be less stupider than others.

          • 0

            Dear Vedda, Agree to most of those things, but with some modification..

            (Insert Aboriginalism)

            “if you
            agree to abide by rule of law”
            I will not, until the rule of law makes sense and is a simple rule of did you fuck this up with intention or not? Guilty or not guilty. I always believe rules are meant to be broken up…

            “if you
            recognise my people as the first nation”

            No way man, Its my land.. at least not until you recognise all land mass were once joined, and that Africa was the birth of homo sapiens. Then I’ll recognise something about your team.. I found out a while back that I belong to the homo sapiens tribe it can even be can be proved with DNA.. I also have genes going back to African origins in the Gondwana land.. So this is my peoples land!!!

            So where should I send you Native Vedda?

            Take your pick, the sea or out of space. Perhaps Uranus would be nice? :)

            • 0

              Gondwana Land was way before (between 200- 500 million years ago) Anatomically modern humans emerged from Sub Saharan Africa (200 odd thousand years ago). Some human bands left Africa around 60-100K years ago.

              So all land mass being joined means nothing as there were no Homo Sapien Sapines around back then.

              As far as the elephants asking the Veddah to leave; you realise the concept of Aboriginal status only applies to Homo Sapien Sapines, since it is pretty hard to converse with other species .

              • 0

                Hey Squirrell, We are all the same, come from the same fucking tribe, or same fucking God. That was the meaning of my statement. Mr Vedda is a very good man, I can tell from his content.

                It’s nice you have read up and learned so so much about the history, I’m sure it all true in your squirrell brain.

                Native Vedda men are just like me and can stay in my land, but people like you perhaps needs to to be sent to Uranus.

                PS: Native Vadda, still the question is there for you. Who are you?? If you don’t belong to this tribe, where should the ancestors of this planet send you? uranus with the little Squirrells? :)

                Every ‘tribe’ has evil and good, stick with the good people and no one has anything to worry about…

    • 0

      Fart- tima Fucku is an abomination to mankind as I said in one of my earlier posts his creator the merciful Allah has forgotten to put a brain in to the skull of fuku leaving him with no brain to think. No wonder his posts to this forum reflect in his brainless cacaphonies which generally smells worse than excrement. His foul gibberish show what an unintelligent dul wit he is .

      He richly deserves a place in a lunatic asylum where he rightfully belongs and doesnot deserve a place in a civilised society.

      • 0

        Pirana, he is Lester masquerading as a Muslim

        • 0





          Who are the Pandyan serfs bought here by that refugee Vijaya’s second marriage; Goigams or Bathgams??
          Which fellows (MENTAL CASES) are claiming the other to be from the closer coast.
          Deva (found in the remotest parts of the country) are also Tamil acording to this ‘MUD & DUNG’ THEORY.
          Gods Saman, Vishnu & Kataragama are older than Buddism here, Buddha also born Hindu.

    • 0

      The Penetraator:

      So, your Great Grand MOM was raped by Europeans and You don’t have a sense of what others are thinking.

      • 0

        How did the konda bendapu betal chewing moda Appuhamys from down South ended up as De Silvas, Fernandos, Dias, Coorays, De Zoisas, Pereras, Peiris, Mendis and so on.

        Either they hired their women to those parangi suddhas (Portuguese) for a bottle of wine or their women got raped from the Portuguese.

        It applies to your Great Grand MOM & DAD as well Jim.

      • 0

        Nice one Floppy, Yeah might be the case man. I have a very good sense of what people are saying. But you being on a floppy couldn’t get a screw in a whore house.

  • 0

    More and more pseudo historians of Sinhala origin will appear to package their lies in academic wrappers to sell it to the rest of the world to debunk the Tamil homeland dogma. This woman Dharshani is no exception . Her Sinhala racism although is couched in slick language her racist undergarments are rather see through . You can see through her racism naked and unvarnished. I am from vanni and belonges to the last ruling family which fought the British and I can tell everyone that :There was no smell of any Sinhalese in Vanni until after the Dutch period. Read Robert knox’s diary that clearly tells you even in the 17 th century people in Anurathapuram were Tamils.

