Thirukumar Nadesan, former Chairman, Hilton Colombo, has taken issue with Nihal Sri Amersekere with regard to claims made by the latter. Nadesan has responded to five allegations by Ameresekere, a good-governance advocate who is under a cloud for allegedly claiming and obtaining monies not due to him and using friendship with high ranking figures in the previous regime to obtain massive short-term bank loans.
Click here to read the statement issued by Nadesan on Ameresekere’s allegations and related matters.
The Oracle / June 21, 2016
The consummate deal maker in Sri Lanka . Principles and ethics though , are another matter !
Gamarala / June 22, 2016
Even though Tirukumar Nadesan states the claims from Amarasekara as lies, as per his answer, most issues are factulally correct and TN has only justified them. Only probable exception is the sale of 20M couch.
Most interesting fact in his answer is the DATE HE RETURNED HIS SALARY. The 9 Million had been returned after President Sirisena was elected. If TN is so sincere why couldn’t he return the money ealier from 2012 onwards
TN is well known for his close relationship with Rajapaksas as well as the UNP leadership. Was he advised to return the money to avoid investigation???
vim / June 23, 2016
If you read the annexed letter the amounts are taken into the CF in the respective years from 2012 on wards . The Treasury letter is dated March 2016 .
The government accounts operate on a cash basis and if it says CF in 2012 it has to mean it was received in 2012
Eleanor / June 22, 2016
TN, as he is usually known, is a well know [Edited out]
Punnakku / June 22, 2016
[Edited out]
shankar / June 22, 2016
why is nadesan not taking that [Edited out] nihal amerasekera to courts.He seems to have a watertight case here and nihal will have to cough out millions.However if nihal has some real dirt which he has not divulged then going to courts will be a mistake.Anyway to only nadesans grandchildren might get compensation from our courts provided they persue the action after he is dead.Our courts are a disgrace to the country and your name can be tarnished by anybody with impunity.
Sunil / June 24, 2016
He returned the money because he presided over many other matters where he could have benefited more (tangible and intangible benefits). He should have returned the money to a charity like ‘Home for Aged’. A Billionaire wheeler dealer, very smart for smart deals. Well connected from birth to the major political parties is the special emissary of the SLFP (to UNP) and vice versa. He is a doer and can get impossible things done – like the audit report issued after many years – this is a achievement. We know him from the time he was Vice President American Express Bank, Colombo Branch. Good luck TN!