Statement released by the Tamil National Alliance on the results of the Northern Provincial Council Election 2013
The Tamil National Alliance – Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi – has achieved a resounding victory at the Northern Provincial Council election, winning nearly 80% of the seats in the Northern Province and nearly 90% of the seats in the Jaffna District. Such a verdict is unprecedented in the country’s political history.
The democratic verdict of the people is clear. Within the framework of a united, undivided country, they want to live in security, safeguarding their self respect and dignity with adequate self-rule, to be able to fulfill their legitimate political, economic, social and cultural aspirations.
The Tamil National Alliance is committed to the achievement of the above objective and expects that the Government would also extend its fullest cooperation to the achievement of the same. The results of this election offers everyone an opportunity which should be fully utilized in a positive manner.
The Tamil people of the Northern Province have, despite several trials and tribulations, even during the electoral process, pronounced their verdict clearly and courageously and we strongly urge that their democratic verdict should be respected.
We want to extend to our people our sincere thanks for the overwhelming support they have extended and want to assure them that we will spare no effort to ensure that they are able to fulfill their legitimate aspirations.
R Sampanthan
Leader, TNA
President, ITAK
Maghribi / September 23, 2013
Tamil Elam, (A separate homeland for Tamils in the North and East of Sri Lanka) which is inevitable if the government/Sinhellists (BBS/JHU/SR violates basic human rights and land grabbing. Tamils should keep this dream alive as a deterrent/hope as only a last resort. We hope and pray that every effort is made to avert this solution.
Damma Asoka / September 23, 2013
The Basil-Gota military business empire in the north must be SHUT DOWN and the military withdrawn, and D. Devananda the paramilitary chief beneficiary of the Gota-Basil military business complext sent to India for Trial.
Ben Hurling / September 23, 2013
Agree with you.
However, what will you do about TNA bigwigs who carried water for VP for so long?
Ravi / September 23, 2013
What are talking about Ben?
The person what lead the Eastern Prov with VP is now with Mr. R and who bought the arms for VP now with Mr. R
Ponseka / September 23, 2013
Ben wake up [Edited out]. Where were you when they were carrying water for VP? Were you polishing Rajapakka’s nob? So what if they were carrying water or grenade? All that matters is that Tamil people voted for them knowing who they were. So Ben you might aswel mind your own business ok putha?
Damma Asoka / September 23, 2013
The lawyer-dominated TNA should now work to benefit the people it claims to represent and stop behaving like absentee landlords, because they are only capable of lawyering and know nothing about DEVELOPMENT which is a technical process that require a different sort of EXPERTISE.
Development for the people of the North – which identifies peoples priorities and NEEDS is essential.
TNA should get younger development experts and stop listening to the lawyers and focus now of peoples’ development priorities and needs in the north. A proper and integrated people-centered development plan is needed, as well as, coordination, monitoring and evaluation mechanism and UNIT with development expertise is necessary for the TNA to work for the people and coordinate development aid that donors will offer…
DUM / September 23, 2013
when will fools like U stop peddling this Int LTTE emigre propaganda..U clearly dont know Tamil Politics since the Time of ponnambalam.. and compared to the UNP who normally polls second in the north the UPFA came second. These LTTE int Emigres first said there wont be any elections, Then they said not to vote for the elections, But the Jaffna Tamils ignored them, THen it wont be free and fair.. But Facts and Logic have shown them a different story. And MR is the Only elected Sinhala leader to go to the North to campaign for his party who are Tamils since sir John K.. and ignored calls from his Hard-liners in the UPFA not to go-ahead with this elections.. And the LTTE emigres calls him a Racist.. The same LTTE emigres who wanted to save the LTTE..and we all know how they loved democracy and elections. today we see fools like u from the LTTE Tamil Emigre community with false propaganda contrary to facts..why because the Tamils of sri lanka have said u fools do not speak for us.. The Tamils will never Get A Sinhala Leader elected as MR to Gain their Political aspirations. Facts and reality on the Ground have proved what your propaganda have not..Like i said if the LTTE was not destroyed.. Today it will ne Under the Dark cloud of LTTE and the Int LTTE Emigre groups money Makers and the TNA were mere back bencher’s. It was the LTTE that slaughtered TNA politicians with the Help of the int LTTE emigre groups come today socalled Human rights activist.
