11 February, 2025


Trinity College To Rescue Discriminated Kuliyapitiya Boy

One of the country’s leading boys schools, Trinity College may come to the rescue of the 6 year old boy from Kuliyapitiya who has been deprived of a school because of rumours that he maybe HIV+.Kuliyapitiya boy

Sources said that the school is considering admitting the 6 year old boy, and discussions are underway on the matter.

The child who was initially denied admission to Sambodi Primary School in Kuliyapitiya, but later was allowed to attend the school after higher authorities intervened, faced a fresh issue after the parents of the other students pulled out their children from the school demanding the 6 year old be removed from the school.

Following this incident the authorities decided to pull the child out of the school and find him a new school after changing his and his mother’s identity.

It is also learnt that Zahira College, Kurunegala had offered to admit the boy, but the mother of the child had said that she preferred a school closer to home as her son will not stay without her.

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Education Ministry To Draw Up Guideline To Prevent HIV And Other Discriminations At Schools

Latest comments

  • 45

    Hope BBS does not go in front of Trinity and protest saying they are taking a Buddhist boy to a Christian school to destroy his Buddhist way of thinking.

  • 43

    If Trinity is willing to take this child and if he has to be in the boarding school or if the mother is willing to rent a room so that she could be with the child I am ready to sponsor.

    • 14

      Well done Vajira, There should be more like you in this Buddhist country called SL

      • 0

        Correction Raj.

        There should be more like you in this shameless Buddhist country called SL.

        Bye the way Vajira, I will support you. CT has my email.

    • 14

      Count me in Vajira. Like to share the joy of giving for a purpose like this. Please initiate collecting funds through Facebook or some other means.

    • 4

      Extremely nice of you. I am sure a large number of people will be willing to contribute and support this mother and child. Count us in.

  • 27

    Well done Trinity

  • 28

    Well done Trinity and Zahira ! Set the pace and examples for incidents of this nature, where the uneducated and ill informed jump to the wrong conclusions and hurt innocent children and their poor parents, depriving them of their basic rights, through selfish motives. Pathetic, that our Country is steeped in this type of ignorant and stupid behavior.

  • 24

    It is with great relief and pride that I register my feelings here. My own school that shaped me into what I am today after four decades, has shown as only what I could have possibly expected of in any event, with its nobles gesture by granting admission to a kid of six years, and HIV affected. Thus, Trinity College, Kandy remains to be the Best School of All.
    A humble appeal to those parents of other children at the school in Kuliyapitiya, where the same child was refused education . . Do wake up dear all parents. We live in the 21st century and in a world today of very high advancement in medical science too that is only kind and favourable to such HIV ‘patients’. Kindly have a heart. Remember it could have even be one of your own children subjected to such harrassment, only that you are blessed not to be so.

  • 8

    It’s the BEST school of all !

  • 2

    This story was heart breaking. We should be inherently more compassionate towards our own people in there time of trouble. Though most of our miss informed friends acted with an stigma I am so happy to see the kind hearted people has come to this child’s aid.

    As a government in this modern day we must educated our people on this subject. Please click the link bellow..


  • 5

    Well done Trinity, I am willing to contribute as well re. Vajira above.

  • 5

    Now that there is a future plan for this child can someone who is in the OBA or the Board Of Gov , indicate how we can help the child to reach what ever heights he can achieve.Without worrying if he is Hindu/ Muslim/ black /brown ect.
    I say well done to the two Trinitians who thought of this noble gesture.

  • 2

    There are still a few good people out there. Well done Trinity, God is great.

  • 2

    Look at the name of the school that callously rejected this child, – Sambodi Primary School. Basically anything to do with Sambodi or Buddhism is based on untruths and rumour (it is a rumour that led this school to reject this child) just like its hallowed holy scripture – ‘The Mahavamsa’. The so called Buddhists talk about compassion but in reality are totally devoid of compassion.

    Just look at the forlorn mother and child in the picture – what an indictment on this blighted country.

    • 0

      But everything to do with We Thamizh Hinduism is based on truth, like beast headed gods and their rock hard reproductive organs which yearn to be worshipped and have milk poured over them :D

  • 0

    The schools may be generous.
    Most teachers may be kind and caring.

    But with all the adverse publicity generated, and parental prejudices apart, do we live in a society whee he child will receive the kindness and understanding that he needs from classmates?

    Children can be cruel, some very.

    Some thought needs to be given to this aspect.

    • 0

      Yes,since he is been admitted to grade 1,i don’t think there would be any discrimination from the classmates as they are all new to the college and probably unaware of the situation.Besides Trinity is always based on brotherhood

  • 4

    Well done Trinity. We are also proud of you. Group of Antonìons

  • 0

    “Those” Cruel and idiotic parents of Kuliyapitiya will have to pay for their “SIN” over several several “Aathmas”
    Well Done Trinitians !

  • 0

    [Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

  • 0

    Well done Trinity. It is such acts of charity, that make Trinity very special. It is nothing new for Tinitians to help the less fortunate. During our days we had a Social Service Club where boys and Staff visited the slums of Mahaiyawa to treat the sick, and that’s why they always supported Trinity at all sporting events. I am proud to be a Trinitian.

  • 1

    For Special attention for TCK hierarchy
    It is a great gesture and one that would be appreciated by all. My concerns are that this child could find himself way out of his depth, and lost amongst the children of a more affluent background-not necessarily because of a language or social class problem but because of a difference between him & the majority of other boys who are likely to be more affluent financially. I hope it is not asking too much of a little child to adjust to a hugely different social environment to what he is used to, and that the other children will be very caring & understanding of this child’s situation. It is a well known fact in paediatrics that children can-without meaning to be so-be very unkind to other children, and bullying is also a problem. I hope has a “godfather” type of boy who takes him under his wing. The ignorance & stupidity of our Sri Lankans is disgusting-to label this child as a HIV patient. I somehow feel TCK will come out with flying colours whether care of this boy is concerned. Let’s hope so-only time will tell.

  • 0

    For Special attention for TCK hierarchy (an extract from a comments of an affluent old boy of TCK)
    It is a great gesture and one that would be appreciated by all. My concerns are that this child could find himself way out of his depth, and lost amongst the children of a more affluent background-not necessarily because of a language or social class problem but because of a difference between him & the majority of other boys who are likely to be more affluent financially. I hope it is not asking too much of a little child to adjust to a hugely different social environment to what he is used to, and that the other children will be very caring & understanding of this child’s situation. It is a well known fact in paediatrics that children can-without meaning to be so-be very unkind to other children, and bullying is also a problem. I hope has a “godfather” type of boy who takes him under his wing. The ignorance & stupidity of our Sri Lankans is disgusting-to label this child as a HIV patient. I somehow feel TCK will come out with flying colours whether care of this boy is concerned. Let’s hope so-only time will tell.

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