17 September, 2024


The Sri Lankan Nation And The End Of The Rajapaksa Regime

By Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

Defeat is inevitable but surrender of power may not follow: The Sri Lankan nation and the end of the Rajapaksa Regime

I will make no apology for the lengthy title of this piece because I think it is appropriate to the subject matter.

(I will not, also, apologise for it because I believe it will provoke those village idiots parading as “commentators” to provide readers with the usual amusement that their outpourings do!)

Also, if, in part, the content is somewhat repetitious, that is unfortunate because I believe that the time and place is more than opportune to state what might be the obvious and which might already have been stated.

I have never pretended to Cassandra status in the matter of political predictions at any time in the last half century when I have had the effrontery to write about matters political, either here, in Sri Lanka, or elsewhere. However, what I am picking up both in rural Sri Lanka and among political cognoscenti in more urban circumstances, points to a massive defeat of the totally corrupt and violent dictatorship that passes for a democratic government in this country.

rajapaksa-family-colombo-telegraph1The tip of that iceberg is the resignation of the Officer-in-Charge of the Wanduramba police station where the stage set up for a meeting convened to promote the Joint Opposition’s candidate was destroyed by vandals. What was the final straw in his particular saga for that police officer appeared to be the fact that, when minions (official “security”) of the man alleged, in the mainstream media, to be responsible for orchestrating the event, a Deputy Minister of the Mahinda Rajapaksa government, Muthuhettigama by name, were taken into custody, the very same Muthuhettigama, “rescued/abducted” them from the police. He then, according to “official police bulletins,” fled the area, making it “impossible” for the police to arrest him for the crime. However, the next, immediate, reports had him performing on stage with a prominent “pop” star that very night, singing duets with that worthy. In all fairness, I do not know whether the official police spokesperson who regularly appears on prime-time TV and whom I personally consider one of, if not the, best straight-faced comedians ever to grace that medium, made an announcement of the fact. If he didn’t, he has certainly failed to add this to his long and illustrious list of performances in the service of the Rajapaksa Regime.

Dear reader, let me say, at this juncture, that I will make no apology for this and any digressions that might follow because I very sincerely believe that they are relevant to the description of the totally and absolutely bizarre situation currently prevailing in this country and which serves to victimize every man, woman and child of Sri Lanka.

Back to the title of this piece.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that, even without the support of a majority of the ethnic minorities, Mahinda Rajapaksa and his minions are “toast” on January 8th. The only hard support he and his family have comes from those who have raped and pillaged this country both financially and in other ways during the increasingly repressive performance of his government.

That said, one of the challenges for Mr. Sirisena and those who are going to be clear and absolute winners in the forthcoming election is divesting themselves of the flotsam and jetsam that is drifting at warp speed into their camp. This ranges from the intellectual sophistication of the truly indescribable Dr. Rajiva Wijesinha to the Rajapaksa Minister who orchestrated, with Presidential protection, the stoning of judges’ houses, Rishard Bathiudeen.

In a previous article I urged the necessity for tribunals to be set up, utilizing the judicial skills of those available for the purpose to bring to book those who have pillaged this country’s coffers. I would add to that appeal one to bring to trial those who have, in a country where justice is decided by Presidential fiat, had formal charges preferred against them in the courts of law, only to have those charges either dropped because they were “apey minissu” or had them sit dormant lo these many months (and years). Justice must be done and justice must be seen to be done.   NOTHING LESS WILL SUFFICE.

However, as many commentators (some exhibiting remarkable bravery now that the writing is on the wall!), have said, “There’s many a slip twixt cup and lip” in the matter of an actual polls result and what is “officially” announced. It’s happened before and it could happen again. The last time, the results were “streamed” through an office controlled by Presidential minions before they reached the Elections Commissioner of the day and, speaking of that guy, WHERE ON EARTH IS HE AND WHAT HAS HE BEEN DOING BETWEEN THEN AND NOW?

Fraud, deceit and deception is the very stock in trade of this Regime and to expect less where truly unbelievable wealth both here, in other supposedly-safe havens off shore and goodness knows where else is at stake is not only the height of crass irresponsibility but of naivety of monumental proportions.

As they used to say in the good old days, “the $64,000 question” is what can the vast majority of this country’s citizenry do to prevent a potential putsch or coup by those with billions to lose with a democratic transfer of power?

Make no mistake, the upper echelons of the security forces are controlled by blatantly-political appointees. In addition, there have been new positions created to oversee those very heads of service if there is so much as a smidgen of doubt about their “loyalty.” Makes for an ugly picture? Damned right it does, particularly given the fact that not only does this Regime pride itself on the size of its security forces, equivalent in size to the Russian army, but which they claim needs to be maintained into the future. You don’t believe that? Give your head a shake and look at the propaganda campaign just embarked on by the government’s newest scandal-monger, Tissa Attanayake. He is making a great to-do about Ranil Wickremesinghe, Maithripala Sirisena, Chandrika Kumaratunga et al planning to reduce the size of our armed forces. However, this man, whose actions speak far louder than his words, makes no mention of why such a move might not be appropriate five years after an armed conflict had ended with the total decimation of the “enemy.”

