“I’m disappointed that there were so many ‘abstentions’ and 12 ‘no’ votes. It’s the Security Council, General Assembly and Human Rights Council that establishes Commissions of Inquiries. Nobody is targeting Sri Lanka here. Commissions of Inquiry were appointed in respect of Palestine, in respect of Syria and more recently the Central African Republic. The African Union established one for South Sudan. So these are the usual mechanisms employed by the international organisations, the United Nations and it various bodies, for victims to get protection of human rights, to seek accountability and to ensure victims get the justice they are seeking” Navi Pillay, the High Commissioner of Human Rights told Al Jazeera while speaking about the Sri Lanka inquiry, approved by the UN.
Off the Cuff / March 31, 2014
Dear Ajith,
Before you attempted to dive in at the deep end you should have read and made sure you understood what I addressed to HRC of the UN. I can see that you are not up to that task.
UN’s own estimate was around 7,000.
They did not have a list of names.
40,000 came from sacked UN employee Gordon Weiss.
He did not provide a List of Names.
Darusman panel picked it up from Weiss.
Hence they did not have a list of names.
Weiss then withdrew the 40,000 claim and Darusman was left holding the bag.
Prof Rohan Gunaratne says it is 1400 and that 200 is due to the LTTE.
He has a List of Names.
When you advance fictitious figures you cannot identify the dead.
The Darusman Panel is Corrupt. I have provided evidence from their own report and the actual Human Rights Law of the UN. I have given references and that is unshakable. Contest it. I would like to be enlightened and proven wrong.
UN’s Special Rapporteur for extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Prof Philip Alston is Corrupt. He knowingly used Perjurers and Charlatans in order to discredit Sri Lanka.
I have provided proof of that perjury from the proceedings of US courts. You cannot even hope to impeach that evidence.
I have provided evidence from Canadian Courts that Alston FRAUDULENTLY posed off amateurs as experts to discredit Lanka.
They never thought that the “EXPERTS” would get exposed.
The so called UN Experts Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Ms Yasmin Sooka, Steven R. Ratner, Prof Philip Alston, Dr. Daniel Spitz and Mr Grant Fredericks are all corrupt. The possibility that the LTTE with it’s US$ 300 million annual income has got to these people is very real. The LTTE has a history of Bribery. No one can deny that.
What I have presented are verifiable hard truths.
Any self respecting organization or any self respecting country that relies on the above people to provide reliable factual data in order to investigate alleged crimes should ensure that the data is factual.
Hence investigating these corrupt officers of the UN becomes an absolute priority for the UN itself.
Under the circumstances I can understand your frustration.
You ask “Do you know the principle of Justice?”
More to the point, do you even have an inkling about Justice?
Just take a look at the Icon of Justice, Goddess Justitia. Hope you can understand the significance of what she portrays.
Kind Regards,
Ajith / April 1, 2014
Dear Off the Cuff,
I know who is your Prof. Rohan Gunaratne. He is worse than Gotapaya in numbers? He is a Sinhala Buddhist racist.Where did he get the numbers from? Who supplied the list to him? Who counted the numbers? Anyone can prepare a list. Your government used electoral list in 1983 to kill Tamils in Colombo. Your government during the war constantly repeated there were only 70,000 people in the Wanni, contrast to the Government agents count of over 400,000. How did your government get that 70,000 figure?
Bishop Rajappu who was a direct witness in the war appeared before the LLRC made a submission on the missing persons and seeking clarification on the 146,679 unaccounted persons. You are not the judge to tell which figure is right and who is right. Your government lost its credibility because of continuous lies and injustices. We all know how corrupt is your establishment.
This is where international investigation has become a necessity. If you don’t trust UN, why can’t your government leave UN? We will provide list of names who were killed by Buddhist Sinhalese forces. If you are brave enough why can’t you face the international court.
Off the Cuff / April 2, 2014
Dear Ajith,
As I said before you have NOT read my comment addressed to Ms Navi Pillai before you decided to contest it. That was foolish the first time. Repeating the same mistake was idiotic. Here is the link. Read it and then respond. https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/video-im-disappointed-there-were-so-many-abstentions-and-12-no-votes-navi-pillay/comment-page-1/#comment-927199
That you have not read what I have written and have not listened to the presentation by Prof Rohan Gunaratne is proven by your uninformed questions “Where did he get the numbers from? Who supplied the list to him? Who counted the numbers?”
Answers to all the questions you have asked are already available within my comment and the references given.
You reject Prof Gunaratne on Racist grounds. You say “He is a Sinhala Buddhist racist.”
