27 April, 2024


Ukraine: At The Brink Of A Third World War!

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

The world is at the brink of a Third World War with the Russian armies invading Ukraine supported and assisted by the Western powers although NATO has not formally entered the fighting. In Russia’s point of view, supplying arms and financial support to Ukraine are a direct involvement in the war, waged in their opinion against Russia’s security and integrity. It is possible that within few days the Russian armies would be able to capture Ukraine’s capital Kyiv and control the country at large. Installing a Russian aligned regime in Ukraine would be a part of the scheme and strategy.

Behind the Invasion

By enlisting thousands of army volunteers from the Middle East and involving Belarus in the invasion, Vladimir Putin has shown that his intensions are broader than just capturing or ‘neutralizing’ Ukraine. In his/their opinion, Poland is already involved in the war from the NATO or Western side. Therefore, there is a great possibility that Russia next attacking or even invading Poland. There are also Western army volunteers fighting on behalf of Ukraine already.

There cannot be any doubt that the aggressor, and in fact the invader, of the present war is Russia and Putin. There are more internal reasons than external ones for the situation. Putin and his oligarchs come from a particular historical context and mindset. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the disintegration of the republic was a disaster for this mindset. Putin had direct links with the KGB and the Stalinist rule. It is not so much the collapse of communism or socialism that mattered. But the glory and prestige of Russian hegemony and empire going back to the Tsarist empire. Ukraine represents one of the important missing links of this jigsaw.

Vladimir Putin (born 1952) has been the de facto ruler of Russia since 1999. He has been more than a president in his and his followers’ mind. Serving as prime minister or president on several occasions his ambition seems to bring back the Soviet or the Tsarist glory back to the country. He is only second to Alexander Lukashenka of Belarus as the longest serving European president. They appear to be close buddies in the sphere of political ambitions.

During the last two years, Putin and his United Russia party have experienced some electoral losses although the system is overwhelmingly manipulated. There have emerged young generations who are keen in aspiring for more freedoms, human rights, and democracy in addition to economic justice. Alexei Navalny who is now jailed is only one opposition leader. Putin’s party at the elections for the lower house of the Duma last year experienced clear electoral setbacks. Putin must face the next presidential elections in 2024.

Russian Objectives

According to one reliable interpretation, Putin’s war against Ukraine is largely aims at uniting the Russian nationalist forces to overcome these emerging internal oppositions. However, it can be a coincidence or a reason among other reasons. It was in 2014, Putin first waged war against Ukraine and annexed Crimea into the Russian federation. In Putin’s view, without Ukraine as a buffer zone or country, the security of Russia is not safe from the Western aggression and infiltrations. Therefore, the present war is a defense strategy and not an aggression.

However, how far this ‘defense strategy’ could be distinguished from ‘imperial ambitions,’ ‘Russian chauvinism’ or a ‘new form of fascism’ is a debatable question. There are academics and researchers who have identified the rejuvenation of the old Russian ‘deep-state’ under Putin’s leadership during the last decade. They have however not denied any security or defense concerns on the part of the Russian leaders or the people because of the type of international politics played directly and indirectly by prominent Western countries, the US as the main actor.

Democracy and human rights are some of the primary concerns of the Western countries. However how far these are tainted by economic and strategic interests is debatable. Ideological reasons like partiality to a ‘single or similar’ model of democracy or democratic development also can be involved. Vladimir Putin undoubtedly is anti-Western. These sentiments are also prevalent in many other countries in Asia and the Middle East.

Tragic Consequences

If we take the Russian invasion of Ukraine as it is, it cannot be condoned by any means. All information that we have been receiving indicates to its one-sidedness, brutality and inhuman consequences going beyond the conflict areas. Over 3 million civilians had to flee the country already since the Russian forces were attacking civilian areas and municipalities. Thousands of them are already killed. Destruction of residential buildings, schools, hospitals, and industrial enterprises are the most damaging to the economy and the social system.

Ukrainian people who have been giving interviews to the media do not appear to be strictly anti-Russian. All of them are linked. Therefore, if the main effort of Russia is to prevent Ukraine joining NATO, it could have been done in a diplomatic and a peaceful manner. If the US and other Western countries have or intend to have special economic or political influence on Ukraine, Russia also should have the same rights and opportunities. Countries like France and Germany have shown that they are willing to listen to the Russian concerns. These diplomatic opportunities have not been utilized properly given anger, sensationalism, and aggression.

Role of the UN?

Some of the failures of the present situation undoubtedly come from the UN system. With all indications that the Russian troops were exercising armed maneuvers surrounding Ukraine, the Secretary General of the UN was starkly silent. It was he (Antonio Guterres) who should have intervened independently to negotiate a solution. It was not particularly a failure of the person, but the institutional position of him or the Western influences behind.

Guterres only opened his mouth after the resolution of the special General Assembly. Even that was to impose the terms of the resolution on Russia and not to negotiate or workout a viable and an amicable solution to the conflict and the war. It was obvious that the Russian invasion cannot be condoned by any reasonable country except Russia or its close allies. Even within Russia there were demonstrations against the war. Although the UN resolution had overwhelming approval of the member countries, the 35 countries who abstained from voting cannot be ignored particularly given the size of the world population represented by them like China and India.

Even at present the main question is not about imposing the UN resolution but brining a ceasefire and then a negotiated solution to the underlying issues behind the war. Although the NATO and Western countries deny their participation in the war, this is not something agreed by Russia, China, or several other countries.

The newest incident is the Russian bombing of a military base/installation near the Poland border. This is considered as an indirect war declaration against NATO countries by Russia. However, this army base was well known for US and NATO training of Ukrainian soldiers and introducing new weapons and military tactics. For what? Of course, it can be defended as for defensive purposes of Ukraine. But from whom?

In Russia’s opinion, the US and NATO are already involved in the war, or they are the main perpetrators. In their opinion, America’s imposition of severe economic sanctions against Russia and Russian leaders are a clear declaration of war, an economic war at least. Russia is also taking similar measures.

A Way Out?

There cannot be much doubt that the world, and people in the world, naturally would prefer Western model of liberal democracy or similar, compared to the Russian authoritarianism or the Chinese communist party system. Therefore, the Ukrainian people cannot be blamed in their political preferences, including their present popular/charismatic President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

However, for a peaceful world, when there are different political systems and religions/ideologies, there should be some form of peaceful co-existence and tolerance. Changing political systems should be primarily left for the people of those countries. Whatever the merits of liberal democratic systems it appears that most of the Western leaders try to impose their values and systems on others sometimes through war, pressure, or undue interventions.

Since the Second World War, this is not the first time that one country or countries invaded another country. This happened in Korea, Vietnam and in the Middle East. Still, many of the Middle Eastern countries are in a chaotic situation because of the repercussions of these invasions. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 in the pretext of preventing the ‘weapons of mass destruction’ by the US, UK, Australia, and Poland was one case of example.

In the present situation, Russia and Putin should undoubtedly be blamed for arbitrarily invading Ukraine. Both Russia and NATO countries could have persuaded Ukraine to become like (one time) Switzerland with independence and neutrality between competing forces and countries in Europe.

The US President Jo Biden has continuously denied any intention of involving in a Third World War with Russia or any other country. But today, we are almost at the brink. Nuclear confrontations, intentional or by accident, are real possibilities under the present circumstances and confrontations. What Biden should do, as claimed to be the leader of the democratic world (!), to prevent an open third world war, is to speak to Putin, negotiate an immediate ceasefire, and persuade Ukraine to be truly a neutral country like the old Switzerland.

