13 February, 2025


Undeliverable Political Settlement For The Tamils & Bankrupt Politics Of TNA 

By Kumarathasan Rasingam

Kumarathasan Rasingam

The political history of Tamils who inhabited the island before the arrival of Vijaya in 543 BC, a legendary prince, still to be proved by real and documented evidence, has been tarnished with the record of betrayals, pogroms, genocide and massacres in the hands of successive Sri Lankan Governments since 1948.Numerous articles and books have detailed these events locally and internationally. The International community including the United Nations watched these hearts wrenching human tragedies with their mouths shut, eyes closed allowing and encouraging the Sri Lankan Government’s to execute the agenda of militarization, Sinhalaization, Buddhisization with ease and unhindered, through state legislations and machinery. The United Nations Human Rights Council and International Community with a pricked conscience sprang into action after the genocidal war conducted by Sri Lanka from 2006 to 2009 which harvested more than 70,000 lives, with approximate 60,000 disappeared, 90,000 war widows and 200,000 disabled and 10,000 orphans. In between The armed struggle of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [LTTE] was also crushed who were branded as terrorists while omitting to label Sri Lanka’s state terrorism, which is not comparable to the terrorism of rebels as a state is duty bound to protect its own citizens irrespective of race, religion or caste, and not indulge in terrorism.

From 1948 to 1956, Sri Lankan citizens enjoyed the democracy and its freedoms without any hatred, hostility or any bias based on religion, language or race. All of these plunged into irretrievable depths with the passage of Sinhala Only Act in 1956. Capturing political power was one reason while asserting the power of rural folk was another reason as Sri Lanka Freedom Party led by SWRD Bandaranaike achieved the above goals while laying the groundwork and foundation for the growth and breeding of communalism, chauvinism and hegemony. The victims were the minorities, particularly the Tamils who bore the brunt of these ferocious dehumanizing weapons.

Sri Lanka’s major parties SLFP and UNP rely heavily on the votes of Sinhalese rather than the votes of Tamils and Muslims. Gestures of good will, reconciliation and respect are extended at occasions to lure their votes. History shows that all measures and steps so far taken to ensure equality in all respects like language, religion, state employment were brought down to nil effect. 

To the credit of Sri Lanka, it can be proud to boast as a country which has followed and never breached the norms of democracy via free election, and associated democratic rights. However the darker side of Sri Lanka’s face of democracy is dotted with black marks and stains, as the democracy has only served the interests of majority community and the ruling Governments who have successfully exploited it to foist, thrust and carry out their agenda of Sinhalization, Buddhisization and later Militarization.

The seeds for the above were sown from the time of ‘Mahavamsa‘ a chronicle [myth] wrote by Mahanama Thera in 6th century AD, when hardly any other books were written to detail the true history of Sri Lanka either in Tamil or Sinhalese. Mahavamsa’s author mentioning about Lord Buddha’s wish to choose “Sri Lanka as a suitable country to preserve Buddhism” which is unsubstantiated laid the foundation for the birth and growth of Mahavamsa mindset to achieve this goal and make it real.

“Mahavamsa” chronicle provided the gateway to “Mahavamsa” mindset which in turn acted as the springboard for the rise of inimical political agenda, slogans and Sinhala Buddhist nationalism. These can be summarized as follows:

[1] Communalism, racism and majority hegemony.

[2] Covert and overt execution of the agenda of Sinhalization and Buddhisization and Militarization from 1948.

[3] Practice of the entrenched culture of impunity to deny accountability and justice.

[4] State sponsored encouraged and assisted organized massacres of Tamil civilians and pogroms in 1956, 1958, 1977, 1981, 1983, 1987 and 2006-2009.

[5] Discrimination at all levels and in all fields including state services and high level appointments against the Tamils.  

[6] Breaches of promises, agreements, pacts and undertakings since 1958. All attempts and efforts conceived with some sincerity by the Sinhalese leaders went up in smoke unable to confront and withstand extreme Buddhist communal and racist propaganda. Recently, the Asgiriya Chapter has openly called on the Prime Minister not to introduce any new constitution as it is not necessary. 

[7] The entry of religion into politics which was initiated by late SWRD Bandaranaike opened the gates for Buddhist Monks to practice politics while his life was also ended by a gate crasher monk Somarama Thera in 1958. Over the years, the influence of Maha Sanga and Buddhist Clergy in the day to day politics and decisions of ruling parties is making them as decision and king makers. It has now become a binding customary practice to seek the blessings of Maha Sanga as well their advice along with opinion as to any matter affecting the agenda of Buddhisization and Sinhalization and making Sri Lanka a Sinhala Buddhist state. [Depriving the rights of Hindus/Christian/Muslim faiths to prosper] 

As far as the Tamil Leaders, who have been elected to serve and protect the Tamils, less said the better. A history of betrayals by the Sinhalese leaders coupled with occasional conciliatory politics and hob knobbing have been the hallmarks so far without any inch of achievements in fulfilling the aspirations of Tamils. Pledges detailed in election manifestos have been treated with no concern and seriousness, like North-East merger, federal system of government, self-determination etc. 

It is nothing but insulting for the whole Tamil politicians that not even a single Tamil prisoner has not been released, along with various other issues which were also taken up with the Government also frozen. The underlying truth is that the Government has exploited the unconditional and bowing-down co-operation of TNA and knowing pretty well that TNA will not take any steps to disturb their co-habitation risking their positions, perks and privileges.

All in all, the Tamils are left high and dry and are back to square one with no hope of an acceptable political settlement or any deliverance of justice and accountability. Tamil National Alliance’s silence as to an independent internal mechanism is proof of its unconcern in this matter, not to mention the international investigation mooted by the UNHRC which did not find favor with Tamil National Alliance solely to please the United National Party Government. 

The parents and loved ones of the disappeared are still continuing their protests for more than 650 days. The internally displaced are left to look after and fend themselves. President Siisena’s promises as to release of lands and political prisoners were ment for those particular occasions. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has already confirmed his commitments to guarantee Buddhism its foremost place in the constitution and preserve the ‘Ekya Rajya’ a “Unitary form of Government” leaving the Tamil National Alliances leadership to search for damage control measures for misleading the Tamils to believe it is “United or Unified system”. Opposition leader Mahinda Rajapaksa is shedding crocodile tears that foremost place for Buddhism as stated in the constitution is not adequately and properly implemented throughout Sri Lanka. These are the realities of Sri Lanka’s politics. To refuse to accept the realities and relying on South leaders is nothing but purely fictional. The belief and hope of that two major parties have formed a ‘National Government with Good Governance has proved to be a myth as the truth is that whenever any offer of political settlement, even if a fraction is offered for the Tamils, the major Sinhalese parties and others will get united to defeat and abandon it.

The Tamil National Alliance has enjoyed the position of opposition until Mahinda Rajapaksa snatched it. To the credit of the TNA leader R. Sampanthan he fought hard to retain this position and also fought to uphold a constitution, but without staging any protests, legal battles or otherwise or even organizing a massive democratic campaign and agitations focusing on the accumulated grievances of Tamils. It is the wish to all Tamils that even if no good deeds have been done, better not to commit harmful deeds in the future.

Tamil Nation Alliance is sure to go empty handed to meet the Tamils in the next elections, but surely after preparing another bag of pledges in the next election manifesto. 

Mere rhetorics and eloquent speeches though good for the gallery and public but what is needed is their translation into ground action. It is worth to recall what Mavai Senathirajah MP who stated his party’s [Tamil National Alliance] intention to start  a non-violent ‘satyagraha’ campaign in 2017 and hope he is still considering it with the approval of other parties.

Latest comments

  • 5

    Throw a copy of Mahavansa at a Tamil and see what happens!


    • 8

      soma “Throw a copy of Mahavansa at a Tamil and see what happens!”

      why would a peace loving religious Buddhist throw the Mahavamsa at ANY ONE?
      isn’t it insulting to Mahavamsa?
      may be Soma confirms the thinking that Mahavamsa is all fictional?..
      .even then why throw a fictional novel at anyone?

      anyway soma please enlighten us …what will happen..if a copy of Mahavamsa is thrown at a Tamil?

