13 January, 2025


The Spectre Haunting The Rajapaksas

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“Never will tyrants freely consent to the extirpation of servitude….” – Thomas Raynal[i]

Of all the spectres the Rajapaksas fear, Oppositional-unity would arguably be the most terrifying.

The Rajapaksas began getting jittery when it became evident that the May 15th demonstration against the electricity hike would be supported by both the UNP and the JVP. The usual bag of tricks was deployed: the shrill screams about undead-Tigers, incoherent rumblings about NGO-cum-international conspiracies; and a hastily organised counter-demonstration.

None of the ploys worked; the demonstration on the 15th was a success. If the UNP and the JVP continue their cooperation and the plantation workers join in, the token strike on May 21st too can become equally successful. And these twin successes might inject some much needed life into the Opposition and help inculcate the habit of cooperation in the oppositional ranks.

The Siblings would know that one demonstration and one token strike, however successful, is no threat to their power in the here and now. But the Rajapaksa project is an epochal one; therefore they regard even long term threats with a certain degree of immediacy and urgency.

A dispirited and a disunited opposition is a sine qua non for the continuance of Familial rule. If the Siblings look at this rare moment of oppositional unity and see in it a microcosm of a certain unhappy future, they would be correct.

In the coming days, the Rajapaksas will redouble their efforts to ensure that the token strike is a failure. They will try to induce oppositional disunity; they will use propaganda with a heavy hand and engage in targeted acts of repression. If the opposition can withstand all these, an important politico-psychological threshold would have been reached and breached.

There is a pithy Sinhala proverb which can be translated, inelegantly, as ‘one does not pluck a honeycomb just to lick one’s fingers’ – meaning when a man attempts a difficult/dangerous task, he does so in anticipation of ample reward. The LTTE took on the Lankan state not to create a Tamil Eelam but to create a Tiger Eelam. Similarly the Rajapaksas successfully took on the task of defeating the LTTE not to create a unitary Sri Lanka but to create a unitary Sri Lanka under Rajapaksa rule. Their plan was to defeat the Tigers militarily, without making any political concessions to the Tamils, thereby winning the eternal gratitude of the Sinhalese and, as a mark of that gratitude, their freely given consent for long term Familial Rule.

Economics is the serpent in this land the Rajapaksas promised to themselves.

The electricity hike is not the work of Treasury Secretary PB Jayasundara, Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi or the Public Utilities Commission. The huge rates-hike obviously had Presidential approval; it was certainly motivated by the Rajapaksa need to extract the maximum from the public (it may also have been a conditionality imposed by the IMF for a new loan).

Clearly the regime thought that the opposition was too busy navel-gazing to take up this issue with the vigour it deserved; and that media/public attention could be diverted with artificial crises, such as the Muslim threat (including the unjust arrest of Azath Salley) and political pantomimes, such as the curious case of Duminda Silva.

Excess has become a Rajapaksa habit; indulgence a norm The electricity hike could have been handled with more finesse, but the Siblings have got away with so many economic hammer-blows they did not see any need to use a scalpel this time. That perhaps was their main miscalculation. The hike was so crudely gigantic, that it gave the lie to Rajapaksa rhetoric about developmental miracles in a way that no amount of oppositional propaganda could.

Unravelling Rajapaksa Lies

Lies and dissembling, false promises and mendacious declarations, illusions and delusions form the bedrock of Rajapaksa governance. The Siblings are master-illusionists; they excel at using words to create a totally unreal counter-reality. They did that when they called the Fourth Eelam War a ‘humanitarian operation with zero-civilian casualties’ and open prison camps ‘welfare centres’; they did it when they called the 18th Amendment a democratic measure, the Impeachment travesty a legal recourse and the arrest of Gen. Fonseka a patriotic act.

They are implementing a similar hoax when they hail their particular concoction of state-capitalism and economic neo-liberalism as ‘progressive economics’ and ‘pro-people development’. That lie has worked so far and will continue to work, in fits and starts, for a while more. But the electricity hike, thanks to its chainsaw-like effect, has caused an unprecedented dent in the hitherto smooth façade of Rajapaksa developmental-lies.

