By Kumar David –
Five years after the racial civil-war: This race-war is more appalling than the Dutugamunu-Elalan conflict
The war that ended five years ago was a race-war. I do not say this as a hard, cold fact; I have no patience with euphemisms. Let’s call a spade a spade. In my judgement 99% of Sinhalese longed for the defeat and obliteration of the LTTE and the death of Prabaharan; 90% were convinced that the Tamils had no problem and that an armed struggle was unjustified. That’s plain vanilla Fact-1. I also know that at the height of the LTTE’s popularity two-thirds or more of Tamils empathised with it. Tamils were and are convinced that they were and are an oppressed, discriminated minority, that peaceful attempts and political avenues ended in a blind alley, and that the LTTE, by taking to arms, wisely or unwisely, was at last standing up for them. Face it, that’s Tamil opinion; plain vanilla Fact-2. Whether you are Sinhalese or Tamil face it, most lousy Lankans are racists.
The Dutugamunu-Elalan conflict was not a race-war to anything like this extent, his purported para-demalu remark notwithstanding. My understanding of ancient history is drawn from standard sources and I see nothing akin to today’s racism in the second century BC. Dutugamunu’s campaign was to unify a fragmented country and the war with Elalan was an element in that strategy. His reign, as best as I can work out from standard sources, was one of material prosperity and concord. The period leading up to, and his reign itself (161-137 BC), cannot be likened to the racism of post-independence Lanka. The Mahavamsa, put together in the 5-th Century AD, projected what is now know as the Mahavamsa Ideology, backwards to a time in which it did not belong. Remember the punitive invasion of Raja Raja Cholan was much later in 993AD and an entirely different story.
Conversely, post-independence Lanka has witnessed sustained racial tension; what ended in 2009 was a 25-year race-war. This story of our times is different for three reasons; its causes and origins, its methods and prosecution and its present status (the inability of the races to reach settlement). Let’s take a cold look at the facts and make an assessment of future prospects on this the fifth anniversary of the victory of the Sinhalese race over the Tamil race. Yes I know that I am being deliberately provocative in choice of words, hence my opponents for the duration of this essay will be sloppy bless-their-hearts do-gooders and softie liberals without stomach for indigestible facts. The world is awash with good people, like my lovely aunts, who imagine that shielding their eyes from evil extinguishes it.
Causes and conduct
I have no intention of inventorying a catechism of complaints and counter complaints, I will only take stock of matters that obstruct a political solution or transform the options. Prime place I give to the state in Lanka which has mutated into a full-fledged Sinhala-State. I don’t use this identifier today as a term of criticism, simply a description. To recap quickly, its main features are; a de facto mono-ethnic government, a literally mono-ethnic armed force, alienation of Tamils, provisions in the constitution, and probably most important the hegemonic ideology of state and society. Mutation from the old comprador order occurred over time from 1948 and reached a zenith and plateaued before year 2000. The Rajapakse regime resides on that plateau and because of its quintessential nature and support structures it cannot climb down from the gum tree it is foist on.
Jumping across the intermediate lamentations to what is relevant to my topic, the other key factor is that, for better for worse, the LTTE on behalf of the Tamils undertook a civil war to secede and form a Tamil state. The Tamils lost the war but nothing else has changed. The nature of the state, hegemonic ideology of state and society, and the Tamil condition of mind (conviction that they are an alienated people) all remain unaltered; this has no parallel with 161 BC. The Tamils are now stuck up another gum tree, one they have been driven up; I see no possibility of their clambering down.
The conduct of hostilities during the half century of violence, not just war, starting in the late 1950s (pogroms, military repression, terrorism of many sorts by both sides, and a no holds barred civil war) and extending to May 2009, and still persisting in a minor key, has been more virulent than anything in Lanka’s previous history. Even the brutal scorched earth policy the British let loose in the Uva after the 1918 rebellion was not sustained for years and years.
Thus we have two negative factors; institutional transformations that occurred over half a century that make an ethnic settlement extremely difficult (pessimists would say impossible), and secondly scars of conflict that make forgiveness and reconciliation grim and unlikely. The DNA of the Rajapakse Government is so screwed that, in my view, a political settlement between Sinhalese and Tamil peoples is out of the question so long as it remains in office. However this piece looks at a long timeframe, beyond the happy day when this lot is booted out. The question then is: Once rid of this obstacle and say with a flexible alternative in office, will ethnic reconciliation and political settlement be feasible? One-state with internal autonomy, or two living side by side in peace are both perfectly acceptable. Who cares so long as there is peace and people are content!
Is there reason to presume that closure and peace, on either a one-state with devolution, or a two-state basis is possible in the foreseeable future? Only an inflexible pedant will assert that both are impossible, but also it is simple minded to discount the difficulties impeding both. At the risk of being called a pessimist I veer towards seeing both as difficult, even after that bright and sunny day on which at last we see the back of the Rajapakses. Current events in Ukraine add to my pessimism, but I must make an assertion before that.
