9 September, 2024


Three Weeks To Go & One Man To Be Elected; Would Ranil Outperform Sajith?

By Vishwamithra

“There are two types of poor people, those who are poor together and those who are poor alone. The first are the true poor, the others are rich people out of luck.” ~ Jean-Paul Sartre

It is absolutely meaningless to even discuss the credentials, validity and legitimacy of the gang that surrounds President Ranil Wickremesinghe today. His entourage consists of some of the most notorious political rogues and fraudsters that Sri Lanka has produced over the last couple decades. As a result of this short-lived honeymoon that Ranil is enjoying with these political crooks, the people would eventually choose to look the other way when Ranil Wickremesinghe as an Independent candidate for the Presidential Elections in September 2024 makes an attempt to release his Manifesto to the people. When one loses one’s credibility, he or she loses everything. And Ranil, either as President or a candidate at the forthcoming Presidential elections, has lost all his marbles.

For Ranil, tempting those who are with the Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) to jump across to his coalition is more important than any wisely crafted campaign program. Having been nurtured by the United National Party (UNP), especially under the tutelage of JR Jayewardene, the quintessential organizer/politician, Ranil Wickremesinghe doesn’t seem to have learnt the nuts and bolts of electioneering. Heavily influenced by a notion of deal-making, Ranil’s politics has been bordering along a transactional endeavor. Alluring opposition parliamentarians towards his side, he has never succeeded as a master of the convincing art of politics. He has not dawned upon him that those who have left their previous masters, the Rajapaksas, do not carry any voters with them other than the stinking baggage of corruption and downright dishonesty. Instead of carrying Ranil to the throne, they shall bury Ranil with unbearable weight of their own immediate past.

On the other hand, Sajith Premadasa‘s plight seems to be, more a product  of his own narcissistic grandeur. Unlike Ranil, Sajith is quite a good speaker, both in vernacular and English. Although Sajith seems to go overboard on the language, when he uses the English language, it seems to be for the sole purpose of creating an impression on the listeners. He seems to have fallen in love with himself and especially when making a speech in English his usage of the language makes the listeners cringe; the embarrassment it causes to himself, although he doesn’t realize, is immense.

But one cannot underestimate Sajith’s ability to express his ideas and ideals in Sinhala; particularly in the Chamber of Parliament, he holds himself quite admirably. Yet  on the public platform he tends to go totally overboard. His fatal flaw in believing that his father was a persona par-excellence and that his father’s solutions to the problems three decades ago are still valid and relevant is delusional. He doesn’t seem to realize that when his father was assassinated the common men and women ran to the streets and started lighting crackers. The same common man on whose behalf Senior Premadasa spent his words and language turned against him, reminding one of the brutal reality of irony of public service not meant well. The people may have realized that Senior Premadasa’ motive was heavily laden with egoistic ambition and merciless retribution to his enemies.

Senior Premadasa was never accepted by the Colombo-elite of the time. Instead of totally disregarding the notion that the Colombo-elite itself was a self-absorbed, idiosyncratic bunch of lotus eaters, he chose to avenge that behavior of the Colombo-based pukka sahibs with enormous amount of envy and hatred. Furthermore, Senior Premadasa’s attempt at rewriting his own pedigree and personal history did not sell well. He did not understand the humility and that strong characteristic of being humble and big; on the contrary, everything he did made him look cocky and small.

Senior Premadasa was a marvelous mob orator in Sinhala. The only match he had at the time was Rohana Wijeweera. Both, in a very ironical sense departed the world in the most heinous fashion. No person deserves to bid adieu to the world in that unkind manner; but fate performs its unkind drama in the most unkind fashion.

Sajith should, if he is serious about attracting the rural youth to his candidacy, refrain from bringing his father’s name and his uncouth era of governance to his public statements and speeches. Why does Sajith not understand that basic premise of persuasion. Politics is an enterprise that teaches the player how to win friends, both publicly as well as privately. Sajith seems to be failing on both of these fronts.

The electorate, in the midst of the current electioneering mood, is confronted by a very valid and justifiable choice. Both Ranil Wickremesinghe and Sajith Premadasa seem to be fighting for the second place. Many a pollster is engaged in predicting who is ahead and who is behind. No person in Sri Lanka would know for sure who would win at the end. Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) and the Mālimāva (Compass) are ahead. But it is not a given. With about three weeks to go, Sri Lankan voters are notorious for surprising the electorate by turning out early and choosing to take the candidates and their parties aback at the end of the day. Who will be at the receiving end is totally up to the voter. On the election day, the voter full well knows that he is the king. At the tip of his fingers rests the fate of many candidates. That fingertip is all powerful. Many of those so-called crafty politicians have been found dead, metaphorically, at the end of this fingertip.

The tussle between Ranil and Sajith is sharpening day by day. Fence-jumping is the order of the day. After Thalatha’s abdication and brutal exposure of her leader Sajith, the rumor-mill is pregnant with many more rumors. They say that many more are to do the crossings; many more are supposed to leave Sajith and the SJB generating more doubt and suspicion about the leadership quality of Sajith. It is not a very flattering gesture from his fellow party-men. Not that these would-be crossover guys trust Ranil Wickremesinghe more; but they simply trust Sajith less.

Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) is not a new party with a new base and a new set pf policies and principles. It is the United National Party (UNP) in a different garb. Ranil, of course, has been a thorough failure as a political party leader. His performance in successive elections has been dismal, resulting in the rank and file searching new leadership. They first tried it with Karu Jayasuriya (KJ) but Sajith was in too much of a hurry to let KJ spoil his chances at a quick entry into the Presidential enclaves. While Ranil was busy destroying his own party, getting it reduced to zero MPs in parliament, the grassroots of the UNP stuck onto the SJB.

The NPP and AKD have released their ‘Social Contract’ with the people. A three hundred plus page document detailing their policies and principles may have answered many questions raised by many skeptics. Yet it is not a perfect catalog of theory and practice. But on its face value and in the midst of its linguistic appeal, it promises to be promising. Ranil and SJB are yet to release theirs to challenge this electioneering element by the NPP and when we see it, it might be too late. There are but a very few who have already not made up their minds. There is hardly any time either for Ranil or Sajith to make a headway on this. Those who would wait till the eleventh hour would most likely go for Ranil. Once again, not that they love Ranil more but that they trust Sajith less!

*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com        

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  • 21

    Ranil will easily outperform Sajith in every aspect. Sajith has no steady policy. Like his father, R.Premadasa, who told the Tamils ‘I will give everything but not Eelam’ (ellam tharalam, but not Eelam). This is what will happen to Dr.Archuna. Ranil also supported the passing of the 13th Amendment, but is reluctant to implement it like his unclde J.R.Jayawardene. However, Ranil trying to bring about a harmony betwwen the Sinhalese and the Tamils through economic development projects which the Tamil community is aware. He respects all communities and especially when he visits Jaffna he never forget to worship Nallur Kandasamy temple. The organizers of the UNP are inefficient in allowing Ranil to move with the Tamil people, when the youngesters are desirous of meeting him. Even the Sinhalese and the Tamils are aware, that is Ranil who can build Sri Lanka therough economic development and that Western countries, India and Japan are ready to assist him. Other political leaders have no solution to provide an alternative to the implementation of the 13th Amendment other than joining hands with China. The Tamil community is also aware that the concept of a Common Tamil candidate is promoted by a group of political clowns. Hence they (both Sinhalese & Tamils) will support Ranil as he has the courage to reduce the cost of living.

    • 30

      “Hence they (both Sinhalese & Tamils) will support Ranil as he has the courage to reduce the cost of living.”
      Not only by Ranil but also by any God you cannot reduce the cost of living which is almost three times more than before Ranil. Ranil now spend millions of public funds to buy MPs from Tamil political party (Federal Party) because he cannot go in front of Sinhalese people. All who joined him are who robbed this country together with Rajapaksas. They can’t face Sinhalese. Ranil may win the election only through fraud. not genuinely. He is JRJ’s nephew who is master of fixing elections.

      • 10

        The rise and fall of Gonawala Sunil …… and the part played by the exemplary statesman Ranil to prevent his rise …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yatfBbLtfc0

        And the backhanded helping hand, the always-looking-after-the-people’s-interests, JVP gave Ranil to eliminate the menace.

        Ranil and the JVP are joined at the hip in more ways than one: now and forever. ……… They are a perfect fit.

        Never blame one ……… and …… not the other.

    • 33

      “He respects all communities and especially when he visits Jaffna he never forget to worship Nallur Kandasamy temple.”

      Ranil has a priceless collection of rare Buddhist books ………. but does he “operate” by Buddha’s teachings? …… Could his worshiping at Nallur Kandasamy temple be in the same vein?

      Don’t know about Hinduism …… but for sure, the Lankan Buddhists who respect Buddha are the ones who don’t make a public spectacle of it: the ones who don’t wear it on their sleeve. ……. The moment one does it publicly the motives turn out to be different ……. don’t you understand?

      All are in it for themselves.

      Every man for himself and God for us all.

      Then DTG got up and said “God is dead.” ……. Even all-powerful God runs for cover and escapes responsibility for the mess he has created. ……. If God is so powerful and can do anything, why does he first let the mess happen and then wait for mortals to pray to him to clean it up? Couldn’t he have prevented the mess in the first place ……. before it happened?

      It’s a wee little bit like Ranil first helping to create the economic mess ….. and then trying to take credit for solving it.

      They are both playing the simple trick …… cause and effect …… to stay in power perpetually.

      • 27


        Could it be, God, ……. like Ranil ……. is nothing but a bungling, bumbling, incompetent old fart …… that sells cheap deceptions ……. to send mortals up the garden path?

        In the world ……. and especially in Lanka …… I’ve always felt so alone: never felt anyone was looking after my interests …….. except myself.

        And I’ve looked after my interests as well as I could. Never waited for anyone else …… high time you guys did too …….

        • 13

          “nimal fernando, don’t talk lies about DTG “
          But DTG has also been spreading lies that Germany has destroyed all mosques in the country.

          • 8

            very correct dear OC. Facts will not guide our SINHALA people… that lies in their genetics… aiyyyo… how many more decades woudl take them to civilize….. is my million dollar question.

          • 5

            old codger

            Could you enlighten us on new trendy topics like Theravada economy, Buddhism and AI, …….

            Is it another way to the path of Sinhala/Buddhisisation of economy of this island, just like Bumiputra economy?
            Do I smell rat?
            When politicians use language, religion and nationalism (whatever that may be) I usually cringe.

            • 7

              If “Theravada economy” is one where the government organises dansalas every day, I am all for it. I suppose the rice will come from Tamilnadu.
              It’s promising season now. Don’t take anything seriously.
              Buddhism and AI? Is Lester running Ranil’s PR team?

              • 8

                Even more promising, AKD now says he’ll run SLT and develop the Trinco oil tanks with the help of “foreign investors”. What are his own unions going to say?

