By Kumar David –

Prof. Kumar David
As a citizen of the world, I am inclined to endorse Samuel Johnson’s pungent quip, “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel”. (His biographer James Boswell says that he made the remark on 7 April 1775). We also know that nationalism spurs nations to achievements urged by national pride or by puffed-up folly – take your choice. I have seen many an English chest swell at Portsmouth harbour at the sight of Nelson’s flagship, The Victory, presenting his signal to the fleet, “England expects that every man will do his duty”, first hoisted at Cape Trafalgar.
Horatio Nelson died at Trafalgar but established the Royal Navy’s supremacy (“Britannia Rule the Waves” and stuff like that) for a century and a half, till the US Navy took over as top-dog after the battles of the Pacific Theatre in June 1942. He was a contentious figure and defied orders in pursuit of his own arrogant choices. His attitude to slavery was known to be quite reactionary.
But why go so far: Doesn’t Dutugemunu’s name swell every Sinhala heart when two thousand years ago (the battle of Vijithapura was in 161 BC) he explained to his mother that he was crumpled in bed because of the deep ocean to the south and the Para Dhemalu to the north.
Indeed, all nations are born of foundation myths. The she-wolf that suckled Remus and Romulus the founders of Rome, the Sun God Ra of the hieroglyphics and the Norse origin-gods (Odin and Thor). In the east we have the mythical Jade Emperor whose demesne was suspended between heaven and earth, Li Bang (206-195 BC) founder of the Han Dynasty, and three years older than him was Emperor Quin Shi Tung of Terracotta Army fame (about 210 BC). Yes true; foundation myths are the glue that bind tribes, peoples and nations and clearly serve this purpose. In recent times the Founding Fathers of the USA and chain smoking, whisky sipping Mohamed Ali Jinnah also served their purposes.
A few have refused to identify with nationalism and particularism. They have been remarkable. Some names readily come to mind. Chronologically: Gautama, his near contemporary Socrates, Plato-Aristotle and that lot, in my view Shakespeare, of course Marx, perhaps Tolstoy and Chairman Mao (“The Chinese People have stood up” is not nationalism, it’s a historical observation).
The downside of tribalism-nationalism is war and boundless destruction. Tribes coveted the lands and rivers of their neighbours. The Great Imperialist War (WW1) was fought for King & Country where the peoples of Europe and its colonies hurled themselves at each other’s throats in senseless slaughter. In recent times America has been drawn into a Thucydides Trap of its own making. (Thucydides, a Greek historian, wrote how an established power – Sparta – felt compelled forcibly halt the ascent of a rising power, Athens). Will America, to halt the rise of China, throw its mighty military into the job? Maybe.
The Modern World
The last two years have been astonishing: The shocking rise of Marine Le Ren’s far-right in France, the far-right swing right across Western Europe, and the threat that self-admitted rapist, felon and swindler Trump’s ascendency to pole-position poses in the US. Apparently but not actually contradicting this is that Sir Kier chap’s Labour Party’s election victory in UK but at root it’s a revolt against the system. I will recite my usual formula: The post WW-2 growth of global capitalism is drawing to a close till all social relations are transformed. You have heard this from types like me often enough.
I predicted that that the resurgence of Marine Le Pen’s the far-right National Rally would sputter at the crucial second round of French National Assembly election on 30 June 2024. An absolute majority in the 577-member assembly requires 577/2 + 1, that is 289 seats, but the left, the centre-left and President Macron’s centre-right did all they could to block the National Rally by entering into what in Lanka we call a no-contest-pact. Le Pen was kept at bay. The Left Front eventually secured 182 seats, Macron’s Centre Right Balock 168 and the far-right National Rally was pushed to third place with only 143 seats in the Assembly. The left, the centre and the right are each well short of a governing majority and this means France is loaded with the nightmare scenario of unstable government or a succession of unstable governments. The President will be forced to govern with a succession of assembly-majorities that are not the same wavelength as he is. We are in for a period of instability in France. Nevertheless Franco-German relations are the pivot of European politics and I suppose the German’s are grateful for the defeat of the far-right in France.
The handsome victory of reformist Masoud Pezeshkian in Iran’s presidential election in July 2024, and his promise to pursue a more open policy points in the same direction. My reading is that Pezeshkian will be more accommodating of Chinese and Russian influence and point Iran, strategically, in a different direction. Good!
Vide Lanka: what these global trends signal
Let us turn to prosaic concerns that worry the electorate. The immediate anxiety everywhere, Lanka and elsewhere, is costs, inflation, putting food on the table, paying kids’ school expenses and so on. What are called economic issues, whether in East, West, America, Europe or Lanka. (This is the same as my grandiose formula that the period of expansion of global capitalism, the post WW-2 boom, is kaput).