Given the nature of the Rajapaksa project, the Siblings have no choice but to continue to impose economic burdens on the masses. The huge outlay on defence must be maintained to ensure the survival of familial rule; megalomaniac projects must go ahead to satisfy the family’s desire for glory.

So the Rajapaksas have to continue their policy of tax and borrow, even at the cost of causing Southern discontent. Creating a fear psychosis by demonising minorities and equating legitimate, democratic and peaceful acts of opposition with treachery constitute their way out of this conundrum. They want an unthinking, uncritical mass; a stupid mass incapable of seeing the obvious and willing to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to facts.

Trying to ignore or gloss over facts in order to maintain the inviolability of a belief is a practice which is neither new nor uncommon. When the geo-centric model of universe pioneered by Ptolemy and embraced by the Catholic Church failed to fit in with the observable planetary movements, instead of ditching the model, the theory of epicycles was added to it, to bridge the gap between Biblical theory and cosmic reality.

So far the Sinhala South has opted to accept the Rajapaksa myth about a dawning developmental miracle. But as shocks akin to – and worse than – the electricity hike accumulate it will be harder for the South to ignore the truth – living conditions cannot improve, so long as the rulers spend scarce resources on defence and on such wasteful projects as the Mattala airport or the Commonwealth Summit.

A Sinhala South capable of removing its ‘patriotic-blinkers’ and seeing the world for what it is would be the worst Rajapaksa nightmare. The Rajapaksa-days would be numbered if and when the Sinhala South asks itself whether it makes sense to spend the largest chunk of national income on defence, in the absence of a war; or why 40 million rupees should be spent annually on maintaining a category of individuals called ‘senior ministers’; or even ponder the connection between the dispossession of the Sinhala villages of Ampara and the Tamil villages of Jaffna.

Is having a mammoth cabinet in national interest? Is giving those innumerable ministers uncountable perks/privileges in national interest? Is allowing the powerful to ignore/break the law with impunity in public interest? Is wasting borrowed money on airports, harbours and other prestige projects which bring very little benefit to the county, economy or the people in national interest?

A people capable of seeing and hearing, questioning and understanding; a united opposition: for the Rajapaksas that would be hell, incarnate.

[i] Quoted in ‘A Revolution of the Mind’ by Jonathan Israel

Latest comments

  • 0

    “Is having a mammoth cabinet in national interest? Is giving those innumerable ministers uncountable perks/privileges in national interest? Is allowing the powerful to ignore/break the law with impunity in public interest? Is wasting borrowed money on airports, harbours and other prestige projects which bring very little benefit to the county, economy or the people in national interest?”

    Tisaranee, have you forgotten that the Rajapakses think that Their Welfare is in the National Interest. They honestly believe that they are the God Given Rulers of Sri Lanka, and cannot see that what they are doing, is not in the interest of the common people. We are supposed to say ‘Eheyi Hamuduruvaney’ and worship at their feet in Gratitude for the Good they believe they are doing for us lesser Mortals!

    • 0

      Thisaranee, Please translate your excellent work and publish in Sinhala so that the Sinhalaya modayas can educate themselves about their Godkings – the putrid war criminal Mahinda Rajapassa, brothers and sons Inc.!

      • 0

        We will remove any posts that are obviously commercial or otherwise spam-like. Our aim is that this site should provide a space for people to interact with our content and each other, and we actively discourage commercial entities passing themselves off as individuals, in order to post advertising material or links. This may also apply to people or organisations who frequently post propaganda or external links without adding substantively to the quality of the discussion on the website.
        Please read our comment policy – CT

        • 0

          CT – Apologies. Noted & point taken. It wasnt my intention to promote the two org. I did mention. Its purely to make some awareness among others in good faith for a positive outcome.

      • 0

        Yes Dinuk

        Then Sinhalaya will also come to know that how stupid the Madam T and you who joined her long walking behind a goat expecting it’s balls to fall even today or tomorrow.

