18 February, 2025


Those Who Cause Violence In The Name Of Human Rights Cannot Be Protected – Ranil

President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized that he will never allow violence and anarchy to prevail under the guise of human rights, adding that if any party engages in such an attempt, the security forces will be used to suppress it completely.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe

Under such circumstances, the President emphasised that everyone from the lower officer of the army to the rank of field marshal is obligated to fulfil their responsibility.   

President Ranil Wickremesinghe said this delivering a special statement in Parliament today (24). 

The President further said, “Before I talk about this subject, I must remember two things that I mentioned yesterday. MP Mujibur Rahuman said that three fears have arisen in the President’s mind. I want to tell you that a person cannot have three fears. The three fears occurred in Vishal Mahanuwara. Fear of disease, fear of inhumanity, and fear of death can occur in a group of people. I ask him to listen to the Ratana Sutra to clarify that point. A person never has three fears. Even if there is fear of Marikkar, even if there is fear of Hirunika, and even if there is fear of Rosi, it is not three fears.

Also, my friend Mr Vijitha Herath stated that Ranil Wickremesinghe, who sat in the presidential chair thanks to the ‘Aragalaya’, is suppressing the same ‘Aragalaya’ today. Not because of the merit of the Aragalaya, if the president of this country goes, the Prime Minister should take that position. Besides, according to the law, I should have been the acting president. My house was set on fire, I was told to get out. But, I didn’t quit, that’s why I’m here.

Our Opposition Leader also said today that I asked for this presidency. I didn’t ask for this. I accepted this because of the situation in the country. The Mahanayake Theros also requested me. I didn’t go and ask them. I didn’t write letters. Today, the Leader of the Opposition has forgotten the letter he sent to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on May 12.

“Mr President, I declare that I have decided to accept the post of Prime Minister as the leader of the Samagi Jana Bala Sandanaya to form a short-term government under the leadership of the SJB alliance as the main party of the opposition.” After my speech, I request that this entire letter be included in the Hansard. 

Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa went and took the advice of the Leader of the Opposition. If you want, you can see it in the party constitution. A disciplinary investigation can be held. Don’t blame me. He is the one who agreed to resign from the presidency within a specific, period.

So he left after 02 months after I took the oath. It was you who told him to leave. So what do I do?

When talking about the army, some people said that the expenditure of the army has increased. According to some people, the allocations for the military cannot be reduced in 24 hours. The 25,000 employees cannot be put on the road at once. We are making a plan now. It should be done accordingly. The army had to bear more expenses this time. We cannot stop it. Although the number of troops has decreased, promotions have increased. Such facts have also affected this.

The other thing is that now we have deployed the army for food security programs. Also, we get a lot of income from military farms, and I have told them to use the army as much as necessary for the transportation of those goods. We need to look at the future of the army. We are working according to the Security 2030 report for that. We must plan our defences.

It is impossible to say that there is no threat in the world. These conditions are changing. Not the 1971 threat, the 80s, or the Easter Sunday incident. These threats happen in different ways. We must remember that. We must look at global conditions. We need to focus on the Indian Ocean. Our naval forces should be increased by 2030. The army may decrease. 

The Air Force may have more fighter jets. Drone technology is needed. By 2040, this situation will increase even more. We want to see how this will continue. We need to reduce our defence expenditure to maintain 3%-4%.

If we can, we have enough money to bring our economic growth rate to 8%. This situation was created in Singapore with this 8% economic growth for many years. We need to think anew. Also, those who leave the army should have the opportunity to contribute to the work of this society.

Today, professionals are leaving this country. That gap can be filled by training our armed forces personnel and sending them to those places. That is why we have reduced the retirement age of military service from 22 to 18 years. Others have no problem. We have to plan these anew. We have to think anew.

I wish we could manufacture a new warship in Sri Lanka. We have that power. Only the money has to be found.

I saw that Britain has made these plans until 2035. We need to bring new laws. We will establish the Security Council by law. It is planned to establish the post of National Security Adviser, as well as a National Security Secretariat. Similarly, a tri-forces committee will be appointed for those offices. I will discuss all this and present it to this House. We want to create a new army in Sri Lanka. To do that, a rapidly growing economy is needed.

We have also paid attention to the police. We are getting a report called “Public Security Report” to find out how to improve the police in the next 10 years. I informed the Minister about it. 

Now the Police Ordinance has reached the stage where it has to be sent to the museum. We are now working on preparing a new Ordinance. 

There are many problems like drug trafficking and human trafficking today. We have to move forward in solving all these issues.

