13 February, 2025


Video: “BBS Is Beyond My Control; Gnanasara’s Behaviour Unfitting For A Buddhist Monk” Says BBS Founding Leader

Founding leader of the Buddhist group Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi thera has publicly acknowledged the activities of the organization are ‘beyond his control’ while adding that it has influenced him to strongly consider his resignation from the group.

Kirama Wimalajothi Thero

Kirama Wimalajothi Thero

Indicating signs of a major split within the BBS, Wimalajothi thera has criticized the conduct of the organisation’s General Secretary, Galagoda Atte Gnanasara. “Some of the words spoken by him are too harsh . . . some of them I do not approve of at all. His behaviour at times has been unfitting for a Buddhist monk,” he has said.

Wimalajothi thera has gone on to state that although the BBS was his first affiliation with any type of organization including political parties, his experiences in the group has made him realize that not suitable for him.

“So I have decided that the time has come for me to consider my continuation with the BBS. I will not leave now as the group is in a crisis. But I will be making my decision within the next month or two,” he added.

He has stated that although previously, discussions were held with the relevant parties within the BBS on several occasions regarding his concerns about its activities, the efforts have not been successful.

“They are beyond my control…. I can’t control everyone’s behavior. . . And now, the horse has left the barn,” he has said.

BBS was accused of instigating anti-Muslim violence that erupted in Southern Sri Lanka last Sunday and the group is infamous for their ideologies that promote an anti-Muslim stance among the Sinhala Buddhists in the island nation. The group was even named a ‘terrorist organisation’ in April 2014 by the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium (TRAC).

Latest comments

  • 36

    Be a man Mr Wimalajothi. Take responsibility or provide the evidence regarding BBS terrorism activities to media and international community. You are the leader, dont escape like a girl.

    • 28

      This hamaduruwo sounds to be normal. He himself says the words that Ghanasara dog is used could halm anyone. That along makes him a criminal. Actually, monks in robes have not behaved to this manner sofar. Ghanasara’s behaviour has gone beyond all levels.

      • 5

        He is right. If he cant work with rabid dogs – he should resign.
        I dont agree with LMAO, since the Rev. Wimalajothi thera himself says that he would not resigne immediately, since BBS is now reported to have all kind of problems… he does not feel to leave the organizsation while they are in problemS. This monks I learnt during my childhood.. but Ghanasaras have no qualities to even wear the SANGA kostume. He is proved not once dozen of times, to be a thug than a buddhist monk. Yako, pako… ai yako aru mu tho … all derogotory terms are their favourite terms. Even suggesting to add the above words to the lanken day today use spoken sinhala. These men are just sowing seeds for new forms of violence. Mahathma gandhis AND buddhas non violence are not the teaching they seem to be following. Actually, if a state respected laws, they would have gone against all these long ago.
        Mahinda Rajapakshe has proved that his is never be a democratic governance.

    • 5


      “Be a man Mr Wimalajothi. Take responsibility or provide the evidence regarding BBS terrorism activities to media and international community. You are the leader, dont escape like a girl.”

      Coward like Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who who was out when Gem. Sarath Fonseka was battling the LTTE terrorists.

      Part 1: The appeal to police to stop

      Azath Salley Statement Regarding Aluthgama Incident


      Part 2: The Attacks by BBS against Muslims

      Aluthgama Attack 15_6_2014


      Part 3: The Attacks by BBS against Buddhist monk.

      Wataraka Vijitha Thero stripped, assaulted & thrown near river
      THURSDAY, 19 JUNE 2014 10:57 5


      The UPFA Member of the UPFA ruled Mahiyanagana Pradeshiya Sabha and the Leader of Jathika Bala Senawa Ven. Wataraka Vijitha Thero was abducted, stripped, assaulted and was found today (19th) near Bogoda river with his hands and legs tied.

      After he was admitted to Panadura Base Hospital the hospital authorities have transferred him to Colombo National Hospital.

      A resident had seen a naked person fallen near Bolgoda river in Kindelpitiya area at Bandaragama and has informed the police. Rev. Vijitha Thero’s identity card and the robe were found nearby.

      Residents say they saw a three wheeler being driven to the place, throwing something out and quickly being driven away.

      According to hospital sources Vijitha Thero’s genitals have been injured. Police say a statement could not be obtained from the Thero as he had been admitted to ICU.

      Bhikkus of Bodu Bala Sena had attacked Vijitha Thero several times and were constantly harassing him. There had been firing near his temple recently.