There is too much at stake for members and hangers-on of a junta who have enjoyed wealth, power and privilege truly beyond the imagining of plutocrats elsewhere. They have advanced their status to one beyond the wildest imaginings of a Sri Lankan Caligula. They are not going to surrender the power and privilege they currently enjoy willingly.

Sri Lankans have to ensure that on January 8th, the will of the vast majority of this nation’s population will prevail and that it is in no way usurped.

The only way for our citizenry to do so is to stream, in their millions, to every polling station in this country, cast their votes and even more important, ensure that on January 9th nobody, with or without the name “Rajapaksa” is allowed to subvert the people’s will.

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Latest comments

  • 18

    Basically you say MS will have a huge victory, but MR will not let go of power and a military coup is going to take place. In other words, you don’t know – just like we don’t know.

    The only small light at the end of the tunnel I see is that MR decided to have a “snap” election earlier than planned because of the disappointing results of the UVA elections earlier.

    The very fact he decided that he might loose power when elections were held later rather than sooner, is a sign they do not yet own the military (and the hearts and mind of the military) to the extend that a coup is actually possible.

    Lets hope that choosing to hasten elections rather than taking the coming two years to prepare the military for his worst case scenario is the biggest mistake ever made.

    It will be an all or nothing for mother lanka

    • 14

      MR had become so unpopular all over the country, except for some rural villagers who are brainwashed by pachavahini and other state medias.

      HAd MR quit after 2 terms and passed to MY3 to take over UPFA, the whole country would have elevated MR to a near semi-god or dutugamunu status for winning the war.

      As Emil Van sates for sake of the country Rajapakse have to go home. another 6-8 years of his dictatorial rule is detrimental.

      God or Karma started this MRs down fall. Hope this divine intervention will complete peacefully and country back on right track.

      • 10

        those men and women give credit to Raja only for the elemination of LTTE terror will have to accept that we cant have peace and harmony if the very same man would rule this nation. His culture has been only violent. Even if some would not agree, there are masses that would not want to see today culture will get established. This country is not pakistan or any other world where social idicators are that low. Our high literacy rate prove that people get informed if the media units would play a fair role at least for some extent. Those brains in rural corners will have to turn to fair sides allowing a majority to win their thoughts – WHICH is nothign else, law and order governing country.

    • 8

      This is another hymie conspiracy theory diversion coming straight from the US, British, Canadian and Norwegian embassies. Add Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, J. K. Weliamuna and Upul Jayasuriya names to that list, you have the African proverb “Declare kinship with the hyena, and all hyenas are your friend” coming to life.

      The sad thing about these animals is, as another African proverb goes, “A hyena cannot smell its own stench”.

      How often do they need to be reminded that Ran-penda and Satellite have no future with the Sri Lankan public. Ran-penda, because of his 2002 Peace pact with the murderer Pirapakaran, and Satellite because of her corruption convictions on the NSB privatisation and Waters Edge scandals. This is even without mentioning the inefficient, cronie ridden administration of these two malcontents.

      Compare that with the achievements of “Dutugemunu reborn”, our venerable leader for life, Mahinda Rajapakse and you will find why the real people who do not live on the Internet are embracing him from Kilinochci to kamburupitiya.

      The International hymie conspiracy to use bitter jackasses like “Maaru Sira” and “Champuka” (Dracula?) will not cut the mustard.

      [Edited out]

      • 5

        [Edited out] of your kind will live not that long. All will get its way good for justice. All forces will rally round to win MY3 and dawn a new eara of justice and respect. Let s bet.. then we can get you guys. no worries. Jaya niyathai.

        • 0

          This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

          • 1


            Brilliant comment.

            Thanks for letting us know how you feel about your culture.

      • 8

        Email aka Tsunamisekera, etc. etc:
        Pseudonym’s different, but the stupidity’s the same! The xenophobia and racism continues to rival Hitler’s if not improve on it!

        I don’t know about hyenas and African proverbs but I do know that there is huge truth in the saying that goes: “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” And we know who your friends (and paymasters)are!

        • 0

          Knew you didn’t have the decency to address the points raised, other than to talk about pseudonyms and “friends one keeps”.

          [Edited out]

          Remember the 98 votes you polled at the 1997 Alberta General Election? (Presumably you know the names and addresses of each one of them!) Barry Pashak is still waiting for you to submit the party final accounts.

          So keep away from trying to pontificate about goodgovernence, throwing innuendos at the Rajapakse of violence, corruption and all other evils.

          The country knows who your friends are!

