10 September, 2024


Vasu & Ranil: Fire & Ice

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

They had come from different hemispheres of the night, from different worlds of thought and conduct…“Oh God” said Smiley aloud, “Who was then the gentleman…?” ’
–‘Call for the Dead’, John Le Carre

Vasudeva Nanayakkara simply shouldn’t have said what he did about Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. It was un-parliamentary and unfair. Why then did it happen? What triggered it? What does it all mean and portend?

At one level what it means is that the delay in holding the parliamentary election is utterly unconscionable and unwise. The confrontations in the Northern streets and in the parliament simply mean that the safety valves have to be opened and the head of steam that has built up released by means of an election, or else the points of tension will proliferate and polarization will accelerate.

The clashes on the Northern streets and the verbal clashes in the parliament point to the need for a swift end to this blocked transition. We need a legitimate and broad-based government, and we don’t have one.

When Vasudeva sees Ranil Wickremesinghe, he sees a much larger political and historical obscenity than the one he uttered: an unelected Prime Minister who does not command a majority in the legislature but has embarked upon a course, not of consensus building but of legal repression of the much larger Opposition. He also sees a man with a history of violent suppression of Opposition protests. Therefore, when rudely asked to sit down, he vented.

This situation is only partially the fault of Ranil Wickremesinghe. He was after all, ready for an election any time after April 23 and called for one. What he should have done was to make it the theme and demand of his successful May Day parade and rally. He didn’t and will probably be unable to generate as much momentum again, in order to do so—though he boasted publicly of getting a hundred, two hundred or three hundred thousand marchers to Colombo if he wanted to push elections through.

Ranil’s real fault lies in not conducting himself in a manner that an unelected PM who heads a minority government should. He should have treaded softly, opened a conversation, built consensus, and limited himself to constructive measures. Instead he was arrogant and aggressive in discourse and actions. He has proved himself a riskily polarizing figure once again and thereby contributed to the radicalization of the opposition, including the SLFP—making things rather tricky for President Sirisena.

Ranil is proving counterproductive on more important and quite specific policy fronts: economic, ethnic and external.

The scandal over the Central Bank bonds, with its fallout on the island’s image in the world’s money markets, would have been far less controversial had the PM not appointed a non-Sri Lankan as the head of the country’s Central Bank, resulting in the affront of the country’s currency notes displaying the signature of a non-national.

The growing southern nationalist backlash and the radicalization of populist nationalism, which has its fallout within the SLFP, is not taking place because of President Sirisena or as a reaction against him, but is gaining traction precisely because of those notorious appeasers, Ranil and Chandrika. Against this backdrop, President Sirisena has done well to appoint Champika Ranawaka to the Constitutional Council.

To return to the Vasu versus Ranil controversy, it holds up a mirror before the contemporary political history of Sri Lanka, as well as the choices before us. Vasu and Ranil come from two very different places on the political spectrum. They have travelled on two alternative tracks. They are almost antipodal. They each represent half the story of the last half a century of Sri Lanka’s history.

Ranil and Vasudeva emerged at the same time in global, Asian and Sri Lankan history. They belonged to the generation of the Vietnam War and the April ’71 uprising. The patron saint, the symbol in the sky of youth the world over was Che Guevara. Ranil and Vasu were on opposite sides. For half a century since, Vasu and Ranil have always stood—barring the Accord/JVP interlude of the late 1980s—on opposite sides of the barricades.

This ideological and philosophical polarity cannot be reduced to party politics and the UNP as such. As a young Municipal Councilor in 1957, Ranasinghe Premadasa had toured Russia and China and returned to write a sympathetic booklet. After the April ’71 uprising he attended every sitting of the Criminal Justice Commission proceedings in order to understand what made Wijeweera and the other young rebels tick. Rukman Senanayake wrote a piece in the Indian journal ‘Himmat’ in the early 1970s in which he identified Che Guevara as his hero.

Thus the UNP always contained a socially sensitive, progressive current. Ranil Wickremesinghe was on its opposite side within the party. His caucus within the party’s youth/students front and the Kelaniya branch were hard-core radical right-wingers.

From his political appearance in the very early 1970s, Ranil represented the pro-Western, ruthlessly repressive Rightwing of the UNP—ruthlessly repressive towards Southern opposition and dissent, not towards Northern separatism, that is. The sole exception of this hardcore rightist option was the brief period in which Ranil sought and obtained the support of the Premadasa faction as represented by Sirisena Cooray in 1993-1996 and therefore shifted to a vaguely social democratic stand. Having obtained in 1994, the vital post of UNP organizer for Colombo Central from Cooray, Ranil shafted the latter when he was framed and locked up by Chandrika in 1997.