    • 10

      he is a real man , not like you racists, i hate my own people for being so unfair to the minorities especially muslims who has always been peaceful and never gone against budhists , gnanesara is a stupid monk who destroys our culture, its their money that most buddhist live on, if they want they could employ their own race people because there many muslims without jobs too, just because they are financially better our people are jealous and try to to steal from them with the government and the police help, if u want to become something do it urself,its them who )to our ancestors(great grandmas) to get married,even their blood is 100 percent lankan,i m so upset with our people for allowing bbs to operate this way

    • 5

      Agreed! BBS must be dismantled immediately, and the founders and offenders must be convicted.

      Rajapakses can’t have it both ways………one cannot go ultra-capitalistic and compromise Buddhism, and then try to save this great religion and culture building up the majority in racist ways.

      If one wants to save Sinhala-Buddhism the moral and ethical way whilst being ultra-capitlaistic, one must then follow the UNP stance:

      1) the 13 A+++,

      2) University system to encourage brains of Sri Lanka to form Sinhala-Buddhist societies in the West and other important places.

      3) Valuable property sold and monies taken out to build grand lifestyles in the West – all this is favor of pegging even more with the US$$, so that hopefully, some will trickle back to Sri Lanka.

      Therefore, Lanka must become more socialistic, even with the rabid Chinese connexion. Institutions must be put in place :

      1) Teach minorities contemporary and historical Sinhala-Buddhist history and culture. Minorities must be encouraged and taught to understand the majority mindset.

      2) Compulsory education for majority not to be racist . Therefore Champika Ranawaka must be dismantled.

      3) Enough of super-highways. Spend the money on the above.

      Better leadership is what is needed. Rajapakse is still learning. We will rely on him to do the needful.

    • 2

      Well to say the truth our people started this problem and now pointing fingers to others. I hate jihad. If you look at the incidents happening in the world currently Muslims are the root cause of it. It is all because a fraction of us who are jihadist want to create a world only for Muslims.

  • 14

    All another drama !

  • 15

    Dear Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi thera,

    “Founding leader of the Buddhist group Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi thera has publicly acknowledged the activities of the organization are ‘beyond his control’ while adding that it has influenced him to strongly consider his resignation from the group.”

    Better late than never.

    Even Devaddata realized his follies later on.

    BBS is Mara, and it is not Buddhism.

    BBS is an insult to Buddha and Buddhism.

    BBS was labelled a terrorist organization a few months back.

    All those who are members, sponsors and supporters are also labelled terrorists.

  • 18

    Looks like Mr Wimalajothi realized the Pig’s foul language only now.

    Another drama in the making or is this real?

    What a joke, Why waiting few months? Sounds like Wimal Berawansa’s ‘Arthika Gathakaya’ comedy.

    ‘Aswaya’ is gone but the ‘Horikada Balla’ still at large.
    Cull the rabid Dog.

  • 17

    We are sadden that our paradise island is slowly turning in to a hell
    by the inconsiderate action of a few ignorant Srilankans.We humbly plead with our government to take immediate action against the real culprit instead asking for evidence when the evidence is in front of you.
    God bless our motherland .

  • 12

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu… Ven Watareka Vijitha Thero was beaten up, tortured, and even someone tried to cut his genital off! Let’s hope Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi Thero will stay safe.

  • 12

    Thank God! At least some wisdom has dawned on year head, though rather late!

    Sengodan. M

  • 20

    Venerable Sir!

    You just realized things were out of control? What were you doing for the last two years? Meditating? You are disgrace to Buddhism and all that the Buddha stood for.

    Now that the heat is getting a bit too much, the attention of the world is focused, you want to get out of the kitchen ?

    If you are really the chief of the BBS, why don’t you kick the miscreants out, help the Police do their jobs and operate the BBS as a legitimate organization. You can’t because, your purpose for illegitimate in the first instance and now that you have been noted for what you really are, you want to hide.

    • 7


      “You just realized things were out of control? What were you doing for the last two years?”

      Like all other prelates “Mahanayakes” he has been busy planning the next move or strategies as how best to undermine minorities, particularly the Northern Provincial Council and take away whatever shared ownership that they have had in the past.

  • 10

    This is a disgrace to the nation and all Buddhist in the world.Has BBS gone to the dogs or dogs have got in to BBS? may be rename it as Balu..BS

  • 13

    These yellow robe bald headed thug pinguttarayas are a curse to our country.

    That’s why Sir John Kotalawela said to keep these dogs in leash all the time.

