Human Rights Council 46th Regular Session – High-Level Segment
Statement by Dinesh Gunawardena – Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka
Madam President,
Madam High Commissioner,
Distinguished Ambassadors,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I address you today, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has published a report on Sri Lanka accompanied by an unprecedented propaganda campaign on that report.
Sri Lankan heroic armed forces militarily neutralized the LTTE in 2009 after three-decades of conflict. The Sri Lanka Government acted in self-defense to safeguard the unitary state, sovereignty & territorial integrity from the world’s most ruthless separatist terrorist organization.
The LTTE is the only terrorist organization in the world which has killed two world leaders: a serving President of Sri Lanka and a former Prime Minister of India extending its terror beyond the borders of Sri Lanka.
End of terrorism guaranteed the most cherished of all human rights – right to life of all Sri Lankans – Sinhala, Tamil, and Muslims.
Nonetheless hegemonic forces colluded against Sri Lanka in bringing an unsubstantiated resolution against Sri Lanka which was defeated by the support of friendly nations who remain by Sri Lanka’s side even today. Further resolutions were presented to this Council on purely political motives. In each instance Sri Lanka presented the procedural improprieties, and how such processes could set a dangerous precedent affecting all member states of the United Nations.
The Government which assumed office in Sri Lanka in 2015, in a manner unprecedented in human rights fora, joined as co-sponsors of Resolution 30/1 which was against our own country. It carried a host of commitments that were not deliverable and were not in conformity with the Constitution of Sri Lanka. This led to the compromising of national security to a point of reviving terrorist acts on Easter Sunday 2019 causing the deaths of hundreds.
The rejection of this resolution by the peoples of Sri Lanka was clearly manifested in the mandate received by His Excellency President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in November 2019. Based on this mandate I announced at the 43rd session of this Council that Sri Lanka would withdraw from co-sponsorship of the resolution. I also stated that Sri Lanka would remain engaged with the UN system including this Council.
We have provided detailed updates to the OHCHR in December 2020 as well as in January 2021 on the progress of implementation of commitments that Sri Lanka had undertaken such as continuity of the existing mechanisms, appointment of a special commission of inquiry headed by a Supreme Court Judge, achieving the SDGs, progress made in returning lands, demining and creating new avenues of livelihoods.
These steps have been taken even as Sri Lanka was battling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic for the past one year. In spite of these challenges we held a free and fair general election in August 2020 and elected a new Government with a two-thirds majority in one of Asia’s oldest Parliamentary democracies.
It is regrettable that despite the spirit of cooperation with the HRC and its mechanisms, elements working against Sri Lanka intend to table another country-specific resolution based on this OHCHR Report. This rejected report by Sri Lanka has unjustifiably broadened its scope and mandate further, incorporating many issues of governance and matters that are essentially domestic in any self-respecting, sovereign country.
I leave it to the members and observers of this Council to make their own judgment on whether Sri Lanka represents a situation that warrants the urgent attention of this Council, or if this campaign is essentially a political move that contravenes the very values and principles on which this Council has been established. Particularly at a time when legislation is enacted by some countries to protect their soldiers from prosecution in military operations carried out overseas, only points to duplicity and the hypocritical nature of their motives. This cannot but result in a significant loss of morale among countries engaged in the struggle against terrorism.
The Council must hold the scales even. Not going by hearsay, unilateral action or one angled doubtful sources but adhere to its guiding principles. Insistence on such ever-expanding externally driven prescriptions notwithstanding our continuous cooperation and engagement with this Council can pose numerous challenges.
As the Council is aware this is a critical time to the entire world in the last hundred years where we need to be united in our efforts to overcome the Covid19 pandemic and to revive battered economies. I appeal to the members of this Council to take note of our continued engagement and cooperation on its merit and support us by rejecting any resolution against Sri Lanka. We believe that the extent to which the resources and time of this Council has been utilized on Sri Lanka is unwarranted, and carries a discouraging message to the sovereign states of the global South.