I am Muslim / September 23, 2013
Sambandan Ayya, All the best Sir, Well Done and I congratulate CM VIG and please make the Jaffna a most peacful, Developed and educated as before. Please get the Muslims back on their former life and this time 90% of Mulsim supported your party Sir whole heartly. We know Praba made a mistake and i know its not you or your people its Praba whom chased out all muslims. Please do the necessary and ALL THE BEST and God Bless You all. Salam
Common Sense / September 23, 2013
@ I am Muslim: I think the muslims should support and rally round the TNA. They’re much braver than the impotent SLMC to voice on behalf of the Muslims when it is at the most dangerous moment of its life and death trials.
I mean, the MARA & the goons have planned long before the WAR 2009 to attack the Muslims once the Tamils have been maimed and cornered into an unknown world.
That’s why I think GR murdered all the top class soldiers and officers from the Muslim community whom were serving the Army soon after the war ended. All the intelligent minds were murdered with cooked up operations and blamed on somebody.
They cleared the possible retaliatory outcomes with people with military know hows. Because, attacking the Mosques is the ultimate attack on the religion of Islam. Even a separate chapter is reserved in the Quran about the enemy forces that were about to destroy the Ka’ba in the year the Prophet was born – Aamul Fil (year of the elephants). So, no Muslim will sit idly by watching their Masjids are being desecrated. Anyone with a military know-how might go crazy and unleash a counter attack with his capabilities. So, the JHU gang designed the future battle with weaker Muslim resistance.
So, JHU the architects of minority murders have pre-planned long before MR became the president to unleash the attack at some point in the future.
So, if the minorities and the majorities want to live a peaceful life, the JHU gangs must be made to pay for their sins they committed during their 100 years many avatars taking different shapes from 1915.
The “Sinhala Nationalist” Terrorists have terror experience more than the Al Qaida, Nazi’s or any other mass murderers began their massacres. They have multiple experience in combined terror tactics by using the state mechanisms and under cover of different govts. that came to power in Sri Lanka after the independents.
So, if this country must progress as a modern nation that upholds equality & justice, the JHU must disappear from the face of this earth along with their financial backers, Media backers, Political backers….Military will fall in line once the powers are gone from their support system.
I am Muslim / September 23, 2013
Dear Common Sense,
Thank you very much for nice input, noted well espically on Muslims Army mens.. what a nice thinking of yours… however i am with ITAK and SLMC is no longer trust to us anymore as Fauzi, Moulana, Mustapa, Rauf, Rishard all are nothing but puppets, but Tamil Hindus are Brave enough, this Moors are crazy scared. We also from Indian Origins, all Moors are indian Origins Tamil speaking islam religon, so we have better understanding with Tamil Hindu People than this monsters, even my Father saved almost 8 big families ready die for them in 1983 riots done by Basterd Monk Elle Gunawansa mother F…. Gay man… from that day onwards I dont like any Sinhala and I am very scared of dealing due to their Athiesm that educated them “survival of the fittest” a Jungle Law, as Stupid Lying Budism says, SIYALU SATHWAYO ” All Animals” and they dont understand the diffrence between Men and Animals.
However, this time is diffrent, we will openly support ITAK… even SLMC was praying that ITAK should win it, i know personally that many SLMC prayed for ITAK and CM VIG’s winning. I prayed personally him to win.. as still he is God fearing Society not bloody athiest like Budhist Sinhala… KOSOVO .. KOSOVO … Seperations Seperations Seperations….. hail hail hail
Common Sense / September 24, 2013
@ I am Muslim: See, the Muslim MPs in the MR Goony club are businessmen corrupt to the core, making money and amassing wealth. MR knows this that’s why he allows only the corrupt and the corruptibles to his core base. If these Muslims MPs and ministers were clean from the beginning up to now, MR would have been shivering to utter a word against the Muslims or Islam.