I would especially like to thank all the armed forces personnel who worked to protect this parliament from the violent mobs that day. If they were not there, there would be no parliament in this country today. We would not be able to sit and discuss matters as we are doing today. 

Article 03 of our Constitution states that sovereignty belongs to the people. Section 04 states how it works. Legislative power, executive power and judicial power as well as fundamental rights. Also, the referendum is the only opportunity where the people can participate directly. No one can go out on the street and cause trouble. There is no room for violence. The military has the responsibility of protecting these rules. 

When it comes to overthrowing governments, the army cannot stand aside. We cannot sit idly by when our Mahanayake Theros are being threatened. According to Article 09 of the Constitution, the army has the power to stop them. Such acts of violence cannot be tolerated. We should stop creating chaos by employing clerics. I do not want to allow this at all. Today, some members of the clergy are protesting and causing a disturbance. The Sangha has religious activities to attend. They should engage in those activities. It is a different matter that lay people are involved in protests.

I would like to remind the Minister of Education that not a single university student is in custody. Wasantha Mudalige was a university student for 8-9 years. This is very important. I left university at 21. Although Mudalige is 31 years old, he is still a university student. A student can only be given one extra year. After that, they should have to leave the university. 

I want to say something. I also want to protect human rights. Anarchy and violence cannot be allowed to encroach on human rights. Human rights cannot be used to create violence and anarchy. Those who cause violence in the name of human rights cannot be protected.

Article 14 of the Constitution outlines our fundamental rights. They can be implemented especially to ensure state security, within the limits prescribed by law, for public safety, including clauses on the protection of the Constitution. All these are in articles 15/1, and 15/2. These limits cannot be exceeded. 

Some claim today that they are the ones who protect human rights. What have they done? At least we have done these in practice. We have established independent commissions. Before that, the government had brought the  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) Act.

These people claim to protect human rights but live off the money sent from abroad. That is the reality. Can anybody stand up and tell me they didn’t? I know about these people. I have worked with them. I protected them. They are shouting at me today. We cannot allow chaos in the country in this way.

Do anything within the law. The Leader of the Opposition has said that I will adjourn the parliament. I will not procrastinate. I have no right to adjourn the parliament. I am not going to dissolve the parliament just because I was shouted at on the street. The majority is not those who shout. The majority is silent. Those silent people have the right to live and get their rights. We must act according to those rights.  

Now they are trying to arrest the police officers under the guise of human rights. Perhaps the police have violated human rights. If some have done so, we are ready to take action against them if they file cases and they are found guilty.

Human rights cases are filed against the police to stop them from taking action against those who create emergencies and riots. This is not done because of human rights, but to stop the police from taking action against them. So I asked the Attorney General to look into this. If they do that, the law should be implemented. This game cannot be allowed to continue forever.  

Whether it is a military officer or a police officer, we need to protect all of them. Human rights charges were filed and my chief security officer and they tried to have him removed. My house was also set on fire. This is the main media headline. I want to work against them. But these people go and ask the Human Rights Commission to remove my main bodyguard. What did he do wrong? Sirasa wanted to remove my chief security director as well. He did not join them. The names of our people were not mentioned.

After I made a statement about this, Sirasa Media Institute sent seven people to attack me. Statements are taken from each person. We will record statements from Duminda Nagamuwa, Vidarshana Kannangara, Dr Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri and others.  

Before talking about me,  please protect the university students from ragging. Oppose ragging. There should be an opposition as well as a government. I say let’s unite and solve these problems. It is not possible to come back to the street and ask to topple the government. 

Everyone in the security forces has a responsibility to protect the government if such a situation arises. Everyone from a Corporal to Field Marshal should work together to protect these institutions. I would like to express my thanks to the three armed forces and the police who are committed to this service.” 

Latest comments

  • 27

    Ranil should be skinned alive.

    Wrongs can’t be wrong when the Rajapakses and other do them …….. and be right when Ranil does them.

    No one fools us …….. we fool ourselves.

    Now let the fools rant! :))

    • 22

      You are recommending skinning alive. Have you any idea how thick his skin is. Not easy. Not easy, at all!

      • 12

        At the time it was crystal clear Ranil will never be president …….. he tried to piggyback on Fonseka and failed – I think the Rajapakses stole the election from Fonseka. He piggybacked on Sirisena and became the second in command. He brought the 18th amendment mainly to transfer most of the power from the president to the prime minister so he can run the show.

        Now he has become the president through “funny business” ……… he doesn’t mind keeping the presidency and all its enormous powers!

        Ranil is the most shameless, disgraceful, despicable Lankan I have ever encountered in my life ……… unlike all the uneducated Rajapakses and their illiterate jokers in the Pohottuwa who know no better ……. Ranil knows exactly what he is doing.

