10 February, 2025


True Nature Of The Relations Between The Govt/ LTTE Has Been Exposed: Champika

JHU General Secretary and a front-liner of the common Opposition movement, Patali Champika Ranawaka today challenged the Rajapaksa regime to clarify the crimes that are being probed and punishments that would be meted out on those found guilty of war crimes by the Presidential Commission on Disappearances.



Speaking at a media briefing held in Colombo this afternoon, Ranawaka said President Rajapaksa should first explain the specific charges that are being probed by the Commission and the punishments for the perpetrators

“Our stand onthe subject is that if there are charges against any military personnel, it should be probed and action against them should be taken within the legal framework available domestically. There have been many instances in Sri Lanka where such action has been taken against military personnel when found guilty,” he said while adding that the government has no right to speak on war crimes because it has already mandated the Disappearance Commission to investigate into it.

He went on to point out that by inviting international experts to advice the Commission if and when necessary, has also resulted in an international intervention.

“We don’t agree with international interventions into this matter. We strongly believe it has to be carried out domestically,” he added.

Speaking further he also blamed President Rajapaksa, External Affairs Minister and Coordinating MP for the External Affairs Ministry for the present deterioration of Sri Lanka’s foreign relations.

“In 2009 Sri Lanka had secured a 2/3 majority within the Human Rights Council but this situation was completely turned around within a few months by the negligence of officials,” he said.

He also commented on the allegations that have been made by former General Secretary of the UNP, Tissa Attanayake on a secret deal made by the common Opposition to reduce troops in the North.

“We learn that an attempt is being made to prevent the voters in the Northern province from casting their votes. This is a fine example of the true nature of the relations between the government and the LTTE. . . So I urge the Northern province residents to make use of their right to vote,” he added.

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  • 8

    A fringe party like the Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party (aka Nazi Party) is making a lot of noise. Will it become very powerful and push the country down a precipice as the Nazi’s (who never won a popular vote in Germany like the JHU) ?

    • 9

      The Nazi Party won the major votes dating back to 1900s before the first world war. JHU doesn’t need voters, They already have analysed about the corruption and economy wastage, Which is mainly important.

      Like example of JVP, who has proven the proof of the corruption and the use of public resource for election campaign. I feel the government is guilty of misusing the state resource, But i have to admit that MR has long history of “denying” the accusation, I don’t believe what he says. I believe he talks all lies!

      • 8

        WRONG -look up history before talking.

        Never did the Nazi’s win a democratic election (50%).

  • 4

    Has Champaka Ranawaka been on the water pipe with a bit of cannabis oil in it, or just Johnny with CBK…

    Or does he think the poor rural Sinhala Buddhists who observe Sil whom he claims to represent are a bunch of nit wits?..

    He doesn’t deny the “Sirisena – Wickremasingh pact” which is in place to grant the TNA LTTE wish list, in return for the Sambandan’s pretend neutrality.

    Neither does he tell his followers that the “Pillai Wish List” is the basis of Sira – Ranil “Internal War Crimes Investigation”..

    With clauses written in small print to hand over the Military Leadership Lock Stock and Barrel to the Hague .

    Isn’t Christian Faction heavy Johnston’s summit with the ex Generals and ex Brigadiers in Srikotha, part of this plot?.

    Can Sira reappoint Fonny to run our brave Army Officer whom he dobbed in to Ms Pillai as War Criminals ,who shot poor Tamils carrying White Flags?.

    Are these two Bikkus and the Abiththaya going to do more harm to the Sinhala Buddhists than what Prabakaran could do?.

    And allow the Elite, Anglicans and the Vellalas to take the country back to the British Colonial era?…

    • 3

      Do they have internet connections at mental asylums ,This guy must be a long term resident of such place.

  • 7

    A domestic investigation is too little and too late. The subject has already been internationalized further the govt denial from zero civilian casualties, to having one investigation and not publishing its results and then having another investigation promising international experts and then turning around and saying tat they will not be investigating but only providing advice if requested and now MR promising another transparent independent probe makes Sri Lanka lose all credibility and become a laughing stock.

    JHU saying that it supports an investigation is like the Nazi’s saying they want to investigate the massacre of Jews. That putting insult to injury.

  • 1

    It is disappointing to see that there is no one in the MR camp to counter attack the lies this I..t utter in public – he is bloody clever in manipulating figures at will and utter them in public as if they are gospel truth – because of the clean image he project in public clueless voters believe – hope some one in MR camp would go through his pedigree and expose him –

  • 0

    War widows, Orphans and stateless persons have to be looked after. AQ commission had this mandate. Women have become prostitutes and are facing much hardship.What has being done.

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