A group of 54 academics have issued a statement condemning an unnamed ‘group of individuals led by ex-military personnel’ for ‘belligerent statements directed at public officials and academics.’
The signatories claim that this group “had proclaimed before the media that individuals who are supportive of a new Constitution ought to be considered as ‘traitors’ acting against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. Such individuals, it was further stated, ought to be held accountable for their ‘traitorous’ acts in a court of law and punished with death and that action will be taken against them at a future date when a new political leadership assumes power.”
They have also referred to a newspaper article where ‘the Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) and senior academic Dr. Deepika Udagama, has been castigated as an individual who, together with certain NGOs, acts as a spokesperson for the LTTE, determined to undermine the Sri Lankan military.’
The signatories believe that such statements ‘are not only threats directed at the life and liberty of the Chairperson of the HRCSL,’ but ‘amount to threats levelled at all public officials, academics and citizens of this country who subscribe to political opinions different to those who utter such statements.’
The full text of the statement is given below:
University Academics Condemn the Incendiary Statements against HRCSL
As members of the academic community in Sri Lanka, we are appalled by the increasing belligerence with which certain individuals appear to be making statements directed at public officials and academics of the country.
It has been many months now since a certain group of individuals, led by ex-military personnel, had proclaimed before the media that individuals who are supportive of a new Constitution ought to be considered as ‘traitors’ acting against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. Such individuals, it was further stated, ought to be held accountable for their ‘traitorous’ acts in a court of law and punished with death and that action will be taken against them at a future date when a new political leadership assumes power.
Such statements, which have been given wide publicity in the media, have been made with impunity especially over the past few months. Video recordings of such statements are also widely available on the internet.
The most recent articulation of this dangerous and reprehensible trend comes in the form of a news report published in the Mawbima newspaper of 29 June 2018, whereby the Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) and senior academic Dr. Deepika Udagama, has been castigated as an individual who, together with certain NGOs, acts as a spokesperson for the LTTE, determined to undermine the Sri Lankan military. Dr. Udagama has also been accused of preventing the Sri Lankan military personnel from joining the Peacekeeping Forces of the United Nations (UN). We note that the HRCSL has issued a response against this baseless accusation that appeared earlier in an English-language newspaper.
Statements such as the above are not only threats directed at the life and liberty of the Chairperson of the HRCSL. They amount to threats levelled at all public officials, academics and citizens of this country who subscribe to political opinions different to those who utter such statements. These statements, which are of a hateful and defamatory character, amount to threats that endanger human life and personal safety and are thus punishable under the law. Furthermore, it needs to be stated albeit reluctantly, that this criminal and fascist mentality, which seeks to threaten individuals with death for holding different political opinions, is unfortunately gaining traction within segments of our society.
Given the extreme and pernicious nature of these statements, we urge the Government to take immediate action to stop individuals and groups from making such hateful statements which threaten the life of public officials, academics and fellow citizens of Sri Lanka. It is also incumbent upon the Speaker and the Constitutional Council to step in to protect public officials such as the Chairperson of the HRCSL who are appointed to Commissions under their aegis. We also urge media institutions in the country to act ethically and responsibly and desist from publishing such inflammatory statements which threaten the life and limb of individuals, at least in future.
As members of the academic community, we have come together to condemn these hateful statements, despite our different political positions, since we believe that the ability to disagree without resorting to violence, intimidation and demagoguery should be a basic principle in a democratic and civilized society.
Statement has been endorsed by the following:
- Prof Sarath B.S Abayakoon, University of Peradeniya
- Emeritus Professor Jayadeva Uyangoda, University of Colombo
- Prof O.G Dayaratne-Banda, University of Peradeniya
- Prof Sumathy Sivamohan, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Ramya Kumar, University of Jaffna
- Dr Sudesh Mantileke, University of Peradeniya
- Prof Gamini Keerawella, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Samanmala Dorabawila, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Harshana Rambukwella, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Prof A. Navaratne-Bandara, University of Peradeniya (Retd.)
- Chetana Karunatilaka, University of Peradeniya
- Dr R Ramesh, University of Peradeniya
- Prof Upul Abeyratne, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Kalana Senaratne, University of Peradeniya
- Prof Carmen Wickramagamage, University of Peradeniya
- Emeritus Professor Kamala Liyanage, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Ranga Kalugampitiya, University of Peradeniya
- Emeritus Prof Savitri Goonesekere, University of Colombo
- Dr Shyamani Hettiarachchi, University of Kelaniya
- Dr Dinesha Samararatne, University of Colombo
- Prof Theodore Fernando, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Dr Athula Samarakoon, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Dr G. Bandarage, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Dileepa Witharana, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Dr Shavindra Dias, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Harini Amarasuriya, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Dr Anil Jayantha Fernando, University of Sri Jayawardenapura
- Prof K.K.I.U Aruna Kumara, University of Ruhuna
- Prof Prabhath Jayasinghe, University of Colombo
- Mahendran Thiruvarangan, University of Peradeniya
- Dr. S. Jeyasankar, Eastern University
- N.G.A Karunatilaka, University of Kelaniya
- Dr Kaushalya Perera, University of Colombo
- Prof Dileni Gunawardene, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Mahim Mendis, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Dr Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri, University of Colombo
- Dr Ruvan Weerasinghe, University of Colombo
- Dr Ranil Abayasekera, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Kumari Jayawardene, University of Colombo (Retd.)