        He is emanating all the scum of the earth low-life crap with the ever enthusiastic support of the Phottuwa crooks.

        A conceited arrogant geriatric 73 year old bird flutters in his brain …….. but has no plan.

        As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, this is going to be another monumental failure to add to his list of other lifelong failures.

        Wanna bet?

    • 16

      if he is to be skinned alive, then what remains to be done with MEDAMUNAL dogs ?
      How should we punish Mahinda ?

      • 13

        Your language explains you. You hate them because they destroyed your LTTE.

        By the way OC ,I like the way ranil speaks, hands in the trouser pocket( sign of dishonesty) , effeminate posture, squeaky voice, all knowing smile of a half-baked man-a lion when surrendered by guards.

        Leela, haven’t you yet crept into a Western country claiming discrimination ? If not, you have missed the bus !

        Ask Ranil whether he feels he has the support of the people ? Ask him to answer that question without his hands in the trouser pocket .

        • 5

          Get your facts straight DP (undercover- Lester): The days when you could be a slave to the Rajapakse dogs are gone, however, and you can no longer be profitable to them.
          1) Rajakash did not eliminate the LTTE/ it was collective and the armed forces carried out the last relay operation of the battle. Those who know know very well….. If practical, the same person will not get caught in the easy tricks of Chinese DEBT trap investments…… What is the difference between Rajapakshe and those so called primitive greedy leaders like monsters in developing world ?He mortgaged his mother (srilanka and srilanken nation) to his stupid hidden greed. .The male type does not differ from the beach boya of the west coast of Lanka. I challenge you, the bugger ‘s knowledge is no different to that JULIAMPITIYA amaraya who is in jail as of today.
          2) There is a lot of evidence to prove that it is a fabricated story, including the drama of kissing the ground. Mlechcha Rajapaksa knows very well that Deepti Silvas are everywhere in this beautiful island filled with mongels
          3) A similar program of appointing GOTA as their agents has destroyed the face of Gota today. He is waiting in the sick lounge today like a schizophrenic. Very sad


          • 6

            4) Lies will never succeed. That is what POHOTTUWA criminal outfit experience as of today. So called BOND SCAM, you or such hired minions need to get a grip soon to cover their shit. It was the rogue (mahinda rajapakse s last breath will be similar to that of a executing high criminal for surel) in the middle who planted it for their salvation.
            Not by Sri Lankan experts, but solely by the Singaporean government did not act to extradite former Central Bank of Sri Lanka Governor Arjun Mahendran (a former Sri Lankan/Singaporean citizen) proves it without doubt.
            Besides, Singapore is a strict law-abiding country like Germany, United Kingdom and Netherlands. I have been to singapore 25 times or more.
            5) Rajakshes biased media (TV media) planted it, Sirasa TV s owner killie (now in hell) was arch rival of RW: SIRASA allowed Rajaakshes be back for that single reason. But what happened to the country as of July 2022 ?
            Deepti Silva or the like real criminals of Rajapakshe family will face it sooner than later. Not just Rajakashes but their slaves should be made responsible for srilanka s self created mess as of today

        • 5

          DS aka Lester,
          DS,I challenge you EU million, if you prove that I took advantage of the civil war situation in Sri Lanka and took asylum in Europe. I can do more with those funds for the suffering people of the motherland.
          Those mlechcha men from Medamulana abused the civil war situation and made their greener pastures in America. None of them have gone abroad for further education.
          Basil is said to be an idiot in school. His smile may hallozinate you and the lowly folk of the country, but I have been dreaming to see him get punished as no other, before we die.
          In fact, – I stayed back in Europe to pursue my research job life. When the time is up, I will come back home. I am a Sri Lankan, I ll die a Sri Lankan. They gave us funds to continue research in our fields. I wish I could help struggling housemaids in the Middle East go back home without falling into the trap of prostitutes. Prostitution would be a lucrative job for RAJAPKSHES, but not for our poor people.

        • 7

          Silly Deepthi,
          “Ask him to answer that question without his hands in the trouser pocket .”
          If you had a pair of b***s, as Ranil has, you would find innocent pleasure in scratching them through your trouser pockets. But you have neither b***s nor trousers……..

          • 5

            OC, a very philosophical comment from you ! You are a very deep person who reads religious books !

            • 5

              So you claim to be a “Buddhist “, but make nasty remarks about gays, lesbians, “effeminate” people? I think you’re no Buddhist, but an Evangelical with Victorian ideas trying to tarnish true Buddhism.

        • 8

          deepthi Desperate silva

          “Leela, haven’t you yet crept into a Western country claiming discrimination ? If not, you have missed the bus !”