With that type of Racist argument we should then exclude the whole world. Mr. Marzuki Darusman is Corrupt, Ms Yasmin Sooka is Corrupt, Steven R. Ratner is Corrupt, Prof Philip Alston is Corrupt, Dr. Daniel Spitz is Corrupt, Mr Grant Fredericks is Corrupt, hence we eliminate all those Nationalities and those belonging to the same faiths as those corrupt officials. Then Navi Pillai is Tamil and she gets eliminated.
Then we have Pottu Amman, Tamil Selvam, Balraj (Balasegaram Kandiah), Charles Anthony, Anton Balasingham, Soosai (Thillaiyampalam Sivanesan) who are ALL Christians. Rajiv Gandhi’s killer Dhanu is a Christian.
Without making foolish comments make a rational argument to disprove what I have written. I have given references, prove me wrong.
You say “Bishop Rajappu who was a direct witness in the war appeared before the LLRC made a submission on the missing persons and seeking clarification on the 146,679 unaccounted persons”
Bishop Ryappu Joseph was at the Madhu Church. He said he was protecting the sacred Lady of Madhu . When the church area was cleared of terrorists, bunkers were found in the church and Rayppu took the sacred idol and moved with the terrorists. Hardly an action of an impartial Catholic Bishop. Rayappu was a Separatist who helped to sustain terrorism.
For him to advance such a figure, he should have an official list of persons who lived in the North. Then he should have a list of persons who left Sri Lanka illegally. Then he should have a list of those who left Lanka Legally. Then he should have a list of persons who are now living in Lanka out of those who lived in the North. Then he should have a list of persons who died a natural death. Then he should have a list of those who died due to the war. Only then will he be able to give an exact figure of those who are unaccounted for. If he does not posses ALL those lists, he must either provide a reasonable methodology by which he arrived at the figure like Prof Rohan Gunaratne had done.
Other than the above any figure advanced by Bishop Rayappu Joseph is not tenable even if he claims he is in direct communication with God and that God gave it to him in one of his visits to him.
You say “You are not the judge to tell which figure is right and who is right”
Of course I am not the Judge but I have provided evidence (which no one has challenged so far) of Corrupt UN officials who have given cooked up Fraudulent Reports to the UN on Sri Lanka (like the WMD reports on Iraq given to the UN by the USA). Since the LTTE was a very rich organization (income in excess of US$ 300 million annually) and since the LTTE has previously resorted to bribery (bribing US Govt officials) the very real possibility of the above named and others receiving massive bribes in return for fraudulent Reports should be investigated first.
If Ms Navi Pillai ignores the stated facts as detailed in my comment addressed to her then the possibility that the LTTE has got to her as well also exists.
You say “This is where international investigation has become a necessity. “
First the process must be without a blemish. But as I have stated it is corrupt.
You say “If you don’t trust UN, why can’t your government leave UN?”
You are being idiotic again.
You say “We will provide list of names who were killed by Buddhist Sinhalese forces.“
Why limit it to Buddhists? What about the Christians, Muslims and Tamils who served in the forces? Would that list include the LTTE fund raisers, LTTE Murderers, LTTE Drug peddlers, LTTE Human smugglers, LTTE extortionists, LTTE Child abductors etc who supported the Fascist Prabahkaran for 30 years?
Back again to irrational old woman’s arguments.
USA is majority Christian and hence they have a majority Christians Army. It is the same with the UK and any other western country where the major religion is Christianity or Islam or Hinduism. The unit that the LTTE feared most was the deep penetration unit of the army headed by a Muslim. I knew the Tamil second in command of Jaffna when SF was the commandant. Tamils feared to serve in the forces because the LTTE threatened and targeted them with death. What happened to the Tamil Policeman in the North?
You say “If you are brave enough why can’t you face the international court.”
Oh we are Brave and Prabhakaran and his Fascist murderers found that out at Nathikadal.
Without going around like a headless chicken trying to draw multiple red hearings, please address the issues I have raised in my post to Ms Navi Pillai.
Kind Regards,
lyingmonkey / April 2, 2014
Off the Cuff – ha,ha ha, there this monkey is back again , she thinks she is thee perfect,,
OTC= orangutan Talking cock – everybody is corrupt ,everybody is racist, all religions are evil except what the myth she believes in , this women should not use the nick off the cuff ,instead it should be off her rockers.
Off the Cuff / April 2, 2014
Dear lyingmonkey,
What you really mean is that you have no counter argument to offer.
If you were intelligent and clever, you would have attacked the contents of my post addressed to Ms Navi Pillai, but you did not. https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/video-im-disappointed-there-were-so-many-abstentions-and-12-no-votes-navi-pillay/comment-page-1/#comment-927199).