By stark contrast, since his own emergence at roughly the same time or slightly earlier, Vasudeva always represented the anti-imperialist, socially progressive, populist left. He was jailed by the Sirimavo Bandaranaike regime in 1971 and by the JR Jayewardene regime in 1983. On both occasions the charges were false.

I might add that both Vasu and Mahinda Rajapaksa were jailed, on separate occasions in the first half of the 1980s, by the UNP government in which Ranil was a Minister. Mahinda was taken away in handcuffs, smiling, and was taken to his mother’s funeral from jail, where he had spent a few months. As such they share a set of political experiences and trajectories, though their ideological formations were rather different. Vasu, Dinesh Gunawardena and Mahinda Rajapaksa belong to the same political generation as Ranil, but this trio belongs to political streams that almost always acted as allies since 1956. They comprise the bloc of Centre-Left forces, or what they would call “the progressive camp”. They, together with Nanda Ellawala and Sarath Muttetuwegama, represented the tough young strain of anti-UNP politicians who faced and fought a hard authoritarian UNP which had a five sixths steam-roller in parliament.

For them, their generational contemporary Ranil was always ‘The Other’– ideologically, socially and temperamentally— in a manner that the older Premadasa and even JRJ never quite were. In the eyes of Mahinda, Vasu and Dinesh, Ranil is simultaneously a more dangerous and much smaller personality than his predecessors as UNP leader. Therefore, to be rudely instructed to sit down by Ranil when the Speaker had permitted Vasu to make a point of order would have triggered an emotional charge of particular intensity.

Ranil, Mahinda, Vasu and Dinesh have one thing in common though: none of them have changed fundamentally. Shortly after he became party leader, Ranil broke with fifty years of UNP tradition and formally aligned his party with the Global Right, by obtaining membership of the International Democratic Union co-chaired by the US Republicans and the UK Conservatives. His economic policy is neoliberal and his international policy unabashedly aligned with the US-UK. He never uses the term Non-Alignment. (He was so far out in right field, that President Jayewardene, the NAM Chair, removed him after a mere year, from the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.)

The appointment of a non-national as Central Bank Governor, the ongoing wave of legal repression of the numerically large Opposition by the minority UNP Government, and Ranil’s discourse and conduct in parliament shows that his elitist arrogance has only worsened with age. If Ranil wins the parliamentary election we know what to expect.

Ranil represents the borderless Right, Vasu the patriotic Left. Ranil represents, as he has always done, ruthless rule; Vasu represents as he always has, resistance and rebellion. Ranil is an elitist, Vasu a populist. Ranil a reactionary ruler, Vasu a permanent rebel. Ranil is arrogant, Vasu is defiant.

Ranil and Vasu represent two philosophies and world outlooks; two opposed ways of being. Ranil is an Iago-esque conspirator and manipulator; Vasu an orator and fighter. Ranil is an Iceman, Vasu a firebrand. If statues were to be cast for these two ontological opponents, this is how I see them: his foot on the neck of the patriotic masses, Ranil bows before the West, tugging his forelock; Vasu stands upright, clenched fist upraised, his beard thrusting forward, a shout forming on his lips.

The Vasu versus Ranil fight holds up a mirror before us: do we find ourselves more in solidarity with Ranil or with Vasu? Do we feel closer to Vasu or to Ranil? Do we find ourselves standing with, or nearer to, Vasu or to Ranil? Who are we really?

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  • 4

    “Ranil’s real fault lies in not conducting himself in a manner that an unelected PM who heads a minority government should.” Could the pundit say it here where this is defined how a minority PM’s conducts should be?