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Latest comments

  • 10

    Dr, Laksiri: The Third World War – Euro-America versus the Rest of the World (Asia, Africa rest of Global South) which EU-US seeks to colonize and loot has been going on in the Indian Ocean Region at least since the Easter Sunday 2019 attacks in Sri Lanka staged by CIA’s ISIS and certainly during the Covid biowarfare project to crash our economies and loot our countries. The US printed 9 trillion in 2 years of Covid Bailouts so that its Hedge FUnds like Black ROck could asset strip in the Global South during Lockdowns and the economic crash…
    Where and whu did Zaharan, the head of the Suicide bombers die on Easter Sunday? At Chinese owned Shangi La Hotel! Was this a religious crime or smokescreen for geopolitics? Religion was weaponized and a smoke screen for US geopolitical aggression in Sri Lanka. America’s partner in the ISIS crime, Saudi which funded the Lankan bombers FM is right now in Lanka buying up strategic lands on the pretext of setting up green energy plants in Trincomalee!

  • 11

    Russia’s Mr. Putin is fighting for the rest of the world again US-EU – NATO expansion, colonization and looting of the rest of the world.
    Russia defeated the German Nazis in world war 2 although US took the credit.
    Hats off to Mr. Putin. For once, Asia is standing together to end Euro-American digital colonialism and looting of the rest of the world which is what the post-WW 2 Pax America has been… with a colonial development mask like the Covid mask that hids biowar.
    Russia, China, India, Pakistan, are together although in Sri Lanka the US citizen Rajapakse brothers are dancing to the IMF tunes and the western media never say this.
    Time has come for Sri Lanka to de-dollarize and Dump the USD rather than de-value the Lankan Rupee against the dollar, beggar the people and enable US Hedgefunds to asset Strip strategic Lanka.

    • 3

      Prof Laksiri, why don’t you advise Srilanka President not to make the same mistake made by Ukrainian President. Russia clearly stated to Ukraine not to join NATO, which warning Ukraine did not listen to, resulting in this war. India has clearly stated to Srilanka to get rid of China from the soil and so far Srilanka has not taken any action towards it. Do you sincerely believe that India could be continuously hoodwinked, and will not act decisively at one stage. There is every sign that Ukraine will surrender to Russia, which if had been done earlier would have prevented the damage. Remember that in 1987, JR took a wise decision to surrender to India, thereby preventing destruction. The correct path for Srilanka to take now is to surrender to India totally and do all what they want. Right through history Srilanka had been a vassal state of Pandyan kingdom, and thus you cannot prevent history repeating.

      • 2

        I agree.
        Sri Lankans need to accept that we have to tow the Indian line.
        That is pure logic!
        Previously, I thought otherwise – balancing the Chinese and Indian interests.

      • 0

        “India has clearly stated to Srilanka to get rid of China from the soil and so far Srilanka has not taken any action towards it.”
        Oh, so that was why the Doctor’s good friend Sumanthiran broadcast his mission to keep China out of N&E.

      • 0

        If you want to understand the level of Indian hypocrisy ( and your own level of hypocrisy) here are a couple of useful links:
        Your comment please.


    • 0

      I agree with you.
      There is another fundamental reason.
      The US has the licence to print the world’s reserve currency. That is a huge privilege, where the USA prints and writes off its own loans.
      Too complex to present the way the FED and the Treasury work together in a response limited to 200 words.
      This war may be a catalyst for a change although China, Russia and some other countries in combination would still be smaller than the US, Japan and Europe when combined.
      One likely outcome would be that many countries would keep their reserves in their own countries, perhaps in gold. China is certain to remove its trillions from the US Treasuries.
      This is the first time that the reserves of a Central Bank of a significant country are withheld.

  • 9

    I am totally at a lost to understand why most Sri Lankans at CT are burning tons of midnight oil to research on Ukraine?? Dont we have trillions of our own issues at the home front?? Have you guys ever talked about the power cuts, fuel crisis, kerosene oil queues, farmers not having fertilizer, mass food shortages, kids not getting the education they deserve, gas crisis, medicine not available or prices sky rocketing…..etc…etc…!!! Well, Russia invaded Ukraine because it was under USSR before the CW and now Putin thinks it belong to him so what?? It is their bloody border and SL is million miles away to that border! Do you know how all previous Ukraine governments supported this bloody rogue Rajapaksha gang in the last 10-15 years selling arms to kill Tamils and keep commissions in Bahama island accounts?? Does the name Udayanga Weeratunga rings a bell?? I am absolutely aware of the pathetic plight of Ukrainians and I’m sure UN/UNCHR will do their job but are we genuinely aware that people in this little island called Sri Lanka struggling everyday to bring food on to their table not knowing what happens tomorrow!!!???? What is worst than living with no hope for tomorrow when there is no war even!! :(

    • 9

      ‘I am totally at a lost to understand why most Sri Lankans at CT are burning tons of midnight oil to research on Ukraine’
      Jit this is because midnight oil is the only oil available and soon that too will be in short supply. But seriously, the real reason is that the Russia-Ukraine conflict may lead to nuclear war in which case Sri Lanka will be affected. The world has not been in this position since the Bay of Pigs crisis or should I say the Bay of Pundi Kutti.

      • 8

        Please stop having wet dreams about me and find some Croydon wench or go and play with the reindeer in Lapland (-: . Jit is correct the Ukrainians have proved that they are racists, the way they treated non-European Indian, African and Arab refugees fleeing until it was brought to the notice of the UN and news media. The Western news media are also making very biased and racist, at the start of the war they were making openly racist comments about the Ukrainians being white and European and comparing and making unfavourable comments about the wars in Afghanistan, Syri, Iraq, and other parts of the world, many of which was started by them and to the refugees originating from these nations, until they were called out for their biased racist behaviour. It was war in other parts of the world is fine OK and normal but not in Europe. It is ok to be a refugee from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan or even Sri Lanka and suffer but definitely not if you are white blonde blue-eyed like the Ukrainians. No No, Their suffering and killing are terrible but not the suffering of others. This thems still comes across in much western news. Further Ukraine also helped the racist Chingkalla Sri Lankan government by supplying them with lots of arms, many of them banned and piloted airplanes that were deliberately killing and bombing innocent Thamizh civilians.

        • 6

          They and their government did not care most probably because Thamizh was a dark-skinned South Asian. You reap what you sow. Now crying when they are getting the same medicine from Russia.

          They were part of the former Soviet Union and a Slavic people very closely related to the Russians, speaking almost the same language, originating from ancient Rus. Just like modern Thamizh and Malayalam. Both diverged from middle Thamizh. The vast majority of them are orthodox Christians like the Russians. They should have remained neutral and benefited economically from both sides, just like Finland, instead of jumping up and down to join the NATO and EU. America did not tolerate Soviet missiles being stationed in Cuba and why should Russia, tolerate Nato at its doorstep, especially in a country that was once part of mother Russia. Ukraine also would have treated its Russian-speaking minorities in the east much better, what did it gain by denying them language and other cultural rights? It has lost Crimea and now soon lose the predominantly Russian-speaking Donetsk and Luhansk regions and many other parts of eastern Ukraine, where Russian is predominantly spoken. A good lesson for Sri Lanka denying Thamizh speakers, Hindu Muslims, and Christian, their legitimate rights. Yes, food and fuel prices have increased.