The need of the hour, in the face of an unprecedented pandemic, is solidarity rather than rancor and acrimony arising from divisions within this council. In view of the circumstances set out above, we urge that this resolution be rejected by the Council and be brought to closure.
May I conclude quoting the words of Lord Buddha,
“Siyalu sathwayo niduk wethwa, nirogee wethwa, suwapath wethwa”.
May all beings be safe,
May all beings be free from suffering.
May all beings be well and happy.
Thank you.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / February 24, 2021
Though I am not a supporter of the LTTE, I cannot fully agree with Dinesh Gunawardane. It was Premadasa’s fault to have the LTTE terrorist, Babu as his friend and the role he played on releasing the naval rating who assaulted Rajiv Gandhi. It was Premadasa who transported arms and ammunitions to the LTTE to attack the IPKF. After the defeat of the LTTE with the assistance of several countries, the international community expected a Confidence Building Measure to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding among the communities. Instead of reducing the level of fear among the parties in conflict and building a sense of security and win the hearts of the people, Rajapaksa’s military massacred the innocent Tamils after being tortured and raped. There were no proper accounts for those who were handed over to the Armed Forces. But Emperor Asoka having realized the sufferings of the widows, promoted non-violence. But Rajapaksas were bent on colonizing the Tamil areas with the Sinhalese after snatching their lands and wasted the public money by constructing Buddhist Vihares instead of attending to the needs of suffering innocent Tamils who were affected. Does this amount to confidence building measure? If they think that need of the hour is solidarity, why didn’t they think about in creating a Confidence Building Measure.
Sinhala_Man / February 24, 2021
All wars are horrible, and soldiers may do horrible things in the heat of the moment.
However, there has been convincing evidence that the outrages, and the summary execution of those who surrendered with white flags, were planned at the highest level of the military. The surest proof that these allegations are true is the fact that many Sinhalese privately claim that this was the best way to set about “finishing them”. At the end of the Southern Insurrection, too, Rohana Wijeweera was “finished off” like that.
When it was all over in May 2009, there was the definite expectation that there would be an effort to reconcile – a sort of Marshall Plan. Not to be!
And now, there is racism as never before – with the cremation of Muslim COVID victims, as noted even by apologist, Mahila.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / February 24, 2021
When the Pakistani Army began to commit the barbaric genocide on innocent Bengali population especially the minority of Hindu Population in East Pakistan, refugees began to pour in India. It was at this point India began to interfere as it was a heavy burden to solve the problems of refugees in its country. Moreover, Pakistan also began to attack India’s air bases in Amritsar, Agra, Jodhpur, Srinagar Bikaner, etc and the Indian Air Force quickly repulsed it and began to move into East Pakistan. Mention should be made that Sri Lanka allowed the Pakistani planes re-fuel at Katunayake Airport instead of taking steps to solve it. When the Pakistani Army surrendered, the Indian Army Chief General Sam Maneksha never tortured them but treated them as how prisoners of war be treated. After India won the battle, India and Pakistan signed the Simla Agreement under which India agreed to release all 93,000 Pakistani prisoners of war. This was a war between two countries. In Sri Lanka it was not a war between two countries. Lessons from Indian Army Chief General Sam Maneksha are vital.
Sinhala_Man / February 24, 2021
Yes, and about how Michelle Bachelet is handling all this, there was surprisingly inept criticism from Professor Laksiri Fernando.
We have yet to press him on the fact that Bachelet was the elected President of Chile when the horrible General Pinochet turned up in the country. He was not harassed although Bachelet’s father had been tortured to death by Pinochet. When he died – aged 91 – he was accorded a huge military funeral, although Bachelet kept away.
Now after that article ran into trouble, perhaps seeking sympathy, he has put on this six-month-old article about how he’s water-colouring in a comfortable home for the aged.
Please take a look at both his articles.
SJ / February 24, 2021
Are you not aware of the murders committed by the Indian army of invasion and its allies in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)?