- Dr Ramila Usuf, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Nalini Hennayake, University of Peradeniya
- Prof Priyan Dias, University of Moratuwa
- Emeritus Professor P. Wickramagamage, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Kanchuka Dharmasiri, University of Peradeniya
- Dr A. Rameez, Southeastern University
- Dr S.N. Morais, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Prof Camena Gunaratne, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Prof Charmalie Abayasekera, University of Peradeniya
- Dr Chandana Aluthge, University of Colombo
- Prof Rohan Fernando, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Dr Farzana Haniffa, University of Colombo
- Prof Premakumara de Silva, University of Colombo
- Dr Pavithra Kailasapathy, University of Colombo
- Madhubashini Dissanayake Ratnayake, University of Sri Jayawardenapura
Steve / July 11, 2018
“A group of 54 academics have issued a statement condemning an unnamed ‘group of individuals led by ex-military personnel’ for ‘belligerent statements directed at public officials and academics.” . Why don’t they disclose the names of this group or report them to the relevant departments so that appropriate action can be taken by law enforcement authorities.
Burt / July 12, 2018
“ex-military personnel’ for ‘belligerent statements”
As academics they should have known better. What did they expect from 8th grade drop-outs?
“Why don’t they disclose the names of this group or report them to the relevant departments so that appropriate action can be taken by law enforcement authorities.”
Are you joking? Modawansa wanted parliament bombed and no action was taken: you have misunderstood Sri Lanka for a developed country.
Don Stanley / July 12, 2018
This is statement is giving more publicity to the “group of ex-military personnel’ for ‘belligerent statements – which we have not heard!
Sounds like a publicity stunt for Madam Dipika by academics who also want publicity and Fake Aid for HR hot air. These “academics” should be protesting bigger issues – like the PM’s Bondscam and also educating masses on the USAID funded CIABOC scam that has ruled that MPs selling duty free SUVs is fine!
The US funded CIABOC and Bribery Commission is a joke and Corruption racket – that is also protecting US Citizen Gota from the Avant Guard Investigation by undermining its own investigation. This is the BIG STORY.
[edited out]
Dinuk / July 13, 2018
Bondscam Ranil has corrupted the Police Commission and Bribery Commission (CIABOC). HRCSL and Deepika are Ranil stooges and lame Ducks of a FAKE DEMOCRACY.
Bondscam Ranil in addition to looting Central bank and Sri Lankan airlines and other public institutions with “fake advice” from IMF and MCC in Washington which is crashing the Lankan rupee and magnifying debt trap, is blocking corruption investigations of Mahinda Jarapassa family and cronies.
Bond Ranil Believes in the Parliamentary privilege to loot the people of Lanka and manipulate commissions to protect corrupt politicians and FAKE DEMOCRACY. That is why not a single corrupt politician from PP or SLFP or UNP has been convicted in 4 years of Ranil-Sira Jarapalanaya rule.
Radical Ideas / July 12, 2018
This is a very good move as the Govigama Mafia Ruling Elites have given TOTAL FREEDOM to the Racist elements in their hegemonistic system to vilify, to intimidate, issuing racist slurs, threatening of killing and destroying anyone whom they consider is not belonging to their Racist Ethno Religious Fascist ideology. The system is made to use to accept this tribal attitude and the tirades issued against the minority communities are considered norms. The Govi led political parties UNP/SLFP/MEP/JHU/SLPP and the all other Sinhala racist ideologist parties went berserk over the statement of Vijayakala by reminding everyone that its only they who have the power to say anything in freedom. BBS which comes under the direct Govi Mafia controls issued death threats to Muslims openly and have conducted violence pogroms against them and this group, and yet they have not even prosecuted and punished for what they did. At least BBS should be banned since they banned LTTE and others. Former military criminals are being put into the field to play as they like is yet another Govigama manipulation method to keep Controlled Opposition functioning well to keep the “Divide and Rule” strategy working just fine. Lets wait and watch what the Govigama Elites will be doing about this……
Radical Ideas / July 13, 2018
When we dig into the cess pit (SL gov’t and its functioning) we could see the President and the PM are acting in the same way the Rajapakses acted before. The betrayal of Maithree is starkly visible as he is protecting everything that goes against the people. He is together with Ranil, are protecting the entire Rajapakse clan and the biggest blunder is the protection rendered to Gnanasara and the TERRORISM of BBS. Even though there are hundreds of evidence available against BBS+JHU combined TERRORISM, the judiciary and the law enforcement are refusing to implement the law against Anti-Social Organized crimes committed by these groups. This is also putting us to think rather creatively to filter the events, the criminals involved, their connection to the Ruling Elites, by exposing the agenda that is functioning behind it. The way the Govi owned media behaves in supporting the Sinhala Only/ anti Tamil, anti Muslim agenda by publishing racist inflammatory writings to whip up tension between the TAX Payers of this country, speaks very loudly about its evil nature.
Radical Ideas / July 13, 2018
Maithree and his pro Sinhala Racist attitude is the real nature that he hid all along until he became the President. The Govigama media speaheaded by Divaina and Lankadeepa (in print) solely carried out the Islamiphobia campaign in its Mass Social Engineering program to fix the MINDS of the Sinhala to get ready for onslaught which is going on against the Muslims particularly. Mawbima, Rivira and all other Sinhala Govi owned media put their bit into the WAR ON ISLAM by continuously writing and publishing materials depicting and portraying Muslims negatively pulling in wide variety of issues and by blowing them into out of propotion (out of context). They gave to BBS Gnanasara, JHU Champika’s, Gammanpila’s and other ilks connected to this evil project, their fake opinions a prominant role. Our question is : WHY DO THEY (Govigama Elites) HAVE TO do all these darstardly things against the MUSLIMS? It was also given an Accelarated Role for the events to happen at a fast pace…..WHY???????
