13 January, 2025


Two stories:Namal Rajapaksa took oaths as Attorney-at-Law and two students arrested for exam fraud

By Colombo Telegraph –

Two students have been arrested yesterday for exam fraud after persuading two Advance level students to sit their Ordinary Level exams for them by Mt.Lavinia police. The attempted fraud was discovered when exam invigilators noted that the two students in the exam hall little resemblance to the photograph on their Identity Cards.

Meanwhile Lakshman Namal Rajapaksa, eldest son of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Member of Parliament, and heir apparent, yesterday took oaths as an Attorney-at-Law before a three judge Supreme Court Bench, comprising Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake, Justice Nimal Gamini Amaratunga and Justice Suresh Chandra.

Namal’s parents President Mahinda Rajapaksa, First Lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa, his two brothers Yoshitha and Rohitha, Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa, Cabinet Ministers, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and well-wishers were present at the ceremonial sitting of the Supreme Court. After the conclusion of the oaths ceremony, Namal went up to his parents, who were seated in the front row of the Ceremonial Court premises and worshipped them and received their blessings.

The scandal of Namal Rajapaksa, receiving favoured treatment by the authorities at the Sri Lanka Law College at his attorneys-at-law final examinations grabbed media attention earlier this year. Thushara Jayarathna, another candidate at the exam, alleged in complaints made to the police, Law College and even the then Chief Justice, that Namal Rajapaksa had been accommodated separately in an air-conditioned room with internet enabled computer facilities to sit for his examinations. In the present political climate of Sri Lanka, the courage of Jayarathna’s decision to go public does not need to be retold. He has not only faced physical harm and intimidation for his trouble, but also received no justice either from the Law College or from the Sri Lankan courts. The Supreme Court has thrown out his fundamental rights case on technical grounds, thereby exhausting all his local remedies. He is therefore intending to take his case to the Human Rights Committee in Geneva.

Two weeks ago ( December 1, 2011) Thushara Jayarathna was assaulted again by a group of men at a safe house.

Latest comments

  • 0

    law in ass!

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      Law is Not an Ass Anymore… Law is a :shit:

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        Like father like son. Father entered Law College not facing the competitive Entrance Examination, but thanks to kitchen brains of enabling an MP to sit the Law Exams direct, that were fudged with the help of Srath N Silva and crowd then. MR’s ability as a Lawyer, he is unable to speak ten words without mistake. Further if pen and paper is given, one can see how capable he is in drafting a Motion in Court. Now the son from the word ‘go’ has cheated his way to become a Synthetic Lawyer. Very soon he will be appointed as a President’s Counsel. See the manner how servile all the others are to this Synthetic Lawyer. What a Mockery of Education? A Nation of so called Educated Fools.

  • 0

    This is the justice system in Sri Lanka . lol

    • 0

      shame on our country people…they should be panish for voting for stupid MR/

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        Hey Pllayan – Look at the big picture. What MR did is nothing stupid. He destroyed the World’s No1 terrorist group and its head Prbhakaran. That is good enough to make him very, very great indeed in the eyes of the vast majority in SL. If you happen to be a terrorist of course no surprise you will not see things that way. If so sadly you indeed are the “Stupid One”- Tough for you ! – S de Silva – London

      • 0

        Ado pillayan, Mahinda is the KING who liquidated the ass hole tamil terrorists in our country. There is nothing he cant do in our country. We would gladley worship mahinda, Gota and our beloved forces for getting rid of the racist stinking ugly tamil terrorists from our country. Praba of course had to witness his son been killed in front of him and loose his genitals (meat and two veg) and beg for mercy before he went to his eeeelam in the sky. Remember King Dutugamunu who thrashed the tamil thug Elara who tried the same thing few years back. So learn the lesson or come back for more. Thanks to the ltte tamil %tage went down to 7 from 12. Next time it will go down to about 2. So run to Canada.

      • 0

        OMG look at the replies to this comment, so disgusting !!!!!

      • 0

        This Pillayan idiot asked for it. Nothing disgusting about the rebuttal this moron got.

      • 0

        All sri alnkan and anyone can travel in sri lanka top to bottom no worry no
        terrorist anymore you can sleep any wear you want no scared,country developing
        sri lankan dreams coming true we should respect our king president pillayan as sri lankan don’t be stupid

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    All lawyers are people who lie for the money paid by their clients. Let Namal prove himself different from that herd.If he has got this position by cheating, as alleged in public, it will also continue to torment his conscience forever, which is not a very pleasant experience.

    • 0

      All the sri lankans cheat; from poor bus conductor who cheats your change, the officer worker who steals office stuff to the top professionals and leaders. In Sri lanka this happens openly and other countries people doing legally under their laws and regulations but they wear suits and ties.This happens in every society as far as human greed is there. The world is not a fair place and just get on with your lives.Life is too short & take your chance to cheat someone to be rich and famous.

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    I can also pass this exam if I was given a room with unrestricted internet. Never thought the bar association would go to the dogs in this manner….

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    Mirracle of the asia.Sri lanka goverened by thugs and grug dealers

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      honestly mahinda how can u be happy when u jolly well know that namal cant get through without cheating plz spare the life of the gold medalist who is in hiding due to death threats save hislife

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    Shame on the Chief Justice for even gracing this occasion! I wonder how Namal Rajapaksa’s parents can look so proud of their son’s achievement when they know of the preferential treatment he was given. I guess some people have never learnt the meaning of the word shame.

    • 0

      does justice in srilanka treat all alike.does every law student who passes out get such a welcome photo shoot with the judges.justice should also be seem to be done.disgraceful to see the judges falling over backwards.