        • 4

          nimal fernando

          Have you ever been tempted to kill GOD?

          • 5

            “Have you ever been tempted to kill GOD?”


            Your God, Ranil? ……. Yes, for all the squandered opportunities! ……. Unfortunately, as you would’ve realized by now, he can’t be cleverer than himself …… in spite of Uncle Junious’ …… all the training.

            What ol’ Federico was saying was very profound ……. but his dramatic statement distracted people from what he was trying to say. Instead he should’ve said “God is a little dead.” Like Ranil’s 2048 ……. or the Gals OC hanky-panky-ies with are a little pregnant. ……. Little subtleties, nuances of words/language matter.

            The language teacher from Bandarawela is an expert ……. he insults ladies and their deceased husbands ……… and pretends he apologizes ……. but the subtleties in the language he uses …… he never does.

            It’s how you create the ol’ illusion.

            • 3

              nimal fernando

              You haven’t answered my question:
              Have you ever been tempted to kill GOD?

              • 4


                Look around …….. people have many GODs ……. all sorts.

                It depends on who one’s GOD is ….. I’ve no GOD: never had. …….. No GOD to kill.

                Your question is too ambivalent ……. ambiguous.

                Questions should be clear-cut.

              • 4


                It’s all in the mind.

                Imagine there is a yet undiscovered planet in some far corner of the universe.

                But is the rock really in existence if no one knows about it?

                Things come into existence when people become aware of them …….. it’s purely in the minds. ……. Gods too!

                How can one kill Gods without killing minds? ……. How can one kill minds without killing people?

                No, I’m never tempted to kill DTG …… let him have his mind/God ……. it’s a free world.

                But I’m tempted to kill the man who’s stealing all my gals. …….. Hope AKD will set fire to the 153 bus …… when he comes …….

                • 3

                  But is the planet really in existence if no one knows about it? —-> But is the rock really in existence if no one knows about it?

      • 1

        nimal fernando, don’t talk lies about DTG who is supposed to have said “God is dead”. Never will confess such a lie. Creator God Jehovah has a plan for his creation, and you seem to be on the outside. Get in or you will go to hell at death for not choosing to accept his rule in his kingdom in his plan.

        • 15

          DTG Friedrich Nietzsche said God is dead. That’s why we’ve had to create him, in our image. Aren’t we pathetic?

          • 10

            Dear Paul,
            Please leave him alone. He dances in his own world. I have met such people in many nations so far.
            Religion is an opiate for some. Not only DTG, we have Sinhala Buddhists who behave like him. lOOK at that “TONY” another reign carnation of former Eagle Eye or Mahindapala or NATHA DEWIYA (late Nalind De Silva). Their comments are real hurtful at the minorities.

            These people are brainwashed making them eternal idiots.
            Some don’t care. I was born a Sinhala Buddhist, but later became a Buddhist. So is my brother “Human Touch” who analyzes Sri Lanka which I really believe in. The many people in that hell are so disgusting.
            Look how popular rhetoric still spreads like wild fire. People s thinking is Stuck somewhere, unable to think beyond that.
            Aiyoo… a disaster is in making, … our people hang on religous fanatiker. ?

            • 5

              Hello Leelagemalli, as Native has been saying for a very long time, there is a big difference between Buddhism and Sinhala Buddhism. I don’t have any hope for our people as long as they don’t see that the Buddhism that they talk so much about was the result of a Hindu’s efforts.
              It follows that the Tamils are their brothers and sisters and closer to them than any other human being. Sadly the donkeys do not know that the Buddha never taught Buddhism, let alone Sinhala Buddhism, he taught Dhamma.

              • 2

                Ranil will beat Sajith if Namal withdraws in favour of Ranil.

                • 6

                  Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

                  “Ranil will beat Sajith if Namal withdraws in favour of Ranil.”

                  SJ who is close to Mao’s soul and davidthegood who is close to Jehovah will jointly decide the outcome of the election results.

                  By the way your man for all political season Douglas now supports Ranil, survival of the fittest.

                  Have you ever taken time look into the nature of Tamil politics and polity in the North (East)? Doesn’t it bother you the proliferation of Parties, mostly sustained by leaders’ ego. Northern (Eastern) is mostly dominated by 6 or 7 regional parties and 2 national parties.

                  Wonder whether there is any ideological difference among them.
                  Failed armed struggle, ….. without exception all parties have been jockeying for seats at the parliament.

                  What else are they contributing to the people of the region, people, …. perhaps more bars?
                  As a rare thinker among diaspora Tamils haven’t you thought about shameful behaviour of your people both inside and out their habitat and their leaders?

                  • 4

                    As for Tamil politicians, they are concerned with their personal agendas before the benefit to the Tamil people. None of them have the vision, knowledge or capability to take the Tamils forward either politically or economically. They only know to shout on stages and give press briefings.
                    As for Tamils abroad, I can only speak for UK, where majority of Tamils are law abiding and honest. It is the riff raff forming fringe elements in society who are creating trouble. What happened in Canada brings shame to Tamils. LTTE supporters should only be pressure groups and not policy makers as their thinking is skewed. What Canadian Tamil congress did was wrong and people will teach them a lesson. In UK nobody cares for GTF/BTF.

                    • 2

                      Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

                      “None of them have the vision, knowledge or capability to take the Tamils forward either politically or economically. “

                      I can see that from whatsapp clips I regularly receive, look at Canadian Street Festival. Say no more.

                      “LTTE supporters should only be pressure groups and not policy makers as their thinking is skewed. “

                      Forget policy making those who disrupt the festival are a minority section of Tamils. These are early stages of building a Mafia organisation. These thugs know there is a lot of money involved in these festivals. They want to have total control and 100% share of the income.

                      I was listening to people who shed crocodile tears about the pain and suffering of the people due the war. That is why they want to stop such street carnivals, even after 15 years. These sadist thugs can’t bear the thought of people enjoying themselves. The question is …..

                • 2

                  What kind of gnana are you preaching of? Why did Evil go to lock heads with the Playboy Minister? Is that the gratitude Evil showed to Rowdy Royals after playing tricks and stole the government from Old Royal Rowdies, without winning a seat? Why didn’t he conduct the election immediately to do justice for all the political parties and the protesters who ousted the Rowdies’ government? The Cowardly man expressed open support to the protestors, then arrested them and put them in prison, to prevent another protest against him. Is that too hard for you to grasp after all you have completed a professional examination? Do you know, in an election, candidates put forward policies and those are the materials to introduce differences between them? Is the Playboy Minister competing with Evil On policy wise? How? Where? Evil, in the North, in 2015 shouted like a gangster boss at a principal who complained about his school situation. But before the Jan 2015 election, Sampanthar Aiya invited this man and waved Sinhala Bauddha flag for this man’s support. As a favor for that gesture of Sampanthan Aiya, Evil secretly dissolved the 13A. He did not open his mouth about the dissolution of 13A in his entire 2014 campaign. Average Sinhalese understand this devil many times better than you, a professional, so did not give him even one candidate. Let’s see how they act this time also.

        • 9

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        • 12

          davidthegood, how dare you threaten Nimal Fernando with Hell. There is a word in the English language for ‘believe us or else’ systems of thought. The word is Tyranny. You are no better than an Ayatollah.

          • 10

            Yes, Paul,
            I haven’t the foggiest notion
            who “davidthegood” is, and how he earns his living. I’m sure that he is an upright man who keeps all the Ten Commandments, but the problem is that he sounds so self-righteous.
            On some issues relating to governance in the country, he seems spot on, and I agree with him.
            But then you run in to instances of him giving literal interpretations of the most absurd things in the Bible. He probably believes that humans did not evolve, and that the world (Planet Earth) is all that matters, and that only some thousands of years ago, Satan came in the guise of a serpent and tempted Eve, who was manufactured by God using one of Adam’s ribs.
            Perhaps fifty years from now, I will know nimal fernando’s identity when we are both being tormented in Hell.
            I’m sorry, davidthegood, I’m not joking when I say that what is lacking in you is a little bit of common sense.
            Panini Edirisinhe

            • 0

              Sinhala_Man, what you call common sense may not be very accurate biblically since you have taken yourself out of the sense that God birthed you in. I was created by a loving God in his image to redeem this world back into his kingdom with his power and help. I certainly did not evolve from a monkey. Better change your mind about evolving before it is too late to revert. Darwin’s child dying at 10 years may have upset his mind and theory, and he went on a cruise too later to recover psychologically. His wife Emma was a devout Christian and Darwin himself is still buried in the Anglican Westminster Abbey. But his soul may not have reached his Creator God he denied. Tragic.

              • 8

                The bible mentions that the Earth has four corners. So, is it square?

                • 0

                  old codger, don’t be ignorant. Corner in maths is called vertex

                  • 4

                    So how many vertexes has the Earth got?

                • 6

                  Thanks to dtg, I have got it right I think.
                  The earth is a tetrahedron.

                  • 6

                    It must be so interesting to live in a universe where the earth is flat when you worship, but round when you board a plane.

                    • 2

                      More stand-up material is available here https://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/index.php
                      Apparently the maternity ward needs an air fryer.
                      And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or dove, for a sin offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest: Who shall offer it before the LORD, and make an atonement for her. Leviticus 12:6-7

              • 1

                Nobody has ever said that you evolved directly from a monkey.
                What is said is that monkeys and humans had a common ancestor, from whom they evolved over millions of years.
                At least you have done some reading up about Darwin; what you have said drove me to read this up:
                It was a quick and cursory reading, but I’m sure that you will grant that he seems to have been a decent and sensitive man.
                His body was buried in Westminster Abbey; his brain gave him consciousness. I term that mind. I don’t know what is meant by soul.
                Please stay with your belief; it does no harm.

                • 0

                  Sinhala_Man, Gen.2,7 says that man formed from dust, when God’s breath entered, became a living soul (being), (a speaking spirit). Soul is described as mind, will and emotions, which are under human control.

            • 8

              “I’m sorry, davidthegood, I’m not joking when I say that what is lacking in you is a little bit of common sense”

              Ironically this is coming from a man who behaves 24 hours a day like a psychopath going after the 89-92 barbarians to promote them as our future leader.
              I am dumb.
              Please go to a mirror and look at it…. There is a saying in Sinhala idiom “If you are the smartest example give advice to others.”However, this is not the case in your person. You sit with murderers and promote murderes as the leaders

            • 7

              I agree Sinhala_Man, the points he raises on the political situation are all acceptable and valid. I knew someone just like him, let us call him Fred. Some years ago he and others in his cult were informed by their bosses (some elderly White men in the US) that the World was going to end on a certain day. Fred resigned from his job on a Friday and spent the weekend in prayer waiting for the end. Monday morning dawned, the World was intact and Fred was unemployed.

              • 0

                Paul, foolish, misled, unemployed, wrong believing Fred.

