18 February, 2025


The Sinhalese People Must Step Up

By Mass L. Usuf

Mass Usuf

Why am I addressing the Sinhalese people?  Firstly, because they are the majority community in this country.  Secondly, the group of hooligans who caused the several acts of terror and mayhem were Sinhalese. Thirdly, it is the majority of the Sinhalese people who follow Buddhism. Fourthly, the Sinhala race like any other is unique.

Before anyone’s imagination begins to run riot, let me explain why is a Muslim worried about the Sinhala race.  Especially, at a time when the Sri Lankan Muslims hold the World Record for the discovery of the ‘Wanda Pethi’, the alleged sterilisation pill in food.  (Please see my article ‘Wanda Pethi’ My Foot!’ in Colombo Telegraph of 02 March 2018).

In the study of Islamic sociology, races constitute a vital component that go to strengthen the social structure. Therefore, there is no issue for a Muslim to accept, without prejudice, the existence of racial heterogeneity. Islam makes no distinction between black, white, yellow or brown coloured persons.  Moreover, stratification of humans into castes, as lower or higher, is alien to Islamic sociology.

The fundamental tenet of monotheistic belief propagates the notion of a Creator. A Creator who is responsible for the creation of man and everything else. This concept of God as the Creator and that all humans are His creation naturally, establishes a sense of equity amongst mankind.  In the clear absence of discrimination logically, a Muslim cannot be a racist. For the Muslims, the Sinhala race is just another of God’s creation which as Muslims we do not have an issue in acknowledging, accommodating and understanding. Quite beside theological expositions, from the viewpoint of a civilised and democratic perspective too, we all are equal citizens of this country – Sinhalese, Muslims, Tamils, Malays, Burghers etc. Historically, one way or the other the Muslims, like the other communities, are a commixture of this Sinhala race.

From Pearl To Pariah

The ruffians who committed acts of terror and destruction in Digana and other areas in the name of protecting the so called ‘Sinhala Buddhist nation’ need to be stopped. And, if you, the Sinhalese people do not step up to this act, it will be immoral to consider yourself as belonging to the Sinhala race. It will be unethical to claim that you are a follower of Buddha’s teachings. You will be unpatriotic to this soil. Your inaction today, will result in your children suffering. Your silent sanctioning of violence against the minorities will further degrade what is left of this country.  What the world used to call, ‘as the pearl of the Indian ocean’ will turn to be a pariah nation internationally. 

An analysis of the hate campaign, taking advantage of the free social media, clearly indicates certain qualitative characteristics in these extremists. They are exceedingly narrow minded, blindly racist and stupefyingly ignorant deluded by the fantasy of protecting the Sinhala race and Buddhism. That an organised team is directing operations is self-evident.  The constant and repeated emphasis on racial contempt and hatred, against the Muslims is obviously premeditated. This, along the way, efficaciously appeals to the lowest and most primitive of human motives and that is one of survival.  For the discerning, the pattern of psychological manipulation of the minds of the youth should be disconcerting. The youth are plainly being misled. These are the assets of our country. They are our human capital. These are the youth who are going to run this country tomorrow. 

Can the Sinhala race be protected by burning houses, shops and places of religious worship? Can the Sinhala race be protected by looting the goods in the business premises and in the houses?  Can the Sinhala race be protected by stopping public transport vehicles and grievously assaulting unarmed innocent Muslims? Can the Sinhala race be protected by terrorising men, women and children? How can such violence ensure the protection of a race?

The Threat To Buddhism

These marauders responsible for the rampage came on vehicles where it was written ‘budu saranai’ (seeking refuge in buddha). Buddha was a Reformer who was famous for his universal inspiration of non-violence (ahimsa).  The tragicomedy is that they come under Buddha’s protection to cause death and destruction. Is this ignorance, blind prejudice or the consequences of being brainwashed?  Apparently, burdened by the delusion that ‘budu saranai’ is only for the Sinhalese, rest of humanity is fair game.  Is it reasonable to question if Buddha is the personal god or teacher of the Sinhalese only?  No ‘budu saranai’ for the Muslims in this case. Or, like the infamous monk Gnanasara, more a disciple of the terrorist monk Wirathu, than of Buddha, saying ‘aba saranai’ for the Muslims prior to the Aluthgama pogrom. At the time Buddha was walking in the Ganges plain was there anything resembling ‘Sinhala Bauddhaya’?  Should not the educated and the intellects check if this is an aberration of the socio-religious institutions?  Are not the elders amongst the Buddhist clergy responsible to redirect the trajectory towards the path of the true teachings?  Is silence or inaction a choice for the Elder Clergy on the face of a threat to Buddhism and the sasana from within? Seriously, think from where the threat to Buddhism is arising, is it from the Buddhists themselves or from the Muslims.

Who Is Protecting What?

By this, are these thugs protecting Buddhism and the buddha sasana? These criminals are not only from among the lay Buddhists. There were also monks in robes engaged in acts of violence and mayhem.  Screens of televisions worldwide splashed the face of Buddhist atrocities.  Are these monks who call themselves the true protectors of Buddhism or do they consider themselves the sincere followers of buddha?  This is a complex situation and should be of great concern since it puts this nation to shame.  It is a matter of conjecture if these elements are using the teachings of the great sage only to protect their survival.  Is it not the time to think about this?

In conclusion, it is established that the miscreants are mostly youth.  There lies a huge responsibility on the Elder Clergy in all the temples to direct them towards Loving-kindness (metta); Compassion (karuna); Sympathetic Joy (mudita); Equanimity (upekkha). The Mahanayakes must get their act together to discipline the youth monks and bring them within the fold of the true teachings. It is the responsibility of the parents and elders of the community to guide and counsel them and wean the youth away from ill-conceived prejudice and spreading of hate. This country cannot afford to lose its youth population.

Latest comments

  • 12

    Well Mr. Usuf aren’t we Sinhalese are Kaffirs? Would you think in a ideal Muslim society where Muslims are the majority that Sinhalese have the equality you talk about? As Kaffirs are we not required to convert to Islam or perish without it?