    What an Elephantine bull shit. Read Dr . Murugar Gunasingam’s book to learn about Jaffna Kingdom and Vanni Chiefdoms before and at the time of Portugese.

    • 0


      Darshanie Ratnawalli de Silva has replaced the two old and insane Sinhala-Buddhist Racists Prof. Nalin de Silva and D.G.B de Silva. These Portuguese surnamed de Silvas are actually recent South Indian (from Malabar and Coramandal coasts) immigrants brought by the Portuguese for fishing (Karawa), toddy tapping (Durawa) and cinnamon peeling (Salagama). Within the last 500 years, they have not only became Sinhala-Buddhists but also racists.

      • 0

        Not all the Karawa, Salagama and Durawa caste people came to Srilanka during the time of Portugese, great many of them came within the last 300 yeas time starting from the dutch period. Especially the cinnamon pealers the Salagama came from Kerala brought over by the Dutch to lanka.

        Not every de Silva or Karawa person refuses to accept their South Indian heritage, for example Dr.Laksiri Fernando who wrote in this forum recently admitted to having South Indian ancestry. There are many other clans such as Coreas from Chilaw who are recent South Indian Tamil migrants albeit from the Karaiyar back ground.

        In fact over 80% of the sinhalese originate from south India. The unscietific argument that it is because the Sinhalese speakers professing Buddhism are in the Majority they must be the original people of Eelam/Lanka is untenable. On the language issue it appears that the Hela race that inhabited this island got split into two as the Hela people inhabiting the Southern part of the country recived a large amount of Pali words from northeast of India through the Buddhist connection.It is almost like sanskirit being infused by Nambudhiri Brahmins in to Tamil which gave birth to a new dialect called Manipiralavam which later became Malayalam.

        like the parent Dravidian speech got split into various regional dialects which later became Independant languages like Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu ,Tulu etc. because of Pali infusion the southern Elu or hela which was a Dravidian dialect later metamophosed in to Sinhala.
        Essentially Sinhala is a Dravidian Language and the People are no different.Like the Chera, Chola, Pandya, Chlukiya, Koshala the Sinhala also a Dravidian dynasty inter marrying amoung the other South Indian Royalty until recently as in the 18th century Kandy. The nayakkars from madurai married in to the the Kandyan Royal house hold.

        On the Subject of religion it was customary for the citizens to follow one religion or the other depending on the Royal patronage. If the King converts to a religion as was the case in ancint Thamilagam with Jainism and more recently in Java and other parts of Indonesia when the king converted to Islam the Citizens also converted enmasse to that religion.

        In Srilanka The King became a Budhist folowed by the People. There were also Tamil Buddhist in Srilanka in Large numbers.To treat once religion and Language as clear markers to identify ones ethnicity is very unscientific. Despite the ethnic differences the Most of the Latin American Indians speak Spanish that doesn,t make all the spanish speaking native American Indians Spaniards.

        In the same way every one speaks Sinhala are not sinhalese and not all the Budhists are Sinhalese in Srilanka.

      • 0

        Like the Legionnaires of France once you are absorbed into Mahavihara tradition it doesn’t matter whether you’re a toddy tapper or you come from Timbuktu or you’re brought by the Satan; you become a Sinhala. And thats the beauty of Sinhalas unlike the racist Tamils. Got it.

        • 0


          ” once you are absorbed into Mahavihara tradition it doesn’t matter whether you’re a toddy tapper or you come from Timbuktu or you’re brought by the Satan;”

          In goes a Satan from Timbuktu out comes a stupid Sinhala/Buddhist Satan.

          This explains as to why we have 17 millions of them. Truly magical Mahavihara mahal.

          Thanks for the explanation. Very useful.