                • 5

                  There are too many people claiming to be having chitchats with AMG.
                  Which of them does one believe?
                  If you ask me, I would say that one should ignore all prophesies.

                • 2

                  If you attack innocent people, your God will punish you.

                  I don’t believe in gods, but I do believe in some unseen forces, human beings have not been able to discover the theories behind it.

                  • 0

                    leelagemalli, you mention unseen forces. You are really experiencing God, but trying to discover the theories behind it.

              • 7


                “Monday morning dawned, the World was intact and Fred was unemployed.”

                For some cult members and their leaders that was the end of their life, for example:

                ‘It wasn’t suicide … they were murdered’: inside the Jonestown cult massacre”

                Cult Massacre: One Day in Jonestown | Official Trailer | Hulu

                Stories of other, close to home:
                On the Death of Velupillai Prabhakaran
                The last days of Thiruvenkadam Veluppillai Prabhakaran
                DBS Jeyaraj , 22 May 2009

                The capture and execution of JVP Leader Rohana Wijeweera

                When you see ….. run.
                However davidthegood if he kept preaching he has a very good chance of becoming a very very rich Televangelist. The most vulnerable people will make him rich.

                The Killing of Rohana Wijeweera

                • 3

                  Thank you Native.

                • 0

                  Native Vedda, the aim is not to get rich in wealth, but be rich when belonging to the kingdom family in God’s love

              • 3

                Hello Paul,
                Just like my 1000 UK Pound bet with one of my Granddaughters that the world would NOT end in 2012. I said if it doesn’t end she had to give me the money. When it didn’t end and I asked her for it she reckoned I had cheated and implied that I did something to stop it happening. She was 20 at the time and believed everything on the Internet. She laughs about it now.
                Best regards

                • 3

                  Hello LankaScot, she has woken up. Good for her.

          • 0

            Paul, going to hell is not a threat and preventing it is eternally helpful. Luke 16,24 says that the rich man who went to hell, cried and said “I am tormented in this flame.” A gulf is fixed. This is not Ayatollah Tyranny. It is a warning by Jesus.

            • 6

              davidthegood, Conjoined Twins are already in hell thanks to the Creator. I’ll take my chances.

              • 0

                Paul, Conjoined Twin are very rare and are due to some human genetic condition in the family and not due to the false accusation you are trying to put on the creator. Read the creation account in Genesis 1,31 which confirms that all Jehovah made was very good

                • 4

                  So Jehovah was unable to prevent their problem because he’s not almighty. Or did he choose not to? Or did he allow their birth just for kicks as he did with Hitler. Or is he there at all?

                • 3

                  Hello DTG,
                  So where did the “Bad” come from? How can an Omnipotent, Benevolent all Powerful Creator of the Universe bring evil into our World?
                  Best regards

                  • 1

                    “How can an Omnipotent, Benevolent, all Powerful Creator of the Universe bring evil into our World? “
                    It is amazing to watch your boggled mind so quickly convoluting static old talks into free-flowing Science (of your kind). You misunderstand a lot of things as science. It is absolutely you only derived with your lame logic that God exports bad to earth. Then stealthily, you are dying hard to put that in DTG’s mouth. Then you are whitewashing that crooked nature as EVR’s Self Respect Movement (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Respect_Movement). I was never an atheist, but around my high school time, I was an ardent follower of EVR & Annadurai (Anna). I am no longer, but still respect them. That is the reason I say here Sinhala Buddhism needs Sinhala-Thirunavukkarasu and EVR. Thirunavukkarasu was a dedicated, sage level person, who ousted the bogus religions out of TN. EVR introduced the Self-respect movement (gives meaning of equality for everybody) and removed superstitious beliefs from the minds of laymen. Why is it so hard only to use DTG’ lines and words to debate with him instead of adding bogus deduction to win a trifling-immaterial challenge? This is the fundamental saying of a religious person: “God brings good to earth; God cleanses the bad in the earth by many ways”.

                    Simple reason for that you are exhibiting incapability to debut those talks, so convoluting.

                    • 3

                      Hello Mallaiyuran,
                      There are no Gods. Now prove me wrong.
                      Best regards

                    • 0


                      ” There are no Gods. Now prove me wrong. “
                      Great Heroism!
                      May I ask you a question before we get further into this discussion? What prompted you to select me to ask a question like this? Would it be not to suspect that it could be an effort that in the event I could not prove, or arbitrarily on your side you declare the proof didn’t take place, then it labels me as an ugly lies spreader? At the same, what kind of motive do you expect to be present in me in answering questions like this, an empty useless irrelevant to subject under discussion challenge?
                      First thing, why do you ask me to prove your kind of religion and God’s existence or not existence while I have not espoused of mine? Here the readers have seen, without rejecting or accepting DTG’s version of God and religion, I had insisted group forming and issuing lower moral challenges and condemnation against a man’s belief is not acceptable or as honor conduct. If that is prompting you to drag me to stage and stick a topic you selected for me for and you select another one for you and demand for a debate, there is no way you can put your assumptions into my mouth, as you are successfully doing with DTG or someone else.

                    • 0

                      Is that because you could not grasp anything I have been talking about? Go through my writing (Please don’t get it wrong like earlier, you interpreted my talk of “understanding old writings in Tamil” as deciphering Brahmi) and point me where you got lost in my talks, then I help you. Instead, if you want me to engage with meaningless debate of if there is God or not, when almost all my talks here in CT are about Human Rights concerns, I can’t spend time in that! Through there are governments (Including Langkang’s Sinhala Buddhist UNP-SLFP Aanduwa) insist the citizens must be following the religions they dictate, UN is advocating all have freedom to follow their private beliefs, which are both the “God is existing” and the belief of “God is not existing”. My simple point is nobody should go for forming groups, or lead groups which attempt to condemn another individual based on his/her belief. Because theism and atheism are private beliefs, no opponents to that beliefs can logically or legally introduce revolution to those beliefs, unlike in the concepts of their governments. I notice when Jaffna Man like people advocate his/her religion, extremely few oppose him, saying that his God is not existing. But a large group is present to write insulting opponents to DTG, while some appear to be taking voluntary leadership.

                    • 0

                      These are conduct I list as uncivilized habits for the 25th century, which is the year of our lord 2024. I have seen in the West governments advising elderly citizens the religious scam groups taking the beliefs as advantage targeting their last days’ savings, or one time CM Jayalalitha sternly warning those who offer tongue (or other body parts) for goddesses as an exchange for better education. These are about protecting people’s property and health by the proper, legitimate authority. These are not atheism or denial of existence of the god.
                      You are attempting to provoke me to drag my god and bring set for a sword crossing fight on the stage. The Hindu Gods I believe are not god in swords crossing. I never thought that all your fizzled debates could go this way to a disastrous end. That is even many levels below even to the Western God believers, who insist on the existence of “Super King” Gods.

                    • 0

                      You didn’t go to a nursery. Then hoping to intimidate other children, by declaring that there is no science exciting to learn. But the professors offer PhD in Sc. after 20–25 years of hard work in education. Even that doesn’t guarantee a PhD for anyone. First take a book from Swamies Vivekananda or Chinmayananda and do some practice the way they say it. Come back and write what you find. We talk about what went successful or failed. Failed area, we can work on that again. Proving God is that simple. Sitting idly and arbitrarily selecting somebody and demanding “Show me the God” is nothing but dishonesty. God is not Chocolate pudding to grab and bite. Do you part to realize him? But if by delusion you have been thinking that I have been advertising that I am a master in black arts or miracles, that is your faulty understanding. Again, don’t be silly enough to declare I was endorsing all what DTG was saying. All I said was for you not to target people with violent minds who are innocently or even ignorantly talking about something.
                      GOD BLESS ALL OF US!

                    • 1

                      Hindu Philosophy Advaita say man is the god. So according to my beliefs, easy way for you to see your god is buy a stylish floor mirror from Ikea, install in your dressing room and take a good look of you. If you willing seek more difficult methods, according to Hindu varnashrama dharma, you need to follow four stages of life pattern (“BRAHMACHARYA, GRIHASTHA, VANAPRASTHA, AND SANNYASA” celibacy, family life, semi saintly life and life after renunciation.) to see the god at the end of the life. Study about God and religion in the Brahmacharya staring level. At end go as Sanyasi and envisage the god.
                      You never sat and meditated for five seconds, I guess. All those who witnessed God in Hindu Religion, dedicated their most part of the life for meditation and witnessed what is thought as God in Hindu Religion. Hindus don’t believe in the existence of something in the pot and the cook takes it out with a ladle and puts it on the plate of the client as “Here the God”.

                    • 0

                      Hello Mallaiyuran,
                      I can’t see anything wrong with the EVR Movement. In fact one of the best books that I have read on Indian Attitudes to Cast was Kancha Ilaiah’s “Why I am Not a Hindu”.
                      Best regards

                  • 0

                    Convoluting is not debuting but being intimidated by the sayings of the religious peoples.
                    Last time, when you were willing to promise to show more decency in debates, I expressed skepticism. Because you sounded lacking confidence in you. So, I followed up with criticizing you for not doing Evil’s Secret Solution Political deals. A lot in CT seems to have been hurt by that, and they all are showing off their wounds on their backs and declaring that they are not going to bend through the barbed wire fence. You are adding things as he is saying, so you can easily disprove the additions and attach that proof with that whatever you feel has no resource to debut. If so, then are your services needed for humanity? Is there no way you can withhold those services? I know religions don’t say Gods in the Business of importing and exporting bad to the world. Bad souls imagine it when endures by intense hate of another one. Often, hateful souls venture on constant journeys to seek out the weak and hit on the waist and down. It is only bombastic thoughts in their heads that they are so intelligent, benevolent, respectful servants of humanity. But their action is the mother of all all-evil deeds.
                    Show sincerity in your word and deed. I show respect which I show to DK, Old DMK

                    • 4

                      Hello Mallaiyuran
                      “If so, then are your services needed for humanity?”.
                      What does that mean?
                      Best regards

                    • 0

                      Hindu Philosophy Advaita say man is the god. So according to my beliefs, easy way for you to see your god is buy a stylish floor mirror from Ikea, install in your dressing room and take a good look of you. If you willing seek more difficult methods, according to Hindu varnashrama dharma, you need to follow four stages of life pattern (“BRAHMACHARYA, GRIHASTHA, VANAPRASTHA, AND SANNYASA” celibacy, family life, semi saintly life and life after renunciation.) to see the god at the end of the life. Study about God and religion in the Brahmacharya staring level. At end go as Sanyasi and envisage the god.
                      You never sat and meditated for five seconds, I guess. All those who witnessed God in Hindu Religion, dedicated their most part of the life for meditation and witnessed what is thought as God in Hindu Religion. Hindus don’t believe in the existence of something in the pot and the cook takes it out with a ladle and puts it on the plate of the client as “Here the God”.

