20 September, 2024


Unanswered Questions

By Emil van der Poorten –

Emil van der Poorten

The application of the title of this piece to what is happening on the political landscape might be considered to constitute the epitome of redundancy.

No matter. Repeating the truth should never be unacceptable and in what follows, I will seek to draw the reader’s attention to a few, very few, questions that could and should be answered by a government that was elected to serve us.

Why is this government, despite its claims of a Simon pure code of ethics and morality, continuing to dodge prosecuting those who robbed the country blind while “disappearing” in white vans any who might have blown the whistle on them at the time?

Are the current decision-makers part of the same corrupt rabble that dictated our destinies during the Rajapaksa Reign and are they simply preparing to board another ship taking them to their goal of even greater self-aggrandizement when all of this ends, as it surely must?

When is this coalition government going to stop giving in to government servants of various kinds who are victimizing their fellow citizens who are least able to find alternatives to the goods and services they are supposed to be receiving from state institutions such as those in health care, transport, fuel etc.?

When is the Government Medical Officers’ Association going to own up to the fact that, no matter how good a technical case they may have against the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM), their current conduct amounts to monumental hypocrisy because there was not so much as a peep out of these people when Mahinda Rajapaksa was doling out something like four hundred million rupees via the (state-controlled) Bank of Ceylon to establish this very institution? Does this merit changing the oath they take when they embark on supposedly saving our lives? Would the term Hypocritical Oath be more appropriate than the hallowed Oath of Hippocrates?

What has happened to the complaint lodged with the appropriate authorities by Mangala Samaraweera, currently Minister of Finance, at the time that Mahinda Rajapaksa was defeated? For those of short memory let me describe what transpired immediately after that event: even before the results were announced Ranil Wickremesinghe, soon to be Prime Minister, journeyed to Temple Trees to a meeting allegedly brokered by Tirukumar Nadesan, a close associate of the ex-President and a man who had already earned his own notoriety, to meet with Mahinda Rajapaksa. In the event that the reader does not recall Mr. Samaraweera’s complaint to the Criminal Investigation Department, it was the most serious that could be made in a country supposedly adhering to democratic norms: seeking to overthrow a democratically elected government.

Why is it necessary for the Prime Minister, among others, to be seen to publicly endorse the business endeavours of certain individuals, inclusive of opening their new factories, while there exists against them a significant body of circumstantial evidence in the matter of the most massive and much-publicized money-laundering schemes known to this country, inclusive of hotel investments in the Gulf during the tenure of the last regime?

When is the government and the Sri Lanka Cricket Association appointed by it, going to even begin the process of rescuing the game the participation in which gave us national pride.  It has descended into what can accurately be considered an abyss, particularly for an activity that was described as Sri Lanka’s fifth religion, only half in jest. It is nothing short of an insult to the cricket fans of this country that the powers-that-be have chosen to appoint Sanath Jayasuriya to, probably, the single most important position in that firmament. Is this a case of monumental blindness or is it yet another case of the cynical indifference to recent history? It is a matter of record that this man was kept on the national team by virtue of the Presidential fiat of Mahinda Rajapaksa long after his “best before” date had come and gone, being elevated to some Ministerial position or other to ensure his continuing loyalty? I would suggest that Mr. Jayasuriya be left to his amateur movie-making efforts as producer, director and star, with or without the assistance of anyone of the opposite gender. That would be a far more appropriate end to Mr. Jayasuriya’s career in cricket and/or national affairs.

When is this government going to cease being dictated to by the Mahanayakes of the Buddhist sects in this country? In case people have a short memory, when this very group of clerics were in the process of summoning a gathering of priests to protest the blatantly undemocratic behaviour of the Rajapaksa government, they dropped that project overnight when threatened with the withdrawal of the material privileges provided them by Mr. Rajapaksa’s government. It is nothing short of obscene that clerics who indulged in such an indescribable retreat should now be in a position to adopt a holier-than-thou posture insisting on Sri Lanka, supposedly a secular democracy, being transformed into a theocracy.  I am surprised that a government with a justified reputation for expediency didn’t simply resort to threaten the withdrawal of the luxury vehicles that these individuals who had given up all worldly luxuries had chosen to ride around in.  Ah, but then, that would be too much like exposing them for the hypocrites they are, besides which matters of ethics and principle in this and other areas of governance are in the realm of Mr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe the Minister of Justice and Buddhist Religious Affairs, who has demonstrated his particular “code” in that respect by going on record as never going to permit the prosecution of anyone bearing the same last name as he does.