Let me make it absolutely clear that when the road seems difficult and the path steep, no way should we abandon the struggle or relax our commitment. In political as in personal life, at times challenges are grim, at other times it seems easy, but in either circumstance the grind must go on. The world can always be made at least a little better, whatever its current state. But we must approach the task as realists, not wide-eyed idealists.
Why Ukraine has made me pessimistic
Disaster was starring the post-coup government in Kiev in the face, unless it was prepared to relax its refusal to grant autonomy to the three Russian speaking eastern provinces, Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv. Differences had been aggravating over many years due to a Centre led campaign to push the Ukrainian language into prominence putting Russian speakers, in their opinion, at a disadvantage. When political instability set in after the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 these provinces took their opportunity to up the ante and press their demands. Autonomy was replaced by a demand from federalism and as confrontation escalated a self-determination referendum was held in Donetsk and Luhansk on 11 May. It secured thumping majorities. The post-coup government was unable to quickly devolve substantial power and defuse rising tension because it was under the sway of extremist forces (Svaboda and Right Sector). The presence of massed Russian troops on the other side of the border ruled out a crushing military strike by Kiev against the rebellious provinces.
To my mind the parallels with Lanka are striking, so are certain crucial differences. The big difference is that the role of Russia is markedly different from any potential role of India in Lanka. The boldness and the declaration of rights by Donetsk and Luhansk and the annexation of Crimea would have been impossible without tacit Russian support in the first two and Russian intervention in the third. Unlike in the case of Lanka, foreign influence in the Ukraine is contradictory and pulling in different directions – the West versus Russia.
Many other parts of the storyline, however, seem weirdly similar; festering differences on language, (Sinhala-Only, Speak-Ukrainian), stubborn refusal to devolve power, rising tensions, extremist movements with the ability to exert veto powers over the government, and the obvious loss of moral legitimacy of the government in both countries. (In the Ukraine the post-coup regime in Kiev has no constitutional legitimacy either). The 90% pro self-determination ballot on 11 May in Donetsk and Luhansk and the 75% voter turnout, is like a rerun of the TNA’s performance in the 2013 northern provincial elections.
The ground for pessimism is that Lanka is stuck with the worst of both worlds. On the one hand, internal conditions are not merely bad, but worse than Ukraine. Over there they did not fight a 25 year civil-war and the Ukrainian state was never a rabid mono-ethnic monster. On the other hand the possibility of a two-state solution is near impossible in Lanka because there is no way India will play an active interventionist role as Russia did, both openly (Crimea) and obliquely in the eastern provinces. This is why most likely we are stuck in a chasm between the devil and the deep blue sea with no light visible at either end of the tunnel. A small candle will light up when we get rid of the Rajapakses, but that could still be a year or two away.
Amarasiri / May 18, 2014
Prof Kumar David,
RE: This Race-War Is More Appalling Than The Dutugamunu-Elalan Conflict
This is the Para-War between the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils. They both are South Indians.
“The war that ended five years ago was a race-war. I do not say this as a hard, cold fact; I have no patience with euphemisms. Let’s call a spade a spade.”
1. Professor, you are correct here. Yes, Let’s call a spade a spade.
2. This was a race war, between the so-called Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils. The Para-Sinhala believe because they came AFTER the Native Veddha only they have a right to be in the Land of Native Vedda, Lanka, as per the Lies and Imaginations of para-monk Mahanama as written in the Mahawansa.
3. The Para-Tamils believe, they were there even before the lies of Para-Monk Mahanama, in the Land of Native Vedda, and they were Hindus like Ravana and his bandits.
4. Biologically, analyzing the DNA of Para-Sinhala, Para-Tamils and the people of South India, there is very little difference between them, ans the so-called Para-racist was is really a Para-language war.
5. The Para-Sinhala have their roots in Tamils and the Para-Tamils are mixed up with Para-Sinhala. The Westerners and many others cannot tell a Pa-Tamil from a Para-Sinhala and from a South Indian.
So, the Native Veddha, requests the Paras tpo leave for their Native land, South India.
Please, go! Yanna!, Poittu!, Goodbye!
ගිහිල්ලා එන්නම් (gihillā ennam) – when leaving
හරි, ගිහින් එන්න (hari, gihin enna) – reply to above
මම යනවා (mama yanawā) = ‘I’m going’
හා (hā) – reply to above
போயிட்டு வரேன் (poittu varen)
அப்புறம் பார்க்கலாமே (apram paarkalame)
Adeus (frm) Tchau (inf) Até logo! (see you)
Até breve (see you soon) Tem cuidado (take care)
Kevin / May 18, 2014
If only the Sinhala and Tamil folks went back to where they came from – INDIA – and leave the original inhabitants – the VEDDAS alone, Sri Lanka will be such a peaceful and quiet place. Why was the island ever blighted by the lawless Vijaya and his gang of misfits whose behavior could not be tolerated even by Vijaya’s dad who threw him and his gang not only out of the city and the kingdom but threw them out of India altogether? And then followed the warlike Dravidians. Geologically, If the island had been a thousand miles from India it could have been paradise.
Native Vedda / May 19, 2014
Thanks for your support.