    This guy is calling himself as a political pundit. He hardly understands any of “constitutions, people, country, state” and other notions. In Tamil Nadu, Jayalalitha lost last year; Panneerchchelvan got the post (though she was the one elected) and Now Jayalalitha is back again. When the perk seeking SLFPyers raised their hands for Ranil, he became the PM. Otherwise New King was supposed to dismiss the parliament and send all them home without pension and bring a new team. The SLFP rowdies or the Sinhala Buddhists or the Sinhala Intellectuals (it doesn’t matter how you would call them, they are still a strange specie walk on the two legs but not human beings) did not wanted to lose the pension. The new King appointed him as the PM, as it is said in the Lankave’s clownish constitution. This is how the Sinhala Intellectualism works. What the new thing Dhayan the PhD has found in that? Is he still in Lankave? If he thinks the appointment is unconstitutional, will he go the court and file a case. Dayan did not know one special thing, but entire Lanaka had come to know that. In the 8th morning on Jan, 2015, there was coup in the Temple Tree House. The Old King invited Ranil to temple Tree house and asked him to save. Ranil took the Temple Tree house keys in his hand and saved the Old King from the UN electric Chair. None of the Lankan or Eelam people was cheated by this game. The only person, who said to the Old King that he is going to send the US military if he didn’t resign on that night, is the one fooled by this drama. . This is what the Sinhala Intellectualism is.

    Further, on the opposition question, Dayan PhD is doubly wrong. Officially TNA is the opposition party. That is the Lankave’s funny constitution position. The Old Royals who are running the show in the National Government has stolen the opposition leadership from TNA. So it is this Old Royal comedian who are the one running the government and opposing the government too. What the political PhD is doing is the same. While he supports Ranil for saving his Master from the UN electric chair, he is doing this fake nominal opposition to Ranil. If Ranil was not their Secretary Kerry might have put that old clown on the UN electric Chair. What Dayan the Sinhala Intellectual thinking is, if he keep opposing Ranil, then the Sinhala Buddhists may believe that Ranil was not in the coup. So Ranil is saved and that is how his master, the Old King is saved in return. Nobody has forgotten, during the provincial elections, this Sinhala Intellectual guy has been writing two essays per week to give ideas for Ranil how to win the elections. His only intention here is pretending like that he is opposing Ranil and saving him secretly. Anybody reading this essay will easily get by Dayan not writing one single point that would really damage Ranil’s status as PM. That is why he wrote this paragraph, without any substance, but with a bogus anger: “Ranil and Vasu represent two philosophies and world outlooks; two opposed ways of being. Ranil is an Iago-esque conspirator and manipulator; Vasu an orator and fighter. Ranil is an Iceman, Vasu a firebrand. If statues were to be cast for these two ontological opponents, this is how I see them: his foot on the neck of the patriotic masses, Ranil bows before the West, tugging his forelock; Vasu stands upright, clenched fist upraised, his beard thrusting forward, a shout forming on his lips.” The entire paragraph is utter rubbish. There is nobody in the parliament now as clownish as Vasu the left one. Further Dayan PhD has given a new name for the JVP’s rejection of the free rice and the free certificate with Standardization- “UP RISING”.

    This self-proclaimed political pundit is calling the Northern protests as “Clashes on the Northern streets and it needs a new government (basically he means the the Old King’s Old Royal government which was saved by Ranil from the UN electric chair.)

    What is happening on the Northern street are the 60 years of oppression and continuous Chemical bombing day and night. Under the shower of Chemical bombs, the northern the landscape and the people were raped and tortured and killed. Now they see a new space being created to save the war criminals from UN electric chair and secure and preserve the Sinhala Intellectualism. But the protests are not just on the Northern streets, it is in the east and even in Colombo. It was Mano Ganesan who said he is ashamed of being a Tamil because the murder was committed by the Tamil rowdies. The reason for the rowdiness is Lankave’s Army is using the North as their hub for Drug dealings. In this Rape-Murder case, Lankave Police arrested the rowdies and let them go because they are the kingpins the Lankave army uses for its smuggling business. Dayan by struggling to hide the elephant with his palm, he is drawing the spot light to the elephant. Now everybody understands why Bandaranake brought shobashave to Northern schools and Sirima brought standardization to North students. Until 1970s North was the only provinces consecutively awarded for least on crimes by the police department.

    Now the Northern people are not listening to Sampanther or TNA. They have lost the faith on Sampanthar and TNA. This is how the foreign governments wiped out TNA. We predicted this situation by putting undue pressure on TNA to support a rogue national government, the foreign governments are doing what the ambassador Blake did to Ananatha Sangari, to TNA.

    On the Northern streets it is not just the civilian protects are taking place, but as recognized by every common observer, the UPFA’s northern unit, EPDP’s thuggery also taking place. Dayan’s second essay on this within two days is clearly expressing the every line of master plan of the Northern streets thuggery was drafted in the UPFA’s headquarters in Colombo and handed over to EPDP in North. How EPDP demolished the Jaffna Court was exact the replica of how ACMC demolished the Mannar court while the leader of it flying on a navy helicopter and directing it.