Does the government have a death wish or is this simply confirmation of the old Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) claim of “all of them are the same” (Unuth Ekai, Munuth Ekai), the welfare of the general population not meaning a damned thing to these privileged and cosseted individuals who have totally insulated themselves from our “reality?”

Finally, are the citizens of Sri Lanka going to stand idly by while this rainbow coalition of corrupt politicians and their financial, moral and ethical friends destroy the last vestiges of democratic governance and honesty in “The Land Like No Other?”

Latest comments

  • 6

    Bravo Emil! Sarath de Alwis and you write refreshingly thoughtful and nuanced stuff. Shymon Jayasinge, on the other hand, is star struck by RW, who if truth be told is as much a crook as MR. MR stole from the country and the beneficiaries were his family and cronies. Like him, RW treats state property as if they belong to the Wijeywardenes- Sri Lankan Air, CB bonds, cronies to run state enterprises, “close” male friends however inexperienced to high cabinet positions, luxury vehicles as bribes to MPs – the list goes on. The only restraint is if UNP members would protest and replace but that requires them to grow a pair. Won’t happen!

    • 5

      While I am appreciative of your flattering comment, I do wish you hadn’t put me in the same category as Sarath de Alwis!

      • 5

        “Are the current decision-makers part of the same corrupt rabble that dictated our destinies during the Rajapaksa Reign”?
        The answer to this question is definitely “Yes”. In fact, I would say almost all the politicians (except a few), particularly who are in ministerial level are from the same pool. The system we developed is that if you want to become a member of parliament the most important requirement is that you must be rich. If you want to be rich, corruption is an unavoidable. For example, How did Mahinda Rajapakse came to power? He paid billions to LTTE. How did Mahinda got the two third majority parliament in parliament to make 18th amendment? He bought parliamentarians and Ministers from UNP, LSSP, Muslim Congress? Is it possible to take action against Mahinda or Gota in courts? Will the Maga sanha allow it? Will the Military allow it? . The truth is that there is no solution. There is no alternative. Yes Mahinda will come back again with the support of you and me because Ranil is corrupt. Then we find a way to create a bloodbath of Tamils or Muslims saying LTTE has come back or IS has come back another 10 years. Then you and I turn against Namal Rajapakse or Gotapaya Rajapakse, and so on. This is what happening for seven decades without any change because there is no alternative!

  • 2

    This must be the Yahapalana Simon’s Pure code of Ethics and Morality for sure ………..Dr Ranil and Mahendran robbed the Nation’s EPF to the tune of 11 Billion Ruppiah……. Lotto Ravi, Dr Ranils’s ‘s RH man , who is a dear buddy and business partner of Son in Law Aloysious, bought a USD 1 Million worth Monarch Pad for Mela and Onela………..With pure Cash, imported in Global Logistics containers and stored in Lootto Ravi’s Missu’s own freehold Warehouse in Yahapalana Port cIty….. ….. Aloysious in return got the Mendis Grog Shop with precious Alcohol Permits to mass produce Yahapalana Gal for the UNP Dalits…….. .White vans of Yahaplana Police tried to whisk away, Dalit Medical Students in broad day light, , who have the balls to try and protect the Free Education , which they have had all along in their Mmahavamsa Land……..Thousands of acres of Mahavamsa Land is distributed to friends across the World , mainly in the Diaspora, even before reparations have officially .started for the LTTE Cadres and their mates……….The list is too long to mention……….. Good day Mr Poorten………

    • 5

      I will join the long queue of people who have your gibberish inflicted on them by APPEALING to those in control of CT: PLEASE, PLEASE keep this village idiot who knows the names of a few single malt whiskies off this website!

      • 0

        Emil Aiiya……..Relax man……..Is it worth risking the Ticker to white wash and protect these Yahapalana Crooks, who are robbing your life savings ……..Sorry you must have taken your EPF a long time ago I guess?…….Are any of your grand kids in EPF?….Or have you already sent them to Scarborough ?…………..BTW , opened a bottle of 16 year old LAGAVULIN, when I read that Vinodhini got One Million USD for her Morach Pad…….I guess you didn’t buy one at least in Dehiwala , when Pira was in Nanthikdal…

    • 5

      KA Sumanaya, what a bloody headache you bugger. Are you still in grade 4? Dr Ranil, Lotto Ravi…….are you serious? Are you still giving people funny names? I thought we all stopped doing that around grade 4. Grow up you idiot!!!

      • 1

        Wonder how much Compo , your Vellala mates are hoping to get by putting you as one of the missing Tigers , in Boy George Samare’s Missing Persons register?…….

