The United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world—more even than China or Russia. Prof. Daniel J. D’Amico explains that as of 2010 more than 1.6 million people were serving jail sentences in America. Professor D’Amico suggests that “prisons are not what we think about when we think of America, and they shouldn’t have to be.” According to D’Amico, a free country should not have 1.6 million people in prison, and a fiscally responsible country cannot afford to. As Prof. D’Amico points out, it is time for Americans to recognize that the U.S. criminal justice system is desperately in need of reform.
gamini / August 23, 2012
I believe the world is coming to a point to separate society in to countries not of origin but on character. All the Crooks and Killers into one country. All the Religious and those who are enamoured of the past to another country. All the Good Humoured and Simpleton without Bigotry in to another. All the Capitalists in to another and all the Socialist and Communists yet to another. WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD THIS WOULD BE.
Nirosh / August 23, 2012
And where shall we put perverted MARA and his retinue of crooks?
gamini / August 24, 2012
Underground, for the safety of the other crooks and killers.
Bruno Umbato / August 24, 2012
What a country , self appointed champion of the human rights ….. The country is still not happy with the crown of being the country in prison population … Greed has no limits … They are now trying to get Julian Asange (wilkieleaks) into the heaven …