      • 1

        A nuclear explosion followed by a chain reaction.

        • 3

          Soma:A nuclear explosion followed by a chain reaction.
          through your arse?

    • 3

      @soma, yes thanks for the fairy tale comic book. After having a good laugh, we can burn the damn thing.

    • 0

      My point, ( king- Tutan Kai Munu and King – Ellan had fight in -( B.C-256), but Mr, Kumaranthan, Rajasingam, tell ( King Vijay, arrived at- B.C-543:) but after the ( Kai Munu and Ellan war) he ( Vijay) arrived, some missing, next — there was pictures show , that king- Kai Munu having -( Aryan Flage ( Nazi) , how this Aryan, came in to Srilanka, in ( B.C.256), but I study that after king Vijay‘s arrived, my point — I speck some paar Languages, in that ( Mayan- Meso American, & Ancient Sumerian) in this two languages had -( Sinhala and Tamil) words, there. For example. The first people who arrived USA, land was( Sinhala and Tamil), if you want there were planty of ( Sinhala & Tamil words) for example,1- MANIK ( Sinhala & Tamil) word, or POYA( fullmoon— Sinhala & Tamil) Word, if Srilankan say that they come from —ARYAN— , why should I talk for Sinhala brothers, they only thing what was true,
      When I tell that ( Mayan- Sinhala &Tamil) people was in ancient time, in America, lot of Americans ( Indian/ others) against me , but when I show examples, they understand, now also, I sent ancient people of our Civilizations, Tablets, for Mayan Astrologie— and what now day in Srilankan ( sathira/ Sathiram) was same, their( Mayan Kall/ Kala/ Stones) was Similar, to ours,
      Next, do any one have name of -( Tutan Kai Munu, in Srilanka ? -NO, but in anther Land there was king having this name, King/Ra/- Tutan Kh Mugan- have you heard ? So , I tell this people and King- Tutan Akazien Munu, was Related, can you understand? The Srilankan had gone so long, journey, ( If you want — from . Easter island and Ceylon word,) where is Easter island, ? Close USA,

      • 2

        This is the problem of Tamil Nationalists and the root cause of Sri Lanka’s ethnic issue. Tamil Nationalists not only those who are found in SL live in an imagined world where everything under the sun came from Tamil.
        Last year, a Tamil politician in Malaysia said Tamils came to Malaysia first and they are the first people in Malaysia. There was a great uproar against it among Malay people and the Tamil politician had to come infront of media with his tail tucked and said he was misinterpretted.
        In TN, Karunanidi says Tamil is the mother of all the languages. Now Karunanidi is no linguistics expert, he is simply the chief minister. For politics to lead the Tamil sheep in TN, these politicians manufacture history. That is how they create Tamil chauvinism. Now it is the same story in SL.
        In SL, Tamils believe in a different history where Tamils were the first to arrive in SL but magically had LEFT nothing to prove it. Indian including Tamil Nadu sources, Chinese sources, South East Asian sources and even European sources has NO mention about a Tamil civilisation in SL. But these things exist in Tamil Nationalists’ mind.
        Tamil is the oldest language, Telugu, Japanese Korean, English, Sinhala came from Tamil, Sri Lanka was inhabited by Tamils, Kumari kandam…and the myths of Tamils are endless. I dont think they are that stupid to realise these are nothing but exist in their imagination. But they won’t accept it, because creating fake history is part of Tamil politics and the oil in which the fascist Tamil Nationalism machine runs on.
        Unless Tamils come out of this political myth creating mentality I dont think Sri Lanka’s issue can ever be solved. And Sinhalese should understand ( like I did years ago) that you can never ever solve Tamil’s issue.

      • 1

        As a Tamil Nationalist you dont have to term every country in this world as Tamil to satisfy your Tamil ego. Please dont steal my Sinhala homeland, its history and heritage from me. You cannot misprounance the names of people and places and make this country Tamil and its history Tamil.
        This country has been largely Sinhala, was Sinhala. Its history has been Sinhala. Do you Tamils live with a dying need to Tamilise Sinhala peoples’ heritage?

        • 0

          Sinhalese came from today Kerala once the Tamil Sera Kingdom.
          Don’t parade your ignorance here.
          There is evidence in the East that Tamils lived here 2000 years ago.
          Your Sinhala monopolized Archeology department exposed lies after lies.
          Ready for a vertical archeology exploration.? This will tell the truth.
          Even 2000 years old Tamil literature mention Eelam.
          Followers of a fake ..comedy book Mahavamsa still don’t know about their origin.
          Even at the end of the 18th century, the majority in Anuradhapura were Tamils according to British records what happened to them?

    • 0

      I never heard – Mahawamsa- in Tamil in Sri Lanka, but in south India ( Tamil Nadu have, Pali, Tamil, anther language) in that in Anurathapura, -19- kings/Ra‘s had ruled, in that 8- was Tamils ( from south India) if you want I can give the names,
      My point ( Sinhala and Tamil ) was one language, before King/Ra- Rawanan, time, but later, different times changed, ( Water / English) ( Wasser/ Deutsche) ( Wath Aru/ vuthuru/ Sinhala) , how this word come to EUROPE — , There were Sinhala& Tamil words in EUROPE, Srilanka government pay lot professional people, they can do it, ( I have time);

    • 0

      Tamil will use this comic book as a toilet paper.

  • 6

    Should not the TNA no longer attend the Parliament. There is nothing achieved by it.
    Why DO they want the Leader of the Opposition Post?
    Pack up and go North and East?
    Ranil or Mahinda or Sirisena or for that matter Tamils can’t trust any Sinhala Politician.
    We need a REFERENDUM put forward to all Citizens of SL on How to bring about racial and religious Harmony in SL?

    • 12

      The first step is to derecognise HELA Urumaya, TAMIL National Alliance and MUSLIM Congress as suitable names for a political party in the electoral register.


      • 7


        And then anything that is connected with the word Sri Lanka should be ordered to be removed because Lanka is associated with Hindian myth, and this name was not legitimately given to this island and authorised by the people in a referendum. Some scholars believe the island Lanka was situated in Bay of Bengal right opposite Orissa not under Tamil Nadu or close to Indonesia.

        The other public racist could keep his one man party Pivithuru Hela Urumaya without changing the name because he is special to or pet of Mahinda.

        Being a racist is not easy for you.
        Cleanse your head, heart and your words, then life becomes less of a burden.
        Give it a try convert to Liberalism,
        யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்
        தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர்தர வாரா
        நோதலும் தணிதலும் அவற்றோ ரன்ன

        To us all towns are our own, everyone our kin,
        Life’s good comes not from others’ gifts, nor ill,
        Pains and pain’s relief are from within,
        Excerpt from
        Kaniyan Poongundran, Purananuru – 192
        (Adapted from translation by G.U.Pope, 1906)

        • 6

          Tamil racist mantra is “To us all towns are our own, But North East is EXCLUSIVELY for us:”
          I say go fly a kite. All towns are yours as long as you don’t ask for ethnic and religious enclaves. Most certainly you may have separate enclaves based on race or religion but in that case rest of the towns are OURS. Simple as that. All Tamils (Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) must be relocated into those enclaves so that all of them have the opportunity of enjoying the benefits of living in their own enclaves. (Why you always want to leave out +50% of your people is an enigma to me.)
          Think about it. Take the option “all towns are yours”.
          The day you say “let us all live in a country where the LAW doe not recognize ethnicity or religion and everybody is free to live anywhere” I will say to my son.” Learn some Tamil, go and serve in the North, there are lot of war affected widows and children”.

          TOGETHER let us say ” all towns are ours”.


          • 4


            “The day you say “let us all live in a country where the LAW doe not recognize ethnicity or religion and everybody is free to live anywhere” I will say to my son.” Learn some Tamil, go and serve in the North, there are lot of war affected widows and children”.

            This is what I have been saying somas for donkeys years. However you need a separate mud pit for people like you to have a self contained racist mutant habitat.
            Pigs don’t appreciate jasmine.
            Pigs don’t appreciate sandalwood, …………..
            Your place is in the mud.
            Dr Bracke thinks that the pigs “did not evolve functional sweat glands like other ungulates because they liked wallowing so much”.