        • 3

          KA Sumanaya, you are nothing but a Rajapaksa slave and a disgrace to human kind. Grow up idiot and stop these names you write (Dr. Ranil , Lotto Ravi, Batalanda Ranil………..sheesh what an idiot. Were you born prematurely? Did something go wrong when you were born, did your mom disown you or a rabid dog bit you and you were not treated? What happened to you? Buffoons like you are a bloody comic show. Pariah, tell me where and when I supported the LTTE? Show me one piece of evidence, then we can talk. Otherwise shut the f&*k up.

    • 2

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “Dr Ranil and Mahendran robbed the Nation’s EPF to the tune of 11 Billion Ruppiah”

      Here is a comment:

      Let me be clear, no amount of threats by the mafia can scare me and just like the NSB the white collar criminals who took the millions of EPF members for a ride will soon be found out. The vast majority of market participants are honest and when the time comes they will all stand up against the crooks.

      Harsha de Silva
      2012 May 21

      how can you accuse the the government of which Harsha de Silva is a key player?
      He once said “I am a proud Southerner and a Sinhala Buddhist. I have no desire whatsoever to align with the Tigers and betray my country,”. He had already invoked his right to general impunity. Therefore the party he belongs to has every right to defraud the state as SLFP did under MR’s leadership.

      It must be a long painful two and half years for you without the power/influence to cheat or get authorisation for illegal deals. You may have to wait another 2 years or so for your chance. What is Bandula doing now? Why does he look like you?

      Remember Sinhala/Buddhist Southerners bring extra status and rights to the political establishment.

      Are you and your newly found mate Dayan trying to be part of the Sinhala/Buddhists fascist establishment?

      • 1

        Dear Native………Dr Harsha could have done better under Dr Ranil , if he was in the LGBTQ Faction……..What do you reckon mate ?………….I don’t think his PhD is not much chop………..He is the dude who couldn’t work out how your relatives in Jaffna had a 22 % growth ,, when the national Average was only 8.8 %………..But then came your Yahapalanaya and the growth doesn’t matter any more in Jaffna , with Swiss kumar and your Mo Pad Gang….taking care of them………

        • 2

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          “But then came your Yahapalanaya and the growth doesn’t matter any more in Jaffna , with Swiss kumar and your Mo Pad Gang….taking care of them………”

          Seriously when did your Yakkadayas become my associates? Thank you you can have them.

        • 0

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          When Harsha de Silva said “I am a proud Southerner and a Sinhala Buddhist. I have no desire whatsoever to align with the Tigers and betray my country,” did he mean he had two private parts?

          Are you also proud of being a southerner and a Sinhala/Buddhist? And why?

          • 0

            Dear Native……..Did Dr Harsha say that….. He must be dumb as dog shit…..I don ‘t think Dr Harsha follows Alousious Saga……Nor Dr Harsha has the balls to front up to his UNP Elders…….Southern Sinhala Buddhists alway got the rough end of the stick from the UNP and their ancestral Colonials… Now the UNP Lokkas want to get the Hindians and the Chinese to Colonize it again…. Cut the free education….. And keep the dalits in the villages, just like in the good old days…….Wonder whether Dr Harsha and Keselwatta Kid are friends…….

      • 0


        Here is your man again. Give me an example of a bigger liar.

        • 0

          Dear Native……….Did you watch it?……. Hope you are not as dumb as your favourite Dr Harsha……..I always knew this Harsha is as Dumb as dog Shit…..What a bunch of Coco Nuts the UNP suckers have to lead them ?….Thanks Soma…..

          • 1

            KASmaa K A Sumanasekera

            “I always knew this Harsha is as Dumb as dog Shit”

            You vote for the most dumbest crooks. The colour (green, blue, red…. ) of crook does not matter as long as he/she promises heaven on earth. For example 8 seru free rice from the planet moon.

            Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa still thinks Indian National Anthem is sung in Hindi. Champika tells his supporters Sinhala/Buddhism is much older than Buddha himself. Somawansa believed that JVP brand of socialism would trigger worldwide revolution. Ronnie de Mel and Sajith Premadasa thought a Bhumiputra system of governance would solve every problem you care to know. Your new mate Dayan thinks(?), well does he think? ……………………
            How come this island has produced more stupid bigots and fewer thinking honest intellectuals? They too have stop thinking.

            Is it because of curse of Kuveini?

        • 1

          soma Ji

          Of all these years you have done just one excellent job, giving us the link to this debate. Have you noticed that there is not much difference among these stupids.

