18 September, 2024


The Spate Of Deaths While In Police Custody Is Alarming – LFD

“The spate of deaths during the last few weeks of persons while in Police Custody is alarming.  In none of these cases has the official spokesman for the police given an explanation that can even be considered by a layman to be worth considering.  The casual manner in which the death of persons in Police Custody is being treated by authorities is an insult to our system of administration of justice” says Lal Wijenayake.

Lal Wijenayaka

“It is regrettable that our political system is not concerned of the disappearances, abductions, extra judicial killings, death of persons in police custody and in general with the violations of fundamental rights of citizens.  It is Parliament that should have taken up these matters and seen to it that every incident is accounted for.  The lethargy of the legislature to take up these matters has made    these incidents to pass unchallenged.  Therefore, we call upon Parliament to take up these matters as urgent matters of deep concern to the people” the Convener – Lawyers for Democracy, Lal Wijenayake told Colombo Telegraph.

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  • 0

    Please don’t talk about Sri Lanka Police Dept.

    After Sri Lanka Mafia Parliament Thieve’s den, the next biggest thieves den is Sri Lanka Police Department.

    It is the latest Mafia Kasippu and drug business retail outlet in Sri Lanka. My friend got a fresh Kasippu bottle from his Police friend who worked in Police Headquarters at Havelock Town on a Pre Poya day. This is true and I witnessed it.

    Also I see many Policemen drunk after seven PM and I witnessed these drunkerds with Kasippu smell in Moratuwa Police Station. Please do your own research.

    Please watch the following web.

    After Sri Lanka Parliament Thieve’s den, the next biggest illicit money maker is the Police Department. Please ask from any friendly Traffic Police Cops who now undertaking Murder contracts.

    This is what is called State Terrorism.

    This is Nanthikandal Re-visiting south. Roosters are coming South to lay eggs.

    Await….coming soon next Progrom. Many Happy Returns.

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    This could be prevented if legal representation and access is allowed for any accused taken into custody. A representative of the bar association should be nominated for every police station, who will be informed by the police of any arrest, and will represent the accused. He will ensure that the rights of the accused are maintained.

    • 0

      You are correct.This is what happens in developed democracies the world over.
      In sri lanka,’police investigations’ into crime are seriously flawed – too late,wrong purposeful arrests,magistrates who accept police versions without question,unnecessary remanding when surety and other bail would be practicable,an entity called “police bail” which does not exist is used by police to favour some criminals,lawyers who accept remand for clients without argument,lawyers who do not insist on postmortem reports as necessary evidence etc.
      Once a person is in custody,extrajudicial methods are used to extract “confessions” – signatures are obtained by threats on documents which the magistrates accept.
      Most “crimes” are commited on citizens in state custody.
      Cases against political favourites are postponed indefinitely by the AG/judges without any reason.
      The”justice system” is slanted to favour ‘flawed law enforcement’ rather than “justice”.

    • 0

      Time for a new Revolution like the American, French and Russian Revolutions.

      Awadiyaw! Awadiyaw! Awadiyaw!

      Nagitiyaw! Nagitiyaw! Nagitiyaw!

      • 0

        Have you got any idea about the situation prior to MR times in the country ?

        I was not in the country for the last two decades, and cant know the course of alarming levels of human right violations in SL. I wish I could read an article in terms of violation of HR issues particularly based on the last 15 years in the motherland.

        • 0

          How would it be the situation when foreigners will be travelling in SL at the end of the year for CHOGUM. Can the government give foreigners a guarantee for security ?

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    Is this the reason why VIPs get admitted to hospital when they’re arrested?

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    DIG Vass-Gunawardena being publicly named in a Contract-killing Case – together with members of his Police team – is not the first one in recent times and neither will it be the last in the system at play. In this case it is alleged the killing was done on a Rs.3 million Contract job. This policeman was also involved in another serious incident of kidnapping and assault not long ago involving a fellow student of his son.

    One of the sure signs of a Failed Society is where the Police, who are expected to function strictly according to the law protecting the public and offer them confidence, turn villains and extortionists. The collapse has arrived when ordinary citizens fear to go to the Police Station even in simple issues. That is the situation in the country today. In the case of Tamils it is worst. Arguably, it is no different with Muslims. After all, in the 1st case mentioned the deceased is a rich Muslim businessman.

    “A fish rots from the head down” – Russian proverb


  • 0

    Alarming? Well the IGP is in the Business of Contract Killings

    Why are you alarmed? It is their New Business?

    [Edited out]

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    The Police do all kind of crime whereas they are supposed to protect people, Police cannot be taken to task becouse they do all the political killings as well & not at all worried about beeing taken to task, Gotha, MaRa & Bra all three have entrusted contract killings to the Police, howcan they be prosecuted, if the Law is hard on the Police they will expose the contracts given to them by the Three brothers, its like the fence eating the crop.

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