          • 4

            However, this is not the cause of what is happening in Sri Lanka. As in all other countries prices have increased but everything is available. The racist behavior of the Ukrainians towards the non-European refugees fleeing the country and the reaction of the west towards the plight of Ukrainians and their war, just because they are white European, compared to what happened in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, other parts of Africa, Latin America and even in Sri Lanka, and the refugees fleeing from these wars, largely caused by them, has been rightly observed by many in these nations and Ukraine lots its support. Even now many European and other western nations want generous quotas to be provided, for white Ukrainian refugees to compare this to the way they treat other nonwhite refugees fleeing persecution and war largely caused by their own policies.

    • 6

      Sorry, typo, should be “I’m totally at a loss”

    • 8

      Jit, I fully agree.

    • 7

      It is true that Ukraine is very far from here. But we do consume a lot of Ukrainian wheat . Also we consume a lot of oil and LPG, the price of which h has skyrocketed due to sanctions on Russia. Russia is offering cheap oil to India, so maybe we could benefit.

      • 10

        old codger

        How about granting refugee status to those stranded Ukrainian in Sri Lanka?
        They are from relatively rich country, white Slavs, belonging to Abrahamic religion, scientifically advanced, equally racists, they supplied us with most important arms and ammunition when the West and Hindia refused to supply us the same at most critical moment in our history, they flew our helicopters and other planes, helped us to bomb Jaffna with Athulath’s sh*t bombs, made possible some of our politicians, functionaries, brokers, members of armed forces strike it rich, …….

        Remember we rightly denied poor, dark skinned, South Asian, Muslims, .Rohingya speaking ….. refuge in this country.

        • 5

          “Remember we rightly denied poor, dark skinned, South Asian, Muslims, .Rohingya speaking ….. refuge in this country.”
          Ukrainians are Aryans like us. What are you complaining about?

          • 2

            old codger

            “Ukrainians are Aryans like us. “

            However Rohingya also an Indo-Aryan language like Sinhala.
            Does it mean Sinhalse and Rohingya are Aryans, one is Buddhist Brahmins and the other is Muslim Brahmins, Hindians are Hindu Brahmins, Germans are Christian Brahmins?

            It is confusing.

            • 1

              “one is Buddhist Brahmins and the other is Muslim Brahmins”.
              Please refer David the Good, who is an expert on these matters. He says God protects the Jews even though his son JC, who was killed by Jews, founded Christianity.

      • 3

        I think that Chiv’s is the most appropriate response.

      • 0

        So Basil is on a winning ticket???!

    • 10


      “I am totally at a lost to understand why most Sri Lankans at CT are burning tons of midnight oil to research on Ukraine??”

      We have nothing better to do.
      We do not want to research on how we reached the state in which we are in now.
      So let us dig into other people’s history, find parallel and blame everything on colonialism, Thamil Nadu, Diaspora, ….. West, …. so that we do not have to face reality.
      And keep voting for the most appalling regimes.

  • 2

    Laksiri Fernando, No matter what political governments are doing like Russia invading Ukraine for a start, the end result is pictured clearly in the bible account in Ez.38 onwards. Gog of land of Magog from the north, the prince of Rosh finally invades the unwalled cities of Israel to take booty. All the Jews scattered are brought back to Israel and receive Messiah. Golan heights, West bank and Gaza become disputed territories for war. Dan.7 fierce 4th beast is joined by radical Islam. Rev.16,12 shows the prepared huge armies from kings of east(China support for Russia) crossing the dried up Euphrates to connect with Iran and reach Meggido for the battle of Armageddon coming down to Jerusalem. His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives Zech. 14,4 as Christ returns to win in field of blood. Jerusalem earthquake. God’s kingdom rule and reign of Justice , Peace and Righteousness established. Jerusalem becomes the heavy stone Zech.12,3 for all nations gathered against it. Rev.20,15 says names must be written in Book of Life. Lot more to read.

    • 2

      In the final war, Gog and Magog will arise from lands north of Jerusalem, which geographically point to Russia and Turkey. Just as much as Putin wants to resurrect Soviet Union, Erdogan wants to recreate Ottoman empire. Jerusalem is the birth place of Judaism, which if Bible is true has divine protection. This is why despite several attempts by Muslims to destroy the state of Israel, it has failed miserably. Any attempt in the future by Turkey or Iran either singly or in combination will fail, and as believed by Jews, Al Aqsa mosque will be destroyed by act of God.

      • 1

        Dr. G,
        “Jerusalem is the birth place of Judaism, which if Bible is true has divine protection. This is why despite several attempts by Muslims to destroy the state of Israel,..”
        So then, God is Jewish, or favours Jews? It follows that the Christians will all end up in Hell, and that includes David the Good?
        I am so confused.

        • 0

          old codger, Dont confuse the simple issue of John 17,21 that Jesus and Father and Holy Spirit are all one and we in them are all one in union inseparable and we dont go to hell as we believe in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to pay for our sins and free us. I am in the Fathers presence eternally and now too in union in the eucharist too as commanded.

          • 0

            But the Jews don’t “believe in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to pay for our sins and free us.” So all the Jews will have to go to Hell, with the Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and the Catholic idolators etc.
            This is even more confusing.

      • 2

        That is quite a load of zionist propaganda. The Muslims are not trying to destroy Israel. Israel is occupying Palestinians, stealing their lands, and killing unarmed kids, for decades. Israel is supposed to exist WITHIN the 1967 borders, but if you check the shrinking map of Palestine you can see just how much has been stolen.

        Look at who is getting destroyed by the so called “victim”

        “Wiping out entire families in Israeli bombings was one of the characteristics of the war in 2014. In the roughly 50 days of the war then, UN figures say that 142 Palestinian families were erased (742 people in total). The numerous incidents then and today attest that these were not mistakes: and that the bombing of a house while all its residents are in it follows a decision from higher up, backed by the examination and approval of military jurists.
        An investigation by the human rights group B’Tselem that focused on some 70 of the families who were eradicated in 2014, provided three explanations for the numerous nuclear and extended families that were killed, all at once, in one Israeli bombing on the home of each such family. “

        For shame. Israel is a brutal occupier, and the US, UK, and the EU, are complicit in all its war crimes. Most Muslim nations in the ME have also embraced the occupier.

  • 1

    The fact is that this world has gone very far away from its capability because of human activities and it needs natural balancing act to stabilise. This is what we see from natural hazards such as environmental damage causing increased temperature, flood, cyclone, Tsunami, volcanos, deadly viruses and other diseases, human rights violations, genocides, agressive invasions, wars etc. Power greediness of human beings may result in third world war means the war of nuclear weapons and in nuclear weapons means West , Russia, China, India including Sri Lanka, Middle East all become perished into ashes. I am sure even Putin, Xi Jinping,Joe Biden, Modi, Rajapaksa family will be in the world at the end.

    • 3

      You seem to be getting very philosophical about life.
      You have left out your pet subjects too.
      What next?

      • 3

        Don’t worry. Changes happen every day but my subjects remain the same.

        • 1

          A, I like the change though.
          Points to a little more sanity.