      • 0





        Who are the Pandyan serfs bought here by that refugee Vijaya’s second marriage; Goigams or Bathgams??
        Which fellows are claiming the other to be from the closer coast.
        Deva (found in the remotest parts of the country) are also Tamil acording to this ‘MUD & DUNG’ THEORY.
        Gods Saman, Vishnu & Kataragama are older than Buddism here, Buddha also born Hindu.

    • 0

      Mr. Gunasingam tell the Madapally caste vanished. How? It was the majority caste of the NORTH. Who is corrupting history to suit the current politics?

      He did not tell why the Portuguese made the agreement in Sinhala and Portuguese with the King of Jaffna.

      I found many Madapally caste members. One is C.V.Wigneswaran the CM of Northern province. The Ramanathan brothers, TT Jeyaratnam, principal of Mahajana College of Tellippalai were from the same Madapalli caste.

      They are still with the ORISSA(Kalinga) features.

      Further India settled former CM of North-East in Orissa with his 50,000 followers who are now completely assimilated with the Oriyan population.

      Can you explain why Jaffna Kings had the throne name of “Raajasekaran” of Kerala King RAJASEKARA VARMA?

      Sinhalese and Tamils are competing to corrupt history.

      • 0

        “Mr. Gunasingam tell the Madapally caste vanished. How? It was the majority caste of the NORTH.”

        Are you sure that they were the majority.Caste was based on the work you do.A section of the vellalas(cultivators)became scribes and that was how the madapally caste came about.I doubt there could be so many scribes as to outnumber soldiers,cultivators and fishermen.Certainly the madapalli would have been more educated.

        • 0

          If you are in UK, try to read the census report of Cassie Chetty. That is available at the British museum Library at King Cross!The report was published in 1834

          Madapally was the majority caste. Their population was 12,995.
          Vellalas were 4565.
          Kovias were 6401.
          Pallas were 6313.
          Nalawas were 7559.
          Karias were 7562.

          How did Jaffna become a “majority” Vellaala populated area? I hope many converted themselves as Vellalas during the British rule!

          • 0

            Madapally is nothing but educated Vellalar. It was the Vellalar who got converted to Madapally.

            • 0

              Madapally is not Vellala. Vellalas are a non-militant laboring caste but Madapally is a warrior caste. If you have no idea about the Madapally, shutup!

              In Tamil “educated” people never become another caste!

              Jaffna Vellalas are a mixer of Koviyas, converted christians and Nalawas. That is why 3% of vellala now balooned to 90% in Jaffna.

              Madapally means temple kitchen in Tamil. But it was a Tamil corruption of MAGADHA PAALI.(Those who administered Magadha).

              How did the temple cooks become majority in Jaffna?

          • 0

            siva .casie chetty is a colombo chetty and won’t know the difference between madapally and vellala.maybe more and more vellalas got educated and became madapallis because most of the local officials were madapallies because of their literacy and numeracy skills.So little by little when more and more vellalas got those skills and started to do administeration jobs they would have become madapallies.

            Even a lot of the warrior castes such as maravar,kallar and agumuduyar became vellalas(cultivators)because after the portuguese colonised they had no work to do because the portuguese did not absorb them into their army.Portuguese considered them as dangerous and were trying to keep them down.We would have had a lot of warrior caste people here because jaffna kingdom would have needed them.Where are they now?They are vellalas because reluctantly they became farmers.

            • 0

              So, you tell the educated Vellaals become temple cooks(Madapallis). That is your theory.

              Where did you find MADAPALLI and education connected?

              Castes have nothing to do with education.

              Further Cassie Chetty was from Kalpitty and not from Colombo. He wrote a lot about Tamil castes and Tamil history. Try GOOGLE to read his books.

              Now fools like you try to fool others to suit the stupid TAMIL politics.

              Warrior castes are still there. The defeated people normally dont like to expose them because madapallis, kaikola mudalis were hunted down by the coolies of the Christian rulers.

              • 0

                “So, you tell the educated Vellaals become temple cooks(Madapallis). That is your theory.”