          • 1

            Email, aka Tsunamisekera etc. etc.
            Your capacity for fabrication is probably without rival but then you have excellent company in that regard don’t you in the person of your patrons? Interesting that you talk about Barry Pashak when he was leader of a certainly political party at the time of its demise! But then the truth and fact is hardly something that you are familiar with, is it? By the way, I really would like to have Barry’s email address because I don’t seem able to make contact with him. Perhaps, you could give this to me under cover of your anonymity?
            Like we used to say, “Who needs a job when you are a piece of work like that!”
            Would suggest you enrol with Rajpal in a course to improve on the level of your lunacy.
            Also, perhaps, you could enlighten those who have the misfortune to read your crap as to what the term “hymie” means.

      • 3

        Email, (what a name for someone who hates the internet!ha!ha!),

        CT readers know you have a job to do. It may be tedious, but someone got to do it. Look at it from the brighter side. You are providing entertainment. You are making people laugh. And don’t forget to be thankful for the few rupees you are paid.

      • 0

        Hee, Mail;

        Still Are you trying to Count How many JACK Asses, [ ARSES]
        with MaRa ya Jarapassa Clan [O/L not passed, But having a LOW Degree]?including Him, His Mongol Sons and Your self.
        What a Jack ASS [Arse] You Are????????????.

      • 0

        You Have A very Bad Stench, More than Hyena, like Urulewa / Stray dog.
        Like your Pay Masters Stench,
        We canot bear it.

        Please Get away from C T.

    • 12

      Emil @
      happy holidays to you.. THANKS for an another wonderful article!

      let s hope the best that all forces will get together to defeat the brutal Rajapakshes.

    • 10

      Before MR attempts to use the military coup, Maithripala will sack the Defence Secretary and Army Chief who’re campaigning for MR.

      Attempting to use the coup d’état will fail in many ways, As the new government knows how to remove these powers from position, No matter how hard is it and the new govt will outsmart the tactics of MR.

      So there will be no way of doing this.

      • 2

        “So there will be no way of doing this. “

        there is always one solution to a problem- Dom Patas Cheena Patas



    • 10

      No srilankens would agree with extraditing Rajapakshes to Hague, but we will have to agree with bringing him to the courts in terms of all the high profile fund abuses ( that goes to Billions). Even 10 year olds would agree with the latter since the poor can be given a life by all the sums if lanken justice could lead them to get natialized. Mervins and all others Lamboginis and the assets how they earned those billions within shorter period of time and the like should be traced and investigted accordingly make the nation all evident. The day the new govt will declare all these will be the day of peace start.

      • 5

        The day when the culprits get cornered are getting nearer.
        This is the reason why SB disssanayake, Bandula Gunawardhana and the other fithy mouths are on exclusively on a mud slinging mood these days. People of this country have enough brains to see as to why only thse goons are being kept as front speakers in the today s political stage.
        The manner Wimal Buruwanse and his thugs, so called former JVPer brutally attacked the INNOCIENT PEOPLE at Srikotha yesterday prove real face of Mahinda Rajapakshe administraion. Even if some are in a opinion not ot defeat him only for his term eleminated LTTE terror iwithin the country, but they have to finally accept, we cant kill ourself using gold swode. Or people of this country earn the educated to lead them. Rascal culture can only bring dishoarmony within the nation.

    • 13

      Great great simply great. Thanks Emil well done – masses have to agree with your article.

      Latest laundary man of the UPFA- Tissa Aththanayake and his had an unintended effect – the statement of origin proved itself a doctored one when just looking at the dates included in there. People are not fools as these idiots presume.
      Jaya niyathai. All culprits will get caught soon. Most speeches near to colombo areas are being carried out by Duminda Silva who will have to loose everything on the defeat of Rajapakshe soon. Wait and see. Justice will be won soon. That is certain this time.

    • 3

      it is estimated that the huge sums they have grabed from poor tax payers funds are

      over 800 billions (800 000 millions) (millionx million 1,000,000,000,000 rupess)= 800 000,000,000,000 rupess

    • 1

      Emil van der Poorten –

      MaRa Cronies Wimal Weerawansa and Wasantha Bandara and their thugs attack Sri Kotha,,,


    • 1

      Emil van der Poorten –

      RE:The Sri Lankan Nation And The End Of The Rajapaksa Regime

      Duel between two astrologers

      Does the Sun go around a Stationary Earth or the Earth around a Stationary Sun- Hello Copernicus..

      [Edited out]

      It is revealed that a duel has begun between President’s astrologer Sumanadasa Abeygunawardene and Chandarsiri Bandara, the soothsayer who forecasts on behalf of the President.

      Mr. Sumanadasa has stated from 24th December to 6th January is an inauspicious period for Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa and his auspicious time begins after that.

      However, Mr. Chandarsiri Bandara has said the President will lose his power due to the auspicious time used for the election on 8th January.