Its not too late, we can still expatriate all their descendants back to their homelands, Dravian land or Aryan land.
Off the Cuff / May 19, 2014
Dear Kevin,
If the English, the Spanish, the Dutch, the Portuguese etc never stepped out of their own Native Lands with the Gun in one hand and the Bible in the other, the World would have been a paradise.
The Natives of Australia were overwhelmed by convicts deported from UK. The first generation of whites in Australia are ALL incorrigible convicts who were thrown out of UK.
Lanka was the Granary of the East before foreign domination and had the most advanced man made irrigation system of the entire ancient world.
Kind regards,
Kevin / May 20, 2014
Dear Off the Cuff: I was being facetious. It is called parody: About people who live in the past and wallow in past glories instead of facing up to present day world realities. Sorry the parody went over your head. But I like the knee jerk reaction. The hoary claim of being the “Granary of the East” is a classic example of that ‘living in the past’ syndrome. All over the East there were granaries – China, Indochina, South East Asia etc. Only we like to think we were IT. That we were the only ones. Pride comes before the Fall.
Off the Cuff / May 20, 2014
Dear Kevin,
You may now claim you were being facetious as you got hoist by your own petard.
Re “Only we like to think we were IT”
Oh no, the world thinks we were IT when they examine the irrigation Engineering that created an intricate network of Tanks and Canals unparalleled at that point of time. That is cause for pride.
There are different forms of pride. A parent feels pride when their children achieves an objective. A child feels pride when the parents achieve recognition. A community feels pride when their leaders are respected.
If the Africans don’t have pride in Mandela then something is radically wrong.
You hoped ridicule would work but forgot the many parallels that exist elsewhere.
Kind Regards,
Sengodan. M / May 18, 2014
It is too optimistic to think that we can get rid of Rajapakses within an year or two. It will take much longer, maybe even ten years!
Sengodan. M
Javi / May 18, 2014
! A small candle will light up when we get rid of the Rajapakses, but that could still be a year or two away.!!
Ha ha only a Libyan style will get rid of Passa and co.
Sirimas nuclear base Diego Garcia like Pakistan keeps you in the American game to sell its guns and retain the dollar as moneda franca.
Lanka is doomed in its own vomit.
Mallaiyuran / May 18, 2014
While professor is writing this, King’s government has completed drawing up of a plan of how the military can convert the students of other religions to Buddhism. So, what is the point of reading these lengthy essays, when this peace building is only a dream.
AVB / May 18, 2014
Gov school text book publication authorities decided to add 2000 year old prince Dutugamunu sleeping problems in Sinhalese school text books in early 60s… Worst was they insisted Tamil counterparts to translate the same in Tamil text books. I read there were objections, but direct translation was added in Tamil with some minior modification… One milestone of open Sinhala Gov racism, implemented by educated Sinhalese.
Bruno Umbato / May 18, 2014
While Indians go to the polls, I came across a article by an writer Vivek which I put at the end …
Reading articles by ‘Intellectuals’ of Sri Lanka, I feel they are more patronized by the west/outsiders than their counterparts in India … Srilankan ‘Intellectuals’ predict -theorize – map paths – try to create Arabian springs – project SL the worst country ever existed after the big bang – list goes on – all directed to deceive masses …
Writer Vivek reminds me Nalin Silva …
Vivek writes “…… I thought we were fighting British. Its only later I realised we were actually fighting the intellectuals, patronised by the British. And most of them were lawyers. They never solved any problem ….”
Intellectual Mafia?
by Vivek Agnihotri
I was a young child when Indira Gandhi declared Emergency. My father was Vice Chancellor of one of India’s most troubled university, Jabalpur university. Sharad Yadav was the student leader. He was an extremely popular and violent leader. Jabalpur university had seen some celebrated Ex CJs and Ex Chief Secretaries as their VC. But Jaipraksah Narain’s student movement led by Yadav had made it impossible for any VC to last for more than 6-9 months. My father was a professor and an intellectual in his own rights with Radhakrishnan and Indira Gandhi seeking his advise on crucial academic matters. He was a man of men. He was a students’ professor. Saharad Yadav became his most trusted and obedient pupil. In that period of political turbulence he finished his term very peacefully and successfully. On a winter afternoon, I was playing cricket with our Maali (gardener) and my father was giving an interview where I overheard something that stayed with me. The journalist asked him the secret of this success and he replied ‘I don’t waste my time with intellectuals‘.
Couple of days ago, I was invited by NDTV for a political debate, hosted by Barkha Dutt. While making my point a term just slipped out of my mouth which went viral. I received many messages, tweets and emails. These were neither from friends nor relatives. These emotional compliments were from the unheard, invisible people. That term was ‘Intellectual Mafia‘.