  • 9

    Whatever excuse Putin has made, he simply cannot invade and start an unprovoked war, to seize yet another nation, like he did Crimea. Let us not forget who Putin is, an ex KGB thug who is now a dictator. He has poisoned activists in other nations, he has imprisoned his political opponents, and did a Sarath Fonseka on Alexei Navalny arresting him and throwing him into jail for daring to run against him. Ukraine is now an independent nation, and wanted no war, but Putin amassed thousands of his troops in the most threatening manner, and invaded a weaker nation. Civilians are now being killed, 85 being children up to date, all for Putins’ greed to be Tsar of the Russian Federation.
    Whether the US or Russia, it is wrong to invade sovereign nations, kill innocent civilians, for any reason. Putin is an angry man, his war is not going very well, his people are beginning to get angry as his soldiers come home in body bags, and he has been given the harshest sanctions.
    Putin has made the biggest mistake as a leader. He thought this would be a cake walk like Crimea was, but it has backfired, taking longer, the Ukrainians are resisting very bravely fighting for their country, and the Russian economy is going to take a big hit when the crippling world sanctions take effect.

    • 8


      Putin and his oligarch’s ill gotten assets have been frozen in banks and around the world, and many businesses and banks have refused to work with Russia, or leaving the country.

      The people of Russia have been deliberately blocked from knowing the truth about this war, as Putin controls most of the media, blocking the independent ones, and feeding his people his propaganda. Those protesting this war have been arrested by the thousands, and even old ladies who protest in Russia are not spared.

      There is no justification for this war. All Putin’s claims for doing so have been disproved, and found to be lame excuses, and like all wars it is the innocent civilians who pay the price for one man’s greed and vanity.

      Putin might win the battle, but he is going to lose the war.

      • 3

        Humanity is on short lease in Russia. Putin opted for the war as a way of distraction. On that score, his war is a culmination of miscalculations.
        War is not the answer to any of the problems Putin was confronted with, – imagined, real or unreal. But, equally undeniable is that there was mounting pressure of developments that he had to forestall.
        US is a shady schemer of questionable integrity. Is on the wrong side of morality when its interests are at stake.
        Ukraine could have played it differently under these circumstances.
        Democracy is highly overrated as a form of governance.

        • 2

          “Democracy is highly overrated as a form of governance.”
          Two opinions about democracy:
          Democracy is the worst form of governance, except for the others.
          Democracy is a system in which sheep have the right to choose which wolf gets to eat them.

          • 2

            old codger, Thanks.
            Getting ourselves immersed in the philosophical realm is the only way to defeat our despair!

        • 4

          “Ukraine could have played it differently under these circumstances”.

          If you compare the military might of Russia versus Ukraine, you will know that Ukraine is outmanned and outgunned. Russia has invaded a sovereign nation UNPROVOKED, and has killed thousands of civilians in hospitals, schools, and residences, and nearly 3 million Ukrainians have fled the violence.

          So exactly how could Ukraine have played in differently, when it did nothing to provoke a war, and in fact the President kept saying he does not want any war.

          Nothing justifies Russia’s slaughter of civilians.

          • 1

            …. So exactly how could Ukraine have played it differently .. .. ?
            You make me a sought after foreign affairs expert! (I am not.)
            Russia has expressed a legitimate concern that Ukraine was leaning towards NATO that was spreading its tentacles encircling Russia. ….

            • 2

              It still does not justify killing civilians, bombing hospitals, refugee centers, and basically attacking a country. NOTHING justifies attacking an entire nation, including “leaning towards NATO”. Now the world can see WHY Ukraine should be joining NATO, Russia’s aggression is fully in view for the world to see.

              • 1

                I give up. You have a ‘comprehension’ problem.

        • 2

          “Humanity is on short lease in Russia. Putin opted for the war as a way of distraction.”
          Putin has never opted for a war to run away from issues or otherwise.
          He is an utter nationalist and anti-leftist.
          He is also a cold calculating strategist, who struck at the most opportune moment. (Not too early, not too late, just the right moment, as little Goldilocks would have put it.)
          He saw the NATO threat coming since the end of the Cold War.
          He waited his turn. Had he waited longer the NATO would sooner than later park its missiles across Russia’s boundary.
          He let Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya pass, but hit back when the US tried its nonsense in Syria.
          His message in Georgia in 2008 was loud and clear.
          He responded to the coup on 2014 Ukraine by reuniting Crimea with Russia after a Crimean referendum. He bade his time with the Donbas region.
          The US and its extension, the NATO were in too much of a hurry.
          It was too soon after Afghan humiliation to take on a big power. Ukraine was foolishly encouraged by NATO and US to irritate Russia.
          Mr Z learned too late in life that he he was the fall guy for the pair that prompted him to say stupid things.

          • 1

            Putin has never opted for a war to run away from issues at home or elsewhere.

      • 8

        The war started in 2014 when the US executed a coup in Ukraine.
        Putin was waiting for the wrong move by Ukraine, and NATO obliged by encouraging Ukraine to over step the limit.
        Putin had to choose between slow death of Russia as a power and taking a chance with striking at the most opportune moment.
        Call Putin anything you like. He is a Russian nationalist, anti-communist and many more things.
        But he salvaged Russia’s economy and reputation as an European power, overcoming a burden that Yeltsin imposed on him.
        You talk about people of Russia being ‘blocked deliberately blocked from knowing the truth’.
        What is happening in the US? What do the media do to those who tell the truth?
        See for example:

        • 6


          “What is happening in the US? What do the media do to those who tell the truth?”

          Why should anyone trust “opindia” especially the media is named after Hindia.
          However we should trust the news because
          China government official Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 says so:

          The US bio-military activities are not transparent, safe or justified. In Ukraine alone, the US has set up 16 bio-labs. Why does the US need so many labs all over the world? What activities are carried out in those labs, including the one in Fort Detrick?

          • 0

            Almost anything is better than looking through a glass ball.

        • 4

          Tulsi Gabbard is one of Modi’s tools in the US.

          I would suggest not linking a website known to be racist, anti Muslim, publishes fake news and run by Modi tools. Opindia has ZERO credibility.

          “OpIndia is an Indian right-wing[17] news portal founded in December 2014 by Rahul Raj and Kumar Kamal.[7] The website has published fake news[26] and anti-Muslim[30] commentary on multiple occasions, including a 2020 incident in which it falsely claimed that a Hindu boy was sacrificed in a Bihar mosque.[31]

          OpIndia is dedicated to criticism of what it considers “liberal media”,[3] and to support of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)[35] and Hindutva ideology.[41] According to University of Maryland researchers, OpIndia has shamed journalists it deems opposed to the BJP, and has alleged media bias against Hindus and the BJP.”

          A source for fake news.

          Tulsi Gabbard claims have been proven wrong by the UN.

          • 0

            Tulsi Gabbard is one of Modi’s tools in the US.
            A, you really can be funny.

            • 2

              Then here is a laugh for you.

              “Gabbard has openly shown her support for authoritarians abroad including the president of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and India’s PM Narendra Modi. Time and again, she has attended events of the RSS-BJP and have shown solidarity with the ‘threat to the Hindus’ due to the Islamist extremism. Due to her radical ideology, she has been labelled as a person who celebrates and embraces fascists who massacre Muslims, Christians and other minorities.

              Hindu-Americans have supported Gabbard since the start of her political career, and that support has increased substantially since Modi’s election, much of it coming from Hindu nationalists. After Modi’s election in 2014, in a public gathering at a Hindu temple in Atlanta, organised by the Overseas Friends of the BJP, the American chapter of the BJP, the Modi supporters appealed to donate for Gabbard’s re-election campaign describing her as an “American Hindu” who “has fought against the anti-Modi resolution introduced recently by some members of Congress.” According to Gabbard’s financial disclosures from 2011 to October, 2018, majority of her donors have strong ties with the Sangh Parivar.”