Perhaps that is too much to expect from a Separatist Tamil who is neither intelligent nor clever! Learn from that primate friend of yours. That species has a higher intelligence than a Monkey!
Are you that afraid to challenge the contents lyingmonkey?
Please get the help from all your friends (you don’t have what it takes to do it alone). Get them all to attack and demolish my arguments and prove that the NAMED persons are not CORRUPT.
I will defend my arguments the best I can.
Kind Regards,
lyingmonkey / April 2, 2014
what this [Edited out] women under the nick off the cuff ,does not realize is that while passing judgment on all others & branding others as idiots ,that she is the worse idiot ..
for one-thing , LTTE was branded as a terror org, but a army of a elected government is suppose to protect the civilians not act as brutes and sadist ….
Off the Cuff / April 2, 2014
Dear lyingmonkey,
My post addressed to Ms Navi Pillai challenged her utterances and the lame excuses that she has given, about not “Targeting Sri Lanka”.
I supported my argument by quoting from the UN Report used in Targeting Sri Lanka and comparing it to the ACTUAL IHL of the ICRC. The Corruption of the actual IHL in order to absolve the LTTE of using Human Shields is patently clear to anyone who understands English.
Mr. Philippe Alston, the UN special rapporteur criticized Sri Lanka using “Expert Witnesses”. I have provided EVIDENCE (verifiable) that Alston and his Expert’s are CORRUPT Charlatans who had no Expertise and are Perjurers. The references provided are from US and Canadian Courts.
Your response on the other hand was an ad hominem attack on me which did not counter anything that I have written.
That is a Hallmark of an imbecile or simply stated an idiot.
You are guilty of that (vide your comment time stamped April 2, 2014 at 2:12 pm).
Hence given your current performance, you are an imbecile. I hope you can prove me wrong by dispensing with irrelevant ad hominems and Red Herrings and writing a logically argued counter to what I have written.
Good luck and Kind Regards,
Off the Cuff / April 3, 2014
I must make any now apology ,I just finished viewing the original video on the LTTE war last phase and am now even ashamed to call myself a Sinhalese Buddhist ,it is a shame what has become of our men in the army ,things even to your enemies ? I change my views ,I think am going to support Pillay ,after all they need to be disciplined this is hat they did many years ago to a poor girl in kataragama ,the beauty queen,they made her walk naked all over the town.
I will never trust our army men when it comes to women ,I wonder even if their mothers are safe after they are drunk.
Off the Cuff / April 3, 2014
I must make any now apology ,I just finished viewing the original video on the LTTE war last phase and am now even ashamed to call myself a Sinhalese Buddhist ,it is a shame what has become of our men in the army ,things even to your enemies ? I change my views ,I think am going to support Pillay ,after all they need to be disciplined this is what they did many years ago to a poor girl in kataragama too ,the beauty queen,they made her walk naked all over the town.
I will never trust our army men when it comes to women ,I wonder even if their mothers are safe after they are drunk.
Anpu / April 4, 2014
Are you the real Off The Cuff?
Off the Cuff / April 4, 2014
Dear Anpu,
You know what my views are as both of us have exchanged views for a very long time.
The person with the blue logo is a counterfeit. But as CT does not have a Password protected system like Discus we have to live with the Frauds. However CT does assign the LOGO which I believe is UNIQUE and is derived from the email address (which is UNIQUE for the World). That Logo is like a Q code.
The imitations prove that what I am writing is reaching its target and they are helpless to counter the Truth.
Subterfuge when Logic fails has been the Modus Operendi of some separatists.
To illustrate the above my next post will be written with your name but the Logo will remain as assigned to me by CT.
Kind Regards,
Anpu / April 4, 2014
This is to illustrate how a name is hijacked.
This is not written by Anpu though the name indicated is Anpu. The logo is that of OTC as it is written by me.
What I have written about the UN officers and the actions of Navi Pillai remain unchallenged or disproved. The evidence supplied is referenced to linked documents which ANYONE can verify.
Very foolish attempt by the imitator of my pseudonym who is proving that the Corrupt Separatists behind the Corruption of the UN Officials have been shaken up by the revelations.
UN’s Experts Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Ms Yasmin Sooka, Steven R. Ratner, Prof Philip Alston, Dr. Daniel Spitz and Mr Grant Fredericks are all corrupt. If Ms Navi Pillai does not investigate these people that will raise questions about her integrity as well. The tentacles of the World’s Second Richest Terrorist Organisation has reached into the UN and it has got close to the very top of that organisation!