        • 0

          Ajith Kumara:
          That’s a problem that you’ll never have given that you obviously don’t have any, right?

          • 0

            My baby got balls honey bunny. ;)

      • 0

        Only way to defeat is by unity of different opposition parties, having a common objective of defeating the corrupt regime, opposition parties coming to an agreement on common objectives, while there is room for differences in opinion on other policies, and the ability of the opposition parties and the minority communities to present a common list of candidates in elections agreed upon prior to the elections, certainly not after the elections , honesty and the ability to win the hearts and minds of the masses through a new constitution respecting the rights of all citizens would make a huge difference. If there is unity, and if the opposition work on common grounds voters would join them.

        There seem to be considerable progress made on forming a united opposition contesting on a common list of candidates as they all agree on the common objective of defeating the corrupt regime, there was considerable unity among he masses according to the large number of crowds gathered on 15th of May. This was a major land mark and a historical turning point.

      • 0

        Great work T – love the pic. CT!

        • 0

          Agree about the Pic, Dodo! Especially the resemblance to a Nazi Dictator of Yore! Congratulations to the Photoshopper.

      • 0

        Like.. :0

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  • 0

    JVP Heavy Anura Kumara says, “if the SLFP is the mother of all ills ,UNP must be the Father.” and promises that they will never be political partners.

    Looks like Ms T’s “grand plan” is dead as a doorknob.

    Unless the Souffle rises twice.

    • 0

      Must find something to attack, no, to get the dhal and bread….

    • 0

      Sumane/Leela is hurt. He sees the wave forming to wash the Jara-paksas away. Its begining of the end Leela. Countdown will start very very soon. Save your breath.

      • 0

        Hingana Paksa:
        He shouldn’t worry because he lined his pockets with other people’s (housing) money and buggered off to another country!

    • 0

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “Looks like Ms T’s “grand plan” is dead as a doorknob.”

      It sounds like Baldrick’s cunning plan.

    • 0


      Does your Rajathuma think that he could get away by lying. Your Maharaja is the biggest Alibaba in Sri Lanka’s History. What happened to Tsunami Donations……What happened to VP and Tamil Refugees captured over half Ton Gold, Lorry loads of Foreign and local currency, their belongings, their property,their vehicles, furniture etc. Who Robbed them. Where are the graves of over 140,000 murdered dead bodies of Tamils rest.

      Who killid Prageeth, Lasantha, Kugan, and scores of Journalists, Human right activists, surrendered LTTE and Tamil refugees etc.
      Who killed Gen.Janaka Perera,Jayaraj Fernandopulle, Lakshman Kadirgamar and scores of others.

      Watch the following videos.

      Yes, We will make CHOGM for our benefit and make it a Political Liability to Rajapakses.

      How is Mr.10% family doing. 10% to each member of the family. We have the list and we will produce in correct time and catch all the culprits..

      How you think you could getaway using your White Van goons, paid coolies and all the Media and fake Foreign conspiracy Baila Jokes.

      Don’t think you….Hambanthota Gas Gembas could fool all the people all the time while using white vans to murder the patriots.

      May be in your villege uneducated foolish coolies who vote for a piece of Kiribath and other Colombo Educated shi…t eating Pigs like GLP, Mohan Peiris like wandibattayas are been well bribed by the Medamulana Alibaba to talk good of him, but not the real intelligent patriots and writers like Tisaranee could ever be Bribed and fooled.

      When are you getting your next Medamulana BMW….for lifting your ar….e. Your Big Gas Gemba is not worth even to clean Tisaranee’s toilet. Remember that The ever crook Alibaba who ruined our country, driving Rolls royce with Blood money our young mothers working in Middle East as slaves.

      Sri Lanka Parliament is where the Most corrupt Mafia Club Cartel Live and loot everything we have in our country.

      What we need is more Peoples power and protests and more Media exposure. Exposure to the world.We need more Tisaranees.