“What is to be done” not by politicians and other sorts of crooks but by society? Obviously, we as a nation have to trim our sails and cut our costs. Lanka has been living beyond its means, I believe that is universally agreed and the debate is about how to reign it in. Is it necessary to take cognisance of IMF views and make an effort to take advantage of the billions of dollars promised if we play ball, and to loosen the grip of bond holders, that is global capitalists who have a strangle-hold on Treasury Bonds. It is also necessary to talk to Chinese companies, co-owners of huge projects (white elephants) like Mattala and the Colombo Port City special economic zone. If Ranil is to be believed, some of these initiatives are making progress. Sajith and Mahinda are basically pro-business and I expect them to play ball.
Nobody can object to throwing SriLankan Airlines on the scrap heap; compensation will have to be paid to some employees but that’s peanuts compared to the present endless haemorrhaging. What does a small country like Lanka need a national airline for? Better declare an open skies policy and maximise our returns on tourism and minimise abuses by President’s (Mahinda was the grandaddy of abuse) and corrupt politicians (nearly all in nearly all parties). It is utter chaos and confusion; the impending electoral battles will be fought in this mire.
The NPP needs to develop its programme in economics, energy, international affairs and the different branches of technology. The outcome of the elections are dicey, it’s the long-term thinking that is vital.
Ruchira / July 13, 2024
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nimal fernando / July 13, 2024
“The NPP needs to develop its programme in economics, energy, international affairs and the different branches of technology.”
Prof David.
Why do you seek to impose a higher standard/demand on the NPP? …….. Don’t they have the same right as the others who preceded them – for 76 years – to grope in the dark …….. fly by night?
At lease …… unlike the others ….. their intentions/aims …… seem to be sincere ……….
Naman / July 13, 2024
AKD had been visiting countries where the SL Ex-Patriots are doing well. I do hope that AKD has in his mind on how to put SL on the RIGHT path in order to SOLVE the Sri Lankan ECONOMIC/ETHNIC/ SOCIAL/Political
issues. Hopefully when DEEPAVALI comes on 31/10/24, we can all celebrate the victory of GOOD over EVIL!
Ajith / July 13, 2024
“Hopefully when DEEPAVALI comes on 31/10/24, we can all celebrate the victory of GOOD over EVIL!”
Who is Good? who is Evil?
Deepavali comes every year and Sri Lanka had over 75 years of Deepavali? The country and people are not chasing the Evils. It is with them.
old codger / July 15, 2024
“Lanka has been living beyond its means, I believe that is universally agreed and the debate is about how to reign it in. Is it necessary to take cognisance of IMF views and make an effort to take advantage of the billions of dollars promised”
I don’t think that the NPP is exactly in tune with that. What it proposes is a vague “system change”, which will magically bring in investment, set up thriving export industries, and all that good stuff. Meanwhile, they help the process along by making life unbearable for parents of students, patients in hospitals, and railway travellers, with endless strikes.
LankaScot / July 13, 2024
Hello Professor,
“My reading is that Pezeshkian will be more accommodating of Chinese and Russian influence and point Iran, strategically, in a different direction”
I had to read this twice, because I think that his election signals the reverse. I think he will be less under the influence of (especially Russia) these 2 countries. I can see signs of a relaxing of animosity towards the West and a possible new Nuclear Treaty. There will also be some lessening of antipathy towards Saudi and other Sunni countries. But this will all depend on how the Israeli Genocide in Gaza ends. If Joe Biden doesn’t step down Trump might win the Presidency and all bets are off.
By the way I think you will have great difficulty finding a single foundation myth for England, which is a mix of Angles, Jutes, Saxons, Britons, Normans, French etc. Whether it is Brutus of Troy, Hengist and Horsa, King Arthur, King Alfred or other foundational stories, England’s first King was Athelstan in the 930s. Scotland, Wales and Ireland have their own Mythologies, but even these are mixtures of distinct peoples.
Best regards
Champa / July 14, 2024
Re: The Modern World
“The last two years have been astonishing: The shocking rise of Marine Le Pen’s far-right in France, the far-right swing right across Western Europe, and the threat that self-admitted rapist, felon and swindler Trump’s ascendency to pole-position poses in the US.” – Kumar David
I wish Prof. Kumar David was more specific on the outcome of the recently concluded France’s Parliamentary Election. The fiercely anti-immigrant, anti-democratic and downright racist Marine Le Pen’s National Rally was defeated. Her attempt to polarize France on the racist lines failed. Her party’s defeat should be considered as a global victory.
Oh, as I was about to write about Donald Trump, news broke out that he was shot at a campaign rally. I watched the news, and, to be honest, it did not seem like it could have been an actual bullet, but rather a rubber bullet. Donald Trump’s immediate reaction and the aftermath of the incident was questionable. It’s almost as if he knew what was about to happen. He didn’t look like he was shocked. He bent down in slow motion. Pardon me, if my assumption is wrong.