            Go back to your usual habitat/universe.

            • 2

              Tamils are only humans who love to wallow in the mud with pigs. Pigs find it repulsive and keep thinking day and night of how to shake off these rats. For the pigs smell of shit is preferable to stench of Tamil hypocrisy who incessantly cry of their own habitat but wouldn’t get up and go. Pigs are tolerating them until they set up their own habitat and patienly waiting for that day to chase them away.


          • 2

            ‘All town are ours’ except the country. It will be good if the whole world belong to all, where people could travel about without passports,visas and without any form of identity. After all we are all humans except a few who are inhuman.. Soma ! can you find a way to implement this. Thank you.

          • 0

            @ Soma
            Fool study the system which was here before the arrival of Europeans …there was
            a North-East administration by Tamils later amalgamated by British for their administration facility.
            Don’t bark just believing Mahavmsa comic book he he he Lion mate with Princess and Sinhabahu was born …my toes are laughing.
            Tamils lived here even fore your Sinhala language born in just 6th century absorbing Tamil words and Sanskrit.
            We know about Buddhism better than you because we have Tamil Buddhist Books written by Tamil Buddhist Monks during the 2nd century.
            If you think Malwatte and Asgiriya Ayotullahs are the guardian of Buddhism which resulted in a blood bath in this cursed Island it is your fault.
            All Buddhist countries are bleeding today

        • 1


          Indeed. The real of this island is Sinhale. Which means the land of the Sinhalese. Not the land of Tamils. Thank you for being so considerate.

          • 4

            Shenali the stupid
            It’s you again!!!!

            “The real of this island is Sinhale.Which means the land of the Sinhalese. “

            What are you descendant of Kallathonie pratting around?

      • 1


        SLFP was founded on a racist platform! The results of such a myopic action is omnipresent in SL!

    • 5

      Naman: Pack up and go North and East?
      when people make unguarded comments …they blurt the truth..unintentinally….
      Naman’s comment “Pack up and go North and East?” is a classic case.
      Naman is admitting North East is indeed the Tamil homeland

  • 5

    Mr Kumaradasan
    You know why for 70 long years nothing has happened over this demand for a ‘political’ settlement for Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival scattered across the island ) ? For the simple reason that no one so far has produced a draft document for discussion with proposals that would satisfy ‘political’ aspirations of at least 90% of Tamil speaking people across the island. Intellectuals your calibre must form a team and start working on that even at this late stage.


    • 4

      Go and learn some history.

      Banda Chelva Pact
      Dudley Chelva Pact

      “Without the Sinhala Only, the Tiger may have remained unborn. Without the Black July, the Tiger may not have grown exponentially. If the B-C Pact and the D-C Pact did not miscarry (thanks to the midwifery of Sinhala extremism), the LTTE, even if it was born, would have remained a fringe group.” Tisaranee Gunasegara

      • 2

        I did. I still can’t figure out how any those proposals can satisfy the ‘political’ aspirations of at least 90% of the Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) in view of their demographic distribution across the island. They all can be categorized as “Holiday Resort Model of Tamil Ealam” Hence my request to Tamil intellectuals to formulate a new set of proposal that encompass at least 90% of Tamils, I mean their ‘political’ aspirations.

        I agree that “Without the Black July, the Tiger may not have grown exponentially”. Which is the reason for this unquestioning ardent support of TNA for the UNP..


    • 7

      Knowing the attitude of the Sinhalese politicians who lead the masses first and then the masses lead the politicians, nothing sensible could be achieved. Kumaradasan has missed a valuable point. It is not the Sinhala only act which hit the democracy, but the disenfranchisement of the upcountry Tamils in 1948/49 together with state aided colonization of the Tamil areas ,which pricked the first whole in the relationship, to which some Tamils too were responsible for selfish reasons. It is said that Tamils are not communal but they are selfish until Prbaharan came into the scene.

      • 2


        Why should Sri Lanka franchise the aliens who were brought in during the British Raj against their will?
        Further more, How can you be sure of Tamil areas which has not been populated by immigrants brought in during the colonial period.

        • 1

          I am 100% sure the so called aliens were not deposited in the Tamil areas. They served the south, the upcountry and other plantation districts in “Ceylon” to grow Tea, Rubber and Coconuts to a certain extent. If not for them our hills will be blank and other plantation areas will be dry.. They were brought to Ceylon with’ truthful lies ‘ by the colonialist. In effect they sacrificed their lives for the Welfare of Ceylon rather than their own. If they were not Tamil speaking but Sinhala speaking would DS have disenfranchised them? with the clapping of hands by the Sinhalese.
          only people who came as Kallathhonies and deposited themselves in Eelanadu were King Vijaya and his friends and they were not Sinhalese when the came in. Their language was ‘achcharu’. Later they got mixed with Parli,Tamil, and Sanscrit to derive Sinhala and subsequently brought in “Sinhala only” to the detriment of the Tamils and other races in Srilanka.
          The Sinhalese have a habit of treating those who helped themas’KARUWEPPILAI’ “KARAPINCHA’, by discarding them after its flavour is extracted , not knowing value of the leaves so extracted and left behind. Pity.
          To-day politics in Srilanka is no way better.

          • 0

            The point is you cannot bring Sinhala people from elsewhere and settle them here. Yes we will accept them if they are Sinhala speaking. We are not here on a meritorious deed to give states to every Tom and dick used by the British.
            Yes our language is achcharu. It does not matter to us. Every DEVELOPED language is an achacharu. Are you saying Tamil isn’t? Then Tamil must be a very primitive language.

        • 4


          “Why should Sri Lanka franchise the aliens who were brought in during the British Raj against their will?”

          Because lazy bums like you or your equally lazy ancestors refused to work in the one of the most difficult job. The other reason is the large percentage of export income is being received from plantation.

          Please go find a job in one of those estates and do an internship for about a month living in the lines, and tell us why they should stay and you should be kicked out of this island back to your ancestral home in Tamil Nadu.

  • 9

    A hackneyed, cliched, worn out and stale argument. This is tiresome. These diaspora Tamils aren’t aware of what’s going on here. The author for instance should familiarize himself with Sampanthan’s and Sumantharan’s noteworthy input on the proposed new constitution.

    • 3

      The inputs should bring outputs as well. They should not be aborted by careless handling.

  • 6


    “For the simple reason that no one so far has produced a draft document for discussion with proposals that would satisfy ‘political’ aspirations of at least 90% of Tamil speaking people across the island.”

    I am assuming you have done a thorough research on the subject you have been prating for donkey’s years.

    Have you checked
    Banda Selva agreement
    Banda Dudley agreement
    Chandrika’s first draft of New Constitution which was opposed by your mirror image or your twin bro Ranil (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqxZL5qL5Hs).
    Then of course the home grown solution by your Tsunami hero’s Tissa Vitharana report, ……………

    • 2

      However much I read them I still can’t figure out how any those proposals can satisfy the ‘political’ aspirations of at least 90% of the Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) in view of their demographic distribution across the island. They all can be categorized as “Holiday Resort Model of Tamil Ealam” They do not explicitly say the situation of + 50% Tamils presently outside NE – whether they will be repatriated into envisaged ethnic/religious enclaves or not. Hence my request to Tamil intellectuals to formulate a new set of proposal that encompass at least 90% of Tamils, I mean their ‘political’ aspirations. Native, if you have been following Tamil responses to my comments you would have seen that they (without a SINGLE EXCEPTION) openly, daringly argue that they have the right to live anywhere IN ADDITION TO the right for a separate Homeland. They tell me about Scotland or Wales which is not my business. All I know is there are no 80 million Scots in France. My determined effort is to put a stop to this nonsensical logic. THE ARGUMENTS ADVANCED FOR A SEPARATE ENCLAVES all fall flat on their face when in the same breadth you demand that those arguments may be inapplicable for +50% of you. You people are taking us for damn fools. And you know how fools behave when naked irrationality is thrust upon them.
      Further in those proposals there is a subtle, implicit assumption that definition of “Tamil Nation” excludes Tamils who practise a particular religion. This leaves a terrible burden on the Sinhalese to find solutions to THEIR aspirations. You want to push them down, eh???