      Remember Your Maharajapaka’s Days are numbered.

    • 0

      The JVP is the offspring of that union?

    • 0


      and JVP is the still born child as miscarrage.

  • 0

    In my opinion, the so called united opposition ( if there is such a movement) should not waste their time and energy protesting on economic matters such as electricity price hikes, since there is no need to trigger a public tantrum with any political effort, it will take its own course. In a way, I suppose this is what the majority of people asked for (specially the rural masses).

    ‘Let Rajapaksa family have some fun AT THE EXPENSE OF THE STATE (unfortunately), they deserve it for ending the war’

    What is vital is a protest against collapse of the rule of law, government’s duplicity on major policy decisions and it’s path to dictatorship.

  • 0

    Rulers are driving the economy by spending beyond it’s means. The latest news – Believe it or not, Importing 50 Rolls Royce vehicles for the commonwealth meeting costing Billions of Rupees. Kick backs are the motivating factor with malinvestment. The Rulers’s fascistic nature bound to end up with a moribund economy filled with a bunch of debt-wracked individuals who are passing on the burden of debt for the next generation.

    • 0

      It will be interesting to see where the Rolls Royces will end after CHOGM! Good way for the Royal family to get Rolls Royces at the Taxpayers expense! Is this THE Mahinda Chinthanaya?

  • 0

    This is one of the good example that how the lanken Regime works on the improvement of HR issues

    This reminded the me 89 Insurgency in which over 50000 youth of the country went missing.

    ompany Manager’s body found in river
    May 15, 2013, 12:00 pm

    by Norman Palihawadane

    Police yesterday found the body of a private sector executive in the Kelani Ganga, near the Gangathilaka Viaharaya in Wellampitiya.

    The deceased was identified as Shiyan Nanayakkara (40).

    Eye witnesses told the police that the victim had been seen walking towards the river, having arrived there in his vehicle. After sometime they had seen the body of the deceased, the Wellampitiya police said.

    Police believe that he committed suicide by jumping into the river. The police have recorded a statement from the wife of the deceased and commenced recording statements from his office staf

  • 0

    Very well written piece and timely. MR is capable to drawing the
    carpet below the “united” opposition is the current possibility – by
    differing the Tariff till after November next.

    It is a god-sent opportunity to educate the Sinhala Voter the under-lying
    politics of a dynasty-rule.

    • 0

      Punchi Eka

      By the way, where is is “the united opposition”? Are you referring to terra supprters TNA? Ha ha ha. The bucnh of head chooks.

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

  • 0

    This time around your razor sharp scathing criticism which is total fact too has been careful not to fall into the pitfall of leveling unfounded criticism on Ranil and therefore deserves credits for not being self-contradictory and contributing to the common cause and orientation.

  • 0

    Sinhalaya modaya, kavun kanna weeraya ! How true!

    Some of our greatest stints in history were initiated by kings born elsewhere. Something our ignorant patriots choose to ignore at will. We like to wax eloquent about traditions, culture and religion when almost all of it is of Indian origin. Our elite do not hesitate to imitate Bollywood styles be it a wedding or political tamasha.

    When it comes to knowing who we are – We are Sinhalese! Do you know who you are, and where you came from? No! you don’t. You just know what your grand parents knew.

    • 0


      What about the tamils? Do they appear from Heaven? Get a job man – too long sitting on dole.

  • 0

    a brilliantly written article.i have always enjoyed your writing specially on the sundays. i believe that after lasantha you are the only one to write fearlessly. the others seem to be in deep slumber.

    their are two things i wish to point out.the first being that the electricity hike is absolutely necessary because whatever the magic man in the central bank says the govt. is broke. they are short and have to borrow to even pay the salaries. exports are down, revenue collection is down very badly.all this shouting is because of the remittances of the housemaids.how long can we last on this shoestring.

    secondly very sad to say that we sri lankens are nothing but racists.the siblings will play this card when it suits them.they have to only remind the people that they killed the tamils and the people will rally around them.a precursor to this was very clear from what fouzie said in an interview given during their pro govt.demo.he wanted to remind the people about the hidden agreement between ranil and the ltte. this was aired during the mtv news yesterday,the man does not understand that that was 2002 and this is 2013 why do we have to live in the past is there a ltte now? but that is the reality our people will never learn.