                You yourself tell that madapalli is a tamil corruption and its real meaning is magadha administrators.Now what are you talking of temple cooks.How could casiechettys figures have 12000 temple cooks in 1834.How many temple cooks do you need for a few temples.

                I did not say they were temple cooks.You are only saying so.Because of their numeracy and literacy skills they were administrators and accountants.Put that scotch aside when you write at least because you are confusing everybody.

                “Castes have nothing to do with education’

                Again you are confusing everyone you donkey.Who said that caste has anything to do with education.Caste has everything to do with the work you did at time.Educated people did a different type of job than the uneducated like you and therefore belonged to a different caste because of their skills.

                “Now fools like you try to fool others to suit the stupid TAMIL politics.”

                What happened to your EPDP politics.Are you trying to get a visa for douglas to come permanently to Toronto?he must be seeing the writing on the wall for sure and his pimping days are coming to an end it seems.You as his assistant pimp also will have no income other than the dole in canada.

                • 0

                  Then you tell the meaning of Madapalli! You are a real donkey and a twister.

                  Vellaala is a Tamil caste; madapali is not a Tamil caste and the majority of the NORTH.

                  //maybe more and more vellalas got educated and became madapallis because most of the local officials were madapallies because of their literacy and numeracy skills// You wrote this stupid lines.

                  You barked that educated Vellalas became Madapallis. Madapalli means Temple cooks in Tamil. What about the EDUCATED Pallans and Parayans?

                  Madapalli is vanished now and not the vellala. If you tell vellalas become madapalli, Madapalli must exist even today! When the Magadha Paalis became Tamil speaking Madapallis, they start to vanish because they dont want to call themselves as TEMPLE COOKS.

                  Madapallis became Vellala and not the otherway round.

                  Your problem is the MADAPALLY caste which is not available in Tamil nadu. To promote your donkey theories of TAMIL HOMELANDS, you tell complete lies here.

                  Northern Province had non-Tamil majority. You cannot connect or twist the facts. Your Homelands theories are now “GOVINDA”.

                  EPDP is still right. CVW (A Madapalli) is now following the politics of EPDP. Dont you see that?

            • 0

              Marawan, kallan and Agamudiyaan caste never be Kshatriyas or worked under any Tamil kings as soldiers.

              Warrior caste is Kshatriya of Brahmanical order. Madapallis and Kaikola mudalis are of the Kshatriyas and belong to the old Royals!

              • 0

                “Marawan, kallan and Agamudiyaan caste never be Kshatriyas or worked under any Tamil kings as soldiers.”

                Read tamil history first you arsehole before misleading others.They were the soldiers in the chola,pandya armies.

                • 0

                  In Chola, Pandia armies no such Kallan, Agampadi or Maravan regiments. Can you show any evidences from the authentic tamil history of Chola or Pandia?

  • 0

    Ms Ratnawalli makes reference to the King of the Jaffna Kingdom in this page that might interest keen readers like Native Veddah, who
    appeared to doubt if there ever was one. Clearly, there have been
    many before that in an Island that was ruled, from time immemorial, separately by the Tamils in the North-East and the Upcountry and Low Country Sinhalese in the rest of the island.


    • 0

      Is Mr Sengutuan planning to annex our old Rajasingham’s Turf in Kotte too?.

      Thank god there was no King in Colombo 6.

    • 0

      No doubt Native Vedda is an east coast Tamil. Bugger looks like a Shakespeare I knew in Batty area who himself look like a Malabari Tamil.

      • 0

        I am no muslim

        “No doubt Native Vedda is an east coast Tamil.”

        You write in English it does not make you an Englishman.

        ” Bugger”

        I am not a Sinhala Buddhist monk.

        “looks like a Shakespeare”

        You mean inside my head. Thanks.

        “I knew in Batty area who himself look like a Malabari Tamil.”

        So he must be closely related to Southern Silvas.

        • 0

          Don’t get uppish. I meant a Tamil I knew in Batti with that name, you idiot.