    Sinhalese will stop harassing Muslims when Muslim would stop their illegal land grabbing in the Eastern province and destroying Buddhist archaeological sites. You can’t expect Sinhalese to stay silent and watch this madness perpetrated by the Muslims as a whole. Buddha’s teachings are protected only if there is a community which have the ability to practice it. Therefore, for the communities sake sacrifices has to be made.

    Muslims are known to respect the power. Therefore as a matter of fact they should be shown who has the power from time to time. If not they will see it as the weakness of the Kaffir community and they will try to take the advantage out of it. Besides the point. If Allah wills it what can you or me do about it.

    • 9


      You have written this with very little knowledge about Islam. Kafir means non believers of the faith of Islam. Even Prophet Mohamed had partnership business with Jews.There is no history that he killed all non Muslims under his rule. All the battles were in fact for self defense under provocation. Muslims have a unique way of life. They will not compromise it even the whole world turns against them let alone Shenal.
      Muslims generally a peaceful lot. They have become a victims of local and international politics.

      • 4


        I don’t want to go into the details of the Muhammad’s life as it is well know who the guy was. The word “Self Defense” has a loose meaning. Even today Muslims can wage a war against Sinhalese in the name of Self Defense. Are they not?

        • 3


          You reveal your loose, foul-mouthed character when you refer to Prophet Muhammad as ‘a guy’. The prophet is NOT a guy, just as much as the Buddha is NOT ‘Bud’ and Jesus is NOT ‘Jez’.

          Every way I look, I see devious people hijacking their ‘religion’ in order to commit heinous crimes. The truth is that we are creatures of circumstance, from birth we are all shackled to one religion or another. Trapped. Every religion I know of has been hijacked by its leaders in order to wield power. We are all suckers to their machinations.

          • 4

            Spring Koha

            Wise words from our seasoned commentator.
            By any chance you are related to my wise Elders?

        • 2


          Do you have the knowledge to go into Prophet Muhammad’s life? Or you will simply follow and copy from anti-Islamist views? There are nearly two billions followers. His teachings was for humanity, dynamic and best for human society. So what are you going to tell about him? That he ran away to the jungle putting his wife and children high and dry? Muslims are following his teachings, do Buddhist follow Buddhas teachings? Every Buddhist wants to earn more and more, have a house and all the comforts of life. More and more is the motto of rich people and all politicians. Good example Rajapakse clans, rob, rob as much as possible and live like a King. They cannot have more than one wife because following an alien law but they have enough keeps or clubs to enjoy. Who in Sri Lanka following Buddha’s teaching? May be some good monks. Actually in Sri Lanka only for name sake Buddhist but not following true Buddhism because they cannot follow and at the same time have everything a society need to have. I have studied Buddhas teachings and remember one of his instruction to Bhikkhus was that only those who strictly follows him can deliver sermon or give advice to lay followers. Do your monks strictly follow his teachings? No, they go about in cars, carry mobile phone and live in well furnished rooms. According to Buddha they have no rights. My view is there are no true Buddhist in Sri Lanka. Instead of talking about Muhammad’s life why don’t you first study Buddha’s life and preach your people to strictly follow Buddha. We will be very happy because then there will be no racist destroyers among them.

          • 5

            Two billion converted under sword, gun and machete. (0% of Muslims in India were converted by the Mughal plunderers, so were the Indonesians and Malaysians. Don’t preach us goodness you myth worshippers causing harm to all civilisation on earth.

          • 4


            I don’t care how many followers Islam has as the number of followers could not tell about the validity of the their respective gospels. Even Jim Jones, Ahihara etc., had followers too. I can tell a lot about him, but I don’t think you would like that.

            //That he ran away to the jungle putting his wife and children high and dry?//

            I don’t expect Muslim to understand the true nature of the universe. I just pity you people. You are eternally compelled to roam the Sansara. Hope at least you will have a spot of good Karma so that you will born someday as someone who can rationally think.

            //do Buddhist follow Buddhas teachings? //

            No Buddhists are not bound to follow Buddha’s teachings. In fact Buddha didn’t even expect everyone to follow him.

            //I have studied Buddhas teachings and remember one of his instruction to Bhikkhus was that only those who strictly follows him can deliver sermon or give advice to lay followers. Do your monks strictly follow his teachings?//

            No. So what? No one is going to hell or heaven because of this.

            //Instead of talking about Muhammad’s life why don’t you first study Buddha’s life and preach your people to strictly follow Buddha. //

            Can’t we criticize Muhammad? Why is that? This is not Arabia. We can criticize any one we like. Who are you to stop us. Just sod off.

      • 3

        In reality, Light skin Muslims discriminate dark skin Muslims. You say “There is no history that he killed ALL non Muslims under his rule” but you must admit, at least he killed FEW.

        Patriot, don’t waste your time ‘sugar coating’ Muslim way of life, no one buys it.

    • 6

      “Sinhalese must step up” – A dangerous suggestion, when considering the opinion of majority of Sinhalese as articulated by Elections Commissioner. Just as much as Sinhalese must step up in the correct direction to usher harmony, Muslims also must step up the same way, instead of adamantly holding onto bigoted ideas and practices.[edited out]

    • 7

      It’s not just land grabbing or destroying Buddhist sites. The list is endless.

      Bringing drugs into the country and providing to Sinhala and Tamil youth.
      Misappropriation of land deeds
      Unethical conversions
      Price fixing of food items using Halal certification
      Running Illegal charities.
      Murder of Tamil civillians as Home guards
      Illegal steralization of non-Muslims
      Spreading hatred towards non-Muslims during Friday prayers

      With all these uncontrollable nefarious activities, let me just say it’s game over for all the non-Muslims. This is unwinnable.

      • 8

        Machang Perera,
        Are you in Sri Lanka now? Bugger, I still remember those days how you used to pleasure yourself with children and women you didn’t even spare the dead bodies for that matter. Having said that, I will not forgive you and I still can’t believe that you shared your wife with the boys on that get together party night. You are one of a kind of vulture machang.

        • 2

          Captain Nimal 1 – Retd. Lt Reginald 0

          Thank You Captain (Retd)…reminds me of the words our adjutant used to sing…….

