11 September, 2024


The Ugly New Face Of Terrorism

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

What on earth is happening? An unprecedented election victory for Vladimir Putin followed on the morrow by a savage terrorist attack on mainly young people gathered at the Crocus concert venue on the outskirts of Moscow! The death toll is over 150 and still rising. Th number wounded of course is larger. This is the deadliest terrorist attack that Russia has suffered in 20 years.

In Palestine, genocide and carnage in plain view of all the worlds TV cameras and Bibi Netanyahu gets away with it in plain defiance of the whole world forcing Israel’s principal benefactor, the United States to cringe in dumb-struck embarrassment. It is most improbable that the Israel-Palestine conflict will find a solution within decades – sigh! A powerful pro-Israel lobby and right-wing extremist Christians march on in defiance of the world. Islamic State claims responsibility for the attack but does not say why. Confusion all round! We are indisputably on the cusp of a new wave of global terrorism, as is to be expected when capitalism enters a period of steep global decline as the post-WW2 Welfare-state evaporates, but with sharper than usual intensity. I have to pause and take stock. [Though I promised my regular readers a discussion of JVP/NPP electoral prospects this week, that will have to wait].

Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

Allow me to go step by step in didactic fashion. The American Jewish lobby, which backs-up the power of the Jews in politics, includes the American Jewish Committee, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Anti-Defamation League. However, the most powerful pro-Israel lobbying group is Christians United for Israel with over seven million members. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a leading organization within this lobby. Extremist right-wing Christians proclaim that the Lord God swore to grant the Promised Land to the Jews in the first two books of the Bible (Tora is the Jewish name for the Old Testament). My regular readers know that I avow that religion is the opium of the people (If you dissent, ok let’s agree to disagree and leave it at that). Religious beliefs run deep and override other affinities. For example, the Seraphic Jews and the Palestinians are both Arab peoples, but now religion has become an unbridgeable divide. Muslim-hater Modi will rather eat pork than recognise Muslims as legitimate sons and daughters of India.

To repeat, we are on the cusp of a new wave of global terrorism as is to be expected when capitalism enters a period of steep global decline. What is significant is that this is happening in the context of big global shifts of power and expectations. Expectations? Yes, for example, seven million people have been displaced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and tens of millions more are marginalised all over Africa. Population is exploding, especially the eastern part including Nigeria. Expectations and ambitions of young people all over is surging and illegal and undocumented immigration to America and Europe is swelling. This is a new ball-game and this ball is a very big.

Was Ukraine complicit in the Crocus Concert Hall attack? My two cents worth is that the Ukrainian Government and Zelensky were not parties to the attack unless they harbour a secret death wish. They have provided Russia and an enraged Russian population with reasons for hitting back with the full force of Russia’s considerable arsenal. If the Ukrainian Government is complicit, NATO and the West will not intervene and provide Kiev and the western portions of the country with defensive nuclear capability. Of course, it seems that rogue elements in the Ukrainian (and Germany) military were hatching nefarious plots in pursuit of surreptitious objectives. This shows how uncertain the global political climate has become; a perfect breeding ground for terrorism of all shades.

This raises who-done-it questions. Islamic-State claims responsibility, but who is Islamic-State. Wikipedia says “Islamic State, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and by its Arabic acronym Daesh, is a transnational Salafi jihadist group and a former unrecognised quasi-state”.

I need to divert to talk about the ‘Bomb’ in view of provocative global trends. A Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova asserted that it is “extremely hard to believe” that Islamic State had the capacity to launch an attack on Moscow. She repeated that Ukraine was behind the attack though a more cautious Putin only said that “Ukraine benefited and Kyiv may have played a role”. He did add that someone on the Ukrainian side had prepared a “window” for the gunmen to escape across the border before they were captured but that did not work out. Belarusian leader Lukashenko claimed that the gunmen had sought to cross into his country before being turned away and heading towards Ukraine. The director of Russia’s FSB security agency accused Ukraine, along with the United States and Britain, of involvement in the attack. The Weast stoutly denies this allegation as cold-war politics. A cold-war atmosphere not seen since the climactic days of Soviet-American standoff, known as McCarthyism, have surfaced and this is grist to the mill of terrorism. So, now people talk about the ‘Bomb’.

The ‘Bomb’

Physicists Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner and Edward Teller together with writer Raymond Briggs, drafted a letter in October 1939, had it signed by Einstein, and delivered it to President Roosevelt. The letter said that Nazi Germany was probably quite advanced in developing a nuclear bomb. FDR called on Lyman Briggs of the National Bureau of Standards to head an Advisory Committee to investigate the matter. Briggs met Szilárd, Wigner and Teller in October 1939 and reported back to FDR that the fears of the scientists were true and that uranium “would provide a possible source of bombs with a destructiveness vastly greater than anything now known”.