          • 5

            Ashan, you are telling this to a guy who thinks Putin was elected in a much fairer and free election, compared to Biden. I guess to call elections free and fair, people should have the ability to hold power like Putin, Rajapaksas and Chavez for almost two decades. They should also possess the knowledge to freely tinker the constitution, so much so, that they can continue to their liking. In April 2021 following a referendum Putin signed into law, constipational amendments (sounds familiar ??) that would allow him to run for re-elections twice more, extending his Presidency to 2036. If Trump decided to stay on his own ,then U.S elections too could have been called clean.

            • 0

              Dear little troll, how are you this morning?

              • 2

                I am good, what about you “frog in a well” ?? Anything new in your narrow little world ??

  • 6

    The writer says, “the world is at the brink of a Third World War.” NOPE, on the contrary, I think Russia’s military operation in Ukraine is coming to an end.
    As I said in my very first comments, Kyiv is the last to take over. I said “…….. his (President Putin’s) plan is to establish a new government, entrust (ensure) peace in Donbass and handover Ukraine back to Ukrainians.”
    US Intelligence tried to mislead the Ukrainian government by undermining the strength of the Russian forces. I am sure they laugh at their own jokes as anyone can see that Russia hasn’t even used 5% of their military strength in Ukraine.
    What has President Putin achieved so far?
    1. As regards military goals, clearly and comfortably, ‘a large, permanent or semi-permanent buffer zone’ in the Eastern and Southern periphery of Russia to protect ‘civilian, territorial and defence interests’ of DPR, LPR, Crimea & Russia.
    2. Valuable dossiers to prove Russia’s claim that there are bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine. I am not sure whether there are chemical weapon laboratories too.
    3. Political goals are yet to be achieved. President Putin has already mentioned them. When I look at them now, I can see that they are reasonable.

    • 3

      Not according to the UN:
      “The United Nations on March 11 said it was not aware of any biological weapons program in Ukraine, while Washington expressed concern that Russia was spreading the unproven claim in order to launch its own biological or chemical attacks.Russia had requested a Security Council meeting to address its allegations of U.S. “biological activities” in Ukraine — a charge made without any evidence and denied by both Washington and Kyiv.Izumi Nakamitsu, the UN high representative for disarmament affairs, told the council that the United Nations is “not aware” of any biological weapons program in Ukraine.The Russian envoy to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, repeated the claim — without providing evidence — that Ukraine ran biological weapons laboratories with U.S. Defense Department support.Under a 2005 agreement, the Pentagon has assisted several Ukrainian public health laboratories with improving the security of dangerous pathogens and technology used in research. 

      The U.S. envoy to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said Washington was “deeply concerned” that Russia called the session as a “false flag effort” aimed at laying the groundwork for its own use of biological or chemical weapons in Ukraine.”Russia has a track record of falsely accusing other countries of the very violations that Russia itself is perpetrating,” Thomas-Greenfield said. She added: “We have serious concerns that Russia may be planning to use chemical or biological agents against the Ukrainian people.”.

      • 3

        From a BBC article:
        “Ukraine war: Fact-checking Russia’s biological weapons claims
        Additionally, the US set up its “Biological Threat Reduction Program” in the 1990s following the fall of the Soviet Union to reduce the risk from biological weapons that had been left behind in countries including Ukraine.
        Under this programme certain labs receive funding from the US for modernisation and equipment, but are managed locally, not by the US.
        The US Department of Defense has been working in partnership with Ukraine’s Ministry of Health since 2005 to improve the country’s public health laboratories.
        The US provides technical support and, according to the US Embassy in Ukraine, “works with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (intentional, accidental or natural) of the world’s most dangerous infectious diseases”.
        There is no evidence that they work to produce biological weapons. In January, the US said its programme does the opposite and in fact aims to “reduce the threat of biological weapons proliferation”.
        There have been similar unsubstantiated claims by Russia in the past about US-backed biolabs operating in its neighbouring countries.”
        Putin’s justifications for this unprovoked war is not holding water. Nothing justifies this:
        At least 636 civilians have been killed in Ukraine since Russian invasion began, UN says………

        • 0

          If you are referring to my comment, please be noted that I have already explained why I believe Russia’s claim that there are bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine, based on my own brief research on the matter. I can’t repeat my previous comments. If you are interested, this is the link.
          I have more to say. I am just waiting until my other comments are published.

    • 6


      1. ………… ‘a large, permanent or semi-permanent buffer zone’ in the Eastern and Southern periphery of Russia to protect …………….

      Do you seriously think this will protect the people of Russia from NATO/USA

      Conventional guided missiles
      Air-to-air missile
      Air-to-surface missile
      Anti-radiation missile
      Anti-ballistic missile
      Anti-satellite weapon
      Anti-ship missile(list)
      Anti-submarine missile
      Anti-tank guided missile(list)
      Land-attack missile
      Shoulder-launched missiles
      Surface-to-air missile (list)
      Surface-to-surface missile
      Wire-guided missile
      Cruise missiles
      Air-launched cruise missile
      Ground-launched cruise missile
      Submarine-launched cruise missile
      Ballistic missiles
      Tactical ballistic missile
      Short-range ballistic missile
      Theatre ballistic missile
      Medium-range ballistic missile
      Intermediate-range ballistic missile
      Intercontinental ballistic missile (List of ICBMs/Comparison of ICBMs)
      Submarine-launched ballistic missile
      Air-launched ballistic missile
      Drones ?

      • 0

        Keyboard Vedda
        Totally irrelevant.
        Who do you think will guard a territorial buffer zone? Bats and migratory birds? President Putin will decide whether it will be guarded by bats and migratory birds or whetherr it will be declared a neutral zone.

  • 3

    In one of my comments, I talked about the similarity of the Middle East and Ukraine situations. But, due to the word limit, I couldn’t write about the differences.
    The difference is the remarkably low civilian deaths. The Russian government says their military operation was deliberately slow to minimize civilian deaths. I agree.
    The US and NATO waged an incessant war in the Middle East for two decades for no reason. There were no negotiations, no requests to surrender or cooperate, no talks about humanitarian corridors, no air raid sirens, no compensation, nothing. The US waged war against Iraq in search of bioweapon laboratories but found nothing. Over one million innocent Iraqis have been brutally killed and the country was completely destroyed for no reason. Over 150,000 missiles and bombs have been dropped on innocent civilians in Iraq and Syria for two decades. The US still drop bombs in Syria. Over 300,000 innocent Yemenis have been mercilessly killed by US-Israel air strikes. Then, there are other countries; Afghanistan, Pakistan and African countries. Too painful to write. American Presidents kill innocent people in other countries purely to boost their ‘approval rates’.
    I most sincerely urge President Putin, PLEASE STOP!

    • 1

      ‘approval ratings’ (not approval rates).

