10 February, 2025


Two Immoral Acts Of Sirisena-Ranil Government

By Fr. Sarath Iddamalgoda

Fr. Sarath Iddamalgoda

Fr. Sarath Iddamalgoda

The artificial situation now created by the President and the Prime Minister has led to an unsavory political climate in the country. When we look back on the promises made during the election campaign nobody expected the creation of a mega cabinet or the appointment of the rejected ones as Ministers and parliamentarians under “Yahapalanya”. Surely this is nothing else but cheating the gullible masses.

The appointment of a jumbo cabinet going against the 19th amendment of the constitution and the appointment of the rejected members as ministers and deputy ministers of the new government is an act contrary to the principles of “Yahapalanaya” and Democratic governance. This is not real or genuine politics but manipulative politics, which they are compelled to adopt in their self interests.

If the major political parties failed to have gained sufficient number of seats to form a stable government, shouldn’t they have gone for re-election, and ask the people for a clearer mandate rather than creating a mockery of democracy.

Ranil maithriIn my view, securing the positions of Sirisena and Ranil duo and prevention of a comeback of another evil force is the only reason for making this arrangement of convenience.

Perhaps my view can be very personal and inaccurate. Yet people must be given the reasons for adopting such a strategy against their wish and election promises. Moreover, the spirit of good governance demands transparency in decision making.

If the elected members are going against the election promises and the aspirations of the people, they are undermining the authority given to them by the people to govern the country. They may desire to rule the country till 2020 but will do so without moral authority.

People should immediately send a message to the government expressing their displeasure about the way things are moving. Some voices have been raised. We should appreciate Ven Sobitha thero and the leadership of “Puravesi Balaya” who have already spoken. Let there be hundred or thousand more voices be raised but in one voice.

President however has already indicated that inquiries against those who have done wrong will go on and the members of the parliament have to live up to the demands of a new political culture and so on. But in this political climate what guarantee do we have that promises will come true. Similarly can the politicians be trusted?

We have witnessed the behavior of some of these defeated members who have been offered ministerial posts by the President. There is no evidence of whatsoever to show that since their new appointments a sudden conversion has taken place within them and they will a live a more noble life from now on.

The current events are an indication that the system of party politics alone is not enough to secure people’s aspirations. The time has now come for the citizens to act more responsibly. People need to be more organized and develop an effective mechanism to participate in governance rather than assigning all authority to the elected members.

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  • 1

    Fr. Sarath Iddamalgoda

    “The artificial situation now created by the President and the Prime Minister has led to an unsavory political climate in the country. “

    Good. Keep tab of the Immoral acts. We all hope were are safe from the White Vans.

    The Mega cabinet was created to accommodate the needs of the Mega Incompetents in the Para-Cabinet, in the Land of native Veddah Aethho.

  • 8

    There are so many signs indicating that usual political history repeats again… I too believed that Polonaruwe Gamarala son and Colombo Royalist would make a different… My hope for better future and respect to Polonnaruwe hero is diminishing. (Gamaralas are more respectable people than SL Presidents)
    47 year veteran Sri Lankan politician suddenly becoming a hero who is going to save the country !!!!! I feel like real fool believeing this….

    • 0

      It is not Pollonnaruwa gamarala. It is the Pollonnaruwa Royalist and the Colombo Roayalist!

  • 5

    Aiyo Gamaralaya being remote controlled by the Bandit Queen.
    She has even spooked the Colombo 07 Ranil in order not to save the Country but to Take control of the SLFP.

    Gamaralaya is good for the Kamatha……
    Ranil another dismal failure.

    SHOWBITA & Dharmasiri Banda can howl at the top of their voices but the Government must run a minimum course for at least 4 years………

    Masses, people …. duped, deceived …. are about to die with the farmers takking the lead while arrangements are being made for the Gamaralaya to visit Obama so that to make the American President happy at last to see for himself that Sri Lanka is led by a PAMBAYA.

  • 2

    “People need to be more organized and develop an effective mechanism to participate in governance rather than assigning all authority to the elected members.”

    Father Iddamalgoda:-

    Yes, People need to keep a keen eye on their chosen Representatives and see that they ‘Toe the Line’ when the Country’s Future is at stake!

  • 1

    Ultimately it is in the peoples hands.

    We cannot blame Ranil and Maithri for all the problems.

    No point addressing these issues with the English speaking Colombo crowd.

    The Sinhala and Tamil speaking mainly rural voter base should be educated about what is happening in the country and the responsibility they have when exercising their valuable vote.

    What is Democracy?

    People who can think should try and put the whole nation on the right track not only the politicians.

  • 3

    The democratic citizen of this country has undergone sever physical and psychological hardships during the rule of the last regime. The present rulers are aware of it. We have right to expect dignified life under this ‘yahapalanaya’. We have already raised voices and noises. But must listen to it. If not, the same fate will befall them sooner or later. Appointing defeated and disgraced politicians to high positions are a crime, an unpardonable crime. Insult to the right thinking democratic citizen of this country. Be above the self-interest; they must have the guts to stand up and say NO to nepotism.

  • 2

    This is no Yahapalanya, just uysing terms to deceive the public .Mr Sirisensa is no saint, just one from the old block. He seems to be taking care of himself , first by taking injunctions against UPFA Council meetings in fear that they would sack him from the party and then giving all thugs and criminals minister/deputy minister posts to safeguard his position.
    Now Mangala Samaraweera is promising to arrest MR, Gaota and generals for bringing the war to an end. I cannot describe my feeling in good language here. All loyal SriLankan public should teach Maithree and this lot a good lesson.

  • 0

    I agree with most of the sentiments.

    MS & RW seem to think that they are free to do anything to keep MR out. MS has not only used the National list for his own benefit, he has has appointed very crook in the MR administration as ministers (He would have appointed even Duminda a minister had he won). At least RW did not appoint losers to the national list. Minor point, MS bringing his children to work with public officials cant, surely be ‘Yahapalanaya’. Couls he be thinking a second term!!! We remember how Mahinda change from being a HR activist to the bigest HR violater

  • 0

    “The time has now come for the citizens to act more responsibly. People need to be more organized and develop an effective mechanism to participate in governance rather than assigning all authority to the elected members”…

    Politics it is said is the art of the possible. 4.7 m of the “people” do not want any yahapalanaya. So what do you do or how do you act? If citizen is a democrat like Fr. I and can distinguish yahapalanaya from Mara palanaya then we can have a rational government. Now the government is a big COMPROMISE. Can it be helped?

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