You know, shamelessly MR said in a gathering that he’s the one who can protect the Muslims. What??? He’s GOD???? Yes, he’s god to the corrupt ones. Because, he knows all their crookies and he has the trump card to destroy them.
The other latent message he’s sending to the Muslims is that “He’s the one who can destroy the Muslims and their everything, including their lives. Because, the JHU (Mother of all evils) having the final say in the MR gvt., is strong and have fielded the Multi-Headed-Demons (Balu Sena, Ravana Ballos, Sins & Hell Raavaya) for the proxi attack on the Muslims or anyone crossing their path of Fascism.
Every word uttered by the JHU & Balu Sena gangs is a strict script written under the supervision of MR/GR evil eyes. So, whatever is published by these goons are the inner heartbeat of the MR core ideas.
So, if such a Dajjali (Anti-Christ) forces are in their pre-planning and post planning level to destroy Islam, How can these Muslims MP’s support such a Evil characters.
No matter how hard they try, what these Muslim Mps & ministers are doing is they’re supporting the very enemies of Islam in the End-Times of the world. MR could just issue a strong statement to stop all these nonsense. But he won’t do that.
Because, he the Prime behind all these attacks.
sach / September 24, 2013
Ha ha two tamils inside muslim masks.
Common Sense / September 25, 2013
What a guess!!! What a guess!!! Thank you being so dumb. How do you know? Give us the details if you know….
This country, unfortunately has produced so many mentally retards and have even sent them to the highest point in the governance of the country. Look at the results!!!! There should be a special study on this phenomena of an entire dumb population electing and then defending stupidity under the pretext of an attempt to the re-continuation of a “2500 years” of a dumb culture that was dead and gone a century ago, done by the intellectuals in the world.
We deserve this type of governance and thank you for voting MR & the gangs for stooping to low levels for this is a proof of the failure of the so called 2500 years of history and its essence felt in the advanced stage of the human scientific era in the 21st century.
I am no muslim / September 24, 2013
This Muslim talk about attacking the Mosques. Type ‘Wahhabis, Abullah, Rah’ in Google and double click at the first pointer. You can read how ultra-fundamentalist Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia awarded scholarships to Saudi universities to many young Sri Lankan Sufi Muslim and turn them extremists. You can read how the headquarters of Sufi Thareekathul Mufliheen of M.S.M. Abdullah in Kattankudy was attacked by Wahhabi thugs. You can read how 500 Wahhabis set ablaze the Meditation Centre on October 31, 2004, at 12:30 p.m. You can read how Wahhabi preachers from the Thawheed network and the armed ‘Jihad’ exhumed their dead bodies and burned them. Together with the Wahhabi controlled council Jihadis dismantled the minarets of Abdullah’s Meditation Centre, as an unauthorized structure, on December 13, 2006.
When complained the Sri Lanka HRC declared in 2007 that it could not “interfere in the disputes between various sects of a religion”.
Boyed with that Wahhabi and Thawheed thugs destroyed a 150-year old shrine in the city of Ukuwela in the central hill in February 2009. In another conflict in July 2009 between Thawheed and the Qadiri Sufi order, two people were killed and more than 40 people injured in Beruwala and 132 were arrested. At High Court Panadura three were found guilty for murder and sentenced to death recently.
And this Muslim is finger pointing at Sinhalas.
Common Sense / September 24, 2013
@I am no muslim: Its not a blame only on the “Sinhala” its the total Anti-Islamic systems with the combination of Muslim Sects and the Anti-Islamic non Muslim forces working on this for more than 1500 years ( ever since the Prophet began his preaching).
Look, the Islamic religion was first and foremost carried on the shoulders of non Muslims of Makkah from the beginning. Its they who have nurtured it and protected it from their own kith and kin who are opposed to the new religion.