Ajay / July 11, 2018
Sarath Weerasekara and other ex-military upstarts are a bunch of jokers. They think because they “won” the war by slaughtering tens of thousands of starving and sick civilians they’re little brown Napoleons. The descendants of Shakyamuni and the little wannabe American Psycho Gota are prodding these idiots to make statements that cannot be tolerated in any society that claims to be democratic. They should be punished for subversion and hate speech. They should be also given basic education on the pluralist nature of Sri Lankan society, on human rights, and on right conduct according to an enlightened man who lived in India long time ago called the Buddha.
Rohan Gunaratne / July 11, 2018
This reverse admiral moron is a bloody butcher.
He should be dealt.with existing laws and punished asap.
I hope Ranil is listening
wannihami / July 12, 2018
Oh yes Rohan Gunarathne, I am sure you were up in the North and East fighting the war, while 29000 troops died and 14,000 were maimed permanently doing what, playing games? Don’t you feel even a little bit guilty referring to the people who were risking their lives as morons and butchers, so that you can live without fear of bombs for the rest of your life? Shame on you sir!
Nimal / July 13, 2018
I too have lost several people in the forces, one or two of them were very top officers form my mum and dad’s side and a particular officer was a very high ranking officer related by marriage to my two brothers who were married from the same Kandyan clan.I am glad that the separatist rebels were defeated which is the duty of the arm forces directed and helped by the elected government.
This doesn’t mean that some in the forces could break the rules of engagement by committing excesses which we saw in several tv documentaries. If we respect the rules of war then we must have a credible investigation and punish the people who have done wrong.
Perhaps you don’t live in the island but I do with my hard earned investments. There is a divide and rule policy in the island where the politicians and sadly some in the uniform seems to be above the law.Just because the war was won must not allow some people to profit from it or take unfair advantage. It is now a hopeless situation in the country for the citizens where rule of law is severely restricted where some criminals will never be brought to justice for their crimes.
I had to berate a high ranking police officer for violating and being a bad example on the road, the way he was driving, which was not on and emergency call. They along with other high officials doesn’t obey the simple traffic regulations that is there for the safety of everyone. They seems to toot at the pedestrian crossings expect the people to give away and now this bad example is followed by the public as well, especially the bus drivers. There’s lawlessness in the country in all levels and we must stop this without giving excuses and without exempting some. In a cultured and civilized society no person is above the law and this law must be universal.
Desmond Fernando / July 14, 2018
What happened to Manawadu who dragged SF to the Prison. A Rafter from his Roof fell upon him and was killed. These bastards will have a similar fate; though their days are numbered GOD knows when to punish. The more they’re out (like Viagra Vimale, 100Rs Gommanpila,Murderous Gota , Kudu Lansa and host of other Rajapakses and their cohorts)they suffer daily without any Power and Authority which is the most suffering thing on earth. When you look at them, vengeance is in their DNA and finally they will succumbed to it.
Lakshman / July 17, 2018
The man once in charged of naval camp in south orchestred brutal assault on villages surround the camp .bogus war hero .
Estate Labourer / July 11, 2018
“…….since we believe that the ability to disagree without resorting to violence, intimidation and demagoguery should be a basic principle in a democratic and civilized society.”
Statement by University Academics.
Correction by a humble estate labourer:
“since we believe that the right to disagree without being threatened by violence, intimidation and demagoguery should be a basic principle in a democratic and civilized society.’
wannihami / July 12, 2018
Hahaha, Estate laborer you punched the academics where it hurts most, !
Native Vedda / July 13, 2018
“Estate laborer you punched the academics where it hurts most, !”
Where did it hurt you?
Since you have been defending Gota’s every act of human rights violation, threat, and war crimes pretending being a non partition compassionate human being Estate Labour must have covertly targeted you.
You never understood to read between lines.
oldcodger / July 11, 2018
Less than a handful from Kelaniya and SJU. Why? Is it a pointer to the political inclinations of these two universities?
Native Vedda / July 12, 2018
It seems this public racist is a regular visitor to Geneva, at least three times a year. Who is paying for his trips? Perhaps the Sinhala/Buddhist fascist diaspora may be funding this man and Dr Gotler for their forth coming war against democracy, pluralism, secularism, equality, respect for dignity, …………………………?
Have you packed your bags ready?
Rabiah Ruban / July 12, 2018
You forgot moratuwa. They have better things to do. Most of the names here are connected to NGO’s.
wannihami / July 12, 2018
Yes Ruban some like S. Gunesekare being in the list speaks volumes of the intent.
old codger / July 13, 2018
” They have better things to do”
What better things? Like lying low and getting paid at the end of the month? Like letting their “students” block the roads every day?
Is NGO a 4-letter word in your opinion? Any outfit that is not run by the state is an NGO. Would you like everybody to be like Lake House or Sri Lankan Airlines?
wannihami / July 12, 2018
Not very many from other Universities either oldcodger..this looks more and more like trying to create a mountain out of mole hill
Mallaiyuran / July 11, 2018
Who are these learned guys? How can Deepika have a political opinion of her own and Rear Admirable Weerakuddy, the pants and shirt wearing Afghani donkey, denying that right?