      • 4



        I proposed a separate enclave for mutant Sinhala/Buddhist aspiring fascists like you and your fellow racists to have a self contained life enabling the rest of the people live in harmony with each other and the nature.

        Go back to your ancestral homeland in South India whence your ancestors came live among your long lost cousins if you can’t make peace with yourself.

  • 8

    “From 1948 to 1956, Sri Lankan citizens enjoyed the democracy and its freedoms without any hatred, hostility or any bias based on religion, language or race. All of these plunged into irretrievable depths with the passage of Sinhala Only Act in 1956.”
    What is wrong with making the language spoken by 75% of the people ‘Official Language’?
    Before the arrival of colonial ‘Awajathakayo’, Sinhala was the official language in Sinhale. King Gamini Abhaya did not talk with King Elara in Demala. Even the last King Rajasinghe became a Buddhists and conducted administration in Sinhala. During Parangi and Olanda rule Sinhala was the official language. It was British barbarians who changed that and made English the official language. Then Demalu had no problem. How many Demalu spoke English? Only a handful of Vellala elites. What went wrong was according to what I heard racist Ponnambalam told Demalu not to learn Sinhala because Demala politicians were dreaming of a separate State for Stateless Demala people.

    • 8

      Eagle Blind Eye

      “What is wrong with making the language spoken by 75% of the people ‘Official Language’?

      Nothing wrong with making the language spoken by 75% of the people ‘Official Language’?
      Stupid man everything is wrong with SINHALA ONLY OFFICIAL LANGUAGE POLICY.
      Why should anyone communicate with the state in an alien language, the state should restrict its business to the people who opted to transact in that official language. Nothing more nothing less.
      75% has more stupid people than the 25%.

      “Even the last King Rajasinghe became a Buddhists and conducted administration in Sinhala.”

      Not really he essentially conducted his businesses in Telungu, Tamil, Prakrit, Pali, Sanskrit and Malayalam and wrote poetry in Sinhala and he talked dirty in Urudu and sexually aroused only when spoken in Russian.

    • 3

      “What is wrong with making the language spoken by 75% of the people ‘Official Language’?”

      Eagle Eye — since language has been one of the major factors in our country’s contentious current situation, it is obvious that we must address it with care & sensitivity. “Sinhala Only” did not do this.

      Both the Sinhala- & Tamil-speaking people have lived in this country for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Whoever came first or is the larger group is not the key factor when deciding something like language policy today. What is relevant is who is here now (or maybe just before the fleeing of large numbers of ethnic minorities during contemporary periods of conflict).

      Consider the example of another small country, with a population (ca. 8.5 million) less than half our own — Switzerland. She has 4 Official/National languages: German (62.8%), French (22.9%), Italian (8.2%) & Romansh (0.5%).

      Learning one of the other national languages at school is compulsory for every Swiss child, so many Swiss are supposed to be at least bilingual. Anyway, most Swiss people would speak at least one international language, something that is still not the case in SL.

      Incidentally, as of 2012, resident foreigners form 23.3% of the population. This is one of the largest proportions in the developed world. Presumably they have first to learn the main language of the federal state in which they reside.

      Of course, Switzerland is a much richer country than ours, & is not without immigration problems now, but surely they have some lessons/experience that we can learn from.

      • 1

        ‘Switzerland is a much richer country” yes. why? Because all are treated equally and the languages are given equal rights.
        If we had followed Swiss, we too would have had refugees coming in .But we too would have been a rich country. Other than the political upheaval we have every thing in our favor to be rich and honorable.

      • 3

        If the system in Switzerland is that good why other Europeans countries do not follow that. You cannot compare Sri Lanka with Switzerland.
        If learning another language is good, why not Demalu learn Sinhala, the language spoken by majority. When Demalu settle down in UK, they learn English, when they settle down in France they learn French and so on. Demala people are willing to learn Sinhala and move to South and work but Demala politicians are against that because when Demala people understand the real situation, Demala politicians cannot play racist politics. I know one school in Yapanaya where the Principal requested a teacher to teach Sinhala but NPC said no.

    • 2

      P.S. I forgot to say that all my data is from Wikipedia.

    • 0

      I was go to Srilankan parliament for trainee-( interpreter) work. In (1970/1980), my father was full time Interpreter in Srilankan Parliment ( old Parliment-/ 1960 upto 1985/6) , but I did not like to work in Srilankan parliament, because there were —3— languages, but today I Speck-14/15, languages. , that not big thing, what I want tell, -1915- there was ( fighting going between Muslim bussines mans and Sinhales, who stopped this fight ( Sir RamaNathan, went UK, and he brought letter from —Hon, Queen, ) , then only British Army stopped firing Sinhala people, Why there were Sinhala Political person, ?

    • 0

      But Kandy king signed the pact with British in Tamil.
      You can address a letter to India ..Malaysia ..Singapore in Tamil it will reach the person but Sinhalese addressed letter will not reach the person here.

      All you studied in Sinhala resulted in supplying housemaids a to Arab is that the quality of Sinhala language?

      No worries more Tamils speak English than Sinhalese and Tamils are exposed to the modern world while Sinhalese are living under the shadow of fake comic book Mahavamsa.

      Since there were many marriages of Sinhala ruling class with today’s South India they would have been masters in Tamil from their Tamil mothers and Grand Mothers.

      How did your Sinhala kings talk with Portuguese and Dutch officers?

      It was the British barbarians(???) brought some culture among your people else still they will live like Veddhas.

      What is the contribution of Sinhala language and Buddhism here except blood bath?



  • 6

    If the current TNA leadership and their yes men are going to continue with their collaborative politics, then they will vanish into history, sooner than later. If collaborative politics have won anything, then the estate Tamils won’t be still fighting for a minimum wage or be living in those conditions. The problem with these elitist Tamil politicians is that they need to cozy up with the Sinhala establishment as their survival depends on the south. They said Tamils need to win the hearts and minds of Sinhalese (akin to saying the Blacks must win the hearts of Whites) in order to win their rights. Today they are much worse off, earning the wrath of many Sinhalese, by taking sides in the power tussle between the Sinhalese parties. They play with words to cover up their failures – ask Tamil people to keep quiet and not disturb whatever little the ruling establishment may be giving. If the Tamil people are to take what is given, why do they need to vote on block to the TNA, they could vote directly for UNP, SLFP, or any other party. Then there is another group of people suggesting Tamil people cannot do anything without the approval of India – actually the converse is true, Indians need the Tamils more than the Tamils need them, that is the reality. There is no history where rights were handed down in a platter by those in power, it had to fought and won. Unfortunately, Tamil people’s struggle post 2009 has been reduced to mere existential issue, electoral politics, and choosing between the lesser of the evil at the centre.

    • 1

      thamizh/Kumarathasan Rasingam
      there is no denying tamil people had ro fight and win their rights. The question is how we are going to fight. Now that international community is in our side we should use them wisely. did you listen to speech by Sumanthiran on a policy making conference.
      That is the difference between intellectual smart person and idiot like Kumarathasan Rasingam who lives in the comfort of foreign country

      • 2

        Navam, there is criticism for the politics of TNA even locally among the Tamils. It is those who cannot face criticism that need to come up with a label. Kumarathasan Rasingam does address tangible points. Four years after the ‘good governance’, a government that was established with the blessing of Tamil people, none of the core issues concerning the Tamil people have been addressed. Even today, TNA could pull the rug under the Ranil gov’t if political prisoners aren’t released but they would not dare to rock the boat as their survival depends on the south. Instead they would do damage control through negotiating development of north, east. At this juncture, it is crucial to look back and see what went wrong than waiting for a ‘hero’ namely the international community to come to the rescue. As a starter, people need to mobilise again.