          He has a valid question. Why hasn’t the former government which misruled this island for ten years couldn’t bring a single major motor manufacturers to invest here?

          Did Basil demand 30%, as he was known as the one stop shop?

          Soma Ji when you have Harsha, Wimal, Sivajilingam, Fowzie, ………………… and another thousands of self serving former and present politicians what do get? Garbage in Garbage out.

          It is no wonder Harsha is making a fool of himself . These are the kind of people you have elected time after time to run this island. They conveniently hide their stupidity, corrupt practices, and fascistic tendency behind nationalism and chauvinism. And you easily fall for it.

          He hid himself behind “proud Southerner and a Sinhala Buddhist”. When he said the tired slogan I thought he had double the number of organs the rest of us had.

          I see not much difference between any two politicians.

        • 0

          soma ji

          Watch this:

          PM of Singapore on Singapore Airlines Pilots Strike.


          You see the difference between a Singaporean politician and a your much loved hooligans.

  • 5

    Superbly articulated, Emil. I’m sure you will find more than a few of us that ask the same questions but waiting for answers from this lot will be like waiting for Godot!

    • 5

      “I would suggest that Mr. Jayasuriya be left to his amateur movie-making efforts as producer, director and star, with or without the assistance of anyone of the opposite gender. ” A Freudian give away of jealousy and hatred of sexual prowess of a black man as revealed by video for all to see. Don’t worry son, our Hymie kind has always suffered from such pathological jealousies. Not long to go anyway!

      • 5

        Rabbi Akiva:
        Are you Sumaney’s intellectual twin? If you aren’t you will soon reach that eminence where abuse and insult passes for analysis and criticism.

  • 5

    Reference has been made to Ranil by Adrian above. The type of references which Ranil should never have earned. But he now has.

    His ‘silence’ and his staunch defense in the early stages of the Bond Scam were not of Prime Ministerial conduct.

    In this instance, he has failed to prevent irrevocable damage to his party and his government, by failing to ask Ravi to move on and also by not making a statement to the nation, that what has transpired if true, is unethical and unacceptable.

    Given Ranil’s background and breeding, his tight lipped silence and behavior has been unacceptable, and extremely disappointing.

    The sad truth is: almost everyone in this country bar the Central Bank Governor, stands below par of the station he holds. Ranil is no exception.

    • 7

      Justice & Fairplay:
      Can’t disagree but tolerating all of this (or the alternative – Rajapaksa mayhem) is not the solution and we desperately need one.
      While Ravi was in the spotlight, Ranil appoints Bogollagama as Governor of the Eastern Province. When is he going to elevate his friends, the entire Rajapaksa clan, to positions of eminence is the next logical question.

      • 3


        People like you need to apply the literary pressure so that it becomes damned hard.

        That’s all you (and we) can do.

        As Boggles’ appointment amply indicates, people fallen out of grace have a short time to bide, before they mushroom from another corner somewhere.

        At this rate, Ranil’s epitaph wouldn’t be too nice to read.

        • 4

          “”At this rate, Ranil’s epitaph wouldn’t be too nice to read.””
          Burying the dead Well you had your own Sobita moment- ananda pus pan.

        • 1

          Justice & Fairplay:
          Unfortunately, biding our time is not an option.

  • 0

    Poor Poo(r)ten. Not a cat but 145 million has come out of a bag to pay for Mela and Onella’s super duper pad in the sky. What to do men, trying to bring up Rajapakshas to cover this mess done by ones own is like trying to cover ones tether region with a clover leaf.

    • 1

      That was a real clever phrase: “trying to cover one’s tether region with a clover leaf.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t make any sense. Did you mean the “nahas lanuwa” that bovines of your ilk have through their noses so that they can be better controlled by the “karaththa karaya?”
      Does the fact that the Rajapaksa Regime raped, pillaged and plundered our country become “right” because of unconscionable conduct such as Mr. Karunanayake’s? Haven’t the likes of you given up on defending the indefensible?

  • 1

    What cannot be helped has to be endured as the majority in this country consist of more than some harak who are not capable of seeing that this country is heading to be a failed state in all important sectors. With the latest BOI fiasco it is more than evident where we are heading to.