In the beginning even the Buddhism was presented to non Buddhists and it was accepted and nurtured by Hindus & others. Likewise, then as it went through the years, the original message and the system was changed by the evil forces that is present from the ancient times in distorting the purity of the true message.
That’s the reason the Prophet pointed out that in the end times there will be a great trial & tribulation on the mankind with something called Dajjal (the Anti Christ)& his secret societies.
The world system and its entirety is running on it. The Dajjal is an impostor who will bring death & destruction on mankind.
Look at the last century 20th…The mankind witnessed and experienced enormous Wars and continued destruction into the 21st century. All these were possible due to the indoctrination of one bloody theory….The Theory of Evolution.
To know more of it just check these links:
So, even our govts and the entire system is running on that same principles. That’s why we have a govt., which has turned the majority population into a servile group sleep walking into its trap. Whatever the killings and robbing is presented as the progress of the nation. After having plundered so many damages on the entire country by various corruption and anti social activities, it talks to the world and says its democracy. This is the system of Dajjal.
So, Muslims are not free from it. They’re the biggest part in supporting the Dajjal. Just look at the Muslim countries supporting MR in the UN. If they’re true Muslims they would send an army to defend the Muslims. This world is completely different world.
Do you think the Balu Sena dogs do not know that the entire economy is run with the money sent by people who are sweating in the Middle eastern countries???? They know it. And still they along with Gota talks about Islamic Terrorism. If Islamic terror should be on Sri Lanka, the first thing should be done is to shut the money flowing areas of GOSL. If they stop the ME jobs entirly, the GOSL will have lick the bums of Chinese for loans and end up a bankrupt nation. No Wiratu will come to save you once it happens.
On top of it, the attacks on Churches, Kovils will make more enemies and this will not go on like in the old days. There will be a pay back time arriving like a Lightening thunder bolt soon. That time will be the day of reckoning for this 100 years old system “Buddhism Revivalism” fed by Olcott & Blavatsky into the minds of mentally retards like The Dharmapala (a convert from Christianity).
JR (Convert from Christianity), Banda (Convert from Christianity), Olcott, Blavatsky all from Christianity changed their skin to drive your future into becoming a killing machine into the 21st century and beyond.
About Blavatsky :
Freemasonry: Midwife to an Occult Empire
Just don’t be a well-frog thinking that the philosophy of your liking is the one true religion. Just go out and check on other things as how all these Murders are functioning with the help o like minded govts., from around the world and why they’re supporting WAR & Destruction, and for what gain and for WHOM….
Wyatt K / September 23, 2013
Muslim, thank you for your post. There are many Muslims who see the shift in the TNA. High profile members like Sumanthiran have not only been arguing for the protection and equality of Muslims in Sri Lanka, but all people. They are giving your faith a powerful voice. Muslims want the same things as everyone else does, simply the freedom to practice their faith and to be equal in the eyes of the law.
sach / September 23, 2013
yes, the TNA should show their fondness for muslims, by letting them (the ones chased away) to come back to North and start life there.
Ponseka / September 23, 2013
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Ponseka / September 23, 2013
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I am no muslim / September 24, 2013
Hay Muslim, When Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi comes to power he will start another Muslim killing spree in India. So, don’t even think of India as you country of origin. Quick, go for Wahhabi training in Saudi and become Jihadi and die somewhere for Allah. You have many places to chose from. I am sure you’ll end up in Allah’s heaven with a line of houres who continue to be eternal virgins for you to use all of them as wives. How’s that Muslim, eh.
Javi / September 25, 2013
You know nothing about Gujarati’s, Marathi’s nor Modi. The western media and congress blamed the killing of 1200 Muslims on him and subsequently absolved him of wrong doing. Now the IC is wooing him because he is known to be transparent and accountable. Gujarat has developed very fast under him where foreigners are queuing to invest there and if he becomes PM then MR better jump in the sea.