    What Dayan doing here is “telling the police that his dad the old king is not in the paddy sack” after they have planned it together.

    • 3

      How can a man in his mid 70ties behave this way ?

      This man [Edited out] so that the school boys and children will feel that there is a law in action today than in the past.
      If this kind of acts dsiplayed by EU politicians, fellow parliamentarians woudl have asked him to resign.

      This man may be facing a rare kind of syndrom… being unable to live up on tax payers funds anymore.

    • 1

      hey MR DJ, MAY be the folowing not relevant to the topic, but I dare you.. you god father would never been that bold as MY3 has been sofar.

      just imagine, your god father took years or fully ignored the issue of UNKNOWN kidney disease that took the life ov almost 30-50 year old from Rajarata. Researchers and professionals almost knew that could be based on the use of unethical hazaardous chemicals that were imported from agro chemical companies. These companies and theri behavours were out of control – so as the DRUNG king pins worked with your god father allowing them commissions to heaped on their accounts. Today, I read the MY3 Ranil govt has fully banned the import of Glyphosata import to the devleoing nation. Even Germans could not get this banned yet, because manufacturing gial company Monsanto was pumping billions to pro scientists in propagating their brands but misleading all those are dependent on Round up -Herbicide Glyphosat.
      Is this not a fearless act?
      I salut you RW and MY3 for the golden work you have done sofar.
      We the respect and ethical loving respecting srilankens are with you forever.

      DJ you will have to wear better underwar in the days to come, since you sound to be a person who has long been suffering from Incontinence of all kinds. All these are entwined with Vasu him being in his later day life today, but to hear the man to have behaveed that low level should come from his god masters Rajapakshe who ethically and morally destroyed this nation – to this day. Jayawea. [Edited out] of all kind be deminished from this beautiful land allowing us a better life is my srilanken thoughts though I spend days being on the west…

    • 0

      resident praised for taking bold step to ban glyphosate
      Scientists recommend organic agriculture as alternative to agrochemical based farming
      May 24, 2015, 10:31 pm

      By Don Asoka Wijewardena

      Kidney Research Scientist Dr. Channa Jayasumana yesterday praised President Maithripala Sirisena’s decision to ban glyphosate despite pressure from their powerful multinational companies and their local agents.

      Dr Jayasumana said the CKD research team comprising Prof. Nalin de Silva, Prof. Mala Amarasinghe, Prof. Sisira Sribaddena, Prof. Pryani Paranagama, Prof. Sarath Gunathilaka (California State University), Dr. Chinthka Wijewardena and GMOA President Dr. Anuruddha Padeniya had striven to convince successive governments of the need to ban harmful agrochemicals, particularly glyphosate containing toxic substances that caused cancer and kidney diseases.

      Dr. Jayasumana stressed that the time had come to introduce a mechanism to check whether the agrochemical companies were still selling the banned chemicals under different names.

      It was important to introduce legislation for agrochemical companies to declare the stock positions of glyphosate and to make them re-export it to the country of origin, he added.

      It was also absolutely necessary to appoint a separate unit to see whether the farmers were still using glyphosate on the sly.

      GMOA National Health Issue Sub-Committee member Dr. Chinthka Wijewardena said that the CKD Research Team was grateful to President Sirisena for his bold decision to ban glyphosate. The WHO and the local CKD research scientists had convinced President Sirisena of the harmful effects of glyphosate.

      Dr. Wijewardena said it was The Island newspaper which had brought to the notice of people the health hazards connected to glyphosate use in 2011. Thereafter many ‘scientists’ hired by some agrochemical companies had been contributing articles at the behest of their paymasters to prevent the ban. The adverse effects of glyphosate were many. It could cause soil erosion by destroying the vital microorganisms therein, he said.

      It was also the bounden duty of the government to find an alternative to glyphosate, Dr. Wijewardena said. The CKD research team would propose to the government that the solution was organic agriculture which would also help prevent several non-communicable diseases, he said.

    • 0

      Can you guys please send Vasidewa [Edited out]

  • 4

    Thank you Dr. Dayan for another thoughtful article.

    42 responses, one in favor (2%). That shows beyond all doubt that the (im)posters on this forum of comments are biased against MR beyond belief.

    47.58% of the vote went to former president Mahinda Rajapakse in the last presidential election. So we should have 19 posts in favor of the views of the former president? What do we have here? The Sinhala only policy has removed 96 % of the population from a meaningful discussion on this English forum just due to their language.