          I don’t know why you are bogged down on or obsessed with everything Ranil including his bum. Now could you tell us who is the greatest leader this island has ever produced?

          There is a lot to learn outside your rathole.
          Listen to this speech and let us know how you are going to convince the world that the island Sri Lanka, your colour, your attitude, your wisdom, your compassion, your heritage, your democracy, your contribution to science and arts deserve respect.

    • 18

      The situation in Sri Lanka today is much more complicated than it seems. Even though some retired professionals spend their entire lives in Sri Lanka, it is difficult to see it properly. We can say it clearly from their comments.

      Now let me summarize the recent episodes in this country. Our people easily forget everything. They are just champions in that. Various forces brought a man from Polonnaruwa (Pattapal Buruwak) to do the job. He is said to be an expert in Sri Lankan parliamentary politics for more than 45 years. Neither what he did nor the ” medamulaan rabies ” dogs allowed him to do the job, the consequence was the country was destroyed by end of 2019.
      Above all, if Moda-Sirisena as the Defense Minister had respected and understood the value of human life, the killing of people on Easter Sunday could have been prevented. How can a head of state come up with silly excuses that he was not informed by the authorities? Even today the mlechcha man has repeatedly claimed that he was not informed….. In a civilized country he would have no choice but to hang himself. … because the verdict of such a diaster is clear to even minors. –

      • 14

        When I remember the pictures of the churches covered in flesh and blood on that Boxing Day (nearly 270 innocent worshippers) my eyes water and I can’t say anything for a few minutes. I believe anyone with a serious mind would certainly feel that.

        What happened to the nation after the Sirisena episode was more dire than ever expected. Various forces across the country fomenting racism “with the direct intervention of Sinhalese Buddhist monks”: A thousand times more incompetent than Sirisena, but “dressed in the robes of Prince Diyasena” and brought to power. … All this was done by the same people (voters). Nandasena’s nakedness became clearer month by month. He was a puppet in a “Terminator uniform” and by July 2022 it was clear to the nation. He was a caricature of sorcery and witchcraft all along his 3 years in power. Ghanakka and Ghanasara were his teachers.

        Now then again, isn’t it ridiculous to expect the people/voters to elect a third force that was never properly mandated without nation building?

        The same stupid hegemonic voters will destroy it again… even to schoolboys it’s obvious.

        • 18

          I was surprised to read this from Ranil, who usually knows what he is talking about:
          “Today, professionals are leaving this country. That gap can be filled by training our armed forces personnel and sending them to those places. That is why we have reduced the retirement age of military service from 22 to 18 years.”
          If these guys were capable and studious enough to pass Medical/ Engineering/ IT exams, would they have joined the Army?
          Any bets on how many will willingly retire after 18 years service ?

          • 4

            Also, if professional Sri Lankans leave the country, what option is left for a leader in that position? Sure the quality will go down. Stupid people screw it up. There is no alternative. I order that those who are now leaving the country pay the arrears of wages that the poor government spent on their education. Many MBBS doctors and engineers have not paid taxes for years. I mean the taxes we are forced to pay in Europe. In Germany we pay more than 40% tax and in Denmark it is 45% or more. A country cannot run without reducing taxes from the people. that’s enough.

          • 7

            old codger

            “Any bets on how many will willingly retire after 18 years service ?”

            Even if they retire at the age of 40 and retrain themselves what would be the guarantee they are willing to remain in this island, unless of course they get priority in everything because they are Ranavirus. Will they be paid pension plus regular salary? Will they wear uniform to civilian work? What about their medals, military awards and decorations will they be allowed to wear them to intimidate their colleagues?

            Why doesn’t Ranil buy a few fishing trawlers and give it to them on easy repayment terms or pack them all to middle east?

            nimal fernando may want to retain their services depending on what sort of services they could provide him with.

            • 6

              “Why doesn’t Ranil buy a few fishing trawlers and give it to them on easy repayment terms or pack them all to middle east?”
              There is a philosophical problem there. True Sinhala Buddhist ranaviruwos are allowed to kill people, but not fish.
              Desperate Deepthi may be able to help you with the right religious text.

              • 4

                old codger

                “There is a philosophical problem there. True Sinhala Buddhist ranaviruwos are allowed to kill people, but not fish.”

                Alright in that case we can ask deepti Desperate silva to re-brand all fishes as Tamil/Muslims/Veddahs,/ ……..

        • 5

          LM. Had Ranil been up to the job the Easter Sunday Disaster would never have happened. It was his right and the duty to make himself present at security briefings. His presence in the Srilankan political scene is a curse that has befallen to Srilanka.