      Mr. Chandrasiri Bandara’s prediction is kept secret without giving any publicity to it as he doesn’t want to contradict the official astrologer of the President. He had stated over ‘Rupavahini’ Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa would be elected president on 9th January. However, he had not mentioned anything about incident that would occur during the days after that.

      • 0

        Amarasiri ,

        who calls this Chandrasiri character as an astrologer ? he is nothing but a soothsayer or a fortune teller , there is no any difference between him and any other street soothsayer (Ahikuntakaya) , it has been reported , in the early part of nineties this man used to sit in front of the fort station and begged to offer his services for the commuters !

        just to mention few of his day light blunders in 2014 ,

        1) He predicted that missing Malaysian air plane would come to surface within two weeks ( after it was pronounced missing)

        2) in January 2014 he appeared on Derana TV along with other three soothsayers , this crook asked every body to write down his predictions , his prediction was , Presidential election would be held between January and April 2014 .

        3)Recently he appeared before the Sirasa TV and declared , that Mahinda would definitely win the PE in 2015 and if that not happened , he would shoot himself.

        he is another Wimalweerawana or Dayan J.

        • 2


          you are dead right.

          All these predictions including the latest are just similar to thoose of Ahinkuntakyas,
          But my question is why the media institutions still seem relying on Chandrasiri `Provocative predictions ?
          As I watched it few weeks ago, he said, he would even come and shoot him if things would meet with the other way around. Then Satana journalists rejected it saying that sirasa cant take the responsiblity for any kind of suicidal cases.

          • 0

            Even though Sirasa seems to be working towards MY3 ,in reality they don’t , they always make sure to have one foot in MR camp as well , in my opinion TNL and Hiru do a far bettet service than this stinking Srasa !

            Sirasa Boss deploys his acolytes every where , he wants to have his foot print in every camp , i.e Marrikkar-UNP , Sri Ranga- UNP now MR turncoat , Kidelpitiya _ General SF , Sunal or some thing -UPFA

            all most half of his journalists backs MR’s candidacy i.e Chandana sooriyabandara , Kinsly Rathnayaka , that Parliament reporter etc .

            • 0


              Sydney chandrasekara or something and Sripal Vanniarrachhi are openly coughing for Maha Raja .

    • 0

      It is an all or nothing, indeed.

    • 1

      Emil van der Poorten –

      Listen to Published on Dec 16, 2014 Democracy, Law and order vs. Family Dictatoeship

      University Teachers for Social jutice Supports to Maithripala Sirisena Dambara Amila Thero


    • 0

      Following from what Gayan has commented, I would add:

      This election is a ‘shit or bust’ moment for Mother Lanka; and WE the people of all persuasions will decide whether to go for HOPE or vote back the King who will give us ‘more of the same’.

      The King and his siblings have a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C and more. What we do not know is which plan they will opt for. Hot favourite when the chips are down is the evergreen ‘foreign driven conspiracy’ to destabilise our 2500-year-old-civilisation, that of course must be rebutted. Who can dispute that line when it is defended by armed men, the same brave men who freed us from the scourge of terrorism?
      There are many who did well under this King, and have, smartly, prepared exit options, included some desirable bolt holes. Unfortunately it is the rabid cuckoos that are left behind who have most to lose and will fight tooth and nail, and dirty, to keep the King in his palace.

      More than ever, we need the Gods and guardians of our resplendent thrice-blessed island paradise to be extra vigilant and guide us through these turbulent days

    • 0

      Emil van der Poorten –

      ‘Deputy Minister of the Mahinda Rajapaksa government, Muthuhettigama by name, were taken into custody, the very same Muthuhettigama, “rescued/abducted” them from the police. He then, according to “official police bulletins,” fled the area, making it “impossible” for the police to arrest him for the crime. However, the next, immediate, reports had him performing on stage with a prominent “pop” star that very night, singing duets with that worthy.”

      The grape wine says that Muthuhettigama went to Singapore with two others…

  • 7

    Dear Emil van der Poorten –

    RE: The Sri Lankan Nation And The End Of The Rajapaksa Regime

    Let us all help our President Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa retire and enjoy a retired life…

    Towards that we need all the help we can get..

    Here is a preamble for the Common Sense Phamplet Sri Lanka 2014, to help Mahinda Rajapaksa Retire.. and Would yoy write the Common Sense Phamplet in English and Translate to Sinhala and Tamil as the people need to be educated and informed..

    The cause of Sri Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. Many circumstances hath, and will arise, which are not local, but universal, and through which the principles of all Lovers of Mankind are affected, and in the Event of which, their Affections are interested. The laying a Country desolate with Fire and Sword and Guns, declaring War against the natural rights of all Mankind, and extirpating the Defenders thereof from the Face of the Earth, is the Concern of every Man to whom Nature hath given the Power of feeling; of which Class, regardless of Party Censure, is the author.