HRCSL is a government department; Deepika is paid by Appe Aanduwa. Deepika’s security is Yahapalanaya’s responsibility. Even Sumanthiran getting STF Protection; is there anybody objecting that for Deepika? If they do so why are they doing?
The matters are so simple; but it is the ones who are in that making those complicated. OISL said 42 leaders and commanders are War Criminals. UN and UNHRC should have acted on that. They wanted to save the 42 war Criminal. That is the first action making the things complicated. Lankawe is adamant not to implement the resolution 30/1. Theo Who and why this two years extension is given to Lankawe? So, those criminals who are outside of prison are feeling that they are safe always and everywhere.
Like Thero was to Old King One time, now the Rear Admirable Weerakkuddy to the Hitler wants to be. Lankawe Hitler’s name was in the 42 Criminals list, as per Weerawansa. Probably Rear Admirable’s name’s is there too. If the UNHRC take is action, then they both are supposed to sit on the UN electric Chair. Yahapalanaya is the Government which doing its best to prevent any action against the 42 criminals. Then why is the Erudite Imbeciles writing a letter to Yahapalanaya? What a thief’s mom will do if asked the where the thief is? Isn’t it all that what Yahapalanaya is doing? Will these guys send this to UNHRC and UN, if they are serious, instead to Yahapalanaya?
Eagle Eye / July 12, 2018
USA that took the leadership to push UNHRC Resolution against Sri Lanka now says UNHRC is a ‘cesspool’. So why should Sri Lankan Government take this resolution seriously. LTTE supporters want to hang on to this resolution because they are keen to punish the Sri Lankan Armed Forces for defeating LTTE and eliminating their leader.
Mallaiyuran / July 12, 2018
If you had taken everything else seriously, but wants to ignore only UNHRC, then that is fine. If UNHRC is trying to hang you for having Pirapaharan killed, then that is fine, too. But, you with all the lies, corruption and fraud you having destroyed one of the Asia’s flourishing economies (in the 1950) alone, don’t you think you all have to be hanged without mercy?
Don’t’ foolishly write repeatedly things without reading; UN Ambassador Nikky Hailey clearly said that Lankawe like cesspool counties, who have extensively committed crimes and human right violations in every aspects of human life are part of the UNHRC. That is why UNHRC is cesspool and America wants to leave.
If you want to ignore UNHRC because of US’s evaluation then be aware that you are going to respect US’s other comment of that too. US Ambassador have said to Ranil, Old King, New King, CV, Sampanthar ……that Lankawe still have to implement its promise of Resolution 30/1. That is also US’s word. You better do it or face UNSC,’s sanctions. That is not a cesspool organization and you appear to be agreeing on that.
(You area foolish childish talker man.)
Eagle Eye / July 12, 2018
Nothing will happen at UNSC because Russia and China will veto. That is the reason why Tamil Diaspora do not want to take this matter to UNSC. Even if UNSC impose sanctions Demalu will be the losers. Sinhalayo will start a campaign to boycott everything produced by Demalu. Demalu want Sinhalayo to survive but Sinhalayo can survive without Demalu.
Mallaiyuran / July 13, 2018
” Demalu want Sinhalayo to survive but Sinhalayo can survive without Demalu. “
Is that why you are asking for Lankawe and Sampanthar asking for Ceylon (Ekaya Rajya)?
They say in Tamil the Donkey is doing dog’s job. But, here it seems to be a Afghani’s Donkey’s tail curling like a dog’s tails.
Native Vedda / July 14, 2018
Eagle Blind Eye
“So why should Sri Lankan Government take this resolution seriously. “
Its a good idea.
Please ignore UNHRC at your own peril.
Does sanctions sound familiar?
K.Pillai / July 11, 2018
The 54 signatories represent the thinking of the silent Lankan majority.
We are sure Prof SSM Ismail (former VC South Eastern University and brand new sparkling MP) would have signed.
So would have Prof Ananda Samarasekara, SAITM’s Professor and Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine
And the former academic Dr Dayan Jayatilleke?
Robert Fernando / July 11, 2018
These so-called pseudo patriots are the curse of the country and its democracy. They forget that it is the government which appointed a committee to find out from the length & breadth of the country whether the country needed a new constitution and the overwhelming majority did say that it needed a new constitution with much needed people’s rights and freedoms enshrined in it but removing the authoritarian features of the present constitution. They did keep their mouth shut when the committee went round seeking views and submitted its report. These ‘patriots kept mum and now try to threaten others. In fact by their statements they are really threatening the entire Members of Parliament as it is they who decided to form into a constitutional assembly to make a new constitution for the country!
