11 September, 2024


The UNP’s Heart, Mind & Other Body Parts

By Malinda Seneviratne

Malinda Seneviratne

There’s a pithy Sinhala saying that probably predates Sigmund Freud’s notion of the slip that reveals the deliberately concealed truth: කට බොරු කිව්වත් දිව බොරු කියන්නේ නෑ (even if the mouth lies, the tongue does not). So we are talking about mouths and tongues. And we are talking about the United National Party (UNP).

The official campaign slogan of the UNP at the forthcoming local government elections is ‘ගම හදන ආණ්ඩුව’ (the government that develops the village). It implies of course that the UNP, for all of Ranil Wickremesinghe’s rhetoric to the contrary, has had enough of the Unity/Yahapalana arrangement with President Maithripala Sirisena and the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP). That however is incidental here.

What counts is what the mouth said and what the tongue betrayed. The tongue, in this case is the UNP’s mayoral candidate for Colombo, Rosy Senanayake.  

It is natural during election campaigns toss around promises and brag about services rendered to the particular electorate. I don’t have issue with that kind of thing. It is also natural to shoot one’s mouth and slip out something that says too much.  

Rosy has said a lot and one can argue has done a lot too. For example, she played a major role in getting legislation through to improve women’s representation. That’s Rosy. What about Rosy as a UNP candidate and an articulator of UNP policy and thinking?

There are two things she said that reveal a lot. First, she claimed that under the previous regime Hambantota got kiri and Colombo got kekiri, a clear play on an old JVP slogan on regional disparity ( කොළඹට කිරි අපට  කැකිරි). Then she said that Colombo is the heart of the United National Party.  

Now when did Colombo get kekiri and when was it denied kiri? Also, is Rosy saying that Hambantota and all other places apart from Colombo should get kekiri and nothing else? Only someone who is utterly ignorant of development gaps between Colombo and the rest of the country could make such a claim. As for Colombo getting kekiri, only someone with a very short memory and suffers from myopia could say something like that. 

If Colombo is pretty now then it was made of squalor before 2009. If by January 2015 Colombo got kiri by way of the analogy, then post-2015 it’s well on the road towards becoming a kekirilanthaya. 

How then are we to read Rosy’s angst? It can’t be about physical realities such as infrastructure and essential amenities. It is probably about who ruled the country and the city. It is about a class that was denied political-kiri for a long time. Yes, they were a kekiri-party. This is what’s being extrapolated into a skewed description of geographies.  

The second statement is an elaboration of this mindset. Let’s repeat. Rosy says ‘Colombo is the heart of the party.’ Now let’s ask some questions.

If Colombo is the heart of the UNP, is Jaffna its jaw? Is Bowatte its bowels? Is Nivithigala its knee? Is Tholangamuwa its toenail? Is Anamaduwa its armpit? Is Buttala its buttocks? Is Rikillagaskada its wrist? Is Penideniya its pancreas? Is Nochchiyagama its nose? What is the UNP’s appendix, what is its kidney, what is its hard palette, where are its incisors, eyelashes, eardrum, knuckles, heel and foot? You can think hard about your electorate, which to most would their political heart, and ask what body part the UNP sees it as. 

Rosy reveals and how! Essentially the UNP cares only about Colombo and ‘Colombo’ is not a geographical location but a social class which, Rosy feels clearly, got political kekiri for a while after swimming in kiri for decades. The UNP sees anything that’s not ‘Colombo’ as dispensable, negligible or made for neglect. 

Whatever it is, it is not ‘heart’. It’s lesser. That’s what the UNP brain says. It’s an ‘Us-First and Last’ kind of thinking. And the ගම (village) is at best an afterthought. Condescending and humiliating, really. That’s Rosy’s tongue speaking the truth that the UNP-mouth dares not utter. Her tongue is the UNP’s mind.  The other body parts, obviously lesser in their eyes, would do well to take note.