                  • 0

                    LankaScot, I believe the bible and God tells in Ezek.28,9 to Lucifer, “will you still say “I am god” Ezek.28, 12 “you were the seal of perfection, on the mountain of God. vs.14 continues as “the anointed cherub that covers” vs.15 perfect till iniquity (sin) was found in you. vs. 16 you sinned and I cast you out. LS, since you asked where, this is where you could read the rest. Satan cast to earth tempted Adam and Eve, but God’s plan was to send Jesus to redeem all humans back to God. Only who accept can return, or they choose to be with satan finally cast into the lake of fire. Rev.20,10

                    • 3

                      “you were the seal of perfection, on the mountain of God. “
                      But didn’t God create Lucifer ? If Lucifer wasn’t good, doesn’t it mean that not everything that God created was good?
                      Perhaps all this happened before God created Logic.

                  • 4


                    There are no gods, it’s just an illusion.
                    Clear evidence:
                    1) Trump willfully allowed over 1 million US people to die from the COVID pandemic without proper action to save their lives. But to some rabid republicans and some of our supporters, the man is considered a hero. can you imagine ?
                    2) Benjamin Netanyahu is a known racist, no different to our our rulers such as RAJAPAKSCHES that constantly did harm to their own minorities.
                    Fascists led by Benjamin Netanyahu are harming Palestinians for no good reason. The DA Rajapakse brutes have been doing all the worst politics harming to all, not just the minorities, branding the country came into being bankrutped, curse ot the buggers.

                    As believers in God that fall prey to myths, these vicious criminals live out their fantasies even further.
                    How can it be that if there is a God who helps everyone, criminals are bred in this world ?

                    3) And above all, over 90% of people are stupid in our hell, why cant the gods do something if gods exist avoiding these stupid people be caught again by another disaster ?


      • 8

        nimal fernando

        “Ranil has a priceless collection of rare Buddhist books ………. but does he “operate” by Buddha’s teachings?”

        Would you like him to remember/celebrate Dukkha 24/7/52?

        “Could his worshiping at Nallur Kandasamy temple be in the same vein?”

        Southern politicians, (now seem all of them), are developing Nallur, Nallai Aatheenam, …. into a ceremonial centre like Malwattu, Asgiria, Vatican, … so that they needn’t to deal with multitude of parties from the North but just one person, a powerful Hindu Saffronista.
        This might backfire.
        Amit Shah/Modi will have a good excuse to claim ownership of the temple and Northern Peninsula.

        “It’s a wee little bit like Ranil first helping to create the economic mess ….. and then trying to take credit for solving it.”

        So Bandaranyakes, Weeping Widow and her merry men, Rajapaksas, NM Perera, JR, Dingiri Banda Wijetunga, Felix Dias Bandaranaike, ……. Ajith Nivard Cabraal and the entire gang of state functionaries, …. have nothing to do with the mess.

        I believe I am assured.

        • 3

          Hello Native,
          I have to be careful what I say, Dingiri Banda Wijetunga was a close relation of my Brother in Law (also Wijetunga) We had a visit from a current Politician (also a Relation) who I thought was UNP, but I was told later he was a Gemba.
          Best regards

          • 2

            President Dingiri Banda ruled for only a few months.
            He is from Kandy and people called him a gentle leader but not powerful enough.

            You may not know the politicians and their politicis of Sri Lanka, most of them wither away after their election.
            However, the Sirisena and RW governments have done some effective work and kept their promises.It is just they fail to come to a consensus. ALso for national issues, people’s represenatives dont seem to unite together.
            On the other hand, in the last two years after taking over the leadership, Ranil has restored normalcy in a country ruled by anarchy. Alone that should be praised. However srilanken media is against RANIL and CBK from the day I know. RAJAPAKSHES work closely with SRILANKEN main stream media. They know how to twist the mindset of the vulernable. Merciless rajapkashes did everything to stay in power. Next election and its aftermath will surely corner Rajapakshes forever.
            WIth the time, people realize what huge harm they did to this nation.

    • 11

      “With about three weeks to go, Sri Lankan voters are notorious for surprising the electorate by turning out early and choosing to take the candidates and their parties aback at the end of the day”
      Is Vishwa, the chief apostle of the JVP, hedging his bets? Disgraceful!
      Sinhala Man? Sinhala Man??

      • 5

        Dear old codger,
        About an hour ago, I noticed that you have said something to me. After that, I read the article by Vishwamithra (some hours after I had commended Sumanthiran and Shanikyan to Naman).
        It’s now becoming impossible to keep up with all that appears on the Web, even in relation to what’s happening in “this little island”. I don’t agree that “Vishwa is hedging his bets. It’s just that I realise that the race is now between AKD and Sajith – and that Sajith is slightly better than the balance 36 (40 paid deposits, who then didn’t get nominated, and why?) And one died.
        One is critical of all these “jumping frogs”. Don’t Ranil, Sajith and Namal realise that the more MPs who jump to them, hordes of those uncommitted voters who swear that they will never visit polling stations on 21/9/2024, make up their minds not to vote for this candidate who is a thief.
        Yet, turn-out will be very high (and that despite many citizens who are abroad.)
        I “know” that AKD will win. Study these results:

        • 1

          Sinhala_Man, you say “I “know” that AKD will win is called pride of future knowledge. It is like saying “I am god”

          • 1

            Sinhala_Man, out of genuine concern for your future, I wish to say something. Man was created from dust (body) and God by His Spirit breathed into man who then became a living soul. Gen.2,7 All human life has come from God’s Spirit and that life goes back to God when all humans die. Nobody else has access to God’s life apart from him and it’s never polluted. Ecclesiastes 12,7 says dust returns to earth and spirit (life) returns to God. In man’s soul, he has choices and can even reject God and sin. Those sins need to be forgiven to reach God again. That is why 4000 years after Adam, Jesus was born of a virgin and Luke 1,31 says angel told Mary, “you will conceive Jesus” before Joseph married her. Jesus on the cross took all sin and sickness and gave eternal exchange covenant to us. Don’t be foolish and reject it. Isa.53,4-5 “bore griefs and healed by stripes”.

            • 6

              There are two main groups. Some people like you believe that we were created by God. But those who believe in the theory of evolution do not feel that anyone created us. My neighbor in her early 70s is a woman who deliberately avoided getting vaccinated for COVID-19, saying that God’s power protects her more than anything else. Her husband is helpless since his wife s health is worsening by day. Stubborness of our people are beyond cure.
              She kisses the floor same as our Gontadia – Mara kissed the BIA ground to send the message across the country and mislead the stupid people. People are not honest or may be they dont know what they are doing by their acts.

              However, there are also huge gaps in the evidence for human evolution. However, the way scientists see it today, it is more clear that humans must evolve like all other living things.
              I truly believe, the reason you fall for anything in the Bible or the Koran is because of lack of proper education.

              We all have to believe in something, but if we exaggerate the volume you go for example. Beliefs are beliefs regardless what religions they are coming from. Most of them are not provable within the human capacities.

              • 0

                leelagemalli, belief is not provable to unbelievers within human capacities, but people of faith get spiritual experiences of God’s presence which are precious to them. Pray and see whether you can have the same.

                • 4

                  Yes, leelagemalli, pray like the Jews in Auschwitz and see where it gets you.
                  Have you noticed that all these Bible bashers never pray when it comes to something that they know Jehovah will never provide? For example a man with one arm never prays for a replacement to appear because he knows it will never happen, Jehovah or no Jehovah. They only pray when something desired may be obtained by coincidence. And this they put down to prayer.

                  • 2

                    Hello Paul,
                    Most Infections, whether Viral or Bacterial will be fought by your Immune System. Most Minor Injuries will heal by themselves, given rest or a little help from some stitches or a splint etc. The old saying “Time is a great Healer” is quite right in most Circumstances. This is what the Juju men depend on. If it works then they claim that the Medicine did it. Or the Religious ones claim that their prayers were answered. And if they fail, it was God’s will or the Demons were to strong etc. They have it covered either way.
                    As a Teenager we saw the horrendous photographs in our School Library Books from Auschwitz and other Camps. We never got any satisfactory answers to our questions of “How could this be allowed to happen”. The recent atrocities in Gaza (and other places) show that people (some) still have this propensity for inhuman behaviour, Gods or no Gods.
                    Best regards

                    • 4

                      “This is what the Juju men depend on. If it works then they claim that the Medicine did it. “
                      That is exactly what the Big Pharma does too, with state protection.

                    • 3

                      Hello SJ,
                      “That is exactly what the Big Pharma does too, with state protection.”
                      Maybe so but they still have to go through rigorous Double Blind Trials and the subsequent problems of some Medicines don’t negate the general efficacy of the rest of their Medicines used widely across the World.
                      Best regards

                    • 1

                      Ls, thank u for the great comment 👍.
                      Self healing capabilities of our body is enormous. Reasech base on DNA damage repair proved it long ago .

                • 5

                  Dear DTG,
                  Too much of a good thing can harm you.. that’s what my grandma used to say again. She was a convinced buddhist. Never did she fall down to kiss the floor or bo-tree.
                  Also, you should not be blind by religious beliefs. Beliefs are beliefs. no one has proven it.
                  Many of us inherited our religions. It is passed down through generations. God did not develop medicine to extend the life expectancy of Down syndrome patients and HIV AIDS patients or any others that were killed earlier. However , it was modern medicine and science discovered new medicine. Look at COVID pandemic,… you will continously say, it was god, but to me, we the ones in life sciences found vaccines and varied other medicine for your cure.
                  Religious fanatics are just losers. They waste our limited time. Thank God, I don’t have anyone forcing me to do something according to the Bible or the Koran.

                  • 0

                    leelagemalli, you keep talking against god and end up by saying “thank god” that you dont need to do according to the bible.

                    • 0

                      Thank god is universal expression in many languages. Don’t try to take it word to word.
                      There is a healer called “appachchi” [Chilaw or so]why not u go there and try? Healers abuse almost 99% of srilankens. They earn millions abusing the psyche of innocent, gullible people in the guise of God.

          • 5

            It is like saying “I am god”
            Or ” I know all about God because I read it in a book”

            • 0

              It is like saying “I am god”
              I am God is Advita, the ultimate Hindu philosophy. Some dismiss Advita as atheism, claiming it is not recognizing God as a separate entity. Others claim atheism is part of Hindu belief. Not-anti religious opinion. When you start to recognize Brahman, God vanishes into the thin air. Maya the universe is zero itself, and born out of Zero, expected to end out as zero and now existing as an illusion, dream. Brahman, the internal energy keeping the universe on its function. Atheist man/woman honestly believes in the zero, the status of Maya. So that is not against Advita but in accordance with it.