Ajay / July 12, 2018
I absolutely agree with you. Further, the people gave a very clear mandate to formulate a new constitution at the 2015 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections. So as you say this is actually a brazen threat. These upstart elements are intimidating the whole country in their pursuit of naked power. Since the end of the war, these pseudo heroes have been spurring a destructive racist triumphalism in the country to achieve their sinister goals. First they refused, ably assisted by misguided Buddhist monks and ideologues like Dayan Jayatilleke, to ease military dominance in postwar North by overblowing the threat of a possible return by the LTTE. People in the south couldn’t see the potential danger to democracy in the country as a whole. They just cheered blindly. Now this neo-fascist group is turning its attention to the south to subjugate the Sinhalese people. They have already intimidated Maithri’s administration, the parliamentarians and the judiciary, and now it’s the turn of the civil society to be silenced. They want to gag all independent voices in Sinhalese community. They want to shutdown any efforts to strengthen democracy in the country through a new constitution, by making false claims about threats to sovereignty and territorial integrity. They threaten all those who don’t fall in line with their agenda as traitors working for the LTTE. This is the hallmark of fascism. This is exactly what Prabakaran did to the Tamil community before he brought them under his fascist boots and throttled them for 30 long years: he labelled whoever dissented as traitors and just removed them from the scene.
Hela / July 13, 2018
People NEVER gave a mandate for a new constitution. They never gave a mandate for a fake “unity govt” concocted by bringing in defeated candidates through the back door as national list members either. It is this fake “unity” governing junta that tries to undermine and subjugate peoples will with the support of the (un)civil society including the list of PhDs here. A backlash against such forgery would be inevitable. I can get a PhD like this with the right payment too. That doesn’t mean anything though in Sri Lanka a myth has been created so that these buggers could masquerade as elite owners of wisdom which they are not.
Native Vedda / July 13, 2018
“People NEVER gave a mandate for a new constitution.”
Even the asses are relatively well informed.
Read Manifestos 2015:
United National Front for Good Governance (UNFGG)
Constitution: A new constitution to further strengthen democracy, bring equality and restore good governance through discussions with all parties. Strengthen the
Fundamental Rights Chapter
Constitutional Council: to be renamed as the State Council and composed of the Speaker, Prime Minister, Opposition Leader and Civil Society representatives.
New Constitutional Court
Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP)
Constitution: A new constitution to restore democracy and freedom respecting all nationalities within 1 year through a referendum.
United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA)
Constitutional Council will be established in 1
when manifestos were published for 2015 elections where were you keeping your head? Was Wimal Sangili Karuppan sitting on your brain?
Native Vedda / July 14, 2018
I am sorry I forgot to remind you of a quote(s) which I thought is most appropriate and fitting tribute to your inability to source your typing.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.
Mark Twain, Abraham Lincoln, Old Chinese Proverb, …………………
Next time around please factcheck before start typing.
Native Vedda / July 14, 2018
Its alright you can come out now from your hiding place, the tree house under your bed, behind your mum’s back.
People do make mistakes.
soma / July 12, 2018
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
Native Vedda / July 12, 2018
This is by far the brilliant defense of the public racist Rear Admiral Dr Sarath Weerasekara.
Keep up your great work
soma / July 13, 2018
You wouldn’t believe this.
What I wrote was
“If A calls B a traitor B in return can call A a traitor. C can decide”
No names. No implied four letters.
I am still confused.
Native Vedda / July 13, 2018
“I am still confused.”
I am sorry you are always confused and paranoid. You are not sure about yourself. You have this fear of being deported back to your ancestral mother country and that one day you may find yourself back in South India.
We will deport only the racists, bigots, thieves, murderers, war criminals, crooks, rapist, drug dealers, ………………….
Lankan / July 12, 2018
After all; many dons in Sri Lanka.are fake academics..
Hela / July 12, 2018
Threat of violence against individuals cannot be condoned. At the same time it is a well known fact that some of those PhDs actively engaged in weakening SL state facilitating it’s disintegration. Even to date they have not uttered anything against victimisation of THEIR political opponents including members of the armed forces who have been put behind bars without trial for long periods under manufactured pretexts using local Gestapo style organs such as FCID/CID. These PhDs need to be defeated politically & ideologically. If anyone of them were engaged in treason that may be punishable under the exiting laws though present defeatist yahapalana junta will not act on it. Hence it will fall on a future patriotic dispensation to act on.
wannihami / July 12, 2018
Hela, absolutely, although Ms. Deepika may have commented on FCIDs violation of human rights the ones on the list of academics are biased totally towards the Yahapalanaya, and by signing this petition they bring down Dr. Deepika’s credibility as well.
Native Vedda / July 13, 2018
“Threat of violence against individuals cannot be condoned.”
When will your dictum become effective, perhaps only when you or Gota decide?
“These PhDs need to be defeated politically & ideologically. “
Does it mean you want every citizen of this island to become moronic Zombie? Good idea. You have no problem you can remain as you are.
Deshamanya / July 12, 2018
A statement by this group of ‘usual suspects’ do not spring any surprises, or more importantly, they do not represent the opinion of the vast majority of Sri Lankans.
These self-appointed academic ‘elites’ seem to expect special treatment for their opinion no matter how different it is from the democratic public opinion of the country. There is no reason for this because, when you look at the group, you find many who would not have been able to become university academics if not for the exodus of the cream of Sri Lankan intelligentsia in the 1980s and 90s, at the height of the war.
These people have all received (or are waiting in line to receive) an American scholarship and have returned brainwashed to spread the American imperialistic bogus human rights value system in our country. Without mentioning names, a reading of the list reveals helps gain their track record during the war and in the events of 3014/15. If the anti-UNHRC statements are ‘incendiary’, their statement is subversive.
These people must shed their America ideological baggage if they want any credibility among the Sri Lankan public Better if they keep silent!
Native Vedda / July 12, 2018
Are you one of the co conspirators of Axis of Weerasekera, Waduge, …………………… Evil?