  • 0

    sorry i think it was maulana and not fousie but they are all the same to me.

  • 0

    12 Rolls Royce and 100 BMW’s to be imported. 12 for the family including leader of the opposition, and 100 for the Ministers. This is another Tsunami for the country.

    • 0


      Hope you herd how Banda came to Colombo to see Vesak…..

      Yamang Bando CHOGM Vesak Balanna in my Rolls Royce with Reli Panawa eating Bulath……Moda Haraka.

      Bladdy shi….t eating pigs bringing Rolls Royces with Borrowed FOREX money and using our Womens slave Labour Middle east money, when there are enough and more BMW’s Mercedes Benz and Limos available locally.

      This is what they do when Hambanthota absolute villege Gas Gembas come to Colombo. GAMAYATA MEGIC.

      Wait for the Next Bread Line and “parippu” Dhal ques in Colombo, similar to what happened after 1976 Non Align summit.

      Sorry no 10% commission on CHOGM business contracts…..but contracts only to Family and party goons. For other only “Hulang” Air only.

  • 0

    Perhaps the fact that we have seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant has made our generation understand that to choose one’s government is not necessarily to secure freedom.

  • 0

    The framework of political culture in Sri Lanka has evolved regressively over the decades to such an extent that “national interest” has now become simply a slogan to be used for emotional effect rather than with meaningful pride. This would be the case regardless of what “party” is in power!!

  • 0

    Did anybody questioned from Rajapakses why he opened an Embassy in Kampala Uganda when we already have an Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya.

    It is only 300 Miles between Nairobi and Kampala and for that matter anybody could drive between the two in three hours or fly in Half hour.

    Also we have only a very minute Sri Lankan community in Kampala. So whyat’s the reason to open another Embassy in Kampala Uganda.What Business we do with Uganda to open a seperate Embassy. Is this the new resting place for Govt. Senior Parliament members with no Visa restrictions.

    We already have over 65 Embassies throughout the world and wonder what They do in those countries. Many with over staffed Govt. Pandamkarayas.

    Another White Elephant is Roaming in Kampala when our own real Elephants are been Murdered daily with new Electric fenses been erected. Not even during the hight of war there were so many elephants been murdered as now.

    Yes, promote Tourism with dead Elephant skeleton Museums.

    • 0

      Every govt. in the west is eyeing Uganda because of its newly discovered wealth but the Ugandans are cautious of the Indians (mainly Gujarati’s who buy and sell) now living in UK coming back to shift goalposts as before and create disparities.

      • 0


        Uganda still a failed state with only 15% have electricity and live at 2 Dollers per day, drinking Beer and local Kasippu throughout the day with whatever earned.

        One of the Highest Prostitution rings in the world with 55% unemployment and Gold and Prcious stones been pilferred both by the people and the Govct.

        Yes Gudaratis do Business throught the east Africa where the East Africans themselves have been failed.

        You think Rajapakses are going to benefit from Newly discovered wealth in Uganda…….Bull shit. Rajapakses gave Uganda 150 Million Dollars for a single UNHRC Vote. Who gave….who took… where it went….nobody knows.

        That’s all.

  • 0

    Tisaranee Gunasekera: You say in the opening statement: “Of all the spectres the Rajapaksas fear, Opposition-unty would arguably be the most terrfying”

    Are you fast asleep and having a heartfull dream? Please wake up and face the reality. Even to suggest that in a dream, I fear it is far, far from reality. Do you ever think that a “Leader” like Ranil W could consolidate the “opposition” and build a formidable opposition to Rajapaksa. Please don’t “disgrace” our(larage majority of the citizens’) common sense.