              • 1

                I am not going to debate Indian Vedic Philosophy here, however when you read Metaphysical Mumbo-jumbo like this “The knower of Brahman sees the one non-plural reality in everything. He or she no longer gives an absolute reality to independent and limited existence of the world, but experiences the world as a creative expression of pure consciousness” it’s like reading Deepak Chopra’s incoherent musings from “Cosmology of Consciousness: Quantum Physics & Neuroscience of Mind”. It could also have been written by the Postmodernists.
                There is not much that separates Buddhist Philosophy and Hindu Vedic Philosophy. However there are differences e.g. Advaita Vedanta says “consciousness is the very nature of the Self and inseparable from It.”, however Buddhism denies the existence of “Self” with “anātman”.
                Best regards

                • 2

                  Sorry Mallaiyuran,
                  I missed your name out in the above Comment
                  Best regards

                • 0

                  There is no point in you talking about Rajneesh, Chopra, and many others alike. Hindu Religion doesn’t prevent anybody from postulating their own theories. The fight over freedom of speech is not dealt with Hindu Philosophy. It does not mean those fakes are either Gods or even Satans. It’s all yours or anybody else’s assumption. Being deceived is your Karma in Hinduism. Beating Karma comes only by your sincere meditation, not any religious debate. If you are true in your talk of finding your denials, seeing God, stop blabbering, start to meditate.

                  I clearly wrote you the names of persons who said they witnessed God and truly guided others. I never recommended you, Deepak. If Deepak was in Saudi, long ago, his head would have been cut off in public. Deepak represents only freedom of speech. There is Hindu Amma who gives hugs on conveyor belts for any client seeking for, also there. Any Guru you select is your responsibility to defend, not mine. We clearly selected Hinduism to witness God, because Buddha did not agree to that concept. Again, as in the Tamil saying, putting cows in the Goat’s shed and confusing yourself with your nature. That doesn’t allow you in any of your comments to arrive at a proper conclusion.
                  Only deeds ceased, meditation leads to God’s Darshan. If you differ on that, only bring it, again, please!

              • 1

                Mallaiyuran, one of the things the Buddha taught was the limit of rational thought. He didn’t approve of metaphysical discussions, because they lead nowhere. There is another reality to be experienced through meditation. The interpretation of the experience varies from Buddhist to Hindu to Sufi. I have the greatest regard for all three.
                DTG treats God like Superman. He up there, us down here. A talking snake tricks a woman into eating the fruit of a magical tree…..there is no depth, nothing profound at all. His simplistic view of ‘God’ is what I deny.
                ‘There is, monks, an unborn, an unformed, an uncreated. If there was no unborn, unformed, uncreated, there would be no escape from the born, the formed, the created’. If anyone wants to call that ‘God’, that’s fine with me. ‘God’ is just another word. But don’t start talking about God as a person, his son and his mother and her favourite colour (blue) and his threats and promises.

                • 1

                  Hello Paul,
                  For DTG and other Christians (or other Religions) the Psychological experience that happens when they pray or meditate (and they do meditate) is for them being touched by God/Jesus or whatever mystical being they worship.
                  To quote from a study of these experiences “Mystical experiences were also positively correlated with psychotic symptoms”
                  The study also found that people with Religious Beliefs were more likely to have these experiences. The Study was carried out in Latvia (Mainly Christian) on 299 Latvian woman (aged 18 to 69).
                  I found the study to be very biased towards Religion and Mysticism, however some of you may be interested – https://www.psypost.org/new-psychology-research-links-mystical-experiences-to-heightened-spiritual-intelligence/
                  Best regards

                  • 1

                    Thank you LankaScot, you are well informed. I once met a Catholic nun who belonged to one of those cloistered orders and I met her at her convent. She described her experience of Christian meditation and it was identical to what I am familiar with. I was most impressed by her words “We need an anchor to hold the thinking process”. In her case it was Hail Mary but it could just as well have been Hare Krishna or Buddho. Its not the word itself but the restraining of proliferating thought using it.
                    The interpretation of the silent mind once it is achieved varies considerably – the presence of God, just the absence of thought, the Gate to the Deathless etc. so it is down to the individual to decide what to do with it.

          • 1

            Why do you think that I have put the word “know” not only in parenthesis, but also in italics?
            It is the equivalent of your “belief”. But what a transition you then make from simple speculation about an election result, to what you say is an unfolding of all truths!
            So Jesus was born 4,000 years after the creation of Adam, and now it is (presumably) 2024 years later.
            There seems to be certainty about Roman dates:
            But Jesus?
            However, I accept much clear, simple and straightforward wisdom in the Gospels, when shorn of the magic.
            God existed from the beginning of time. Does that mean that both Time and God are only 6,024 years old.
            I’m grateful to you for having solved this problem for me. I don’t, therefore, have to read all this:
            That’s a relief!

        • 6


          “I “know” that AKD will win. Study these results:”

          Is it because AKD been blessed by various Saffronistas and willing to accept and wear Prith Noola?

          • 3

            Dear NV,
            I listened to Ranil’speeches 3 times today. His argument is that if someone says that he or she will perform miracles after they get ekected, voters must raise the question of how to do it.
            Handunetti constantly failed to answer a question raised by Harin about how to build a caretaker government. The question is very fair. But Sunil failed to answer.

            #. People are not as stupid as they used to be. They will consider his question while going to use the ballot papers. Sinahal Man or the likes have been brainwashed by AKD theories, which are nothing but accusations, accusations but give no options as to how they will act once they seize power.

        • 8

          Dear rational thinkers,
          May your day be blessed, Wake up, wake up people.Tomorrow will be too late.
          Unfortuatnely, the 250-page election pledge book presented by the AKD-led group does not spell out a clear mechanism as to how they will create a better future.
          Even stupid sinhala buddhist that observe sill on poya day but continue to be wrong doers could also narrate palatable stories about the future. AKD pledge book just another Bible that doesn’t guide the stupid people properly.—–SINHALA MAN is unclear about that.
          Today, AKD is abusing his mouth on the stage the way Wimal Weerawansa did it on the stage of Rajapakshes for many years. Gawky people are upset. Fishing on muddy waters… … for how many more times ?Stupid gallery go astray. That is their target to garner more votes.
          The silent masses (today 40%) will not reflect the crowds in rallies with public rhetoric, like that of former Janata Vimukthi Peramuna hardliner Wimal Weerawansa. That rhetoric helped the Rajapaksas to bully the rank and file over the years.. but people would think twice this time….

          • 7

            This is obvious to us looking at the past, but not to psychopaths like our former Teacher Panini. AKD and his speakers are fooled by the Wimal Weerawansa-style rise. However, that was the past. But JVP is forever in their 3%. People would think twice before voting for them at the eleventh hour.
            Deep water is quiet. Likewise, quiet people will focus precisely on the need of the hour, which is to get out of the hole we’ve put ourselves in – namely economic recovery.

            The magic wand is in Ranil’s hand and no one else’s. He proved it for the last two years. He always told the truth but he was not elected. But this time people will have to understand the last chance given by honorable RW. As I said last November 2019, if RANIL is not appointed, this country will be in a mess that cannot be fixed.
            If we want to punish the criminals, we are not in the stone age, so there should be a proper mechanism.

            AKD and Premadasa Jr are fooling people by saying that but refrain from saying how.???????????????????????????? We cannot hang criminals on roads because we have to respect international standards. So, the passage of the story is definitely not the reality.

            Think about ! …… thank you.

        • 2

          Don’t you from those results from 1982 to 2029, that in all eight elections, there has been a a winner, and a runner up, who got millions of votes.
          Stay on that page:
          All others are lumped together, and their percentages are given. The highest for all others is well below 10%. Analyse! 8.02% in 1982. Why? Because Rohana Wijeweera got a sizeable number. Next, at 6.17% is 1999. Why? Because Nandana Gunatilleka of the JVP got a fair number. After that, 2019, 5.76%. That was owing to Anura’s tally. 1988 was 4.63% – only 3 candidates – 4.63 %to Ossie.

          power failure

          • 0

            Dear readers,
            I’m sorry about the seeming carelessness in the writing above. I submitted the comment hurriedly, owing to that “power failure” that I managed to inform you about.
            Many forecasts of the expected results go awry because they refuse to recognise that it almost always becomes a two-horse race. I have made the point before as well, but few appear to have seen those comments.
            Is that because I submit this merely as a comment on this article by the admirable Vishwamithra? Perhaps I should submit this as an article of my own!
            Actually, if you study those figures, you will realise that most of what we are being told miss the point. There may be 39 names on the ballot, but only two will score millions. The others will be also rans.
            The first and second will hog 95% of the vote. All the others, together, will have only 5% divided between them.

        • 7

          I note that AKD now is promising to re-structure SLT with the aid of “foreign investors “. Ditto for the Oil Tanks in Trinco. He’s beginning to sound more like Ranil than his own unions who have been going on strike against just such proposals. Can you explain? Or is it that the same proposals are bad when Ranil proposes them, but good when AKD proposes them?

          • 2

            old codger

            “Or is it that the same proposals are bad when Ranil proposes them, but good when AKD proposes them?”

            The only difference is that AKD’s proposals are being mildly garnished with Marxist/Leninist/Maoist/Stalinist rhetoric and Ranil’s are not because AKD’s old guards are watching him.

          • 3

            Hello OC,
            They have been taking lessons from Keir Starmer (Labour Party Prime Minister). They have stolen back the Winter Heating Allowance now that they are in Power. Just watch what happens after the Sri Lanka Election, no matter who wins.
            Best regards

            • 2

              Both SM and I have seen many regime changes. But I don’t share his touching faith in politicians.

              • 1

                SM is beyond cure. Not even my german neighbour [75] who is used is floor kissing rituals behaves like that.
                We have to take care of SM after 21 September..
                Local experts predict nobody else but RW will win the election ..
                Ralla was always there, when it goes to use the ballot papers cold feet reactions of masses avoid from making the cross to JVP leader [ champion of Katin bathala sitaweemma].
                Besides people would not repeat Nov 2019. .
                Gas cylinder will be the 🏆!

    • 9

      Hello Mr A Rajasingam
      Booruwansa and கமுகம்பிள்ளை (aricanut Gammanpilla) with their SB gangsters also showed their bear chests in white dhotis at the Nallur Temple.
      How does your hero RW differ from these pretenders??

      • 10

        “How does your hero RW differ from these pretenders??”
        Certainly, No Dhoti’s, but Black Trousers – Gabardine, or Wollen Choice!?
        Differs in colour, material and Looks!!??

    • 8

      Dear Readers,
      I got out of bed today watching a TIK TOK video of many young people making a great video about the current situation on the ground in Sri Lanka. It made my day. That gave me some hope.
      AKD – Vows to punish criminals and money launderers but won’t say how. He repeats about doing miracles (Aladdin’s lamp of wonder?) but refrains from saying how.
      Sajith – Using word of mouth as usual which makes no sense. It would take him decades to realize his own infantile behavior when addressing children in schools as “Friends….”
      Ranil – He urges the people not to vote for criminals and to refrain from sending so-called candidates to parliament in a general election. This is the way to go. We are not in the stone age. We must punish criminals, but there must be a mechanism. If AKD acts like Duterte in the Philippines, he will be sidelined within 6 months.
      Ranil’s wisdom is the only way forward. At the same time, the young man dared to say that people attacked Ranil but he was the only leader who always told the truth, but people stood for those who were popular with racism, extremism and Sinhalese supremacy.