    As a long and violent abuse of power, is generally the Means of calling the right of it in question (and in Matters too which might never have been thought of, had not the Sufferers been aggravated into the inquiry) and as the Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa hath undertaken in his own right, to support the Parliament in what he calls theirs, and as the good people of this country are grievously oppressed by the combination, they have an undoubted privilege to inquire into the pretensions of both, and equally to reject the usurpation of either.


    • 4

      Come on, give us the progress report on the Common Sense Leaflet, with the Wikipedia reference! How far up your tube is it now?

      Are you also seeing the writing on the wall that “Maaru Sira” will be worse off than Phonyseka by 9 Jan 2015?

      Keep writing comments to vent your frustrations,[Edited out].

      • 3


        On January 9, 2015….

        Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa (MaRa) Speaks is in ” “

        All others, Shills, White-Washers, Cronies and are assistants speaking. Not in “ “

        The Assistant Speaks: Sir, the current election results are not in favor of us..
        There was no change even with the Fraudulent votes..
        Uva, West, North and Eastern Provinces have an unfavorable situation..

        The MaRa Says: “No need to Panic. My Hambantota People would have paid me respect … “

        The Assistant Speaks: Sir,.. Hambantota, We have lost Hambantota as well , Sir. The Results just came in..

        MaRa Says: ” Those who are here who have failed the 8th standard, G.C.E. O.L . all get out of here “
        ( The bulk leaves, leaving only 3)

        MaRa: ” Then all of them are fail” ‘” The Supervisor of Airplanes, my Brother in Law also failed GCE OL?”

        “Where, What have I Not done for this Election?”

        “Decreased the price of oil”

        “Pachavahini, TV lies, Ni T N , from morning till night lied”

        ” Because of your advice, also put “Jeyatissa” ( Shills?) people”

        “State buses were used to haul people, and…”

        The Assistant Speaks: You could have disclosed those Files..

        MaRa, ” I you your files. Yako, Do you want me to disclose that as well?”

        The Assistant Speaks: We don’t know if this was an international conspiracy, Sir.

        Hitler ” What balls, international conspiracy, F***”
        “Mothers clothes”

        ” Spent millions obtained from China. Using the boards that can be used to measure distance was used to put up cutouts”

        ” The war won by the armed forces was distributed and eaten”

        ” The gold obtained from the North was also distributed”

        ” With all that there was no profit even close to the Ass of a hair lice”

        ” Yako,(Devil) if correct, with the racism and religious conflict, I should have got votes from both sides”

        “That 8-month old child when I carried, the child who could not say mother, cried, Jayaweva, Jayavewa, Victory, Victory”

        ” They gave the child to my hands, and gave the vote to the other side”

        ” To keep you, I paid millions of dollars”

        ” That was money I could have used to get my son to do night races, Yako”

        ” That was money my brothers earned by getting commissions”

        ” Now, I have to take my woman and children and get on the road”

        The Assistant Speaks: Don’t Cry Big Lady, at least the Ukku Baby’s (sucking baby’s) Moon is there

        “For 8 years, ate, ate unfortunate, only Wattalappam ( dessert)was left to be eaten..”

        ” Now everybody gets the noose”

        “Unfortunate, next month, World Cup Final, got free ticket “

        “Aiyyo Money”

        ” If we became finalists, I invited the Australian Prime Minister to watch the finals?”

        • 1


          Despotic rage in state media

          MaRa “Pachavahini, TV lies, Ni T N , from morning till night lied” ” Because of your advice, also put “Jeyatissa” ( Shills?) people”

          [Edited out]

          The stalwarts that represent Mahinda faction in Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, ITN and the network and Lake House are attempting to exercise boorish dictatorial powers say sources.

          The most serious situation is reported from Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation. Its Chairman Chandrapala Liyanage has taken full control of the SLRC and is attempting to use SLRC for the propaganda project of Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa. As a result the financial situation in the corporation would be completely broken down and the institution would be bankrupt before long say employees.

          Sudarman Radaliyagoda, a person warranted for cheating, has taken over the control of ITN and its network. A majority of journalists protesting against the vile attempt of the institution to defame the opposition have joined the campaign of the common candidate Maithripala Sirisena. The financial situation in ITN too has deteriorated during this festival season say sources.

          The financial situation in Lake House too has been affected drastically and majority of its employees have protested against the policy followed by its authorities. Most of them have taken a anti Mahinda Rajapaksa stance and engage in political campaign of the opposition say reports.

      • 0

        Do not Insult Maru Sira,
        He did not loot from People’s Coffers Like Your Pay master MaRa ya.

        You must Get more payment from BORIA Clan, You deserve as your lot are Licking more than you can Gulp.

        Just check Who Is Russian Boria?,

        We think Better than MaRa ya, Hothmabaya Clan.

  • 6


    You should be hearing from the gutter in short order!