          Oh, what a night
          Late December, back in ’83
          What a very special time for me
          As I remember, what a night

          Oh, what a night
          I think Mrs Perera was her name
          But I was never gonna be the same
          What a lady, what a night

          I a certain he must have had a nibble like all the others in the regiment. I think it was afterwards that sergeant Perera was promoted to Lt (now retd) Perera. Cowabunga!!!!!!!

      • 6

        Retarded loony ……..racist women sniffing shameless Pererass

        “Bringing drugs into the country and providing to Sinhala and Tamil youth.”

        What were the law enforcement agencies doing in the island? I would have thought the members of all such agencies are manned by honest persons from the majority yet drugs seem to be freely available everywhere. Are you blaming the minority for the immoral acts of the majority?

        “Misappropriation of land deeds”

        Again these matters are dealt at by official functionaries who happened to be largely manned by the majority.

        ” Unethical conversions”

        What is unethical about conversion?
        The Sinhala/Buddhists are being converted to Sinhala/Buddhist fascism. Isn’t it unethical?

        “Murder of Tamil civillians as Home guards”

        Walter Mitty man, you forgot. It was the armed forces especially the STF which was running Muslim Home Guards under its control. In any case leave it to the Tamils and Muslims to sort it out among themselves.

        You have a serious problem. Like Walter Mitty you just imagine problems and try to sort it out. You don’t need solutions for non existing problems apart from your head.

      • 5

        Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera:

        Army Ayye, Did LTTE at any point release the captured soldiers after having removed their brains?

    • 4

      Shenal, kaffir is an insulting term for black Africans and Kafir is non-believer in one god, that is idol worshipers. The English word is infidel but these are not derogatory words but pointing to those who worship idols. There are Buddhist even though a minute amount, who follow pure teaching of Buddha do not worship his idol and they are not Kafir. Hindus who worship hundreds of gods are Kafir. You have stated, “Buddha’s teachings are protected only if there is a community which have the ability to practice it. Therefore, for the communities sake sacrifices has to be made” which means to protect Buddha’s teaching some have to riot, destroy, loot and kill. Don’t you feel ashamed to bring Buddhism to the level of terrorism. If anything unwanted taking place there relevant authorities, police and justice department to take actions or for you to take actions through them.

      • 3


        Don’t come here and tell us about how is Kafir and who is not. We all know what it means for you.

        //which means to protect Buddha’s teaching some have to riot, destroy, loot and kill.//

        In self defense. Yes. I think even Muslims can kill in Self Defense. Am I wrong?

        //Don’t you feel ashamed to bring Buddhism to the level of terrorism.//

        No I don’t because terrorism has nothing to do with Buddhism.

        // If anything unwanted taking place there relevant authorities, police and justice department to take actions or for you to take actions through them.//

        Relevant authorities are doing nothing. That is why we have to take up arms.

        • 2


          If you know Kafir refers to idol worshipers then good. You can fight for self defense and Islam allow that. Quran says if enemy comes to destroy you, you must destroy them first. What did your Buddhist people did during internal war with LTTE. Did your monks went with trays of flowers to LTTE and request them to follow peace as Buddha preached? No, attacked the enemy back and destroyed them. So you did not follow Buddha but the Quran. So now who is trying to destroy you? Yes, terrorism has nothing to do with Buddhism but it is the racist Sinhalese and monk thugs trying to destroy and plunder Muslims on the name of Buddhism. Here you stated Buddhist can kill without any reason as if Buddhism preach terrorism. How can relevant authorities take any action without proof? If you take up arms you are bringing destruction to yourself. Not by Muslim but by your own authorities. Racist idiot you are not fit to comment on any subject here like rest of your clique here.

          • 3


            What religion preaches about fighting enemies even in self defense? Yet you want us to believe that Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world? Buddhism doesn’t concern about politics as a whole. We can kill if we want to. The consequences are ours to bear. Do you understand. The power to decide is upon us. No supernatural god is going to judge us for what we do.

            My question is under what condition can Muslims consider themselves be under attack and is it possible for Sri Lankan Muslims to take up arms now. Please answer these questions.

            Buddhism doesn’t preach terrorism or any kind. Buddha doesn’t even concern about political issue or governance issues. Buddhist can kill if they would see it is necessary just as any other human being. If Buddhists kill they will bear it’s consequences in their lives.

            //How can relevant authorities take any action without proof?//

            Without proofs? Is that why the 4 drunkard Muslims were not arrested by the police in the first place?

      • 4

        idol worshipers????????? What about the Box worshipers????

        Why is 1slam struggling to survive in modern times? One answer is, it’s ONLY tailored for Bedouins and desert dwellers.

        • 1

          John, nobody worshiping box, that is your imagination. One person asked me why no idols in the mosque and whether they are worshiping to the wall. When idol worshiping run in your blood only that sort of questions can be expected Islam is not struggling, increasing day by day.

          • 6


            “John, nobody worshiping box, that is your imagination.”

            What is then an Al-Ḥajaru al-Aswad, “the Black Stone” worshiped by Muslims at al-Kaʿbah al-Musharrafah in the Hejazi city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia?

            Is it a stone modeled on “Lingam” of the Hindus?

            Why has the black stone become so sacred if the Muslims are not idolaters?

            Please take your own time to educate me.

            • 1

              Apparently you got some of the info from Wikipedia. Also please read about the black stone.
              No this stone is no relation of the Hindu Lingam. Islam being a monotheistic religion, its adherents do not worship anything nor anybody except God. The Kaaba (Box) having four sides representing the principal directions. Muslims the world over pray towards its direction.

              • 0

                Jamal only dignitaries are allowed to see the stone inside Kabba, and you have not seen it to comment. History says that Mohammed went to India for spiritual lessons and when he returned brought the Linga which is the stone that is kept inside Kabba for Muslims to worship. Do not deny the truth.

              • 2


                What is the black stone doing inside the Kaaba (Box) if Muslims are not idolaters?

                • 0

                  Native, the stone was given to Adam to atone for his sin in eating an apple.