Rohan G / September 23, 2013
If you want to live in an undivided country, why did you publish a Election Mandate which doesn’t match the statement. By all means, you should – Tamils & Singhalees are one – we come from same blood line – so why fight to be separate?
Sengodan. M / September 23, 2013
No demand for separation! That has been very clearly stated both in the manifesto and the above statement of the very mature leader of the TNA. Let there be no distortions!
Sengodan. M
Thiru / September 23, 2013
Because Sinhalese cheated Tamils since independence, and we have different languages and religions.
Haven’t you heard of Andhra Pradesh going to be split into two, even though they speak Telugu and are mostly Hindu? Haven’t you heard of North and South Korea?
Are you the terrorism ‘expert’? Can you couple the problem to terrorism?
Then you can solve the problem with international support!
Lakshi Dias / September 24, 2013
I don’t think Sinhalese cheated Tamils since independence, any country will have different languages and religions.What is important is having a peaceful country.
Burt / September 24, 2013
Please read what TNA publiahed before the election and try to understand before writing crap.
bganendra / September 23, 2013
Sambanthan Aiya: Congratulations and well done!!.
People have given your party a mandate with over whelming majority vote.
Initially send the Army chief minister (cm)out of the province and do not allow the elected PC members to take their oaths in his presence.
kris / September 23, 2013
Sambathanathan now it is time to join the govenment
Peace Lover / September 23, 2013
cheeky cheeky ;)
Ponseka / September 23, 2013
Why don’t you bend over? :)
kris / September 24, 2013
As per your name that is your job :)
Native Vedda / September 25, 2013
“Sambathanathan now it is time to join the govenment”
What is the market rate, 10%?
Citizen / September 23, 2013
Yes, the verdict is clear. Federalism is the only way where people can live in without fear or harassment and with self-respect. When once Federalism is introduced there will be economic boom in the country with mutual understanding among the Provinces. Why are Southerners silent or reluctant in experimenting Federalism. I think they fear that they will not get commissions. There is no other reason.
Siriyalatha / September 23, 2013
So long idiots would not grasp it, nothing like good would happen for the sake of the minority folks in SL. In Germany federalism functions. Even better it is in Switzerland. But people in those countries, their gerneral knowweldge is much higher than that of our people. But the literary rates are almost the same with ours. So what I personally feel is media and other machinations cheat our people easily. If general public were known facts and figures, they cant be easily cheatable. Today facts and figures related to crimes in the country is multiple times higher than in the days that country was its top while fight against LTTE and other terrors.
Vaanchiyooraan / September 23, 2013
People of Northern province have given clear mandate for self determination. Successive governments using violence and terrorism suppressed and oppressed the democratic voice of Tamils until 1983. Because of the state sponsored violence and terrorism, Prabakaran was compelled to take the arms to neutralize the state sponsored terrosim.
Once again, Tamils have democratically shown to the world that their rights should be protected. It is the responsibility of the SL government and the International community to receiprocate positively to find a long lasting political solution where everyone’s rights are protected in a civilized manner.
Banda / September 24, 2013
We agree that 353,595 people in the Northern Province have voted for the TNA and approved the separatist rhetoric yelled at their election platforms. But Northern Province is a part of Sri Lanka. And this election is no referendum for 13A plus or minus let alone self determination.
Besides, one quarter of that 353,595 number or 82,838 people have clearly opposed the separatists’ rhetoric and voted for the government policies. And that is a big achievement where the government fought a do or die war just four years back and racism and separatism is promoted as the vogue since.
Besides 353,595 is rather a miniscula number when compared with the vast majority of people in other provinces who support the MR government. MR should know that devolving Police and land powers is a recipe to start another war. We cannot have nine police boarders in this small country. Best example is the interstate fights between Indian states. Hence no Province should be devolved with powers that could ignite new conflicts.