Nehru was a Fabian sociologist and anti-business, romantic thinker. Nehru was fascinated by English speaking, good looking, western-mannered, Fabian intelligentsia. He was also a Brahmin. It was his own ‘class & intellectual arrogance’ that he single-handedly destroyed indigenous intelligentsia. Like Rajendra Prasad, Radhakrishnan, Rajagopalachari, Kamraj, Patel etc. Nehru was Indian Jinnah. Jinnah was accidental Muslim. Nehru was accidental Hindu.* He despised typically Indian sensibilities. Indian thinking. Indian way of looking at the world. And Indian leadership. He was a pathetic economist. He could never understand ‘capitalism’. He could not understand technology. He could not understand the real aspirations of Indians. He could not understand Gandhi’s economics. To cover up his failure Nehru took a high moral ground. He was convinced that only he could decide what was best for the Indian masses. He chose socialism over capitalism. He chose spiritual elitism over religion. Since the masses were immersed in religion he slowly turned anti-masses. That Red Rose in his upper pocket was a reminder to people that he was God-like. Gods never lose. But he had lost a part of India to Pakistan. He had goofed up on Kashmir. His self-esteem was broken. He had to heal. He had to rise. So he self-appointed himself as Chief Intellectual Officer.
Nehru believed in political liberty but he was against economic freedom. Gandhi, on the other hand knew that political liberty could be achieved only with a strong backbone of economic liberty. Which is why, he had social reformers and political thinkers on one side and Birlas and Bajajs on the other. Socialism is a utopia. Panchsheel was a utopia. Utopia which never came. USSR was a utopia which crumbled. Luckily Nehru did not live to see Socialism – baby of his intellectual flirting – die.
To cover up his illicit romances, rising corruption, undercurrent of a revolt and massive defeat and humiliation by Chinese, he nurtured an ‘intelligentsia’ which justified his impractical economics and failed politics to the masses. The coterie of intellectuals he created was immoral. Historians know that whenever King has surrounded himself with immoral thinkers, debauchery has begun. These short-sighted and opportunistic intellectuals justified ‘socialism’. Socialism has corruption in its very DNA. Nehru chose Big State over Big Market. More state sponsored programmes mean inefficient system, red-tapism, favouritism, weaker economy and corruption. It meant bigger disparity between masses and policy makers. More subsidies, doles, freebies meant more arrogance of rulers for they were the ones distributing alms. They became the givers. And us, the obliged masses, the takers. Isn’t it a sad commentary on free India’s development that the collective ambition of this country’s youth has been to become an engineer or a doctor? There was no competition. No excellence. No innovation.
Thus, India became State vs Masses. Corrupt vs Masses. Intellectuals vs Masses. Givers vs Takers.
Since Givers were guilty of their corruption they always looked at the Takers with suspicion. This suspicion turned into fear when Indira Gandhi was thrown out by Indian David – Raj Narain, a maverick socialist leader who should have been on her side. But he was masses. Emergency was declared. Sanjay Gandhi took over. He created an army of morally corrupt, foreign educated intellectuals with no track record. Their biggest strength was their unconditional loyalty to Gandhi family. This tradition has continued. Loyalty over merit. Scheming over competence. Loot over contribution. Corruption grew. Guilt grew. Fear grew. With every scam, family started making the intellectual wall bigger and bigger. Today this wall is full of scamsters, crooks, agents, brokers, pimps, lobbyists, character assassins, land sharks etc disguised as lawyers, journalists, NGOs, feminists, advisors, professors, socialists etc. Simply put, beneficiaries of Congress’s largesse.
Their strategy was simple. Moral domination. Nehru was a thinker. But Rajiv, Sonia and Rahul are no intellectuals themselves. They took a different route. They redefined morality. Secularism included. Anti-congress was new immoral. Pro Hindu became anti-Muslim. India was morally polarized. Morality is subjective. No one can say with guarantee what is pure morality. Masses were forced to choose between moral standards (Secularism, unity in diversity, Inclusive etc.) and quality of life (development). People who wanted quality of life were made to feel guilty. Hindus who wanted to celebrate their religious freedom were made to feel guilty. Muslims who wanted to be part of mainstream India were made to feel guilty. They filled India’s psyche with fear and hate. They hated all indigenous, grass-root thinkers. They hated Sardar Patel, Lalbahadur Shashtri, Morarji Desai, Charan Singh, Chandrashekhar, PV Narsimha Rao, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and now Modi. They are the hijackers of national morality. Secularism included. They are the robbers of Indian treasury. They are the brokers of power. They are the pimps of secularism. They are the Intellectual Mafia.
They are the land grabbers of Sainik farms and Adarsh Societies of India. They run NGOs. They run media. They coin useless and irrelevant jargon to confuse masses. They have designations but no real jobs. They are irrelevant NRIs who want us to see reality which doesn’t exist. They want plebiscite in Kashmir. They want Maoists to participate in mainstream politics. They want Tejpal to be freed. They want Modi to be hanged.
But something has changed despite their unity, might and moral acumen.
Left liberals, as they call themselves, have realised that defeat is certain and with this defeat they will lose that ‘elite thinkers’ tag. And the plum posts, foreign trips and bungalows and other perks. There is a reverse revolution taking place. It’s the innocent masses, who have suffered intellectual injustice, they are raising their voices. It’s the organically secular majority of Bharat, which has been made to feel like communal evils, that is asserting its identity. Modi is just their face. So do not make the mistake of thinking that its Modi vs others.