  • 0

    Dear Tharsinie Rathinavalli

    For a change why don’t you Study a little bit of Tamil and a bit of South Indian Traditions and their Names? Then You will realise That Civilisations Developed in Wawe. That is Crest and troughs. These Waves flow in both direction leaving deposits and sediments. They are the Archaeological findings. I Civilization was to rise with out a Wave motion it leaves no sediments. Even the Mightiest Ethnic cleasers Like Todays Americans, Australians Spanish and Germans etc faile Failed to do a full cleansing. Deposits are still there as living evidence.

    So for example pleaae study the Vanniyars of South India before arriving at your conclusions. Study How Marappam became Marapone Or Veerappan became a Veerapane or a Thevaraperumal Became Thecaraperuma, Muthucumar/Muthucumaranbecame a Muthukcmarana Or Kathirgamar became Kadirigama or vice versa. The History and Archaeology are utter garbage written and rewritten to suit the winner of a war to praise the winner.

    Can Continue in this vein till the end of time Still with out any conclusion.


    • 0


      Very true. Even Sun God couldn’t fully cleanse the North.

      • 0


        “Very true. Even Sun God couldn’t fully cleanse the North.”

        Even Buddha couldn’t cleanse us according to your Mahanama leave alone your sun god. Didn’t he cleanse IPKF for you?

  • 0

    Can we just put darshini, malinda and shenali waduge into a boat and send them down under????!

    • 0

      Hidden clues and secret history of Jaffna???

      Darshanie Ratnawalli’s articles are only good for konda bendapu betal chewing moda Sinhala Appuhamys and Somapalas such as JimSofty, Fukushima, Banda, et al OR the worst Sinhala Racists like DGB de Silva, Nalin Silva, Malinda, shenali waduge, et al.

  • 0

    The author of this article is obviously a Sinhala racist and supremacist. She apparently knows no Tamil and perhaps may know only Sinhala and Pali.
    There is ample historical evidence that the Tamils were a seafaring race for millennia. Unlike in the case of Sinhalese there is lot of evidence of Tamils having travelled as far West as Rome and as Far East as China. If anybody thinks that the Tamils who travelled so far and wide did not travel a mere 20 miles South to occupy a potty island, will they be believed?

    Sengodan. M

    • 0


      Same logic can be used in another context. Sinhala Buddhist civilisation has been the dominant and most organised civilisation of this potty island. There is Tamil influence no doubt, but in the periphery. How come this potty island did not became a majority Tamil speaking land?

      Though it was just 20 miles to the South it appears migrants from other parts of India who were able to build a distinct nation in the island. Tamils have tried to compete and became the dominant community but have failed. Their latest violent attempt being under general VP.

      • 0


        If you closely examine the language and customs of the Sinhalese, you can easily find that the Sinhalese were originally more Dravidian, which means Tamilian than Aryan. Even now the Sinhala language is structurally and grammatically more akin to Tamil than any Aryan language. You can translate any Sinhala sentence into Tamil, word by word, it will fall in line grammatically into a Tamil sentence. It will not be so if you translate into Hindi. Many Sinhala idioms and Tamil idioms are exactly similar. In which North India State do you find an ‘Avuruddha’ celebrated in mid-April unlike in Tamilnadu?

        It is the advent of Buddhism along with Prakrit which made extensive Prakritisation of Sinhala that made Sinhala a semi Aryan language!

        Tamils never competed for dominance anywhere. In fact they embraced every major religion on Earth. Only the Tamil language can boast of containing literature aligned to most of the major religions on Earth including Buddhism! So broad minded are the Tamils!

        . M

      • 0


        “Sinhala Buddhist civilisation has been the dominant and most organised civilisation of this potty island.”

        Could you elaborate on the above.
        What is the civilization you are talking about? Could you also define it.

        “Though it was just 20 miles to the South it appears migrants from other parts of India who were able to build a distinct nation in the island.”

        Evidence please.

        “How come this potty island did not became a majority Tamil speaking land?”