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / February 24, 2021
After the arrest of Mujibur Rahman, Pakistan sent General Tikka Khan to Dhaka to stem the insurrection. In March 1971, General Tikka Khan launched a crackdown on Bangladesh’s political leaders, students and minorities. Tikka Khan’s actions, according to several observers, were nothing short of a war crime. But as I said earlier Pakistan prime minister dragged India into the war when on December 3, Pakistan Air Force attacked India’s air bases.
Thereafter it was clear that Pakistan’s forces were depleted and Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw asked Niazi, commander of Pakistani forces, to unconditionally surrender in front of the Indian Army. Ninety three thousand Pakistani troops surrendered to the Indian Army. Your question should have been whether the surrendered Pakistani forces were massacred. The answer is no. It was only the Pakistan’s forces in Bangladesh which committed murders which resulted in the flow of Bangladeshi refugeesinto India.
Eagle Eye / February 24, 2021
Who has given these convincing evidence?
You are just repeating what Demalu who have a grudge against Sri Lanka Armed Forces for eliminating LTTE terrorists say. If there are convincing evidences they can come forward and say without giving evidences to OMP as ‘Ghosts’.
Dumbo, even if it was planned at the highest level of military do you think they will divulge that. Use your brain before using the key board.
“However, there has been convincing evidence that the outrages, and the summary execution of those who surrendered with white flags, were planned at the highest level of the military.”
The Government of Sri Lanka made several attempts to end Tamil terrorism through negotiations but megalomaniac Prabhakaran wanted to fight to get his Dreamland ‘Eelam’. Even racist separatist Demala politicians wanted to continue the terrorist campaign against Sri Lanka Armed Forces and Sinhalayo. Why should Sinhalayo reconcile with Demalu who slaughtered Sinhalayo for three decades? Are Demalu who are still trying to crucify members of the Armed Forces serious about reconciliation?
“When it was all over in May 2009, there was the definite expectation that there would be an effort to reconcile”
Ajith / February 24, 2021
“When it was all over in May 2009, there was the definite expectation that there would be an effort to reconcile – a sort of Marshall Plan. Not to be!”
There was a master plan after May 2009. The master plan was to create a Rajapakse family kingdom for Sinhala only Buddhism only country and eliminate the Muslims and Tamils and eliminate any opposition from Sinhala completely. The events that happened such as removal of civil rights of Sarath Fonseka, removal of Sirisena from power and possible removal of civil rights, attack on Muslims and colonisation of Buddhist Sinhala in the North.
Eagle Eye / February 24, 2021
At the ‘Aluth Parlimenthuwa’ program in Derana TV 0n 10 February 2021, Sarath Weerasekera presented this information.
• 594 Child soldiers were liberated, rehabilitated and handed over to their parents
• 11,872 LTTE Tamil terrorists were pardoned, rehabilitated and released without filing charges
• 20,011 hectares of private land were handed back to the owners
• High Security Zones removed
• 90% of check points were removed
• 30% of Army reduced
• 495,000 land mines were removed
• 5,000 Anti-tank mines were removed
• 285,000 houses were built
• 297,000 displaced persons were resettled within six months
• Rs.382 million paid as compensation
• Jobs were given to 3,800 LTTE cadres
In addition to what he said, Government took action to improve infrastructure facilities, e.g. roads, electricity supply and water supply. Sinhala Buddhists sent lorry loads of food, cloths and other essential items. Buddhists monks went to Yapanaya and donated blood. Didn’t these activities contribute to ‘Confidence Building’?
“If they think that need of the hour is solidarity, why didn’t they think about in creating a Confidence Building Measure.”
Eagle Eye / February 24, 2021
“… and wasted the public money by constructing Buddhist Vihares instead of attending to the needs of suffering innocent Tamils who were affected.”