          • 4

            To be fair to everyone, neither the then Prime Minister (RW) nor the Deputy Defense Minister were allowed to attend any national security meeting. The work of the police was far away from the Prime Minister or anyone but it was under Sorisena. Sorisena opposed SF becoming Police Minister. For me, if Sorisena had not betrayed the2015 mandate , Rajapakse would not have ermged again..
            And Sirisena did not take it seriously at all and did not call such security counci meetings. All these are facts. There was an opinion that the doctors should examine SIRISENAs head…. remember? ….
            From that 52-day conspiracy that marked the entire world as a real catastrophe. Our people suddenly forget everything. Whole lot of people are beasts. If Sirisena is normal, can the “Medamulana dog” be made prime minister again? This alone proved Sorisena’s “mental state”. I think Sirisena should not be allowed to sit in parliament. It’s a sad sight to be honest.

            • 5

              LM. You are conveniently forgetting that it was the coup-de-tat by Sorisena the defeat of MR came about. Then within the first 100 days CB Bond Scam broke out. Sorisena saved the day for Ranil dissolving the House of Thieves. Ranil let down the people at every turn of the way.

    • 12

      nimal fernando

      “Ranil should be skinned alive.”

      I take this opportunity to get some guidance from you if you don’t mind.
      Are we living in ancient or medieval period?
      By any chance you are related to Sisira Mendis, Kamala, Thadi Priyantha,……. …?
      Please refer to
      In case if you want to learn about Ancient and Medieval Sri Lanka.
      Take Care

      • 7


        Oh c’mon I can’t kill a fly ……. I’m just exposing what Lankan rulers are doing to their hapless citizens ………. torturing the innocent as they please

        By UCP PERERA”

        Why don’t you send it to your great hero Ranil ……. to add to his library of unread books ……. his pet showpiece he keeps to impress the illiterate! :))

        Have you seen the torture chambers and implements of torture in Predjama Castle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predjama_Castle?

        Nothing to learn from Lankans ……… as usual we are primitive, unimaginative, crude and behind the times even in that …… :))

        We gotta catch up in many areas ……. your fave Ranil has a lot to learn ……. better late than never!

        Battalanda would’ve been the BA ……. now is it MA or PhD? ……. DSc? ……… Your boy is learning slowly but surely. :))

    • 5

      What would other leaders say to what RW added?
      The perpetrators of violence cannot be protected in the name of human rights – Ranil
      Not a single leader of any democratic country will oppose him here.
      It is said that there are more charges than Wmudali’s or whoever is in custody today has been roaming the area.
      Any average person would drop out of Sri Lankan universities (after first degree) at the age of 23 or 24, but what was he or they doing until 31?
      Experts, it’s time for you to come up with the facts why these students are doing it in universities until they are old. Who will pay them.. if not the poor taxpayers?

      It is said that WM has not visited his own mother for the past 3 years…all these are unconfirmed news on social media..of course I don’t know the truth, but my good feeling towards them almost dissipated with “water gymnastics”. “They are doing that in the presidential swimming pool… that’s what Iwas heard from the Europeans, if Sri Lanka is a lawless country. Gota was injected by US commissioner and behaved like ” lab rat “in that moment. Now former president SIRISENA makes every effort to seek his salvation through GOta s inability. This is wonderland…. for sure.

    • 8

      nimal fernando: “Skinned him alive”. NO. First “UNDRESS” him for the people to his “NAKED” (True) physic that is wrapped in a camouflaged European Dress, that which “FOOLED” us until the last “Parliamentary Elections”.

      How about bringing him to Galle Face, the very premises that elevated him to Presidency, and let those responsible be allowed to “STONE” him along with “Rajapakses” who “CROWNED” him?

  • 15

    Ranil does not know Srilankan mindset about their own future ! Ranil is worried
    about a future JVP power or he is so pretending to be worried to fool the already
    misled masses . He’s neither worried about winning Hearts and minds nor
    losing them because he knows only well the situation is Heartless and mindless
    to which he is part and parcel ! A Lost man making weird announcement under
    the protection of a country’s constitution is what should be called ‘violence’. If
    anybody wants to chase away Rajapakshas then deal with their protectors !

    • 7

      WHY WHY@

      Who knows he will start wearing “sataka” and ho amuda around his neck from next week? That’s the language most people will understand. … hypocritical language…
      Perhaps following in Mahinda’s footsteps, it is not surprising that they start kissing and touching the babies of unknown villagers to show their fake love. Let s wait, if he ever would do it…. I hardly think that his intelligent wife would ever allow him to do so.