        How come English which originated from a tiny island has almost captured the imagination of the entire world and Not Sinhalese?

      • 0

        You stupid hela, learn the correct histroy first. Sinhalese and Tamils are from same descendants alias old Indus valley people. Dont fall prey to to Myth aryan conecpt. Arayan came to India after 1600 BC

        • 0


          Aryan never came to India in herds.

          Aryan and Dravidian are not races but linguistic families.

          Please refer to Cambay oceanic research by Rao.

  • 0

    History never was my cup of tea.

    Ms Ratnawalli, makes it as attractive as herself.

    How stupid the UNP leaders must be to miss Alimankada, for Pamankada, especially when the Anglican body guard and chief of staff of the Opposition leader seems to be a descendent of the poachers who sold our Elephants to Portugese.

    • 0

      ‘Ms. Ratnawalli makes it as attractive as herself’

      Adey Sumanayo, do not judge other’s taste with your standards. I believe it is time you paid a visit to your Optometrist.

      Wonder how your ancestry escaped without being sold as slaves?

      • 0

        Since gaminiya lives in a basement his taste must be that of a bunker rat.

        • 0

          The readers here can see your taste, just like Sumaney’s, you Pithongal no Muslim bugger.

          Aney palayang do, yanda. Ayi Kasanawada?

  • 0

    K.A Sumanasekera

    “Ms Ratnawalli, makes it as attractive as herself.”

    You dirty old lonely men.

    Leave the child alone.

    I may consider informing you to the National Child Protection Agency for potential abuse.

    • 0

      There are heck of a lot of them in the Diaspora, my friend.

      Watching your PM talking to that Indian Dude for 15 minutes ,who claims to be a reporter was sheer agony for them.

      Can they do that all the time?.

      Never mind Ms Ratnawalli.s forensic type Archeological Essays.

      Just her foto must be a breath of fresh air for them.

      • 0

        The forensic Archeologist “Irathna Valli” has not done her work properly.
        If she had dug deeper for historical clues, she would have found evidence that those who regard themselves Sinhalese at present are really morphed Tamils of ages ago who were inhabitants the entire island.

        • 0


          So why did you then gave money to Praba to kill these morphed Tamils who essentially are your brothers & sisters?

          • 0

            Where,or when did you see me giving money to your hero Praba?
            He killed because you created him.

            • 0


              “Where,or when did you see me giving money to your hero Praba?”

              Hela is a secret admirer of VP, may be a close relative.

              For him blood is thicker than water.

    • 0

      Vedda speaks a lot about children. It’s becoming a bit sus…?

      • 0


        “Vedda speaks a lot about children. It’s becoming a bit sus…?”

        I need to constantly remind/warn the readers about the perils of pedophilia in this island, from perverted priests to politicians, monks, teachers, policeman, fathers,………..

        If I have to defend your children from you, I will.

        When is your wife returning from Middle East?

  • 0

    Vidane or Vidanaiyar is the village headman in Jaffna. Presently the Grama Sevaka is called the Vidane.

  • 1

    While I often find myself disagreeing with Dharshanee Ratnawalli, I nonetheless respect her ability to write, to counter and restate the Sinhalese historical position in a convincing manner. Tamil historians need to respond to the issues she raises.

    The Vanniyars are also a caste in northern Tamil Nadu. They were agricultural workers in the pre-colonial economy who were also recruited to the military – a bit like the peasant foot soldiers of medieval Europe.

    There are several etymological explanations for the word – Vanniyar. It could come from the Sanskrit ‘Vana’ or forest. It could come from the Tamil ‘vanni’, the name of a particular tree. In the Sri Lankan context, it could also mean feudal chief or tribute payer. More research is needed.

    The link made by Dharshanee to the Veddahs or Sri Lankan indigene needs to be explored further.

    Best regards

    • 0

      Naresha Duraiswamy

      ” I nonetheless respect her ability to write, to counter and restate the Sinhalese historical position in a convincing manner.”