                  He had to carry this stone for centuries and at last dropped it in the middle of a desert. It was originally white but had turned black by absorbing all that sin.

                  That’s why apples have black seeds. It’s to remind the true believers that an apple a day keeps Satan away.

    • 4


      “Muslims are known to respect the power” – You mean setting poor shops on fire in the middle of the nights and go as large unruly mobs to attack mosques and houses in the night? Yes, you’re very powerful :-)

      1983-July too you showed your power, and went silent when at the receiving end. Finally state armed forces had to sacrifice lots of lives, we as citizens had to sacrifice a lot, many poor women had to leave families to serve Arabs to buy arms, neighbor countries had to do charities to SL with money, arms, mil. trainings, medical etc..etc to make SL win the war, and today, you and me are living in an economically failed country.

      When are you going to come out of grab-mentality?

    • 8

      This guy has not ever been in Saudi Arabia? Anybody not born in Saudi, and have a whitish skin is not an equal there, muslim or not. It is because of Sinahala people’s generosity and harmony, his people and his forefathers managed to live in Sri Lanka for near 2000 years as equals and in peace. Before he tries to teach equality and tolerance, I sggest that he goes to middle east and teach his fellow muslims that rule those countries, what he demands from Sinhala people, and tell them to practise those demands in their States. What are all those wars going on in Mid East for the past 70-years in our own life time, and to this day, in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan killing each other? Why are Sunnis killing Shiites, and vice versa? Are n’t they the same people of your own faith. have you tried to find an answer to it, or made a demand from them for tolerance and equality? Kindly practice what you are trying to preach; heal thyself, physician!

      • 4


        “It is because of Sinahala people’s generosity and harmony, his people and his forefathers managed to live in Sri Lanka for near 2000 years as equals and in peace. “

        Is it so?
        It is because of my people’s generosity you dumb asses are allowed to land on the shores of this island and not only loot it but also destroy it with your greed and new kind of Sinhala/Buddhist fascism.

        I suggest you learn to reciprocate our generosity and kindness. If your people haven’t been able to learn it in the past what chance you got in the future?

        • 1

          Your country fake vedda is south india. Dont waste your time teaching us what to do you kallathoni individual, trying to usurp the rightful owners rights with your corrupt writing. Vedda my foot, what a masquerade of pretence mr obnoxious. Go back home, now, before SF comes and deal with you for good! If it is not SF, it will be Gota.

      • 1

        What was your job in Saudi thrishu? Toilet cleaning? So you did not have any interaction with Saudis to learn about them. Is it law and administration? They are following their own law and administration not your white masters. War in middle-east and Afghanistan started only within last 20 years on false pretext by US on instigation of Zionist. Why are you worried about Sunnis and Shia killings. The main killers were ISIS the baby of Zionist and USA.

    • 2


      Destruction of what archeological sites? Stop being brainwashed by politicians and pseudo-monks who are hell bent on creating racial discord.

      • 1


        Everyone knows how Muslims bulldozed the Deeghawapi Viharaya. This is only one of their heinous acts. It is no surprise you do not know this because your mind is only working for discretion of Muslim holy places.

  • 7

    I have stood upto BBS and several other like minded characters only to shouted back at. I was deemed not worthy of title “Sinhalese”. And according to them Sinhalese like myself are the reascon for decline of the Sinhala race. For the moment they are refraining from threatning me since I am a devout Buddhist. Funny thing is, I don’t consume alcohol, I don’t smoke or do drugs, I don’t womanize or entertain prostitutes, etc but according to them I am the bad guy. They do all of the above but they are real Sinhalese and I am not. During recent “wanda pethi” controversy, I told them instead of worrying about Muslims, why not start educating Sinhala girls so then won’t end up getting abortions due to unwanted preganancies. And oh my goodness some of them completely lost it when I said that.

  • 6

    Shenal , I get your point. You want to make Srilanaka a Singapore or Malaysia or Afaganisthan or Burma. People like you bring fear to investors ,the economy is already crumbling , We don’t want Mara and a handful of thugs taking over Srilanka in the name of Buddhism for their personal gains. Please follow real Buddhism

  • 5

    Good “Advice” and “Request” to Sinhala “Buddhist” people. I would urge you to make the same “Advice” and “Request” to Muslim people in your next article. Awaiting to read it.

  • 3

    The Sinhalese must ignore wile Jihadis wearing western attire who try to preach Buddhism back to them. Sinhalese face the threat of becoming minorities within 20 years, within one more generation, given the exploding Moslem population in Lanka. Sinhalese have nothing to fear, or feel ashamed about. They should bring legislation to give their race more powers similar to Bumiputra in Indonesia and Malaysia and insist that Moslem pay more taxes and restrict business such as retail to Sinhalese. A major overhaul is necessary to stop the well planned Jihadi conspiracy in Lanka. Buddhism is in the cross hairs of the Jihadis and menacing shahids (Arabic for martyr) with long beards are lining up to tear the innocent Sinhalese civilization apart. Time to act is now!!!

  • 4

    All are well and good when each of the representative talks about his or her race but when it comes to action all are in disarray and act lopsidedly. Who are behind the riots against Tamils and Muslims in this Sinhala majority country? In the recent riots that we witnessed so many priests were involved along with the Sinhalese who are the followers of Buddhism. Even the political leaders who were involved in the pogroms unleashed against the Tamils from 1958 till 1983 also boast that they are true Buddhists and carry flowers to the shrines.

  • 1

    Who is protecting what, is the right question? Are we protecting Sinhala majority against bombing tamil rebels or beheading ISIS jihardists or even the gun shooting rebels of the sinhala south. Is the govt. expected to promote political stints for own party or personal politics to continue personal power or exchange within leadership to protect each other no matter what the crime, but with no leader trying to develop and progress the nation for the next generation. See what the govt. has allowed in both education and healthcare without course correction. Leadership spent all the time bickering against each other, set up by those who delayed justice for robbery and murder. All who robbed, do they have peace now. There are karmic laws and those who cant come out of these laws will continue bickering till ousted or death.