Its masses vs elites.
Couple of years back when my father’s death was certain, at the age of 95, he told me about his freedom struggle days. “When as a young man I joined Bapu, I thought we were fighting British. Its only later I realised we were actually fighting the intellectuals, patronised by the British. And most of them were lawyers. They never solved any problem. Their sole objective was to keep the masses away from the rulers and vice versa. We don’t have forts anymore but they are the walls of an invisible fort. If you want to defeat the rulers you have to demolish this wall of state sponsored ‘intelligentsia’. That’s exactly what Gandhi did. He led the masses to break this wall.”
Something like that is happening again. The wall is cracking up. On May 16th its fall is certain. For the second time in India’s history masses are going to enter the fort. Its not Modi. Its us. The masses. I hope there won’t be new walls. And I hope there won’t be another mafia. Never. Ever.
* Thanks to Rahul Roushan for helping me rephrase ‘intellectual terrorists’ to ‘intellectual mafia’. Because that’s what it is.
Mallaiyuran / May 18, 2014
Bruno Umbato
But Rajiv, Sonia and Rahul are no intellectuals themselves.”
On the first look, this statement may look true. But a deeper look will reveal a different picture. The First Indian Prime Minister associated with Batta, corruption, kickbacks.. is Rajiv(at least for my knowledge).
None of his cases were proved completely, though almost all of them everybody do know. Still his swiss bank account are not completely traced. All were flawless heists. Then Sonia came. Took the hands of Karunanidhi. Bribes, swindling, commission you name it she did it. One time just an ordinary woman who was clearing the table to make up her tuitions fees, never achieved anything or did any miracles in education, but has come as world’s 4th richest woman. Robert Vadra now is equal to Ambani, Tata, Mittal, Birla.. He has beaten these wealthy families for generation. Last is the Rahul. They not intellectual; true. But, there is something in them that nobody can match them on stealing and swindling. They are such brainies. If there is even only one educated lawyer living India he or she put some effort to Sonia, Vadra and Karunanidhi inside for the rest of their life. Otherwise it is not worth the days they went to the lay school.
K.A Sumanasekera / May 18, 2014
Don’t know about pure Vanilla facts ! & 2.
But the pure fact is the great majority of the Sinhala Buddhist population are not racists.
It is a pity these so called intellectuals can’t comprehend what propelled this great majority to go behind the current regime in ever increasing numbers even after Nanthikdal.
Without digressing too much, the pure Caramel Fact is that the agents responsible for the current flux are the TNA, Diaspora, Cameron , Harper, and last but not least Miss Pillai.
How can we have one autonomous system for just 10 percent of the population who want one third of the land mass under their control.?.
Even if Rajapaksa is gone , can Ranil get the inhabitants to agree to tick the ballot to fulfil the TNA and Diaspora wish?.
Why can’t these intellectuals come up with sensible suggestions friendly to all inhabitants and plan to make them live peacefully and become prosperous citizens?.
Would the great majority of the inhabitant population who are battlers, whose only is only to find jobs , educate their kids and break out of the pvoerty cycle vote for such proposals with both ound the bush?
K.A Sumanasekera / May 18, 2014
Don’t know about pure Vanilla facts ! & 2.
But the pure fact is the great majority of the Sinhala Buddhist population are not racists.
It is a pity these so called intellectuals can’t comprehend what propelled this great majority to go behind the current regime in ever increasing bigger numbers even after Nanthikdal.
Without digressing too much, the pure Caramel Fact is that the agents responsible for the current flux are the TNA, Diaspora, Cameron , Harper, and last but not least Miss Pillai.
How can we have an autonomous system for just 10 percent of the population who want one third of the land mass under their control.?.
Even if Rajapaksa is gone , can Ranil get the inhabitants to agree to tick the ballot to fulfil the TNA and Diaspora wish?.
Why can’t these intellectuals come up with sensible suggestions friendly to all inhabitants and propose real time fully funded plans to make them live peacefully and become prosperous citizens?.
Wouldn’t the great majority of the inhabitant population who are battlers, whose only wish is to find jobs , educate their kids and Break out of the Poverty cycle wholeheartedly approve any such proposals?………
Dawn Dale / May 18, 2014
** and these authors are our intellectuals ? hope every reader will take a leaf off Kalama sutta and will not lap up this corrosive discourse
“Kalamas, when you yourselves know: “These things are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness to others and yourselves,” enter on and abide in them.’
Thiru / May 18, 2014
Kumar sums up the current state of Sri Lanka and its race relations accurately.
Off the Cuff / May 19, 2014
Kumar is treading the path the father of Lankan Racism, G. G Ponnambalam, the founder of the All Ceylon Tamil Congress created.
His article is designed to bring to the fore, the Animal Instinct and is not accurate at all.
Please see my reply to Benson Burner.