    Divide and conquer, thank the British.

    • 2

      Dear Oh Dear! Here he is again, this time as Vanguard (a most inappropriate aka) for Mahindapala.

      Tweedle-Dumb supporting Tweedle-DJ in their indefatigable fight to get MR back.

      • 1

        Let the people decide whom to bring back and who will be PM. For the record President MS ‘will let MR contest the election.’

        No-one has contradicted my facts about the extreme bias on this forum thank you.

        Looks like its Sinhalayas versus the English this time, that is the real struggle.

        Thank the British.

        • 0

          @vanguard: why should any opinion not supporting MR should necessarily be biased? can you answer, why should all articles of of your hero DJ should attack Tamils, RW, MS & CBK? is he not biased? and moreover from the perspective of a political analyst should they not merely be analysing neutral and not supportive or propagandistic? could it be, that he people who write their comments to DJ’s vomitting are not of same opinion? why should it biased?

    • 1

      Do you simply write for the sake of writing when you say, “The Sinhala only policy has removed 96 % of the population from a meaningful discussion on this English forum just due to their language. Divide and conquer, thank the British.”
      The very fact that you attribute the Sinhala Only policy to the British speaks volumes for the level of your intelligence or lack thereof. However, someone with your IQ, obviously won’t understand the blatant contradiction because you’d be too busy singing the praises of Sri Lanka’s No. 1 windbag!

  • 1

    Like a true politician now the Minister should now make a statement that he was misquoted. “I meant “Pakshaya”” (which means “bird”). Or I meant Pakshaya which means ‘party’. Or party person. The PM is a party person, he thinks of his own party. That is what he meant.

  • 1

    “At one level what it means is that the delay in holding the parliamentary election is utterly unconscionable and unwise. The confrontations in the Northern streets and in the parliament simply mean that the safety valves have to be opened and the head of steam that has built up released by means of an election, or else the points of tension will proliferate and polarization will accelerate.”

    It is a disgrace for Dayan to use the rape of this poor girl for political purposes.He should visualise her being for 24 hours with these 9 human excreta and then do the talking.It is obvious that he suffers from lack of empathy with fellow human beings.People like that should get a psychological evaluation because it is a well known fact among criminologists that serial killers have had one thing in common which is lack of empathy with the suffering of their fellow human beings.You can see the recordings where with an unemotional tone and face they describe the cruelties that they inflicted to their victims.

    However i must admit he has a valid point that elections should have been held,though it has nothing to do with this incident.The manifesto said that after 100 days an election will be held.Now it is 130 days and still delaying talking about a 20th amendment for electoral reforms which the people are not asking for.Where is the credibility if you can’t conform to one of the core promises of the manifesto.

    Is yahapalnaya also going the same way as mahinda chintanaya did?

  • 1

    The [Edited out] like you are the ones who will indirectly support a “spent force” Vasu. Its time for Vasu to pack his “amude” and go home. We do not want him in the Parliament.

  • 2

    Ranil is borderless right, that is correct.

    Vasu is local leftist.

    BS. His son is learning in where ?

    It is like the High level JVPer Wimal Weerawansa gave his son all the capitalist experiences while he promoted poor Sinhala youth getting killed and becoming killers.

  • 2

    Dayan [Edited out]:

    Members of Sri Lanka’s women’s cricket team were forced to perform sexual favours to keep their places in the team, the sports ministry has said.

    The ministry said evidence of sexual harassment was uncovered in an investigation begun last year.

    It was launched following reports a player had been dropped for refusing to have sex with cricketing officials.

    Disciplinary procedures would now be initiated, the ministry said, without naming the individuals involved.

    “It is a shameful incident,” Sri Lankan Children’s Minister Rosy Senanayake told the AFP news agency.

    *** For the killing of the poor Tamil Girl you have claimed that it wasnt the work of your lot.
    When are you going to clear the tarmished imgage of your lot which is in their Gene who promote such beahviour unless you were part of the ring. Come on man.