      Last but not least, the yellow pets are placed high in his walk and can easily lead those stupid people astray. He will privatize all those companies – before he starts shouting motherland once, motherland twice, three times.

      • 6

        Dear LM: “Last but not least, the yellow pets are placed high in his walk…..” YES. On Wednesday he said in Parliament: ” I was asked by the TWO HIGH PRIESTS at Malwatta and Asgiriya to take over the Premier’s job”.

        Don’t make a “GUESS”. He will take the “SATAKE” from “Rajapakse” and wear it as “AMUDE” because there are some physical components (that remain so far) he has to protect before those are removed by the people.

  • 11

    Well done Ranil he got the priorities right, aspirations of the 69.
    The military, emergency law, PTA last 40yrs out of 75 yrs independence.
    But lucky southerners haven’t used the fully military powers. We in our court yards have our own bunkers. Shellings,cut of from the out side world.fully embargoes, no gas electricity …..not even panadol not even torch light batteries
    Treated as a separate country.they celebrate war victory we mourn our dead ones.Sangam wants Hitler the Nazis, may be holly chronicle says so.

  • 15

    The theme of this speech seems to be to pay pooja to the armed services. There are many references and subtexts that make this evident.

    I picked this classic to highlight the point: “Today, professionals are leaving this country. That gap can be filled by training our armed forces personnel and sending them to those places. That is why we have reduced the retirement age of military service from 22 to 18 years.”

    Yes, fill the gap created by disgusted professionals with handpicked “runner” viru-s from the armed forces…. great policy, Ranil, instead of seeking to make conditions better for all Lankans including the professional cadres. Who is pulling your strings, that miserable, failed Sir?

    • 5

      long time no see.-

      What are the other options before him ?

    • 5

      The ideal would be to block that brain drain. How do you do it right at this crucial stage when you can’t keep your head above water?
      This reminded me of what and how rights Sri Lanka lost after 1983 with the loss of Tamil professionals and migration to Scandinavian countries. That was about 30 years ago. So if a large number of Sri Lankan graduates are dropping out, it is time to bring reforms to Sri Lankan university liberal education. Germany and several other countries charge their domestic students what the government paid for their education during their undergraduate courses. This is organized by them within 15 years of the scholarship recipients leaving the university. Also, our graduates must be entitled to a system if they graduate from local universities, no choice but to pay it back… that is cycle so that all their juniors will profit and giving a relief to the state.
      That’s how any state can earn it for the next batch of students. No-nonsense policies should be followed. If they continue to engage in private practice as the GMOA chairman did amidst the Covid restrictions, they should pay taxes accordingly.
      If those rich people don’t pay their taxes, they should even be sentenced to death. The toughened rules should be enforced atleast now, Basta. Ranil or any other leader should be a strict legislator.

  • 8

    Mr.Bean thinks that people call him Hitlar, Hitlar at least had a false belief this fellow the joker only wants power. He will learn his final lesson in politics very soon

    • 1

      Who is “Hitlar”? Is he that union leader Joseph Stalin’s brother?

  • 5

    Ranil, I dont intend to debate what you say here, partly because, reluctantly, I am still giving you the benefit of the doubt & also because I cant see much alternative at present. Which, alone, is a terrible admission to make.
    I also expect others here, better informed, will respond more usefully.
    But I wonder if your dependence upon the security forces should be as all-consuming as appears here. There is no visible attempt to trim them — to cut their coat according to the cost given our extreme financial situation — quite the contrary. And, the enrolment of even more troops still receives a high level of celebration, etc. Is that really necessary?

    But there is something else that provokes me: “Some claim today that they are the ones who protect human rights. What have they done? …These people claim to protect human rights but live off the money sent from abroad. That is the reality. Can anybody stand up and tell me they didn’t?”

    How dare you make such an all-embracing accusation!

    From my own, humble, doubtless limited, experience, campaigning for human rights (more specifically, civil & political), I can certainly “stand up” & deny that I or my ngo colleagues “lived off money sent from abroad.”

    • 5

      We gave of our time & energy, freely, even money, not to speak of even risking our lives on occasion.

      For instance, can you recall when a fellow MP (weren’t you a Cabinrt Minister at the time?) threatened me & my ngo colleague (former senator), with his gun on Referendum day. He may even have killed us if not for a brave young man (Muslim, incidentally) leaving his car & tackling him at the risk of his life while his chauffeur sped us away to safety. A parked car, full of police on the other side of the road, didn’t budge from its watching-only position.

      Your uncle & President (?) praised the gunman & immediately promoted him to be a Deputy Minister — of Home Guards! For months, thereafter, I went around in dark glasses lest I ran into the guy…or rather, lest HE ran into ME!