Kind Regards,
Kevin / May 18, 2014
Sri Lanka. Evil Conduct? Intolerable Deeds? Antisocial behaviour? Blame it on those Vijaya genes now sloshing around in the local gene pool:
“Vijaya is described as indulging in ‘evil conduct, and his followers were…(like himself), and many intolerable deeds of violence were done by them’. So antisocial were his activities that the people of the kingdom eventually demanded that the (now aging) King Sinhabahu have him executed. Instead Sinhabhu had half their heads shaved (a sign of disgrace) and exiled Vijaya with his followers, their wives and children, from the kingdom – traditionally said to number a total of 700 souls. After resting in several places they are found to be hostile, and the wayward prince and his associates eventually ‘landed in Lanka, in the region called ‘Tambapanni.”
The rest is history.
Sirisena yatarawa / May 18, 2014
The violence against in 1977 Tamil had been start by UNP regime appear in that certain features of racial riots that came to end of National salvation to be protected Nation Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity, Independence and Democracy of people of Sri lanka.
The version of civil war is outdated terms of Trotskyist-anarchist of ‘socialist’ political ideology. Theses are imperialist theses of
so-called of interpretation of ‘self-determination’, that targeting SPLIT ex-colonial countries to subject to be created ROUGH STATE in tip of Indian sub-continental vital interest of Hegemony expanaism naval route in Indian Ocean.
That state we call ‘Eealm’ encourage by Tamil politics of rule by GUN POINT of proxy war launch by LTTE. Defeated of such by war against war by terrorism is essential factor , but not that AGAINST OF RIGHTTHINKING MAJORITY OF TAMILS IN SRI LANKA.
Dr David as born in his own community having almost blood relation of his sense of politics are beyond truth of reality of THIRTY YEARS WAR in Sri lanka.
Is war of Liberation of Tamil nation ever-never support by US UK or EU countries, Why? these nation who were colonized including Tamils our country 425 years since 1505.
No any way this was ‘not class war’ by LTTE, overthrown state of Capitalist regime in Sri lanka?
Dr David misread politics of Trotskyist as ‘socialist’ terms by petty bourgeois’ anarchism and Tamil chauvinists politics of LTTE.
The key People point of view war against terrorism NOT a CIVIL WAR !
JimSofty / May 18, 2014
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
Bensen Berner / May 18, 2014
A very good assessment of racism obtaining amongst the Sri Lankans. Bensen
Off the Cuff / May 19, 2014
Dear Benson Burner,
You have swallowed Kumar David’s bait Hook Line and Sinker.
Ask yourself why Tamil were unleashing Violence and Arson against other Tamils in 1871, 1923, 1929 and 1931. Kumar David’s bug bear, the Mahavamsa existed and the Sinhalese and Buddhists existed but there were no Ethnic clashes for centuries!
Racism entered Lankan politics in 1939, courtesy a Tamil racist.
In order to dethrone the Ramanathans from political power in the North, the founder of the All Ceylon Tamil Congress, Tamil Lawyer Mr G.G.Ponnambalam kindled racial hatred. He attacked the Mahavamsa and the Sinhalese with a Hate Speech he delivered at a public platform in Nawalapitiya. The result was the First Tamil Sinhala Riot of the 20th century that tore centuries of peace that existed between the two races.
Kumar David is following the foot steps of the racist GGP.
People like you, who are unaware of real facts, are being duped.
Kind regards,
Banda / May 18, 2014
This professori has deliberately hidden few facts in his effort to publicise Sri Lanka situation is as bad as Ukraine. True, east of Ukraine borders the powerful Russia and Sri Lanka’s only neighbour is the Goliath like India. I have no argument that India cast an eternal shadow on the sovereignty of Sri Lanka. However, Tamils in Sri Lanka can never be in a strong position like the Russians of Ukraine so long as India remains one country and we manage it well. Why?
Even fools know that Russia is (81%) Russians whereas Tamil is only a small minority (5%) of India. Hindians are by far the majority. Needless to say then Tamils are not India. Tamils are like the tail of that proverbial dog. Tamils voted as a block to push the centre to weaken the Sri Lanka fight against the terrorist gang for the last ten years. So, the tail had wagged the dog for a while. But that period seems to be over with BJP getting absolute majority.
Besides, Tamils have no natural sympathy from Hindians due to various other issues as well. Tamil servitude to white man has been so much, they have vehemently objected to learning Hindi willingly learned English. Google and you can read about such abundant rivalry.
Profesori David and Tamils in general sees the Sinhalas fighting the extremism and separatism and terrorism as a racist war. If that’s the description everyone in this world is a racist. Sinhalas are not racists, but they’ll fight against separatism and extremism with tooth and nail. This has happened in 1915 and in 1939. Is it not the Hambayas who started the first Sinhala- Muslim fight in 1915? Is it not GG Ponnambalam who bashed Mahawamsa and degraded Sinhalas in Nawalapitiya to start the first Sinhala-Tamil riot in 1939?
Hindians know that Tamil Nadu politicians have been separatists since 1925. They know Tamils have incited Dravidians to demand a Dravidastan in India long before Jinnah demanded Pakistan. Prime Minister elect, Modi know very well that when all other Dravidaians settled for a federal state after independence, Tamils continued their secession struggle well into 1960s until was banned by the 16th Amendment. Perhaps for the reason that Hindians never trusted Tamils to give one a chance to be the Prime Minister of India.