Burt / September 24, 2013
Dont you know that a majority has no moral authority to vote or decide on a minority issue. If this is allowed minorities will be slaves of majority just because of the mear numbers.
sach / September 24, 2013
of course majority should not decide for minority but majority can decide on their country. See, SL is multi ethnic so Jaffna, kilinochchi too is multi ethnic
spotlight / September 23, 2013
Most moderate right thinking Sri Lankans will LIKE to believe Mr. Sambandan. Unfortunately the TNA’s own statements and behavior makes this very difficult.
Wyatt K / September 24, 2013
Give them a chance. This has the feel of a new direction in the TNA.
hannah.rajaratnam / September 23, 2013
Dear Mr Sambanthan,TNA members,CJ.Mr Wigneswaran,Tamil people of the North,and to the Diaspora Tamils that worked tirelessly to remember loved ones lost,ones who have survived under all manner of duress and in dire need of Peace and Compassion.
Thank you for this great Victory.
It has not been in vain.
You have delivered a resounding vistory, a message that is pulsating all over the world how democracy should be respected.
The ball is in the court of the government.We still live in hope that the Tamils will be recognized as an integral part of the makeup of the Sovreign State of SRI LANKA.
Under much pressure and trauma during the time of the electoral process,the Tamil people with determination and faith to a better life have caste their votes to a victory.
The Tamils have shown Dignity,Intergrity,Honesty,Calm in the face of all ODDS.Thank you.
Over to you President Mahinda Rajapakse.Your turn Sir.
sach / September 24, 2013
pulsating all over the world? clearly u ppl think of you too much! that was part of the problem
Javi / September 25, 2013
You folk made them think like that with your standardisation etc.. Even before 83 they were known to the west as hard-working and intelligent folk with a classical language. While you were favoured by the Brits all along- eat more kawun man. Today cMoron calls these refugees from SL as professionals who have equalled the Jewish folk in 30 years. What do you do send your women to Arabs to spread their legs.
sach / September 25, 2013
Tamil ppl are equal to what? jewish ppl? what is the standard of the jewish people? tamils are very good at collecting racist garbages from around the world and equate them with such racist theories to feel important.
The reason people in west mainly got to know what tamil is only after the SL war. before that you are just a tiny set of ppl living in a tiny country.
and what is with the classical language thing? :D do u think rest of the world give a rat’s a$$ whether u speak a classical language or not?
when was the Brits favoured sinhalese? :D A new concept coming out of tamils now?
And what is with Kawun? Does your face look like a Kawun?
who is cMoron? Did jewish ppl engage in credit card thefts and funding terrorism?
We dont send women to Arab countries, women from poor families go there willingly to do an honourable job as a house helper. was it in Tamil society, tamil women who come to help in house chores used to spread their legs to house owners? Elements in Tamil culture is not practiced every where.
Native Vedda / September 25, 2013
“tamils are very good at collecting racist garbages from around the world and equate them with such racist theories to feel important.”
I hate to agree with you on this point and this point alone.
However while Tamils are very good at collecting racist garbages from around the world the Sinhalese are very good at practicing, enforcing, believing in their superiority being Aryan race and being descendants of Sakya Muni,………………….
You believed in your own propaganda and stupidity so much so irrigation systems in this country have become Aryan Sinhalese Hydraulic Civilisation, Amude has been re-branded as Aryan Sinhala Amude suites, ………………..
“tamil women who come to help in house chores used to spread their legs to house owners?”
This says a lot about the Aryan Sinhalese house masters, Tamil Women must be very good in bed probably sought after by Sinhalese Dorai. These are Sinhalese dorais who are unfaithful to their wives who are entrusted with running the country.
May I remind you of customs that you chose not to remember “The Kandyan Hospitality”.
“Elements in Tamil culture is not practiced every where.”
My elders who traveled far and wide tell me that almost every town in Europe has restaurant serving delicious Dosais, Idli, Sambar, Vaddei, etc and I believe these culinary items are part of Tamil culture. Please correct me if I am wrong. They also confirm that they haven’t seen anyone enjoying, Kiribath, or kavun.