      In fact he very nearly did! Or perhaps I should say, I very nearly RAN into HIM! In a new supermarket (the very first one?) nr Kollupitiya Junction, I suddenly saw him squatting to fish out something from a bottom shelf!

      • 5

        It was all I could do not to run him over — accidentally, of course — with my trolley. Discretion — not one of my virtues — intervened.

        What a wasted opportunity!

        To get back to what I set out to say. That ngo I joined in 1980 was set up nearly 10 years earlier, by Buddhist & Christian clerics, academics like Sarachchandra, lawyers, doctors, artists, etc. For some years (7/8?) it depended entirely on members’ free services & subscriptions. This included free legal assistance in every situation. Lawyers were an indispensable part of the organisation. Later, in order to pay for secretarial, etc., assistance, maintain the provision of statements, etc., in 3 languages, & distribute to a growing readership, some outside financing was sort. This increased over time, as did the organisation’s work.

        Some members in fact, sacrificed their personal careers to serve the ngo fulltime. And to date any such service remains voluntary.

        Of course, I can only speak for the ngo I was involved with but I challenge the President to negate what I have said.

  • 5

    I see Ranil has just delivered an oration in honour of Lalith Aththulathmudali. Hmm…I will never forget how LA fought against accepting help from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to alleviate some of the terrible conditions during the ethnic war. He said our situation was not covered by Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions. Convinced that it was, a colleague & I researched the history & recent work of the ICRC in like situations & concluded that the Article DID apply to SL. We produced a detailed study which our org (ngo) adopted & issued with a supporting statement urging the Govt to comply with the UN resolution & accept the offer of the ICRC. I believe it may have been this that led to the govt changing its mind.

    No remuneration of any kind was looked for, let alone received for work like this. And our lawyer members always acted pro bono in cases taken on by our ngo.

  • 5

    Ranil states that ac to our Constitution “…sovereignty belongs to the people.” And that “Section 04 states how it works. Legislative power, executive power and judicial power as well as fundamental rights. Also, the referendum is the only opportunity where the people can participate directly. No one can go out on the street and cause trouble. There is no room for violence.”

    What a laugh! Has he, have we forgotten our only experience of a Referendum in this benighted country? I certainly haven’t. May I recommend to you, your excellency (sorry, Your Excellency) both the Elections Commissioner’s Report on the Referendum & my own (published earlier & abroad but under a pseudonym as no one wd publish it here), both of which negate your claims that:
    1) A referendum is the only opportunity where the people can participate directly
    2) No one can go out on the street and cause trouble
    3) There is no room for violence.

    Everyone of those assertions withers & dies in the face of the evidence mentioned. And even the hon. (?) former MP for Colombo West might find it hard to keep a straight face if he read this.

  • 4

    HALLELUJAH! Sri Lanka has got a “BENEVOLENT HITLER”. To. “Rev.” Madille: You asked “GOTA” – the wrong person to be the “Hitler”. Now you must be chanting “Pirith” – (that “36-Hour” ) and most definitely drive your “V8” to the Presidential Palace to tie the “Pirith Nool” to your newly found “Hitler ” Ranil W.

    To “DIYASENA” Bridge: Start your “Celebrations”. Your wishes have come true. That much waited “DIYASENA” has arrived.

    To VIETNAMESE: Your long-lasting “Leader” – ( captured and killed by the people and left the body on the roadside) ” DINDIYAM” is “REINCARNATED” in Sri Lanka as declared by our President Ranil W in Parliament on Wednesday. Do you need him again? We can make him travel to your country as we did to our “GOTA”. We also don’t mind you doing the same to this “Reincarnated” -“DINDIYAM”.

    To UN Country Rep. Hanna Singer Hamdy: It is reported that you expressed great praise for the way that Sri Lanka Law Enforcement handled the recent “Protests” against the Government. Could be that you too accept the “Reincarnation” of both “Hitler” and “Dindiyam”?

    • 4

      How can we hope any good in a country with majority like your “kadmandiya” people? Don’t they look at your finger when you point your fingers at the moon? If the fingers are damaged, they don’t limit themselves but continue finding out as to why the fingers were so damaged or abnormal… that’s how most of us are.

      2015 – The entire anti-Rajapaksa sections of this society hung Mahinda Rajapaksa from a window of the recently destroyed CHARLTON house.. but the authorities di dnot do the job to catch him by his horns. ….. so not just politicians, but justice related systems did not do the job properly.