  • 6

    Muslims should remember that Sri Lanka or Sinhalayo do not need Muslims but Muslims need Sri Lanka and Sinhalayo. Sri Lanka should not grant Muslims special privileges or try to change our laws to fit their desires. Rotten Sinhala politicians might think that they need Muslims for their political survival. That is what happened during NCM. Some of them forgot that they were elected by the people. When the right moment comes Sinhalayo will teach them a good lesson.

    • 1

      Rubbish talk
      The majority of people are poor and suffering; unable to nourish themselves adequately.
      Keep on pontificating.

    • 2

      Eagle Eye – Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalayos needs Sri Lanka, and Sri Lankans need other Sri Lankans to survive. No one community or religion owns this country. All are pariahs and Kallathonies to this land. with differing time periods – Do we have the honest and true version of our history anywhere?

  • 10

    You are generalizing the behaviour of a tiny group of bigoted individuals including a few members of the clergy to encompass the entire Sinhala Buddhist community and the Sanga.
    Bad mistake, Brother Usuf, very bad indeed. You are deliberately or otherwise doing great harm to Buddhist – Muslim relations in our Motherland by penning such provocative articles.
    Have you not read or heard about the Buddhist monks who physically protected Mosques during the Kandy riots ?
    Have you not read or heard about the young Sinhala Buddhist men who stood guard outside Mosques while Jummah prayers were in progress during this period ?
    Have you not read or heard about the Sinhala Buddhist men who repaired a mob-damaged Muslim Hotel within 12 hours thereby enabling the owners to restart their business activities the same evening ?
    Have you not read or heard about the Sinhala Buddhist Mother who on seeing an approaching mob, ran outside her house carrying her infant child shouting “Epa, Epa, Honda Minissu, Honda Minissu” in a valiant effort to stop the mob ?
    Have these individuals not demonstrated the highest standards of thought and action that one would expect of a follower of Buddhism ?
    Why have you or any of the other Muslim writers who have found the time and inclination to write reams after the Kandy riots not thought it fit to write even a short paragraph extolling the deeds of these true Heros and Heroines among our Sinhala Buddhist brothers and sisters ?
    Your call to ‘step up’ should not be directed only at the ‘Sinhalese People’, but should be directed more forcefully at the Muslim People who must be urged to step up to the mirror and take a long hard look at themselves without simply behaving like a petulant minority with a majority complex.

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 1

      Bisthan Batcha, whoever you are, a bitch or dog don’t post putrid comments here. Brother Usuf had not written anything to provoke Sinhalese but you donkey giving them the impression it is provocative. Not only him, many had written about the good deeds done by majority Sinhalese and monks. The last sentences at the end of your comment, “Muslim People who must be urged to step up to the mirror and take a long hard look at themselves ” shows more than the Sinhalese it is you who cannot bare to look at Muslims in their Islamic dresses. May be you and your family follow like apes the western dresses, go about in bikinis, hit night clubs and wants the Muslims to be a pseudo Muslim like you. You shit stop writing like this unless you belongs to racist devil group.

  • 0


    The word “Kaffir” has many meanings. one is ,”A person who has no gratitude is also called “Kaffir”, according to the Holy Qur-an. And the traditional meaning is that ” A person who believes a greater power, but intentionally denies the God’s existence for whatever reasons”.

    Tell me now if your are a Buddhist, as far as I understand, you are an agnostic( a person who is not sure about the God’s existence). if it is the case then your are not a “kaffir”. Similarly Sinhalese Christians believe in God. They are “People of the Book”(Ahlul kitab) according to the Holy Qur-an, therefore they cannot be Kaffirs in the traditional sense. However, their method of portraying God is in different way, and that is a different thing.

    Say for an argument’s sake. Does it make any difference, whether your are a kaffir or not. You live your life and we live our lives. Even if you feel that you are a Kaffir what bothers you being a Kaffir. If you really think that being a Kaffir is no good then it is you to find a right way not being a Kaffir

    You may have a name for non believers on Buddha and I belong to that characterization. But it does not deny my right to be a Muslim and a Sri Lankan. Why worry the Holy Qur-an says “their religion is for them and your religion is for you” therefore there should not be any encroachments. Don’t worry, your are my country man/woman.

    • 1

      Ahmad Nadvi,

      All most all Muslims do not differentiate between these words. For them every else besides there own is a Kafir.

      This separation makes all the difference. It is a very racist term. It separates one part of people who are special to the rest who are unworthy of everything. Can Kafirs go to your heaven? I don’t think so.

      //You live your life and we live our lives.//

      But there will be problems if your life styles makes my life misarable. Either you should stop doing that, you should leave the place or I should become one of you lot.

      //If you really think that being a Kaffir is no good then it is you to find a right way not being a Kaffir//

      What are you talking about? Do I need to be Muslim if I get offended by the word Kafir? This is the Muslim double standard. When you people get offended, then we must stop doing that offense. But when we get offended by you; we are expected to become Muslims. This is exactly why Muslims are dangerous and should be stopped.

      //But it does not deny my right to be a Muslim and a Sri Lankan.//

      You can be a Muslim privately. But you cannot offend others by being a Muslim. You should understand that fact.

      // Holy Qur-an says “their religion is for them and your religion is for you” //

      And the same book shows us that later the other religious people got massacred for practicing their religion.

      //Don’t worry, your are my country man/woman.//

      I bet you are. As long as your religion does not come between us. Then I am your enemy. Now am I wrong?

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      Ahmad Nadavi,
      This is wrong -> “Tell me now if your are a Buddhist, as far as I understand, you are an agnostic (a person who is not sure about the God’s existence)”

      Agnostic is not same as “not sure”. Agnostic’s believe that existence of God cannot be logically verified. So there is big difference between “Not Sure” and “Impossible to make sure due to logical verifiability”. If you are “Not sure” you may make sure in the future, if it is “Impossible to make sure due to logical verifiability” that’s an impossibility and will never happen.

      For this reason Theravada buddhists do not care if God exist or not. Their goal is enlightenment, not finding God (because you can’t logically verify it). Therefore you can’t put buddhism or any Indian/far eastern religions into abrahamic buckets of world view.


