13 February, 2025


Trends to watch out for in the post-coronavirus era

Ask any online expert and they’d tell you that all things expected to happen in the digital industry in 2020 have now been put on hold. The coronavirus pandemic has reshaped almost everything that was scheduled this year. From the increased stress put on social distancing to nationwide shutdowns happening in many parts of the world, there is only one story that is dominating each off-line and online news service today.


However, what do you think would happen to brands once the people come out of self-quarantine? Covid-19 has already left a deep impact on society and is likely to change a lot of things; especially how commerce works in the years to come. While there have been top trends in 2020 for various industries including food, technology, gambling, fashion etc., there are some general trends that are expected to be observed in the post-coronavirus era. Let’s acquaint with a couple of them below.

Online Shopping Domination

The online retail industry had been growing from strength to strength since the 90s. It actually managed to overtake the off-line stores for the first time in the month of February, 2019. As more and more people try limiting their exposure to the external world, online shopping will become a force to reckon with in 2020.


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Specifically the sectors that have stayed away from the reach of Amazon and other e-tail giants, for instance, personal grooming products, medicines, household goods, groceries etc. are finally going to take the plunge and become as popular online as books, electronics, mobile phones etc. which all have been comfortable buying on the Internet all along. The former products had been resisting the digital economy for a long time. A prolonged time period of self-quarantining and social distancing will thoroughly convince people to try out web services when buying essentials like shampoos and groceries in the future.

Distributed workforces

Do employers prove to be more productive inside their home environs, or do they waste the precious company time doing nothing?! Does coming to office damages their morale or improves their efficiency? Sociologists and business experts have been pondering over these questions ever since internet made work from home possible for the modern-day society. The managers have formed all kinds of opinions as the results haven’t been very clear.


However, with a large majority of working population now forced to work from home, it will become very clear if this approach is really feasible. While there are some major concerns, including if Internet can handle so much traffic, there’s plenty of excitement among the workforce too! Especially the younger lot.


Once the coronavirus pandemic becomes a thing of the past and the offices reopen, it’s highly likely that many companies would realise that they’ve been unnecessarily spending on office spaces. Additionally, they might also come to terms with benefits offered by remote work – improved employee morale, broader talent pools, lesser number of sick days and more. Eventually, distributed workforces will become more commonplace after this pandemic.

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