  • 4

    “The political history of Tamils who inhabited the island before the arrival of Vijaya in 543 BC, a legendary prince, still to be proved by real and documented evidence, has been tarnished with the record of betrayals, pogroms, genocide and massacres in the hands of successive Sri Lankan Governments since 1948”
    Demalu will never be able to prove by real and documentary evidence because in the first place there are no real evidences in this country and second, Demalu do not have a documented history. Tamils in Hindusthan have a documented history but Demalu in Sinhale who entered this country illegally do not have documents to prove. The fake historians Gnana Sankaralingam and Siva Sankaran Sharma are dedicatedly trying to carry forward the project started by racist Chelvanayakam to distort the history of Sinhale but they will never succeed.
    As Jane Russel points out “The Ceylon Tamils had no written document on the lines of the Mahavamsa to authenticate their singular and separate historical authority in Sri Lanka, a fact which Ceylon Tamil communalists found very irksome”. (Russel, Jane: Communal Politics under the Donoughmore Constitution, Tisara Prakasakayo, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, 1982. p.131)

    • 6

      Eagle Eye
      Open your eyes
      “These five celebrated Ishwarams or Pancha Ishwaram Temples were important landmarks of the country and had India’s adoration. The erudite scholar and historian, Dr.Paul E.Pieris declared in 1917, at a meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch), that:
      “Long before the arrival of Vijaya there was in Lanka five recognised Ishwarams of Shiva which claimed and received adoration of all India. These were Thiruketheeshwaram which was near Mahatittha, Muneshwaram dominating Salawatte and the pearl fishery, Thondeshwaram near Mantota, ThiruKoneshwaram near the great Bay of Kottiyar and Naguleshwaram near Kankesanturai ” . “

    • 4

      Sinhala historian and Cambridge scholar, Paul Peiris represent an influential and common sense point of view:
      “..it stands to reason that a country which was only thirty miles from India and which would have been seen by Indian fisherman every morning as they sailed out to catch their fish, would have been occupied as soon as the continent was peopled by men who understood how to sail… Long before the arrival of Prince Vijaya, there were in Sri Lanka five recognised isvarams of Siva which claimed and received the adoration of all India. These were Tiruketeeswaram near Mahatitha; Munneswaram dominating Salawatte and the pearl fishery; Tondeswaram near Mantota; Tirkoneswaram near the great bay of Kottiyar and Nakuleswaram near Kankesanturai. ” (Paul E. Pieris: Nagadipa and Buddhist Remains in Jaffna : Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, Ceylon Branch Vol.28)

      • 2

        Paul Peiris was a ‘Kalu Sudda’ who wrote what the ‘Para Sudda’ liked and wanted.
        No doubt that few hundred South Hindian fishermen would have settled down in the North. That does not give the right for the descendants of slaves to claim a ‘Traditional Homeland’ in this country.
        Even now Demalu from Tamil Nadu enter illegally and settle down in the North with the blessing of Demala politicians who want to increase the number.

        • 2

          Prof. Sudharshan Seneviratne – is he another “Kalu Sudda”. Read some of his work and then you will gain some knowledge on true history.

          • 2


            I think you are mistaken.
            Eagle Blind Eye knows a few intellectuals for example Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa, Shenali Waduge, ….. whose works have been highly acclaimed.

            • 2

              Agree NV.

    • 6

      Eagle Blind Eye

      “Demalu will never be able to prove by real and documentary evidence because in the first place there are no real evidences in this country and second, Demalu do not have a documented history. “

      Would you say Ramayana, Mahabharata, Thiruvilayadal Purana, Ettuthogai, ………. are documented history?

      Mahawamsa was written from different sources, 1000 years after the arrival of Mythical Vijaya in Pali, probable errors for example commission and omission, …………..
      Why don’t you stuff your Mahawamsa history right inside ………………………?.
      Tamils do not have written history perhaps they never needed anything to prove, while you found someone who could write pali a language of which the natives didn’t have a clue to invent your history.

      Are you a practising Sinhala/Buddhist and do you believe in the culture of early Sinhala/Buddhists as described in Mahawansa? If true, are you practising, incest, parricide, and bestiality?

      • 3

        NAtive Vedda: Are you jealous, you proteuguese Tamils do not have anything like that.

        • 1

          Why should any Tamil want such trash!

    • 4

      Eagle Eye,
      The Tamils is Sri Lanka have a long history. Prior to the entry of Prince Vijaya and his 700 men apparently from Orissa (drifted from Orissa) there were two clans in Sri Lanka, namely the Nagas and the Yakkas. Moreover, Sri Lanka was a part of the lost continent of Lemuria prior to 9,000 years ago during period the Indus Valley Civilization was in existence. The Sinhalese boast of Ravana of Sri Lanka, but Ramayana was composed originally by sage Valmiki from the region of the Indus Valley Civilization. Eagle can you let us know in what language Ravana spoke. During the period of the Indus Valley civilization, Sanskrit was the mother language while other languages existed and Tamil too was flourishing in the South. When did Pali come into existence. It is an off-shoot of Sanskrit. As such how Mahavamsa to be considered as an ancient text. Moreover, prior to 2,000 years a clan known as Kalaprars invaded Tamil Nadu and ruled for 300 years during which period the caste system too developed and Buddhism also showed some significance along with Jainism. But Tamil and Hinduism again saw its renaissance after 300 years of Kalaprars’ rule. This is a continuing story. After independence, as a result of some selfish Tamil leaders there was some bitterness between the Sinhalese and the Tamils. Now TNA Parliamentarian Sumanthiran is doing a good job for the entire communities. I believe Tamil will regain its past glory.

      • 0

        This is the problem of Tamil Nationalists and the root cause of Sri Lanka’s ethnic issue. Tamil Nationalists not only those who are found in SL live believing in an imagined history where everything under the sun came from Tamil.
        Last year, a Tamil politician in Malaysia said Tamils came to Malaysia first and they are the first people in Malaysia. There was a great uproar against it among Malay people and the Tamil politician had to come infront of media with his tail tucked and said he was misinterpreted.
        In TN, Karunanidi says Tamil is the mother of all the languages. Now Karunanidi is no linguistics expert, he is simply the chief minister. To lead the Tamil sheep in TN, these politicians manufacture history. That is how they create Tamil chauvinism. Now it is the same story in SL.
        In SL, Tamils believe in a different history where Tamils were the first to arrive in SL but magically had left NOTHING to prove it. Indian including Tamil Nadu sources, Chinese sources, South East Asian sources and even European sources has NO mention about a Tamil civilization in SL. But these things exist in Tamil Nationalists’ mind.
        Tamil is the oldest language myth, Telugu, Japanese Korean, English, Sinhala came from Tamil myth, Sri Lanka was inhabited by Tamils myth, Kumari kandam.myth..and the number of myths of Tamils are endless. I dont think they are that stupid not to realize that these are nothing but figments of their imagination. But they won’t accept it, because creating fake history is part of Tamil politics and the oil which runs the machine called fascist Tamil Nationalism.
        Unless Tamils come out of this political myth creating mentality I dont think Sri Lanka’s issue can ever be solved. And Sinhalese should understand ( like I did years ago) that you can never ever solve Tamil’s issue.

        • 2

          sach the stupid

          “In TN, Karunanidi says Tamil is the mother of all the languages. Now Karunanidi is no linguistics expert, he is simply the chief minister.”

          Firstly Karunanidi is spelt M. Karunanidhi.
          What do you know about M. Karunanidhi other than him being the chief minister of Tamil Nadu? Tell us all what you know about him, it shouldn’t take you more than 3 lines.

          It was the public racist Champika who claimed the Sinhala language is older than Hebrew.
          It is a well established/recognised fact that it is one of the classical languages. Could you give us any evidence of Karunanidhi’s claim, that “In TN, Karunanidi says Tamil is the mother of all the languages.”. Please let me have the evidence in English. As a Tamil scholar you should be able to translate any evidence into English in no time.

          • 0

            @NV, it amazes me that some elements of the majority still thinks they are the rightful owners of this country. The lovely racists from the north and south robbed this nation from your people and now idiots are busy yapping about who owns this country.

      • 0

        Tamils in SriLanka are an immigrant community with all your history in Tamilnadu. Your chronology doesnot make sense at all. The people who claim that Indus Valley was Tamil say also that Tamils moved south after the collapse of the Indus Valley civilization.