Demalu suffered not because of Rajapakshes but because of racist separatist Malabar Vellala Demala politicians who passed the Vaddukkodei Resolution to create a separate State for the descendants of Dravida slaves brought to Yapanaya by Portuguese and Dutch and asked Demala people to take up arms to fight for their cause leading to the formation of Tamil terrorist organization LTTE.
For three decades, Demala people in the North suffered due to terrorist campaign carried out by LTTE targeting Sinhalayo and the iron rule imposed by megalomaniac Prabhakaran. By eliminating LTTE Tamil terrorism, Rajapakshes liberated Demala people from the clutches of LTTE and gave them the opportunity to live in peace. You are barking at the wrong tree.
Eagle Eye / February 25, 2021
Colonization is done by foreigners. Sinhale (now Sri Lanka) is the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo. So it is absurd to say that Rajapakshes colonized Tamil areas. The truth is Demalu (Tamils after 1911) who were brought to Yapanaya by Portuguese and Dutch are occupying land belonged to Sinhalayo in North-East of the country before they retreated to safer areas to escape from barbaric Dravida and European invaders. Sinhala Kingdoms Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa were in the North East of the country. Before they became Tamil areas, they were Sinhala areas.
“But Rajapaksas were bent on colonizing the Tamil areas with the Sinhalese after snatching their lands”
Mahila / February 24, 2021
The Hon Minister we unreservedly thank for this momentous address to the UNHRC members, specially referring to the following, “In his address, he said the need of the hour, in the face of an unprecedented pandemic, is solidarity rather than rancour and acrimony arising from divisions within this council”. Well done Minister and you certainly would appreciate the old adage, “Charity begins at Home”. Also taking this opportunity, refer to the concluding part of his speech, “In view of the circumstances set out above, we urge that this resolution be rejected by the Council and be brought to closure.” Well said and agreed on the concept. Could we then expect the Government to pursue governance, rejecting the subjective ban on burials of Covid – 19 patients who die and ensure the sanctity of those Muslim and Christian individuals also on the same basis as agreed by the PM (HR element in him which sparked in 1986/7 has not gone extinct) about 2 weeks ago – roll back the enforced ban on Covid -19 burials. Futuristic all embracing thinking.
Simon / February 24, 2021
Mahila: This Government of “GR & Co, Inc” has fallen into a deep well by messing the Economy, the Political Culture, Social Order, and the Judiciary. The ONLY way out, could be the LAST STRAW, is nothing else the “PANDEMIC COVID 19”. You will notice this “COVID 19” is presently handled in such a way to “PROLONG” (Beggar’s wound) it further and further so that the Government could very conveniently get “SHIELDED” behind to cover up all the” MESS” created at home and Internationally. Do you think that this “FACTOR” of Pandemic, stressed and pleaded by the Foreign Minister is going to work? I don’t think so.
Eagle Eye / February 24, 2021
“Could we then expect the Government to pursue governance, rejecting the subjective ban on burials of Covid – 19 patients who die…”
Freedom of belief and religion is a Human Right but customs and rituals related to disposing dead bodies are not a part of human rights.
The Government followed WHO Guidelines. Even among Buddhists there are people who want to bury their relatives performing traditional religious customs. But they understood the gravity of the problem country is facing and accepted the decision taken by the Government to cremate.
Unfortunately, ‘MODA’ Muslims who live in Stone Age cannot understand that cremation is the ‘Zero Risk’ option.
Easton Scott / February 24, 2021
Dinesh Aiiya, you are a bloody disgrace to Sri Lankans, that great school which nurtured you through your early years, and your politically astute family.
How can you justify spewing out all these vacuous denials? And how can you bring yourself to consort with the pack of fleas in whose hands the fate of Sri Lanka currently rest?
I’ll say it again, you have no shame, and are a bloody disgrace.
leelagemalli / February 24, 2021
Bro ES,
I would not call him ” aiya”. That is really an insult to our good sinhalaya. Dinesh the NASAL voice of the SLPP maralaya is no better to Wimal Buruwanse or the like minded men of current GoSL. He was born to a good family, but for some reasons, his was tamed by Medamulana rascals.