    • 3

      Not only Ranil but even Wimal Weerawansa worships the Nallur Kandasamy Temple. By that logic even Wimal respects all communities eh?

      • 4

        Dear Plato
        Unfortunately WW can’t even worship his toilet today. Karmic retribution is inseparable. It is like a shadow and the person. To my knowledge Wimal WEERAWANSE or the like uneducated bastards respect only their pockets.

        Same is the fate of Dayan Jayathilaka. Both are no longer valid coins. Both media whores acted as super spreaders of false perception stories, so if people could, they would both be killed on the spot.

  • 19

    “Would Ranil Outperform Sajith?”

    Does it really matter? …….. Numero uno is what matters.

    Your guess is better than Native’s wish!

    • 15

      nimal fernando

      I think most voters haven’t decided yet.
      President Media division has released a 21 page document titled
      ” Two Years of Resilience and Success Through Adversity”,
      it’s all about the documentation of what the president hoped to do and did. I haven’t had time to go through it.

      I also received another 16 page document without the details of publishers, titled “විපක්ෂයෙන් එල්ල වු ප්‍රධාන චෝදනා වලට පිළිතුරු තේමාව”.
      Need to read.

      JVP/NPP also has published two documents.

      Did you notice the number of supporters attending Field Marshall’s husting? The most 10 people. Humiliation for war winning racist Field Marshall.

      • 14

        Native, our professional gamblers are so good in bluffing, playing “electoral games” 1) Namal’s manifesto has only one promise ” preserving the dignity of forces”. Right now only they seem to have some dignity, Do our voters have any dignity to preserve, 2) Fowzie, found guilty but his prison sentence is suspended. Diana too lost her stakes, but provided with lifeline. Mean time , Sumana the sacrificial lamb, was arrested and taken from his hospital bed. 3) Disheveled Vasu’s, party leader quit , because there are no members to lead. 4) Soon party manifesto of ” Lanka can pull through” ( nice catch phrase , isn’t it ) to be released. Question is, will any of these these political manifestos really allow Lanka to pull through ? 5) Ranil seeked approval from Bosses aka ” Mahanayakas “, regarding his recent discussion and plans to solve Tamil / national issues. 6) A newly joined RW supporter and SLPP member, Rajaka Wickramasingha is not yet adopted to changes. In a recent campaign meet, she kept praising Mara, from her old script, until someone stopped and corrected. Ranatunga family member, Prasanna, warned of nepotism , if SP is elected ( LOL ). In East, posters have come up calling Hakeem and Rishad “traitors”. More to come.

        • 11


          Thanks for the summary.
          Also there is an interesting development taking place in Tamil Eelam Canada. The only mass street festival was seriously damaged by Tamil/LTTE Mafia in Toronto. I don’t know who or why these hoodlums are threatening the sponsors and participants of this ones a year festival?

          Canadian Eelam Tamils (that is how they want them to be known) are allowing themselves to be bullied by a handful of thugs. This is how these thugs grow into organised criminal gangs ( Canadian Eelam Tamil Mafia).

          It appears the Canadian Eelam Tamil MPs are maintaining a deafening silence on the activities of these thugs.

          Since a lot of Sinhalese have left Sri Lanka and some of them have settled in Canada they too would be tempted to organise such gangs. They can name themselves Canadian Sinhala/Buddhists Mafia.

          • 7

            Native, absolutely right. I had that in mind but somehow slipped out There was egg throwing, police being called , a South Indian singer safely escorted out of stage, filth…… a typical wholesome entertainment.

            • 7

              Dear Chiv,
              let s help him !
              Our poor boy Ruchira needs to be rehabilitated.

              Since Tourette syndrome is not without a patient, he cannot comment without any obscene or sexual content in his comments.

              Today, some of us are fed up with CT because Ruchira’s comments are polluting the water.

              So I request him to get a good doctor to guide him. Don’t forget that this young man is a medical graduate. He could help masses in poor srilanka if he would be back to wor day again.
              SM COULD help, Ruchira for sure (birds of a feather).

              please contact to find a good doctor for him. We should all come together to “contribute to the MAL WATTIYA” because it is a good deed.

              • 11

                “Don’t forget that this young man is a medical graduate.”
                I don’t think he’s young.

                • 1

                  how do you know ? some more info please !
                  He first told us that Sri Lankan children are more civilized than EU children.He also spoke of his own children.
                  For me, even European university students are more civilized than Sri Lanka. They don’t side with criminals at taxpayers’ expense. But lanken youth and their mindset is easily manipulative.

            • 6

              OC, Trump has turned US politics into SARC politics. He is a born CON MAN, neither Republican nor a Democrat.. So much so, his supporters who migrated to the US for various reasons are now against immigrants. I personally know Lankans and Indians who voted for him but too embarrassed to admit 😳 . The guy is so low , busy forwarding vulgar messages alleging Hillary and Kamala of se*ual favors to get where they are now, sound familiar ?? US is not a land of migrants, but built by migrants. Hope they absorb more and more deserving people instead of random Trumpians ( as in lottery).

              • 2

                “Hope they absorb more and more deserving people instead of random Trumpians ( as in lottery).”
                But Amrit Muttukumaru lives right here in Colombo 7.
                Oh, you mean that nice lady from Pittsburgh, Nimal Fernando’s wife?

                • 2

                  Trump will not win the election 🙄.
                  AKD will not be the president of this country.
                  Not my wishes but having studied the previous elections, anyone with some knowledge knows it.
                  Local opinion polls results are just fabricated by u tubers .
                  U tubers are like abusive tuition traders in Slanka today. It has become their number one bread winner tactics. They don’t give a damn on fishing on muddy waters., albeit wearing Pirith noole.

              • 1

                According to his own ramblings, he graduated as a Doctor, and then gave it up. Let’s say he was 35 then. He’s had a career in a couple of biochemical companies after that. His father is still alive. So, fifties?

          • 6

            “Since a lot of Sinhalese have left Sri Lanka and some of them have settled in Canada they too would be tempted to organise such gangs. “
            No, that won’t happen. My reading is that the Sinhalese as a minority abroad are less assertive than the Tamils. They want to fit in, and will readily take to top hats and tail coats (figuratively). They will even vote to control immigration, like that lady in Pittsburgh.

            • 2

              Hello OC,
              I met a couple of Sinhalese women who were working with my Sister in a large Hypermarket in Aberdeen. They were astonished when I addressed them in Sinhala and then I called my wife over and they got talking. My Sister explained that the women were quiet, unobtrusive and hard working, unlike some of her West African Colleagues. I quietly suggested that she was being Racist, however she said that West Africans were very assertive and very loud. Anyway the Sri Lanka women had married in Scotland and even acquired slight Aberdeen accents. So, no they were very unlikely to be Mafia bosses.
              Best regards

              • 4

                “So, no they were very unlikely to be Mafia bosses.” 🤣🤣
                No, the Mafia bosses prefer to stay here and make money. But it is true that Sri Lankans abroad are willing to work much harder than they do here. Perhaps because they have no weddings, funerals, Avurudu celebrations, or almsgivings to attend?

              • 0

                “I quietly suggested that she was being Racist, however she said that West Africans were very assertive and very loud”.
                They are loud. That is unarguably correct. But our people 🙄 think they are better in many ways. Would they migrate to anywhere if their home country had better systems in place ? In winter times people suffer in Europe. That is the truth. One visiting Japanese Prof[ in 1998] whispered to me srilanka can become a Singapore 🇸🇬 if people’s superior mindset leaves them oneday.. many of my relatives are sinhala racists or like Sinhala Man [ the symbol of stupidity].
                And they should all be ready to contribute their own share for the development of the country. According to the mentioned Prof, average srilanken is very lazy. They wait governments to do anything and everything to them..
                Please think about this🫠🫠🫠

            • 3

              old codger

              “They will even vote to control immigration, like that lady in Pittsburgh.”

              I am told Tamils (recent arrivals to UK) had voted for Brexit in large numbers. One young man (30s) who was a recent arrival it seems, told my friend he was voting for Brexit for two reasons, one too many migrants from East Europe and Africa and he worried his grandson may not be able to get a place in the Nursery.

      • 6

        Kamala’s public speeches are the best.


  • 5

    // A three hundred plus page document //
    My goodness. At time I have proudly stated that literacy rate in Sri Lanka is quite high [though some of the most educated people have been disappointing in their respective offices — the Vice Chancellor at Peradeniya at my time there, Leslie Panditharatne, or the then Chair of the Grants Commission Stanley Kalpage didn’t appear wise or educated, if one were to infer from their actions, and of course they are easily beaten by G.L. Peiris on that scale], but a three hundred page election manifesto is a bit of a stretch, no? A big stretch for the electorate that responded favourably to අපේ අම්මා හෙට එනවා, හාල් සේරු දෙක දෙනවා .

    • 3

      S A V, if as you say the literacy rate here is high, then they can express in few words without 300 pages. Verbosity is a curse we need to escape from. Clarity if practiced will draw those who have no time for cluttered chatter. People have much to do without listening to rubbishy repetitions of confused politicians.

      • 2

        Precision and concision where necessary, and detail, where necessary, is a distinction we must make, and a manifesto from a party seeking a mandate to represent the people in the latter’s government must surely be detailed.

        The contents of any document is time bound and a political/electoral manifesto is at best a statement of intent, purpose and vision, whereas overall circumstances that may change subsequently, obviously require timely adjustments, though fundamental principles as stated may remain.

        In Lanka, it ultimately devolves on the voters whether they still believe that the UNP that they once held aloft as a worthy political party did not die with the passing of worthies like Dudley Senanayake, U B Wanninayake, M D Banda, and I M R A Iriyagolle in the 70s and honourable people like M D H Jayawardene and Gamani Jayasooriya in the post 77 melee.

        The tamby mudaliar legacy left behind by JRJ and what came after with an open call for robber barons to come in is a pottage of chicanery with no substance. (Read James T Rutnam’s articles on the Neelaperumal and Tamby Mudaliyar ancestries of leaders Banadaranaike and Jayawardene in The Tribune of 1957).

        Of the inanity of the senior RP and junior SP and his SJB, the good author has pronounced clearly.

        • 0


          He need not hedge his bets. The people have only one option in a land that sees just two sections: one with those proven of corruption, extortion and even murder, and the other that is committed to wipe out corruption and to study in detail every possible sector that requires change, cleansing and renewal.