    What he said then has come to light today.

    Surely these meat eating, arrack drinking, dana eating, fake Buddhist ganayas are a curse to our country and will remain same unless some one tight them back.

    It’s time to cull them off.

  • 12

    Ven. Kirama Wimalajothy Thero

    You can’t get away simply by resigning from your post.

    It is you who created BBS and you have to face justice at the court of Law either in Sri Lanka or abroad for the crimes your organization committed and for the lives and property lost in Aluthgama due to your Sinhala Buddhist extrimist organization that you are the leader.

    Therefore Ven. Kirama Wimalajothy Thero. Please get ready to face Trial at the court of law either in Sri Lanka or Abroad. You and your organization are criminals under cout of law for instigating communal riots and murder of three innocent Muslims and critically wounding over 80 in Aluthgama and Beruwala. You have blood in your hands.

    Remember what happened to your friend in London Vihara who had to face courts, now serving prison terms in London.

    It will be upon you and your organization pretty soon.

    Muslim Congress and the victims and Sri Lanka diaspora community should file a case against you and your organization for the murders that you carried out and you should face trial and judgment under International Human rights Law.

    You cannot run away from Murder.

    Please be aware.

  • 10

    Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi thero.

    You say “Wede Ivarai” ….. “Aswaya Gihilla” mead Job done, horse ran away from straddle.

    Venerable Sir!

    Please don’t think so. You have blood in your hand. You and your organization instigated communal riots and carried out murder, injury to over 80 people, burnt houses, shops, cars, busses, lorries, motor cycles and push bicycles.

    Therefore Venerable Sir! Please don’t think that you could simply get away fro this murder and carnage which you are responsible.

    Venerable Sir! You have to face court of law either in Sri Lanka or abroad as a leader of BBS.

    You have blood in your hand and you are a criminal under court of law.

    Therefore Muslim Congress, the victims,world Muslim counsil,SLBA, the UNHRC and the Sri Lanka’s expatriate community should file a criminal case against you and your organization for the murders that you carried out, and for instigating violance against unarmed innocent Muslim people and to face trial and judgment under International criminal and Human rights court of Law.

    Please don’t think that you could get away easily.

    Dear Colombo Telegraph.

    Please publish this comment on international media networks to get their attention and please seek ways to prosecute BBS under international criminal courts for the murder it crried out and to seek ways to bring justice to the innocent Muslim victims and their families

    Thank you.

  • 7

    You knew your horse very well. You have blood in your hands too Mr. Kirama Wimalajothi. go back to your basis, you dont kill your own people. try to practice your religion well if it doesnt fit in properly to you, you are welcome to my religion. Islam means Peace. Muslim means submit your will to God.

  • 9

    Shocking disgusting and words cannot express my disgust these morons and priests who are destroying my country . Why the Govt cannot control these activities is beyond me .
    its time to forget the robes and treat criminals as such .


  • 9

    Imagine if Prabakaran had said the same? Now you sound so innocent and sweet after nourishing the Beast and eventually opening the gates for the Horse (or more aptly the Beast) to bolt! Get your finger out and undo the terrorist beast you are heading and expose the whole truth. You aren’t just a card carrying BBS laymen but the patron saint and almighty leader of the pack. You hold the responsibility for every single atrocity that BBS has unleashed on this nation and its people in the name of Buddhism. Until you act to undo the Terrorist beast you are not only a hypocrite but the worst enemy of Buddha’s philosophy. We are all watching.

  • 5

    I would say that I always felt you were like a fatherly figure to the BBS brigade. Being an elderly and senior monk, soft spoken and always with a gentle smile, calm and serene person, I used to always wonder how you could ever fit-in with this breed of high explosive, firebrand type of deputies. They just don’t match up. To me, this separation seemed inevitable, and I welcome this move even now at this late stage, to resign and free yourself from association with these studs gone mad, their actions that your heart and conscious don’t approve. But you have blood of innocents and even murder of unarmed civilians on your hands, including the total loss of personal properties through arson, loss of personal valuables through looting, wanton damage to business items, goods and premises, fear and hate mongering and more, – which you will carry with you to your grave. As Leader of your group, you stand responsible and answerable for everything that has happened. It is too too little too late now, and as in your own words ‘after the horse has bolted’.