      This is wrong too -> “You may have a name for non believers on Buddha and I belong to that characterization.”

      Buddhism doesn’t care if you are buddhist or not. It is a philosophy based on anatma (non-self), if it’s anatma how can there be a concept of “us”? when there is no concept of “us” there is no “them”. When there is no “them” there is no one called non believer.


      So please sir, stop mischaracterizing religions that you don’t think you believe in. Because it is plain wrong to do so unless that religion tells you go kill someone without due process. Also in a political conversation please don’t bring up details of religions, we will never reach a consensus that way. (Applies to both Buddhists and Muslims in this thread)

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    if the roles were reversed, the Sinhalese will become the Yazedis of South Asia. i prefer it this way.

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    Mass L. Usuf shouldn’t Muslims too step up against radicalization and extremism that’s spreading through Muslim communities in Sri Lanka at an alarming rate? (isn’t is concerning that 20+ men from SL went to far away Syria a place where they don’t even have any ancestral ties?) It’s simply not just when you ask Sinhalese to go 100% liberal when an increasing number of Muslims are going in the other direction, right? it’s a politically correct demand I get it, but is it ethical? For instance moderates (may be you are one of them) can start by pushing for reforms to make law of the country race/religion blind. that’s a just demand IMO, right? this will remove antiquated laws that treat women and girl children like cattle owned by men.

    Every racial/religious group (including Sinhala buddhist) should reflect on themselves and do an honest evaluation. In Sri Lanka Sinhalese, Muslims or the Tamils haven’t done so far, however Sinhala buddhists are always reminded to do so by the other two and the international (NGO) community relentlessly. This is similar to white-guilt in the US (if you are Sinhala Buddhist from a village then you are likely to be an uneducated bumpkin who also happens to be Xenophobic and Racist. This is implied in so many op-ed pieces published in CT). In the US (west) liberals pushed this narrative too hard and too fast until white nationalism raised it’s head. This is a mistake liberal elite’s of Colombo should not do if they don’t want to see another Rajapaksha.

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    No point writing this Usuf. The Wonder Pill or Wanda Pethi will keep recurring. The Sinhalaya will believe anything. The Sinhala elite wants to retain its political order by instigating Sinhala Buddhist nationalism of the Sinhala peasant so that they could maintain their good life. The Mahanayakes agree to this as they also have to maintain their good life. So, this violence against the Muslims will run its cycle as violence against the Tamils did. Just put down the hatch and wait for it to blow over. The clowns will have many more “Wonders or Wandas” to cook up. After all if they believe in the buggering lion being their progenitor make it our flag, they will believe anything. Aluthgama, Kandy gone, where next?

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    One problem with your reasoning Usuf is that the Sinhalayas do not have a Creator. So, they have to fear no one. It is in some future unknown birth that something may occur. The second is that the Sinhalaya is not a Buddhist. He has a religion which is a mixture of crude animism of the kattadiya mixed with some beliefs about being the chosen people of a Buddha who did not know of their existence.But they believe that he visited the island sixteen times, perhaps by Sri Lankan Airlines of the old times, just like Ravanna kidnapping Sita. Sihalaya’s politics is steeped in myth and nonsensical beliefs which are fomented by their Mahanayakes. So learn to laugh when you get beaten and shout as I did “Mama Sinhalam”. You may hope that the buggers believe you.

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      Dear Mama Sinhalam,
      I know that you’ve suffered a lot – you once told me about it – even if it was only in this way: disjointed comments with contexts not clear.
      Yes, there’s much that has been done that is bad. Not by me, personally, but let me apologise on behalf of all of my community.
      But I feel you exaggerate. Some Sinhalese are bad, but I don’t think that you should apply it to all.
      Even in this lot of comments i see reference to Mahinda Deshapriya. He is no racist or communalist. He was merely warning that there shouldn’t be complacent. And now, you seem to be saying that ALL of us are nasty, ignorant, and superstitious people. I don’t think that that is true, Mama Sinhalam.

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        I agree and readily apologise. But, he also serves who only stands and waits.

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      the Blessed One, …. breathed forth this solemn utterance on “the uncreate. “

      “………. “There is, O monks, an unborn, unoriginated, uncreated, unformed. Were there not, O monks, this unborn,[Pg 82] unoriginated, uncreated, unformed, there would be no escape from the world of the born, originated, created, formed. 12 “Since, O monks, there is an unborn, unoriginated, uncreated, and unformed, therefore is there an escape from the born, originated, created, formed.”

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    You’re mistaken. I never said you should become a Muslim. That was the reason I quoted from the Holy Qur-an ” their religion for them,…” And there is no compulsion in Islam. meaning we cannot convert anyone. Think little bit rationally. Would forceful conversion will do any good to anyone. Islam is not a political party to increase membership . The God does not want mere membership. God is not competing with anyone to saw that name list of his followers are huge than anyone other deity’s
    In the meantime I whole heartily accept that most of the Muslims do not understand the real meaning of the word “Khaffir”.Yes it ‘s our responsibility to educate people who are ignorant. I personally encourage every Muslims not to merely recite the Holy Qur-an in Arabic, but to read to understand the Holy Qur-an also in the language you are comfortable with. It’s very important. The Holy Qur-an is only a Guidance according to its own claim. Guidance should not encourage anyone to constantly issue “Kaffir Certificate”, or ” slit the throat” or whatever.

    ” But there will be problems if your life styles makes my life misarable. Either you should stop doing that, you should leave the place,.. . And “As long as your religion does not come between us. Then I am your enemy. Now am I wrong? Shenal can you be more specific. Give me some example to see what you real problem is and see any way forward to work together to eradicate misunderstanding between both community.

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      Ahmad Nadvi,

      Muslims cannot convert others? Then what is “Dawah”? Why are Muslims practicing it?

      // I personally encourage every Muslims not to merely recite the Holy Qur-an in Arabic, but to read to understand the Holy Qur-an also in the language you are comfortable with. It’s very important.//

      You have now accepted that majority of Muslims don’t even know the real meaning of the Quran. Then don’t you agree with me when I say that any person can mislead the gullible Muslims in regards to the Quranic interpretations?