        Whatever that maybe, this island has always been recognized as the country of the Sinhalese, even by ancient Tamils. All your fake history theories and claims are made in the 20th century and do not make sense at all. It is linguistically impossible for Tamil to evolve here out of two reasons –
        1. Sri Lanka is an island some 50+ miles away from the southern point of India. That is taking the shortest distance from point to point, which makes effective distance for an Tamil in Tamilnadu say for example in Madurai 100+ miles by land and then by sea, and he will come only to the nearest point in the island, not enough to transform a language of a people. To transform a language or even bring another language across the ocean there must be some significant migration or elite/military domination, which again goes against the indigenous argument of Tamils. That was just an example to show how impossible what you claim is. No language can develop along parallel lines in two places separated by ocean.

        2. Sri Lanka does not have any natural barriers needed for the development and evolution of two different languages. Any new language which comes into a place like Srilanka, would converge to form one language with the existing language. That is what has happened to Sinhalese and the Vedda language. It is simply not possible to naturally maintain two so vast different languages like Sinhalese and Tamil in this landscape without any natural barriers.

    • 3


      It is ok you didn’t know Mahavamsa, but disappointing is Jane Russell didn’t like to know what a prove is.
      My all-time suspicion is if the Mahanama had re-cooked the Ramayana as Vijaya’s story. Indian tales are telling that in the ancient time only one King came from India and won Ceylon. Vijaya’s story is not just unscientific, its events are not corroborated anywhere. Jane failed to understand that modern DNA results have completely ridiculed the Mahavamsa Aryan tale. Further Mahanama’s inferior knowledge is that Asoka, an Aryan, only won the Bengal area, but they didn’t live there. The people lived /living there is only Dravidians. The Sinhala Language is establishing that that Sinhalese are only descendants of Ceylon Tamils (not the cinnamon peelers, they recent TN Tamils). When Mahavamsa was written, Sinhala Language didn’t exist. So what kind of prove Jane has dug out of Mahavamsa that Tamils missed? Mahavamsa has told 32 Tamils king were defeated before Dutugamunu reach Anuradhapura. Say these king rules only small plot of lands. But isn’t good enough to reach from Kathirkamam to Anuradhapura? As per Mahanama, Dutugamunu complained that Tamils are lining in North. He didn’t not complain a Indian king is ruling Anuradhapura. The way Gemunu compared the ocean and Tamils is telling that anything on the North of Tissamaharama was populated by Tamils. Beyond that, certainly Gemunu was a Hindu -Tamil. What else Jane needs to know that the whole Ceylon that was only with Tamil Hindus & Buddhists.
      Sinhalese are telling a tale that they came from India, not from, Ceylon, so they need a proof. Tamils have all evidences to show that they have all along lived in Ceylon. So, they don’t need one like that.

      • 4


        “Beyond that, certainly Gemunu was a Hindu -Tamil. “

        There are some thalayas in this forum who think, the tamils have the knowledge to create a nuclear Bomb. There are some thalays who belive the thalaya diaspora wealth is 5 times that of Sri lankas econmy.

        You buggers are full of crap.


  • 6

    Hon. MP Sambandan, told at the function held at Temple Trees to celebrate Thai Pongal that Demalu need a political settlement to live in this country as equal citizens. Can Sambandan tell us “What is it that the Sinhalayo are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala?’.
    Now nearly 52% of the Demalu from North and East live and work in the Sinhala dominated South. My carpenter has a Demala assistant. I asked whether he feels discriminated by Sinhalayo. He said he experience discrimination in Yapanaya but not in the South. He is from a low caste.
    The biggest stumbling block for Sinhala and Demala ordinary folks to live in harmony is these Vellala elite politicians. It is high time ordinary Demala folks get rid of them. If not the problem will drag on forever.

  • 6

    What sort of political settlement for Tamils? What are their Problems for political other than Vellala racists inferior complex?

    Can anyone in this forum or Tamil Diaspora can write down the problems Tamils in Sri Lanka undergone that require Federalism or Elam or separate state or any other as political settlement?

    • 8

      Nimal Tissass Wijethunga

      ” What are their Problems for political other than Vellala racists inferior complex?”

      Believe it or not it appears you are the common problem for the people of this island, be Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Atheist, ….. ? Therefore all of us have to find a common solution, for the political pests like you. The second problem is that Buddhists and Sinhalese should be liberated from Sinhala/Buddhists. Thirdly Buddhism should be liberated from Sinhala/Buddhism.

      • 2

        Native/Kala/Angoda/Thala Veddah,

        Do not get upset. Answer to my comment if you can.

    • 7

      To answer your question in short…
      The Tamil problem is the Sinhala Buddhist hegemony of this island that threatens the collective existence of the Tamil people through physical and structural violence.
      Democracy in Sri Lanka has been merely used a tool to entrench this majoritarian rule/ sinhala buddhist hegemony.

      • 4


        Whether you LIKE OR NOT, it is the majority always rule anywhere in the world. What do you mean by hegamony? Again, inferiority complex or mental problem of TNA bunch of jokers or Vellalas.

        Tamil masses never ever asked or demanded elam or separatism or federalism and that as only Vellalas whimsical and fanciful thinking for which tamil masses were deceived since 1933. But since 2009 no more deceiving.

  • 0

    This is what decendants of original inhabitants of Sri Lanka say. Please watch ths video. I don’t beleive history was taught to them but told to them by their ansesters.


  • 3

    It is only sinhala buddhist state. IT is great work Sinhale Army reaching to poor and sidelined Tamils and help them to stand up. Rasinghma says they played the Tribal card and lost. Right now, it is both the SLPP and UNP try to play the Tamil Homeland and win votes. but, TNA has other problems. I heard Even Mavai Senathirajah wants to establish his own party.

  • 3

    The figures given are highly exaggerated except in regard to the number of war widows. These figures are coming from a sick mind. The disappeared include those who were forcibly recruited by the LTTE. This fact is being conveniently suppressed by pseudo-nationalists.
    The claim that Sri Lankan citizens enjoyed democracy from 1948 – 1956 is fiction. The fact is during this period 800,000 Hill country Tamils lost their citizenship and voting rights. It is during this period DS Senanayake launched the Gal Oya colonization scheme in the east to settle Sinhalese. Loss of citizenship and planned Sinhala colonization reduced Tamils representation in parliament by half.
    This writer is exhibiting ignorance about history. Tamil is an official language like Sinhalese (13A). The problem is with implementation. This government has appointed a Tamil minister to oversee the implementation of Tamil in offices, courts and other places.
    I am glad the writer concedes the fact that Sri Lanka is basically a democratic country with periodical elections. Added a relatively a free press. The militarization is a direct outcome of the civil war. The military that won the war has occupied the Northeast.
    The Mahavamsa is NOT entirely a myth. It is in part history and part mythology. That Buddha visited Lanka thrice through air is a fiction. However, Mahavamsa acknowledges the fact that Tamils were in possession of lands that side of Maga Ganga (Mahaveli Ganga). Some of the figures given exaggerated except in regard to number of war widows.
    The claim that Sri Lankan citizens enjoyed democracy from 1948 – 1956 is not the whole truth. During this period 800,000 Hill country Tamils lost their citizenship and voting rights. It is during this period DS Senanayake launched the Gal Oya colonization scheme in the east with Sinhalese settlers. 1/3

  • 2

    Loss of citizenship and planned Sinhala colonization reduced Tamils representation in parliament by half.
    Tamil is an official language like Sinhalese (13A). The problem is with implementation. This government has appointed a Tamil minister to oversee the implementation of Tamil in offices, courts and other places.
    I am glad the writer concedes the fact that Sri Lanka is basically a democratic country with periodical elections. There is a free press as well. The militarization is a direct outcome of the civil war.
    The Mahavamsa is NOT entirely a myth. It is in part history and part mythology. That Buddha visited Lanka thrice through air is a fiction. Duttu Gemunu who is a Naga Prince has to fight 32 Tamil chieftains on the way to Anuradhapura!
    Mahavamsa was compiled for the serene joy and emotion of the pious! If not for Mahavamsa we would have not known that Tamils were in possession of lands north of Maga Ganga, that 8 Tamil kings ruled from Anuradhapura and Nagas ruled Ceylon up to the 8th century. There is no mention of Sinhalese and Sinhalese language in the Mahavamsa,
    State sponsored Sinhala colonization took place when GG Ponnambalam was a minister in DS Senanayake Cabinet (1948 -1953). He did not oppose Sinhala colonization. He opposed federalism. “Ponnambalam and his ACTC denounced federalism as ‘bad for Ceylon and worse for the Tamils’, and at the general election of 1952 some of his ACTC followers warned that under federalism no trains would run beyond Elephant Pass (the isthmus connecting the Jaffna peninsula to the rest of the island).” (p.63, S. J. V. Chelvanayakam and the Crisis of Sri Lanka Tamil Nationalism, 1947-1977, A Political Biography, A. Jeyaratnam Wilson,) Buddhism was introduced in Ceylon from the time of Devanampiya Tissa (307 BC to 267 BC). 2/3