          That the latter were once forced into violent expression due to their suppression by the JRJ and RP governments, having being proscribed unfairly to cover up JRJ’s cronies’ black July 83 ethnic violence unleashed on innocent Tamils, is a very different matter to intentionally executed illegalities ranging from election fraud to extrajudicial killings, bond scams, racial violence and the Easter massacre!

          Redemption and retribution are not for mortals, as that would happen anyhow, but to be committed to upholding the rule of law, facilitation of economic activity and equitable treatment of all is where the known governments of the post 77 UNP, SLFP, and SLPP (SJB was part of the last UNP govt of 2015) miserably failed, leaving the post 2022 uprising of an exhausted citizenry, whose logical conclusion, the NPP offers to substantiate, maybe all that’s left to hope through and for.

          May the best outcome be enjoyed by all Lankans!

  • 9

    … It is the United National Party (UNP) in a different garb.
    If Saith is wearing the new garb, who is wearing the old one?
    No one; The garb is torn and tattered.
    Then, what is Ranil wearing.
    He is shamelessly naked!
    Let anybody win. The result is not going to change anything for me.
    I doubt if anything will change for you either.

    • 6

      Nathan, we need a result that will change the current state of the robber family or soon we will not have our own nation. Need to recover the stolen goods and punish the robbers.

      • 3

        davidthegood, Although we use the platform CT, we belong to different worlds, – You theoretical; I empirical.

        • 7


          “…… we belong to different worlds, – You theoretical; I empirical.”

          I believe davidthegood is living in a completely (different) parallel universe.

          • 5

            If an election victory in my primitive motherland to be claimed, you need to
            1) Go after PINGUTHTHARAYAs (shaved head bastards – no tall but 80% of them are hypocrites) and other reglious clerlgy – this isa mislead (so called marxism gods are now doing the same, look at TV screens)
            2) Go after BO tree or astrology and parmistry or the like sorcery – this is not world standards
            3) Respect some senior idiots say, leaving the truths and facts aside – which is not yet developed civlized style yet
            4) There were times, if you would not wear a mustache, national attire or saree, you woul dnot be considered as a leader… remember ? They are fooling the nation…. or not ?

            This means, you have to work with all good, bad, sinister, rapists, criminals, crime supporters, professionals of all nature and all various other opinion beaers.
            Who is doing it right now ?
            RANIL WICKRAMASINGHE – he clearly works with all good and bad people- minorities and ones from sinhala dominated majority… but he does not put SINHALA BUDDHIST monks above as done by MEDAMULANA bps.
            Sajith Premadasa – He talks high, but obvioulsy he is not doing the job properly. To the very same manner, SP continues his religious activies… he is following Mahinda Rajapakshe…. or not ?

    • 4

      We cannot predict who will win in this election but as a rational man considering the behaviour of the politics the country needs change and both Rajapaksas and Ranil failed over the past 50 years to bring the rule of law and corruption. They should have resigned from politics and pave the path to others. Since they failed to do this people have to remove them from politics.
      The country doesn’t need to depend on any one person. You cannot guarantee that person will live tomorrow. That’s why we established political parties. The culture of bribery and misuse of power should come to an end. The country cannot continue with this culture. So, the choice of the rationale people should consider carefully what the country needs.

  • 8

    The two candidates being discussed, and their antecedents bring back a flood of memories. The civil unrest in the late seventies, the Jaffna Library, the debacle of 1983 which started the exodus of educated, decent citizens seeking refuge elsewhere, the commencement of the thirty-year civil uprising which cost thousands of lives, the reign of terror of 88,89 and 90 in which approximately 60,000 youth lost their lives, alleged torture chambers, Richard De Soysa and a host of other journalists, Easter Sunday……….

  • 6

    Finally, an article worth your salt, Vishwamithra – by refraining from singing hosannas to the king-in-waiting! You are spot on about the shenanigans between Ranil and Sajith – this is going to lead to both their downfalls. Ranil appears to be successfully cutting into Sajith’s urban base, especially the Colombo elites/business class who voted for the latter at the 2019 election. Ranil is also likely to gain some of the business class who voted for Gota. Sajith’s personality and lack of judgment in welcoming pohottuwa dregs and other opportunists is going to cost him big time. If he had stuck with the competent members of his SJB team (some rotten apples there too), a ‘middle path’ social democratic economic strategy and his skills in Sinhala oratory, he would have had some chance of posing a challenge to the NPP. While the opportunists jumping around might trust Ranil more than Sajith, the latter still has a loyal rural grassroots base, who will not extend their trust to Ranil or the NPP. Thanks to their egos, RW and SP will be unable even to form an adequate opposition and ensure the critically important checks and balances to a potential NPP regime.

  • 13

    Now AKD has shown his true racist Sinhalese Buddhist colours but stating there will be no persecution of alleged war criminals and he will not allow it. All Sinhalese politicians and most Sinhalese, strangely and largely descended from post 15TH century South Indian Tamil immigrants, like many who come and post nasty anti Tamil remarks are anti Tamil to the core and do not want any reconciliation or minority rights. This land will never progress

    • 12


      “Now AKD has shown his true racist Sinhalese Buddhist colours but stating there will be no persecution of alleged war criminals and he will not allow it.”

      Could you cite your source.

        • 6

          Again, there is not going to be lack of accountability but just bullshit and the perpetrators of these horrible war crimes, on largely innocent Tamil civilians, mainly the Sri Lankan state and armed forces, (the minor player the LTTE is now no more) are going to go Scot free, as per him. With some bullshit eyewash reconciliation plans. This is even against everything that the UNHCR has recommended. All because the perpetrators are Sinhalese.

        • 2


          Are you sure that was what he meant?
          Proprietors of these two media outlets have their own agenda.
          AKD assured he would establish TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION CMMISSION (TRC) modelled on South African one.

          The idea behind South African TRC is to Seek Truth, Own Up Crimes, Say Sorry, Beg for Pardon, Once Given thank the victim and move on.

          Did AKD mean such a home grown TRC or flatly refused to form “truth and reconciliation” commission?

          • 1

            NV I am not a mind reader, however from the past utterances and behaviour of all previous Sinhalese leaders, the probability is that he will be no exception and will ultimately succumb or be pressurized to follow Sinhalese Buddhist extremism and supremacy at the expense or true reconciliation and development. His party is now full of military and Ex military personnel and like Sinhalese politicians, he also now runs to get the blessings of the racist yellow pets and gives them undue prominence. All this means not very good for the Tamil speakers. Most probably he may be the best out of the worst but is definitely not going to solve anything but let the status quo and Sinhalese Buddhist supremacy remain. I may be wrong, but I doubt it. All the best anyway.

  • 8

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

    For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 9

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

      • 11


        We empathise with your predicament.

        Let’s start at the very beginning.
        A very good place to start.
        When you read you begin with
        A, B, C. …..

        • 4

          Native, isn’t that a bit advanced?

          • 3


            “Native, isn’t that a bit advanced?”

            Yes, however sometimes one has to lower one’s expectations.

            • 2

              Ha, ha, ha I thought they were at rock bottom already.

  • 12

    DTG, why bother when Jehovah is going to solve everything? Just sit back and relax.

    • 5


    • 0

      Paul, At last you got it right. Congratulations

      • 7

        noun [ U ]
        uk /ˈsɑː.kæz.əm/ us /ˈsɑːr.kæz.əm/
        the use of remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what they say, made in order to criticize something in a humorous way:

        • 4

          Hello Paul,
          I have already been suitably told off by DTG for using “Sarcasm”. Your next.
          Best regards

          • 4

            Before SM corrects me “You’re next”
            Best regards

            • 4

              Thank you LankaScot. If that happens I will point out that despite being the lowest form, its still wit. Would you waste a higher form on someone who doesn’t use the brain Jehovah gave him? Now I’m actually asking for it.

            • 5

              He is supposed to correct us and do hero worship… other than that, the man doesn’t seem to know anything… doesn’t he? please read his COMMENTs being posted on NPP…..

          • 1

            If I have had any part in accusing, you in stepping beyond your atheist beliefs, insulting DTG with his theist beliefs (while both are only some believes) with the hope of ridding him of CT is a suspicion invoked by a group of wild foxes, shamelessly started to howl and celebrate with Kiribati that DTG missing from CT so was ousted successfully. That was a premature Kanthari’s action in Mahabharata, when she beat her stomach desperately that her children were not the first to be born. CT would be knowing well a popular Sadampi active as usual in hiring and firing commentators to CT, with the mentality he showed in allowing the diaspora Dr, Thiyaga lingam getting the UOJ’s VC position. But some nice babies too joined the foul howl with you on DTG’s is successfully made missing. That is the time I asked if you, if you were leading this vampire group, for god’s sake, please desist from it. Whether you’re willing to stop it or not, I respect your outspokenness to talk about that. Hopefully, this may not go as a promise of UNP-SLFP Union’s restoring Tamils’ rights. Will be willfully practiced in the future, I hope.

          • 4


            “I have already been suitably told off by DTG for using “Sarcasm”.”

            When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

    • 7


      Here is something you would refuse to watch as you live in a parallel Universe. However I suggest give it a try although you would have already decided Native Vedda is another reincarnation of Satan.
      The Most Evil Idea in the New Testament – Richard Dawkins

      Do you think Gota was born to bear sins of Sinhala/Buddhists as he was crucified by Aragalaya, and he is a politically a dead man now?

      • 2

        Hello Native,
        These were some of the postulates that I was occasionally asked to leave the Religious Class for questioning. New Born babies are born in Sin, the Eucharist is actually the Blood of Jesus, the wafers his Body (Transubstantiation), Mary was a Virgin etc.
        If I could give a speech as Eloquently as Stephen Fry on how I see the Catholic Church this would be it – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDOGMM9IaT0
        There are parts of this speech that may cause some discomfort for Buddhists. The idea that after a person dies, you can make a difference e.g. “In order to assist the dead person’s transfer to another rebirth, relatives will offer charity to monks or a monastery in order to gain positive karma for the deceased”. This is very like the Catholic’s buying of Indulgences.
        Best regards

        • 3

          “The idea that after a person dies, you can make a difference e.g. “In order to assist the dead person’s transfer to another rebirth, relatives will offer charity “
          Now that Lester has disappeared, I can safely say that Buddhist almsgivings are the best. A good feed in exchange for sitting through a boring sermon. I sit in my three-wheeler of course, with ear-buds on.

        • 3


          Thanks for the link.
          I watched his entire oratory.
          I have already forwarded it to my semi born again Christian.
          Thanks a lot again.
          You cannot do this in Sri Lanka, the state and it’s normally sleeping functionaries including police, …. would go into action.
          About a year ago a female stand up comedian was arrested and detained for a few months.

      • 0

        Native Vedda, political death is not enough as it is misdeeds now which can be changed again. Real death will take Gota to hell for what he did to nation as well as bombing christians during worship in churches, even though done with help of terrorists. Richard Dawkins is an atheist.