      Convincing manner, mmmmmmmmmmm. What is so convincing about her manner?

      “Tamil historians need to respond to the issues she raises.”

      Though I reluctantly agree with you what do the Tamil historians have in their possession to prove 3000 years of their history in this island? Do they any historical novel such as Mahawamsa?

      “More research is needed.”


      “The link made by Dharshanee to the Veddahs or Sri Lankan indigene needs to be explored further.”

      Please leave my people out of your (Sinhala/Tamil) never ending self destruction.

      • 0

        Was wondering what happened to Native Veddah – then realised must be after our Valli !

        • 0

          Point of View

          “Was wondering what happened to Native Veddah – then realised must be after our Valli !”

          Please note Native Vedda is not a pedophile who is also not after children. If you are looking for one please visit your local Vihare.

          • 0

            No, No, I was missing reading your comments on CHOGM circus !

            Now enough hanging around with our Valli :)

            • 0

              Point of View

              “Now enough hanging around with our Valli”

              Valli is a child who needs protection from old uncles.

          • 0

            Dear Native, Why are you so obsessed with this S..E..X.?.

            If you don’t have nerves to pick one up for as low as fifty bucks,in your new neck of the woods you can access the myriad of dotcoms including the Tamil Aunties dot com from Vaiko land.

            • 0

              [Edited out] Vedda prefers old boys

            • 0

              K.A Sumanasekera

              Your daughters don’t trust you.

              They don’t trust your monks

              They don’t trust their teachers.

              They don’t trust their old uncles.

              I am the only one they could trust.

    • 0

      Vanniyaan Caste of Tamil Nadu was brought to TN by Pallava rulers from Karnataka bushes after the defeat of Chalukya Pulikesi. They are still use the Chalukya PIG flag as theirs too. Koundan caste also the same.

  • 0

    Many go on and on about the differences between Sinhalese and Tamils, be it place names, words, titles whatever.

    However most seem scared in taking that first step about the ultimate reality. i.e. a gene test which costs only USD99 at 23andMe.

    One is likely to find that majority of the genes are a South Indian component with SL Tamil having about 58% and Sinhalese 56%. http://sbarrkum.blogspot.com/2013/04/sinhalese-and-tamil-dna-admixture.html

    Get your genes tested and publish the ethno-analysis. It will add to greater understanding of Sri-Lankas gene pool.

  • 0

    The Sinhalese of Ceylon and The Aryan Theory
    Letters of a Tamil father to his son

    by Samuel Livingstone


    The link above is an apt counter punch to R Walli’s take on Sinhala place names. Lets see if she has the guts to respond.

    Also it would be interesting to see how other writers respond as well.

    Sin Hela

  • 0

    Sinhala is an Aryan language ,according to the experts.

    Does that make the Sinhalese Aryans or at least close to them?.

    Perhaps our Ratnawalli can enlighten us with some fascinating facts as she often does about our history.

    • 0

      Sinhala in unknown in any country where Aryans live or lived.

      Sinhala language closer to all South Indian languages. No trace of Sinhala in any part of North India.

  • 0


    Sinhala is essentially a Dravidian language with some infusion of Pali/ Prakrit due to the Budhist influence. Although Sinhala like some of the Dravidian languages such as Telugu, Kannada and to some extent even Malayalam have borrowed lexically from Sanskirt or Parakrit like the above mentioned languages it also belongs to the Dravidian family of languages .

    Although Sinhala varies from Tamil because of the Pali influence which makes these two languages mutually un -intelligible despite them being neighbours the morphology and the substratum of Sinhala as I said earlier is essentially Tamil or Dravidian. I hope I have answered your question to some extent.

  • 0

    Bellala =Ballala are of words from Kannada.

    Many Portuhuese documents inform us the presence of Canarese(Kannada) people in the North. Kannada place names are still in Sri lanka.


    You learn S/Indian languages first to utter your idiotic theories because Sinhala is another S/Indian language.

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