  • 4

    It is all about memory. Each generation has its own. This country was shocked by the gang rape and murder of the schoolgirl S. Vidya in Pungudutheevu. It made me recall the equivalent for my generation and may I add, social milieu. I had come home to our Ward Place flat from Peradeniya campus for the weekend (to have my clothes laundered and to pocket my monthly allowance), when my mother, told me the ghastly story of Dr. Paul’s teenage daughter. She had been at a dance at the Ceylinco’s Akasa Kade, been sent off on the short ride home in a cab by her friends. The cabbie pulled over onto Galle Face Green, where he and his buddies who were parked there, gang raped the girl. Later, the family migrated. She never recovered her physical or mental health. She died relatively early. The perpetrator was called Gonawela Sunil. He was sentenced to death by the Courts. Fairly shortly after, he was listed among those pardoned by President Jayewardene in what came to be known as “Sunil Samaava”. The person who had slipped his name into the list later recommended that he be made a Justice of the Peace (JP) in the Kelaniya area—note the location. Gonawela Sunil indulged in a life of crime, including siphoning off petroleum, until he was gunned down by the JVP during the second insurrection.

    In a televised public hearing in the late 1990s, a top politician of today admitted in his testimony that he “had known Sunil” and had “attended his funeral”.

    If you had a choice, would you elect as Prime Minister of this country, the man who recommended that Gonawela Sunil who led the gang rape of a teenage schoolgirl on Galle Face Green and was sentenced to death, be pardoned and then made a Justice of the Peace for Kelaniya? I’m not naming names, but let me merely say that the man is still very much around, and is neither Mahinda Rajapaksa nor Vasudeva Nanayakkara, both of whom were busy fighting the administration that perpetrated this and other social obscenities (e.g. UNP Deputy Minister Sunil Ranjan Jayakody dashed a child on the ground), and were jailed for their pains.

    • 6

      There is no politicians that could say do nothing wrong during their tenures. But when considering all the abuses, crimes and the larger collection of all wrong doings -. Mahinda Rajapakshe is the only leader who belong to the category the man should not be given any kind of pardon. Recalling what he has now been doing – being joined to ultra nationalist like Wimal Buruwanse should be invesitgated by the current administraton by sending MR for life long jail. This man is born to create ethnic cleansing while strenghthening the hands of the masses that supports any moves against minority folks.
      I really dont think that people are that stupid to see it the way you do DJ. Just becasue you have grudges with RW, you pick up your kind of issues to put him down can not work anymore. People are well aware of the facts – considering current day issues… MY3 AND RW with CBK in background can do lot more towards reconciliation among all folks than bringin the most abusive man back to the track. Please rethink – even if you are brain sick, you will get this soon or later. Vasi may have got highly affected pathological reasons him to behaves so but you are not that old to see it that way. Please the name of god, see it right.. DJ.. else, future folks would only curese on you guys forever.

    • 5

      DJ + Buruwanse+ Wasideva = Mirror Image of thuggish leader Mahinda Rajapakshe

    • 5


      As this reply was posted below my comment and from the content of your reply I presume you were responding to my commment. I cant be sure but I am struggling to make any sense from your reply.

      You have a Doctorate and from that one will infer that your intelect is above that of an ordinary individual but you have a long way to go before you catch up with me. But the one thing that is against you is age which is creeping up on you.

      Let me comment on your reply.

      1) It is all about memory. Each generation has its own. This country was shocked by the gang rape and murder of the schoolgirl S. Vidya in Pungudutheevu.

      *** You are right but the memory is limited to the Victims ( if still alive ) and those around the victims. I have not heard about Sinhlala Lanka being shocked about what happened to Vidya and if anything there is an attempt to justify.
      Your now dead boss MR quickly weighed in and publicly stated that the outpouring of Grief by the Local Populace should have been ruthlessly put down and dont forget that applies to 5.8 million who voted for him. So your theory that the Nation was shocked falls by the way side.
      What about Krishanthi. The killers who were only caught after a Muslim Soldier blew the whistle were pardoned by your boss MR.

      This is a tip of the iceberg. What about the brutal murder of Isaipriya.

      Sri Lankan history is littered with atrocities like this.
      I will be the first to admit that you can never completely irradicate Rape but when it happens due to lack of protection and breakdown in Law & Order something can be done.

      2)When my mother, told me the ghastly story of Dr. Paul’s teenage daughter. She had been at a dance at the Ceylinco’s Akasa Kade, been sent off on the short ride home in a cab by her friends. The cabbie pulled over onto Galle Face Green, where he and his buddies who were parked there, gang raped the girl.

      *** The above tragic though it is was partly due to complementary negligence and I would never allow my daughter to go partying and return late at night on her own.

      3) The perpetrator was called Gonawela Sunil. He was sentenced to death by the Courts. Fairly shortly after, he was listed among those pardoned by President Jayewardene in what came to be known as “Sunil Samaava”. The person who had slipped his name into the list later recommended that he be made a Justice of the Peace (JP) in the Kelaniya area—note the location. Gonawela Sunil indulged in a life of crime, including siphoning off petroleum, until he was gunned down by the JVP during the second insurrection.