    • 4

      You talk about Middle East countries forgetting Viet Nam & Cambodia where millions, yes millions, were bombed, poisoned and starved to death by the US and its Western allies. Ricefields were destroyed, mined, made unworkable. Forests were stripped with poisonous defoliants that subsequently washed into rivers and streams and killed all life. Vietnamese people still suffer from such poisonous effects: children are born seriously diseased or crippled. Defoliant cancers still kill them. And don’t forget war criminal, US Sergeant William Calley. He took pleasure in killing hundreds of women and children. He subsequently retired in the US and was rewarded, that’s the country promoting democracy, free speech and freedom around the world, doings so with bombs and guns. The US economy is built around the military and arms industry. It will be always looking around to start a war. It will collapse economically if it cannot find one somewhere, anywhere.

      • 2

        Thank you. Nope, I haven’t forgotten.
        I have a list of American atrocities in the world (author unknown). I added two items. A lot more to add.
        1914-1918- a series of invasions of Mexico.
        1914-1934 – Haiti. After numerous rebellions, America introduces its troops, the occupation lasts 19 years.
        1916-1924 – 8-year occupation of the Dominican Republic.
        1917-1933 – military occupation of Cuba, economic protectorate.
        1917-1918 – participation in World War I.
        1918-1922 – intervention in Russia. In total, it was attended by 14 states.
        Active support was provided to the territories separated from Russia-Kolchakian and the Far Eastern Republic.
        1978-1920 – Panama. After the election troops are introduced to suppress unrest.
        1919 – COSTA RICA. U.S. troops are landed to “protect American interests.”
        1979 – U.S. troops fight on the side of Italy against the Serbs in Dalmatia.
        1919 – U.S. troops enter Honduras during elections
        1920 – Guatemala. 2-week intervention.
        1921 – U.S. support for guerrillas fighting to overthrow
        Guatemalan President Carlos Herrera for the benefit of the United Fruit Company.
        1922 – Intervention in Turkey.
        1922-1927 – U.S. troops in China during the People’s Revolt.
        1924-1925 – Honduras. Troops invade the country during elections.
        1925-Panama. U.S. troops break a general strike.

        • 2

          1926 – Nicaragua invasion.
          1927-1934 – U.S. troops are stationed throughout China.
          1932 – Invasion of El Salvador by sea. There was a rebellion there at this time.
          1937 – Nicaragua. With the help of U.S. troops, dictator Somoza comes to power, deposing the legitimate government of J. Sakasa.
          1939 – The introduction of troops into China.
          1947-1949 – Greece. U.S. troops participate in civil war, supporting fascists.
          1948-1953 – Hostilities in the Philippines.
          1950 – Uprising in Puerto Rico is suppressed by U.S. troops.
          1950-1953 – Armed intervention in Korea by about one million American soldiers.
          1958 – Lebanon. Occupation of the country, counterinsurgency.
          1958 – Confrontation with Panama.
          1959 – America enters Laos, the first clashes of U.S. troops in Vietnam begins.
          1959 – Haiti. The suppression of a popular uprising against the pro-American government.
          1960 – After José María Velasco is elected president of Ecuador and refuses to submit to U.S. demands to break relations with Cuba, the Americans conduct several military operations &
          organize a coup.
          1960 – U.S. troops enter Guatemala to prevent the removal of a U.S.- puppet from power.
          1965-1973 – Military aggression against Vietnam.
          1966 – Guatemala. U.S. troops enter the country, massacring Indians who were considered potential rebels.

          • 2

            1966 – Military aid to the pro-American governments of Indonesia and the Philippines. (60,000 people were arrested for political reasons, with the government officially employing 88 torture
            1971-1973- Bombing of Laos.
            1972 – Nicaragua. U.S. troops are brought in to support a government favored by Washington.
            1983 – Military intervention in Grenada by about 2,000 Marines.
            1986 – Attack on Libya. Bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi.
            1988 – invasion of Honduras by U.S. troops.
            1988 – U.S. warship Vincennes, in the Persian Gulf, shoots down an Iranian plane with 290 passengers on board, including 57 children.
            1989 – U.S. troops suppress riots in the Virgin Islands.
            1991 – Large-scale military action against Iraq.
            1992-1994 – Occupation of Somalia. Armed violence against civilians, killing of civilians.
            1998 – Sudan. Americans destroy a pharmaceutical plant with a missile strike, claiming it produces nerve gas.
            1999 – Ignoring international law, bypassing the UN and the Security Council, U.S. NATO forces launched a 78-day campaign of aerial bombardment of the sovereign nation of Yugoslavia.
            1999 – US bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade.
            2001 – Invasion of Afghanistan.
            2001 – Bombing of Iraq.
            2011 – Libya.
            2011-2017 – US provided funds, training and weapons to anti-Assad rebels in Syria.

            • 3

              Two wrongs do not make it right. The world knows that the US is guilty of wars, interferences, and toppling leaders, but it still does not justify what Russia is doing to a sovereign nation, and starting this brutal unprovoked war. Russia is deliberately targeting civilian structures, and civilians including children are being killed, and buried in mass graves.

  • 10

    The writer is largely talking through his hat in the matter of the Russo-Ukraine war. He seems to be even pushing the mainstream media narrative that previously misled the world on Iraq, even Afghanistan and Indochina, not to mention most other wars sponsored by the US and its lackey allies. On the contrary, some knowledgeable commentators have written their views with accurate historical facts. Good on them..!

  • 4

    Laksiri Fernando,

    It is rather unfortunate that you have not taken the security concerns of Russia seriously.

    Russia historically was invaded by the west through Ukraine on a number of occasions with disastrous consequences to Russians.

    Russia like all powerful nations are paranoid about their security and you could observe this behavior by just observing not only Russia but India, China , Japan, Australia and many other western countries as well.

    That is the rational for NATO, former Warsaw and the present QUAD.

    World war could only be eliminated by understanding your enemies not break the critical line and NATO is very conscious of this limit and they act not to cross the line..

    The talk of sovereignty or non-interference of any countries in the internal affairs of other countries is only a propaganda.

    .That is the rational for having veto powers in UN for the five big powers- USA, UK, France, Russia and China.

  • 5

    I’m glad that Laksiri has chosen to write this rather pedestrian article on Ukraine instead of trying to teach /b> Michelle Bachelet her job when the corrupt Lankan government was hauled over the coals at Geneva about ten days ago.
    How many of those who have read and commented on this current Ukraine article remember the drivel that came from him a year ago in eight articles in ten days. This was one:
    I “know” much less, having been fated to be a village school-master all my life, whilst Laksiri has gone places. I’m not envious. Given his good fortune, he ought to be independent, but he was the Rajapaksa poodle a year ago, but has now, with few Rajapaksa supporters left, decided to be our “Foreign Affairs Expert”.
    Anyway, thanks for the article. I shall say much more here, when the article by the much more consistent and worthy Professor, stops accepting comments, here:
    Panini Edirisinhe

  • 0

    Won’t work Dr. Laksiri. Ukraine can’t be neutral like Switzerland, as Switzerland has long historical-contexed Swiss Banks. Ukraine will lose any prosperity it hopes to achieve, then. Unless they do crypto or something, but now everybody is doing crypto, and guess who’s trying to get the monopoly on that (even in the midst of trillion dollars suddenly vanishing on it)….and on top of that, country is in the bankruptcy x1000-chapter. Hmm….well, maybe Ukraine can do it after all, as Sri Lanka is such a no-show. And Ukraine can handle the block-chain for both east and west, minus NATO weapons, but with plenty of US-EU-Russia monetary linkages with unique formula for the benefit of all sides.

    • 1

      A better model would be Austria.