    Also in another statement you state:- “The LTTE took on the Lankan state not to create a Tamil Eelam but to create a Tiger Eelam”

    This is yet another “ploy” and the latest in an “indefatigable” effort made by the “Dispora” and its “supporters” to “distance” from the LTTE the ruthless terrorists who brought misery to all the Tamils, Sinhalese and the Moors for nearly three decades.If it was meant to create a Tiger Eelam how did the dispora including Anton Balasingam, his wife & Co. together with the Indian Premier Rajieeve Gandhi, RAW supportaed by western Governments such as Norway etc, trained and financed this outfit from the beginning? When the demand now comes even to “investigate” and seek “accountablility” for the human right violations and attrocities commited by the the LTTE, are you joining the “bandwagon” to “distance” the so called “architects” of that struggle from the LTTE? In my opinion, it is a shame on your part to have made a statement :”The LTTE took on the Lankan state not to create a Tamil Eelam but to create a Tiger Eelam”

    You again say: “They did that when they called the Fourth Eelam War a “humanitarrian operation with zero-civilian casualties and open prison camps ‘welfare centres”. You and I and most certainly the citizens of this country knew very well how “Prabakaran and its outfit LTTE” “HERDED” nearly 300,000 Tamil people from place to place when he was forced out of Jaffna. From that time onward Probakaran – “The Herdsman” used all of them as a “human chain” to fortify against any danger of an attack by the State. Please do not forget even for a moment all of those are the citizens of the Unitary State of Sri Lanka and it was the “duty” and “responsibility” of that Government to “resurrect” from that “BONDAGE”. Having done that the Government- the citizens of this country provided “three meals a day” to all those people along with other medical needs. Do you remember, even some of the schooling aged children sat the examinatins while being inside these centres, conducted by the Government. Do you also remember how even in one centre a “ruthless”, “heartless” terrorist who infiltrated disgusised as an “innocent civilian” detenoted a bomb and created “carnage”. So with all this information you had the “indecency” and an “unforgiving, dispassionate” character to call such centres “AN OPEN PRISON CAMPS”. Yopu should be ashamed of yourself to say the least.

    There are other statements you have made that should not go unchallenged; but due to space constrains, I will refrain from dealing with those.

    However, the above “facts and naked truth” do not in any case make me a “torch bearer” of the Rajapaksa regime. I do have very serious concerns in the manner of their style and art of “governance”. From time to time I have not hesitated in airing that out not only through CT but elsewhere too.

    Yet, Tisaranee, please be aware that your “dream” “Opposition-unity would arguably be the most tarrifying” will never come about as things are today and Rajapaksa will never be “terrified”

    • 0

      “Rajapaksa will never be “terrified”

      Hey, underdog are you the manufacturer of sleeping pills? Shove it elsewhere.

    • 0

      What you are trying to do is compare the “innocent” MR with VP. The
      topic in the article is to drive the point that the Winner is going
      in the wrong direction. VP is history. What is happening even at the
      end of 48 months in SL is what should frighten its peace-loving people?

  • 0

    It is good that our Ms T can’t write Sinhala.

    Otherwise her grand plans to destabilize the Nation and get the Diaspora IC to “visit” Srilanka will frighten the crap out of them.

    It is only a couple of days ago that a massive Car Bomb exploded in the Birth place of “Bengazi Spring”.killing hordes of innocent Muslims.

    War Lords have carved out at least Six SGAS covering the whole land mass.

    Messers Cameron, Obama and that ex French Bloke,must have given them crash courses in Human Rights

    Because Poor Libyans now are catives of these War Lords.

    Bagdad Bombings yesterday killed over 80 civilians.

    That is on top of 800 last month.

    And they are mainly Shites,whom Mr Bush and his coalition of the willing went to war to liberate from bad Saddam.

    Our inhabitants read these news in their local rags.

    Half of Srilanka’s indpendent life was spent fighting a war financed by the same sources, who are now finacing the Opposition campaigns to liberate the Inhabitants.