FDR acted. At first, the US nuclear project was under the direction of Major General Leslie Groves of the Army. Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer was director of the Los Alamos Laboratory where the bomb was designed. The project resulted in two types of atom bombs: a relatively simple gun-type weapon and a more complex implosion-type weapon. The Thin Man gun-type design proved impractical to use with plutonium, so the famous Fat Boy that used uranium-235 was chosen. The first nuclear device ever detonated was an implosion-type bomb during the Trinity test at New Mexico’s Alamogordo Range on 16 July 1945. Fat Boy and Thin Man were used a month later in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively. In the postwar years the US conducted weapons testing at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Islands – Castle Bravo was the world’s first thermonuclear (fusion or hydrogen) bomb.

his is the season for all things ghoulish, so I offer you the above graphic
Source Radio Free Europe
The Hiroshima U-235 (15kt) bomb Little Boy is also called Fat Boy
Nagasaki’s (21kt) Plutonium-239 bomb is also called Thin Man

Later, in 1946, Szilárd jointly with Albert Einstein, in an apparent change of heart created the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists that included Linus Pauling. It was a last ditch failed attempt to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The nuclear bomb that has gone down in history by the nickname of Tsar Bomba was a monster — the emperor of nuclear bombs. That name was no exaggeration. Its yield is estimated to have been roughly 57 megatons, about 1,500 times the combined power of the atomic bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. Andrei Sakharov, one of the bombs lead designers, persuaded Nikita Khrushchev to reduce the blast power from a possible 100 Megatons to the 50 Megaton region.

Unlimited power and unrestrained irresponsibility

Let us pray that the ‘Bomb’ remains unexploded and let’s get down to something no less disturbing. In the United States it is clamed there are no restrictions on freedom; people are free to say and do as they please and enjoy the good life. Well, yes, there is truth to this. Americans assert themselves without restraint, carry guns, shout loudly and indulge in reckless car-chases. Apparently, this is all protected by the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment or Whatever! “All balls said the monkey milking the bull!”  (Editor, please can I get away with this?)

But this “freedom” also goes with excessive selfishness and a reckless willingness hurt other people though it is a macho image much admired in popular culture. Nevertheless, there is a hold-up, rape, house-break-in, murder or violent crime every 13 seconds in the US (“True Crime” channel on American TV). Shooting incidents in schools are almost unknown in other countries but happen often in the US.  Something is not right here. Racism, sexism, social prejudice (caste) and gang violence is as prevent in other societies, but is perhaps more abrasively expressed in the US.

Honestly, I do not wish to bandy words or invent clever sounding terminology, but doesn’t this have a bearing on the topic I started off with; social failure that encourages terrorism? Genocide before all the world’s TV cameras in Palestine, evaporating Ukraine, the world polarising like we have not seen for decades since the worst of the cold-war, a palpable swing to the right in the West and the Global-North while polarising the other way in the “South” and now ‘The Bomb’. When I was young, I would exclaim: “It’s revolution that turns the wheel of history”, but now I don’t even enjoy a bad pun.

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  • 5

    Russian bombing was probably done by the American pro-Israel lobby that wants to show that anything Islamic is Jihadist. “Let’s show the world that if we encourage the Palestinian Muslims, Jihadism will spread worldwide.” Only reason Jihadism exists in the first place is because Israel continuously steals Palastinian lands.

    Genetic tests show that Palestinians are of the ancient Jewish stock, and if they have any mixtures, it is with their fellow blood cousins, the Arabs. Quite different from Israel’s masses of Jews of 75% European blood that is of no relationship with the either Jew or Arab.

    • 1

      “Russian bombing was probably done by the American pro-Israel lobby that wants to show that anything Islamic is Jihadist. “

      We are indeed so fortunate to be regularly treated to the incessant coruscations of your genius.

      I could only add that the pro-Israel lobby outsourced this job to the Ukrainians (Putin alleged that they were behind the Russian attack–without evidence, but what does it matter?), who in turn hired Gota as a special consultant with his experience in orchestrating the Easter Bombing in Sri Lanka for an undisclosed fee.

      • 1


        Was it Gota? Maybe it was a combination of many people and groups,… pro-Israel one the main culprit. But of course it is the Jihadists themselves who can craze themselves at the slighest inducement. Pro-Israel lobby must be feeling highly smug.

        • 0

          More coruscations of your genius!

          “Maybe it was a combination of many people and groups….”

          Then maybe the pro-Israel lobby outsourced this job to the Ukrainians, who hired Gota, who liaised through Kaputa, who is mostly in the U.S., or Namal Baby?