      “But there’s a present-day model for this kind of balancing: Austria. As part of a deal to end Allied occupation in 1955, the Soviet Union recognized Austria’s sovereignty and Austria pledged permanent military neutrality — it would not join NATO, and it would not allow foreign troops to be stationed on its territory. But at the same time, Austria was free to chart its own economic and political course. That deal has held to this day: Neutral Austria joined the European Union in 1995, including, subsequently, the Union’s Schengen free travel area and the eurozone.


      (……..not sure though if an extra country minus NATO will reduce NATO’s monetary prowess).

  • 0

    “However, how far this ‘defense strategy’ could be distinguished from ‘imperial ambitions,’ ‘Russian chauvinism’ or a ‘new form of fascism’ is a debatable question. There are academics and researchers who have identified the rejuvenation of the old Russian ‘deep-state’ under Putin’s leadership during the last decade. They have however not denied any security or defense concerns on the part of the Russian leaders or the people because of the type of international politics played directly and indirectly by prominent Western countries, the US as the main actor.

    Democracy and human rights are some of the primary concerns of the Western countries. However how far these are tainted by economic and strategic interests is debatable. Ideological reasons like partiality to a ‘single or similar’ model of democracy or democratic development also can be involved. Vladimir Putin undoubtedly is anti-Western. These sentiments are also prevalent in many other countries in Asia and the Middle East.”

    How much do two real democratic countries fall into war within them or economically exploit each other? What is this meaningless complaint that the West is starting all wars?

  • 4

    Don’t we all know who North Korea is, or the reason for the US involvement in the Korean War or Vietnam War, or East Germany unification efforts? Why is it West’s sin if one New Hitler was born in Russia? If today Russia captures and converts Ukraine as a shadow communist, just only to defend it, with all these enormous destruction to Ukraine, then when will it have to capture and annihilate Poland, Romania & Hungary to secure the new extended Russian border?
    People like to select their candidates; but that is what happened in Langkang? Aren’t that telling that the Russian political team needs to be removed, just the way Langkang politicians need to be extradited. If all wars are justified, then why the UN Security Council? Russian soldiers wouldn’t want to genocide Ukraine Brethren. Why Putin is executing these young souls in Ukraine, in the name of defense?
    It is not just Russia, but even the West, mainly (US, Germany & France) failed in this war because they lacked courage to finish the war & save the innocents. That is why Ukraine suffering alone.

    Sadampi like Radical Pannadaies only defend Stalin, Castro, Saddam, Gadhafi, Chavez, Ma O, Siri Ma O…….but think in their heart that they have beaten Jesus or Buddha in teaching ethics. These radicals are more dangerous to earth than Putin or Langkang Royal rascals.

  • 4

    It is very sad to see President Zelenskyy reaching out to so many powerful world leaders appealing to them to help him save Ukraine. I get a lump in my throat every time I see him addressing and pleading with the very leaders who betrayed him and still betray him (except the Canadian PM).
    Although painful to accept, President Zelenskyy needs to face a few home truths.
    1. NATO help is not forthcoming and it is a fact. Foreget about them.
    2. Ukraine has no future without Russia. On one hand, Ukraine has a deep cultural and economic bond with Russia. On the other hand, Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence is subject to the ‘mutual harmony’ with border countries. To be honest, Russia is not to be blamed. Borders create conflicts. Ukraine is bordered by only 7 countries, while Russia is bordered by 14 countries. Imagine how difficult it is for President Putin to safeguard Russia’s defence interests!
    3. Ukraine’s biggest worry is Russian invasions, which are inevitable in the absence of a mutural security agreement. The only prerequisite to enter into such an agreement with Russia is the ‘Declaration of Permanent Neutrality’.
    4. Ukraine doesn’t deserve to be a shattered country. (200 words dead.)

    • 1

      5. Let me further explain 1. above.
      NATO’s “open door policy” does not guarantee the membership straight away.
      There is a long process to join NATO, starting with an invitation to join the Membership Action Plan. Ukraine hasn’t even received this invitation yet.
      I am not sure exactly why NATO countries are hesitant to even extend the preliminary invitation to Ukraine. It could be (i) geographical reasons (ii) close proximity to a formidable superpower (iii) burden to provide constant military support to defend Ukraine (iv) economical reasons (v) Ukraine’s past military activities in the Middle East (vi) failure to resolve internal conflicts peacefully (eg: not respecting Ukraine’s own TOT Law in Donbass) (vii) political instability in the Eastern Ukraine (viii) failure to adhere to international law (eg: human shield, use of prohibited weapons such as Tochka-U tactical missile with a cluster munition-warhead in DPR on March 14.)
      I think Ukraine has a long way to go or rather no way to join NATO. This is the reason I said Ukraine is betrayed by NATO leaders. They give false promises to President Zelenskyy to avoid any alliance between Ukraine and Russia. Some countries excel in the “art of breaking alliances”.

      • 1

        6. The US and the UK shutting doors to Ukrainian refugees speak volumes. (I am not talking about VP Kamala Haris’s ‘chuckle’. Smiling or chuckling before answering a question is natural to some people, especially Asian origin.) I am talking about the failure of the US and the UK to introduce a ‘special, expedited, refugee acceptance programme’ for Ukrainians.
        I want to place on record that Canada was the “first and the only” country wholeheartedly welcomed “an unlimited number of” Ukrainian refugees who fled the country in millions. The Polish President said that Canada was the “only” country that offered help to Poland to manage a refugee crisis in the event of a Russian invasion in Ukraine. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s HUMANE-ORIENTED LEADERSHIP in resolving the unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is phenomenal.
        7. President Putin’s strong opposition to Ukraine’s membership in NATO is legitimate. He has an indisputable right to protect his country.
        8. It could be the threat posed by NATO that led President Putin to annex Crimea to Russia, which is a strategic move. I am just highlighting facts.

        • 2

          9. Who declared war first? President Zelenskyy! Look at this.
          10. On March 24, 2021 (stand for correction), President Zelenskyy signed a Decree authorizing the “Strategy of Deoccupation and Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territory (TOT) of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol”, which is in other words, re-annexing Crimea to Ukraine through a military operation. There is no way for Ukraine to do it without the help of NATO. President Zelenskyy should have received the ‘assurance’ from NATO for military assistance before signing the aforesaid Decree ‘declaring war against Russia’. That may be the reason he is continuously asking for military support from NATO, even without NATO membership. This could be one of the contributory factors or provocations that led Russia to launch a special military operation in Ukraine.
          11. Then, there could be other contributory factors such as, the genocide in the Donbass region which has been continously ignored by the UN and the US-run bioweapon laboratories in Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Vinnytsya, and many other cities, I don’t know, may be in underground facilities, too.

          • 2

            12. I totally denounce Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. Over 3M have become refugees, over 4.5M have been displaced and others are trapped. Ukraine is unrecognizable now.
            Who is responsible for the devastation in Ukraine? NATO, President Zelenskyy and President Putin, in that order. Why is President Putin the last? There are undeniable records to prove that he has tried for a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine issue for months. Ukraine, the US & its allies/partners consciously chose to ignore him. Not only that, they have intentionally provoked him to find a military solution to the Ukraine issue.
            13. When President Zelenskyy has come to his senses, he will realize that Russia’s military operation in Ukraine (which could have been prevented easily) has made Ukraine ineligible for NATO’s membership.
            14. Finally, Ukraine’s willingness to declare permanent neutrality and promote cordial ties with Russia will guarantee lasting peace in the entire region!
            15. I most sincerely urge the Peace-Trio led by Chinese President Xi Jinping, PLEASE INTERVENE without further delay. The Ukraine-Russia conflict poses a serious threat to global food security where poor nations in Africa/Asia/MiddleEast, who are not even party to the conflict, will suffer the most.