*Malinda Seneviratne a freelance writer. malindasenevi@gmail.comwww.malindawords.blogspot.com

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  • 5

    Malinda ; is Hambantota the penis of Mara’s faction of the SLFP?
    Mara gets a big erection when he is there

    • 1

      Mahinda gets a huge erection. And all the Tamils Are running back to Tamil Nadu. They are looking for their meenatchies some of them are capable of hiding in the foreskin. They celebrate it in an event called Pai Thongal.

  • 2

    Poor Rosy..
    Colombo Hipsters gave Rosy the flick and elected Rosy’s Election buddy Hirunickers…
    What a contrast between the two when they were on the hustings.
    I guess that must be from the Up bringing..
    Anyway it is history.
    Will Rosy score this time?.
    Will the Colombo Hipsters who were on Kekiry tick Rosy over Sally.
    Sinhalese , Sinhala Buddhists in the main are the great “Minority”, in Colombo ….. Most of whom occupy the Shanties in the outskirts.
    Their vote of course is of no significance there.
    Anyway Aloysious has provided enough resources for Galleon and Co to buy them whenever they are needed.
    Despite Rosy’s Keriri claim, what I saw there last month was bind boggling.
    LKR 25.000 per head to see the New Year Dawn at the old Intercon.
    And it was packed.
    Not bad going for Kakiri eaters, who vote for Dr Ranil and Galleon Combo..

  • 8

    “Even if the mouth lies, the tongue does not”

    This is a well times saying because this is what happened at Sri Lankan embassy in UK.

    The government goes around the world preaching how its accommodating the minorities (Mouth) but the dumb Brigadier shipped and showed the true Sinhala colours (Tongue).

    • 2

      BURT the Cartoon character: what countries do is when they see chicken dancees, They pack the chicken a in a box, use diplomatic rights and air cargo into Sri lanka. YOu know what happens after that.

  • 3

    Malinda Senevirathne approves Politicians lie to voters during the election times. So, how can Sri lanka improve. These are the people who prepares country’s mindset sating it is OK to lie. How many rewards including financial awards you have got upto now

    • 4

      Where was this writer, Malinda S during MR’s time? Hiding in MR’s, [Edited out]

  • 8

    The writer is clearly intoxicated with his wit – or the lack of it- with regard to the Kakiri. What she obviously meant is that whilst the inner city of Colombo is struggling to cope with 5.5 lakhs residents and another 6 laths that transit, a deserted district of Hambantota received a relatively large amount of attention. The result is a high-cost, under-utilized facility in a ghost town.

    Rosy is just being politically expedient – she is att this point the face of Colombo and Colombo alone and at this point needs to win it despite UNP’s many elephants in the room. I personally think it was a good decision to name her as the Mayoral candidate because frankly, at this point the party needs her desperately.

  • 1

    its appropriate that Malinda compare the SInhala political parties to the body parts, it’s obvious these political parties do not have a soul.
    You can see the soul of the Tamil aspiration on the streets of London and the Sri Lankan Defence counsel gesticulating what he will do with a certain body part of the Tamils endorsed by the Ex diplomat one Dr Dayan Jayatillke

    • 1

      The aspiration you talk of is purely the lamenting of the loss of the barbaric terrorist Prabhkaran and not for the Tamil people. If they cared for their brethren in the North, they should collect money and help them and NOT buy arms as they did.

      Whilst the Colonel may be asked to be more circumspect, the rump of the LTTE must realize their days are done and they will NEVER be able to raise their murderous heads again.

      • 1

        I am talking about the “Soul” not the body parts buried in Namthikadal.

  • 0

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  • 1

    FHRITP!!! Who’s photo is that in your article but on the Main page Kalu?

  • 2

    As a former regular and a loyal customer of Don Stanley’s let me tell you that Rosie is one of the loveliest ladies one can meet. At Don Stanley’s I have had plenty of Curd and Honey and what-not. Does anyone know if this place is still open?

    • 2

      Rtd Lt. Shamali.

      The place is still open under the name Yataro Cafeteria opposite police park. Now under the management of Hand, Betel and Flower Bud.
      Cheers Bro!

      • 0

        God Bless you Sir!! For having served our Motherland. And thank you for the information.

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