    • 5

      The Useless Tree out on sale because the roots are rotting now that the bamboo tree has flowered. The mice come out and dengue strike are all the signs of famine to come with devaluation overdue and chinese want their noodles back as the port and terminal are ghost town. Chinese subs checkmated by The Donald 100 miles from Chennai.
      “”Sri Lanka is having trouble repaying its debt. Sri Lanka now owes $58.3 billion to foreign lenders and 95.4 percent of Sri Lankan government’s revenue is now going into debt-servicing.””- To top it exports shrunk by $$10 billion last year. The Spider island hit by Tinkerman now it’s poo all over. No $$ comes in but $$ goes out awaiting devaluation. Greece overcoming Portuguese Rothschild Barroso throttle by going back to non GM crops They plan to imitate Iceland after the financial collapse.- so far so good even the educated are in the farms-high tech Agro/Hotri

  • 3

    Enjoy reading your opinion columns. Trust your heart issue is settling down.

    Over here, we now have a Mugabe-Amin type clown in chief. His governance is by Tweets. Sad but no ethics. The US Ethics chief quit in disgust because of the shameless corruption and nepotism ala Lankan style. Son in law, Daughter all officials in the Whitehouse! And the man takes more golf vacations than Obama ever did but was berating Obama for playing golf. He does not care. So blatant is his attitude that it is not a shock.

    His holidays are ONLY ONLY on his own Trump resorts! Son In law and Chinese investors STILL cashing in on the Trump name. New Communications Director Scaramucci sounds like a man who belongs to the Coreleone family. His use of vile language is very common. Racism is on the rise. President says it is ok to rough prisoners openly. After getting 5 deferments including one for heel bone spurs to AVOID the draft to go to Vietnam, this leader insulted McCain during the campaign. Now he wants to ban Transgender Americans from them military. So Mr. van der Pooten, do not despair. With one Election Putin made the US the laughing stock and made it a third world nation in terms of attitudes and values.

    And my prediction? Trump will WIN in 2020 again. Democrats are like the old UNP under previous RW where it kept losing election after election losing erections along the way too. Thank you Sir. I may not agree with everything but as a displaced disjointed Emigre’ who still has roots and family in SL, I have an escape: that is CT! Thanks

    a cowardly Emigre.

    • 3

      “”after election losing erections along the way too.”2
      the unforgettable nagaland i suppose so but not the construction of the wall.;)

    • 2

      Don’t sweat over those rogues Ratwatte Appo. Leave the comforts of the corrupt empire to those rogues, and come back home. Even the select few in-breds of the Ratwatte clan are welcome in our country where ministers of unknown ethnic origin (named Ravi, but can’t read Sinhala Tamil or English!) accept gifts of pent houses worth Rs 165 million, paid in cash that fell from heaven. You will fit in well.

      • 1

        Do you know how Scaramucci described Steve Bannon? I think you must be such a person who revels in personal insults. It is water off a ducks back. IF you really have a point to make make it with facts adn rational thought. First of all My parents were not related by any stretch of imagination. I can only speak of my parents who were also highly educated in the old British Ceylon system of Universities. I do not give a ***K about baubles. I am semi retired and I found my calling like my mother to be a dedicated teacher. Amongst my students are those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and also one active duty Marine officer who credits me with his teaching now. I am content living my mediocre life with simple needs based simply on my salaries. You really seem to be of that contemptible breed that resorts to insults to get your limp/flaccid tiny Trumpian hands going. Thanks mate. I have heard worse at government school during Haal polu era. Go read how Scaramucci described Bannon. You seem to fit in there. Only one whose IQ suggested inbreeding is you Sir or Madam. Remember when we comment on these opinion columns, we respond to the AUTHOR not those who comment; but then again you may not have been taught that with your superior Trumpian education. Thanks dude.

  • 1

    Simple answers to Emil van der Poorten’s “Unanswered Questions”
    Q: “Why is this government,………….. continuing to dodge prosecuting those who robbed the country blind while………….? “
    A: Fear of self incrimination
    Q: “Are the current decision-makers part of the same corrupt rabble…………….?”
    A: Yes
    Q: “When is this coalition government going to stop giving in to government servants of various………..?”
    Q: ” When is the Government Medical Officers’ Association going to own up to the fact that, no matter……….?”
    A: OK. GMOA is a baddie. But why ignore the views of the medical faculties and the grievances of medical students?

    ………..and similar answers to the other questions Emil. Thanks for raising them.

  • 1

    Hmmm! Maithri may be limited in certain respects, but he emerges as the only decent guy we have.

  • 1

    It would seem rather naive to expect responses from the ruling combine, to the queries raised here. I assume these were more rhetorical than otherwise. While present day doctors do not swear by the Hippocrates Oath but the Geneva guidelines, except for the level of palpable freedom of expression and movement there does not seem to be much of an improvement in governance in terms of maturity and sophistication compared to the past regime.

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