      //Shenal can you be more specific. Give me some example to see what you real problem is and see any way forward to work together to eradicate misunderstanding between both community.//

      What I said was that Islam is not compatible with our society. Either we should become Muslims or Muslims must leave us for somewhere else. I don’t see any way to eradicate the misunderstanding between Muslim and Sinhalese communities as Muslims will always believe in a sort of conspiracy of Satan to eradicate Islam from this world.

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    I simply do not like Muslim Writers or journalists because NONE wrote about the four muslims who killed the sinhala driver. they all hide it and write about Sinhala people and how should they behave. I can not say the same about muslim people, I heard muslims were critical about muslim behaviour. (Ameer ali asks muslims to reflect).

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      The same goes for Tamil writers who mention 1958 and 1983 and blame it all on the Sinhalese. It was the Tamils who started the killing Sinhalese and received the same in kind and, with a good measure of interest. They never learn. Idiots! I trust the Muslims will not follow the same path of hatred towards the Sinhalese. The Sinhalese must refrain from resorting to mob violence but leave it to the security forces/police to deal with the provocations.

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      The death of the driver is being investigated by the CID. Apparently he did not die of the wounds inflicted by the drunken idiots but his death was caused by people whom you sympathize with. Till there is no conclusive evidence so let us be patient. How such an isolated incident could spark a pogrom of the scale we saw, is indicative that there are a set of deranged individuals in this country, of whom, we see many examples of these on the CT forum.

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    USUF is trying to preach a different ISlam for Sri Lanka. One thing I learned was, probably Islamic Evangelists are converting buddhists to Islam leaving with their own Sinhala name. I am not sure whether USUF is givng a clue about it. One of those ISlamic killers who killed the sinhala Driver has a sinhala name. With respect to your preaching take other Islamic countries and prove that the Islamic majority countries behave the way you state it here. That is why it is time sinhalapeople take care of they y tehmsleves from this 31% of minorities who have plans for Sri lanka. Muslims are doing their part in Asia.

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    The Buddha leader Gautama, has prophesized the coming of an inspired person. In the Gospel of Buddha by Caras (pp. 217-8) it is written that this great Buddha will come to the world known as the “Maitreya”. The Cakkavatti-Sihanada Suttana gives him the name “Metteyya”. Both these words mean “The Merciful One”. By reference to the life-history of Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), it can be seen that he was indeed extremely merciful and the Al-Qur’an also refers to this fact.

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      RBH: I was looking for you. Evangelical buddhists or In your case, Islamic Evangelists. where is this CARAS. Buddha never had GOSPEL. that is in christianity.

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        Mr Jim Please browse the google


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          May be that Buddhism had prophesied the coming of Muhammad, but it appears that now Buddhism is prophesying the going of Muhammed.

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        This is extracted from Wikipedia for your education.

        The Gospel of Buddha was an 1894 book by Paul Carus. It was modeled on the New Testament and told the story of Buddha through parables. It was an important tool in introducing Buddhism to the west and is used as a teaching tool by some Asian sects.
        Carus believed that the modern world required a new Religion of Science. By the 1890s, inspired by the meetings and conversations at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1893, he had decided that Buddhism was the closest faith to his ideal and created The Gospel of Buddha to popularize the religion in the West.[1]
        The work was assembled from existing English translations of Buddhists texts, with significant amendments and reworkings.[2] His selection of texts favoured Buddhism as a philosophy without any supernatural elements. While criticized by contemporary scholars, this interpretation proved popular in the West. It proved a popular success, with a number of reprintings. It also influenced the development of Buddhist modernism in East Asia, notably in a Japanese translation of the book by D. T. Suzuki.[1]

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      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Meh.

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      So Muhammad adapted Aisha out of paternal instinct. Very merciful.

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    As usual more lies and bullsh1t by you. The reason why you address Sinhala-Buddhists is because Sinhala-Buddhists are Muslims’ host, carer, guardian, provider, nanny, and almost g0d.

    Those who attended the unruly Muslims taming session in Kandy are victims of cunning Muslims.
    Don’t forget how Digana-Kandy Muslim violence started that 4 Alhaj Muslims killed innocent Sinhalese. Muslims who were arrested with explosives were given bail out within hours and the by standing Sinhalese who were arrested on suspicion have been remanded for weeks.
    — “(Please see my article ‘Wanda Pethi’ My Foot!’ in Colombo Telegraph of 02 March 2018).”
    Mass, do you take ‘Wanda Pethi’ for your foot problems??? Make sure you only recommend the cure for your fellow MUSLIMS, keep it as a secret, and don’t tell non-Muslims.

    Leave Kuragala, Dewanagala, 10000 acre Muhudumaha viharaya, 15000 acre Digawaiya, Dabulla holy city, Anuradhapura holy city, WILPATTUWA, and other Buddhist archeological sites without making any demands or conditions!!!!!!

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    All religions preach love brotherhood and equality of mankind not just Islam. However no one practises this in real life Hindu Christian Muslims Buddhists or anyone. So do not come here with these stupid lectures. There is no brother hood and equality of mankind in Saudi Arabia the birth place of Islam or in any other Islamic country. Slavery was practised for centuries in many Arab lands and even now Arabs of African slave descent are treated as inferior. Muslims in Arab lands are divided into various tribes and in South Asia into castes and there is a pecking order, Skin colour is very important the light your skin you get better treatment. Then there is racism Turks hate Arabs and Iranians and vice versa and they all hate the Muslim Kurds. Malay hate Tamil Muslims in Malaysia. In India Muslims are divided on ethnic basis and do not like each other. If all mankind is equal then why do obviously Dravidian Tamil convert South Indian origin Sri Lankan Muslims like you deny your Tamil heritage and fiercely claim an imagined Arab/Moor heritage? The reason is you thing Arab heritage is superior or better. Hypocrites lecturing to the Sinhalese about equality of mankind when you are their victim but were co partners with them in the Eelam Tamil genocide.