Make no mistake Buddhism as cultural ambassador has nothing to do with Sinhalese. They practice a weird form of Sinhala/Buddhism useful for practicing racists very bad for spiritualism. Worse some of their monks are practicing sex offenders than practicing Buddhist.
mani / September 23, 2013
Congratulations to TNA for their victory, It is “mul greedam” ( Crown of thorns)crowned on the head of TNA. Hope Mr.CVW sir will handle it well to the prosperity of the people. There is road full of “shodhanai”( testing times) for TNA, and we wish TNA come out of grand success to recah its destination for the welfare of the people. We are with you in every march that you want to take.
Park / September 23, 2013
Watch out Sampanthan, the President may buy some of the TNA politicians to his side. The guys who will shift over will find a lame excuse to tell the people why they are moving over. Watch out.
Fathima Fukushima / September 23, 2013
Tamil Elam also includes the Muslim East.
I hope at least now the government will bow down to Tamil demands to merge the north and the east.
Then the Muslims will also come under TNA. Life is better under TNA than SLMC for Muslims. :)
I am Muslim / September 23, 2013
Fathima Fukushima,
Yes TNA is Tamils. we are Tamils, but Diffrent religon, still we speak the same language and came from same land and Sri Lanka was Tamil Nadu before and singalam came from India Bangali part so Singalam is a Bangali desh whom are Deep Labours still in Middle East, and Leela and you and House maid of Middle East … :)
We will be better with TNA than SLMC Heil Heil heil Mr. Sambandan Seperate the land ….. teach lesson to them
sach / September 23, 2013
really? surely they have misread Rizana then?
Oh come on out of your muslim mask, we really know who you are!
I am no muslim / September 24, 2013
Hay Muslim, Forget India, when Modi comes to power he will start another killing spree there. Go for Wahhabi training in Saudi and become Jihadi.
Ponseka / September 23, 2013
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hannah.rajaratnam / September 23, 2013
Good Lord PARK.
Is this how you have judged the Tamils and their MP’S.?
Gota abd Basil couldn’t even buy enough votes from the poor civilians of Mullaitivu whom the governent said they had ‘saved’.They couldn’t save their skin in Kayts – dougla’s domain.He and UPFA fell like a lump of Sh-t.
He tried hard to bully and buy.Refer to jeevan hooles article what they did to 26 Tamils before the elections.
Did any 1 TNA MP bully,buy,torture families,murder,clubbing to death
to get their votes.?
This speaks a lot in a corrupted south.Keep them and Douglas with you.
Anand raj / September 23, 2013
Congrats Sampanthan Aiyaa..! Now the ball is in your court. The eyes of tamils all over the world is on your game of politics in this turbulenced island nation. Hope you will deliver good to your people.
Wyatt K / September 23, 2013
What a turn of events. It is now the TNA that is seeking unity and democracy. If the TNA stays focused on promoting freedom, equality and the rule of law, then I believe that M.A. Sumanthiran just might end up being president sometime soon. I look forward to that day when Sri Lankans will all live under the same laws applied equally, when they can read what they want and get information from where they want, where the militarization of the country gets rolled back and Sri Lanka becomes great like it was when the British handed it over. The TNA victory makes this more likely. We are looking at a major shift and transformation here led by great men like Sumanthiran. Get on board, there is still a lot of room on this democratic ship. There are people who want to prevent it from sinking into an authoritarian sea and the TNA is now, ironically, leading the way.
K.A Sumanasekera / September 24, 2013
CM Wiggy’s “V” Speech is a bit different from Sambnadan’s… Isn’t it?.
Even 90 % across the board is not as good as 100% support which Mr Prabakarn enjoyed, including the unstinted support of Mr Sambnadan and his TNA partners.And the current CM’s public acknowlegement what a Hero Mr VP is…
It is good to hear from the Boss that all he wants are security, dignity, self
respect. and a “bit of self rule” to fullfil the Social , Economic , Political and Cultural apects of the Tamil people.