            • 2

              Amassing thousands of troops and deadly weapons at the borders of a sovereign nation can be seen as nothing but a threat and warning to that nation. Zelenskyy never, ever, threatened, provoked, or challenged Russia. He has consistently said he wants no war, and in fact never thought it would come to that. Russia had no right to dictate what it wants its neighbors to do. Now the world can see just how the ex KGB agents brutality, as little children are being killed, babies in maternity homes dying, and 3 million people have fled the violence.
              Putin’s war has been a huge failure, despite having more troops and weapons. He thought Ukraine will surrender in a matter of day, but did not expect Ukrainians to fight back, the support from the rest of the world, and the crippling sanctions.
              Right now he will have to lose face and face the anger of his people, as thousands of Russians have been killed. He is however taking his anger out of innocent civilians, lashing out like a wounded animal.

              • 0

                I gave my heartfelt support to Ukraine until the day the Ukrainian government blocked civilian evacuation in Mariupol.Then, they attacked evacuees and passed the blame on Russian forces. When Russia offered 9 humanitarian corridors, the Ukrainian government agreed for only 3. They were playing politics with innocent lives. I knew they were not working for the best interest of their people. Then, I saw ‘immature Rajapaksa’ style incredibly stupid photoshoots. I know how people behave in a war zone. I lost respect for the Ukrainian President and his government. Safety of civilians is not their priority. Everyone has a right to life.
                Two teenagers who joined the Ukrainian Army have told a reporter that “death is not an option”.

  • 7

    Did any of you, watch the Russian Chanel one, news editor intruding her own news broadcast, holding a placard in the background and shouting “it’s all Putin’s propaganda and lies, stop the war”. She also claimed doing the same for years but now the war has made her to quit and disclose the truth to public. According to her lawyers , she was soon arrested and taken to an undisclosed location for further inquiry. I also read the news on Putin’s luxurious life style, his mansion worth more than a Billion $, yachts, slush funds held in New York and many more.Though sceptical of western biased media, I remember few of them reporting on our Rajapaksas illegal wealth including Billions stashed in off shore accounts and they too conveniently called it biased and fake news. Then came Panama papers witch confirmed details of Nirupama and Nadesan,which is just the tip of an iceberg.

    • 5

      Indeed Putin signed a law last week, mandating up to 15 years in prison for spreading “false information” about the conflict,which include using terms like war or invasion. While the state has largely controlled media it has now shut down last independent channel and even FB. (Lankans questioning Netflix and other business for shutting down, funny indeed) . Few days ago Ukraine President was addressing Russian moms, to find out where their sons were, which was puzzling (to me). Reason is because Putin is maintaining the narration as “special military operation”, so that Russian public in general doesn’t realize it is all out war. Haven’t we heard this before when Rajapaksa’s went to war, controlling media, censoring outsiders including U.N officials and at the conclusion claiming “zero casualty”, This infor is not provided by biased western media but Ukrainians who managed to cross borders.

      • 5

        Why do we have to depend on biased Western media and experts of our convenience ?? now that we have first hand information from real people, who are fleeing from war torn nation (last count more than 3 Million). Here in India,though not much in public, few students who returned from Ukraine, too are sharing their experience.

    • 5

      “Russian Chanel one, news editor intruding her own news broadcast, holding a placard in the background and shouting “it’s all Putin’s propaganda and lies,”
      I did see it, and the aftermath. But don’t you think that, for a regime described as dictatorial, the lady was fined and released within two days? Even in our Paradise, someone who did that at Rupavahini would have been locked up without charges under the PTA.
      Someone at Rupavahini must do it soon. Yesterday’s Rupavahini news paid no attention to diesel queues, SJB rallies, or power cuts. The news editors live on a different planet.
      Even Derana led with all those items.

      • 2

        OC I didn’t hear about her release. If true, hard to believe because of the new law. Never in Lanka or China.

      • 3

        Putin spokes person Dimitry Peskov told many Russians were showing themselves to be “traitors” (sounds familiar??) and pointed to those who were resigning their jobs and leaving the country. He made this comment a day after Putin delivered a stark warning to Russian traitors who he accused as fifth column used by West to destroy the country. In such difficult times many people show their true colors, as we say in Russian to be traitors (that is how they are called in Lanka too by Rajapaksas) Peskov told reporters on a conference call. He further said “they vanish from society themselves. Some are leaving their post, some their active work life, some leaving the country, that is how this CLEANSING happens”. He was referring to Putin’s comment the previous day, Russia would undergo a natural and necessary “self cleansing” as people will distinguish the true patriots from the scum and the traitors” (sounds familiar ??). For Putin fans, this was reported in Russian media and not in biased western media.

    • 4

      Yes the Rajapaksa mob have stashed away their ill gotten gains too, in many nations, owning property, assets, and bank accounts. If they cared for the country and the people that are starving, they will use it all on easing the suffering of the poor. Whatever happens that crooked family will walk away far wealthier than when they got into power, and Namal, Yoshitha, and Chichi’s great, great, great grandchildren, will benefit from the corruption of the Rajapaksa’s.

      Meanwhile the Sri Lankan people are in pain….

      • 0

        Ashan, there is karmic justice in this world for robber murderers. There will be no generational blessings, but only righteousness and restored peace is in the promise.

  • 3

    I vehemently condemn President Biden calling President Putin a “war criminal”.
    President Putin is not a war criminal. He gave enough time and opportunities for Ukraine to resolve the issues between the two countries amicably. He launched a military operation before NATO-funded/armed Ukraine attacked Crimea, DPR & LPR. That doesn’t make him a war criminal. Then again, he was two steps ahead of a possible, secret, bioterror attack against innocent Russian people. That doesn’t make him a war criminal either.
    If President Biden wants to see a war criminal, there are 3D mirrors in the Middle-East.
    The whole world witnessed the West’s double standards. When Ukranians took up arms, they were called heroes. When the Middle-Easterners did the same, they were called terrorists.
    Ukrainians have the same killer mentality as the US & NATO. They have committed crimes against humanity in the Donbass region. This is not the time to take them up. But, the US & NATO should be ashamed to push Ukrainians to the very extreme where they have no choice other than killing their own people and destroying hospitals, schools & theaters and attribute them to Russian forces so that the US government can call President Putin a ‘war criminal’.

    • 3

      I am standing in the middle of the right and wrong. I can see both sides.
      Western media only show one side of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Those who want to see the other side, please listen to President Putin’s speech here. One thing is clear. He may be unpredictable, but he is not a liar. Every word in his speech is true.
      I most sincerely urge President Putin again. Please stop now. Ukrainians have no say. It is the US and NATO who run the show. They block/drag peace talks.

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        Stereotypical Lankans, how free can be ( bias) to give international opinions. People who could not see the wrongs, suffering of their own people are now shedding croc tears. People who believe in conspiracy theories, pandemic is fake, Lanka is not dysfunctional or bankrupt, zero casualty, Rajapaksas two decades of lies, Lanka’s mythology,, Lanka’s democrazy, Lanka’s constipation, blind to their own people suffering, thousands of abortions by Shaffi are providing expert opinion on international politics.

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