    It is a very confusing electorate one confronts when a question about Jan 8th is brought up. ” Change is needed” they say. “Too much corruption” they say. Then comes the proverbial Sri Lankan BUT!

    “But, Rajapakse will win by hook or crook” they state with absolute finality. Either the Rajapakses have become so good in the game of deceit, fraud and slight of hand…all at the same time..over the last decade or the impotence of the Opposition in the last decade damaged any semblance of reasonable expectations? The buffoonery of the Elections Commissioner is not helpful with restoring confidence in the vote or the process either.

    In my mind the get out the vote, the protection of the votes and the accuracy of the count will determine the final outcome.

    All the talking from now until Jan 5th will come to nought if the powers running the CC’s campaign screw up on the 8th. If they have not woken up yet, I hope someone throws an ALIDON into Sri Kotha with help from Weerawansa’s thugs.

    This is the bottom line.

    The Rajapakse’s have their machinery well oiled, well fed and intoxicated, ready to do the needful. Are the rest of Sri Lanka ready to thwart them?

    • 2

      Hello WereLoin dont spread it too far

      ¬¬ Are the rest of Sri Lanka ready to thwart them?””

      ◕◕◕Life is a Paradox!!
      You need imagination which you seem to lack. Perhaps you work for a boss who is always right- lickomalt Upula putte!

      Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper

      ◕◕◕ If a country doesn’t recognize minority rights and human rights, including women’s rights, you will not have the kind of stability and prosperity that is possible.

      Please don’t tear this world asunder
      Please take back-This fear we’re under
      ◕◕◕From a picture book island to 66 years of
      ◕◕`Sihala Buddhist Stupid Scum Rule`

      ◕◕◕◕Can someone convincingly enlighten us as to why anyone should endorse the continuation of sihala buddhist only governance please?? 600k sihala women in medieval middle east house maid/sex on demand & devalued dollar for sweatshops..cheap dollar purchase & imports- the disgrace of the nation- pakistan & india have banned it.

      ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ `NO COMMENT`INSCRIBE“NO CONFIDENCE` ON BALLOT PAPER! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Satakaya Hato! Sivuru Hato! Burka Hato! Halal Bacho ! Mara Maitri Modi Mooth Maro QQQQQQ ◕◕◕ “You Don’t Know Me” you push me back…you scream at me…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC9C5OR9kTI Collaba Collo Kello Appe Ratte.

    • 0

      Upul ,

      “In my mind the get out the vote, the protection of the votes and the accuracy of the count will determine the final outcome.”

      you seemed to miss out the most crucial stage , that is announcing the final results of each district and the final result , remember last time result announcement ?

      Mr Athathiratna’s unusual delay to appear before the camera then announcing what he had been forced to say , few days later Marked ballot papers (half burnt) finding some where in Ratnapura ? who can give the assurance for each stage ? only consolation is , CBK is around , hope she would anticipate and do some thing before it too late.

  • 8

    Time is ripe for Maithree, Ranil, and Chandrika to approach India, USA, UK, European Union and Commonwealth and get their commitment to install the new government if Mahinda does not give up his seat peacefully. Although Mahinda may argue that he has two more years, people voting for Maithree and Maithree winning the Presidential election alone is a “no confidence vote on the President Rajapakse”.

    • 3

      Why should anyone get a commitment from other countries to install a new government? Why cant these three get this done on their own? See how weak this alliance is. Mahinda is battling on his own strength and his own conviction. That is why he won the war and will win this election also. That is why the people are with him. He is not a weak leader and this is what we need today.

      • 2

        Realize the ground situation. Ex-Army commanders recruited to do the logistics. Army Battalion moved to Polonnaruwa. the build-up
        is going aspace with the bafoon of an EC sleeping – as required in
        the 18th amendm. The opposition will all be taken into custody by
        9th Jany. and distributed over 26 Dist. camps – no one will know
        where and who is held. Kept Media will give out statements of the
        King to follow, promising a New re-born MR.

        Gota has to save his life – and as a frightened man will react this
        way. MR will put the “blame” on GR/BR as arranged and come to
        speaking terms with the IC – making all promises as in the past.
        Mayanmmar is being created with just one election. BBS will take
        over political rule of the Villages. India will go into Silent

    • 2

      “to approach India,”

      ◕◕◕Jai Hind!◕◕◕

      ◕◕◕Sihala Buddhist State of (Hindia) Akhand Bharat.

      (India was forced to resign the defence treaty with Russia after Modi antagonised China)
      Now the big 3 are one Shanghai Defence Cooperation actively.
      ◕◕◕Sihala Buddhist State of (Hindia) Akhand Bharat.
      (Is what nehru always wanted and the RSS will finish the job in decade or 2 the same way it got back Sikkim, Nagaland Butan may fall within a decade.)

      Democracy is still a radical idea don’t confuse sight with sense.

