3 November, 2024


Vesak Day Reflections On The Matale Mass Grave

On the Vesak celebration for this year, the Asian Human Rights Commission offers the following greetings. Vesak Day Reflections On The Matale Mass Grave ;

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    What about those in other parts of the country, of more recent origin? Or were the victims cremated so no graves were needed?

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    On Thursday, 23 May 2013 , Stray dogs in Buttala have been killed with poisoned meat in Buttala, in order to avoid them disturbing the state Vesak festival that is to be held in the city, ‘Maubima’ newspaper reports.

    On inquiring from the Buttala PS chairman Damayantha Dolewatta, he has told the newspaper that he does not know who poisoned the dogs but no one in the Pradeshiya Sabha was involved.

    He has added that remains of 38 dead dogs were removed from Buttala and surrounding areas yesterday (22).

    Though the issue of stray dogs was taken up in recent discussions over the state Vesak festival that is to be held in the Yudaganawa Rajamaha Viharaya, nothing about killing dogs was mentioned then.

    However, Monaragala PS health director Dr. Palitha Adhikari said that the anti-rabies unit should be inquired on this, adding that two had died after being bitten by rabies infected dogs last month.

    The act of poisoning dogs during the Vesak week has disgusted residents in the area

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    1. These Human Rights jokers don’t know over 1.2 million Muslims were killed in Iraq by US/West forces ?

    2. They don’t know over 350 suicide kits out of some 400 in the whole world were exploded by LTTE terrorists financed, Armed initially by Indian Govt.& after killing of Rajive the idiot in 1991 by US/West INGO’s ?

    3. Don’t they know, Over 50,000 innocent Sri Lankans were victims of US/West supported LTTE terror ?

    4. What is this only 156 JVP terrorists at mass grave ? they too killed thousands of innocent civilians & even banned & killed first 05 people who voted at every polling station in 1988 Presidential Elections which was contested by both democratic parties of Sri Lanka UNP & SLFP which draws over 85 % of peoples’ vote. ?

    5.Was there any other option for democratically elected Sri Lankan govt. during 1988/89 other than killing Terrorists ? & didn’t that apply to US/West funded LTTE terrorists as well ?

    6.Is Killing of innocent people ( mostly Muslims in ME & Asia) by US/NATO/West in their millions fall within Human Rights of this bloody HR Jokers ? Aren’t they paid servants of US/West imperialists who think that they own this world ?

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      Thank you John Rajapakse – very enlightening.

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    After all Humanitarian action by the MOD is permissible, be it 1989 or
    2009. May all Blessings be showered on the Hero of all these actions –
    the one and only US Citizen privileged to execute them!

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