“These people must shed their America ideological baggage if they want any credibility among the Sri Lankan public Better if they keep silent!”
Would you be happy if the public racist Rear Admiral replicate North Korea in this island? Instead of building a fascist ghetto in this island why don’t you people go to North Korea or Burma?
edwin rodrigo / July 12, 2018
As long as the invaders are not Kalaveddas, I do not mind who they are. The two encroachers in to my ceiling are enough!
Tamil from the north / July 12, 2018
ado Edwin Rodrigo, you call Veddahs invaders? They are the natives of this land. You are an invader not them you bloody scoundrel
Jim softy / July 12, 2018
Tamil from the Frozen Kenedian North. YOu may bark and bray at Sinhala people. but, you are an eternal loser.
Deshamanya / July 12, 2018
As a born and bred Sri Lankan with a 3000 year history behind, I am not going to North Korea, Burma or any other country just because a parangi blow-in asks me to. It is you lot who should go back to where you came from.
We know the Hymie Fifth Column of the US (attempting) empire like you filth are using these American trained so-called Sri Lankan academic elite as cat’s paws.
You can go to hell with them. This is a majority Sinhala Buddhist country.
lac3(rtd) Buddhadasa / July 13, 2018
Really, Mr. social reader, how many names have you got?
And what are you, a Sinhala Buddhist Muslim ?
Sunil Dahanayake / July 12, 2018
I have read the names and their connections with relevant universities and faculties. I have noted that most of these academics are members of the Faculties of Humanities, Arts etc.
I have not seen the names representing other faculties such as Management, Engineering, IT and Medicine. As noted by some body else, there are not many names from the USJ, Kelaniya and Ruhuna.
Some of the these academics, who signed this letter are NGO agents and who are considered to be living in Ivory Towers.
Somapala / July 12, 2018
Sunil D the GOTA sucker
Native Vedda / July 12, 2018
The public racist together with the most unhappy persons ever to have born and walked on this island namely Shenali Waduge and Gunadasa Amarasekara also created a fan club supporting the Burmese Buddhists government’s continued Ethnic Cleansing of Rohingya people.
Please read the following:
Sixty-five-year-old Rtd. Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekara, also a former UPFA MP says he is against the UN resolution cosponsored by the government. “As the Chief Coordinator of the Federation of National Organizations, consisting of experts such as Shenali Waduge, Dharshan Weerasekara, Shamindra Ferdinando, Kalyana Thiranagama and Dr. Wasantha Bandara, I have compiled a dossier with facts, statistics and letters obtained from various diplomats and reports from international NGOs and vetted by former Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva to prove that there were no war crimes committed by the security forces. Another organization, the Global Sri Lankan Forum, headquartered in Dubai is sponsoring their cause to fight against alleged war crimes charges.”
He adds, “I have a list of ‘traitors’ and when a new government takes over, if possible, we will file a case against them for treason. If proved guilty they will be sentenced to death.”
Ceylon Today
A dangerous precedent is being set by the fascist gang.
This man opposes singing Tamil National anthem in public occasions. This loud mouth promised to sue the government and stop that practice altogether.
edwin rodrigo / July 12, 2018
Tamil Anthem: I also oppose the national anthem being sung in Tamil. As everyone knows, there is no SRI in Tamil – only a Jiri. As a result there will be a Jiri Lanka in the anthem, a country that does not exist. This is not acceptable, not only on a poetic basis but because this might harm the country. The phonetics of the anthem form a certain pattern like a Manthra. If you distort one letter, there could be serious repercussions.
I remember Tamils running around in 1956 defacing number plates with a Sri on it. That is the type of idiot we are dealing with here. We need more Lt. Shamals to deal with them. The type of guy who will shoot first and ask questions later.
edwin rodrigo / July 12, 2018
The battle cry of those Tamils was, ,Number yekata Jiri Vana.”
wannihami / July 12, 2018
Thanks Edwin Rodrigo, India does not sing the National anthem in Tamil, or Hindi or Marathi or Gujarati or Malayalam or Telugu or Kannada or Urdu, but in Bengali because it was written in Bengali and the music was set to that version and as you said about the Sri lanka national anthem it is a manthra with the sounds carefully selected so that it is sung in the language it was originally written.
Native Vedda / July 14, 2018
Bengali speakers amounted to 8.03% of the total population according to 2011 census. Why Hindians remain attached to Bengali National Anthem? If we extend your logic we should be singing national anthem in Tamil or Malay.
As usual your bigotry shines through your typing.
When did national anthems become Mantras?
Your parochialism get the worst of you,
Here is Indian national anthem sung in another language:
In order to avoid your bigotry we also should try the above or use Bengali or Esperanto.
Racist, bigots, supremacists, morons, parochialists, majoritarians, fascists………… cannot and will not understand pluralism, unity in diversity, democracy, ………………………………
K.Pillai / July 12, 2018
No Edwin (aka Shamal). There is not only a ‘Sri’ in Tamil but Srimathy too. Do you have the latter?
By the way the ‘Jiri’ your fellow toilet cleaners call you is part of the jokey jokes!
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 13, 2018
Sri and Srimathy are derived from Sanskrit. The correct Tamil words are Thiru and Thirumathy.
SJ / July 12, 2018
There is a saying in Sinhala about “nodanna demala”.
There is a Tamil version, and that is legal and official.