There are over 70 million Tamils in India and at least 90% of them have supported the Eelam project of megalomaniac Velu. Hindian know Tamil dream is to start the old Tamil (Chola) empire from Sri Lanka. Everyone knows it’ll have a domino effect in India. Just read ‘Tamil nation’ to understand the Tamil mentality.
So, Hindians know the key to hold India together is to keep Sri Lanka a one country with a strong centre. Modi is a nationalist. Modi had been battered by the west. Hence it is doubtful he will not fall into westerners’ tricks. All Sri Lanka government had to do is convince the Prime Minister Modi about the maximum devolution that would hold Sri Lanka a one country.
Native Vedda / May 18, 2014
” There are over 70 million Tamils in India and at least 90% of them have supported the Eelam project of megalomaniac Velu”
Could you sight your evidence. What percentage of Sikhs did support Kalistan?
“Hindian know Tamil dream is to start the old Tamil (Chola) empire from Sri Lanka.”
Any evidence?
“Besides, Tamils have no natural sympathy from Hindians due to various other issues as well.”
Any evidence?
“they have vehemently objected to learning Hindi willingly learned English.”
Should not be the right and duty of every citizen to oppose imposition of another language on them?
Please leave history to historians and politicians to politicians of both you know next to nothing.
Instead, write poetry to praise MR clan, pay respect to Hindi gods, and go back to your mother country.
Banda / May 18, 2014
I take that you took David’s percentages without grumble. I too have felt my figures the same way David did. So, please accept it the same way or just get lost.
Haven’t you read I wrote that “Google and you can read about such abundant rivalry.” I also wrote, “Just read ‘Tamil nation’ to understand the Tamil mentality.” Never mind one can read only a fraction of the real ‘Tamil nation’ in the web today. I think there is enough proof there for all your questions.
If you don’t like facing the reality that I write here tough luck to you. Go back and live in a jungle cave and carry an axe on you shoulder just like your immediate ancestors did for you have no history beyond that. As for me, let me live where all my known and unknown ancestors lived and enjoy their writings and other works.
Off the Cuff / May 18, 2014
Dear Dr Kumar David,
Re “Let’s call a spade a spade. In my judgement 99% of Sinhalese longed for the defeat and obliteration of the LTTE and the death of Prabaharan”
I believe that’s an understatement. I believe that a 100% of Sinhalese, 100% of Muslims, 100% of Burghers, 100% of Malays longed for the obliteration and defeat of Prabah and his gang of murderers. Even amongst the Tamils, those who wanted to protect their children from abduction and those whose children were abducted would have longed for Prabah’s end.
Forced conscription would have been unnecessary if as you say Prabahkaran’s war had popular Tamil support.
Re “Tamils were and are convinced that they were and are an oppressed, discriminated minority,”
I agree with you but not with what you imply.
Tamils is an inclusive word for two groups within.
1. A Servile Class that formed the majority of 81.5% of Tamils.
2. A Ruling Class of 18.5% of Tamils.
Those who were oppressed is the Servile Class of Tamils. While the Oppressor was not the State but the Ruling Class of Tamils.
Riots took place in 1871, 1923, 1929 and 1931. All of them were Tamil Tamil Riots. Why?
The oppression was a virulent form of Apartheid and Slavery.
It included the denial of education, denial of territorial mobility by confining them to designated ghettos, denial of proper wages, denial of Drinking Water, denial of religious freedom, denial of the right to cover the female upper body in an attire of their choice, denying the men the right to cover their upper body, denying the use of jewelery, denying the use of drummers even at a funeral, denying travel by public transport (Train and Bus), denying equal seating, etc
If one was unfortunate to be born to scavenger parents the child was doomed to be a scavenger for life even if it had the Brilliance of an Einstein.
In 1929 the govt issued an ‘equal seating directive’ that was applicable to ALL grant-aided schools throughout Lanka. This meant that every student in govt aided private schools had to be seated at similar desks and chairs/benches.
This caused Rioting but ONLY in the Tamil North. Why?
The rioters (who were Tamil) burnt a large number of houses mainly of the Tamil Servile Class. Their children en mass were stopped from attending schools. Repeated petitions were made to the government by the “Ruling Class” begging to cancel the directive!
In 1957 The Prevention of Social Disabilities Act became Law. But until it was amended in 1971 by The Prevention of Social Disabilities (Amendment) Act No. 18, the original PSDA had no affect in the North. It was flouted with impunity as the Police had no power to prosecute and action had to be taken by the person who suffered the wrong (which was invariably a member of the Servile Class who were all destitute).
Between 1957 and 1971 Non of the 11 members of Parliament in the North attempted to provide relief to the Tamil Masses. The Government Agent, the top civil administrator of the district and the 14 DRO’s (Revenue Collectors) under him connived with the so called Peoples’ Representatives to flout the PSDA with impunity for 15 years. All of them were from the Ruling Class!