    • 2

      “State sponsored Sinhala colonization took place when GG Ponnambalam was a minister in DS Senanayake Cabinet (1948 -1953).”
      There was no need for Sinhalayo who lived in this country with Vedda Eththo and developed the economy to colonize their own country. The economy of this country flourished in the North and East when Sinhala Kings ruled that area. When the country had weak Kings (same as what we have today), invaders from Hindusthan colonized the land in the North. When a strong ruler came, the invaders were chased away but few remnants remained in the country. The descendants of that group are a tiny minority. A large majority of the present generation are descendants of slaves brought from Hindusthan by colonial bastards from the West. If they have a problem to live with Sinhalayo, they should request the Governments of UK, Portugal and Netherlands to take them to their countries because they are fully responsible for bringing slaves and dumping in this country.

  • 2

    Unfortunately, Buddhism has been politicised and used as a vehicle to capture power by Sinhalese politicians!
    The claim that not a single Tamil prisoner has been released is Goebbelsian propaganda. When the coalition government came to power in 2015 we had 217 Tamil prisoners. Now it has been reduced tp105. The TNA is pressing for the release of those Tamil prisoners kept in prison for long years without charges or trial.
    “not to mention the international investigation mooted by the UNHRC which did not find favour with Tamil National Alliance solely to please the United National Party Government” this is the type of propaganda indulged by this writer and his acolytes. Only last week Sumanthiran MP spoke in parliament insisting international investigation as agreed as per UNHRC Resolution 30/1. The TNA is demanding an international investigation for crimes committed during the war by both parties.
    It is ridiculous for the writer to call for” massive democratic campaign and agitations focusing on the accumulated grievances of Tamils” by people who are already reeling under destruction caused by war. Not only this writer but there are many others who demand agitation/protest by our people back home while they live in luxury in Western Countries like Canada, USA and Europe.
    TNA will face the elections and explain to the people that have been achieved and not achieved. This writer is not qualified to speak on behalf of our brothers and sisters back home.
    The TNA will not stage Satyagraha for sake of staging Satyagraha. There must be overwhelming conditions/ reasons to do so. 3/3

    • 2

      “The TNA will not stage Satyagraha for sake of staging Satyagraha.”
      Why would anyone expect TNA to stage Satyagraha? There is no need to revisit the politics played by Amirthalingam and co. If there has to be political mobilisation, it has to come from the people – it won’t come from the people part of the ruling establishment in Colombo.

  • 1

    Sumanthiran says Orumiththa Nadu Orumiththa nadu. So he wants the new constitution. UNP and SLFP both inside the parliament say all need to be equal and say to TNA we are for te Political solution. Evensome UNP politicians. likeVajira Abegunawardane is for Federal solution. But there ere only 56 of the total 225 attended the parliemtn to discuss the constitution. SLFP/SLPP also outsode says UNP is ginvg Part of the island. BUT SAMBANTHAN SAYS WE DO NOT NEED CONSTITUTION FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION. What he says we need out 16 seats. If not Estate Tamils may over power us.

  • 1

    The writer says:
    The political history of Tamils who inhabited the island before the arrival of Vijaya in 543 BC, a legendary prince, still to be proved by real and documented evidence”.
    The Vijaya is corectly identified as legend, but Tamils inhabiting the country prior to Vijaya is taken to be a proven fact !!!!!!!!!!!
    The fact that there are virtually no Tamil inscriptions among the thousands of stone inscriptions found in Sri Lanka, written in Prakrit, is irrelevant to Tamil Racists. The Sinhalese of today probably have nothing to do with the early settlers of this land, be they decedents of the mythical Vijaya or earlier peoples who populated the land.
    As a Muslim I can only laugh at these two groups of idiots, claiming to be first in the land. The Malabars (calling themselves Tamils who are descendents of people who lived even prior to Vijaya) is truly hilarious.

  • 2

    What matters is who was where when the British captured the country and made it a crown colony. Here we have the written records of Captain Percival who lived in Jaffna Peninsula from 1800 to about 1820 and recorded many details of the Island. There were hardly any “original” Tamils as they had all become “sinhalized”. The Tamils that existed there were Malabar slaves (indentured workers) brought inot work the tobacco farms. Captain Percival points out that the Majority of the people were Muslims, while the Sinhales and the Malabar Tamils were smaller groups.
    So, when the British left, the North should go back to the Muslims and not to the Malabars as claimed by the TNA today .
    The British writers like Tenent always referred to these Tamils as Malabars. Some of them sucked up to the Invaders and got important positions, and got emancipated and assumed the airs of “High-Caste” on getting land from the Invader. These are the Vellalar of today. They pretend that they have a continuous lineage with the mythical “Tamils” who lived prior to the equally mythical Vijaya, where as they have nothing to do with the ancients who may even have been a mixture of all kinds of sea faring people.
    Scholars say that the Tamil Sangam literature refers to Ceylon as “Sihalakam” and there was a separate “Tamilakam” in south India. But the Tami language (unlike the genuinely old middle eastern languages like Hebrew, Arabaic etc) really came into being only during the Sangam period, i.e., may be around 1st-2nd century CE.
    So, there were no Tamils in the old days; merely primitive Dravidian tribes. Ramayana and Maha Bharatha were written in Sanskrit of the Northern Indians and not using a primitive language of the Dravidian Tribes.

  • 2

    These are only the outward manifestations of differences. In my opinion the best way to promote unity is for people to adopt the same language which has to be Sinhala. But it must be voluntary . Presently English provides a binding force among the Sinhalese and Tamils but it is spoken only by a minority of both Sinhalese and Tamils. So it cant be the binding force. With urbanization and Tamils moving to Colombo Sinhalese could be such a binding force but it must be entirely voluntary. Ethnically there is little or no difference. Culture the adoption of same or similar ways of living and behavior can fill this role but it has to be entirely voluntary and left to social and economic forces.
    RMB Senanayake

    • 1

      Assimilation maybe the word you are looking for? This is what the Sinhalese has been trying outside of the Tamil majority north and east – for example, Tamils settled along the north western coast identify themselves as Sinhalese today. Language is the identity of Tamils, how could they remain Tamils while giving up the language?

  • 2

    TNA is flying on plane that it’s well aware the plane is nose diving. They know better than anybody the nature of their Secret solution, by which Sinhalese not going come to know anything but Tamils will be free at the end. In those circumstances it is not really important that TNA should have obtained a written document from Yahapalanaya. TNA doesn’t believe anything it is negotiating will go beyond a dream. So they didn’t care to get it written down. Didn’t they say to Ambassador Blake in 2010 that they were not interested in War crime investigation because they wanted only the solution? Then they negotiated with Chitanta government until it was defeated in 2015. Now they have told all diplomats they met that they are hopeful Ranil is giving them Ekiya Rajaya.
    Further, Lankawe did not honor any signed documents. UNHRC resolution 30/1 and 34/1 are not anything different from others. Such brilliant TNA lawyers would resemble the IQ 79s if they ask for a written document when it makes no difference. Sampanthar was not hanky-panky when he told “I said this or last Devali or this Pongal or that Pongal because I just believed that it would happen”. Beyond that part, picking on him is foolishness. After all SJV said “Only God can Save Tamils (not he)”. But Tamils never gave up on him and he never did anything until the end where he initiated the armed struggle. So Tamils are not going to abandon Sampanthar, but he will achieve nothing but by 2020 he may ask UNHRC to start a process to investigate the war crimes. That is the only one can bring any end to this. But he is only waiting to see how TNA faring in the 2020 election to take the lesson out of it. After the election, Sumanthiran might know already, that he has to be put back as nominated MP. In election the difficult question he is going to face is that why didn’t he quit politics as he promised.