    • 0

      What Tisaranee telling is that Sri Lanka got rid of one Terrorist to embrace a Terror family state.

      Watch the following video.


      It is like you trade a rabbit to a crazy pitbull playing the Terror card four years after winning the war.

      It is the uneducated Governing Sinhala Buddhist crook rulers who did not have any knowledge of governing a state and who suppressed the Minorities of all races that led to all these economic, social, communal and religious wars………which still continuing.

  • 0

    Talking about electricity hike Minister Pavithra Wanninayake was reportedly saying that even with increased billing electricity usage is still cheaper than kerosene for the lower income groups that form the majority of households affected. Initially it would seem her argument could immensely console the masses if they fail to inquire who made kerosene so expensive a commodity of late. No, they will never question the power(ful) lady as such defiance might embarrass the government elected and repeatedly re-elected by them answering a call from the Throne itself to show gratitude. Gratitude for single-handedly winning the eelam war in which Prabhakaran is now the enemy emeritus and Sarath Fonseka the enemy apparent! Such a loyal and grateful public, who are never tiring of repeating the mantram ‘we can go anywhere now, no more bombs’ boldly joining the counter demonstrations in support of all economic bombs smilingly hurled at them remind me of Lincoln. When Lincoln abolished slavery its said some negro slaves demonstrated against that too saying they can’t leave their good old masters’ families and estates.

  • 0

    Power minister’s name appears partly incorrect in my above comment, purely a typographical error.

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    “A Sinhala South capable of removing its ‘patriotic-blinkers’ …The Rajapaksa-days would be numbered if and when the Sinhala South asks itself whether it makes sense to spend the largest chunk of national income on defence, in the absence of a war;..”

    True, Tisaranee, this is possible only when Diaspora terrorists/ anti-lanka INGO mafia/Geneva Travelers / UNHRC’s Navaneetham Pillay & the gang / Writers like you, make Sinhala South believe that there is absolutely no any Separatist or War threats this country would ever face, from inside or outside, then only Sinhala south would do the miracle of removing Rajapakse regime , IF NOT , SORRY NO! ,

    Dear Tisaranee, Look at your own self , if you did inflame in your writings, the feeling that Sinhala South really needs, war drum beating Rajapkses or not. Use intelligence if you need a regime change, I think you & some other writers really help Rajapases’ to rein in not & otherwise.

  • 0

    Every article you wrote against the rajapakse family , you are very bias in your writing ,check with political party that you are supporting whether they can do better than Rajapakse family then write a article about that instead of crap general statements making about people living in south , have you done any research or do you have any true facts about your writing

    • 0

      It seems the pigs have gobbled the bollocks of the southerners that you want her to hide the truth.

  • 0

    There are plus and minus points in everything. We are sitting a 3rd world developing country. So we should get together help our president to make this country a developed country. Instead of trying to destroy his character.#119

    • 0

      Exactly !

    • 0


      How can you get-to-gether with a President to develop Sri Lanka who is a selfish idiotic Moron.

      What prior consultations he made with the learnard Professionals and University dons to first do research before commencing a project.

      All I know is that many experts protested when he planned to construct both Hambanthota Harbour and Mattala Airport. But he never listened to them while commission played the major role to go ahead with those projects. Also we have much greater project priorities to fulfill before those crazy projects.

      Now see where those unwanted, unuseful projuects stand loosing Millions of rupees daily for ever. They are more environmentally harmfull to our country and currently World economy is shrinking and Harbours and Airports are the most effected.(Airline and shipping industry)

      There is no way for an educated honest Professional to work with absolute uneducated muts,Morons, commission Kakkas, bribe takers, thieves, murderers,liars and double tongue puppet masters………unless they change first.

      Tisaranee says it clearly.

      I strongly feel that now it’s too little, too late to reverse what Rajapakses have done to our economy. Future in all aspects is going to be very bleek for Sri Lanka where Rajapakses playing RUSSIAN ROULETTE WITH IT.

      • 0

        Mahinda Sucks, and Rajapaksa family stinks shit.

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