Looking back, I feel this should have something to do with sinhala genetics.
Simon / February 24, 2021
Dear LL: Of course, it is “GENETICS”. You perhaps know how his father, that “Boralugoda Sinhaya”, Phillip, and his uncle Rober Gunawardane “ABANDONED” the “Left Movement” of Sri Lanka and “SURRENDERED” to the “Reactionary Forces” in search of “Comforts” in “Cabinet Minister”.portfolios. Many more facts to state as to how those “Left” stalwarts “BETRAYED” that “Peoples’ Movement”, but just not appropriate at this juncture. That “History”, I will not forget.
Eagle Eye / February 24, 2021
Easton Scott,
Is telling the truth and exposing bloody lies of Tamil Diaspora to the International community a disgrace?
“…you are a bloody disgrace to Sri Lankans…”
RAVI PERERA / February 24, 2021
Eastonan Thanbi,
Do you expect Dinesh Aiyya to accept the lie of 40,000 killed. Red cross, USA and UK defence attaches put the number at 7300. They also say 1/3rd of the dead are Tigers.
Which number do you want Dinesh aiyya to accept
Native Vedda / February 26, 2021
Sinhala Speaking Demela
“Do you expect Dinesh Aiyya to accept the lie of 40,000 killed.”
Forget all your silly fellows.
I understand Hindians flew their latest fighter/bombers over northern part of this island, circling tiny islands, many times over, …… you are lucky they didn’t drop chapati floor this time around, …………….. Then of course nobody knows the purpose of this extremely secretive mission.
When you visit your friends in that foreign mission, ask them why they didn’t drop any chapati floor.
Do you think those planes were on arms smuggling mission?
If proven, get Prince of Darkness Weerasekera, Gunaratna and Shavendra sacked.
Did they offer you a good cup of Masala Tea?
Mallaiyuran / February 24, 2021
I said earlier that any resolution is a defeat to Royal Aanduwa. Any resolution without referral to UN SC is a defeat to Tamils as it will not allow any new initiation until 2022. Yahapalanaya refused to implement Resolution 30/1. I am not sure in what grounds Tamils to expect anything to happen with passing a resolution like that once again. But the sad part on Lankawe is even if they win in this sitting, the annual parade to Geneva is unlikely go away from them. The Quveni ghost is likely to continue to possess them. So it cannot be the final victory. The victory may solve nothing at home, but loss will certainly cost the provincial election, if they conduct one. If the loss of UNHRC is not costing the election economy, Finance, China- other countries tug of war, Tamil – Muslims rights and the Covid-19…….. will do it. So, Denesh’ video to UNHRC is only a show piece here, but not to achieve anything for Royals.
Other side, the Tamils need not be predicted, it is a sure loss this time. So, for few days there is chance for Royals to eat Kiribath. Last two years America was not in the show. This time they are only spectators. I believe with the next election at the end of the year, they could be back in at UNHRC.
Mallaiyuran / February 24, 2021
If America is back in, will it change the resolution’s nature, i.e. just extending the resolution 30/1 (or below it). America said just before the sitting, that if HC Bachelet’s report is adopted, they would follow it. So far America is the only country has enforced travel ban on Rapist Army officials. So one can expect, minimum that is to be extended on more officials. Lankawe is not ordinary planners. They stay ahead of the game. Their fear is about West stopping their exports. That was the reason Old Chitanta government was negotiating with China to take over the tea Estate. Now they have made a deal with China to market retail tea there. One is, it cannot be big export & the other is, Chinese are unlikely to change over to foreign tea. Chinese stores market many variation & flavors of their tea. Lankawe cannot be that much creative to compete in Retail tea Industry. During Chitanta, Lankawe wanted to relabel the garments in China and sell it in West. That may not go well with GSP+. But it would work when Lankawe lose its GSP+. If they find out a solution to the exporting problem to West, they may puff off Indian trade. Other than Vietnam, nobody else effective get off American war and sanctions.