      *** The above is justce Sri Lankan style.

      4) In a televised public hearing in the late 1990s, a top politician of today admitted in his testimony that he “had known Sunil” and had “attended his funeral”.
      a) If you had a choice, would you elect as Prime Minister of this country, the man who recommended that Gonawela Sunil who led the gang rape of a teenage schoolgirl on Galle Face Green and was sentenced to death, be pardoned and then made a Justice of the Peace for Kelaniya?

      b) I’m not naming names, but let me merely say that the man is still very much around, and is neither Mahinda Rajapaksa nor Vasudeva Nanayakkara, both of whom were busy fighting the administration that perpetrated this and other social obscenities (e.g. UNP Deputy Minister Sunil Ranjan Jayakody dashed a child on the ground), and were jailed for their pains.

      *** This is where I have the problem and I have broken ot down to a & b.

      It is obvious (a)referrs to JR and as a UNP hater it is hardly surprising that you question the wisdom of the electorate but it was a Sinhalese electorate who re elected JR and that is symptomatic of the Sick ellectorate and the Tamils had no part.

      But when you get to “b” you have gone off your mind and this where I have my problem.

      – The man is still very much around. Who is this Non Entity. Are you referring to the man who slipped the name of Sunil to JR. If that is the case he is not up for election.

      and then with the following you have gone completely bonkers.

      “and is neither Mahinda Rajapaksa nor Vasudeva Nanayakkara, both of whom were busy fighting the administration that perpetrated this and other social obscenities (e.g. UNP Deputy Minister Sunil Ranjan Jayakody dashed a child on the ground), and were jailed for their pains.”

      But let me tell you this for his Crimes Mahintha should be sentenced to Life Imprisonment.

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      You are right. Ranil should not be the PM based on the gonawela sunil saga and whatever done in batalanda.The current CB governor saga also confirms this.However what is the alternative?Mahinda?Who completely obliterated media freedom by killing,assaulting,injurng and threatening journalists,wherein hundreds of gonawela sunil like misdemeanors can be not reported and also going to the extent of controlling the courts with his Cheap Justice.So finally we are left to choose the best of the worst.So what is your choice other than these two?Gota?maybe better than mahinda because he will crack down on crime,but everyone will have to be wondering whether they will be white vanned at any moment because he is a one crazy bugger.Basil?What would be his current percentage?it rose to sometimes 40% from 10%.Probably the bag man for the rajapakshes,but good fellow,unlike his two deadly brothers.

      I know your hot favourite is sajith,but that stupid face puts off people and is confirmed by the fact that he tried to pose off as a degree holder from the London school of economics.He seems harmless enough unlike his father,but must get some experience as a minister and show what he can do without just relying on his father’s achievements.

      So my dear dayan,as mother hubbard said the cupboard is bare and ranil or CBK will do for the moment until such time as fresh talent turns up and all this whiskey sodden corrupted lot sent to the garbage.

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        Shankar, you said it! But I bet you will never get a response from either Tweedle-Dumb [Edited out] in defense of their favorite and his family.

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      A person who publicly admits that he/she is stuck with a selected memory is a man/woman openly admits he/she is a biased reader of the events’ history. Ranil has not has said his part on that rape case. What good this one sided brain wash of attempt of Kali can do to anyone? This is very award, shameful, hitting on the back story.

      145 thousand murders were camouflaged in UN by a heartless person with his articulate brainwashing techniques. I am not naming the man. If I ask you, if you would follow that person’s advices, what will be your answer?

      As an adviser to governments, what did you advise to the government when the UN has listed this barbaric, rapist, murderous country as one of the 22 countries in the world uses rape as a weapon?

      When Mano Ganesan heard about the way Vidiya was murdered he said he feel ashamed of being a Tamil because this was done by a Tamil criminal. Would denounce you Sinhala ID saying that you are being ashamed not just raping and planting bomb in the girls’ private parts and murdering, but for having it camouflaged in UN as Sinhala Buddhist (You rejected the De Silva last name because you felt having it is shameful)? Did one Sinhala Intellectual confess for the community’s crime against Humanity? Did one Sinhala Intellectual or Sinhala Buddhist confess of being a Sinhala after UN has listed you people as the war Criminals? I am feeling proud of being a Tamil not because a rapist is also a Tamil, but because Mano Ganeson is a Tamil who have the courage to accept the wrong as wrong. Would confess yourself, the famous preaching “Thero De Silva who has been proudly brought up teaching the Dutu Gemu and other Mahavamsa bestiality stories”, that you are feeling ashamed of being a Sinhala Intellectual, because it was a Sinhala Intellectual tried to camouflage the 145.000 murders as “zero casualty’?