      Love it or swim because all are immigrants like the Diego Garcia’s.

  • 11

    Casting the votes in millions alone will not suffice. All peace activists, trade unionists, workers peasants and fishers should be alerted on the dangers of a military coup or a total falsification of the election results, aims of the current regime to even arrest Sirisena and some other leaders under false pretext and so many other ill conceived measures by the losing regime. They should be advised how to react and how to stop the continuation of this corrupt murderous regime. Time is short and therefore preparations should be made right from now!

    Sengodan. M

  • 3

    There are two kinds of voters in Sl. 9i) Cattle who eat rice (ii) people who eat grass. Rajapaksa will win.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

    BTW When did you last visit Sri Lanka? Do you still have the SL citizenship? If not what you write carry no weight.

  • 6

    The points raised by the writer and the comments are all accepted. The defeat by a big majority can be sensed but what would unfold after 8th is anybody’s guess. We all expect a smooth transfer of power accepting defeat.

  • 4

    I agree with most of what the writer has written.

    I quote the writer “…..even more important, ensure that on January 9th nobody, with or without the name “Rajapaksa” is allowed to subvert the people’s will.” I wonder how this is supposed to be achieved by the people?

    It is true, if it’s a free and fair election, the result is a foregone conclusion. But we all know it will not be a free and fair elction as MR does not believe in such elections although he is the Chair of CHOGM. This is where the Opposition strategists should come in to ensure ALL imaginable illegal machinations of MR and his cohorts are countered, negated and neutralised. Is the Opposition upto this task? If not, all votes cast by the devoted, patriotic voters will be in vain.

  • 2

    will we have a Military coup in Sri Lanka?
    There has been a gossip between some people that Sri Lanka would descend into a military coup scenario after this election. It has been argued that MR would not concede his defeat even if he is defeated. People predicted that Goata may have a greater influence on three forces of Sri Lanka to use military in their favour. It is argued that MR may use military to cling to power if he is defeated.
    We need to gauge the pros and cons of this argument.

    Of course today MR family has got great influence over military. Why is this? Since the defeat of LTTE,
    the relation between military and ruling family got stronger. As thanks giving for defeating of LTTE some high ranking military personals have been rewarded and promoted. Some of them even posted to some high level diplomatic posts in some European countries at the expanse of our senior diplomatic services. These are just political appointments with the discretion of MR. These appointments do not bring any material or diplomatic benefits for Sri Lanka. It is done as a favour for some of higher ranking army officials who made some sacrifice for the country. No doubt some section of high level military officials have benefited from this government. Yet will they support this MR and family to stay in power? It would be unconstitutional and unethical as well.
    I dispel such argument for many reasons. Firstly we did not have military coup in our history since the independence. We have had many elections in Sri Lanka and defeated people conceded the defeat and handed over power without any trouble making. Once a political party has been defeated power has been transferred smoothly without any grudge in winning party. This is our democratic tradition we have maintained for the last 60 years. It would be great danger to create instability in this country through any military interference. Moreover, Sri Lanka is not like Pakistan or any other African countries People are literate and we have a strong opposition parties. MR would not be able to play around them for a long time. Already some of his crafty stratagems are known to many. Some of his own party members deserted him because of his cunning trick to stay on power.

    Moreover. FS still have greater influence on army and he is still with opposition. Any attempt to fix military coup will make some division among army. That would be disaster for our nation. If such steps are taken JVP will come to the streets once again and country would go back to a chaotic situation as it was in late 1980’s. Still MR plan was to win this election by any means. For that it is reported He has planned to do a lots of forgeries in bullet boxes and voting. It was reported that more 200. 000 ID cards are made in the name of some migrant workers to cast their votes. It is widely expected a huge amount of frauds in this election.
    I do not think that army or forces would support MR this election. Most of ordinary army members are not happy with MR. He promised them a lots after army had won the war and yet, a little has been done for Army to improve their quality of life. Disable armed forces have not been looked after well. Some of them are promised houses and other facilities yet, they have got nothing. Only handful of high ranking members are supported by MR. I do not think that the majority of armed force will support MR in any coup attempt if he is defeated.
    Moreover, He will risk his life if he attempted to fix any coup in Sri Lanka. Of course he has got his extended family support and yet, he would not dare to fix any coup in case if it is failed it would backfire on him and on his family as well. I do not think that he would take such unwise steps. Yet, it can be said that he will use his hooligans and thugs to intimidate voters and sabotage opposition election victory. Of cause of Goata has used army in the North for the election works and yet, it is away from eyes of Sinhalese people. They will never to do that in the South. Moreover, JUH has already protested against to such more. Of course, this government has used all government apparatus to win the election. They have given concessions for government employees and yet, they do not know these will backfire on them. In Sri Lankan it would be difficult to win election in any crook way.