Sugandh / February 24, 2021
Minister Dinesh Gunawardene could not have written this in good conscience having disregarded the long history of State-run terror in Sri Lanka.
When one states a bunch of things without any regard for the historical realities and the context in which those events transpired, then its just a futile exercise that’s not conducive to truth, accountability, and reconciliation.
Eagle Eye / February 24, 2021
This dumbo did not tell the most important things to the members of UNHRC such as:
• Tamils in Sri Lanka are not an indigenous ethnic minority.
• A large majority of Tamils in Sri Lanka are descendants of Dravida laborers brought from Hindusthan by colonial rulers.
• After colonial rulers left leaving the Dravida laborers in Sri Lanka, Sinhalayo gave them citizenship and allowed them to live in Sri Lanka.
• During British rule, Tamils in Yapanaya received special treatment and absorbed into Government service in large numbers.
• At the time Sri Lanka gained Independence these Tamils were one of the most privileged group in Sri Lanka.
• From the time Sri Lanka gained Independence this group promoted separatism and passed a resolution to create a separate State for Tamils based on a bogus claim ‘Traditional Homeland’.
• These separatists asked Tamils to take up arms and fight until they achieve the objective leading to the formation of the terrorist group called Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
• LTTE terrorists killed civilians using suicide bombers, claymore bombs, multi-barrel guns and chemical weapons.
• LTTE recruited about 3000 children as combatants and put cyanide capsules in their neck.
• LTTE had a separate civilian combat force in addition to LTTE cadres.
Native Vedda / February 26, 2021
Eagle Blind Eye
I am told Hindians are planning to drop some chapati floor sacks in the North.
You should stop your boring complaints and go to North protect the northern airspace.
I am sure all your senior Rana-viruses may be looking for big fat Tamil bumps to hide. Two or three people can hide inside Sambanda’s Vesty.
N. Perera / March 1, 2021
Eagle Eye everything that you are pointing out 100% true.
Tamil from the north / February 24, 2021
This Dinesh Gunawardene is a scumbag racist from the south. Buggers like him are a disgrace to this country.
RAVI PERERA / February 25, 2021
Great man indeed, fought against the merger of North East and also against federalism
Native Vedda / February 26, 2021
The Sinhala Speaking Demela
“Great man indeed, fought against the merger of North East and also against federalism”
It is another exaggerated claim, perhaps another myth, like the one in which Sinhala/Buddhist believe they fought the British and won independence.
Sarath N Silva was the Chief justice who heard the de-merger case. He listened to the petitioners Champika and Somawansa, didn’t allow the other party to plead their case to retain merger. His judgement was to de-merge it into two provinces.
In this island everything is possible, this is a land of opportunity for the crooks, murderers, drug dealers, thugs, saffron brigades, war criminals, child molesters, ……..
muggers, arsonists, ……
How is the Masala tea at your friends places?
RBH59 / February 24, 2021
There is stament said justification for the virus can be transmitted by burial. Other than World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines which permit burials for people who die from COVID. Why not Say and do something positive that will help the situation.
Hiding or cover up something in such a way that it then is discovered and will be spoken at the last session of this meetings
Easton Scott / February 24, 2021
The video has been pulled by “the owner” apparently……. a wag commented in Sinhala, Dinesh Aiiyat boru kiyala, dan goo bayai!!!
Youtube carries the video, but the comments are also neutered, apparently also by “the owner”
Why is our doughty FM, the Lion Cub of Boralugoda peeing his pants like this?
Old Philip G must be turning in his grave, the poor boralugoda sinhaya.
Captain Morgan / February 24, 2021
Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister says that because we are battling the Covid-19 global pandemic, all countries should focus mainly on that problem and drop the human rights issues and other matters raised in the OHCHR Report. Adopting such a position would render the UNHRC redundant and the next logical step would be to disband this organization as it would have no more work to do.