          • 1

            Yes, that sounds like it! You coruscated it well.

            • 0

              I don’t know whether to laugh or weep when some are so thick and gullible that they don’t realize even their leg is being pulled.

      • 2

        Have you bothered to check on what Russian intelligence has to say on the matter?
        Any story will do as long as it exonerates the US and its proxies.

    • 0

      rtf, I wonder which genetist concocted palestinians to be of ancient jewish stock. Abraham was promised the land, his son Isaac was promised the land, and then Isaac’s son Jacob was promised the land and his name was changed by God to be Israel with the 12 tribes of Israel through whom, 4000 years later, Jesus was born in Israel as a jew to redeem people from karma. Palestine name was because of the philistine giants like Goliath who invaded the gaza area from Crete, a totally different stock and genetics and not of ancient jewish stock. Israel never stole palestinian land but had long history of their Temple Mount with their Temple destroyed several times. Temple is being built again. See what happens in future.

      • 0

        rtf, You also say that Israel continuously steal Palastinian land and so Jihadism exists. David as a boy of Israel killed the Philistine Goliath of Gaza (who also had 4 giant brothers later killed) with a sling and stone in the name of the God of Israel. He became king David later from whose lineage, Jesus would be born much later. The truth is that Jesus is coming back to Jerusalem and the unbelieving jews now gathering will open their eyes, mourn and accept their king Messiah. Any person is allowed to live in Israel by the God of Israel, but not to divide Jerusalem. Trump went along with this and moved USA embassy to Jerusalem making it the capital.

        • 1


          Plenty of evidence out there. I will post some links again. This is a .given link and is therefore very legitimate:

          Jews themselves say it:

          • 0

            This is a .gov link I mean.

        • 1

          Agree that Jerusalem can be the capital in case Jesus comes back. The blood of the Jews have to be of Jesus, and not 75% European.

          • 1

            And David,…. Invasion into Palestine or any other place before guns were created is another thing. The blood of the people got mixed by about 1-5% as whole families did not invade but some warrior men. Happened world over. Europeans invading America and places was a different scenario. They had guns then, and wiped the Native Indians.

            Later on, with the guns, Arabs and Turkish and others invaded Palestine. But they did not do it for resettlement, but for conquering and controlling and taking away of money and assets. For example, when the Romans invaded Israel over 2,000 years ago, they did not resettle Roman people there, but controlled their empire and extracted wealth from them.

  • 3

    Sh – you are not allowed to state facts. Just the narrative that mainstream spoon feeds you.
    “Operation Mockingbird” – if you want to know more. What you will find is quite shocking.
    The stated goal of “Operation Mockingbird” is that everything people believe to be true is actually false.
    We’re pretty much there!

    • 2

      Hello UK Citizen from another,

      One time when I visited Northern Ireland (about 1998) I was told (from a reliable source) that Mountbatten was assassinated by the IRA for abusing young boys in Kincora. No-one believed me back in the UK. If “Operation Mockingbird” is correct which version is right – Mountbatten was killed for his paedophilia or for his position in the British Establishment?
      Or maybe it was both?

      Best regards

      • 1

        Mountbatten and Arthur C. had the same inclinations, and they were both here. But Arthur wrote some ripping stories.

        • 1

          Hello OC,
          Mountbatten’s “Clients” were not consensual. Arthur Clarke had a male Sri Lankan partner and as far as I know was not involved with anyone else. Not only was he a brilliant Science Fiction writer, Scuba Diver and Documentary maker – he also predicted in 1945 in a letter to Wireless World in the UK, having a band of Satellites used for Communication in Geostationary orbit around the Earth – https://www.edn.com/read-arthur-c-clarkes-geostationary-satellite-article/
          Best regards

          • 3

            There were other charges against AC’s conduct.
            Not much of it was washed in public.
            He was useful to people in important places and did not cross any political red line.

          • 1

            AC’s partner died young, in a motorbike accident, in the 60’s. No idea what he did after that.
            But his writing should keep him remembered long after Mountbatten is forgotten.

      • 2

        Multiple explanations are offered for deeds like assassination to attract support from different quarters. (LTTE supporters have multiple theories about why the Muslims were driven out and why Rajeev Gandhi was assassinated.)
        I doubt if that was the prime reason and if the IRA was on a moral crusade of some sort.