However One night wonder, how Mr Sambandan can achieve these aspirations for the Tamil people in the rest of the country,especially the inhabitant population in the new vibrant harbor City and its inner suburbs , where the great majority of the inhabitants are the Tamil people, who infact are in the same “class” as Mr Sambandan and CM Wigneswaran?.
And the Tamil people in the other parts including the the two adjecent PCs, where Mr sambandan’s political partner, the UNP lead by Mr Ranil got the biggest drubbing in recent times.
One consolation here is that their is no mention of fulfilling” the aspirations of the Diaspora and its leaders, unlike in CM Mr Wigneswaran’s Victory salute.
Burt / September 24, 2013
You might have some peace if you stop wondering about other race and try doing an honest job for a living without crying for your next meal.
TNA is further away from the south and the Sinhalese but its victory has shown the way now keep wondering whether raja inc’s and its cronies days are numbered.
Hamban / September 24, 2013
Beware of any Coup d’etat by the government and the army similar to that
happened in Egypt.
BBS rep / September 24, 2013
Great double talk Sampanthan Aiya,
You want to assure your supporters that you will spare no effort to ensure that they are able to fulfill their legitimate aspirations. Hmmm therin lies the issue. You came to power on the aspirations of those who still harbour raw wounds from the 40 year war, those who stood heart and mind with VP for a separate state. The legitimate aspiration you talk about is nothing but a separate state. I wonder how you are going to work within a united undivided country and at the same time deliver a separate state. Time will tell. We will wait and see how you will juggle that.
Saro / September 24, 2013
It’s an obsession to always talk about “separation” or “separate state” when nowhere in the TNA manifesto or speeches any of the their candidates indicate anything to mean or refer to it. They clearly say Federalism within an undivided country. How else can they convince those like you waiting for a slip up. You must be able to argue on what they say and on what the twisters imagine. Please give a chance to see if ever TNA change its stance.
Justice W is against the boycott of CHOGM and all the other anti-Sinhalese horrors of the LTTE. TNA realise the reality. When the problem within Sri Lanka is resolved to the satisfaction of the moderate Sri Lankans within the country those outside will calm down.
Fathima Fukushima / September 24, 2013
Stop fooling Tamils Sambandan.
Tamils want Tamil Elam which includes the East colonized by Arabs. Until full Tamil Elam is established for Tamils they will not rest.
What’s the use of Tamil Elam without Amparai?
Burt / September 25, 2013
“Stop fooling Tamils Sambandan”
Why does this concern you so much?
Raz / September 24, 2013
Separate land is a must… or Sampanthan will eat the shit of Rajapaksha soon……
Tipcut / September 25, 2013
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sach / September 24, 2013
Anyway SL gov have done good just after 4 years of war. Can anyone think of a civil administration in north in 2006? Also unlike other countries like India, SL didnt do election under military power and get a gov that has allegiance to military rule.
Tipcut / September 25, 2013
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Native Vedda / September 25, 2013
Well said.
Very useful comment. Keep up your good work.
MR salutes you.
Fathima Fukushima / September 25, 2013
So now TNA going in reverse gear!!
Earlier they said Tamils want self rule, Tamil Elam, etc.
Now they say Tamilians want to live in an UNDIVIDED country!!
TNA has already betrayed its foolish voters. :)
Wickramasiri / September 25, 2013
Sambandan’s statement is most welcome though I would have preferred a more explicit extension of the hand of friendship. The racist amongst the Sinhalese have been caught unawares and exposed as ignorant and foolish, as seen by the confusion in the sponsored comments. My advice to the TNA is to go further and show up the racists for who they are and expose their lack of Buddhist values. Mahinda Rajapaksa looks quite silly now, doesn’t he?
Kalana / September 25, 2013
Agreed and good initiation, Also as Sinhalese, We suffered too, and still we suffer. You guys think only about your side, we have to think all the sides. Pls try to understand that too..