Furthermore, this kind of logic is applied selectively. Whenever the SL Government wishes to implement some program it has set its heart on (typically obnoxious), its attitude is “To hell with the Covid-19 pandemic” and it will not consider the virus as an obstacle!
hanchopancha / February 24, 2021
His distinguished Audience is far more intelligent and knowledgeable of the world than he thinks and knows. They are too smart for him to hoodwink his audience. He descends from a family who sold the entire left movement lock stock and barrel purely for selfish reasons. Dinesh G. has followed his family genes. How unfortunate the Srilankans are to heading down and down the Perdition.
Lester / February 24, 2021
“This led to the compromising of national security to a point of reviving terrorist acts on Easter Sunday 2019 causing the deaths of hundreds.”
This is the real conflict. The international community does not like a military leader of a 3rd world country running the country (Presidency). They automatically assume this guy (Gota) is a war criminal. The real goal of the IC is not to investigate “war crimes” but to generate enough negative publicity and other pressure to make Gota step down. Tamil lobbies (Diaspora) also see the opportunity here. If Ranil can be elected, it will be free reign for “federalism”, the first step to “Eelam.” Luckily, the Easter attacks woke up the majority Sinhala voters, who see through this charade & fully support Gota.
Native Vedda / February 26, 2021
“They automatically assume this guy (Gota) is a war criminal.”
No, he has been a war criminal since 1987.
Why would anyone assume anything about persons.
Now tell us who was in charge of dead squads in the south?
Who the people running those teams?
How did army officers managed to settle in the US?
Now your are trying very hard to be very silly.
Native Vedda / February 26, 2021
” the Easter attacks woke up the majority Sinhala voters, who see through this charade & fully support Gota.”
Do you know why most bartered women always stay with their abusive partners. Voting for Gota is like that or most voters are masochists.
Raj-UK / February 24, 2021
Is it irony or sarcasm when a speech in defence of atrocities & human rights abuses committed concludes with a Buddhist quotation that all beings to be free from suffering, pain & ill health?
After all, those offering such goodwill to all can’t be that bad?
Thanga / February 25, 2021
At the ‘Aluth Parlimenthuwa’ program on Derana TV 0n 10 February 2021, Sarath Weerasekera presented this information. Rajasingham
285,000 houses were built by the government. Pray where did he get this figure? The Indian government built 40,000 houses and the Yahapalana government built an additional 30,000 houses towards the tail end of its term. Thus the total about 70,000. After the war was over Basil Rajapaksa told reporters the government is not in a position even to rebuild a single house damaged during the war for lack of funds!
594 Child soldiers were liberated, rehabilitated and handed over to their parents. This is a blatant lie. There were no child soldiers but there were non-combatant underaged boys and girls who helped in cooking, delivering meals etc.
20,011 hectares of private land were handed over to the owners. As of May 2009, the army occupied 29,531 acres of private land. Out of this 3526 acres of land is still under the occupation of the army.
Thanga / February 25, 2021
At the ‘Aluth Parlimenthuwa’ program on Derana TV 0n 10 February 2021, Sarath Weerasekera presented this information. Rajasingham
285,000 houses were built by the government. Pray where did he get this figure? The Indian government built 40,000 houses and the Yahapalana government built an additional 30,000 houses towards the tail end of its term. Thus the total about 70,000. After the war was over Basil Rajapaksa told reporters the government is not in a position even to rebuild a single house damaged during the war for lack of funds!
594 Child soldiers were liberated, rehabilitated and handed over to their parents. This is a blatant lie. There were no child soldiers but there were non-combatant underaged boys and girls who helped in cooking, delivering meals etc.
20,011 hectares of private land were handed over to the owners. As of May 2009, the army occupied 29,531 acres of private land. Out of this 3526 acres of land is still under the occupation of the army.
On the other hand, the government has killed more than 300 LTTE surendees who surrendered to the 57th Division of the army. Women were raped. The government is refusing to investigate war crimes committed by the army and LTTE.