    • 1


      ”Only God can save Tamils” SJV stopped there and failed to add how and when God will save Tamils. May be he had suspicion of existence of a fully fledged God or His ability to come down to earth where majority of the people are modayas and killing each other.

      Look at the way pongal celebrations conducted by Jaffna Mayor Arnold and his TNA team. Pongal is always cooked in a new mud pot and each and every Tamil is aware of this custom, but these ”educated ladies and gentlemen who represent Jaffna people” cooked in a large metal pot – Kidaram. What an insult to the entire community and their culture. If God see this I am sure he won’t come down to earth specially to Jaffna !!

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    However much I read them I still can’t figure out how any those proposals can satisfy the ‘political’ aspirations of at least 90% of the Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) in view of their demographic distribution across the island. They all can be categorized as “Holiday Resort Model of Tamil Ealam” They do not explicitly say the situation of + 50% Tamils presently outside NE – whether they will be repatriated into envisaged ethnic/religious enclaves or not. Hence my request to Tamil intellectuals to formulate a new set of proposal that encompass at least 90% of Tamils, I mean their ‘political’ aspirations. Native, if you have been following Tamil responses to my comments you would have seen that they (without a SINGLE EXCEPTION) openly, daringly argue that they have the right to live anywhere IN ADDITION TO the right for a separate Homeland. They tell me about Scotland or Wales which is not my business. All I know is there are no 80 million Scots in France. My determined effort is to put a stop to this nonsensical logic. THE ARGUMENTS ADVANCED FOR A SEPARATE ENCLAVES all fall flat on their face when in the same breadth you demand that those arguments may be inapplicable for +50% of you. You people are taking us for damn fools. And you know how fools behave when naked irrationality is thrust upon them.
    Further in those proposals there is a subtle, implicit assumption that definition of “Tamil Nation” excludes Tamils who practise a particular religion. This leaves a terrible burden on the Sinhalese to find solutions to THEIR aspirations. You want to push them down, eh???


  • 1

    Some seventy years ago the language/religion-divide was created probably as a political ploy. The BC pact was deliverable but for exigencies torn up before the ink dried.
    The divide has gotten such a good hold that SLPP was able to sell it at the recent LG election and do so in future elections.
    Kumarathasan Rasingam’s “Undeliverable Political Settlement For The Tamils…..” has become the norm.
    Rasingam without making any specific suggestions calls it “…..Bankrupt Politics Of TNA”.
    Hopefully he is just expressing his angst. Otherwise not fair at all.

  • 2


    Until very recently, I didn’t know the Tamils were so against the Mahavamsa. In the last two years only, after reading online comments from disgruntled Tamil mo ies that I realized how much of a hatred they have towards a book.

    And the worse comic is that they expect us to be nice to them in return.

    If I knew they hated the Mahavamsa so much, I would have torn off pages from the Mahavamsa, jumbled them and poked them into their mouths and forced them to swallow them while they were in captivity while I was serving in the army in the North.

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      Retarded ………..

      The book is full of pornography and not only you find vivid description of violence but justification for perpetrating it. Saffron clad war mongers motivate young children to fight their racist religious war.
      It contains sexually explicit materials, encourages incest, bestiality and parricides. If you enjoy reading it well its alright. However it should be banned in schools.

      You don’t mind copulating with your sisters and animals do you?
      You have no problem killing your own father.

      • 4

        Vedda is talking about the Bible, and about the Lingam Practice among Tamils, not about the Mahawamsa

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          Please read Mahawamsa for at least once.
          And learn to fact check before you start banging on the keyboard.

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            While I don’t agree with your claim that the Holy Bible do not contain the material this lunatic has come up with, I do agree with you about the fact that the Tamil Lingam culture does contain most of it. Perhaps, this lunatic is a descendant of a Kovil Poosari.

            Be that as it may, having read the Mahavamsa, I can tell you that it contains none of the nefarious material the lunatic is talking about. He’s referring to King Kashyapa in one of his posts. And that is fact. It was what King Kashyapa did to come to power. This lunatic is in no position to criticize the actions of a great Sinhalese King. Especially, a fun loving King like Kashyapa.

            I mean who does this mongrel thinks he is to be judgemental of a Great Sinhalese King?

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              “Perhaps, this lunatic is a descendant of a Kovil Poosari.”

              I have no idea who this Kovil Poosari you are referring to is, however if you knew him you should have subjected yourself and the Kovil Poosari for a paternity check, or perhaps the local Viharathipathy, or the priest at the local Church or the Maulvi at the local Mosques, or the local shop owner who sold Jaffna cheroot (සුරුට්ටු, சுருட்டு), ….

              “having read the Mahavamsa,”

              Stop your bull and go read one.

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          May be Mahawanse misinterpretations may have manipulated lanken buddhism ALL abysmal levels, by SO CALLED red robe wearing skin heads over the centuries.
          Today this is standing out as no times before. They call themselves “SINHALA BUDDHISTS” aka SINHALA EXTREMISTS, that perhaps not just follow the 5 precepts, but being fallen to the levels of buddhists, with varioius crime potentials.
          They wear their PIRITHNOOLA (pirith chanted THREADS) thick as they would have been seen as BUDDHISTS, following BP Rajapakshe, is reported to have hang OVER 40 body talishments subjected pirith chants.
          People are made ULTRA fools, as is the case in far rural areas in India. These tribes suffer from an Inferiority complex as CLEARLY seen in Rajapakshe brothers.
          Best example, SATAKA or as you may call it, AMUDAYA around their necks, are seen as their brands- tostand out as Rajapakshes have draged lanken racism on to all appalling levels today.
          Cosmetics of the HEAPS of excreta of BP Rajapakshes decorate by SAFRON ROBE WEARING skin heads. Iththaekande Or Uduwe Dhamamaloka are good example. They do any crimes by their DIRECT mediation, but misinterpreting, as if BUDDHA may have preched them to behave so.

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            Sri Lanka is not ruled by the President or PM. Supreme power is with the Buddhist Clergy who does not preach or practice Lord Buddha;s preaching – lead a luxurious life – Benz car, etc. just the opposite of Lord Buddha practiced and preached. Non-violence, compassion and other divine qualities to attain nirvana.
            As long as this continues Sri Lanka will be a failed state for centuries to come.
            This article explains about mahavamsa myth and foolish belief.

  • 5

    Histoy revisionism, is the problem of Tamil Nationalists and the root cause of Sri Lanka’s ethnic issue. Tamil Nationalists not only those who are found in SL live believing in an imagined history where everything under the sun came from Tamil.

    Last year, a Tamil politician in Malaysia said Tamils came to Malaysia first and they are the first people in Malaysia. There was a great uproar against it among Malay people and the Tamil politician had to come infront of media with his tail tucked and said he was misinterpreted.

    In TN, Karunanidi says Tamil is the mother of all the languages. Now Karunanidi is no linguistics expert, he is simply the chief minister. To lead the Tamil sheep in TN, these politicians manufacture history. That is how they create Tamil chauvinism. Now it is the same story in SL.

    In SL, Tamils believe in a different history where Tamils were the first to arrive in SL but magically had left NOTHING to prove it. Indian including Tamil Nadu sources, Chinese sources, South East Asian sources and even European sources has NO mention about a Tamil civilization in SL. But these things exist in Tamil Nationalists’ mind.

    Tamil is the oldest language myth, Telugu, Japanese Korean, English, Sinhala came from Tamil myth, Sri Lanka was inhabited by Tamils myth, Kumari kandam.myth..and the number of myths of Tamils are endless. I dont think they are that stupid not to realize that these are nothing but figments of their imagination. But they won’t accept it, because creating fake history is part of Tamil politics and the oil which runs the machine called fascist Tamil Nationalism.

    Unless Tamils come out of this political myth creating mentality I dont think Sri Lanka’s issue can ever be solved. And Sinhalese should understand ( like I did years ago) that you can never ever solve Tamil’s issue.

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