  • 2

    EvdP, what you say is obvious, but only the brave can say it. So repetition is no crime. I agree with comment no.3 by Upul which speaks of the grave danger the country’s democracy is exposed to.

    In this context please let me insert here a part of the comment I posted under Professor Navarana Bandara’s article “The New Class In Sri Lanka”:

    If Mother Lanka is to turn the corner with certainty that she never again will be molested, humiliated, robbed or raped by a marauding President, what is needed is a bloody revolution, in which a hundred thousand people sacrifice their lives. Sri Lanka needs a revolution which erects a large very visible guillotine on Galle Face Green, where a Peoples’public prosecutorial office identifies the traitorous political bastards, and sends them to be guillotined one by one continuously for a period of one month. For the consequences of political corruption and their visuals to be indelibly stamped in the subconscious mind of the population, Mahinda Rajapaksa and his family should be unceremoniously prioritized for attention by the Galle Face Guillotine. Rivers of blood will write the script.

  • 4

    Counting chooks is different to counting Durians.

    Poorten must be having an extra portion of Roast Turkey tonight.. Or is it tomorrow night.

    May be he would have forked out a few bucks too on cheap plonk from Ontario..

    I know you must be planning a Merry Xmas ..

    But our inhabitants are hoping that Sand Sira’s brother wouldn’t lead them to disaster, just to please the Elite, Anglicans , Velllas and their new allies, Suren and the Reverend from GTF.

    • 2

      “”Counting chooks is different to counting Durians.””

      Do you have holes in your new underpants??

    • 0

      K.A. Sumanasekera aka email etc. etc:
      You obviously haven’t taken my advice about an “English tuition teacher.” Pending that, would you please have somebody translate from whatever language you insist in writing in to basic English which is supposed to be the language in which contributions to CT are published? I know that would only serve to confirm, if confirmation is needed, the kind of …. you are, but you need to bring “joy to the world” at this time of the year, so please do your part. I am sure the topmost levels of the Roman Catholic hierarchy will be only too happy to help you in their quest to cuddling up even closer to the current regime, so please take advantage of those circumstances !

      • 0

        Poorten must be pretty desperate to deliver a low blow to the the Religious Leaders of nearly 10 % of our inhabitant population.

        Our Catholic brothers and sisters suffered as much an the Sinhala Buddhists, for they in combination make up the majority of our inhabitant population who live in the rural sector..

        Although some scumbags who rode to political prominence on the back of the rural poor Sinhala Buddhists have taken 25 pieces of Silver from the UNP and their backers, to try to make the un winnable Ranil the PM, our Catholic community have refrained from such betrayal.

        They obviously have realized , the social chaos and religious and racial confrontations our inhabitants will face if the opposition opportunists , whomare nothing but a gang of snake oil merchants who have come together to make regime change.and drive their own hidden agendas..

        Pope Francis , the most liberal and one of the great mind to occupy the Vatican ,is guiding the inhabitants in developing world in the right direction protecting them from Western pirhanas who try to use the Church for their political agenda.

        This mus be hurting Bible Bashing NGOs and their allies like Poorten who are in the pockets of the evil politicians in the West.

  • 2

    Is it not Alexis de Toqueville who said something to the effect that “In a democracy, people get the government they deserve….” so let us await. Bensen

  • 1

    MR and clan may to go to the Hague for war crimes. But they should be punished for misusing/steeling public money.

  • 2

    I AGREE WITH EMIL…IN FACT, I’VE BEEN AT PAINS TO DRIVE THIS POINT HOME USING SIMILAR TERMS. The big question, however, is: How could masses ENSURE the victory of Maithree against a ruthless JUNTA that is determined to cling to power? I think, a social uprising led by a general strike of the working class is the only way to defeat this Mafia-Regime. Fake-elections designed by the regime cannot change their rule. This is why I keep saying that the forces of the COMMON OPPOSITION should focus on this eventuality, before it is too late. Mere street battles will only cause bloodshed. But, a general strike that brings the entire country to a standstill, a general strike led by a smart leadership to bring a the entire economy to grinding halt, can bring down this Mafia-Rule.

  • 0

    Vasantha Rajah.

    The only way out,as EMIL has spelt out is to ensure a high VOTER turn-out on behalf of the common opposition candidate.A close finish will only lead to the other probabilities and possibilities.

  • 0

    Mahinda came with the tsunami 10 years ago and he goes with the floods now affecting the country.

    De ja vu!

  • 0

    End of Rajapakse rule is better for the nation and the people but what will happen if MR wins the election by hook or crook ?

    There will be chaos no matter who wins but the Tamils and Muslims will pay dearly. Try your best to get rid of the devilish regime and see what happenes. Probably it won’t be this bad.

  • 0

    Through curiosity I read your article again and I think Rajapakse wasted his money on his astrologer. He should have consulted you and received more home truths than the mumbo jumbo he tragically received.

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