      • 5

        so the judges, lawyers and other professionals of this society did not do justice to the people. So when educated or uneducated people in this country go to use their “universal franchise”, both behave the same way. This was well predicted by Prof. Kovoor long ago.
        .. However, groups led by MR supporters did not allow the elected government to function properly from 2015 to 2019. In a law bound country, RAJAPASKHES should have been put in jails forever. However, there is something not clear to the man yin this country…… that is CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUUS UPHEAVALS in south asian island is most powerful than the factual based ” public perception”: That is where the people and experts should focus on, at least today, in order to get this PEOPLE and nation to the track. After than only, the outcome of the election would be similar to that of a civilized democratic country.

  • 5

    “The referendum is the only opportunity where the people can participate directly,” says Ranil. Has he forgotten the enormous lengths to which his govt – the UNP govt, JR’s govt – went to prevent that?

    JR introduced the Dec 1982 Referendum because the result of the Oct Prez Election gave him a shock. Woke him up to the possibility that his party would not only lose the vital 2/3 majority in the due General Election, but might lose the election altogether. He had to go all out to prevent that election being held.

    The gist of the referendum question was: “Should the general election constitutionally due by Oct 1983, be postponed for a further period of 6 years?”

    In other words, should the composition of Parliament installed in 1977 continue unchanged for another 6 years?

    Apart from things like cooking up the Naxalite plot as one reason for the referendum, he made use of it to put popular opposition politicians in jail.

    He also resorted to another tactic to deter the more “honest” (?), more democratic elements in his own party going all out to achieve his evil ends

    • 4

      Correcting myself!
      “He also resorted to another tactic to deter the more “honest” (?), more democratic elements in his own party going all out to achieve his evil ends,” should have read:

      “He also resorted to another tactic to force the more honest……elements ….to go all out to achieve his evil ends.”

  • 6

    Via Premadasa, he extracted signed resignations from all his MPs, to keep & date at his pleasure. In the eventuality that a district failed to vote “Yes”, he would date the letter of the relevant MP, who would then be considered to have resigned. And a bye-election would be held in his former electorate. Despite this onus on them to go all out to win a “Yes” vote, there were still some UNP MPs, like Shelton Ranaraja, who didn’t approve of this whole business & decided to let their electorate vote according to its conscience. He “lost” the vote in his electorate…& his seat.

    There were, of course, UNP voters who didn’t approve of this & who may have voted against it. My “good Christian”, next door neighbour certainly wasn’t one. Her response to my explaining why one should vote “No” was: “My party, right or wrong!”

    Knowing full well how a referendum was twisted & put to use by his uncle, how can Ranil recommend it to us now?

    • 4

      It was not LOVE that got JR elected to the Presidency but an expression of HATE towards Sirimavo because the disgusting way she governed the county. Her family and her clan mattered to her most and not the masses.

      • 2

        Exactly hanchopancha ! You got them both JRJ and Sirimavo packed
        into one box . Spot on ! And it is the Ghost JRJ that we see in Ranil .
        All past top politicians whether they knew politics or not , their top
        priority was to serve themselves . They all had unemployed guys in
        their families to be provided with the best available positions first !
        Why can’t we call them Hon, Beggars ? Employment Thieves ? All
        filth in a vocabulary ? This is exactly what you see in every nook
        and corner of the country even in a small ‘ Samithi’ roughly
        translated Society if I am right .

      • 0

        Did she steal public funds? Waste state funds in foreign visits? Get the country into debt?
        Study the circumstances of economic problems before making sweeping statements.
        Has anything been more disgusting than the 17 years of JR-RP misrule?
        Did the economy really improve in this country during then and after?
        Why did people vote ‘yes’ for his referendum?

        • 0

          Why did people vote ‘yes’ for his referendum?

          Actually, SJ, I dont believe they did.

          I cant remember exactly why I came to this conclusion, but if u go thru the calculations in my long account of the referendum, you will probably agree.

          That’s why RW’s recommendation of referenda holds no water with me.

          Anyway, whatever else he does, I hope he reads today’s Island editorial & acts accordingly!

  • 4

    Now and then, I make a comment to relieve me of my boredom, you would have known. This is one such comment.
    Who is more bored … ? Me or the man seated in the picture?
    (If you are also bored, I can make one more, just for you!)

    • 3

      The man isn’t bored. He’s just wondering what he must have done in his past life that he has to stand up in public and vote for a budget presented by a UNP leader.
      But his father was also in the same predicament. Must be a familial thing.

      • 2

        It was not quite the same predicament.
        Dad knew who his prime minister will be and, in fairness, his PM allowed him a free hand as Minister of Industries. A record number of small and medium state industries came up under dad. He commanded much respect in government, despite resentment by some.

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