  • 5

    Most ven. Rev. Thero. You had good reputed immage in this country as a prominant buddhist monk. People have some doubt why person like you involved in this kind of mad extrimist racist group. Whatever happend, at the last movement, you had take a needfull decision. Please discover all activities and things about thos extrimist group in front of people. Further, try to do some thing on your capacity regarding promote reconcilliation and co-exsistence amomng the three communities in this country.

  • 5

    What a disgrace.
    The Government should jail these bloody useless thattayas.
    The country was becoming nice and peaceful, see what these shit heads have done.
    Mr Wimalajothy you cannot run away now.

  • 3

    Thanks to you. this is what the moment Navi Pillai wants, look at the Global media. big circus, what did you achive? nothing think about our grand kids future in Sri Lanka?

  • 2

    They need to study their Buddhism as their insane speeches are destroying the country and destroying Buddhism in Sri Lanka.

    Sutta 149 [188 Eng.version] says:

    In sooth to every man that’s born
    A hatchet grows within his mouth
    Wherewith the fool, whene’er he speaks
    And speaks amiss, doth cut himself

    He who the blameworthy doth praise,
    or who the praiseworthy doth blame
    builds by his mouth his evil doom
    and by that doom he finds no weal.

  • 4

    I am a proud Muslim and proud Sri Lankan. The whole world and the majority Sri Lankans are ashamed of the activities of of these tiny minority of so-called Buddhists (thug and racists gangs). Not only these thugs are disgrace to our mother land, but the politicians and vested interested parties behind this discredited organisation/individuals should be ashamed of them-self.

    One-day, these thugs will face justices in Sri Lanka or abroad.

  • 4

    First BBS need medical help especially Gnaneshwara. Then should be given death punishment for contaminating innocent minds. not only him , anyone who spread communal hatred should be given death punishment ( JHU, BBS, SR, SLMC, TNA , whoever)

  • 5

    Saman,Sir John also said that these thugs should be disrobed and tarred in their posterior.As much as the thug monks are to be blamed Gota is the fountain that spreads this violence by holding back law enforcement.

  • 1

    Mr. Wimalajothi Thero

    The Budhism you practise in Sri Lanka is not the Budhist Budhdha taught the world. The Budhism you practised is barbaric Sinhala culture which you called Budhism. Your Sinhala violent culture. needs to undergo transformation in keeping with the civilized cultures of the world.

    Do not expect you can run away from your responsibility to the beastly actions of your organisation which you are still the head.

  • 1

    ► Buddist with a girl
    [Edited out]

    ► Buddist beating up a Fashion bug employee

    ► Read the Quran to learn the truth about Human Being
    what is our purpose in this life, this world is just test for human being. what happen after death.

    ►CHAPTER 67
    2. He who created death and life-to test you-as to which of you is better in conduct. He is the Almighty, the Forgiving.


  • 2

    Excuse me?

    You are still the leader of BBS. You could not cage Gnanasara and his pack of thugs when they were spitting hatred against fellow Sri Lankans and violence was the end result.

    There’s no running away now although you seem to be taking the situation lightly. It is not. All Sri Lankans are hurt and ashamed because of your inaction.

    We are very concerned that the credibility and message of Buddhism are now under serious threat and very soon, the Buddhists will have second thoughts before identifying themselves as Buddhists.

    BTW where’s that word “SORRY” in your utterance?

    • 1


      “BTW where’s that word “SORRY” in your utterance?”

      Sorry and Sinhala/Buddhism don’t mix.

      Sorry and Tamil/Saivam don’t mix.

  • 0

    Finally when i thought all the communities had started living in peace n harmony in our country, starts another series of violence! Only some time back i’d boasted to some non srilankans about how it was one of the safest countries to live..n now when i call my family back home,i can hear the fear in their voice.what do srilankan muslims have to do with international muslim terrorists?sri lankan muslims do not belong to al qaida or taleban ( the way not all christians belonged to the nazi party). the League of Nations n Britain formed isreal by taking away muslim palestine’s land n caused muslims to fight for their rights.bt now it’s more of a political – petrol looting business funded by the US.the muslim extremists who take part in it or die as suicide bombers r simply uneducated, brainwashed people, as suicide in any form in an unforgivable act in God’s eyes according to islam n quran says even if u kill one innocent person ,they’ve the right to take ur life as well.if they think god is with them, they r completely wrong. In all religions, it’s the rotten racist mind of certain people that spoil the image of the whole religion, n unfortunately these criminals turn out to b good speakers who can twist people’s minds.

  • 0

    Paradise to hell- very easy in minutes

    Hell to Paradise- lots of work and a long time….

    God bless Srilanka!

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