In 1939 Racism entered Lankan politics. In order to dethrone the Ramanathans the founder of the All Ceylon Tamil Congress, Tamil Lawyer Mr G.G.Ponnambalam kindled racial hatred. He attacked the Mahavamsa and the Sinhalese with a Hate Speech he delivered at a public platform in Nawalapitiya. The result was the First Tamil Sinhala Riot of the 20th century that tore centuries of peace that existed between the two races.
Yes let’s call a spade a spade and desist from propagating the GGP’s policies.
Kind Regards,
Ram / May 19, 2014
Apartheid as policy did not start in South Africa till 1948. If it existed in Sri Lanka long before then (among the ‘Tamils’) and presumably in Southern India too, was the idea imported to South Africa by the colonial clerks taken there by the British ?
Off the Cuff / May 19, 2014
Dear Ram,
There is no “IF” about it.
Apartheid was the Social Norm amongst the Tamils in the North of Lanka, for centuries before and decades after independence.
What a person can do or cannot do was chosen even before birth, it was hereditary.
Dr Kumar David obviously lived during that period when the Servile Tamils were treated inhumanely as Chattel. As a member of the Educated Ruling Class he may even have used the Services of the Tamil Servile Class.
I wonder whether he can reproduce the most important literary works he has published CRITICAL of the Tamil Ruling class minority, to EMANCIPATE the overwhelming majority of the Tamil Servile Class?
Did he, as a Young Adult Tamil, actively campaign to Emancipate the Tamil Polity that was bound and Shackled by the Tamil Ruling Class to which he belonged to?
Did he, as a Senior Tamil Intellectual, actively support the Prevention of Social Disabilities Act that was designed to emancipate the poorer sections of society from class prejudice?
If the answers to these questions are in the negative, then the Bona Fide of Dr Kumar David is in question and what he writes has to be taken with a sackful of salt.
Kind Regards,
sasanka / May 18, 2014
This is the best joke I have read in years.. these so called writers dont knoe nothing and talk as if they know everything..please sir come and visit a sri lankan family..talk to then. But let me tell you this. I have tamil friends and they wont say what you have said. They hated the LTTE because they “suffered” because of them..us too. We have never categorised tamils as terrorists. Its people who have guns and kill are terrorists.
yenura / May 18, 2014
give the references. You cant just say whatever you want.
Bruno Imbato / May 19, 2014
As one of leading members of “Intelligent Mafia”, he is entitled to say anything he wants!
I quote from the article I put as a comment earlier … (writer Vivek is writing about India … With few name/ tags changes, it is also Sri Lanka he is writing about)
“…. Their strategy was simple. Moral domination. Nehru was a thinker. But Rajiv, Sonia and Rahul are no intellectuals themselves. They took a different route. They redefined morality. Secularism included. Anti-congress was new immoral. Pro Hindu became anti-Muslim. India was morally polarized. Morality is subjective. No one can say with guarantee what is pure morality. Masses were forced to choose between moral standards (Secularism, unity in diversity, Inclusive etc.) and quality of life (development). People who wanted quality of life were made to feel guilty. Hindus who wanted to celebrate their religious freedom were made to feel guilty. Muslims who wanted to be part of mainstream India were made to feel guilty. They filled India’s psyche with fear and hate. They hated all indigenous, grass-root thinkers. They hated Sardar Patel, Lalbahadur Shashtri, Morarji Desai, Charan Singh, Chandrashekhar, PV Narsimha Rao, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and now Modi. They are the hijackers of national morality. Secularism included. ….”
Jay Chambers / May 18, 2014
For once we have to address the Native Veddha. Let’s be clear here. The Aryan civilization that Vijaya built while deriving from the extant “civilization” of Lanka at that time, and even a possible minor bloodline, was in reality built on the grave of the Veddhas. That is all. The Veddha, native, whatever was the first that the Aryans wiped out.
I doubt whether there was much to wipe out anyway, except a few guys running around naked with a few bows and arrows. It is highly possible that some of them were even cannibals. Such ancient civilizing efforts are not looked upon as clash of cultures, but advanced civilizations wiping out the native cannibals.
Since then the Sinhalese, further bolstered by the induction of Buddhism, did build a great civilization which ebbed and flowed but never lost its Buddhist nature. The remarkable efforts of Arhant Mahanama, in capturing the pre-Mahavamsa literature and getting it all down in one tome, was a wise, remarkable piece of effort. It is virtually unparalleled in history, and for Lanka is has been the source of energy, that has kept the vibrant Buddhist Sinhala culture alive, despite the nasty things some Sinhalese engage in occasionally.
The Veddha is but a sad part of the ancient memory of the land, and today it is more likely that it will be the Sinhala oriented Veddha who will even be any part of this country’s future, more a curiosity that anything else.
As long as the Tamils can forget the bloody past and work with the Sinhalese, starting with the Rajapaksas, they have a chance to be relevant in the country. Both sides should realize that the future threat is the menace of Wahabi rascals, masquerading as traders, who are about to turn the country into a Moslem majority Islamic Republic in less than 20 years.