      Remember this, our selected memory intellectual, please! Mono Ganesan’s confession is nothing good enough for the human society. When Jewish people were harassed they worked relentlessly and brought the international Humanitarian obligations for the entire world. Tamils have a duty. This unending army culture of raping and murdering with impunity that was thrust into Tamils cannot be let go like the Brother Prince’s “Grease Monster” dramas. It has to be taken to international Level. Sri Lanka should be punished for being the leading country to use violence against mothers as an arm. Not just the Lanakave’s Sinhala Intellectuals, even the Mexican drug loads, ISIL criminals have to be taken to UN to punish against using this type of easy arms. Tamils should not rest until to make UN that this type of violence against mothers as a punishable crime at the international level. A person associated with raping should be able to be hunted in the international level without any lane making impediments of the individual countries.

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    Tamil LTTE roughs and Awamangala’s kulies are writing all sorts of rubbish in this forum using different names.
    This one is not worth reading.

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      of course village man, you are right! every tamil writing here can only be a LTTE rough under a different name! by the way who is the “village man”? is it DJ himself or a singhala racist under a neutral name? why do you think that who is not of the generel opinion of an average singhala mind should be a LTTE rough?

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    Vasu didn’t mean to demean or discredit the Parliament. It was PM Ranil who blocked Vasu from bringing in the Point of Order. When a Point of Order is brought by an MP, the normal practice is to RESOLVE THE POINT FIRST before continuing the business.

    First, PM Ranil should learn Parliamentary practices and regulations. Next he should learn to respect Speaker’s ruling. Then he should learn to discipline himself and listen to the voices of other MPP.

    It was the PM who initiated the rumpus by not allowing Vasu to bringing in the Point of Order, even after he got Speaker’s approval to do so. Therefore, PM should take the responsibility for the consequences brought in by his own action. Those consequences are personal to PM and has nothing to do with the Parliament.

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    Thank you for an enlightening and thought provoking article.

    Despite the comments I wil get when I say this, I will say I respect Ranil, I respect Vasu. I respect MR. I actually respect the entire parliament. I will say this, they have guts and fight ferociously for their cause, which is the cause of the people they represent.

    You must know as I do that these are representatives of the masses, and as such represent millions of people of different factions, different ideologies. And races.

    “his foot on the neck of the patriotic masses, Ranil bows before the West, tugging his forelock; Vasu stands upright, clenched fist upraised, his beard thrusting forward, a shout forming on his lips.”

    Whom will they choose? The general populace is free to choose whom they want. This is not to say they should get it right every time, they cannot. I suppose we need a political system and a country that can stand the shocks that Democracy invites. You cannot please all factions.

    “Who was then the gentleman…?”

    I think Ranil is the gentleman.

    Ranil was not elected, but appointed. So technically it is true that he is ‘unelected’. However does he ‘command the confidence of parliament’? At that time no-one protested, that is because the parliament did have confidence in him.

    Gentleman is an English word, however, so perhaps gentleman are not the need of the hour. Perhaps a local equivalent can be suggested? “Mahattaya”?

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    Prime Minister has violated the decorum of the Parliament many times during the past three months. He has shouted at several opposition MPs and made them sit down when they were making their speeches. Some of them who were victims of Prime Minister’s onslaught were Praba Ganeshan and Bandula Gunawardena. After Bandula Gunawardena sat down as a result of Prime Ministers outburst and verbal onslaught, PM’s web page carried a statement saying that Bandula Gunawardena succumb to Prime Minister’s might! This is the way Prime Minister has been behaving. He has been behaving like he is the President, DIG, Army Commander, Chief Justice and even the Speaker. Our Prime Minsters (mind you minority prime minister) met his waterloo when he shouted at Vasudeva to sit down…he got it back with interests from Vasudeva who was watching the condescending behavior of the Prime Minister for the last three months. After that Prime Minister goes and says Vasu is a ‘Dried Pumpkin’. Pumpkins don’t get dried it goes bad that’s it. Also there is no English or Sinhala Idiom called Dried Pumpkin.

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