If the pattern is like a Manthra, why did they change “Namo namo maathaa” to “Sri Lanka maathaa”?
The composer committed suicide after that.
Was it perhaps why the country lost its magic in a matter of a decade?
Native Vedda / July 12, 2018
edwin rodrigo Necro Ass
When did anyone in this island start using Sri in front of Lanka?
श्री is Sanskrit word and written in Devanagari not Sinhala, transliterated as Sree, Shri, Shri, Si or Seri .
Dumb asses should know when to type and when not to.
“We need more Lt. Shamals to deal with them.”
Of course, he will rush you to the bottom sooner than you could say your name is dumb ass.
K.Pillai / July 12, 2018
Sunil Dahanayake ~ “……….I have not seen the names representing other faculties such as Management, Engineering, IT and Medicine……..”.
Out of curiosity I googled the very first name. Prof Sarath B.S Abayakoon (former VC, Peradeniya University) was a former Dean, Faculty of Engineering.
So there we are.
wannihami / July 12, 2018
Yes, Sunil, because Scientists and Engineers may not benefit from the Human Rights NGOs for whom most in this list are singing for their supper, what they (the ones on the list) must understand is that if Gota and Pohottuwa comes to power these whiners will have more opportunity to cry to the international bodies with alleged atrocities and get a pay cheque, may be this is just the warming up knowing that Gota will win.
K.Pillai / July 12, 2018
The ‘incendiary’ statement against HRCSL was made by a group led by an ex-army personnel. The group of academics is perturbed and have voiced their concern. It so happens that the Chair of HRCSL is a senior academic.
The Lankan Armed Services and Police have become a law unto themselves and beginning to assert their power. Take example the report in CT of 23 March 2018:
Here the Army Commander Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake tells the President ~ “……..that soldiers had ‘cracked skulls’ and ‘split ears’. I will not punish anyone. All this happened within the framework of operational discipline…..”
Anywhere else in the world such a statement would have resulted in dismissal. What happened? Today’s Daily Mirror”(12 July) says that the President has extended Mahesh’s tenure!
The 54 academics have asked us to wake up.
thrishu / July 12, 2018
I bet these so called academics were hiding under their beds in fear when VP was calling the shots. Ungrateful dogs living on foreigners handouts, who are trying to forget their scary past. Or were they feasting with VP secretly, as his spies in the south?
Native Vedda / July 12, 2018
“I bet these so called academics were hiding under their beds in fear when VP was calling the shots. “
According to published news it was Dr Gota who ran away to foreign country and another 70,000 or more members of armed forces that deserted the service still 25,000 missing.
Those members of armed forces were hiding behind VP’s bum and their female folks when Hindians invaded this island.
By the way where were you hiding, perhaps behind your daughters, wife, grandmas, aunts, sisters, …………………?
We understand, you chose to live in order to fight another day.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / July 12, 2018
Native Vedda,
Why? onl Tamil Diasora should be in Geneva propagating whole some lies as others have no right to counter all sort of bullshit against the annihilation of Terrorist Group LTTE and Prabhakaran?
Rohan Guneratne,
For what purpose government or law enforcers should take action against Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekera beause he is countering lies by Tamil Diaspora and other Racist Thugs on annihilation of LTTE?
K.Pillai / July 12, 2018
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga ~” ………onl Tamil Diasora should be in Geneva propagating whole some lies……”.
Nimal: Lament no more. The ‘Global Sri Lanka Forum’ is doing exactly that in Geneva. The cut outs are in Sinhala!
old codger / July 13, 2018
Nimal Tissa,
“Why? onl Tamil Diasora should be in Geneva propagating whole some lies ?”
Ah, so you admit that fake admiral Weerasekara also went to Geneva to propagate lies?
Native Vedda / July 13, 2018
old codger
“Ah, so you admit that fake admiral Weerasekara also went to Geneva to propagate lies?”
I am sorry Nimal Tissass Wijethungass does not have the deductive reasoning capacity to grasp your point. Please bear with him.
Dr Dayan Jayatilleka / July 12, 2018
Only 54 signatures against this insidious and potentially deadly threat, but 100 against Dayan Jayatilleka’s nomination as ambassador to Russia! Way to go! That’s what I call getting your priorities right!
K.Pillai / July 12, 2018
Dr Dayan Jayatilleka (if the real DJ)
~ “………….100 against Dayan Jayatilleka’s nomination as ambassador……….”.
This nomination never happened!
old codger / July 12, 2018
Dr. DJ,
Aren’t you a faculty member of some campus? Why didn’t YOU sign?
Mallaiyuran / July 12, 2018
Could anybody get out and collected another 100 signatures against an Afghani Donkey? Then it be will 150 signatures.
It was Deepika who should have filed cases against the Rapist Army. She saved the Rapist Army. Because she too claims it is Zero Casualty Humanitarian Rescue Mission. That is even a higher object than Chandrika’s “ war for peace”.
Native Vedda / July 13, 2018
Dr Dayan Jayatilleka
Seriously, when did you realise it is insidious and potentially deadly threat?
There is nothing to discuss about whose fascism is good, Gota’s Sinhala/Buddhist fascism is as bad as the next one.
If you can’t stop it do join them, you will be safe at least during the first few months of purge. Both Dr Sarath and Dr Gota have already promised to punish the traitors.