        • 1

          Hello DTG,
          Richard was brought up as a Christian (I think Anglican) and went on to become a Biologist. He wrote his Seminal Book “The Selfish Gene” way back in 1976. We had many discussions on what he meant by his Thesis. We decided that genes were the backbone of Hereditary Descent, however genes contribute to the whole Organism’s fitness and don’t act alone. Much work has been done since, but his basic premise still remains.
          Best regards

          • 2

            Dear LS, forgive me for diverting your attention to oiff the topic, but I must tell you and the others the following.
            The wildlife in SL is beautiful, but it also poses a great threat to the people in these countries, as snakes and other reptiles are becoming more common and claiming the lives of rural people in many similar countries.

            Recently, more and more poor people in SL are falling victim to snake bites and dying from them. The passage of time after the bite is the reason for the inevitable deaths.

            Mongooses, honey badgers and similar rodents and animals are known to possess substances that can tame the toxins injected by poisonous snakes.


            I believe if researchers in SL would soon work on collecting serum from mongoose and use it as an antiserum drug according to pharmacokinetics, a lot could be done to save the lives of innocent people not only in Srilakna but all over the world where the plague of snake bites is rampant.

            • 1

              Hello Leelagemalli,
              Strange you should say that, but it has just gone 2 years since my Brother in Law in Matale died from a Snake bite. He, along with some buddies were drinking Alcohol in the Jungle (I don’t know why there) when he was bitten. By the time he developed symptoms and told his wife it was too late. I went to the Funeral – so sad to see him lying there, and in his early fifties.
              In a recent article on Snakebite Immunity by Prof Sara Fuchs “Her studies revealed that in both snakes and mongooses the structure of the acetylcholine receptor differs slightly from that of other animals” https://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il/life-sciences/biting-truths
              “This picture explains the exact way in which the venom blocks access to acetylcholine, preventing the nerve message from reaching the muscles. Little wonder that the venom’s paralyzing grip on the victim is irreversible!”
              For a more detailed Paper see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4270787/
              Best regards

    • 3

      Why cant DTG ask Jehovah to improve the day today life of srilankens ? Why has not DTG done it yet ?
      It is said, if 3 rd IMF tranche would not be gotten, srialnkens will have to fall deeper again… going back to July 2022 era.

      DTG can do something and help increasing our FOREX RESERVEs right ?
      Why is that entire world suffering if JEHOVAH is that strong and kind ?They can stop children beinng killed in GAZA by babarian Jews.. is not that so ?

  • 8

    There is no way Ranil will outperform Sajith or Anura. The question is whether he will even outperform Namal. Todate what has Ranil done for the country other than approving human rights violating bills in the cabinet, borrowing more money, once again providing or promising “santhosams” to get votes, threatening the Supreme Court Judges, appointing 90 of “his UNP boys” as advisors at the expense of taxpayers, appointing a large cabinet and State Ministers, illegally violating the rights given to people in the constitution by using armed forces etc.

    Ranil should be wiped out once again from ever contesting elections again.

  • 6

    Tamil Speaking SL Citizens [TSC] should not trust either RW or SP in the forthcoming Presidential Elections but should vote for AKD –> [COMPASS Symbol] hoping that there will be establishment of Law & Order without any BIAS.
    Both JR & Senior Premadasa were shrewd enough to make the Tamils to fight the IPKF and thereby killing each other without the spillage of blood of the majoritarians.
    RW was clever/smart enough to hold on to the Leadership of the UNP to the detriment of the party. RW should have groomed up an ABLE UNPer after the 2005 Presidential Election.
    AKD should select able Tamils to stand in the next Parliamentary Election either representing NPP or from TNA such as Sumanthiran & Chanakya Rasamanickam.
    AKD should make sure that those who was forcibly made to disappear gets DUE JUSTICE.

    • 5

      Dear Naman,
      I agree absolutely
      . We are fortunte that we still have Tamil politicians like S & S who, whilst having credibility with the average Tamils in the North and East, also know how the Sinhalese feel.
      The people of the Tamil majority areas must be trusted to know what is best for them. We must not interfere in the day to day running of their homes. It would certainly be healthy for the entire country for the possibility of the entire country to have Sinhalese with the right attitudes settling in those areas – but not sponsored by the Sinhala central governments.

      Let’s have the courage to think afresh. Selling these ideas to some Sinhalese people is not going to be easy.
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 3

    A leader is a dealer in hope – Napoleon . Who is it of the Three ?

    People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything – Thomas Sowell .

    Be a yardstick of quality . Some people are not used to an environment where
    excellence is expected – Steve Jobs

    It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front especially when you
    celebrate victory when nice things occur . You take the front line when there
    is danger . Then people will appreciate your leadership – Nelson Mandela .

    I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep ; I am afraid of an army of sheep
    led by a lion – Alexander the Great . Who Is The Sheep and Who Is That Lion in
    our Battle ?
    My little contribution from experts to help readers already splitting their hairs .

  • 4

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    • 7


      We empathise with your predicament.

      Let’s start at the very beginning.
      A very good place to start.
      When you read you begin with
      A, B, C. …..

  • 5

    Whether Sajith outperforms Rani or the other way about does not matter, because both are from the same camp composed of ROGUES divided into two camps waiting for one party to win, so that they can once again JOIN on one side to carry on the crimes against the people. The majority voter now identifies this as the EVIL FORCE that must be ousted from power,

    So, let both (Sajith & Ranil) fight and whoever outperforms is not a matter to be worried. What the people are working on is to kicking out all these rouges who have ruined the country for decades, but to bring about a CHANGE. The only alternative left for the people is NPP.

    • 1

      Douglas, another alternative may even be tough army major Fonseka who is fearless and can deal with robbers. Unless robbers are knocked out, there will be nothing left for the citizens.

      • 4

        davidthegood: Thanks. Sarath Fonseka – A ONE MAN show. In politics, we need a Leader who can work with a TEAM. Sarath F is conditioned to be a man who gives “ORDERS” and wants others to OBEY. We can earn Foreign Exchange by EXPORTING him to Ukraine, Russia, Israel, or even Iran.

      • 2

        Dear Readers,
        Please watch the video below
        Let s hope the best – avoiding another diaster in our motherland. !

  • 2

    Preaching peace and harmony should be the Monks PRIMARY purpose & NOT inciting the Sinhala Buddhists Supremacists [SBS]. The HEADS of different chapters should be able to wean out [DEROBE] the ones who misbehave like THUGS. These errant Monks and racist Politicians have DRAGGED us to live in a bankrupt uncivilised society where young ones are trying to follow as well!
    The Country needs a real SHAKE UP.

    • 1

      Absolutely Naman. It is they who are destroying the Dhamma.

  • 3

    Every politician and civil servant with a corruption charge filed against them and received suspended sentences is now under Ranil’s wing. Can any citizen expect Ranil not to protect them if he ever becomes the President again? NO! So why should anyone vote for him?

  • 3

    Ranil was a deflated balloon and suddenly he was put in a position to inflate
    himself with air supplied from outside . The Pump was Aragalaya . The JVP
    had been deflated too and they found an NPP Pump . The difference is JVP
    has a Local Pump while Ranil has a Foreign Pump . In between , where is SJB
    sitting or standing ? They are fighting for Ranil’s Pump with pump suppliers .
    They have balloons not yet flat . Pump suppliers in a real dilemma .

  • 1

    One of the principles of Ranil’s election manifesto is the “Theravada Trade Economy”. When I saw this, I was confused because Theravada meant it was a “religious” order. I could not fathom what a Theravada Trade Economy meant. When I dug deeper, I found another meaning for Theravada: “Old People’s”. This meaning is “the way of the elders/old people”.

    This meant to me as the correct definition of Ranil’s manifesto because all the Old Crooks and Elders, including Ranil, are now on one side. Imagine what these old crooks will do to the economy if Ranil wins the election!

  • 1

    The time is 6.22 am. Ten minutes ago, a WhatsApp message from a Bandarawela “sahodaraya” brought me the link below.
    I’ve paused the comment that I was working on from my computer, and I’m sending this link from my phone.
    I have heard only the first five minutes, but I have heard enough to realise that dirty tactics are being resorted

    • 4

      Dear Readers,
      Various opinion polls show that many are still undecided. Ratings are dumbed down by the blatant lies spread by Tambuttegama donkey and Premadasa donkey.

      Wimal Weerawansa did the same in favor of Mahinda thought. However, by now people have understood that Wimal Weerawansa or a similar abuse device is in operation. The result is in front of people’s eyes as of today. We became a bankrupt nation because people followed stupid leaders and stupid animators and stupid mainstream media.

      We do not want this nation to be led again by another Gotabhaya or such characters (katin bathala kola sitaweema is their life motto).
      Why do I call both persons empty vessels?
      It is none other than the current President Ranil Wickremesinghe who risked his life for the nation. Everyone else refused to take risks. Even if they challenge today, no one will be able to clear the debris left by GOTABAYA and MAHENDRA RAJAPAKSHE.
      But the great man RW did what Greece could do in the last 12 years.


      Sri Lankan media is ALSO against RW because Sri Lankan media is against truth and facts on the ground. Truth believers and fact checkers, however, follow the truth. …. may our people be blessed with brains.

      • 4


        I observed what the Z-genzies were thinking during a conversation between the President and the youth representatives. It was revealed that many young people and their questions were answered.

        SJB leader jokes about education and punishing criminals.

        It seems that SJB does not know what the role of diplomats in different countries should be. RW confirms that with 180 countries in the world we don’t even have 50 embassies around the world, however, Jr. Premadasa claims that the rich choose to support schools in Sri Lanka… impossible in diplomatic setups because diplomats are supposed to represent. Their country is only outside the world and not to deal with anyone of any kind. Premadasa is not an ignorant man who claims to have studied these simple basics in the UK.

        Criminals can only be punished by the leader enforcing law and order. It will certainly RW.
        AKD deyyo (a man who lives at the loss of others) brought a 270-page book, which has everything, but does not describe how to do amazing things in a country where a man’s fate hangs. RW does not have to be solved

  • 2

    What are threats used in this Election Campaign?
    If RW is not elected IMF will withdraw and Country will go back to July 2022 (Que and shortage).
    How much loan the country borrowed after Ranil become President? Over 20 Billion.
    So, How much the Country need to pay with interest? Over 100 Billion dollars+ interest. How much we got it from IMF? One Billion dollar.
    Did we pay any loans? No. Until 2028 You need not to pay but you have to pay with interest from 2028.
    RW is the one and only leader who can bring back economic recovery?
    Is there any increase in Poverty after Ranil an IMF loan?
    Yes. Poverty level increased significantly by 25%
    Is there any increase of Cost of living?
    The cost of living almost more than double.
    Another threat is that if Tamils vote for a Tamil candidate, instead of RW, it will damage the reconciliation effort?
    Who will damage it?

    Such threats are a violation of the fundamental rights of the people. The people have the right to make their choice without any fear.

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