  • 0

    First time I am seeing this sort of behaviour at a swearing in ceremony. We also gave our oaths, but no photographs (especially group pics) were allowed. The law seems to be playing the role of the ass for the mara family. muntama giya rata! Gon neela ta: go and give your ass to these thugs!

  • 0

    How many lecture hours has this notorious son ever had is a question. These cooked up passing may thril the family and make bilieve a few gullible lot but inside an empty meaningless charade. This fool and vagabond has no readings, writings or law in is head. It is very sad to see the class of education our fathers and mothers thught us been washed away with the drainage of sewer by this rotten lot. My country can never recover from this period ever.

    • 0

      You are just jealous Opatha. What would you not do if your father was the president ! You may not like him but people voted him in. Do you think they are all fools and you are the only inteligent one ? OMG your are one with very high standards, arnt you. beleive me if you could you would do much more.

    • 0

      Opatha you are very correct this family has destroyed basic ethics we Srilankan valued from time immoral. Our judiciary has become a den of thieves, Those with respect keep mum due to fear giving this family tacit approval for what they do.The governing period of this family will be written in the history of srilanka as the most darkest.

  • 0

    Wow We got another Qualified Man just as GL. What a wonderful Island. Look at GL’s crying Face.

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    Happy to see Namal is taking oaths. Good work!!! Keep up.. One day you will become the President and can make the country!!!!

    • 0

      Oh ya , why not !!!

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    Nothing to loose us now. They will do what ever they want. Lets organize and kick all of them out. Stand together to kick out these day time robbers.

  • 0

    why is not the bloody legal filed not stopping this at least Namal clears the charges against him

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    Capitalist law is only for power of their class.
    Rajapaksha regime unveils this truth most disgusting way.!

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      Who brought the “Capitalist” to power in 2005?

  • 0

    Mehemath Wada ???? Eya nadu katha keroth API IWARAI !!!!!!!

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    It’s true that this is the miracle , not only in Asia, it’s in the world..

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    it’s in the world..??

    unuth emhemane ehenam apith ehemai :-(

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    We know what you did on the exam day oops! last summer

  • 0

    My point is not the swindler acts of Namal and his collaborators. History always had such cheaters
    However, look at the Chief Justice, GL- a professor of Law and the Minister for Justice of Sri Lanka all so happily greeting this shameful achievement for their political favour and survival.

    When a society kills its conscious, it goes to the decaying process of civilization.
    Sri Lanka may have defeated LTTE terrorism, develop with tourism and highways, but surely entering a long dark period moral decay.

    • 0

      Once Namal said that he is proud that he learnt his basic education from his mother – guess from where he learnt the cheating game?

    • 0

      you make me scared man. seriously

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    anekale wanne wae!!!!!!

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    Namal passed his exam because he recieved exam papers with answers in an air conditioned room with all the blessings of law college Principal because his farther is supremo in the country and no one can go against him. God bless to these two poor boys who follwed Namal’s Path.

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    (removed by the moderator)

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    Are you trying to say Nimal also comiited the fraud during the exam?

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    Judges and Judiciary are under influence of Prez. The world please see how the Judiciary works. Judges are being bribed. Under this circumtances do you accept these law degrees. See CJ is partial and she is with a political sided Prez. Is she independent. The world please have a look!

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    I wonder what defenders of Ma.Ra. regimes like Dr. Dayan Jayathillke has to say about such disgrace. I am sure he will have a theory how this is also because of Tamil nationalism and the LTTE

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    (removed by the moderator)

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    Cheaters enjoy all the luxury and the innocent honest are on a witch-hunt for punishment. This is the lawless Banana Republic ruled by a family dictator. It has one law for the Dictator, his family and stooges around him and another for the rest of the country. The criminals, rapists & drug dealers are protected, and the innocent are punished using the Kangaroo Courts. The entire world knows how this idiot passed the Law Examination, so there is nothing to be proud of, but should be ashamed of what has taken place.

  • 0

    Why is everybody shouting about this?
    Namal got 66 marks on that paper.
    As usual, some idiot read it upside down.

  • 0

    HOW did Namal get his LLB from London then? Let’s say for argument sake he cheated in Sri Lanka, but how about in London? London too has allowed him to pass through all the exams for the LLB?

    My 2 cents. Food for thought!

    • 0

      do u know how Gadafi’s son got Ph.d from London??? just google and find out please!!

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    S de Silva – London,
    I agree 10000% with you. These ppl are jealous of MR and others. I read these for my fun. Sri Lankan forget the past sooo fast. I wonder if they remember who their parents are.


    • 0

      who? ane apinma naha jealous. we are worried about the level of justice in our country.

  • 0

    Once upon a time there was a country in south asia called Sri Lanka.

    The literacy, medical aid, free education etc., and loyality to state and society brought this nation to one of the leading nations in south asia.

    SL was not corrupted like India, Pakistan or Bangaladesh.

    Today Justice is under president´s control, Interlectuals serve for criminals. Capital and military is united which is called fascism

    And the majority Sinhalese is happy about those changes.

    People like Vasudeva Nanayakara goes as traitors againt their principles in our history,

    What is the difference between Pakistan and Sri Lanka?

    • 0

      Once upon a time there was a country beautiful called Sri Lanka. After those morons from Tamil Nadu invaded it, they started the destruction – both physically and socially.

      • 0

        with their Hinduism ego? LOLS

      • 0

        Where in the hell you came up with this tamil nadu invading SL? We Sinhalese are from Orissa,India. Don’t change the history.

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