Jim softy / July 12, 2018
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Jim softy / July 12, 2018
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Jim softy / July 12, 2018
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wannihami / July 12, 2018
Dr. DJ I just gave you a thumbs up just because you are upset! But as I’ve said in another forum under your own article if you really want a plum diplomatic post this is not the way to get about it, you are isolating yourself on that Corinthian Column with only roosting pigeons for company.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / July 13, 2018
K. Pillai,
Yes. All the organisations in Geneva must act against the lies of Global Tamil Forum. Is there anything wrong or any problem to you?
All killed in the final battle in annihilation of LTTE was hardcore LTTE Combatants and that is the truth. Nothing else. Anybody or organisation tries to shore up Terrorists will be in the dust bin of the history.
Burt / July 14, 2018
So if what you say is true, wont it be in the best interest of the country to have an open and impartial inquiry even with international observers and close this file for good.
Are the Sinhalese Buddhists that stupid to understand this?
K A Sumanasekera / July 13, 2018
Gee Whizz….
So many PhDs with so much power at the highest level..
Still Aloysious nicked their Pension Fund Kitty .
And bought 24 A Class Commercial Enterprises in Colombo..
Wonder whether Aloysious will get a PhD like Dr Ranil….
Ajay / July 13, 2018
COOL …. …. now you can use one against the other.
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
– Friedrich Nietzsche
Sunil Dahanayake / July 13, 2018
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Dinuk / July 13, 2018
Bondscam Ranil has corrupted the Police Commission and Bribery Commission (CIABOC). HRCSL and Deepika are Ranil stooges and lame Ducks of a FAKE DEMOCRACY.
Bondscam Ranil in addition to looting Central bank and Sri Lankan airlines and other public institutions with “fake advice” from IMF and MCC in Washington which is crashing the Lankan rupee and magnifying debt trap, is blocking corruption investigations of Mahinda Jarapassa family and cronies.
Bond Ranil Believes in the Parliamentary privilege to loot the people of Lanka and manipulate commissions to protect corrupt politicians and FAKE DEMOCRACY. That is why not a single corrupt politician from PP or SLFP or UNP has been convicted in 4 years of Ranil-Sira Jarapalanaya rule.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / July 13, 2018
All Codger & Native Vedda,
Both have no capacity to understand that “Couter the lies” means to tell the truth.
Kala Vedda and All Codger must be in Angoda as Resident Patients.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / July 13, 2018
All Codger & Native Vedda,
Both have no capacity to understand that “Couter the lies” means to tell the truth.So, REAR ADMIRAL Sarath Weerasekera must be in Geneva to tell the UN the truth.
Kala Vedda and All Codger must be in Angoda as Resident Patients.
oldcodger / July 14, 2018
Nimal Tissa,
“Couter the lies”.
I couldn’t find this word “couter” in my dictionary. Did you just invent it, or is it Chinese?
The comment language on CT is English, dear Nimal T.
Native Vedda / July 14, 2018
Please note Sinhalese are used to Singlish and Tamils are used to Thanglish yet they are proud of their ancestry. On the one hand the first ape spoke Sinhalese and practiced Sinhala/Buddhism according to Sinhalese tradition on the other hand Tamils believe the first ape spoke Tamil and practiced Tamil/Saivam.
However Achchige Patali Champika Ranawaka believes the first ape discovered Zero.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / July 14, 2018
Government forces are formed to give security for internal and external threat to the country and on that basis, it has taken action the Terrorist LTTE and annihilate them for the good of all the people in Sri Lanka.
What is the requirement of an inquiry when somebody from some corner of the world called for it citing reasons as Genocide.
Is Tamil Diasora so stupid to understand that Humanitarian oeration by Armed Forces saved Tamil Masses from Human Shield, Forced Recruitment of children, cyanide capsuel around the neck of suicide bombers, killing of political leaders including so called Tamil political leaders, mayhem across the country, Total disturbance of da to dayy living of all the people of Sri Lanka.
Tamil Diasora has called this as a Genocide because they feel the pain of funds that they have given for Terrorists activities of LTTE WAS GONE WITH THE WIND as a total waste.
Meenachchi / July 15, 2018
Nimal Tissa W,
You say “Is Tamil Diasora so stupid to understand that Humanitarian oeration by Armed Forces saved Tamil Masses from Human Shield,”
If this is true, why didnn’t they vote for Mahinda rajapaksa?
If you were not in the North at that time, you cannot claim to know what happened. People who WERE there are the ones saying that life was safer under the LTTE.
bandara / July 14, 2018
who is this fellow sarath weerasekara who gave this b….. recognition?
anyway Gota’s gang will go into ‘andura’ soon. MR is working aginst him. In one interview recently MR was asked about Gota contesting for presidency, he has told that there is a talk like this but we have not told that and that there are others.
Then again why MR is interested to bring Udayangana (the MIG deallers along with Gota) back to the country No one asked him to …this is a silent threat to Gota
the american ambassadors story—its quite obvious that MR told this story to Vigitharan who is in constant contact with MR since he was released for Gota’s white van kidnapping
Now Kumara Welgama has told there will be a democratic person as the next presidential candidate ……….it goes without saying that it is not Gotas– did Welgamam say this on his own —oh no this was MR’s idea coming from Welgama
Obvously MR at the last minute will say that Gota will not be able to 50% there for we will nominate Basil or Chamal , Gota will have to go back to the filling station — this time with a companion this fellleo Sarath