        • 1

          Hello SJ,
          I didn’t realise when I wrote the comment that Netflix had also mentioned Mountbatten’s proclivities and the reason for his Assassination. My informant back in 1990 had been involved in “Security”. Kincora was a hot topic for Sinn Fein the political branch of the Provisional IRA and was covered up by the British https://www.declassifieduk.org/how-mi5-is-helping-to-cover-up-sexual-abuse/
          Sometimes conspiracies are true
          Best regards

    • 3


      Exactly! Mainstream media is all about Israel’s right to exist. The right was created by the British and Americans who wanted to save the Jews from the holocaust in Europe due the colonial capitalistic wealth created by these British and Americans – money that created a vast imbalance of wealth and opportunity for the rest of the Europeans. If Israel has a right to exist, it should be for no more than 3 million Jews…. and that number is stretching it.

      • 0

        rtf, Israel’s right to exist was given by God Almighty and not of human decision. Shocking that you are deciding almost with venom, that Israel should have less than 3 million jews. How did you get that number saying if Israel has a right to exist also?

        • 2


          In 1948, there were 600,000 Jews in the land of Israel. There are 9,000,000 now. 6-million Palestinians have been displaced. 6,000,000 of God’s own people have been displaced from the land God gave to them.

          • 1


            The venom is on what has been done to Christ’s chosen people, the Palestinians, by Europeans with 25% and less of Jewish blood.

            • 0

              rtf, All these numbers and percentages you quote do not make much sense to bible based, Christ’s chosen people in the New Testament church which welcomes all humans in all nations the choice to be a part of it. It was Abraham’s descendants through Jacob-Israel who became jews, and not from blood of Jesus which you mention and who was on earth much later. In Christ’s time, there was no Palestine and he lived in Israel with its Temple-on-Temple mount. After the death of Jesus, Rome named Israel as Palestine. Islam and mosques there came much later. However I respect you as a person and leave you there.

              • 2


                The Bible says that the Tribe of Judah will welcome Christ’s 2nd coming, together with Gentiles who have acknowledged Christ as a Son of Man. Tribe of Judah are those of 75% and more of original blood of Abraham’s son Isaac-Jacob-Israel, of which the Palestinians are blood of.

                • 2

                  And yes indeed. God Jehovah promised the land between the two rivers Nile and Euphrates to belong to his descendants with Sarah through Isaac and Jacob (name changed to Israel). Now these people are the present-day Palestinians who have been chased off their lands by the European invaders.

  • 1

    Dear Professor Kumar David,
    I’ve read the entire article, and the comments. Such a lot of advanced science which a guy like me was probably never meant to understand:
    All the references made to code names yield results. This is the only example that I will give:
    And the responses come from the most sensible “regulars” like Ramona and LankaScot, through Leonard Jayawardana (who actually writes articles on CT) to “davidthegood” whose arguments pre-suppose that we accept Biblical Truths to learned scoffers like SJ and old codger (where’s nimal fernando?).
    I give up. I look forward to the promised discussion of JVP/NPP electoral prospects. There at least we are dealings with issues which we can understand.
    Panini Edirisinhe

    • 0

      Sinhala-Man, Thank you that you understand that I am bible based which experientially is my reality. Scoffing most often comes when there is no experiential reality as this comes from the Holy Spirit indwelling only when people receive Christ. SM you only wish to see the political electoral prospects affecting us, but there is a global political one world order working in the larger countries which is still lacking in the spiritual content of how and why we are in the world today and what purpose we are to serve. JVP/NPP are promising in that state assets are for citizens, but unless all the non robber leaders join hands, numbers in may yet be too small.

  • 0

    Prof. K D, You show discontent with all the gang violence, racism, sexism, and social prejudice, but have not punched their source as human beings loaded with unredeemed karma and human answers like revolution, Hiroshima bombing, unprecedented terrorism and global decline of capitalism. These cannot be reversed in any way but will move on to perfect the destruction which will eventually happen according to a set plan of consequences and also following a set path. There is a true spiritual answer which if followed individually can lead to eternal safety and life but many are ignorant and few are willing to follow…..
    You mention the American Jewish lobby, the Islamic state, genocide in Palestine, Moscow attack, Ukraine but the major is the October 7th attack on Israel and its defensive deep war on Hamas who has false hopes. Russia will invade Israel which will sign a false and failed peace treaty with a political leader and finally the eastern armies will march to Iran Persia and join to invade Megiddo resulting in believers and unbelievers.

  • 1

    “…social failure that encourages terrorism?”

    That’s what happens when you resort to suicide bombing. FARC in Colombia and the IRA, who did not resort to such tactics, were able to join the political process. Hamas and if necessary Hezbollah will be dismantled by Israel.

  • 1

    “Was Ukraine complicit in the Crocus Concert Hall attack? My two cents worth is that the Ukrainian Government and Zelensky were not parties to the attack unless they harbour a secret death wish.”
    Why do you rue out the prospect of Z’s suicidal tendencies?

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