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    Contd . Mr.Usuf what do you say to this ? Extremely Dravdian South Indian looking Tamil Muslims of Kalmunai whose ancestors came as refugees to the east a few centuries ago and were given refuge by the eastern Tamils now protesting about the election of a Tamil deputy mayor in Kalmunai and are demanding his election made null and void and a Muslim be elected as Muslims make up 70% of Kalmunai’s population and Tamils 30%. I hate to agree with Shenal but what she states in this case is true. Muslims when they are in a position of weakness will preach about human rights and the equality of mankind and how minorities should be treated well. However given a chance to dominate they will treat everyone else like shit and deny them their rights. Even if they share the same language culture and ethnicity , like with the Tamils in the eastern province. Tamils are the indigenous population of the east and are sill largest community but these Muslims who came here as refugees a few centuries ago are now using Gulf Arab money and dirty politics to deny the eastern Tamils their due rights. You and the rest of the Muslim commentators at hypocrites. Just howl when you are victim but given a chance will deny others their due rights . Muslims should have learnt after the anti Muslim riots but sadly have not. Still backstabbing and opportunistic to the core

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    “And there is no compulsion in Islam. meaning we cannot convert anyone”

    Isn’t it NOT true?
    Doesn’t matter what is in the scriptures of any religion. What matters is what any religious culture practices.
    Just saying “sweet” does not make people feel the taste of sweetness.
    They taste what you stuff in their mouth only.
    It is obvious that there are plenty of events to be found in the history where Christianity and Islam, out of the three Abrahamic religions, used the threat of tax, torture and death to forcefully convert people. Starting from the Middle East (Persia… Zorostrians.. ect.)
    Judaism and Hinduism did not have the concept of conversation as it is thought in those that you are just born a Hindu or a Jew. If there are any events, it is recent and in a knee jerk reaction.
    When Hinduism and Buddhism spread in Asia, it was voluntary and on the merits of the philosophy of those religions.
    Any religion with a known point in time of its birth has started off as a persecuted one and ended up the one that persicutes anyways.

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      One lakh twenty four thousand prophets were sent to all nations of the World at different points of time. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the last prophet, was sent to Arabia. The choice is logical as Arabia lies in the Middle of the then inhabited World.

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    Captain Nimal 1 – Retd. Lt Reginald 0

    Thank You Captain (Retd)…reminds me of the words our adjutant used to sing…….

    Oh, what a night
    Late December, back in ’83
    What a very special time for me
    As I remember, what a night

    Oh, what a night
    I think Mrs Perera was her name
    But I was never gonna be the same
    What a lady, what a night

    I a certain he must have had a nibble like all the others in the regiment. I think it was afterwards that sergeant Perera was promoted to Lt (now retd) Perera. Cowabunga!!!!!!!

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    Hi everyone,

    Foo, “For this reason Theravada buddhists do not care if God exist or not. Their goal is enlightenment, not finding God (because you can’t logically verify it),..”

    It may be very difficult to prove scientifically the existence of God , but logically definitely. Think the following: If you say you came into existence out of blue. it’s not logical, isn’t it? Or if you say nature brought you to existence, then you’re stuck, aren’t you? Think about all the surrounding, above the sky and beneath the sees everything work perfectly, as long as we human do not intervene. If there is no superpower(GOD) how these things got well so organised? Had these things have a beginning? then definitely there is an end? where does your enlightenment fit here and why?

    And tell me who is going to do justice for the alleged wrong people, i.e we, according to you, who do all bad stuff, as Retired army man listed in his comment. If there is no ultimate justice against wrong doers, may it be BBS, ISIS, 969, Boko Haram, AL Quida, Nazis, LTTE, Rajapahkse & co. etc. Then the world and human life are going to be a joke.

    “,Because it is plain wrong to do so unless that religion tells you go kill someone without due process. Also in a political conversation please don’t bring up details of religions,” I don’t understand your “killing” statement Fooo. And the second part of your statement is for the editors to consider. I’m sorry.

    Rajeeve “,..Doesn’t matter what is in the scriptures of any religion. What matters is what any religious culture practices.
    Just saying “sweet” does not make people feel the taste of sweetness.
    They taste what you stuff in their mouth only., ..” I’m sorry. you’re trying to evaluate religious teaching by the deeds of the ignorant people. My duty is to evaluate peoples’ act as per their religious teaching.

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      Ahmad Nadvi,

      Nothing is well organized. The universe is not well organized. It is simply a mess. Everything has a beginning and so like wise has an end. It is our fault that we cannot grasp the reality from our puny brains. We are seeing the universe as it is seen to us from the earth. We are in no position to be certain of anything. Not even the god.

      Their is nothing called natural justice or ultimate justice. The universe does not work like that. There is only our Karma coupled with our desire which drives our journey through the Sansara until we extinguish ourselves. If we do bad things the associated Karma is bound catch us up one or the other.

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    Maas L Usuf brings out the angst of Muslims over the recent violence.
    Maas places the blame on Buddhist Sinhalese. The continuing break down in law and order is the reason.
    Maas tries to preach Buddhism which gave rise to comments on Islam. Did you not foresee this Maas?

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    Hei, Mass Yousuf,
    Thank you for your wonderful thoughts.

    Hei Chamal Perera,
    “Illegal steralization of non-Muslims
    Spreading hatred towards non-Muslims during Friday prayers”

    You prove you are adding more to the number of fools in Sri Lanka.

    Hei Jimm Softy the racist,
    “I simply do not like Muslim Writers or journalists because NONE wrote about the four muslims who killed the sinhala driver”

    Were you in Coma?

    Hello Nirmal Ranasinghe
    “Machang Perera,
    Are you in Sri Lanka now? Bugger, I still remember those days how you used to pleasure yourself with children and women you didn’t even spare the dead bodies for that matter. Having said that, I will not forgive you and I still can’t believe that you shared your wife with the boys on that get together party night. You are one of a kind of vulture machang.”

    Thank you for certifying the good characters of our high ranking security men….this what the Tamil diaspora also tells and now the Muslims are telling after Digana. You are brave to talk this openly.

    I am wondering, is it within this context we are expecting our country to live in peace…??? First, we need to clean the weeds.

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