Kind Regards,
Maveeran / April 4, 2014
Off the Cuff [Edited out]
Anpu / April 4, 2014
Thanks OTC,
I know some people hijack ……
“UN’s Experts Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Ms Yasmin Sooka, Steven R. Ratner, Prof Philip Alston, Dr. Daniel Spitz and Mr Grant Fredericks are all corrupt. If Ms Navi Pillai does not investigate these people that will raise questions about her integrity as well.”
Is it Navi Pillai’s job to investigate these people?
From what I have read (sorry I do not have any ref links) all these people are very reputable people.
Now the real terrorists are Mahinda Rajapakse and his extended family and friends.
Some where I read (according to Sarath Fonseka) mahinda Rajapakse is somewhere near the top on the world richest people list.
“The tentacles of the World’s Second Richest Terrorist Organisation has reached into the UN and it has got close to the very top of that organisation!”
Are you saying Rajapkse has corrupted UN?
We know already sri lankan war criminals are in UN.
Off the Cuff / April 5, 2014
Dear Anpu,
You say “Is it Navi Pillai’s job to investigate these people?”
Yes, because she is using their reports and quoting from them. She must ensure that the report is reliable in the first place. That it is not so is patently clear, when the report is compared to the Actual IHL of the ICRC.
You say “From what I have read (sorry I do not have any ref links) all these people are very reputable people.”
Please read my comment addressed to Navi Pillai here https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/video-im-disappointed-there-were-so-many-abstentions-and-12-no-votes-navi-pillay/comment-page-1/#comment-927199
The International Human Rights Law regarding the war crime of using a Human Shield is detailed here. (http://www.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/docs/v1_cha_chapter32_rule97).
According to that definition and the explanations given by the ICRC the LTTE IS GUILTY of using a Human Shield.
Now please refer to UNSG’s Expert Panel report (The Darusman Panel)
It says “…….. the Panel believes that these actions did not, in law, amount to the use of human shields insofar as it did not find credible evidence of the LTTE deliberately moving civilians towards military targets to protect the latter from attacks as is required by the customary definition of that war crime (Rule 97, ICRC Study)
This is a TOTAL Corruption of Chapter 32 Rule 97 of the ICRC Human Rights Law. The requirement is collocation at military targets not movement towards military targets.
Surely what you and I can read should have not gone unnoticed by Ms Navi Pillai whose Job is to know the ICRC IHL from cover to cover?
Please explain how such a thing can happen unless those who Authored the report in question are CORRUPT?
As explained in my comment to Ms Navi Pillai, UN’s Special Rapporteur for extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Prof Philip Alston used Daniel Spitz and Mr. Grant Fredericks to support the CH4’s “Killing Fields”.
Dr Daniel Spitz is a dishonest perjurer (please see the US Court proceedings that I have linked in My comment to Navi).
Mr Grant Fredericks was found to be a Charlatan without any expertise by a Canadian Commission of inquiry (references given in my comment to Navi)
From the start UN officials have been dishonest (including Gordon Weiss). Hence Navi’s protestations that Sri Lanka was not targeted rings hollow.
Now please explain why you think they are reputable people?
The LTTE is the second richest Terrorist organization in the world even surpassing Al Qaeda. It has a History of Bribery. The only explanation for such widespread corruption reaching up to the HIGHEST circles of the UN is Bribery.
You say “Now the real terrorists are Mahinda Rajapakse and his extended family and friends. Some where I read (according to Sarath Fonseka) mahinda Rajapakse is somewhere near the top on the world richest people list.”
The difference between your statements and mine are that you are relying on gossip and innuendo while I have stated solid provable Facts. No one has been able to disprove them because they are FACTS.
I am not defending any person but I defend my country. We were subject to the daily threat of Bombs and Mayhem for 30 years. Bombs went off in Trains, Buses, Shopping Malls, Banks, Markets, Religious places etc. No Public Space was free of the threat of Sudden Death. That is Terrorism. Today we can move about free of that threat and that is not due to UN intervention.
You say “We know already sri lankan war criminals are in UN”
For certain Ms Adele Balasingham is a War Criminal there is plenty of evidence against her. She started the LTTE Baby Brigade.
Then those who funded the LTTE are also war criminals. Conspiring in war crime makes them complicit.
Those who you accuse are within reach of the ICRC and can be arrested and prosecuted but why are they not doing it?
Ms Adelle Balasingham is in the UK under Cameron’s govt. Why is she not being arrested and prosecuted? No Evidence? There is enough BBC footage showing her graduating her child prodigies.
Kind Regards,